.'Jhe Itiie CONGRESS. HOl' F, OF KKPUKSENTATIVlCS. 5 ATUltD AY. ?.PRli 11. tr.-Inghxn.i?-frm tte committee on Ynt ufnccjs and ! roads, tu whom was referred an ft: ::vtry utio me ex- ! to smKe oui me ursi setuuu, ucaug pedieucy of etablisr.in;:, in one '.f the i pander consideration Wtprn"tiieU."a branji of the Gene- Mr. Serneant snoke at much Jentb .. ' ml PustOfivce for tue purpose oF niak-;! in iM"- contracts for the renvevmice of mail, and to correct any abuses in h th urvie i.f that denarhnent. made i in a reniu- Unfavorable to such a mca-j j "sure; which v.as read and ordered toN. C. who opposed the bill, and sup- I.e. on the table. . t ported his motion to strike out the first j Mr. Lowndes, from .the committee , j section. I on W'a'va aitd Means, reported a bill ! b fl he motion to strike out the first siu. ementarv to the several .nets ?i::iUriir appropriations for The year '.iSiil. which v.d twice read ana cum-. , mittiid i On motion of Mr. Owen, the com-1 1 mitteeon Vft Oiru-esAvre .instrucied ; . . t f .. i" t -to enquire into r;ie expenjeii'-y m r- i nury ironi an au umicm m a apv; tab'iahini!; a p .st ronfe f"r4m li!io ; cifu :ie. (sourt-hmise to Newbei n, in Noi th- j A motion by Mr. Colston, to strike Larotina, : our ine nrt eciiou, was isi. The bolide then went into the con- , i .Some other amendments were made sidcration of tic bill (Vo m the Senate, jfro both the bills, and some pro posed " cohcerii:ur liavjaiioT:. wniv.o was 1 1 yesterdiyrepoi Tetl to the house by the committee of Oie whole, without a- i ; Ii rjulment. The bil being puf on its p: gsa-e to be er.rr!Si.fd for 'a' third re:i'iutgev paas-.-ed," i5 t H. Messrs. Hall & Stew art, from this State, tcd in the ne gative. The bill being thus ordcr.ed to a third reading, was forthwith reatl a thiftJ time, parsed , and iciuriied to the MONDAY, APRI1- 13 Mr. H. Kelon, from the Judiciary I ! per-ons slain in the public and private 1 armed vessels of the United States, r tffisscd through a committee of the ; r . - . a i . . .... whole, and was oruereu io en ,'in. i.w.co wont intn a rommittee of i the whole on the bill repealing s j mueh of an act as allows pav and eu.-: ! lun.ents to breet rank, and on the ,! bill from tv.c Senate reu!atinr the ; i pav & emoluments of brevet rank.'- Yhe committee rose and reported j the bills without amemiinent ; when j the bU l.t mentioned from the Se- j nate was ordereu to a tniru reaoinj;, . j .t n .... 4!.- i.:n 1T. tlvA the former, the bill of this House, j nostnoned indefinitely I The House next resolved itself into j a committee of the whole, on the bill to increase the duties on imported iron m oars aim u"s, uou m im, i . csstin?: TmU! a:iu atiuiii, d"w i un- i allov. V e .drawback of duties on the re-exportation of i;inpowdef . The discussion oi ine oojecr oi mis ihost active 'V a . :v,,llt -t:1.ir The committee ro.-e without v.iKii:r ! Mctin... and obtained leave t -?J v. 1 sit apram xfc: I.nrr.S- fmmfhoiTMor on 'fl I i - v " " . - - ...... vt of Ihe two lUtis. on! .... ' . I ! the bill Indian which the table, aud the House adjuurned. TUESDAY, APHtL 14. Mr. Lowndes, from the committee of ways and means, reported arnend- nwnts HI UC prjJUru iu ine t.ju Mi yi .lntnrv t . tl.e se eral acts relative "P J""' 7 . . , i . ....... to direct taxes ami internal uu?ies which were read and ordered to lie on the table. The bill .'Tor'the -admission ot the territory of Siirioi? ino the Union ; and the. bill 'better' to enforce our neu tral cbiiations. were retired to this I.uic wlt;i .-sundry amendments to j fc ich j which were referred to the pro- i "committees.' j The House tiwk up -for ennsidera-i finn ihp hill siniriietnentnrv' tn the :rt to i e-ulate the collixtlun of duties oni Ymporfs tnd tonna-e. ' The bill ct.nt.tins sl7 sections, em- The bill, alter some diseusion was rrdercd' tu be . engrossed lor a tfcird reading. The House t:ok up .the report of t!:r cxniireef i the J,Jijjr.e..i:, - .tif the If l. . 