TrrnesM. $ William .Bender? 8Cm .a. nu.i Examination of tbeStu- . .v ...H into a Mexlical Co-part . , of , - Tnt,i,,t?on rnmmcnee 1 1 ' 1 p. will attend to all tallscoiinec ednes Jv he2d and dose Thursday 5 v Profession They, wtll occupy. , , . M Dec.mbeP At-which Cim! Ol . - '.-.-! time ' ""tf-iiicr.wuiBiwMWiUiuiF ihw. to attrtid. : The Truttees avail themselves of this op portunity of announcing to the public t hat they have contracted with Mr. Le Taste, a Tear her af Music, for the ensuing year ; a J fJentlerosn whose accomplishment in his profession entitl him to public .ratrr-nsge.-' HOUEltT A. TAYLOR Sec'y. : Oct. 2. . .. . ,' . - . 97 3 '.7 - 'j 3r.. .tiPv;ile & Martin Streets BOOKS FOR SALC , At Concord, ith of Salisbury -V. Carolina s-Ot " t i WIS Sc S ATT Eli WHIT F, fCPrrTFOXY .nform their friends of, TF'S V -I., .t ihadiieentcrntnties.that i ;r ved m addition m,ply nf " nd Mationary ; all of which they wm n..,al low prices. Among utuu, Zl the tMlowine are c niifler's mS v C;ctros De'.i h ni i ilO (via ' ' rden prate Pef f.rrtk Gnuninars ,eek Testanr.cnts wnCiammars :v'; h :.nd L.ttle'so ;1 on the Will r V T' e? l)ctinry Ci.; ivV Practice of J-sses surveying Pl'VS.C Watts' Psalms and urrrns commonand '..h i Cr ated hi 2 : - Bell's Sursren.S.yoi:-.. f,.,t!om, in 2 v !C;.t;!tsofSt J-'l n 'Gcrmsn Grammars wi? h Kncf ..translation Letter Paper FTO!scap do Cntitt's Practice of Phvsic with Notes byCCaldel! NOTICE. : rfUl sn!scriber oiTt-n Tar sAle hi HOTTSF. i ami LOT in the Town of Sal -bury 'o jretiier with a small Stock of GOODS by holesale. The House is Kituatpft near tne centre of the Town, contnininc a convenient Store Hoom frrtntinir m tv.-o streets, a Count injf.-.Room- nnd t'ro Parlours on the fr?r fionr; n tne spcoikI f.,)or are 4 'anre Kt;o.T., 3 of vbVh hae Kireplaet-.'-'Tberearerttenfirnotl 'y -ur untler tbe h use. The -whole havintr ..jtV Heen put in good reenh- There is, nlso in, 'he lot 2 Iv tch ens. a Warehouse a-Well, a Stabl e and a lanre Garden in an eliiribl siMi a'mi. T'e trrmi are one rouVth of r:e ptir chaseTnonev to be fo'tt ili at 6 montlm and the rest at 12 monihs cmlit ? the pur- TLVLEIGir FIRE COMPACT! fC7 You will meet at Mr, Jeter's Lone; Room )ti Saturday the 7tli i ns t at 3 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of electing Officers, &c . ; The Committee. Nov. 5.... . ; v,:" ' it : Our Lcglitor are nr. in :ibut to a C. NiclioIas, Esq. its Vice-President,) scwbIe t0 cxerciv: the power vesttd ta took the chajr. Vanous refutations tliin by r,C 'i,,fi'-'n: of thtir fnr b ,nd , citizen ,Ccd EraMtlsty may prove the .frtcrMrn? Society of Virginia. ? The Society met at the Ooi'pu Hotel in Kichinnnij on the 19th ult. last, Wilson Neale's ILstocy of the Jr Phaser '"'jrivinr bontl -i h approved sfcunty, ! I Puritans. 5 vols Guide fcHefuge German nibles and , Testaments do Spelling- Pooka do Catechism lfowe's Exercises Ol'.ve Branch J Wl.caton's lleports, 2 I Dr sted's Resources pilttorth'sAri-.hroetic f kt' do ni,V do Q.-vtrsatif-n Card H,rys Me litaiions l' icr irN Progress Jhp on Hy mns V.e''i-t''st do (rf!i!sm nil's Essays Jinrf'? do ! tec i's Reply to Tom- j I'n.e. 2rcis '. Soli tude Let tnr Writers Ila i on the Commu nion Practical Hints to vmirg Kc malts Ton'vce s ditto Lettei s frm thtSonth - ' et i .. ." in vuis . 