." ' 1 30 ft -Ma fe olid AND Ontitretre plan of fair, dljhtfiil Peace , L'nwarpM bjr party raje, fo live like Brothers." FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1818, Vol. XIX. N ... Oft-t- ft 1 TT mMG - I a. i iliiviU-A i. . I X.et:u cult vatethcnaaa.tae , r a iheT fir-"1 and neuce oeestabu " " bonlei-H.' . . . IRRIGATION, The watering or a rfiSrial Hood i of bnd ccpartscr.larly nf!:rao;rouiH!.i: item in agricultural eeonon.j. w i .;th p rflcula rl v d rerv t h e at le-; ti : . n of t he hu s a : d man .1 f t oaspir 1 1 j p,I imornvement ol the hoi!, an cp:;ii iStates would exceed onrs it. t'.e ,ue ; ot ur agricultural pn dncts. roil Tiiii ;.;RF.fiis attention was paul to LoaTso. !.ouh, U ,,!,..;, jf,, :1 n. U het, f j ' ' -' ,! oil,cr s.dc o jur held, an.t tn or v.a-erin- .f -ra -roned, n 'v:rv.!;7 ;j,t. frir a! t, p. ;t.Vl.. n, j j i i- - h. ur-c s ak.s ihiYm, the whole soil, rart (,f thi. State, wherever the . linn wUl adm.t, perhaps I shal, u, advance too :isch? tf I :-av that ; , . ,,,,,, ,1, fl) .;v, d u:,r i A 1 A" The uhjpct of "miration viil. por-tj!;v ha n . a.ppe ar o f greater m,i;-i: i Tu d 1 1 va 1 i i) v a.l e tn ic ne.a 1 are a v ic f. 1 he innre U "exa:nHiel : for it mav be said to lie aMhe inundation ,. of most improvement i,i " ; pr;inum nnibVa in hubani!ry (and lew j; i)top!e ui'l deny t!e tFUth id fie 00-. aervatiunj laj n i.i v - i T .t.nr.. it ll-l Kill tllill 1 that this same watenn- 01 Vie -muju is and mav be mnde, the snrt p oi ,i lucre viable maniue tnairanv V M r r e!ftr:nd as the.cap .1-' I ..--J-i'a,i.f',-ia'ra. p.ollee ol irr.-ation stni more - tiiaa'.j'e tliat it lray.s .'inanure . v.'fVi f Ii.a.ertais, uico, . n!ui .n y .rai : - . jl i ' " 4 th.n ol wate.s ..w. t!se Wdrenti- ot j laud, iii a pmper manner, not only ; ip sieCK i .4.5 i"i? .Mi ,.vv.r1-!- " V (,f u itirh wit 'their raniifir" ti-Vft tian- . cn-le v Imcvi vtirr,T:dy.tTnvthatVirrcn ie-'rieit. and' rjaV'.-t' suni ,ot exceedine- live ' not been '.i.isseu. of 11 farm H hich may be laiu .i.aw 1 , !?;r..; tn,ii!tl a!f anci- fro-n o tluais and, r, or 'ic.t v than one thous.;d dol- ! : as u:i iliii'H) in l ural cuMice, o lu vvjil be 1 ulated bv the 1 1 i ;i: rV'v' 1 ' ril -'c!lc dcrt ikia wouid ad- iiirs, d-.e mUc-iy to' the use ot" the United ca avitv can only b faliy aciiaii e.i by ; ,r.,)Untf. jj,. siiM!.j l,.kX. Pr ? (. n,ir f,f' is 10 be ;h-tei (.:;i-.r. me per--H ates, au;i the Ythei to t!ie te of the per- j if ti ilih"- to' irrigation- the a oduc- .' : t - . '- , ',. ; t,"s vo-ild,;.I e. o; :o .' v nu- -.'li .. S! n or pcr.-M.s x !. shall sue jor such i..r- J; l!il ,".':- ... . t , f 1 dmtio.i ! water on evM v orirt ol f.e v. ...... ........... 1 ...... n ,... .: il V.; uUS be entirely lo.-t : heeau-e t..ose J! . a the luit erent! vvill auer fo 1,11 1 ,;p-'"f'Ct, :nd luve,- e:; ci to be i1 which such negro, mulatto, or person of j A WKKIvl.V TAI'KU, IA'I'ITL 1 r IC'! es it .a v ' e H ..H . j i 1 fi Is pu rpoe 1 but i f tile w 1 1 5 "-r ah- i 1- V inun .i.ar.a? ine. way. j j oo.our, j.uaiiuavc uvea taeu on noaro.., 'XilE MLIi ON IN L F.LLKJ fclNCKR touis!.ij:;eaectsy:-(br;;tirvnii; ;.akr: A q,t.u;tj ltf. : t.. r v;. . 