;--'-'h T-'A t i r. rz'y$Xf? zpU ttv -rro s-vi 'MA mm Ma) iLMMS " Oorare the pln of fair, delightful Peace, " Unwarp'd bjr party rape, to -Hrc UVe Rrotheit." FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1818, Vol. XIX. No. 9G5. T-Grt TUB REPISTi;n ;-v " o. XXXJLy : yf .,; v 7-MANURES wvtiuiw i '"- vrU as thericii, mny .e linct ; ami bappi :M'?cc be e; t:ib linked t hrou shout oar P'nfrr ft f Pari s is a valuable ma- Tiure. nni! pcrlvap SVas been attendetl ,.-ih better efiects in those part of our coumrv where u nas ueen eien Mvely used, than any o her manure, C'inanure rheap and va ' ..-a') le for speed ily im provin s exhaust- lands when used in combina! ton with red cloverY '.as it sires to (he lat- Ut an almost boawuess lefunzintr I.nne apDlieil i s hot or caustic state to land, tend? to bring any hard vegetable matter tUt it contains into a state of more ra: id decomposition and solution, jso as m render it per food for plants. r all soils, there- fore that are stored 'ith any quantity of inert vegetable mtter, with roots jor any kind of coar litter, caustic lime is applied wiih very advantage. Ai I sour, cold, st Tor clayey soils, j st also benents in the highest decree ; I as it renders them n; re warm, li vely i nnl nnPTi. nnd tlMtr.'-s or neutralizes power. As :;oon as poor lands can i;au principles contained in them mx made to brin- red clover, their terhli -1! ious t(. ve,rotilt;on. irAimy;' - . . .. r a manure, and s. No farme t it can possibly itwiiraJsoprodu contend- ; worse condition than at firt. He is in such soils, sulpHc, or other acids j novice in argumenthe an old experi- j , ed that this indulgence should be ev- then thrown back .vain noou'so ?et y exist, that arc prjodicial to vegeta-j j enced veteran. My thoughts, which !. tended to the merchant because of the , not to pursue a more prudent course, t!ou, by the power which it possesses j .are our iorces in debate, are undigest-.j superior risk he encounters in his ad- j b t to nsicf his former .MraV3 wto or neutralizing tnen. ;lu ,. tuuuuiimu-iuuse u me no- ;i vuniures. ins prnpei tv is aiioul u;- f i !i. -inure. 1 .r-w! i ; i Une or two nusneis or i it,nwt,)v rr nn or scattered over an a- r e of rlver m owing on the poorest will tna'e it so luxur'ant as; to 1l on the ground, or if cut to yield ... , r two tons of 0od hay. il aUo beneiiciailr used bv rol- .. .. : ... I t, Tnfllnii' rnrn eppil. .. . ; t r iuisMtd, as it has a cood eflct fin t i,e Jiine is heaped - 1 - -fc-t . . n r (k . T I . . ;! c mm. v lieu srican u ci ; se litter of an errclosed field or '5 farn v t r;vmu f o with ihc utinost s'K the re do o s w ithout ! 1 ..! I JIT III 1JV III -l. r-;. Iine is eneral! hot or caustic stat are toe v to i)teer ; : by be i v. e x posed rard manure tmniediately ! tSKl,vs, r;vni, ant; plousUinsr tnern in, it iias v.,,,, n- r-.. .v-nod e-lect : as it makes thee ' - ( 1 1 h e r ef, !e a! I ,-; fMtnore. spee.'.ily to rof. j; r;ia, th? farmers k. iat !C n.lO(i3 il. -.rxu iqji uiauuic . ;, - , M ni!?t act as a s!.:.' , , .:.. ... i: .1 1 l.i. t ; .;ir.