1-fPof IVrckHfniV iW M.nN 'Petrarch -.- ! An encavv tester of the U States Aletlif al l).ct:.onarv Back srnmmon Tabl es ISreck-nridjftr's late "War EntkkN Latin Dic tionary Pleasures of Hope PHmtree's Tales Phillips's Speeches 1 pair oi"9 inch Globes Coxe's American li-pcrjsattrv Adams's View of He- nf a mnr! rracrp nn Tni lire m 1 CS. would be taken in payment The House may be !ud with or "without hf Govds at the op tion of the purchaspr For further' part;cul.irs apply to the Editor or to the subscriber on the premises. ' A V CUR M ATI TE U. Snlisburv, October 27 98 lm A SWINDLER. 1 1 YOTTXG msn, vcho savs his name is J A A HON COX, r"me to my Store a few : davs past and dssired credit for a few articles e jner personally arquamted with those 1 whom: he said M ere h is relations in my neih- 4elK)rvood, and his Jntorminjr' me of In -nten- H tion of finding employment in ihescttlemer.t, i together wi ' h the tolerai derent .appearance of the voungman, inHured e o credit h'm f0p oiN to the amount of 9 dollars He loi ' terett about ftr a day or two and has pone oH' I j have since been inforned that said COX I ranawav fiom the State iV..o for passing Cour.tcrf'Mt ."Money and h i with him a coun terfeit Hank H II of Fifty Dollars, the Bnk not recoil ect'd. Said Cox is ahout 5 f'et 6 or 8 inches 't:nh, tolerably well built, has a j (air romp his hair inclined to be j litrht colored. I knov not where he will aim i mistrv, in 2 vols ! i for, but I doubt not but he will endeavor to ! Prownie o!'BiocJi.beck ; practice a similar fraud on others, St attempl j CKilde t !nro!d jj to pass said F ftv Dol'ar Udl. Tliere'o'-r ', Tuckev's Yerare To j caution the publ c acramst the importunity of the ll-ver Zaire, litrion in vols Walker's Urge Die ; tienarv Cort v ersa t ions on Ch e Conjro &c. Hutu m's M athema--.::: ticks ' Tales of my Landlord said Cot, R er. and to arrest him .s t ; (in e Tales PussePs Pules tor Intan-1 vjMtPr rk MMtilom in 2 vol. 8tr- &c. Sic. Concmd, October 20 98 ow TO SOLDIERS. . The subscriber Wishes to Purchase snri I des-re the r.diioTs ot' the puniic newspapers w uu bta:e. wie state or v.irjri- ma am! Oftiawiii pr:ve the .orui-uaroima au vertisement an inser:!m:. JXO K. AP V.ISTEAI). October 2.1 9 FANCY GOODS. MISS RFLA, has just received from New-York, a ud is now opening an elfgant supply tf FANCY CI OO DS ; a mongs' them are elegant VVhtte Drab and BiackReaver Hats : WFlke Velvet ah I .Satin"!irtb.of the newest fashion ; Capsic j Turbans, Ha i r Caps and Cu lis ; Large ; j ilci mo rjiiavvls, asscrlen coiuurs ; L,anton j Crape ditto ; Felisc Clf.ths colours ; j Ermine. SwansdoAvn, Plush 5cUore Triri- i j mings. Thread Lare and -Edging ; r.ew , assortment of Prunel Slues, Cluitircns'l Toys ana Fancy. boxes. Pel ises a::d Dresses made in the newest .fashions. 