51 ' 1 llte' fr xve K''t .te to ignorance j received, or. transported, as atoresaid, her : overlaiid ) aVe coin eveil. unu r " , , , u centre, or us a j tackle, appa' el, and furniture, and the a JJj John 11. Perkins. . 1 . r j . t ii'i in-i ti the sei 'i I ! ' ! "' ' W ods and e fleets which sh dl be found on J " d .vyt4 then st eanit v hoard the same, or shall have been im- I ' , ' ' COnsetiUenlly. -...lot ill. la-at ;a?rx;o.i.i;.t r:- .'.. . ; .; ; ,.v,,i:!; ... . . . .. . . 1 . ; e ... .1 : .1. . .u. .0 ! i mtirC udvantacres winch must nsult to t! e I rai-es an amaz. n crop oi i-.ay,t)UT ear 1 iu'i s; i iru; eutai;e ;.uii a me.e pleiihinl laUermaH!. I he nav auu, t! 4 v : einal be'ieiif . ' l - - -o l" ; n ciy sinpoi ve.sv.i ,iau .je uaoic . , .. s lc, o!-produre, it cannot tad atlv to con.e.med. inakr's a"!ar-e annual re- . il.,l4. 4.1 tJ jutuA h. r : 1 ; perfection. I have many up; a n.e, men be seized, procuud, and condemned, m , j . llie weslern rt oI lhes,;1c . jic tuWihvdui court ot the United btates hav ,s j ,.f tltCr,re, ,ePms .1 un-e.nrv . . v vl 1 . . , r -ov . .f iu a; , f tl'H .-M,'.?vr in Which li.e vra- ; up amUi tue irtiUer ot tlui: than I couJd competent jurisdiction. j ,.,.,.,, ,l,e Hlne bMhepbce br 'he ; s. t :ii' of h pre-ji, or h,s qu r fit.o:, . svirit part ad tbe ianus . ed eja 1 Uk't'i , neither the importer 'or imporii rs, uT'.i-'i it,eoer or- ar-ce of l,;sdu v (V'-.hr fitt a VL l t " . 0 m r .it .. 1 I 1 - j . ..r.II ..-. ... .. ...! . . I . I . - . . I l.. .I.!.. .- i : : bt-ea ue l ! e w at 1 re tl uirad (.'.ircr. not!ier heip but 1 e; a'it.;: ti t b.jitre : roces as o! ten a -i.iivew.Vj v, w ... ... ir r-":.a'. ?:;e e. a n. v L.-.. .ed iij.a.'i .r in t!'- s.j' st u.-.ti-bjl 1 ::t,er. ov a!a ( !"::. .0 e. t. ' ear . .;;;!. ii:le:.ti t ; h.i V, V r.'i I' ;. I . i o. hfiuir e;;a :.- .e j ee t :n e s r i e a c f r Hi' re pi adac!' vr Vatrr is absolutely esseiiiia! ta ve - ; i .r.. ;t. ; a nd v. I :e n la d h a - !.-.en c- ' i- m eVl bv ri in the w i nier; 01 bvuitf -o r o snrinir. the m.os-ii ie ihat !-as ; rr t ra 'if 1 1 dee 1 i. b. tiie sail, and e. er i e SulisoiL become a soui e ol i:o:i ayh-' laei.t to t'ae toats of :':; jdant in t; 1 ... - T -.... i Is.' 1 weiewt u Known to tve ancients : and ; 4 i , tice as recommended to the fa, u.e, . 1 i ortT ;t Ii. i!aiu bv Lord Iacon ; -.-i,fi-f ! rnr.i:. .' to the statements ofihis lh,. i i: i-x:.. .- iitu r ' a'i.iv 1 u tin. j- r.':r::- hs :i i rt t j ul i on. i h o rd er t in : ::: the t i s td" this Slate tn beiie rv t; is t r-w y this int uselul, tho' i ura a. i aid; hitherto little understood pi iveu.ynl. Tiiere are many parts el ; i".a?t eierv farm tliat tniht liave wal c t cenveyt tl ove r t hem either en a t-j : - ' a s' la re scale, a 1. tl to ery rea I ad'-asta-v- : f r. i ry little brook or ! .v ulv't i- t ;;nj,.!c of bein tin own ever tbe-;ai.tj,oifr;-T:'iv;r or les iii p. 0001 t ioii ( yheir descent ; tiie iniH e -' s.etit, the more land can be iner- : 'i;Wilv!. '-:-r- V.:.'V ,-' ;. "-. ': : ?; ;':-.''';',''.'---';.;;'. Ifs order to mat'se this imnVtant h; a..clv ol 1 Ural ecomimy with success, it u ill be leoui.ii e lirs t to asceriai a w nethj ii;ere is fall or descent enough in the bfremi tn it ri gate a sulf.cieney I itd joiuii.ir land, to make the ob . ect yvrii f li usidertaking ami whether it v 11 1 a lii: : t 0 f a dam bein thrown ;.c rc;t t? utaiii cr inz: tiiic the foilf j '.atofleu liappen in !auls ;p toMr i:a'-." r.j. TK. (it ,, .'-. j. : . . . f .t 1 fr..n and atrer the passing V 1 "rhis act, it 1 1 e ro, niul it. to. Or person i col a .roia aa ; ; :it j,.-, s( h: ibtuuuitiy exists lor tiie wd a: e tura'l tate. ftmn a Ion.; cornihua'se : vi vA""-v,.'A? v J1 "' k bball ' nor-'bc- law 'ul la i:h;'port'or bring, in ' foreign Li doui.place ovcontia . or JV..10 of the lOMiiry. of dry u eat l: er. ' ' x ,ti:,4,57- ( KUi ,!S :tre "'"dered ;MV, ,nat ,lor .,Vl,atvocver, m:o the Un ted !sca, or shl hold. sell, or o- herw.se cii-1 ! s,J.c( ;-s heis oftue spiT't v h . :-r. T'le -nlva- iv- ' St ates or terrircinvs therci b Uom aay i.egr.y amiatto,or erotai J . vade.s inth.-Starc !ron,o its Liipro "'m -r. cm ...t..V., t-:-tVt' H-t-bej iiMimam anl mpo-.e,iH u.'etml resources, 80 lateiv a-uap a or ieaca alu ! : ',3 u i, fc" llt.i (), ,, or ... any wise '':. tfiv ion-aad character vo ,ts cmi c !s- rrion hdoM.pher,-meadow uair- ! Vll;irV t,)r ,Me Vl,i,m crops f irouuh a j : shtll be ,,aljle t., sci;:urt 1)rovecuiion, a,.d , xri.'r.c.iViiin or wool- .fUl-i. it are, in any ch.trict w:dch it r-iv be ; nMf-e the'-ta.s, but likewi j :iu? hHif tla reof to t!e Umtcd j tVe ua'er cnn icsm by tiver- ' btatet, and the other h dt to the use . . , , i in i . lv: defends the rouls from ;i " l,u ound which ,s b.st done ."" ho l . . , , 1. late m eveiuuji-s. 1 he advarraes of r IK tu c'ct' . , l"i,.,":iN"!t"'- 1 r ,r iii'i'i;i..!. fcavri,,enli t- :. i -".-. -s 1 ..r. iv. w. l tr l-tilrt ciir I tii-lhiic . - !" I-' v . .) I O I I II j . .:.: : r .1, .. .,i.i,.,tVi-.i. t;r.n! secondly. vhehf.r the wnter cnn ! In can hd utY with t!.. ...in-,e facility as i t is conducted cn thr- mi!. T' e se- j ct d consideration I i vorr import- " ! Cnrivve;J al?v it u .fa-rafe on the of the worst conserjaeref-s : av the turf wouhl become rotten, t' r.il flaked wlfhowf bini ome:iafed, and - ; ,J the land produce c-n-., u h e s . or oi' r af. n ,t . c v level of tlw strea-a -.i!d faliei?. I which n;ay be ver v vvelt dnrv'1' hv v'iea,'s I ,1,. curien'; the d-.th im! nMh'! j ! of the ditch or rare will ! n-ai -a ted ; (nc t,n iMaiitiy d v ;.t t it . ; to on- tain and the nutr.l-er of aci " f o he i -1 ; ' riated, f be contif ued o;? h:v hv:d f' c.(l.y & !(,f h fu th(X (Vo warn wa tiMrt; th-iute, ho-de oJ r f '.ro.tjut jfs wi:o!i' hn-t!i, p jf) ,,..,1,. ;K,( jr n:;iv j.. f,(. u:i:.v dts-' - tanre above the -aa'er in eva-rv part; j,. tH.e,j not h?. ..,)OVf. tj:rt.(. , rour ;k!u.s Mu:rcs ar(. fo ,n:Jde fr,.H1 f . , e 4 . , t VI cn t c h i en U f f - I K . 4 , cV! v W t mV ! numhprl " t,llitui. AVi.et. the mai5r ditch i .r - eS ainl tiiei e ;? vvater surfi- . . .. J - ............. j . v .1111'. I t . 7 t( i. jct t'Mn. :i, and so 00 with the. ora-: ;lfl.rIi;,ft. v. t.r a similar eriod. .-a-.t' l- ( . i ch i.o'.; mi- ., ..' ti.e fro.i I . J ' . ' :. j - ; , . . '.' " : ! -'U ;;-",,v 0 yV l v,;:,; scum- an-.es very o,!.. ;;r 10 e .-;as : ;,,.d if the !j i...;. i e :.; . it ;. 1 vvaCr to SC- ; I ve e li o;,ty ni z M the ii;rea t-r onrt of j . . 1 .. : -. a .. .' :. . . ' " j 1 ii"- j;' a-s w ,' i ;e k 1 1 i ed . ""he on 1 v 1 1 w;Vv t.yavu-VS tN vid t t in ever rii-' f , i r to j 1 ti:e : e r eai ! v in 1 uiarli- I i ... 1 1. atni ii ;! d .y lie ry dt v ti e,; i 1 ' t f ( ' a d !!! in.urv : for ii i imlv f : . hm lee : -iss U vet that f;atr has . '!.- pe; t-:ei. x e!dep.cv. To advan- -i . - - - ' ; of :ri i raho-. are not cojilinisl to V .1 , 'leuuentsv neeu dry spunks and . :UMW, ' ; S 1 T'V" -f-1-.J11??-.-5?V ci.r!l.-;V y-r"?-21"--4! ja. . . y rv--" '"r eve.,o. p.i u- ! af thi' rafter !r :1 .11 f A .ir i; V p ivtWf :a ! , ;i ;,' ' t r w.-; by the i.h ugh nent to ilnod t h; wh:i!f nt (-in : i n r.iv most malicotsa ne:nv. 1 know 1 1 v e.sel, boat. ;r otuer water-cratt. 0:1 ! h pui...is.iiim,i tiiktow mifmilto!i,n c i'ivi-ion will receive -a i...m.- ci. .. ,r"1' h'Ct. n and m nuo.t:on. U by u.P-m-'-I prosecute the same to elT.ct ; and e :j v.. t 1 r I ... ... 1... ... -.1 a , ; r;r i.in-rftt r. .-.turn - -. ji i. i o. r ' rr.r.-s. in :in iiiauuei v oais cvv.: , c.:. ; . c .i.r. o.e o. nro mil tuai n irin:) v ea 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 ' : 1:1 v wit 1 1 : -i 1 . : ' - - v,.. .................. s. , . ... t . . .- - 1 - - t - ,1.1 If l. r-.il-...-.. :.. . J I I ) I ' UW LUI.s II 111 UlUiiVU-iJl lliv v.i.v...'. vv, ( ? Mi . lh count, van lyet tn Kurope they are enjoyed ur.onjjtht. p.tSsi., tin, act, as aiVae.aid, .i.r ' I an extensive -cale ; and the 'i.nproVe- .';. . '." '..-. - I :. . ' ! ments ;i v. 11 a? ra n-emeu t s whicii thev ug ; a sunn extract trmn his remarks I A ' ' ' ." '- :'- '. 'J, V ' fin thisuhject shall be veti ' :nntl . ' ..' . ..--1, ' T .'. l h;ips tliev mar awaken cniisitleialimis , '.1 ,;( " r , j- ' t 111 the minus or some oi mv readers. , - ; , . , s, which may be turned to good account. a . - 44 v c bad an opportunity of witnessing the wonderful ellects of i rrigation under the fervid sun of this rich climate. Theco- pious and pure streams issuing from the Pyrenees, from their source to tSieir union '. ith the Mediterranean,aiv mou economi- cailv and skilfully directed to irrigation, Ou.tlic diicunuiii sides tlicsirciiinittsa i.i.uic loai.e hi :uany arts at ihat'ctun-1 r ictor,.or owner, nutiu, r.i, epi;p, umu lajjii, .u. u-y. -w,. . ,. lil.,i.r!i AVai oe criremuy p.icK-: u I rv'to-iiTSjrafi; 't heir" farm"' -"tnu-t" excite 1 'Othervvie prepare,.' a --v.-ship or.. esse!,, in j i brought in any w ay from any foreign g- m anil f.,rw. udto 5ahsenbtr, uccurd.ng to Uhe wonder and praise of tverv loee, ! aMV lrt Splice, withm. the: jurisdiction tiom, pi iee or ceantry, or tnun te oaam- ; ; i:ieird;i-ect,...s. . i 1. . sho ta- vessel to sail tnm any port or .? p- ming to tne Uirtcd o.ates, m.o .n. . poi . 1 . ! , 15tbec :,cc,.unt, iuhU travels, of ; wiL jOriili tic, .i ! i pUre Uhin the jurWiCUm t,- J-1 1?- J - Y"V1kv Uciih' 1-. Mho ...am..1 .irri5..ft,, the S.,u,i,. -u. ....aVv the ,.a,p.,s. of rncuring j ,..it A.te.. fmn and utter .c .,,.1.-1,- -!'?,;; tU.-l r..'.' I ;erii part iif .-riince, is hisl.lv int.rc-t- i unv licgn.. i!at;o, or p.ron olx.4r. Ij vt th-.s-u-t. - .try .-.. v. of...i.i..5. a,.u;, ' - .,,uclt,7l .n ti. w.tl. i f thev trickle from the rocks, are collected : i into channels above every little portion of j arablrl ind, which they m ly fruitful. These rills uniting form larger j ",,,c"m Chinese wiui ii c t i u anu ni--. & onh'.. suffered to descend s they per .orm same, at ten- ; tmri is paid to the larger streams united wh-ch In come a convideral.Ie river. Tins stic .ins ; Sc these with gre t I d or and m- : 1.. .1 .... J - -I 1 it- -I .1 ; ,s V,v ; " SU. " ' V . 5.,ri,ce seems to eni., irs de sli,re. Tht, ...-- . . , - - lv simple. A dam is to- de u-ioU the up P'" chnntiel, from which the water flows FOR Tar. llEfJISTEK. :I.:.f.ud ;mny;U rri- are.' n.iloa t resrret-j rv? -.the Anierc e ('il'zen who Ij-.s been j n ri- i in tiie Jteister. Jtisitice and hu- ni':irf''' 1 ! i' . 1 1 l - oi nV. hf - v ;lt :.M: so:t:..,r !r li;,rsa IVr.i,-:.,.- , i is' nrj rh;': of noses. I: is tl ' Ml' c : ;ih?urd p.ss;l;V. I h;vv c o ,V h- ! sara deciar ti n vr:,r ei ujj--n7 sacli !(:- f t'. for the. purpose v.f h'.idi?::, scihiij, o3"ence commit led under the said icc ::t e:sur:vs.-.;;:-Ii; 'Is true; ;I.ha!e. fH'n . e:-:ertmp:.' j or 'othcy-.yisc "diposi!:ij of, sac.i person as!j tioas of the act aforesaid, be tore the pa.v oself to prepare thu earth fv cdtiva- a shive, r to he !tcld to service .: l ihor, (; ing t!i: act, shall be prosecuted Sc pan- sien ; ao my other sT)cc;5iat;'n ccn're n ! this poiiii ; an 1 all t'rest'iV f iv e'gTe.at.fujt'Mivs ri the a;tf rtive prhv ' i i 17 aa elt tM!ij ;r'e p-r--t n f 'Otiiv rep- se, or throwing ! chj.ri'.cter or r out iilln even 1 t ' n "I l 'l tl 1 i! II1. WtV It. .. lift.,. j' t 'ar uere it j:, n:y power 1 thouch 'r'c n,t; f r do vour hr ...th'.'aj;. nuiiwu;:tv ; :uy ia.M-y. ' -i e the ChrisU m teeiiv. o o trae ; - hl'. vish; d to c iVr vJa' in cobweb litivi.it .id iioidit. is j true, tlVviue, aud v.iii prev A.i Aiiirvkn Citizen. 15 Y A v. Til O i? I T Y. provisioi.s, which tiie Ic-'el auresM iinn.eue,on ot slaves ut:uypon pace(lot tne several states 01 vei 1 uoi ..s oi,v a. .,,,, n t,.lv Mr 1mCvt !Ka.ys .- wti,t;a3.uri,,at UcrH (Ve, v d'.- nc-.ofom.Oii. ihW. a d aVnnce fio.u and ;,:tr tue hrs: alay ot Juauar., in ! alter may make, lor disposing ot any sue a ; , (.r,;ri,H, je np,es no. t0 thai o thr- y-;.r oi o..r i!l. one thonsjud eti,ht 1 1 ne'gr, mulatto or person ot c-i-r. ! j .,.4'v (l jrfr xvj.. j. lMr .g-wraii'-e f. ban !ito and e.Kiii," ana to repeal ctrit..jn N.-C. O.V:.32 be.it furthtr enact rd. That i i ,'.'., lt:I; itlnirs are ol rant -ta I to- ! We-! ti.es are. , fie i! criactrd by thf mare and ' IJ-aihc of ttrlrctcirtxtivvs f ih- Stent tohoid. sell, or alisn, of anv such f '.;.......-'''.-.. . .. . ... r . 1. .. ... .. ' : lil-l' III. Ilil. It'.O. 1)1.. 1 7 - IN HI 1 I .t)l II . ft 3 hi'Tueir, taemseiecs, or any oter j erMo or persons wh.i),x'ever,e:i!;er as master, y . y- - : ; ' . "' ttoni au hnetga kiuguoni, pi iceor ccun- -trvv to:be 'titsiiorted to. any port or place - '.' 'I...- '- at .1 ...!....... . f... a .!. .... ..ti. taf. . disposed ot, as slaves, or to be held tOser- 1 . , . ... , - , 1 vice or labor ; and it anv ship or es-e i Uiullbeso built, htted out. a quipt. laden. f, as slaves, or to be held to ser- or otherwise prepared, for the purpose a- farcsaiJ, every such ship or vessel, he r tuckle,apparei, furniture, and ladingshali be forfeited, one moiety to the use of the United States, and the other to the use of the person or perscus who shall sue for said torfeiturc, and Prosecute we same to shne. or t be held to service rr labor : ' due coarse o: law, t .r.eit ana pay ...i e e.-, , . " , - , . ,.. . ' . .. ' ,. . . . , ..,,k. 10 ir. to t'l'e uie most coiti'ci anu cariy.a. I and any sh.p, vessel or other water crah, , ry s ;ch onet.ce, a sum not iccd.uA - , . ! eu,plavcdin any i.nportatio,, HsaluresauS,l ncr Ics:i . than one toou.nd doh: . s, o..O - -. ,)4.; n, ;l ,VU he ,tlS-grt.a1 ubject ; shall bel.ahle to sei.:urev prosecution, a,.d ; uuuety to toe u.e ct. the Unite, bta.es, cv , j .,.,. the ,, ,14,0 f cl.ng, au.l af!o.-d i uu ri itare, in any district wnich it ioav be ; the other to the use ot tae person or per-, ,)csl iui;)Mnalitii uu ,hnse Mibiects wh.ch 1 ; eio oinei .i ii .ov tmi.i.i-tat ii.i. ;iiurcs.-.i(i. ' n. .. . - , .ii. 1. ....... 1. ...... . ... ... 1 ... - 1 I limine to he seized, prosecuted, and con -; ! deu.'.e'!, in any cwt ' i the United S.a;es i iuri-ahciion. j Sec. 3. sfnd A- it further enucied. ThM every person or persons so baiidmr, 1 1 pre.. -ring or v-r.tlh.g away or c mdg a- tjny or the xts .foresaid to be done, wnh jjimc-.t to ernpiov such ship or vescl in j such trade r hosincss, af erth i p.tss;n every persan or persons so baiidinr. ht- of this act, contrary to the trae l-ilcnt anl . i"nvaii!ii- tlifveof. or v.'!i s!i:i!l. in ;i;w i --e,- - aiding cr uljettin;.; t:ircin, shall, ' s sevt latly, on onvxi-'ii i!i re(.f, by tine! C"orse l:iw, -tiivfeit and pay a tiuxi n-i excet'dl' nvc tii i:S and doiAus, nor L.-.s I than one thoasand doll it s, one moiety tj j h-P -'sed 'f, was bnmit into the Tnited the ue oftiiL- CJuitcd Slates, und the o-! I --U:.s i.c L'ast five e .rs previous to the jtlier to the it;,? of ili.; person r )-rsor;s( c nci:ce nent of such pr st.cutioa. j woo shall sue 1" r v.oh t .,; leituro and pro- ! i " va. brausht in, holdcn, purc!ia&ed ; v.cate Uu sau.v- to v rK tr, ami shall more-! eiSv-rvvi? disposed ' f, ontrary t the o. er 'be .icipray-aied' i.'.r a term not excued-; pi"ri;3 ;asi finis act; ;uul in failure there ; j,ev.eri;y-ars. o n less than tlrrr.; ve i:. : oi, tint s-iid defemlanc or defendants sh.ill ' :-ec..v'4.;'..i':; ttjurthrr .7.'', Taut ' !. he Jjuded guilt v of the offence of vhich d aiiv eii.:vo i f citi.i o? thi: t'latt-.i - ' :-i'..-ivv'.;, or tore" pcr.-.or.s rc-Uent withui : i'i '.n-M'ttt.-dic;,.) i : s'l.ill, tivni 1 r''-d - a fier;. t ?.e' T:i-Ur' i t this art, take . u!i j ho M d, ivceive. ui tran pfM t, fr m any -f i the crast- ,r k.n'oni, place, or counlrv, ! ? 1 t-- rii r.;k .. . .-. ..1' -v , . f c i.r, ,: t a.; -a, w.L.o.taat nor Otld srir.-s. or tei r.;nne.s ot' t:e United eiMU s, I : ;iie ship, vr-sxi, Uoat, or nth-. watf.-r 'l ,ve .-asdiiie- ( u'.r . 1 tivr vi:crem, cvtrv con' ! ' v-c'jiiii, by ;e couOcot law, severally t-.-r a term not txceta'hor se ven vcar, n r less than three years ; and every sh: or j f 'li.V.t.t IU.IV.III ill illV. .UIIIV .'. Il. forfeited, one moiety to the' j United States, and the other to r use o. tile i the use at the person or peis..ns who shall sue tor, ; ny'. .persons claiming lr or under Ii:m v.r , j rneai, shall hold .ay rihi, ioteres; r li i v.b.ats ever, in or loan.- n , Tie.il it ; l to or neiVui f color, nor to the vn ice or : ! iab::r thereof, who may l;c impot. d or ! brcar at mto the United ri ates or the ;er- M ritories t!eret, in vr l ai-nef d." j.r.r. isi- i us or this act, but the same shall rem:. in ! s.J.iect to any recul ns, n t coafi.iven- jiifauy person or perw .is whais.evcr shad, j ; i frum and after the passing r tht aCi,; of the United : aiding or abetting therein, every pei-on I ;i:...aa. .r. a, ... t-ir '.mm rh.-i.-i.f oe I : 00 Uril MUI4IC r!i.i,.'.w ...'.. ... sons 'who shall sue for such h.riciti.re, and . prosecute the san.e tn cheot ; end more- ; over shall . suiter imprisonment lor ttrni Dot exceeding seven yeats, Uvr Lss than three years. Seel 7 .;; be it further fvacted, Tim 1 if any person or persons whatseever, shall 1 h aid, purchase sed, or otherwise dispose jfof any negro, urd Uto or person of color J for a slave, or to U hell to ierv.ee or la , I" . . iTt,,iv at O K.O a .' .. i j uy i.. .: " -'"v ' siiail &eyeraii . ioneit -ana yzy .i nr I t .... I. ...... ....... a-.- . ......1..... li.a.l :. I. f. TIII I . . .1 .1 1-.. Ikl'lt.li:i.l 7..Jll-. 111. purchaseu, sold or disposed of, cne th-';- sand driiai s, one moiety to tne use or t.e Viil ed States, and the oilier to the use ot the person or. persons wao may sue ion such forfeiture, ' and prosecute the same to effi-cr, and to stand co nmitted uu'il the said foifeiture be pad: Provided, that' the aforesaid forfvrM ure saall not extend to the seller r purchas-r cf anv oegro mulatto, or peeson of color, who mav be I bold or disposed ul m virtue ot any ix-guu- ?Cl II IHC I Jit; l- ,- "HVl 1 lvMVOl.l w.l.ltt Mitlli ilil IIIM'II.IICIi I tions "A'Uicii h sve herctof rc or sit d- c.c after be 1 t v.