1 II I . . ri'vf iiuu..es on ine ujij uirecuiiij j'Je oi a pnointioir Indian agents. i und, jn Riction of Mr. Socunib, the vuse resolved tu recede from their a- yituent to said bill, to which the V 4lijrccd, and agree 10 ... a . i. . ..nf. .1 l,i i i rnminiltpp nl flip uholf !v Mr.Mnr- I rommiiTee. io huh uicnui me . j ----- -- , t v- i -,i , Mr. i otsf mi iiiM(! e a motion to a- brll from t.e Senate supp'ementarv to ;iorio siiikcoui one i.'.nar, uic uiy , , , r ; r. t .vi . ion iium r ! . , - - i ,r,.,iPI. to l-P li'vinl 1 mend the hi I, the object ot wliich wa the art to nrolnbit the irnpoi tation ol ! ; proposeu nertairt i to be icvieu on, . A. . r., x.ie act in p oiuui i. t k ... .i Ul ,.,n(v,Mr.w! to imit the extension of the presen slaves into the Linteti states, reponcu j , ; f f instead of eveu the same with some amendments, ; j without roll,n-.? i his motion uas nc- dut,es " tu - ;f N V4 : ' . . . i a i , iTo itlvod ,v Yp-,4 ind Xivvi trt'ip , as provided by the bill; ami tins mo- i which were a-rr ed to by tle House, ;!fcat7i, b? s alM" as too. h . rcivcd H'8 to 34 and the bill laid on the table. i After rejecting several motmn, to j t.r mov-'i The bill in r.dition to an ant tfvini: j adjourn, the two bills were hually or-i -'nUh, oi ort.i-L.iro 7- j ... 1 !:" .i.wi.l-n.l..pnl...Qori deredto be eurrosed forathirdread-' e1 amendment to toe bill to this i bill, and of its di tatls, consumed more ; 1 1 than two noun: in v.i.tvn sirr. i .. , - . a-. i - . t K ' ,r iti. : conden bv ;?r. iiarrison, v ho const-: Clav- Kinsey, .M.ntn ol rw C Mnitli . . - . . r -!,-t , : . nr vt-..ii.f. ' tiered it equally imporrant to the ; of f.ld. Morion ai.c oeiccunt v ..e t;e . . ' i r i , - ! 1 LW . slates nt iioldintr wlaven. hnrdi'i inn-on . i 3rr4cir::-- unerous provisijins toensme ; i . " "V"1'". ""i"v rejerr thc more r:-iJ Vollecf ion 'of. the duties Ijf b-v a. large.-, majority.; and the bill on imports ami to prevent liauds and !;uaV "V1 tui,e enP.,osd for a third evasions thereof. iireamn-. The enjrrosM?d bill to in- amendment coataiced in tlyfc Se cond recommendation oi the.con Tercet The House again resolved itself in to7 committee of the whole, on the bill to increase the duties on iron in jbarand bolts, iron in pi;Sv ca9limr. ! nails, and allum, and to disallow the i o ldrawhack on gunpowder ; the motion . - - . . . support of this hill, and oftheexpe- j-diency ot extending additions, pro tectum to the manufacturers inteiealcd the bill. ITe was replied to bv "Mr. Smith, of, section, was negatived:: and. The committee bavins cone through tins bill, took up the bill to increase the duties on certain manufactureil ar- ticks - (shut, paper, &.c.) imported in-j to .the United States, and to change t a C 1 I .... n .wr ' tfnii were rejccieu, wmcn gave rise iu much !c bate. 1 monii the motions which prevail el, was. one. bv Mr. Pitkin, to strikeU out. t!e pi oposed modification of the du'y on paper. ; The bill; havinjr been reporterd to tliir HMise. Heanienrlnienl3 haJe were ;erierully .-greed to without a divi- ; sion. ' Mr. Little nade an attempt to tc ta:n the. clause for modifvins the dutv on pap -r. w hich failed, by a consiijer-ablt- majority. i Mr. Hutier renewed the motion. ! which had been previously - made -in As ordered to a third reading the! contents of these tills arv tiom the j statement heretofore pvc-.I .f them, ii !bv the 'omission of the:, proposed dutv; on pap.er, and bv thtraddition of tliC - foilowiu- : spike ,!,rec cents per pound ; ; n anchors 2 cents per pound ; on cut lass 50 per cent. ad valoiem ;nn Drown Kusia sheetin;, not exceeding 52 archines in each piece, 1 dollar 60 j cejits per jiiece : or while do.'. do. dollars and.. 50 cents per piece. The two acts to take ellecl from the GOth June next.j WEDNESDAVj AFRIT. 