iTE BANK. OF N. CAROLINA 5 1 T? iTT.Tow. Mav26.l8l6. nmn;:! cf Five per Cent, on each '4 everv Share ofthe Capital Stock of . ' TVinfc. ha this tUv Dcen orenr"H 'pitleat TUleiiJh on orafur Ujrtat tt... r . . h fkvrai tiran- .-.-. 1 1 nnrl MInv in Junenexi,r -''' m ov att?r me i-ui - Bv order ottne itoani. ' NEUSK NAVIGATION. rrHE President and Directors ofthe lense TuWerUurKtion Company, are d,rous tfreceive PROPOSALS for opening, bcon ! !f i 'v.-tlon of said River and the t.!l-- . . , J part of cither, ham tlirhwu o . , the. said River. rtT nn!tr cf he Board. B CHUILESL HINTOX. SeV Afnv 23. 181S ' - HINT ON BKAME, A RE now receiving, oy me laie arrivals frm KnHttpt, a large and General As- cortment ot DKV .t.inu-, CUTLERY. The?r friends and others are pcctfullf invited to caU on them, in Syca. more Street : ' "" . -:::' - - petmburts Va. May 5 1318. ;3w LATK DU. FALCON EU. Trtr Snbrcriberbav ng administered to the F.tateof thelate l)n TnoMis Fucoyrii of this cit v, calls upon all persons indebjed to said Kst ate, eith er by Nr te or Arc bunt," to make immediate payment ;' .'and upon all who have an v claim against said Estate to present the s:e tor settlement within the t ime pre scribed by law. - JOHN HOLLO WAY. . -niVlcigh. VTay 33. 75 entertainment. rV.l? subscriber has opened a; House of 1 FIUVATP. ENTERTAINMENT at Cb ktzi. Hi Li., vh ere h e has turn isbed himself n;4il grod Subles Hr the Acconimwlti in of Travelers To all those who -think pro per to call on h m, he will endeavor to jjive tnlire satisfaction 0 SOLOMON MITCHF.LU NOTICE. ,. , iiiiiTitiM nr f. TTTTIIF.REAS mv wife, Marpraret . McCr.1-.! ? f loch, has without any just cj.use left J TTiv bed and board : this is therere t- f.r- j yim ail persons from editing her on try account, asj am 4eterrninl to pay no debt she taav contract. 1 Tfi OM a 3ici ; l- I .Lul l r. Orange .eounty;'-I;y'lt 75 3w NOTICK To Canal JIuliers others. F ,i,:A t.-, Tn..V rfintri"ts fur imiimvin'-' I . , - . w : n I v ,w " w - - - - - - ' Favctteville to Haywood, d,taneerprM,tiv?:. libera! price tor the speedy execution cf these I VrcT th'.- invitennlicat!or:-j from I Cunul Ma Vers and otl-.ers cuaiifiod !cr the ex- j ecu'ien of sveh work. Com mu njcstior.s on th ! cc I w ;'l he rnr 5 e to M the PrcsidwBt and D;rectrr- .f ihet ape Feju 2faVigation' Cou pury.,; IV.) e',f v:I'e, y. Carolina." : ' ; IIFA'HY r.HAITSO, 7YeW. May 6. 1318 ; 7C U7r The Kditors cf ihf .Boston P ddmm, te lnuependnit Chronic! e, aHt liar.e't ?e;: ihe ilduors of the .vMcrcahtils Adv-r;sej: the Cnhirnbian; and the Tdy advertiser Xew Vork ; the Kdilors of the" American billy; Ad vertipfr, the Democrat ic Fress, ihe rrauk lin Gazette in P'n,ft:'ieJpU'ir, and the KiH urs iif the National InuIIitcei'cer, will please to insTt the above six times.ud transmit their : accounts to the Kdior cf tae Kcpster, Hi- leicf:, ' tor payment. y ";;;::; ... : ., ;;"- ;;.: ;.: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NCHTII CAU01.1K r.TSTUurr. Tcihe-'Marihal of the Vi-ttrict Greeting T"7! 1 KllVi A S John Stanly, Yq. as Proctor i ? 