98 -4t RMelgh. Nov. 6. State of North-Caiiolina. :, Stoke Comity. Court of Equity Fall Term, A. I). ISIS. Joseph V. ...Win ton, O rt C Tujnnctim. William H Winston. V XT appearing to the satisfaction of the Conr that Wdliam H, V aston, the Defendant in the above case, t.oes not reside within the limits of tliis State ; it is therefore ordered, that publication he made in the Ui' Re gister for six weeks successively tiiat unle&s the Defend :tnt appeal 3 within the two tlrt days of th- next term, at tho 'ourthcusr. in fitrmaaton commencing on he :thiri. -Monday, after the fourth Monday in March next, and either plead, answer or demur, the cause will, be tak'.-n- pro confrsso at that term, ami set down tor hearing exparfe. Tvst. E M A X U El StTO HEP, C M. H. NOTICE. Til AT on the 18uY inst. at the Jail in, Ra leigh, I ntend to tak- the henrfit -f the Act Of Assembly ma'.eand providetl .or In solvent Debtors;. and the tiiliowmg r uned creditors re notified to attend on that day li Jcff.-rs, Wm. Crensh iw, S Ldes & Co. V. li'i! es. Berry King, F, fssard, Theo. He en. J. Kemp, S So i'heriand, IJen. Yong, .1. liar rnv. S. P-ttersrn. Wm More, Joel Kinc, C Fihcli,- Jcr I Xirse,, T Fevrrl, H ichartl Pox, W. Bab, A Harrt'y, D Sd!s. M. Collins, (Jas Hill) the exe aitor of I. pMtne , (Jord.Mi Hill) the execuvVnf. W Jackson C llohirn, J. Cour.ard, C. Ded no'i, " Wrti. Connelly's tx e ecu'or) J Thomas, Dr R. t- erner, and hew cause, if any tht y have, wh . I am not enti tled to the benefit of s: i Act EDMUXD JOUHAX.. Novcmb -r 3: 1818. 3t for the cood 'government of. the Society j were proposed anil adopted.. Several interesting papers were nad,the Socie- . tv (lined tngither and after an amicH- J)!c and a2:eeal W dav. e'enarated to raectagaiu oil the 8l!i of December. scie skTUv ui tue tnist, -by txtiug nofc oidy in reference to ihe usll of tleir con stituents, hut t- a hilu r jud.rrja. at i j Surely our Legil;.toi-s vriu a, longer close t";cir earsu the crk J ilurn.iniiy, ol Ja'ice. w liicn t- so long a n.euded ia rep.xl?i.;n oUm- Ciimirial Li'-they will a: J-r..;th iVte our Sife from the stignia tcrucJt and tntir owns-niNfrcnt. I li' Mil.4! ..!jiri ni riii.i'iiivinfr mnr. i'litajesly AIeYaiK.,er,'the7,wss?n ISihU ! dcr ; fci . u in iui dread in 1 iiucan I SifCiety has, in the, course of t!;e pst ; ; view ih. la ; which dtrpri.ts a man r vcar, enlarpd verv con-idftrabiy the i ?cr stealing, ft is ix&pmi&ti-t.t witU t ijusiice to uiaKc iruroer z.u-1 then equal in "flie Hussian Bible Saciftit --Foster ed hy the paternal care of his imperial Held of its evei tita, and strengthened' u tliti . j . t. - j . . rnf cr r td j i'. a n u enti. iiseir or various pfiwlvdortneiJand proj ,: 7 ""-j y V- w . ' . - -tr I uicts ;es ot reason and to the uw ttflniilwy nl i- . . .... . . . . . . .. r- .far - " . .1 - rt- r ti 4 , . 1 2lit-l taut holy ilierofel in w which UR- niiij nr. iiic iihjwiu are me principal sianonn wmcn tiiev resnec- i crers whea iae crime was nt.t :ic.idi lively occupy : Penza. Kostroma, To balk, Kief, Orel, Vladitner, Lkutsk, Kazan, Simbirsk. PskottV Minsk, astock. Grodno, Poseti.Bessarabia. Ta- hanrg, Tscherkask, and Twer. Of all the auxiliary Societies thafat Mos- j iong cre t:,; p;.ic,u heart h cow is (as from the rank of this ancient J throb with aiigutsh, or the hn tated, cia never sanctn n ciH wJ.ic.t hur.j an immort d bti;:g tu bis Jci:g acttaint; j which teais a shriukh-.g trtrxh frm friends, from life. f..r depriving another ortiiut, the iii wijiCii, i iivugli it oetho j oy tier's all, Vjll be fr.rgoUtr. cr repaired l is ceaccd t6 titer o ctteeiC rapital might he expected) the most j; t. burn ith aamt : at the recd!ecticn ot' death cf the splendid and eflicient ; and, as well im lhe cruel n& igr otr.inious the zeal of its in the scale i; "ur!C5lS cn.Miiui. r;ty, tiie very purposu rt nnopntinn.; n 4.. ii.o i tl'v ' 'iici the l iw i."