15. Mr. Williams, from the commiflec of claims, reported a bill to -transfer e duties of ihe Coiumisioner f Claims to the third Auditor of the Treasury. Twice rcaW. ll On motion of Mr. .imkins, who enn-h sidered the bill as hihlv iirjortant to : 4t. . . . 4 V .. ....... . . ..-.4 T..1. ... .1 . i i t i .i t . siave-noiiii; states, tne House . , , . , - - 7 " --- - - . tif ... to ine co.,ueraiion oi mei.pv..n, ulC a. m.j ol uie t. j ; iiiu irom ixv.- rena;e, suppieirentarv; bill In j i ' r ' . A ' f . W1" ' "c utL P'"Uiu- ine lii.poriauon . portation j Mr- i'ki!:8 proposed an amend-, :tates, tiie other to the benefit of the ! officers making the seizures, cc. 'I I. : a' .: II : in? inuiion was i enresenreu uy 3ir. I Simkins and bv Mr. Edwards, who! ! seconded the motion, as the only ineans oi executing tne laws against; ! .1 : 1 . . i c. i j 9 CM ' aa r7:l,ri M ,,au iui-!; lv demonstrated, since the onnn of , V. . . r sr pro- iic.tL-ii' aaiiisL iue inirouuciiun or a (provision into our laws, which he de 1 dared to he inconsistent with the 1 . f . A . i principles oi our government, and cal culated to turow as wide open the floor o the importation of slaves, as it was before the existing prohibition. Further debate took place on the a- meridfTieTit, which was advocated by Mr. Pindall, on tl.e ground of the ab- s,l4?te n,cce?sitV of j,uch a provision to jln;aKl tn iaws eilicient against the j5',? trade' "v uiiu iiuukiii was uiiaiiv rejerr , ca?e duties oft iron, nails, allum. ' Cm anu disallow the drawback on J Gun-powiler : and to incieae thedu- f.v un -t'i itnpm tation of certain manu- o . ..... ' 7 .nui u arncies was read a third tune ! r.liWf! CO in .4 nn.l 4 1- L ' i" i-u cui iu uie ceuatc r concurrence j ' The amemiinent of the Senate to the :!iWU iixinj the third instead of. lJie first j 1 Monday - in November as t!.e day for the j next meeting of Cone;res9,wastakenup, and, after an incJtuiil mciion by mm. n.tv.ri ii tvh bill On tlie ti lt 1 , 'j ----- ble. the amendment was agreed to. The House then' resolved itself in to a committee of the whole, on the bill to continue in force, from and af ter the SOth of June, 1819, until the Dm of June, 18i2G, the 4th paragraph of the fu st section of the act " to re flate the duties on imports and ton nage." The paragraph referred to is the dutv on the importation of foreign manufactures. m vnicn ine principal uiainim or r.'jjfv-'t, &.C. Mr. Edwards moved, on the ground that there was no necessity for acting on the subject at the present time, and. bein no necessity for it, there remained too little time for a proper nvetioation of the subiect, that tie j! out. . This motion gave rise to a short but spirited debate, in the course of which Messrs, Tucker, Edwards, Mercer, and Rhea, supported the mo- tion, as well on the ground ot nostui ,.v" t.xMion ofafrricul-- ture. for the benefit of the manufactu ring interest, as of t!e want of time liie wain, oi mi"; i , &,c. and Messrs. jl nr n full t!!.nutM)n. CnvWt ni.v.'MnQfin of Mass. Bald-1; win, Kinsey,' I-owndcs, and Southard ; opposed it, "on both the grounds assuin- j ed. The question having been taken on striking out tlie first section, it was decided in the neaiive ayes 53. The committee then proceedel fur- ment, the ob ect of which was, that the duty of 23 per cent, should be im posed, not on a fixed value of 25 cents j 1. hut nnon an actual valua- i. ! tionl as in the case of other ad valo- j rem duties ived. s t rhcdiity oliO cents per bushel on salt 3i-rtcil, should cease, and a duty of 10 Wr.is thereon be substituted in lieu tu;t;!. i r m f m m m v ! ljn suesiion oi ur. fiercer, ;r. i. --consented to moiiiiy his motion, so as to propose 12 h cents insteed of 10 cents, as the future duty oh salt. "Mr. Cobb advocated the motion at some length, and Mr. Lowndes oppos ed it, after which, the question was taken on the motion, by yeas and nays, & negatived yeas 53, nays 02. The bill was then ordered to be en grossed for a third reading, by yeas and nays loGto34; and the House adjourned. THURSDAY, athil 16. Mr. T.M. Nelson reported a bill to j authorize the recovery of public mo- nev. rroviums mat sun may De commenced to coerce a settlenjent of! open accounts of persons who receive j ; ani: expend the public monies j.