fiction of the Secretary of Var,s-t:ld hr raid u fo Me person or persons vko performed suck services, or his or their j ini the payment of these claims to as signees., or persons who may have touirht up the claims. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Cobb then moved to fill the b'ank in the bill with 109,130 G5, be- in- the smn which, according to trie reoort of Secretary- Dearborn in 1803, ' . r . I . ! t . a! '"L ruipfiii'moil tin fn was tiue jur ?erit .. iv ...v. -r the end of the year 1793, and also the ?ame sum as vvas embraced in the hill vu.ich .-last vear passed the Sennte, and failed in this House only from the late ness of the Session. Mr. C. thetrpi o ,M;.d to replv -to-the.- runarks of Mr. T,!!:T,.wl(rp yesterdav, and particularly to the argument against the claim jj which was founded on the policy of ; ; i contradicting the calling : out such r. force as VZVU men for the : Afnrn aro-Mitnt. whirh ! 11(11111 V. : w v. . .... . .- y r f : "he replied to w:tli gi force and feel- . v After some debate tfre question was acting-as' Speaker" .ycted in. the atf;r- : ... . irative : and the tR(Jlio.n was "agreed, to. 'i'i.e question was then taken --Phall j the bill be er.rrrosscd fr third n ad- inr?", ai-d nccatived i0 t.i 7(. So the bill was KtJECTi-a ; and t!:e House tadjurued. AmTi?: he .: petitions presented to-1 was rneby Mr. IJuttler, Irom Ma. Gen. John Htavk, representing his r;ece&siot.s circumstances, and pray- ! that the bonntv of the nationa! veriiment raav be steuded to him in J the decline of his davs, in conidera- . tion of Ins faithful services in the de- t'tice cfhis country ; which was re- taken on filling the blank in the bill, jcexl them to adot this measure, one ! ; nnced ftfeniiemens, bext Murocco Pumps o Tvrl hvWr, Col,!,, when there 'of which' was the imnresbn 2T:d be-1 ; hnd tber Shoes, with variety ofcpialitie; c , , - i . ' . i i. i i f . r k Variety 't Misies Shoes and Child eiiS Lea- appeared for the motion, .4, ar,d a- i . het that the nav-a?-e waters ot the y lie L,r ly Xp c- v. :dd t gain.-t it, 74. , , hassamaquoda y hch, by the treaty ;; oa,i Mipp!y, having maile artauememn tor Tho Sneaker. (Mr. II. Itelson tlien '.of GluMit. i? baid f be part ot the Bav ; Lcvinn? uu a court assortment ot the most ...-- T-. J r M .. T " 1 n 1 W ferrcd to a se'ect committee. : :t;culars i espectm the litter On motion of Mr. Harrison, the j out in this port for supposed particular committee- on the -Post Otiices & Post !j purposes. It appears, that after car KoaKs are instructed to enquire- into ! ryiriir auay her main maf, she put in the expediency of establishing in some 1 1 to Mill Creek, near Hanpion. to n r.onvenieiit (situation in one of the j nair. when 7 or 8 of !.er crew drsertod TV'esdern States, a Pranch of the Ge- ;her and came over to Norfolk. On neral Post- Office- for the:-purpose, ot xr.akir: contracts for the conveyance ' of the Mail, and tu correct abuses m tliat Department. ! On motion of Mr. Claiborne, the President of the United States be re- ' quested to lay before the House a j statement of the expences incurred i under the 4th, 6th and 7th article of j the treaty of Ghent, specifying the i tems of expenditure in relation to each edier. The Kouee thn resolved itself in to a cemmittee cf the wholes on the re- Tuirt of-the. select .committee m t!is 15th of D-euiber, i.n the subject of in- j ternal improvement. I ''iie repcrt of the conimUtee con- j eludes with the following i eolution : Pi-fiilvedi That m order to pro;r.,:lc and r.x- security to the internal, commei ctr a- i j Xcng.,ine. e.rai siacs , u.c ; giU.. vi - v k a X .-..