? or.gmaMv coveted '"' i " ' : . -i. I A 1)E l KCT T HERA SCA L. certain JOHN F RICE, of Rowan Ccuntv, who it is alleged and I be- cn niF.US LAX OS m the Ilhnors Territory. , i;eve can )C r)n) en. ma rried a former :..;:-V:.-,Q::;.i-:-:?v,,-'i;-:'-; -'':- r j j wife, bv whom he had two children, late ripFG MEDU' INEI?. PAINTS &c ! ! ly fell .'in about my house and pretended parent Society at St Petersburg. 5 1 consider" (said the Emperor, in I his address to the Jlascoiv Bihle Socle- J I tu) the establishment of Bible Socie 1 ties in Russia, in most parts of Europe. and in other quarters of the globe, and the very great progress these icstitu- Hons have made in disseminating the word of God, not merely amongchris- thus, but aUs ! among Heathens and Mahomedans, as a peculiar display of the mercy and grace of God to'-the hu man race. -On this account, Ihaveta-i .ken upon myself the denomination of a ! member of the Russian Bible Society i and will every nossible assis- tance, in order that the beneficent light of revelation ma v be shed amon? all ua tions subject to njy sceptre." NOTICE IS 1IKRERY GIVEN, j TS1IAT unpiication wd! be made to the i t next Hneral AssenbL of this State, bv I , Petition, fr.antluT-separate Election in tle ' Orttnty ot Orange, at Cochran's Store, Chalk ! l-e ei, auoui nine norut or iiiiisooro. ; October 14 - j qjHi: HOUSE thai I nww live in, and aV j h the one lately occupied by Dr. A. J H, Bunress,.'- roili on rav etteville. street ; each Lot coniairis half an Acre with Outhouses, 'vr. Potter'fl, i 1 i - m ci'TPorrrrrrr i , -"v- . . .-r.w..r...,. ..... .......... , f'' -"; , , T . , hand msHiuoos wretch haa adelress e-; Al,TVO LOTS adiojiing Judre TR Ab just rec.-,r...c 1 nough to dclufle mv tl:vuglirer and uuiuce j 80 feet hunt. Tern.N Cash. j V vbnve raemiCRed an-tres, whca thrv j ) hcr ,)V ijs treacheiv to clcpe ind desert ;l --i:EOCK XICHOLS. vuj warrfnt tobe cd tb? Uest,.qu:My ; arr.l j my hse. ail. ruI aVay with him, w!l0:i. J Septe!rr 8 VCtC prices. Vhules-.e nd R.tad. 1 he fefiow. , hancurved the renahv .f 5 HOlK AN ALh jreccrtams some oi uiur arucies r ; ; .;f , nn.)rf...n. k f, j llo ; ofi STO -re war f Glftiber's Salts Epsrm do 5.,it rf Tartar YarierEm-rttc Cum Gui?cum JloebeileSalts Cvtbarides Tvn-t ure cf d Flower Sulphur K.U do L quor; R.hvied do ' ; i,ane jucu -. 2rpccs.cuJna Sueet Srir.ts Nltrs tl xsr Vi;riol Oil do Aouafcrtis (duplex) CL Juniper V. hite Vitriol If lie do Car or Od 1. rar-uy Fitch pMiKsi. Blue f ye ":o Iiod PrecipTate V hite 4I0 Whire Arsenic Ji!i.!per Berries Magnesia F-ne Ai't-atto rih lhewa V'l t Lead llid do Y( 1 r.w Ochre - ; -ei.prraa .-.... '.- A'. Uira ' : - ViecrialCnntirtnt ! h do Peru 'tan Bark IL d do Cref m ot 1 r?ar ;' .tr.ejrs Cifbia ..