- 'I'll i l.i I I . . i r. ir. i r ' r Mr. T. M. Nelson moved that it be read a third time, deferring to a statement, vesterdav laid on the tables v'i i liie iouse, oi me names oi tnose i. ri...it.. ..r.i. it i . c .1 ii - r ... . c ii. L A A . . 1. . i 1 1 l i 1 1 states wn nave laneu uuiy io ac- .j count lor tiie monies contded to their Luuui j oi me mu.iic tuuuucu luiueir,, charge. 31r. JN. said, there was, it appeared, an i unliquidated debt, appa r due, from persons of that des- aione, to the amount of three of dollars. Upon corivcVaa- ith accounting ofircers of the Trensurv, he found tiiat thev did not !' consider themselvei authorized to i ' l - - . 'A A . 1 f j unnj; suit against an v oeunnuent un- til his accounts were liquidated, and the balance ascertained. This settle- ' ment. of course, was delavcd by the ut-iau.irr ; ana ine oujecioi me bill . i At -u: . a": e . " , ... was tfj enable tle accounting officers . to coerce the persons so situated to i come to a settlement. Alter some conversation, in which !Mr. Lowndes expressed his surprize at the construction which it appeared had been given.to the existing law ; ' o .wl U IT I on the introduction of this bill, so ne- cessary to tl.e security of public mo- ! t-IA,- 4 V. . A A 1 licj, iu u.v; u iM.ci.Liuu nouesi. clai mants, and the detection of fraudulent transactions : and Mr. T. M. Nelson r e -affirmed what he had already said, adding, that, as the government pre served a coercive power over the pay masters while in office, instances had frequently occurred in which, under the present laws, it was found neces sary to keep paymasters in office, without any duty to perform, merely to obtain a settlement of their ac counts. .;:.' v"': - . The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. Mr. fl. Nelson, from the committee on the Judiciary hav ing reported, with out amendment, the bill from the Se nate to authorise the Bank of the U mted States to appoint a Vice-President. cVc. ' ther in aoiendin- ihe bill ; in which Has stated by .-Mr. Ulay were, tnai me .nct, eiititico.un act mailing prv:sunf r vw ... - 1'- Alessrs. Si sbee. L.ownUes, ana rukin samer oi mis uiy, v,..a. i,... - -,.;-- T ' ' , " took part. ceiveJ a wound at Bh.lcnsburg winch jl..va Urntory act.,,. ,;; Mr. Mercer pronoseil- an amcn.I- cauge.l Ins death leaving Ms ir.Jani . ..,.,,.,;',-, 0 .,' act b? Mi-.Ioor (o strike out the first section of the bill. WhcreoDoi, Mr. PoiKdeiter moved 1 . : A. . ..II to postpone the bill indefinitely. This motion srare rise to an anima- ; ted debate of two or three hoursand finally succeeded 85 to 50. ; The bill from the Senate in addition to the act to prohibit the: introduction of slaves into the United States, was read a third time and passed. The engrossed bill, to continue in O . . ... , . . r f. force from June 1819 to June 180, A . . " the clause of the actot 186, laving duties on imported cottons, woollens, &c. was read the third time, passed, and sent to - the Senate for concur- icncc. The House then resolved itself into a committee ot the wnn;e, on me gen. A motion was made t his bill, as osuai, mxupru ui'." t rommitte some hours, and produced On the 2Cth, MTnioshV cmmaml rnn.lpmble discussion, arising on I motions by different gentlemen, to in- tsert in this bill the names of various I invalid soldiers, either not previously sent to the committee on pens.ons, or,j rpn,Mt1 n unfavorably bv that com- ! inittee. These cases rarely involve I 1. . ------ , j any new principles, and are too conlm- . j ed in their interest to require partial- lar not;re. The only motion which varied mate - Hallv from the general character, on this "subject, was one made by Mr. , l7 "" lf rJ'i ' the name ot nayes ; L lay, to insert Earnest, an orphan noy, in toe din as a pensioner. -The facts in tins case son destitute ana unpruuu, a.. . the more forlorn, as ne i who uw. and dumb. To defray the cxpences . To defray the cxpences of educatin in this unfortunate child at . . 1 I the Asylum of the deaf and dumb, in Connecticut, Mr. v.iay nioeu 10 au- , thorise the sum ot a vcar, to oe expended undeF the direction of (he ! Secretary of War ; and followed his motion by a short, but touching appeal to the generous and patriotic fadings j of the House. The motion was carried without op position, and almost without a dissent ing voice. The committee reported the bill with some amendments to the House, and the House adjourned. FRIDAY, APRIL IT. On motion of Mr. Pleasants, the Se- j cretary of the Navy was directed to lav before the House at next session i statement of all the Marine Hospitals in the Union. Mr. Trimble submitted a proposition instructing the Secretary of War to re- ! port to next session whether any, and what reduction could re made in the Military Peace Establishment, which, after some debate, was agreed to. Much other business was done, which we have nit an opportunity of record ing, as the House had a recess for an hour and a half at sun set, and sat late j j the niht, on the post road and other li n k. LATEST'FROM ENGLAND JVeic-Vork. Jlpri! 3. A pilot boat came up from bejow early this morning, and brought the editors of the Mercantile dve'rti'er a nie ot Loudon papers to the 1st Arm, m m . j! March, &.c. rve, re flour, beans and peas) for the ; foWMwinj; quarter, terminating on the ' loth of May next. The a'j;crcgatc avc- j rage of wheat on the 21st February, ! was 8Gs. 4d j At the Prince Regent's levee, on , the 12th February, Mr. Rush, envoy j extraordinary from the United States, j was presented by lord Castlereagh, as j foreign secretary. The secretary, and ! under secretary, Mr. Adams Smith, i and Mr. la3ioe,were likewise presen ted. Tlie Queen's birth-day was celebra ted at her palace on the 26th Februa ry, and her drawing room was numer ously attended. . Among the presenta- j tions to her majesty, were Mr. Rush, the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from the U. States of America, accompanied by his Iadv, ' who was presented to the queen by Viscountess Castlereagh. Mr. Rush ! was accompanied by Mr. A Smith, sc-: cretary ot; legation of the United States and Mr. Tayloe, attached to ! the leiration.who were presented to her majesty by Mr. Rush. I Tr- "v - w m aTa nm I The ports of Great Britain were o- tor the dispell rt certain lands snuta c? pened on the 2lst February, for the ! ?le TenncsstP riwr ;i,nt11 " 1lh,c t districts admission for home consumption of all 1 d!son cf ctV- shaJ1 hln; IIr:;t, ! r . . , a i a. ville m said county, in Alabama icMiur j ioreijrn ;rain, pulse or Hour, (except . ' - Sir Ricliard Croft, the celebrated ewotn. strr et. opponte ihe mic -accoucUur of the Princess Char.ot.e, ; JS. W "5 put a period to his existence on the , paintinr. 13th February by shooting himself. ij- a specimen of their tork cm he A London paper of the 23rd of Fe- 1 their Shop, where, it is hoped these bruary states, that tlie ex-emporor Na- ; want 10 purchase, will for taea TrAarn la III ri f . lina. C41I. - , r.ru .; ... u. plaint. - Death nfth 0 Jvln nf S.rsdpTt.Th p London Globe of February 19th, sars. ! a Hamburgh mail to February 14, baa (ut arrived fct iifrinr int '!.r ,,r tu s. death of the king of 3 vei, (';,, ; i ' . a it I i the ISth. He died on tUr ax .. bruarj at Stockholm. LATEST FROM THE AUMV. - We receh:ed intelliiic fno,, -ti.e Army oy last evening's mail, a tav ti the 24i ultimo. Jackson, Gairie -in-i I Glajock left Fortcott m. lltl. t AV AV j in onier io meei some pr.Visinn i,:it I were on the way from New-O, !v;i.js . ,j and on t Mth met a supply suiridny with which the v immediately prureHi ;; lorce , er.r.vrJtmol aUuuf reUr u...i.ia, ..... rv i-..ii.:.u hoTTTb Indians, left iort S .ft t ij,, ,. , Jackoi, which it was suppr... , M , uj : be eHTected on the J8th. pievi.