- w i U;- jls, by the:njpr:iven:ent of jm -si niaUs, urith the t-isent cf the respective.-.states ; V lvnder more easy and less ex;: -psive j 'the and provisions ntceh ui y 1 jr the ; -fc: H'.iTian defence, by the construction : ii itr.rv n .ir.v. witli the. likf .nsseut -S u rcspt ctive states ; and f r such -c thcr ; - ; tc r.:-I ia.p"o-1 :(euta a m ;y oe via.i., "c;-nsftuti nal. powers of the. genera; overi.i;;entt it is tNptdiont thatlhe sum i; -v.- pa d ti the v."nittd Slates, by the sc-ciion of the act to incorporate trie !-eriUrs to the h si:k of the . United. . ites aud the dividend which shall aris i'nim tiit-ir shares in its capital stock, be C'-nsiituted as a fund for internal .impiovc mcnt. The resolution beinj; read, and the c nest ion jropounded.'.on its adoption, some dlsciJHon took place on a mo tion that the comiiiittec rise, (made with a view to prevent a discussion of il)Q principle ot the resolution,) which was aeciueu m ine negative : alter which, several gciitletnen delivered their sentiments on the niaiu subject, arid a j;ood deal oi dicussion tookjdace on incidental fpestioi3 wliich arose, the committee rose without takiug anv cpir-srion. obtained leave to sit again, and the House adjourned. Saturday, ma?ch 7 Mr. Sergeant from the joint coinrnlt ; tt w.hotn the subject uas referred, tt reported a resolution tlat the Presi dent ot the Senate and Speaker of the llt use "of .Representatives be aufhoriz ti to adjourn their respective, houses .r. the loth of April next. Read twice zi d ordered tn be criiriossed for a third r.i'iip on Mondav. '!'!:( house then proceeded to the Or der of the Day on the question of r ais and Canals; and the remainder' ot the day was consumed in debating: Atfer ronfciderabledebate, the com .rnittee rose at a late hour, and tle House a-ljourned. NOTICE. npHF, sibsrriltr oilers for sule,an excellent it-4e.i., tu .didule Creek, about one xnile v.-.ovr the Stage Road. D- HrE. SANDERS. 01 3 -ft ... C. DOUNDART SETTLED. l)cclarcticm rf tftt Cowmitgitmrr wider the 4th article of the Treaty of Ghent. New-York, Nov. 24, 1817. Sin The undersigned, Commis sioners appoint! by virtue of the 4th article of the Treaty of Ghent, have attended to the duties assigned them ; and have.decii'ed that Moose Island, Dudley Island, and Frederick Island, m the 15;iy ot,i'a?samatuoddy, which ?Ij nipt t tT T?n iwlv rr aiiIi of them belong to the United States of America, and tlat all the other Islands in the Bav of Fissamaouoddy, and the i i j Island of Gransi Menan in the Ray of jFundy, do each ot them belong to His Britannic Majesty, in conformity with I the true intent of the second article ofi the Treaty of Jeacc of one thousand j seven hundred';nd eighty -three. The ;) 1 Commissioners have the honor to en j close herewith t eir decis nun. i "- In making fh-V decision, it bec&me ! i . . -. , i : i , . .i f a. r . - yi, Ui t'"--V,,,.,,"iri. jSioners siiouia pu a: pan oi ni uiui-j idual several reason indu-; :of Fumlv, are conmon to both parties:, - .. . . . . . . .: -f t.trtlie. purpose f all. lawful, and direct ! con.muiiication witH their own terti- tone and foreign ports. The undei-flirntd have the honor to be, with perfect respect, sir, your obe dient and humble servants, JOHN HOLMES. THUS, li VRCLaY. TueHon. J Q. AiAife. Secretary ot'Mate. PIRVCV. XnrfM. Feb. From our own er.p:iirie. assisted by ' ! the informatifuv of the keeper of the "Steatn Boat. Hotel Heading Hoo:n, j ' ;re en..b!ed fo add tte following par- j 'their examination leA?re the . Mav-or thev stated, that the s iil Svhoonerua 'urchased at a sale about three-ureks ao, when she was taiied the "Mar-! raret of Alexandria'' t'.at sh. VI -, i ?o!d, and her