-': 1U! im c f i'cru ' ihisi?r of C palva "Ve:d,f rtsr Spn;h Indigo V i iitranni:!, . C Q.:mtic Cer.ftUe f.f Rcses Cclunboiloji v I icra Ficra il cf Almonds.. :Sal Airmen fcc -l'arsgoiie Ki xir Gum Mynh Steel Filings Cetos'ue .Sublimate Fed Esnders Chirefe VtrmniioTv V tih Balis spirits Turpentine latent IMackii g litters in qt. Bottles Corn Plap'.e. Cum Tragacsnth lowdered Anamcny C.mrhire A's-foctida OpodHcck diirn Opium do Si rTkC do Split's do Amnionia E:sei:ce of do Manra ..:.:v-'.- .:;-- Barhad-s Tar Gutn tiir.ibcge Porax Windsor rp Fine Sponge Specie Pf'iles Tncture do Vials a?sorel Scales and Weights Gum Aloe Syringes (assoi ted) Fum:ture Cor k Borl and Vial Ccrk Lees N L Pills do fsr.dtam do Botes Knives Patent Iijjbta Porr.aum Red SeaJirg Wax O'l of Penny royal Fher Gradui"rd IMeasures Glf us Funm lis Xitrc Ac'd Muri tt-.c do LauC8r.iim UgV;a!is Tirctnre f do Swec: Ol Tor h Instruments T( t:n::qunts 1 iisrrrtul8S O I of Cu;namua Zhc T,oth Pii fhes P4 Wafers Siiiul I ipfr C 01 -press T r' nS vers hereby to any person - ITLLIAM oiT.-rs for sale, the l)A HOrSE AXH L(.rr at present oc cupied by her fam-ly, "with two ctheu S o t s i n : m c d i : 1 1 el y a t S j . 1 i ; m 1 g ; 1 h e w h o 1 e .if -r.'iug the pos?t ss r a front on four Streets. 1 or terms, whicli w ul be liberal. t;pn:v ' tt tue premises. kaleigh, Oct. 29, lbl8. $7 2w 13 oeleated by this monstrous inequality between crimes and puni.-dinteu: : :ur, in siead 0: prevcitin cri '.es, it i- calculat ed to iiicreasc their number, ( r fit lest their all ocirv knuvii;ihat hi life is for.- j failed by the cumnd.ou aL n Uictt u.,uet- f certain circumstances, tiie man, wlu..o. j heart wouid otherwise have shudderinly . recoiled from imbruing his hand in the oioa ot a tellow-creature, miht in cusa ot detection be urged by desperation tu commit murder. Or hear the words of ikecaria which go still further : lfane ciual i)uir?5iimeut be ordained for two crimes which injure society in diffrent elegrees, there is nothing to deter 111 tn. from committing the greyer, as oi'ien a it is attended vrita greater jdvantage." C. 4, ?. 29. Again There ougnt to be a fixed proportion between crimes anl pumsnnrenti. L. 4, i. 2&. The widows and ininor. children of soldiers that died in the service of the tl. Stales, during the late war, are in- ! formed, the law giving them commuta tion, or five years' hjlf pay pension, in lieu of land, expires on the 15th day of February next. (181 P.) Those per sons that are entitled to the pension, amounting to 40 dollars, that do tmt apply for it before that period, will probably he forever after debarred from obtaining it. This notice, which is given bv an agent io one of therjurth ei n states, in the shape of an advertise ment to claimants, inviting their p- ! plication to liim, we publislt gratuit-ii egtsiators ! Guannins and enactors of the laws! Erect a Pexittiahi', and you place a foi'mkUblc br between the ereater and the iess'er crimes even deatU j itself ftr when this punishment is re- stricied to crimes of the tirst magnitude, 1 criminals will no longer hope tor p.trdnv j from the Chief Magistrate. . And says the ! author above quoted ""Crimes ar mre 1 effectually prevented .y the certainty, j tiiiu by the severity of punishments." By enacting laws s severe as to call im- I periously for clemency from the Governnri you uo an injury to society, auu irtu.