(i v,l:y, avo,iy, ut .jui Frnrn : tldthev t : utit Ynui ; it UKf Wise p. liiiutcs j i c hrn-iici.d eilects on n.issey ant! . v e v s u i Is ; pi ovid ed a d u e propn r-f-,.. lie a j ; pi i e 1 , and a ft crward s pe r ftlv dihsolvcil. In fact, it is a ?pe- ; ivf lu'iiiui e suitetl to almost ever v r; ::i,d climate. Farmers should ai-j v a v s be i n ?c a roll for if on thei r rar:n s . " xjuantity nppi.ei! tt be ti th ed there in its and o careful t in tins state, stone i burnt covered ; lest e inHuetice ul' 'sive fronts if should be- ! 'r I Joh issue with tiiat jrentleraan. ous lime, and 'i hat, s re active and jjof all le-islatiun ? Is it not the pub- Pe !i ns vl va- : lie 'V'd : Do wc come here to 1 egis Hat n.r jand j ; hte auay toe rights and happiness of eas rich laiuh ! ''r constituents, or to advance an(l le that iijue jpeiure t! em ? Suppose, tiien, by car- j ' anil that the jlrvii.i; into et'ect a specified power in i f.uirtit to ' I the constitution we inflict serio is in-! .ir, tlie interest of each chs is con- nected, ami interwoven with the in-' terest of every other class, and if the : merchant lads, lie also brinns ru horable gentleman are well trained and I on the ocean- a flaw nf u in.i reu I any arranged in order oi I have ventured mv little ki the ate r , and when it shall sinks be forgotten, his more noole bark will have outlived the storm, and Iloa ted in j triumpli on the waves. So be it sir, I have obeved the influence of dutv in I uaving presenteu tnis motion, and I shall submit composedly, to any result. The houorahie gentleman (said Mr. T.) on yesf erday demanded of tins 1 louse, to carry into execution all the powers of the government, and rcpre senied it as our bounden dutv,in every ; instance in which the constitution sae i the power, to exercise it. The- genile- j inairs position leaves us ha alternative. I Our discretion is taken from us our vwlition is gone. If the gentleman bj correct, wc are stopper! at the thre shold of this enquiry : for inasmuch as the constitution confers on Congress the power to adopt a uniform system of bankruptcy, accordins: to his doc trine, v.e are not to enquire into the expediency of adopting such system, but-tnUst yield it our support. Here, p., j You have mnde him more advji.Uii ous w u uiiiiiuiav.i'iii.1 hii , " '.- 'i ii iv, ucuiiiiii t, arm if oilier" mately connected with all his tran-;j wie. he resorts aain to t'e w!if.lesom6 actious? AV'ho furnishes the articles nedicinc of tins law. Ma-k him sflJ! tor uis auventure ; wiio loads tiisship r lurti.er; . to-day he h m-olront ; t- marrow he is free from debt. He a-Tin adventures. Let us imagine him s-sc-cesslul. Tlie winds have been nwrc uin til)-!! prospcroui: t.he cloud no Ion'e- h on the agriculturalist and manufac-is era ; he is rich. What is hi cur urer. Jiat it has been insinuated, and may be hereafter urged, e.v vi then : Uoes he pay oil Ids debts r X( iir: he dashes through vour streets termini a Bankrupt law - can o :!y 1 dd Mr. T. in all the jo ide of wealtli apply to merchants tiiat t ie fra-; l laughs in the lace ofhi, perhaps mers of the constitution rau-t have 1 1 starving ci editors. Is this lion rab c ? received the word as it is received in j And yet is not this bill ilculated ti England, although I am ready to ad- j produce these effects ? Can it be re. mit that reference must be