n;iu,e chai.ced to! k Harriet;' after w tC-v was tak'n jj charge of bv one :1;pIL who t' chell had been some t lurking: about Norfolk, and had ret. a i fed a crew of about 50 men, which e .embarked on : board th'i Harsiet, t cruise Cliesapeake to inter '.rent a If! the! cli:?)cr nuiit vessel expecteo ip. a vvjtm spe cie, 'il'.ev were to t posesion ot tthjs vessel, and, a:t 'et'.inj; to ea ,n !i her to assume t!c Ye zuela Ihi'jr, un tef ,v'nj, J, ( witllojf v commission I i , i ' ves nnt v o! ; : deteruiiuctl jj tlu. v priim:sod them inonev. wnicu thev . to maKe at alt ever:: The men who 1 ate that thev ab.m!: is soon as they could. themel es of her my, - : .' :-- ! infot m;tion. j j 'ed the vessel ; f-'i i i . v.. ....... j cal ..character, t Ihc Loliector, with I.m r.isur.I alacrity. ; I ? took advantage of t!ie tiist intimation j of tins inieiuireuce. ar.i unmei!i.itei y . , c i . . 1 1 i i i I dispatched the Revenue cutter Jeller on, Capt. '-Ham, in pursuit of trie pi rates, and it is probable the whole iranir will be apprehended. PFhe person named Mitchell, men tioned in the above article, was ..arrest-, cd and committed to pj isuu i;i Ralti- i more, oh Saturday last.j Herald. THE DRAWING . . ,. OF THE GREAT SURGICAL LOTTERY, Second Clns". opinion ; o nicer' in the Romp v hen -he wavse z-li Virginia side, and rei;diT.thw Street, a an me ed in York River a bunt 18 months a-o, ! (iftVV tl.e ...ost important part of tlx Tow;,. .i t . im v t The prosperity of -.'Milton at present, the upon the charge ot pjrScy. 1 ms. Mt n,m,K. 'flf mvuL V. JS officially announcetl to t. ke place in the , AMKS LEA, from Caswell Countv-, and month ot April next, ai V to .finish in 8jitJ? j. G- A. WIU.IAMSOX, from lVrson days drawing Tiie Scheji.e, the most brilliant ever offer ed thepubl.c, coiita.ns, be.i- mu.u impor t-aiiv prizes-of it'ss deiioxxnna: iiv. One Prize of lC0,G0O One i2o,0( ri 10,000 . The lowest prize is 100 dollars. l"he prizes are subject to 16 ijer cent.! . . . . 1 . . deduction only Tour thousand Tickets Ln tiie Scheme, and not two blanks to a pi ue. I'l-esent price of tickets S100, 8c Shares-j proportion, (but will shorjy advance to gllu) tor sale at ALLEN 8' LUCKY OFFICE. Where was sold in the h rst Class of the a b) e lyittery, Ticket No-3320, to which, on Ncw-Yeara Da, was awarded the supeib prze of Si 00.000 ! Who sold Ticket No. 10,32.1, a prize of THIRTY THOUSAND 'DOLLARS. Orders from distant adventurers(pos paid) enclosing cash or prize Tickets, will be duly attendeii to, and early "information fiven to all adventurers of thrir success. Address S. & M. ALLEN & CO. 151 JHjrktt'trcs', JhUnmorc. I . ttnn r kit.- U TIl BUILDINGS 8c LOTS In Varrenton belonging- to Thomas Braggy They are well situated for persons wishing- for a situa tion to School their Children, and are very convenient. Apply to THOMAS BRAGG. Warrenton,, March 4 63 7t COTTON. THK FiTibscnbers inform the inhaV'an's of the adjacent Countiee, that they will Purchase n-xtFall and Vinter,.ny quantity ofSRrlU COTTON, not exceeding 500,000 pounds, if deliver: d at their Factory at the Great Falls tf Tar River. EVANS, DONALDSON & CO. March lo 64 3w THE IMPORTED HOUSE, & BLUSTER, imJTf Will Stand ihj'a Season, $ T rV atm liable. 1 HAWKINS Warrencn, March 10. 64 WILLIAM PECK, 8-i Just received, on .commisaion, six i war . A. JL Morocco Bootepa, Kid and Morocco Shoes of ,he , bt8t quatltie: , bet Morocco &Le. , thtr ' Walking- baoesi, wit'j a variety of lower' approved kinds, and offers to ml thnn tor . 1 P. . . . I . t. . . . I Honrs, trci j 'ijaipr'MVch! --' " ... --- i.ioe ie pronrs. ir caait, or uu enori trcaa.. 