1 . Jor Fcter t :sher. Jafutm irr In trues, 'iliomas MacqutrC, Joseph Rarnanl and.Tame. Unmpsc", htive CihiSitwd a libH or rom- I plaint in the. District !ur! of the TJmtCfl tutes, fortlie District ; statmai lesrinjr and propounding, that the lib eh ants sh-nped on board the brig Entemrze, of Tor- tola, illiatn K. HaT'ter, master, as OJHcers ; sn4 Seamen of said Hr-jr, and there is now l due them Watresffor their service af'arsaid i And ' .'"whert-a-i the Jodye cf the District Court mr tne limir.ct atoresaut, natn or dered and directed, the 6h day of June next, fcr all persons concerned to be cit ed and .nt'unated to atiTjear in th Jndce's ofHee in the city of Ilale'tjrJi and slmw anse, if any I they have, why jmltntnt ahould net pass as prayed : You are theretore hereby au thorized, empowered and strictly enjoin ed, peremptorily to cte ana ai.,monih said "WiHIam E Baxter, master, and all per sons whatsoever having" or pretendinjr to kave any riffhtV title, interest or claim in or to the said ItT.T:Helled airainst as aforesaid, by pubbckly aflisinjr- this monition on the mainmast of the sad Briff.EnU-prire, tir some t ime, and by leavinsr there affixed a true ccpy thereof a?l by all other lawful ways, means and methods whatsoever, whereby this monition may be made most public and noto rious, to be and appear;' at, the time and place aforesaid, before the judge aorcsa:d &. also to attend upon ev?;y Re.sioo xn ses'sions, to be held there and horn thence, until a defini tive sentence, shall he read and promulgat eil in the saidbustne5;ncUi?jvcly,:ifany ofthem b?l! think it their dutj" to to do to hear, a b'de by and perfiirm alfund singular, such ju dicial acts a are neces.sarj-, and by law re qu'rtd to be done and expedited in" the pre mises ; ar.d further to do and receive wha' unio law and justi-c shall appertain, unde the pain of the law r.nd the contempt thereof the absence and c Miuimarv of them and e- Feir into "the Town cf FaxeMeville. The f xt will bo so.d m the Town of Monroe if Vldd- dcnih aid extent the ;anals and men of cana, settle here. The -Huaiion is lus ; the f nn, 67- and materials of the h gh, ,rd aflordn several fine pr.r.gS rf Lcks Ao.i.ducu, CnUerts Sic a-d the ge. "ft water, and commandk a hsndiomc reral plan uf all the Woikwill he determi-) r,ev cf ,1 R.ver. ner hv an Enneer,- T!e oVmpnnv will r ve a I A M rehouse for the reception of Tobacco verv of them in av wise "notwilhstandintr And whatsoever jo i shall do mthepremi's es. jou shall duly certify i.nto the Judjre a fnrcsaid, at the tims ami "place aforesaid, to gether with thesc oresems. Witness the II n..rahle llenrv Potter Judge of ouy said district Court, this the 4t! Jfonday of April in he year ofov.r Lord 181 ard in the XLHd year of the Independence o "Vke United States f America. JB UllOWN, J?ey;isr. , feSlNGLESi "WlfrAKTEl), for repairs of tbnoT-rn. ? f ment Building in the City of Raleigh, one hundred thousand well dressed 18 inc 20 inch and two' feet Juniper or Cj press SHINGLES of the best quality. Persons dis posed tr deliver the whole, or a part only, will please forward their terms to the Subscri ber in Fayetteville. WM. xicnoLS, feuperintendant of Public Buildings. Mar 28 ' -,' ":fX- '-VO'' J. ijooks; M Cone fJrd. JV Carolina. JtTST CKCfelvnn rrom Philadelphia, and for4H at the Post Office in Concord, X C t quantity of BOOKS 1 among others are tie loirownjr. to wit t (lT7e Fm?ly Biblei with P-:tes -'. Pocket do ; ; -. ' Fchool '; do V1kcr,s Dictionary', Arator " v1: i4' : W?tts Pa?m and Hrmtri Smith & l!tl 's Music ftoos ;;;v XVtrdcnV Lrttes :;':V'-Y"'';:i ; Cha" p'Vns o? Krredotn Christian Heseafches in' Asia Honppr Medical Dictionary Blair's Sermons, &C &e &c If Itelifioua Tracts slioutd be wanted, et- i ther by Societies, or individuals, thev wiU f be furnished at short notice, ard at the X. Er:plfirid prices, vilh the add'ition o:rnac;e i cnly. J. TRAVIS. N B. A supply ofCrnuine I)rUGS fc ' 1 MtniClNES, forsa e, as usual- i May 1.? '- ' 74 3w ; ; TO UNDERTAKKUS. o-nv2 twill nril tf tTTl1 .A-::salsfprJ- in Grcensborcmrlu 33 feet bv 30 in cltar. two storvs hirh. nntill the CCth of ' June ; when it will be enyigcd to the low- est bidder. A plan may be seen by ap plying to A. Gcren, Crcens!)onni(rh. Daniel GiIIntie, Simetm Geren, Jonathan Parker, Jamen Parsons, Jevi Huston, Abrnhnm G(ren, '.'