had to the garded dis!iouora"le in him to ikits i"c common law, in order to obtain the i this course when tour law ioint ta if proper signification of legal tenos us-! ,' anil justifies him in it ? is it n?it to be ed in the instrument under wjiich we il presumed ttiar your laws arc .base. act : yet. I cannot well imagine why we should resort to the statute law of be on ! honor, on justice ? I charge ircnileiocn I to. beware, let in their exertion, iix that country, especially wlten the j j ameimiate toe comd'nn of t!ie debtor states of this Union had adojited bank-1 ; they inculcare diahonorarde ar.d unu or' nipt laws Hot in name, but in sub-j : ; principle?. Sir. said he. the mem--fance, prior to the formation of this ber from. PeniisvUonia exno-cd t us m ar an eact propurfi : to the "qu;?u- i ,j,,ry upon the political body ; will gen- j itv'of vegetable iiUtte :coat u. uumi y co;n!eiie(i to act . ' - T ' - t F r i i ' i i o:': 5 : l i et i mes;:tVo;m' ( rt: bulieU. M.re ;r -..' red to an a f r9.-; c'y .:f tic tr i ii c v:-.c aii notjbe up- t : i-or red even bv the distinilshed ta- ! tar!n ! r- 5r ft ;W!fi' tinl vrhii-inta the i i b-ot? -in that gentleman. Tiie nowers I 'r . " our state it vyouhl pr;ve more va. i 1 'lie ihan tne mine oi i otom. it is j j,.,,, . (5r it h,va Vr !umis in the ! f iouful discretion of Congress. You j um'A? V ,a:, - ' till -nring and th t v, ;: . n) of ponds, hkes r:tl;c tt(mi of:iow b t a.il; v will l?e tontui near.xne sunace i constitution. The civil law was also on vesterday, the evils aii r lint;,,v well understood by those who iiamed j tlic existing state systems. Jn'mderfo this intrnment, and that law in th;s ! ! exc:;te our vr.jpailiK s m K-xqc of fid respect applied to all classes in the'iiiU be tool tii;; :?t this tiu:C tliere comnuMiity. i,ut even if we resort to ; "re TCO') itisoh eni ui thi Cnited the English, law, the courts -wiil be j; -ie. i did not ir.j derate. J u.Vciher Ibund to have decilecl i-iany peions j merc ;?nU -a ione x?ve taken into the not mere1) tn.'s to be cndir.tced in its ! j tdiK'tCjO.-whelhei m!' c(.sm's were e-r?.. provisions. The honorable gentleman j brac d. JJut, in or.itr tiihave ilerived from Pennsylvania, gave in the course .tiy weight irorv this view of the sv! of his remarks, a conclusive arenroent j'ct, mg!:t not toe gon.'ivman to v.j on this subject, -lie -staled and ta.ed' cout.ifed our situation with Uir ?iiM correctly tiiat inasmuch a- each' stuc ation' of some country in hi.J t!i. r. ; haiCari insolvent or L.inkiii!,f s"r!ni : huoritc t 'u-tiie. ; irt enerafi.efi i -ci :tr. n: f n ! f ! i f- .n S Til : f t i t h eaVtlv-owUHVn-lfl There arc threejiiiHls or - i" !,;.Wi:iiV;ft: b ()f Attnle. 1st. t alcarcous orM l5;:;iie I ;s peraby t i c V. , lilou-hed or not imperatively cn;noiatided. but h ai.L.ionbs ii to act, u oy s acting the i iation tor the nui i-..-e ot t r: Ji.: i:;; rnp that ; r toeconi ini )ii..o:L :! iivlnu. as 1 trust said Mr, T. over t'(.v:i.i2;!' of hii own, from whence raucii' evil I; JiOot; to y.r.gar.d, the mih.t arise, the authority w:i, vested.';; iicri we sorrow this sy te;;i. il: ci. in Congress, to ath.pt a getier.n r u-ihey enjoy the lull loirtit,tf ,,. r. Vel I '-rrvi I'lllli:.!;:;,. r,. i louv among the "states and ''intrude'-'' s.jy, t : i t u: ?..r-ijid alone, com... ctcj . ., j f , :-,- I" , . t ;n?; an uiiitorm svstein ot jostjee.