64 2t NOTICE. A Li- persons in the bite of Ncrth-Caro-1 V tina, who may have in their profession, not duly authorised, Arms or any kud of U. bibles properly cf miliary citBciiption, will be pleased lo eive immetliate nutico to the suhc.nber, that nuch property may be collect d and deposited in the I7iiitcd Slates military Storehouses,' uid tegular returns be n ade of the sme. JAMES WARD, Military Storekeeper for N. Carolina. Don hv order of the Officer xt th lie.d r.f tiie Ordnance and Corain.S3ary Depart- j in. uts. ;,- ' .... W lminton, C. Feb 28 64 3v MILTON LOTb FOR SALE. j 1 KV TUEKT ha been Uid otTad ! jalninJT the Town ot Milton, (wiiich i i o be included in the Corporation) leadiiie; j from ih present .'Main. Street to the mouth , of the Creel: on which the Town is situated, : on which Stiff l a number cf Half Acre Lots t . are nuw offer d f r sale. Two or three I-ts " line already been a!J,on which the purcha ' acrs are bvic.nd to ert ct commodious hu't'd : ijfs ;i f "ouse of En;ertainmen, and at the ; o.-W'-r etui of f btretta War;nous,r is coa tid ied !rr, fur ihc reception ot the nextcropn - - - It is contemplated (by the Company, who are owners ortrw proprt t t biidd a Hridgr :o.0St i)an tverat he muih of the Street. which will druw to itth pr duce fr?m the becoTj interested in its tvor, the location of a B v"k, thf quantity of .produce,-, (nearlv atiiouiiT.d 'Hhtla. of Tobacco) already re- i veiv.'u, 3'iiir.i ;o r. lutai &ovniiiea, leave, but Jiiile doubt ot it u't'tnaie success, a the ptr.c'oul market of iLe tipper Country. j hone wl.o ftel dixpowd t purchase w;l! find this a in ore Utfojable opportunity than H hkeiy aion tjcccur as li e Company are i disposed io f jll u l.btTai terms, (wiiich. iu- i -1 . i. ...... . k. .i '"V1' u P""") s.'cn a loey nvy Will prov an accui5it:on to ' tt.e D, J. , 110MULU3 M. SAN'DFItS. Agent lor the t.'onj aay. ' 61 -It March 4tli, -tSl-S. .T- -avK- a . a 4 4 l J ' , v AN-AVv xy ,,., th- subscriber abu t the ; v in.wo;.i..i,. iAm ..i... -l-. on RiM.e U.vjt. Halifax.- countv - Xorth- Carolina, a .Mul.klto Roy, named i-ATU'l K, . i. ... -l j . . I c "-... ... o . ..1. ... i. : ,l 51 iojm"-', j 'iu wt un.. n.i, j Vl:l U'lt til. lU (i 1113 ll(jjicr JMIl ICCili HUT, i ; huid on when he .ient away a round:Jo!it and j printaloons of cortiel vchet, and a half-worn ; fx-diion ible hir iiat It is probable lie will en- j ; ! deavor to sjet to Caltimoi e by paiSiH Inmself ur a f: ee man, under the jfcineofTtir;ck i i Coo-er, as it is believed hey Tilty Ixdhirs lewnrd vvdi be naui to. ;.ulfan who 1 wdl vcure sa,d' fd low n any jJf m Norih j Carolina, V'wj.r.ia or Maryland, and jrire me j no; ice thereof so that I iet him, or ONE ' JICM1R1-1) AND FIFTY DOLLARa w ill be j paid for :-'delienn huu fio nie in Mdledj;e- vjlle, tieorgia. JOHN A JONES. Milledeville, Ceo. 12th Jan. o-i. 2m. NEW-YORK. j County, Nurth-r'arolinai laving associated ;. themselves with a Gentlema-v in New-York ; l beg leave to inform their . friends and those wn-. traie tiiere, tnat tncy nave usen a Store. No 127, Pearl-street ; where thev I shall tins Spring open a veiy general and i extensive assortment of j DRY GOODS, by the piece only. ! Their acoitaintances are naiticularlv ltvrit- ed to call, coulident they shall by able, tt ! t)UIU ,U l1 cu.t.atKi'S-(fiom their c'inw.otr in i 1 .x i .. , A . 1 1 ..... .. . . i . n ............ I . I terms, and in a manner that will no doubt givt entire s-tiiiiiction. Febniary 2J. 61-5'w The Fresbytex an Church Society J I AVK appropriated one fourth of Lot No. 1 h ll 164,totneuse ot the C!m:-ch. t have 164,totneuse of the Church. fiave .divided the res.due into five parcels, three on hal:siur -street, eacii havintr a ii ont ot 4u feet, and two on Morgan street, w jih a front of 45 feet each, 'i iiese pki ceis w ill be sold at .