.-'. '.-'"' Gerje S-ain. Gui,ror(l county, May r:6rh. 7.1 5t ROANOKE NAVIGATION Lots in the 7nrn of Monroe for f ale. r Yedoestiav, ti? jvMt ot fin rex' f T I i -t.T win cnmniencr .iiie s!e 01 i- ...?ti- i, i I i own oi Aionrov sujjsTen-in ccTin'v o - I ' Warren, Nortb-Cs ro!5n. and "nv of ;h I richest conn'ies in the. St?re. Th i Twn is laid off dj ir.inj ihe ir:a:n Siige Hond, sul c !"-irr7- on lioyncJri UVrt-vnd ly believed t (m ihe mos ruh- : 13 rm t: lent i; w iimi yt limn i mi, uuitr I' will be shortly commenced, and a Public In- spectin eslRhUhed wrh.u' delay. A C. edit of 12 months will be frien tle purcf?aer knd bond and security- required.' CLACK UOUINSON. Msy 16 j-::X :. : 74 dn NOTTCE. riHE Subscribers are attthoriz.M to ?e1V3t L pr vat e Sale, for account ot the Uuitul State, the following Articles, as t h cy were collected from tlie ruins of the viz : 15 Mh ket Rarreb, in prety tro order. 1 do do iTUK h ir juretl. 8844 lbs: X :un.BarreTs, Hrotners, Locks, 'V a v ts and Iron rroimt'rjr, also injuretl. ;;;. ,;;; 1: lbs". Brass Mour.tiusr, partly melted. 3592 lbs. Lettdi. '-.;v';,. - . . HO??, PA K5TXY. - . (Zj Who have rsrei-"-4. , rensipions cujiaiiy or ijyvi v vvir i;.ey wj.i k cheap, for Cnsi. Haleigh, May 75 T,w Q BOND, has just T'ceivctL his SPHINn kj GOODS, w h'ch wit h his former S:c':. mskes a handsome and complete sssorsrrienv '4 j-of Staple and Fancy Goof's, su i t ah! e to t c season, among them are Slues, Silk h twls. Parasols, Lace Veils and Shawls, S.Ik Hose awl Gloves, Ginjrhams, Dimttis, bnj and Short Xankeens, Bhie do Siltc Umbrellas, elegant Muslins,.'-! ctrant Glass Ware assorterl, a large assortment of Shoes, fine Shot-Guns, 1 Jjnaf and Brown Sugar, Cotton and Wool I Cards, Hoes and Scythe Blades He also ex pects in a few days to receive several sets cf Blacksmith Tools. Raleigh, Mav 2Sth. 1818. 75 4w STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. CATKS COUNTY. In Equity , Jiril Term; 181 8. James Hoffla HofHa ih ilo(!?5r. S Petition filed. Deboral fl H E Defendant being out of 1 he State, or jBL so cenceals hetselt that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon ber ; it is therefore, ordered by the Coutt, that publication be made in the Raleigh S'ar, and aid in he K.cigh Hegister for three months, that urilesa the defendant come forward, by the next Court, and plead, judgment naal win oe uaa against ner . Teiti M. RIDDICK, C. ?i 7-L B. May 14. 818 Sm.74 STAGE AND WAGGON MAKING BUSINESS. JnjTIIF. nubscribers respect ftdly inform the B Fubhc, that they have Commerced the above.'Business in their new Shop on Colonel WixtVs Lot, where they are ready to execute any Work in that line wh eh the public may p ease to favor them As they intend to keq a supply of the best Timber, &. have employed good Workmen, they hope to meet with liberal encouragement. HAUTE C. WIATT & Co. J. T. C. WIATT HAS just received from the North an ele gant supply of the most fashionable ma terials for COACH-MAKING, &c and will be pleased to rcc eive orders al bis old Standi I 1 a a - J w w- w Bombazetts, Uattinets, Linens and Cotton . jty ud attention to the Studies ."of her pu Shirtimrs. F .ns, Straw Bonnets, Fine Hats, ;pjSs ard her excellency cf conduct, it is Children Furred do. Girths and Cassimeres, A ,.,n,A will hurU- mnHnrl tn px- Oxford academy. TrIE Trusteies have at length succeed ed in employing a Teacherof MUSIC well qualified for the duHes of that depart ment .whose course of instruction will commence at tHe beginning of next Ses sion, N. M. TAYLOR, Sec'y. RTar 21. 