- h .v;fh Sr-otlafd Ir;i an-.:, .tmx v. hc.so rvl ravt. lh,s sp-ics of marie , !thU r;i!. at : vear ,t! ; 1;:!y ,;r-; loose textu.e: it 'V.ncs- nf;L (f; ? (f; ; t'- - ; ' ;:tu; ' v V" 5,r ' M "A!V ;: i ? Nct of the lime ;n t h.. j iUi-urv between tue nnirrs ; and. : uj;;;, Vv(!;il i! em'. win '''''i'!'..('jjv.'i.- i'cn.' i...r - ;,:: 'r.viiit::;iv':j. h wn rds position ih,-;: jj iI..tion d.Ms jiot by inaV '-'-!'-. I vill now. by the i-dol- U 'aw ought to be genei al in it- pn,i- h eW-,-d o:2r o-.vi:. tl:e pr.,.,,;, ,:i ()f in- ;3 ;;'' !i'" conuniitee, proceed to ,! roiis and made tj euihracc v.;y -class -oil eot in l.;al ctH.-nfrv i; ,v; ' . '.. .U; I'.e propiiety of adoptiu-jj jf ihe o ::n:. J.iiy. " ;.tt ivi--; he irundtw he ri.lhe. rath of a 1 ' !h; ... f.d' or:y. ,;, " -., : !. the ur-cumst;uiti.-s , y s .ar, tli.tt if the ;n .cnt hi'i ua ce-; ir lSed in w:ter. if readily cru ';. ; but does not form a viscid i y iuxunant, v .;.th ;:-ti'.r wards,-' u -ooa a:- V i.iV. a:::: .si i - '. :!,: . 4;!g . i a'-:pa ' hr:jc ft stye, privileges. tieral in its n, i,:s.f,l, vet i can Id i;o? - '' - if'' - ... . n. Sir, I a:!i j i rvro;ig in jrim ij'iv, uud inpiriov'-:- in it- 01 J Slid, il - irj hi .w;; cnicolaod n; ;ntr -To ;?n e'cot cc. i:ti::iv nev,-r f:'.''-d !?i -h;s cou:5f:-y. Sir. I t - ! i -..- iJ 't i rt ."H s ir c iv 'V '. ! - f t , than t. e 'er sp.-c.es, and r -jm? bejf. ,veil ; ; '.,5,n,l: -1 that if a'.d hi f Oovi!, n-it :o. uiliohm.dd it pa-s'intoa -riiVi; pi ii(v ; ;-;iJ ; vf iy aatare its present .-'form, it would nt tip-raf. f b -ui"5 . ic v hut, ii J? u j. 0.)tr a:tl id interest. je ot- ih natcr ? What hr.s been th-3 udent traner require its- ! c-ure i.i t?:.:ig there Has the eirbe ife n; er vemures upon . '.lenient Jf eifrefs been prevrnled to a:iv .-.och irt::i't. C it even it j; i . . .. . : . . i i i . y. u y-iviii :as.-: rrmcip c jirovi-ions Ar ti ies.the pruu 3 ,-..s to ti'.e ton-rue. Jt elterve?ce!; ii:!-?,; .. i , ... :ikfrrjtU-U:hU rm( , ; : t .. iuv .jeavv limy t o.hi'M s iiunifi """5 --.j-.v.. , v.M,u.-i v i-it v:;;ter;it dis t ,, r.,r::,,r f, b,,cceous, stony or nv;th ,oj, by lri Je, j..;.: , rufiued to the merchant. VJut '.-ive ;dy ane. This species contain ;v neater propoitiim ot sann, t M fV-;l lium !iTi ttnltlr HV -rt' ft nnf it. ! ' Vf n ao v e.ise. I ci"id nt do u in thl ;. i ' .in v hy..irl to the who! ninr.sir.f ii hU i fncre ? P.tf liament hn ',, .,., ie'farTn'e.ts'..t.!.e':in'niH a aectdar. ! j to make the concealment of eiTects bv j slow, but certain profit, it visited by 1 1 toe bat.krupt, punishable with death' i 'r cla Itisoi a brownislt grey i ! ad color r it is. in goneral, frialde j ;vn;i hal ev, bnt sometimes forms very h :rd lunini Itetieryesces with acilsl b u t uci the r dissolves i n water, n or ; l 'diildeis so speedily as either tfthc.i fresh lime and stable iiv;:n' j e, put oir X.;M',r..f?!jeraiity r loo'i to vns eyf'ntil together, are bv no m-ian o ehkaci-1 , 1:1 te v, ur- V no 'oiig!it your bat ons, as when the latter b allied i:. i ' ? . conquered at Xew-Or-thesea5:rH) succeeding theli'M!v-: j)rV .f 'eans A ho, in tact, caused -the star ye-eiable matter pfou-hed fotlse so;f ,lunlci1 baliner U) Wi4VC'n '- iumph o with fresh lime does ben y tVi, ;r!r -I ;, t i ,, !