-117 incvea&c the number ot crimes. A. ii. . IS TOR THE Rl GlST;a. Mr. Editcr-TUe f Jlcwir.g extract, in mv oranicn. contains some valuable sentB- . ... ... ously : reminding them, at the sameij , I Pe t"4 wil.1 l,ut time, that no agency is necessary sn! urtb ot tumnion mour Uidul tlcas. Claimantwlm are : ignorant jj ?f0 attr5bute aI1 attacament to princi- iarisr.cung tae oust-., pjeSf an( cvcn nnales of worship, to;m.-elves of the aid i i rury ,;f IT.ind, is itself illibv-raL If an at Tives of their respec-J! tach;iiert, whether it be to one or the o- t ! ! I of the mode of tiarisr.cli:! the buii-i 1 ... ness, riiav avail tn ot tho ivenresenta ives 01 trkerr resnec tive dlatriCti, :n Congress, who will ther, be theelieCt t.t impartial rtsearcn; take pleasure in afiordi&g it. at thejj & a rm peuasiLi, that they are the approaching session, to make the ne-j n,,'J.d God "f his wo.i , .cm ' r ... v ,i l so tar trom indicating b!gftU:d, contract- cessary application, 6xC at tldj pub- I ( iM-el,a llibd. HiSt it m,y arho II - - II - sic maces. It is said that the exports from N J from the contrary. 1 he mere we under 1 srrir.d oidivine truth, the more our imndt ywill be enlarged, and the mere deci.lcd I who will f tifine the 5iid Jom Pri'ce in Sa- 1 f I'vbnry J ts he lives m p-'iau lun- Hy) or m, 1 1 hory!gt Jaw, i l- reasmi, 1 !id)ie t yj'?'H-t:s jiaid. In his Ivra' ing n;y h--.ic r i i-'tjitl in tir.s :i.HiCt s:i:ir man ! nor I sulict that he sloie 'V:i me. or 1 b taira l them h: srie ,,;'"i,i not ov t co!i!incu.ia';k t;rtes ei pik', vi. ore" I I ;on J hn Tavl'-r, Clerk if the Ccu:-tv u O urt cf Ova '.iff, fr SK'O. due the CVli ; j .f D'X eui! er I ; 2 H ; etc? 1 Jom pi Da v m I j fr -r thre:.bfUK tlitc the snu e ' i s. . .1 . . - . . i . . , . t i . ' I . i Ot-Uis, t.'..eau inc uaivu. ..xt- .;a.-: . , ; Ky ? . The convention of the state of Hit nois. in forming theirconstitutiot;,have i ..r.t i,x tv.if." T h iv ',,;i fW"iv, f ! nenartments. imv. in ffiip a!, such'-' as declared that ' No i.-i son shall be mi- M that t!ic'j huve. fir. iiwMn t nrUnnpd for cliht. unless tinon rpfnsal W Pressor to asune important abs and td and never have couveved them awav in ; dptailed Uenorf of thi Enminatioil i! to deliver ud his estate for the benefit i lany manner, nor have 1 receivel a ctt.t of ij bo lPa(j at the State-Iiouse to-lavj! 4 of his creditors, in such manner as! iryuuc, yu, . n, un uM,uH-, 4.u..; jjj an Address be I I i i s S i . ; t linear.!, ior iiic preeit ear, win h- f wiu uc uui amw.t v m.i . a i M ; mount to twenty millions of. dollars. that liberality which holds all doctrines ; FltllAY, NOVi Miu e, Liia jThose of Savannah, lor the year end-i with a IK,se nand, and considers it as at mi i Wvwmvvvivvvvvvvvvwvvv H . ., r . . . . i . ; importaiicc to -tlvati'jn, whether v.c oe- w.vw ii'gon the first infant, amounted to; I ... . . M nK nri.Vf.-.n - r . . , J , . , . ., ,. e .. l lit. v. v.. ... ....... .-" ' " I'-' " " 'zaevuj.