76 3w WARRENTON ACADEMY, N. C TEIE EXAMINATION of theStudents of this Institution will take place on Friday and Saturday the 12th and 13th of June. Select speeches will he delivered on the last evening, and cm the following Tuesday evening there Avill be an Exhibi ticnof a Tragedy & Farce by t!ie Students. The excrcis of the Academy will re Commcncc on tlie 29th f June, under the superintendance oftbe present principal, the Rev. C.r A. Hill. A.M. assisteil by the Hev. Ezekiei C. Whitman, the present - . - assistant. June 5. NOTICE. nnilOSE'porsoTis who wrish to c4)tain Lt 3. cences f r the u.c of Oliver Evans's PATENTED IMPROVEMENTS, will pleae apply to me in Raleigh, before the 25th July. M. MORDECAI. June 4, 1818. 76 3 w TO VVN OF LK AKSVILI.E. rnitK Owners of LOTS in this place are re JL quested to meet at Mr. Adams's Tverti, on Sati n tT the I3h day of Jue next, on f business relitinjr to theT wi. j fT'oi) or 40 Workmen (Carpenters, Brick- j layers, Ston'-rnas ns) will receive immtiliate .v on application. , 76 2w LObT. 1 3l FTaVFXV Salishnrv and Caswell Countv, iv One Hundred & F'ghiv-fnur hOIXAftS in S!LV" R, ow n to my Trunk getting f-plit ; in the b'l'om ca Myicnheh.ndpnrtofmyi ,ard arsv ; person haiKifw melv (iij-. I 51 rcw M iirt ir;vi' m f Mil' niri'i'muiion rpsnt-rtiHiT sd nvonev, FLISHA PKOWX. Cpsv, f II Coun 5 , -M-v-CO 76 lv !l jTWEN't V OOELAUS REM Alii)- )XD An A A irom the Snh. :: ;, r: n!.ui- ,f i' taticn, on Hrr.(d Hi er. Fau Jit lu District r. the f 7h id a He iippcars :o be e 5 low c n?ie '?, rro Mao named". Louis. e. ru t r?i.-4t! h. tut '5 feet t- r o I 'ht - " 1 '1U i x-k. 6 or 3 r arUah'e arpre ;:; . ... I ' .1 rc-4r? "whisker!, aiul i' ' st a car n iuh " h as. well as can be ! fee ileciei, ano-..e ;as r;tsjf ee. ue is a -:i 'he violin. Took '" . i I sh'wr maker, ond p.-. k w'.;h hint a suit o! u- ". :A c'ot'i, a mund- u pan- '""""ns J 1 ,to nso' Me sar.c v, . phC ,e will aim to hc neg!iborlnxKl of ; ib i.k ly he will change n ' l-- T a s as tree The arv!ancT. . . ' in ajy J ul, ana givng iniurmution t i eiiiier t.f ilk at Coluiv.u.a, S. C. ALNSF.Y If ALL, J. flOYVF.LL. ApnTT. 1813 76 4w FIFTV DOLLARS REWARD ! OH "XSAB, a negiv man, who left the Subscriber',s plantation, on 9a: dv Biver, Chester District, August las; S.nid Xe gro is about 45 years of agcahout 6 tee high; lias a scar on ore of h.s eye.-, shrrl ::n.l wlII made, and -peaks las, with so; :.k V :le im pril iment , w h en. k . n to. I T e va s 7 : x a- se?l trom a Air bcrroininWi .t .?s. o .-'.u ston County, N. C v her it . re1)-' ie he 1 wdl attempt to re:urn Tne ah-we rewanl v.ill be given torthe de-. liver'.' of the above" negro fi"Urw in CoiumH;a, or twenty-five dollars far his delivery in any IhiI, and inlormation given to AINSLKY IIALU Adril 10, 1R13. 76 4w. THE PROSPECT COMPANY, irSfAS erected n BOAHD1MG HOUSE j? S. near Union School Hcuse,' about one ! m'.'s south out Wo ih 's Fcrrv oh Haw- j ! liver. Orange Countv, in which will be ! ! admitted 10 or 32 BOARDEiiS ; who i,;..,..i....t..i,--:-'.iT: wi. 1 ri 1 1 o w i n r b . a 1 1 ch e s o f Li tv ra t u re p : aiiin.i.j, v rilling, rtniiiuiciii, r.ugiiMi ., vib the Art 'of Scanning Poe- : tty. (It-, apii v, Dr.t wins, Panting, Em I brc iilery, and other kinds cf Nccdie-wnvk. Map v M?NDK:,-iiALi., the present "Tu , totess, has taught .scute ycurs ; and ii well I r c.mniended for her Cynnpcttncy and j jqu uit.catkms hs a tutoress. She will re 1 1 side at the Boarriimr House. Her assidu- cure mc viity ana virtae m tnose wno may be con r?t;:ted.tohtr care. Roys w;li not be permitted to continue in .'the Boardir.g-House after they are fif teen vcars cfxge. Terms, S16 50, for Board & Tuition a Quarter, which sum must be paid in ad vane 1 For further information, enquire of Thomas Newlin. ISA AC SUG ART, President. 