-Auction, on the Lot, on Saturday the 14di of. .March, (instant) tor Notes negotiable in the State Hnnk, at six months. The sites are good for mechanics and merchants or . two excellent seats inilit be formed, one oa each street, tor Dwell.ngs. There will also be sold, at the same tin f.ife s"n;lr.v"?ale,ial5tlett elf ' the Lnurcli association such as Spike Nads, Brads, Putty &.c The Upmmifee. ;t? 200 DOLLAHS KEW'ATtD, FOSl my nep-o man JACK, & a younir man , who calls bis name SAMUEL MOOUE, who I have g-ood reasons to bel;e?e stole mv fellow Jack, on the 5 0 January last; he is about 24 years of ae.5 feet 6 or 7 inches hih, very red complectttl, has a natural ii)Tkui h.s riht arm in the bend, the size of dol. lar. with a black hair growin.unou it; lazSe eyes, lig-ht hair, by nrofession a sinir.npr, inas ter had a bottle-frreen .surtout coat, a blue and brown dress coat; he said he was'lorn neai-.Sahsbun , V.rth Carolina. Km -grated to iuc -iMmr?, aim rr.m INeace came here of, on his riirht hand some trrev hirs, and Moore, un Jua JORPH DARSEY Columbia County, Feb. 14. 64. Zi NEGROES FOR SALE. rgHK Subscriber, liv-rg- in Edgecombe JL. t-CUHtV. r. I - lias four voitn- Xpit'i I Women, with from two to three Children -?.ch. with two likely vourc Men. ore of them a Hufl!,pnd tr one tf e Women, for i sale upen good term, f r C ,. geoik;!: jjitoWNRinn. February 1". 2 FOR SALE, Vv L&id mid : Improvement a ; T. YIN; in til county of Casw ell, in two i separate Tract-?. One tractot 300 a-r on Count lydire Creek, u ith 50 or f0a re? of prime low crcunds, aod the whole tract pood Tobarco Und ; one other Tract,. cta;n:n upwards of 200 acres, w ithin one mile of the former tract, a'od..n the neighborhood of Mil ton. Fur terms, applv to " A. I IJURNETT. Caswell county, N C. Ftb. 28 63 3w RALEIGH : FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1818. r; States Iiank.We nro r.on.rnl . i , . ' r to hear complaints from different parts plaints from different p of the Union of the manner in 'which; this Institution deals with the JState' Batiks which have been in the habit of' receiving deposits of the U. States 'Re venue, these deposits, for the mu - tual convenience of the collectors and the neonle. were receivpd in everv de- rue peopie, were receieu m every tie- s.cription of current Bank notes. It was, of course, expected, from the friendly professions made fir the I .-nit-) ed States Bank on its establishment,' j , . . ... i .. i .... VMai in w itiinrawine: inese Ueposits into ! the vaults of their Bank, or its Branch es, the Directors would have been as accommodating as possible. Rut what! is the fact ? We understand thev ill ! not receive a check, on, or a note of! any other Bank (as isusual in settle ments between other Ranks) nor even the notes of their own Institution, ex cept those issued from the particular Branch which makes the demand the balance is required in specie! In con secpuence cf this uncourfeoti9 treat ment, some Banks, which, from their situation, it was convenient still to use for deposit?, have declined receiving any more on terms so inconvenient anil disadvantageous. The Methodist Virginia annual Con ference commenced on the 26th h!t. at Norfolk, and closed on the 5th inst. Bishops M'Kend re, George & Roberts attended. Among the Ministers and Preachers appointed for different situ ation?, we observe that Lewis Skit!- tnoie is named as Presidinj; Elder in j Neu.