( land is over limed, the rei. -dv is t) !-,r' said f Mr. i yler) let me not be - ; .r V- l ' l , ! u;ive the land a roou ..urcssu - of farm- u linir,H"1 s nvi.aci.ig irom toe me- m i,:r ,n:n .-,!, (! ,v r--. ; t:!, ,.,-,., 1!ni,r ;l. j:li,;e. v,u, lib.-r.liy cur.tnbut-,! !o rc- t i vey soiis. - 'I v -cdoniinan t, are fou ml more ailvan- ; ous in ;th'e; light, dry, satitiVy gi-a-j u :', y a ml 1 c a m v soils. ." , - - . ' j m jo d a ; t i fa: i a 1 ma rl e m ay be pre-1 j it 5, hy mkirrj: equal ipjaufities ot I j misfortune, arising from unfor-cen oc- j ru' vet hov often is the crime con, , j curie ace, he has, in thegencral, taken milted, r Kwcy inducement is heiduut j care to reserve a sufficiency to meet his ' by the law to dishonesty ; a starviii - engagements, and to act the part -.of an jUvifc and children implore bread ah 1 honest man. These are tne men who : prf.terintn at the hands of the husband constitute the pride and boast of your ::'and lather; your law tempts .him ?o mercantile character. They require j secure it lor tliem by concealing LU no legislative provision operating as a j! uomey or eJVects, by proc!aimingtoldo receipt in full of all demands ; sud il bo secret for s.iin three "ir fd;r such men should, against all 'reasona- j j months, until the present storm ha . ble calculations, be unfortunate, their j j subsided until year creditors h ivo creditors will understand their real in- ji iven you a ctrtiiicate of di-chaige, .V. terest, and indulge them on their con-jj then you may in safety enjoy the irultj tracts. Will not the creditor under- i of your dishonesty Hut Sir.wh.t n.V. . stand his own interest asv vell as the j los it dor Why it fin ds v.ut t'u ' honorable member from Pennsylvania ? Jj temptation in tlij one haiivf and-the pi. ill they not also know that their nishment in the other. Con,:Ious ot debts will not be discharged bv conHn-;! the di.'fcultv of preveLtiii -- tin V, (: . . . i . . t ; let ;t lie avear or two til? , hr-.t w.f ! i the smew ; and the ether classes to he sevom .- viz. tne. cni . ey ,,in:it7e,. : j,,- .---r,i j'".--iv-0,vv'T;lcT 'i"in-.i i v?iicli". -I.;have , a!Iuc!ed;v' the : boTib; ':mil: 1 1 ing"-- thti. body . f -thei r:debtoi-"in jail ? j.what way dues this bill (f.r. . hose in whicirCKi t!:e jag .it it ? You first put tIie debtor can retrieve ois ruined loi iuue j; on hi oatn ; you then ho-d out ima ,.-. or comply with his engagetnerus I ;q- jj;ifents to i!.fons:irs; and even this i.-, no peal, said Mr. T. to the cxt rience of j ' ail ; no ;ir, said he, you then call !o.n every member of this com nittco, if it jj the wife to g:e- testimony in corileoi- be not a fact, that ifiduleo it-s are al- ; nation ot her husband. ther bv b. cak SPEECH GK IR. 1 OX TI f HANK ilL't' ! OLA. ... , lyoar patronsgr. Why then, let me j ' as k , i s ti i : -5 b n 1 1 1 m 1 1 a d to o : y one i i! class f-f the community ? -You ar-.v 1 old that by relieving the merchant of : his debt s, you offer Iiim new stimulants . ii . i . i i . .r:-rt : c iv ni lime, m ar'-et ua.e m t exs, TT V '"to ir'dtistr r and-e varthii' -' T;-v!;pr - - : . . v ... I laving n;rjln a nm ,m c - v -o U' iusiry aati exvriiuu . ii.u.vjoen . . to I rMM a ncapyvvmciv snouid, (ir r - load of debt is pressiri- :onhim iiis h ti.e woofer irosts. ihisi - ; V Si 1 ' ; t ncr-ics are cramped and oDpress-d, ' ,po4,u1 .