5th mo. lst day. 1818. . 76 3w TK ACHING FRKNCII. STEPHEN FUONTIS, a natNe of France, intending to continue a year or two in this City, proposes to Teach the FRENCH LA K G U A G E, on the following terms : Stu dent j of the Academy, per Session, g IS Prii' e instruction, at gl2per Quarter. i:X xtrh Mav28 1 75 3w . STATIONERY AU TICi-Eb. J. Gales has lately received V a fresh supply of stationery Articles ; sucn (iS . 7 - ; '; vx' Sup erfine Foolscap Writing Paper . do letter l':per, w nue, pint anu g 11 Writing Parchment Music Fiptr ':: Reeves's Drawing Colors, in Boies of differ ent s zes : Black Lead Pencils Indian Ink and India Rubber Camel Hair Pencil- and Pencil Sticks Drawing Books . ; "'" Best Uutcn Qu:lls Heady made Pens, In Portable tidies Glass Fountain Inkstands Pewter do - ; ';v : :; ' v V Leather, Paper and Cork do :uainemaiicai instruments Common Writing Paper as low ai 3 a iteatD, or cenis a quire. ; lUleigb, May 23 hi RALEIGH : FIUDAY, JUNE 5. 1318. The American Bible Society held their second antiiversarj in the city of New-York on Thtirsdav the- 14th ulfj The hori. Mr. Buudinot. Presiclnt. toos tne cnair. I he Kev. Dr. Mann opened the meeting, when an abla and a pprnpriate Mr was delivered by During .hey.Pas.r vear, IS.OOO have been issued bv the managers. The Bibl is now printing in two dif ferent Indian languages, and other translations making. By a letter from an officer on board the United States' ship Hornet, dated May 6. Port au Prince, and received i bv the Rising Sun arrived atPliiladel plua, we learn that President Buyer, the successor of Petiofi, had received j Com. Lewis as the accredited agent ! of the U. States. The Hornet was ex I peered to sail .May 7, for Oronoko and I thence to CoDenharen. o William Cobbett has offered him self to the freemen of Coventry, as a candidate to represent tliat cit v in Parliament. The House of Commons have refus ed to accede to the motion of Lord Cas tlereapli to increnso the inramn nf ( . . . . .' ' to their marriage. : n,s vote a ted much sne- ninura . i Ii r i culatioii in the London papers. The : Courier; &c. lo not scruple to speak of it in strong terms ot reprehensioja. 4 - lina ot post chaises runs from Baltimore to New-York a person may ri-iv in thnt fiti frnro kT.wJVnrlr being less than 24 hours on the roaii ,u,,uwc? ucwti.upicuj maw uassen- irers may nave iuii niirius rest at rii- At Vil Tiers le-Bel, France, 25 wo men have been killed in the Church, by the falling of the bell, weighing 6000 weight, which some men were lowering from the belfry by a rope. It fell on the stone arched root cf the church and beat it in ; and the stones fell among the crowd assembled in the church to sec the bell taken down. The Franklin Gazette states that another work, bv the author of Rob J Roy, &c is ready for the press; the scene of which lies in Canada, entitled li The Glengarian." Or. Berkley, of Frederic county, Va. has been murdered and robbed, by hi'.' negroes To conceal their crime ;:thv hnrnt hUhndir tn nhovi. TI,p '".j , ' : f , -( ... w criminals arc in custody; From the Leeds Mercury, April 1 1th 1818 At the Lancaster Assizes, 49 persons were sentenced to death, for forgery, pasirg forged bank notes, murder, larcenies, &c. ! 