-e River Districtand that the fol lowing are the Preachers in it, viz.. j In this city and circuit, II. Hardy and j A. C. Tread way ; Newbern, 'John T. i jx. v. x i way , .ewuei n, jonn t . ; Braim ; lattamuskeet, J. Harris ; j Beaufort and Straits, S. Rowe ; New j . -r vc-urs or ate, nnesv cc tris!C, ; j uounie iare. mountlllDr toUrteeTt 1 the ,.u fh:, ,fc.!S.ri?i!!.i patriotic colors also several Nnauiih I It t -i Krvi i it k ... r -t i i. v. . it 11.1 S.llil IMll 1 11 lk ri niacK-compiectefi it is probable he wils pass ! incniic information, there '.7 as a i for a Servant tn ci'J f..a ..k . i nnrlm. fl K.t.:..i!. ' " 1 At . r C f r, I ' .""mm juiJVji tnc pail lOllC mOUnitilfTt i ce, will be nd f TV P. j ty 24 pjunders, and 25C, men. and in Columbia county. -Geonria:' and one Lm-N DnP "ntin- s xteen Ls dred aua fifty dollars for the su-.d s.tnu-! iiann w mn each, waiting fur a S River, W. D. Barrett ; Black River. 'j The pretnatuie death of this inestimable W Johnson : Tar River. T. Muire.&S!yunSwo:,-l kas maric a breach inSocU T Garrard 5 and Roanoake, Thomas Mobre. ' The Connecticut Methodists. Tho' the Trustees appointed in their be half by tiie Legislature, without their consent, have thought proper to receive ; the S-5?125 apportioned to them from ! the appropriation made by the Legis-i J lature from money due to the State from the General Government for s-er-j; vices uuring me war, -i r .l. i. a a r, for the benefit, Religion and Lite - as they state, of rature," the b;dy of that Society con sidering the appropriation v unjust unequal, arbitrary, and calciilatet! to u)e.alc .aunur u, u, l c "! . .. i. i . i . ..r f ine peopie, pobiLiveiy iciuac yu j cept the money. Jllahama Lands. It is said the land sold the two last weeks at liantsville. amounts to about three millions of di.d-j lars. Only eleven township? and ten ! t fractional townships were offered for 1 saje: several tracts brought 70 dollars i .,.i i:..i ' , 1i,1;,i ori acre, and very little YO ""7" : that was good went for less than 50 dollars an acre. On the-ftrst of March .eighteen towrships and nine fractions are to be oid. Aew States. zn a verv short pet i- od of time, from one to three yea. we may expect the erection ot thre ; 'ew states iiois, Missouri and :. Alabama. The next census will uive , . . . . ' a great relatne change in the power oi t j - " r r brancb of the c&Uu. al leisiaure some or tne oui suiub, in me popular . . ... lialtimm, March. C. Cant. Stoneman.of the britr fommot dore Perry, arrived at PhiIadc!j)hU nri W ednesday last, in 9 daysronx Hz vanna. reports, that on the 12th blL a Spanish jdoop of war of ?24 guns-put into Matanzas, after an action of 10 minutes with a.sliip under patriotic co lors, supposed to be tlie Adm. rowri she wa3 literally cut to nieces before j she made her escape, arid wjth didi- ! "ers at the ftarne funel From 3U. sh'p 4 vea- tw6 derJ na- nish Fry-ate which was enected from Vera Cruz, with 85.000,000. Just ar rived from Jamaica, the Saliburv. 74. j Admiral Douglass, to proceed forEim j land v ith 22,000,000 in spbii.-. oa Tffs r.toidTxa.. .'7 Reply to. the Sailor. 'AVell, Mr. Sailor, I suppose you thtn: ycu hzve piven to mv question a correct mswer; but I can assure vou. Sir, I do not jrcccgiiize it as such. N'or do I coni-der-ypu as one of those who, I observed, wercthrusht to know much, wh.e bruir.s i.aa Deen pu;-.zlca to find the answer, or you vculd have found out that vou -could never have reached our antipodes while yc-u continued to move in a phne or paral lel cf the latitude of Ralcitjli. Y u ch wr vouransvv-er by asking a simple quests. op1cenoo;h. indeed .' bar not m-resiii-ple than he must be who asks it, if lie ima- that our supposed traveller would one minute be- told bv the mha s his way that it was