-U well calculated lor light 1 " k r; .: " i: . . . . V ' 'ais n:o- nihev are a-ram awakened mu a new. I I . H? . ; 1 . I . - ... .. .1 V t . - a ; 1 .':ie n minnid in ifc'st.M'n, SxliClV i)V y if -.t:v;Vie':-'ls : 1 as v ell a ever, never he. made use of with d u i y at.-:; h ! in g to th e n a t u re an d itdi. ", : uf the soil to which it is M:;e itj,!. -a?" iu this circumsfanee J a desire-: fpo'sc-d to t h e p ri nci nieo f ti ecu h! be no necessity fo c Phomise ; be op . there its re ' ing up the marital bonds, and i,;r trie established la. . ot socieir. lti I-lVe'v llnilPltil tr.in .t 't. ."'.! most in every case, in which an honest man iias fallen into -misfV tune. exLteod ed to him bv his creditors. 1 ret eat trtlr t f -i . -i.f i.i'llilar.f t-i.iui t t ' 1 . I .. ! t 1 . ' r. . ' I . C t intiij mm mi. mil aui riuui.111 i4i.ii.i i : i . , ; "i uvii'i liii; iriOUIi-'i CI does Lot wish for this law. Ci.o;; : atod h t'li . bill, and reducet for'.. I I - - ' - V existence. v i th tsie honorable man whom, then, will it operato .benehciaf j cooditmn oi ettli su earing talsel , r I ; should w hope sir, said Mr. T. that fy r Who will seek refuge under J of ctnvu tin- her iin-Jurid of jmjur. Avhen involved, a .desire to meet his en-;Jpiovision3 The bold, dashing ami t Anay then, say I, v.ith a svitjm . s., ! gigemcnts. to comply with the princi-j I thoughtless adventurer; hn co.miene-executed onty by. $uch iricjos. I pies' of integrity, would be fouud a ir. Ih it you wisii your v,r . suuicicnt stimulus to exertion. - But . adiujt that it was not so, I ask sir, if rthe farmer, the mrrhanic, tlte manu-. .niade witli paper wings : h- goes in to '.to l? int and virtuous.. d not b bank, obtains an accoinmo iatiou ; se- your !e:i!u' ion, :ob! out an invik.ti-s cures as iar as practicable his endors-o a due. cut state ot t!do.-. j ect i on , or impose on its ( t ,js th e j task of amending i f s yariou ( tinr , s':vc. w..l, in a great measure?!' 1 is al ways vit!i endnrras. . f,t, said .'. v . - . -; . ' ' ' . Tii. . IT .... .. .1 . : va uec.p! in debt to the artist; pur- j, licm ov.-i nment can o;,jv hc su a or' -y stable luatte.-. aiutys specially nnV non 'r d -. hv virtue; and the of ad J .f v -wiijic.u ..tnj -tier 3 ; sous - osscs i; v..ii. .:i:itt i. mticav i.iiii e; sarrass- V--.dorr.untpV r; or sh-ked mie,;i l.-:cra'bie ' ...t . - . : t ' ! ' . .. r . . r i . j not the same inducements produce on manufacturer, put$ toea. If siicces- ;i.iegibtthjn ?houid be to encourage c ?each the same euects r Are thev com- I fill. "lie cbmolica with his eniry.'-eiocnts '; feJiow citizens in iu daiiv r.r- nosed of different materials, or made ', an;! is ridi t if ntherwi-p. hr- taki n th.ci' a.' debt, nltra v . .tn ? : To iu in full under this bill pv, 'I -ouod rule of policy. Th- honorN : Uvyytv;: ;o gunilcman. (Mr. Iiocklr:.,o;i,i a.cd 4: