I liiAii Aim AND NORTH-CAROLINA GAZETTE. Oararctbt plant of fair, dellfhtfol Pence, UnwarnM trii re . to liveliVe RrttScrt. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1818. VOL: XIX, NO. 994. 14i4 111. 10H THE UEGIHTKR. THE PENITENTIARY SYSTEM, j Objections have been marie. to this 3vitem, because, it is said, thiv prison ers are crowded together indicrimi jiat ely , and vitiate o ne a n other; Th is , we are told, is at present the case i n the prisons of New-York & Ph i I ad el -p!,ia. But this is no defect in the Pe nitentiary .system : for it always pro vides tor" keeping the prisoners apart from each other, ami a considerable portion of their time in solitary cells. Ti e disordered condition of the Pri son s a bo ve mentio ned. is owinjr to the CiPnt ?!!( iase of population winch has token i are in the towns in which they at ph eri, without a correspondent jut i eae in the size and accommoda tions of the Prisons. v Much, it is acknowledge!, depends upon the proper government of a Pe U'fentiary. Like every other good tbit'jr, -s end may be defeated by nep;-;-enc e . Til e' Pe nitentiary System orii n at ed fry n i the bes feelings of hu manit v; & was supported by its friends wi th a vie w of putti r.z down t' e old criiel and v;nuinarv system of taking the life of man ftr ottences -which, com parativelv, produced but little injury on Soeietv; who were of opinion that a more merciful course would produce better effects, and would be more con- si?tent with the present improved state .icien, arid the mild and merciful j -O principles of the Gospel. 1 proposed. I in all cases short of treason & murder, to confine the offender to hard labor. f.-r a length of time proportioned to his oftei.ee (to be in the power of the chief Executive Power of the State to mitigate it in cases of real repentance, reformation and good behaviour) to atfonl Prisoners thus confined proper j us t ruction, ca Jculated to she w them the unreasonableness of their conduct in having set their faces against the u-4 rules of the Soeietv of which thev were members, the correctness and nt'cesity of their punishment for hav-ir:- done so, and the opportunit v af - forded th e m i n their confinement, if j they tho e to accept ot 1 1 , o f rel or m -in f h.eir conducf,and of hereafter be fitting cse ful members of societv It iniirht aIo be jioorl policy to reserve ve : a cei tain portimi of the: earnings of t P.iioners to be given them fin the ex- . iiir.it ion of their ronfineme.nt. to ena- ! ble tliem to bejin the world anew in if stane distant situation, nrovtded their cunuct met with the approbation of the Managers oft lie In titution. j If. alter all offenders si!l not listen to t'.e inti u.-tion afforded them, and i the oipirtuni( r of becoming reformed ; men. they will have themselves onlv j to blame. Govexnnent will have done all in its power to restore them to So- i ciety. inteao: of hanging them up like d igs. as is done unddr tho present ; i -:':.- ,i '--t -i t ' stem. II;w diHerent vvouhl be tlie feelings of the L v gislato r , t h e Judge and J u r V. tiiider the two .systems. in the ame liorated code, the Legislature pusses the 1 a w . a n d the Jurie a n d Jurv exe cute it without the lea-t comnnnction They feel the necessity of punishing oHenders against the pence, and u !-. fare of Society, until thev shall be ct:ne humble &. repentant. But what are the feelings of all concerned under tl:e present svstenj. w hen a Legislator votes fir a law positively to take the h!e of his ieliow-inau for a comtiara- tively liht ollenre, and when a Jude ; i ictive ! It is tviieved. also, that ..the amelio rated thde lf l,.na jawj better caf cuhited than the present tn prever.t toe romimion of crimes. Experienc Mived that the sanuinarv'code i tud the ellect of deteri ing the bold frerr oi onders, TSu-V have been en f'dlouins their detectable course 'ntler t!te very -allows. It is time, therefore, in the present improved Mate ot Society, to try what a milder and more equitable course vvill effect. It h;ls answered weil, we are told, iti ates v.i.c,e it has been fairly tried. )' lessen.u- the number of crimes, & retonnm- some of th criminals. We Impe, therelure. it ui!l succeed here. At all events, il the Legislature make the experouent. they will have the comfortable satisfaction of feel in-that lheJ have nerturmeil -m ....no, . i - - - . V i U 3 ,1 U and Jury convict and pas sentence Jjham, New-iiuujpvi.iVe. n'n an ollender of this description ,' From So oh lladiev. by Amhcrst,Wet Io tiie one ca-e, all is jut, rea son;;bie Parh to Sunderlan(i. - a d humane ; in the other, harsh, cruel F1l o!n1 ;,ni hi, by West Spring and vnttiiniv,.' v - hcnl and Sou:;nu,pton to Northanmto.7. TY AUTHORITY. An act to tablisU an J .alter certain Post Roads. ; t Be it enacted bif the Senate and House of ' liefirescn.'a'ive of the United Slate uf America in Covgre a&nembledt That, the post roads hei eafter named be discontinued.- ; r-v-Ha nf. shire. From Concord, by Loudon, Gil o n on. M d!cton, Lc wis, Eaton, Conwav, i F ' nir. hi Massachusr ts. ': m Kingston to Halifax. From Northampton, by Hartley, to Montague. Connecticut. From Hartford, by Springfield, to Northampton, Mass. In Virginia From Clarksburg, by Lewis "Court-House to -"Point Pleasant From Clarksburg, by Buchannan, to Beverly. In Kentucky. From Glasgow, to Le bannon, Tennessee. v In Georgia. From Madison to Monti cello, v : - From Montgomery Ccurt-Kouse, by Blackmore's Sc Hardin's, to Uiceborough. n Pennsylvania. From Montrose, by Orwell a;id Warren to Alliens. From Midciletown to York Haven. In Al-bamu. From Fort Stoddert to Ford's, o8 Perl River. In Missouri. From St. Louis to St. Charles. -::V: In A'etv-York. From Espcranza, by Schoharie '.urt-House, to Middieburg. From Al uiay, by Spencertowii, to Siief fiehl. Mass tchuetts. Sec. 2. An:.' be it f urther enacted, That the following be established post roads : In Maine. From Augusta, by Bel grade and Dearborn, to Mercer. From Canaan, by Corn ville, Athens, Harmony, Kipley, Dexter, Garland, and Corinth, to Bangor. From N ith Yarmouth, by Pownal, Durham, Lioon, and Litchlicld, to Gar diner. Fi-om Alfred, by San ford and Leban non, to Siia U;gh " Fr m Warren, by Tliomaston, to Cam- aen. -v-."" From Belfast, by Brooks and Jackson, to Dixmont. Fr: m Norridgewalk, by Stark's and Mercer to Ne w Aharon. From Bat'.i to Phippsbnrg. From Ans n, in Sttiners t county, by New Pottlnvl, Freeman, iMiillips, A vdu, and Strong, to Farmlngton. In Xew-ila ni&hirc. Frcm Walpole, by Alstead, to ck worth. : From W asiiington, by Newport, to Clai cinont. From Concor 1, bv Canterbm-v. North- field. Aieredith. Aloiihi.nl.:r. ,nJi, wich, Tamwortrs, ou the North t o ur iv Ci ii man's Mills, Eaton, and Con w uy I' rvebmh. to , Frvm Amherst, by Gt town, V6i HVkI,,V.5? v. onr.oi a. Ile i 1 i-..Vrt. PisCLttiio tin i i iuge, ami Lie i ,i ti, t- Amhersr. From Fiuwii i i n, by Rindgc Ahh by, tu Towuso id. From Keen . b S.v inrea, to i iciimrnd. Fixm Duns ,!)e, by Merriiauck, t-. Piscata.uag B iu-, in" Brdt w a. : In Vermont Fi ' in B .ri.i j,-tn;i, bv Cr:;ltsbnrv eC iruMjuih. t.. 1: v v, r, , ton. rrom A.rw,tit, by St::i?'.i d, Cn- w, Wis! 1 1 n ton , O range, a id I Si.rre, to Aio'otp'elier From Chester, bv Spi tritf e"hl'..?i Che- shire. From Bell ws F dls, by Grafton, Wind ham, ami L mdwde'rrv to I ru. From (iuii.l ,aii, ly Mrikl.-i'.twse, Bruns wick, Miaehc.d, and Leminton, to Ca naan. ; ';: From Mont;)ciier,by Waterburv.Wait- j heli .inid VV tr i to Hancock. i From Bi utticoiough, by Newfane, to I TownsLiid. 1 In MaMsurhusrtts, From East BricVe I waver, by il .bJax, 11n mptr.n, and Ki.,0., ton o Piym ,ith. .v;.': - - j ; From B, ioily by Maiden an South riVeHciiijir to ;. our rro.ii iia.erinil. ;iv Mnthnm in w ...i . - ry -:-,-.---. A lllllliiii . . i iiiycm ;o arwiek In Connecticut. Vyoiu Hartf.Td bv East Harth-rd, Kusi Wiiidsrr K,,i,i I. IVttll . ...-.. .1 . W r - - . r Long Meadow, Sprn-'M, Saith Had . ley, Hadley, So ..t i i.t.K t(!nt,m,. sori thneju, Chtiernt id, New H.mn s!iire, Westm nvi uid, Walp,.le, C..arl-S-? to w vC1 4 !" ;T Crnh, Plainiield and ; ie'a:inon to i. mover, i In Aeiv-Y rX From Hamilton, bv jLebar.m nuud Georguown, to Cooky's I I'm, iu Otseiick, in the Countv of Chenan j From H tmilton by Hartshorn's Tav I em, in Lebaii ion, to S terburne. From Utica, by C;iiuttm, Chandler's Stoic, Auasca vk. Madison to Hamilton village. From Hampton to Uica. From Vera n to rvonundua. From BUi.un-ld hy Putsford to Char lotte. Fiom Great Barrington, Massa. by vVet Stoc c jri !ge, Caiuan, CiiaOiam & Nassau to Aibanv. From Geneva, by Seneca, Phelps. Far mington, Palmyra and Perrinton to Pitts forfl. From Batavia to Fergen. From Batavia to Atlica. From Fssex (Vurt-TIousp, by Bos worth's Tavern to Chesterfield. From Denmark by Leraysville, to Wil na. From Naples by Gorham, to Cauandai- From Troy to Schenectady, on the turnpike road. s From Rhinebeck, by North East and Amenia to 'Sharon. From Vet North East to Attlesboro. From Lisle to Caroline. From Binghainpti.n by Lisle to Homer. From .Lenox by Clockvill, Pererboro', Morris' Fl its and Eaton to I-g City. Frvm A 'bany by Bethlehe:n,Kense!lear ville, Biehheim to Maryland or Susque hannah Kridfe, on the Turnpike road. From -Cat.sk ill by CTrcenville, Ilnx.me, Middlebiiig, Cobieskill, and Sharon to Cherry .Valley. , From Jericho to Musqueto Cove, in Ovs'erBiv. ! j F n. Leicester bv Perry, East Nunfia :nd Wet Nutula, to Oleon or HamiUcn Village. : In A'exp-Jcrseu. Frcm Freehold by Stjaaucum, M.m..sj;tiin, Tm's rier Ce dar Creek,M::n ihawkr'i to Tuckerton. In Pcnn,iva;.iiz. Fvuin Philadelphia to West Clies ei . Fiam Quakert.iwn by Springtcwi to Durham. --.:'"' ' . ' ' " ' . Ft-m rinrrisburg by Cumberland "to ork fl iven. From York by MTuil's Ferry to Mount -Pleasant. - :. Frm Carlisle to Newville. Froiii ;oluiiibia to Marietta, v Fn.m Tuuckli inij. ck by Springfield, Four Corners to ;.lontrose. FrMii Montrose to Biiighamston. From Athens bv the tuiumke road to ! 1th. tea. :. " I Fhmh York bv Lower Chanceford to ts 111 - . " Fr m Lititz to En ::ns. Prom Soineiet (n- Jones' Mills, Mount Pleasant and Stewards to PitrsLi!ig. mm Pittsbi.rg by Eiiz tl ethtown, Fn ep rt, Pei t yopolib ui;d ALddktown to l':ii"iit"wn. 'v-'.. From 15v.a crtown by Brighton toGrceri urg. :y-."::Vv From Beavei town to Kutler. Fr'ii Butler by La wrenccourg to Kit taning. Fr om Mead v ille to Ki::sm.n, f)hio, Fr. m Mount Pleasant in Wayne coun ty, to Sr.hon.. cluing Pot OfhceN. York. In the District ff Clumbtu. ' eors;et wi l-v C;; rnain S'.UmU From Mills, New- S i' c:v .Vlills, uiut I)arht sUy wn to lar. T ' - j;i :'.?'"'. From :;orf.lk, !v the a a; is ot it . ;:! r;e, ai rciion, North :o!i;ui. A llh.Hii-.fu.ivrin.rh. () vrvf' Da. I nn i s ocore, itt ct; ii,,use r.d . Miitoii,- to ! ! i M'iyn,", Virginia ; tr. m thtr.ce, bv 1 i U. i Ail'.tsvoif a. vn.a'Aat.tsvint ii?: !)' rcugh c Ashe C u:rt-li... i r. i.c, :i, l Eitztbc ttito w n to jones!)o- loit-sst i . - - i . to the L ea; .vl?r,es. i-1 o.ii h uih Qnav bv Isle uf White 'o S ni'!. held. - Kit ,5!"f d by ti t lTnited State' Ar-vnal aiu! Jeuer n iti Carters vilie. F.t,!., Richmond at rn; 'h.- tarupikc, c I nvee Notched R.:ad toMiit, ... F r, .ai F.mq uer C n.rt-i b use by Thorn ton (;.C, tO ,V V M Fr- ii IU xkbi;rg in Mrtatgomery cnun IV by Ciiiistiaiisbiirg to Franklin Court II' use. Fr ni New London by Clavton's Store, Staunton River, "Anthony's Fern, New bill's and John Smith':, to Piitsvlvania Court-House;' ",-'-w' From Lilly Point to Halcyonville. From Abiiigd n toRusseli'Court-Huse. From CUrksburg try Preston, Bull town, Salt Worfcs. and Lewis Court House to Charleston. From Tyler Court-House to Sisters vilie. From Preston I'oothe's Ferry. byVBuckhannon's to r t orn Morgantown by Crab Orchard tO. KillgWfMHl. ''""" '-'': r roui lvingwcod hv the Swamps, Har den's Cove, Gh-dy Cieek, Il intcr's Fork, and l.ar!in' tr-tk to Beverly. FrMrnCtarksbui g by BootheS Ferry & Leading Creek to iicveiiy., Frj m Middiebtirg "by Rectortown, Oak Hill, along iviaiiassan road, by Front Poy al t Stoverstown. From Wlutii ng by Alexandria to Washington, Fennsyivania. In Jjrth Carswic. From Salem to Mount Pizgah. From Raleigh by Delk's and Alston's to lidiso. .rough. ; From Mason Hail by Cannon's Mills nd :ne S.iabow Ford on Haw River, to j ur-.en.bi. rough. y rom Snow Ii ill by Hockerstown to Ivinston. Fr. m Currituck Court-House to Knot's islam:. T 1 v..,. c r . tt ' : ell'sFoirr i From Lewisburtr bv WTJiam's Store. 1 ! Panel"'8 Bnd Iroai Duniiu Court-House to Ncvvbern.1 In South Carolina. From York Court- Ho'ise !y Harmony, George Caruth's & Rurherfcrdton to Asheville, North-Caro-j lira. j From Cambridge to Hickory Grove, j From Andersonville by Ueaer Dam to ; HoustonviHe. j From Pendkton Court-House to Soco : ny. ' -v ' In Georgia. From ?.Iilledgeville by Eatonton and Ganer's Ferry to Greens borough. j From Milledge ville to Monticello. ' From Montgomery ' Court House by Tatnall Court-House to Darien. , In Ohio. From Marietta by Brown's Mills and Oliver's Settlement to Lancas ter. ';: From Lancaster by Royaltown, Circle yiUe to Washington. From Marietta by Bellepre, Wilkes ville. Jarkon Court-House and Piketown Ut Wt ht Union. From Ne Salem by Rumley, New H i gcrst .wn, Leesburgh, New Philadelphia and Paintville to Wooster. - Fr'mi Columbus by Mrunt Vern'-n, Iioundenville, Wooster and Harrisville to Giungei. i Fi cm Delaware by Oxford, Florida 5c Lexington to MansfieM . , r rom 'Hamilton bv Jicksonborough to i Ne w uexington. Fr m Ci schocton to Newark. From Tn y to Dark Court-House. From (iranville by Johnstown, Sunsbu ry and B rkAhire to K rthtr.gion. Fr. ia W;ji icii by Pai tman, Barton 6c Chanlf.ji m i ".iioe iie. Fj in Wan en by Newto to Canton m ;.ii kc cu.itv. From Yt)ung3town to New bedi'ord, Pennsylvania.' From '.Ravena to Burton. From Stow by Medina Court-House to Huron Court House. From Brookhcld to fiercer, Pennsyl vania. From Marietta by Toulman's and Lex intrton, to Womlliehl. Fro lii West Unin by the mouth of, Jlru.sh C;vt k and Sandy. Spi ii g, to Ya..cebnrgh, in i he.-state jf Keiiiiit:ky. j In Ihiti-.tna. From Haittoid to Rising: Sun. - ''. , ' ; ' '. From Lawrerxeburghy the Rising Sun, to V ev ay. From Cory don by Elizabeth and Lico nia to El:zabtlhtown, Kentucky. From Fort Harrison throu-h Monroe county and Lawrence county, to Brown- From Peola by Orleans to Lawrence Court -II. use. Fret. Salem by Bono to Monroe Court House. From Madison by G raham's to Bro wns town ' Fr nn Vevay by Edenborough, Ripley Court Jlo'ise to Brorkv ille. 'From Cen'erville to Jjcksonborough. From Lexint -n by Provine4s, New Wahin'rson. iietidi hem and New Lon- Cu n to Lex:nv:ton. j FrcMii Ripley Court- House by Vernon : to Biownstowu. Fnm Jcffeison ville to New Aibanv. ; In AIisuLturi Trrritoru p Y rom ot. Ot- ! nevieve iu t. alien ae . t "From Jackson t Belts' Ferry. From Sc. Genevieve by Potosito Frank-1 ; lin, ' Howard county. : j Fn.ni Frnk in, Howard county to Cha- . rit.vn ; ".;'-- .:".'-..", . ':.. From St. Louis bv Florisant to St. Charles. I.i Kentucky. From Hopkinsville by ; William's and Boyd's Landing to Long Creek, Caldwell County. From Columbia to Hazle Patch. From Danville by Lancaster to Somer set. : From Eowl'mg Green to Sparta. From Lewisville by Woodsonville, Glasgow, Eurksville and Seventy Six to Monticello, From Lewisville to Hardensburgh. From E!i7abethtown to Bowling (ireen From Newburgh by Ewingsville to Clarkesviile. F ro m Port R oval by Ew ings ville to Hopkinsville. From Glasgow by Tompkinsville to Burksville. From Barbourville by Whitley Court House to Somerset. From F'emingsburg by the mouth of Fleming and Carlisle to Mulersburgh. From Paris by North Middlcton to O wensville. In Tennessee. From Mnrfreesboro' by Lebaunon and Gallatin to Glasgow, Kentucky. From Lebannon bv Trovvsd ale's Ferry ! to Mount Richardson. From Lebanon by Marsville in Wil son county to LiJxerty, From Gi-eei.ville'by Newport, Dand- i ridjreiina Hill sto Ivnoxvdle. From Winchester by Marion Court House, to Pikesville. From Rogersville by M'Cann's Store and Birck Vrater Salt "Worlds, to Lee C. House, Virginia. ; i'iu:n Biouiitvine to Papeivuie on !i Sinking Creek. xii j.iiiitsfiinm. rrom iatciiei bv S-easy s t em-, Wicdvi.e i.nd Fmkr.ey- t ,IIc- -tC in toe a.ate oi 1 Fcrt ICa-,:nc:7 to kelcry. From TTunsville by Milton's Bluff, Falls ot" Black Wurrior and French Set ilementon Black Warrior,t St. Stephe-is. From HuntsviJle to Cotton Port,, in Limestone county by Pulasky to Coluia Via.in Teun ssee. I ' From Fort Mitchell by Fort B in- bndge. Fort Jackson, Burnt Corn Springs, Fort Claiborne and the town of Jackson to St. Stephens. ' Fr m Firt Jackson by Cahaba Valley to the Falls of Black Warrior. From S . Stephens by Winchster to Ford on Pearl River, in Mississippi. From Mobile to Bl ikelty. y In Illinois. Froni Beli ville by William P idfield's and the seat "f Justice of U-tnd county to Palmyra, in the Illinois Terri tory. From Edwardsville to the seat of Jus tice of Bond county, 'm. From Kaskaskia by Widcman's, on Kaskaskia river, to Bell ville, St. Clair county. April 20, 1818 pproved. By the- President of the United States ' UK UK AS. by an act of Congress, passed on he lrthof'Ftbruary, 818, f-ntiiled " an act making provision tor the istabloh mem of r.ddition:i Lai.-i Ciffices in the Urrtto ry or' Missouri," th. PreMdent ofth- United Stases is uuthoriztd to fuect the public Ian s, wh.ch have been surve)ed in the.d tainto ry. to be oflVrtd tor sales Tht refore, I, James Monroe, President of the Lro:tel Slates, do hereby declare 6t make known th.i pu'ji'C hales for the d sposaj (a-gref-.-ibb to 1;ia) of certain l.tnds m the terri tory ot .Wissour., shall be held in Frankhn, in said tern ory, vjz : On die hrst Monday in January next fot the saleof i Townships Xo 46 (o 52 in-" elusive ami irr.t'l iovi n-C in ranjre 19 ship 53 ) 43 to 52 and OQ fract'l township 53 $ 48 to 52 , 21,22 23 On the fli'st Monday in March next, lor the stda of T.in hips4oto55 'mcla.sive,in rangcs24 '25 48t 50. 2nM 27 Oa heMrs -M on lay in May next, oi t.e tale of Townships 51 to 54 inclusive.in ranges 11 k 12 5 to 55 13 53 to 55 14&t 15 excepting the lai.ds wlrichhave been, or may be,ree- vtd by l:w,for the support of schools, and torother purposes Each kale shall continue as Ion? as mav be nee ssary to . tier the lands for sale, a d ;v longer, and the 1-tiids shall be offered n i ga ler numerical order. Given under my hand, at the city of Wash ington, this 17th day of Ju y, one thou . sand eight hundred wnd eighteen. ' JAMES MONROE. Bv the President : jo? i ah Mr.ir.s. Commissioner of the tleueral LmuOtTice. d P$j th? President of the United Sanies rf filK.Kr", S bv an act o Co crre p.isse f i o i t.'ie in l d.iv of M rch. 1Si5. enti j ! i led ' 1 1 act to :isovidt lor the asceruunrcj' : f .in,! uur rv'ift.r n.1 the hnim ! irv ones fitrd hv ;i - j - j j j t.,. treaty with die Crtek l dianH, and for O. iher purjHHPs," t!ie Presi ent t Uia Un ted Sia'es is auih ri2ed to cans the lands, ac quired b ttie said treaty, to be ofltred .or sale, when surveyed i Ttereltre I, James M airoe, 1'i esidem of the United States, do hereby declare and n-ke knoun, th ii puhhe sales tor the disposal" (4- J iieeably 10 l:.w) 01' certa n lands in the Aia ' b tna tenvorv, sba I be held at Cahaba, in rhe I sa d teirrcrv, on the lirst Monday in Janu ry i nex., and "hall contu ue fr three wevk?, du r ng wh:ch time wil beoHfrMl or sale Towruhip acnitxied 9 to 6 inclutivf in range 5 y lu 16 in m 10 10 16 in f 10 to 16 in except such knds as have been reserved by law . for the supporti'f sch ols, and fr other purposes. The laud shall b ollcred lor -a e in regular numer cal order, commencing w.ih the lowest numderof section, tovvnsh p and range. ' Given under tny hand at the City of W sh ington, the 17th day Cf July, one thou sand eight htn drel and e.ghiecn JAMES MONROE. By the President ; J MF.IC.S, Commissioner of the Cencnd Lund Office MILLINERY FANCY GOODS, cess ; Fdtjetleville Street. MISS RKLWbegs leave to inform tire r'ubbc, that sh- has just returned tit:a Xtw-Tork with a fash'.oiiiihle assonmen o :;IiLU5EKr Faxct Goobs, mong8t vrh;tlt ar e - Chip, Satin, Leghorn, Fla"n Sc Open Straw 15 r.r.e-.s ; Caps and Turbans, of the newest fashion, !Ia:rCa?s and Curls. Collars ai d Col. leret s of Lace and fcn,bruiderei .tuI.n, Thread lice and lUl,ng, liettecules, l'low ers and li.bbons, O-namental Bai:! t r the Head, ditto for the Wavsi with Cbs;, Lace and err.broideretl rrimmmpj, Fliuh ami Me r.uo d.ito, abo Silk and Merino hauls. Can non Crpe ditto, un assottm ni oi Cuiton Ciapes unci UoniJazctts, Laiies Silk Scck ins. And a very ireneral iSornitnt or La die and Ci nt emeu's Silk. Kid, Beaver a d Waii leather (iloes, I'm el Stioes ; a gool as orltr.cat ofFe-tuiuer), O logiu, !te and Orange F.ocr Watets, &c and F;r.e boa;a Uinl boxe by the s.r.jle one or dozen ". Allot which w.U be sold low Lrch (aleijfh, Aojnsl 27di, 113. Sbi 4t