Sur.dav, and the next : mmuie.that it was .Moudav, piercly bcr j cause in that minute he had passed our antipocies while it was Monday with h;.; i I anCl t!m tcx, bcin in the mcritllaii t wit tne sun, and thus niakiiitr on" half of , the -;imi, - ,, .,: .;. "a 1 Monday. It .this, Sir, is the way you endeavouring to answer the question. are. see it iu cannot discover ,the absurdity of yuuv aoiuuon ; cr, it ycu Wuidd be undec- ; ; , W4 443 us uiai iiicnit isnoon-' 1 w,th us baiiday. that M-n.Iay thea 1 1 V.V. ,'k"",u, ocinj; ruexr . t midiiivrlit : and that u'ipn i .,-!..., I a. ) . ' i i.y u,ia t& u noon there, that Mondav c-.nmencrs with uv. I say, it this be all you are telling us, Mr. S.uior, it would be hard to fir.d a cob bler or a tinkvr wiio could not ttU us as much. Tiie Reader could Ls leaciiiy have told the Sailor In what latitude and longi tude our antipodes lay, as th- Sailor ha told him. I was about to close, v Uhouc telling you that the speed of our supposed -traveller, swift as y u have found he n mst oe to get round in 24 hours, while he o n tinued in a parallel of the latitude of K, leigh, must yet be considerably increa ed. iic loceviate so ir irom tiiis latitude as to pass our antipodes in his circuit. If I understand you rightly, you have ye to learn, Mr. Sailor, that if you were at Ra leigh on the 22d of March, you would have to sail a g(.od ip to the southward befuro you Would tiud the sun in vour zenith. -A BK'AhRH. 17 "e have the pleasure U. state, that: the celebrated Singer, Mr. Includo.v, from London, will be here co-d'ty, m his way to Charleston, and will tive us vnc's Entertainment. MARRIED, In 'this vicli:ity, on Tuesday list, Mr; Theophilus Sanders to Mi?s Angclinaf Wnitaker, ycur.gtst daughter cf John Whiukcr, Esq. In (iates c unty, lately, Mr. Edward Haughton toIiss Abs. Walton, daughter ci .Mr. lien ry Vvatf-n. DIED. At tiie seat of her father Dr. Evacs, s . thc Qaklands, in Va- lately, in the Vcr ; bloom cf life, Lydinta, tht v. ife of Vi. , Miller, Esq. late Governor of this State. cty wnicn win not casii)"ue hllcd to her husband and family her loss is irreparable. Mirk miist thc ravages affile and time, ' W here worth lies burnrd in its lovel.tst prime i V u er e youth s extitiguish'd fires no loago burn, "And beauty slumbers in the mould'riutj urn. At Fail field, Ncv-IIanover county, a few weeks since, Mrs. Jane Sampson, lict 0f "the l ite Michael S imnson. ; sa jllrvt - .. . amiDson county. Siie was universally be- ed and respected bv all who had tn- ! joyed thc pleasure of her acquaintance ' Her death will be long regret:et by these ivhom she relieved by ht r chanty ; h ! those to whom she administered relief iri i "i, i sickness, and by a lai T,e cu-cle of and relatives who often partwk liocrad of Iter hospitality To hfrr atu;cti )iat2 children her death w ould be ai.nost insup portaulei but tor the consolatory relit c-. lion that they have abundant evidence tor beliex inij th'it their dear mother has made a happ) exchange, and has gone to enjoy the iociety of the redeemed in thc of God. lu Newborn, c.1 thc 2Cth olt. Mrs. l'o nelope Eta bes. At Washii'Lton, in this State, cn the 2d inst. Mrs. Mary Gaven, widew cf the bite. James Gaven. And ru tiie 3d in-t. Mrs. Sally H. Keais, w idov; of tTie late William Kea'is, collector of the port. In Hyde county, on tiie 23d ult. s. Matilda Seiby, consort ot Mr. John S i v. And t,n the'i:6t!:, Rottieas Martin, Es'p sheriff cf lUid couruy. At NVw -Orleans. cn t!i5 lOh of Sept. Ust, Dr. Win. Hudgens, a native cf tij5 State, of thc prcvaitipg ed Jcer. An arrel's arm cant Mitch hiin iront tim euve, , LeVioffi of anfcf! e vi l conhr.e him lucre