1 I Execution of Jirbuthnut Jlribristie --On the 1st inst. (says the Savannah Rep. of May 22.) Arbuthnot and Ani bristie, who were taken at the capture of fort S. Mark ., were tried by a court i martial, in pursuance to order from uen. jacKson, 01 wnicn ien. oaines was ttie President. Both were con demned to die. The former was sen- I Tenceu to ue nung tne latter 10 uc shot. They were executed on the 3d inFt, agreeable to the mandate of the court. It is said that Ambristie died like a soldier -he was cool and firm to the last moment Aiotithnot was milch agitatetl, and evinced great fear. A man by the name of Cook, one of the accomplices of Arbuthnot and Ambris tie, turned evidence against them, and on his testimony they were convicted. The eharges and specifications alleged against them were, 1st. for supplying the Indians with arms and munitions of war, 2nd. for stirring theni up-a-gainst the whites. 3d. as spies. Am bristie was a lieutenant in the British army and was an intelligent fine look- ing man. ArDutnnoi is an oiu onena er, and has been often advised to desist from exciting the savages against the frontier people of our state. Ie was bosom friend to the famous Woodbine who we fervently wish had fallen into the bands of Jacson-i-for a greater vil lain curses not the face of the earth The President left the city yester day, accompanied by the Secretaries S of War and of the Navy, for Annapo lis, where ne xriu emuarK on a lour 01 observation of tlie Chesapeake and it principal waters, as far as Norfolk. Tliis exenrsion was to hate followed the laborious tour performed by the President last year, but was then pre vented by the lateness of bis return from the north-west, and by the inter vention of other duties. Gen. Swift, Chief Engineer; awaits the President at Norfolk, and will accompany him oxi the tour. JYuf. tntK 5 . " ' I ft. ' rj large portion f the veteran claim ants ot the military pensions under the late law of the United States are of Massachusetts. Very probable.-0f . SSSjlsrmen, regulars and militia, en-, gaged in the glorious War of Indepen dence, 83,162 were furnished bj Mas- 4av.iiuoi.ii9) iua(viij ucarij luree-iernna, of the' whole army. Boston Cent. ! t r t - 1 5""! "f.-lvpoe W.a.hix.- W!??;. (was a point of law, and that they must find for FicintijF. The jury retin led for a few minutes, when thej re : turned with a verdict fur the Defend ant. The next morningtthe Counsel for the Plaintiff addressed the Courts ;and said he should not, as was usual, move the Court Tor a Rule to shew .cause why a new trial should not be granted, but he would at once move! the court for a New Trial, on the ground that the Jar had found a ver (dict contrary to the charge ofthe j Court. Judge fVashingtonj in sub stance, replied that the motion wai ; perfectly correct, that he would grant , a new trial in this case, and if Juries should find a verdict one hundred times, ;in opposition to the charge of the court ! lie would graut a new trial, i It is distinctly understood that this I was the third, time this particular ; Cause had been before the Circuit 'Court ; that at each time the Court " I iStronl V rhar'.rpd fh Turv fi m fur jlthe Plaintiff, arid that each time the j on their oaths or 'ainrmation. I 1 - w . . " ' iounu lor tre JJt-jendant. I Such are the facts, as they have jbeen detailed to us. We deem them to jne ot a character highly mtereiting to ine puouc. We took occasion to mention some few days since, that the ground upon j which the Bank of the