-f.:iy made by unv 1,-e.isl a f of any st;; e vr territory in p iju tnc .f tlis h t, ai ci.ihuUvju of the U.r.iJL rk.tes. S.c. S. And he i' further enacted, That iti all pr.iscu'.i- ns'uiidtr 'his act, he IcucVint or d 1. A u sh ill be h l i n to prove ui tt tho tier n;-il itb. or pvi vu of co!o-, v. jiic he or th-y sliall be Cfiar-k- wiiU havi br 'tig r into the U;iit-'dl , St ittrv, or wic i p'ociiai i jj, li- l'iin ;, vll- m.or o herw:sc d : -in; of and .vh.ch. accoidiior t-Mhe cvidiu'.e in sucn case. t:c s tid defead.m. or d"feaduts vi ill 'j have br.va.r.ht .n at'nresaid; oi ''tiler. vise , ue or they mv stand, accused. j ec. 9. And be it fur I her enact cd Tnat f ." prosecution, mlorniati .11 or arti vj. n y be sustained for, any JT nee undT this act, a; any titne within five years after j snclififlTciice sh-tii have been counni ted, . O 1 1 a U ; Svc 1 any I vw to the contrary noiwitiista.idin?. 10. lnd bf it further enacted. Taut. six sections of the act to wh.h j, is in addition, shall be and the s.uc ;i -ire hereby repealed: Provided, that .ill i mir-i, ai!u auv to: iciturvs wuicai nave : 1 ? . - 1 r. 1 been incurred under the same shall be re- ; cov ered and distributed as if this act had II. CLAV, Spe.ihcr el the House of Kepreser.tjitivcs. JOHN ;.ILLAiU), Vrcsi l-n. of the Snutc pro tempore' April lolo. -Approved, JAMES MONROE. If 1 nil 11 r 1 i i 11 11 in 1 in, , , i puhl r. f;on the pstabl hi'uir o'a l'lesi. in tins vising place, are iooohviOi- to require illustrat o 1. Situutf-d in an ehir-hlt ar! w :d tiiv" nwintv, affortlir. to :t fer 1 sre 01 of co i-nrv, a conv"n e:it and rend v mark.! fiir : he h-m no doubt : and oi the latter, it belongs , ec-hivelv 10 the j uh'.c to dee h - : The Ti-ijie w '.li -I or.b appear und it must ' sp-.k tor -self Ft. poht.cd ch:.ract.r il ' he A'-vV.v-f Anlwl- nt atheil to thfree in-; tu:.o-. i.fthe st:.-.-; and genc-ai t.ov im- m.'nt h iv;n co:ih ler.'-e in themt-ti -tnd rvo rl uiC:i.arLs o.'ih t -i.uolxun Aim n(s I lion, v.'itii .1 i'i -.o I) l H" th.i do ,n- I t T 11. . ..'I 1 J'; "lVu , U h Leod . rrtiul,.,.t s!, ,ji bc I berul : and vvh;e hedui ! r,-.i;-rts the sentiments ofoiacrs, h s c.hj rt , u..jj iej Tl,: m" excite the asperity or p.-rty or tt.e uim.o.e ti.spMuo.. u . - eiicourjsre liiora'ure and hC e ce : wluUl.he se Mibiects vvi rnny be conat-cifril with the cpemngot" thr.p r vers, the 1 nj rnv e'uent of the.r.vrc'litjrf, and the proinot...n oft he useful and d mest.c ar's, on v, h.e'aso iiamed'.atcly depends tha chjiracie:-and vvvlire of the Stste. - C0N1H1 IONS. The I.vrr.LLi'iEckH AV.ll be neatly prinlcd on a slip i- niva hect of a go.-l ja !ity, mid with . iii:r t) pe,-itTa:ii. awii-as per n:'u:, pa-abie i advam-e. ; ;t teW v tt.k, -tj,c r .ovc urn- ; hut th.iu.rti , h ,.a,,,.ltce ::IK)r;ii(-a in the Xe Khbjrho,.!, t ' I . ... ' ! j r S u T:r7lotflv is 19 -. e:ir nf age. ab at 5 j j-tet 9 or VJ inch- l.-gii, lolerabMeU owe. j .ru ,a l. .1 'i hiS is ti.ere.ore again to warn he V i'.. c agiiisl harh anng or employing the sad Uuu away on pain of prosecution. Any person who slu-f apneheid an re. siore the said apprentice to tne Adv c- iiti. siiail rtcetva Ten CenU Ucanl. .- . c... : -i n w t; iu iwi.-s nt liie (lav. unu fiuf. it :2 Jw ZA'Jti.k.ti; rv:ac u

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