-u. t r contemplated attack on the Miclac- ees. e m Bm...-. enecr u iu lr 'ofsome decisive blow bem- slue v ill Akl r..,n..i.t. j mat tjunnci. . n f, rruhnt of the United Jstn'r, !', "SX7IIEREAS, bv an act r.f Conin e, ' pawn o.. tut "n.ih iftu. It the di-nnsal of the public Innris in tU- ,,. u y ..na -K. rnto rv. ami f rothe-rurn. r " 11111 '-If 4. uni'i i i'i nii'll i." j am, an Act p;is the 3d of March 1 8c 5, . . entitled, ."An Act supplementary to the j t he rantsof Um!s ;n tie Ten irv , Michijr.in," the President cf the Uni ! States is mthorUed to cause the lands i i , States is autl t the land district of Detroit to be rflrri ! 1. 1 1 itr saie wrien survejta; ana wnereisa port oFthe said binds h tvtf beensurvevtu Therefore, I, Jamks Monroe. Prcii dent of tlKs United States; in cop.torni'y with the snid acts, da hereby declare n.r.vl make known, that public sales f.r the disposal (agreeably to law) f the i1 lands shall be held at Detroit, In Michi gan Territory, viz : On the first Monday in July next, f r the lands contained iu ranges 9, 10, II, ( 13, and 13, south of the base, lisv : 'n first Monday of Scptemlcr ncrt fr t .e lands C'-'it lined in ranges 13, 14, IJ, 17, nonn of the base line ; and on t first Mondry in November next, for. d o lands contained iu ranges 9, 10, 11, 12 north of the base line, excepthj; surb lands as are, or may bercsened in sa;d district, bv law, for the support d Schools, and for oihc.r .'.rpr ses. Tiie sales shall continue open . i; tvo wet ki and no longer, and shall cammencev.Mth the first section of the low. c;t number of townships aiid ranges, and proceed in re gular numerical order. j Given under my hand at the City cf Washington, the thirty fu st day f t JIarch, one thousand eiglit bundntl a&d eighteen. j - JAMES MQNROE. By the President, ' JOSIAH MEIGS, Comra'r of the General Land Office. 1 i By the President of the United Slates. TTrilEUEAS by an act r.f Conrre 5 H passed on the 3d" March, 1815, ci - I le ail .March, lfm,ci.- i provide foiShe asccr- I ying cf the boiii.d..rv treaty wkh the Crcei titled An art to tainir.g and urveyi lines hXed hv tlie treaty Indians & for other purpose," the Ihrv- j dent of the United Stales is authorize! t" f cause the lands acti iii-ed bv the said trea- ' ty to be offered for sale when survey?'.! ; land where:s p-..rr of the-aid lamh l.r been itirvcyed : rhtretoT-o, I, James Alonro, rjTsi.f;i'. I ' !! of the United State?, do bereSy dcc!.it I j and n.ake kiio-vr., that the publics;;:; On the first Monday-:n July nest, f;r the sale vi the lands in rtnges 1, C, 3, ' 5. On the first Monday in Septet"' next for the lands in ranges 6. T, 8, IV on thje iirst Monday in November 1.0 for the lands in ranges 10, 11,12, 13, U excepting such lands us are or shall b i Reserved acenrdine to la w, for the supp1- of hchoola and for other purposes. rlaf ' j saie shall continue cpeu for two uetK; t and no longer, shall commcnrcwitn i-' section, tow niiip and range cf the Ui number, and proceed in regular numcr; cal order. " I Given under myVir.d, at the JlffJ Washington, this 21st day of Marc- 1B13. JAMES MONK0F. f By the President, T TnsT AH MEIGs. I Comm'r.rf the General Land 03-cM Copperplate Maps of the above j 1 m.iy be had t the olhce of tlie Smrvi General, at Huntsville, or atth'eGcasi Land Olnce. windsor chair-making j , business. 1 THE Subscribers hr Iptc to inform .v. ! Publl-., that they have taken a ShoH V The above Baoireg conrren-f the 1 at inst. and will in future bji4!uu under the Frm of MATrHs.v?, hut; ft Ci Lit 1 Baleigb, pril 7 I