United Statec j was to 09 erected in Philadelphia, was j bought jit the enonnous price of une thousand dollars per front foot U jhas been ascertained that the price, ;paid for the ground alone, would more ' than purchase Carlton House, the siir erb residence of the British Prine legent, and exceeds by some thou sands, the amount paid by tjie King of i Prussia, for the splundid palace which! ne laieiy Dougnt in rans. Aims. TOR THE REVG-ITZIU I should be glad to 'hear frorji my friend, the Reader. Since my return - from a cruise, I am informed that a Far mer has given him chas., and has brought him" to his bearings : that he Is not prepar ed to contradict him; and he was nleased i to mce mention 01 my name and bydro jphel5," saying that we had not gone the j right way to work. I am in hopes he 1$ j prepared by this time, to say one or the I other is right, or allvi-orij;, and give the answer himself. A SAILOR. -.. . . communicated.. DIED In Nans,ernor.d County,Tifr:.nia," the Rev. PkterWyatt, a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. . When a bcut Twenty years cf age, his mind wa so far enlightened by the Spirit of Grace, as to enable him to see himself in his pro per character, a a guilty sinner ; as soon as he obtained justifying graced he felt it . his duty to call sinners to repentance, an4 began to exhort his ungodly acquaintances to lee from tlie wrath to come : and altho he was but a youth, and little time had e lapsed since ho had been made a witness of pardoning love, yet the Lord blessed his efforts, and some souls were converted through his instrumentality: In 1812 lie; commenced his itinerant career, and re ceived an appointment to Haw -River Cir cuit. Mr. Wyatt was a useful and accep table preacher: where he was known, hs was respected and beloved ; he was uni form and correct in his deportment in life,, and strove to set a good example to those around him. In the bloom of his life hei was snatched away : he is removed from! the toils and sufferings of life to inherit everlasting pleasure at God's right handL ll-p?y soul your days are ended, All thy mourning da)S below. , Go by angel guards atteiv led, To Uie sight of Jesus go." In Chowan County, on the tist ulu SMuj. Nathan Creccy, an old and very retpcciauic Lunaoiiaut 01 tnat county. On the 17th ult. neat Colerain, in Ber tie County; Cajit. Janles Wbson, a very old and worthy inhabitant of that county. At Richmond; on the '27th -It. CoL ' Johrl Mayo. Col. Mayo was a man of a bold and : enterpriing character, and has erected fof I himself a monument iu the handsome bridge. known by his name, which crosses the James nver at Kitnmond the wst brivge wbiciv was thrown over its waters. The energy ! which dictated this enterDrize and pefsever ' ed till its Mnal accomplishment, 6iight never to be forgotten. At a moment when all pub Mic improvements in that state were in their fcrnie; uiuixu. iviayo unaeruze tne ooiu. 1 and to most persons apparently the ihfprac jticable plan of thrwjnj abridge oveethe Tames river. The difiicul ties he experienced are within tne recollection of hundreds But nothing could daunt or diverj him from his purpose- He persevered against a sbattrr ed fortune; the despair of his friends and the ridicule ot his opponents, until to the aston ishment of almost -very one, his plan was , crowned with success. -Such energy is rare- and therefore is the more precious. In a va- riety of other ways, lie has coitributedto tiie j embellishment ot Richmond and the advanc ; mcnt of the state of Tirguiia.

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