-- i i,e enu "tr.usi upv.arus in lorfi teen nuinons oi uoiars. j ianr.,are. Such a snirit arises, not from to.iL- -1 (I i i r...:. i r i. II an euiareiiiie-'j oi iiuuii, n ii ;iu iiduiv; f'-hcrebv tnrwara all peorvs wii.ttsrver : . , rn. r ,. iin om tradh:g tor sakf no I lue for them in ?.ny ir-.amu r wh at ever, Students, in both the .Maje and Female u read much, vr thotigrit much; but front the vanity cf xiukfrg t'j have it thought I his vanity lii'Iutcs itfl "without my knowledge rr consent. THOMAS PICKET. Near Chapel Kill. ; 93 2 w made to the Stu- t j lit 1113) ill OtlMttl l IIT IJUAILCnf Ul 11 j) ilnrgess. Four of the young Ladies, 1 1. viz. M isses Klin n, Robertson , I)u JSose tt i nniciiiTur' u r iiAivmcuuuuo.v. arJ Vatkins- the two foirner fr i V i.m ucei im uui'i) ' n io- Sniith-1 nm inn fhA ftrr latter tr 4 sliall be prescribetl by lav, or in ca- ses where there is stron presumption f fraud." Thus the youngest sister! ! 1 of the exercise a kind of contemptuous pity to wards these who ennnot treat the Gospel with the same indifference as themselves. It serins a criterion of this species of iibcraliivthat we think well ct character?. whatever be their principles, Cvcmcrtaiu ; II the purcnase c f LO m I arrr.burg, ; Geo iaviH , eccive the iS. C UiMre concluded tocher lor on : . . , ithe 1st cf Dccmbr,,ett 1 Lets, aome cf thex a proved. j (Term.) ore half lhpui chase money p&'d in advance, the bal-uce in five je-ara- li e ', 'purchser givtrg bond tnd approved securi- j I . -I " . A . . .1. ... ... . i iv w in micresi lion iu. u in i annuaMy, or trends renew it -4! 1 wilt also seil separately a Cotton Mrchi a i nm j ' in trom ' l th a . I I honors or the and Honora ry Certificates from the Trustees. farml? has attempted vhat o-j the most tavorauie rpinun ot fieir iiTii ers have recoiled from, in respect to state, auca senwrnen s may uoautitw no e'relations of debtor and creditor, ! "eaoi ". ltu - , . . - i ;i lariTCQ, 111 Oiic eiiie , .iiey .ircm '.ii'iiu as tne next, vouuiresi i .mismsi oni i uas f c;.w., ,.i v x i r n vn .ii in in tv. a iiuuii aim li.mj r eu t 4 W 1 O Tj Cape-Fear Recorder is relin- Lonng in favor oi Mr. LorihgatU T,r , quished bv Mr. T. Lori - tfcVP !iMr. Vm liolinshead. vertises his intention of publishing a Irery whh two iron screws &.c. capable of l paper at tic new town ot Blakely, in p. anu parsing- six cr seven oaiea a Montgomery County. j , c . jfi iuiru I'r ndici. ij : South -Car 6! inc. IIessrs Lowntlcs, ; Simkins, Ii vin and Overstreet are elec ted to Coneress. - a Distillery iufSciently large to work j i jeirhty hogsheads to advantage To thoae j 'who rip a u-iiiilrl hi HWipstfisv ' . - j Im - . . . : . J i.r.y tbirg in elc."ciibirig tfie gruwmg prcspe. .... i i .. : i . . ltrmair dicps British Oil Ccuircjs Cort'ul Ant;raoniai Wire F.bfcenev Lemon dw Lr veneer t'o Bu'jjsirott 1 ooth Ache L'rcps W re lhttes Tincture Columbae Clcve f microti pitiisb S gars : ac. &c Wine, W. U Raat, Brandy, Old WLii- l key, &c. J; iVd; -ecud ItCtlb Lorwcod. Ccucord, . C. OcU 17 S8 5w !.,.-mt Winflnvp : 'r:"ty of Hie place, but to those at a distance CIes ! it my be pn-per to s:ate that llarrisbtirg is Madder situated immed'ately on a navigable streara ivt t r ?sl Varnish I I jr Charlcsten, S.C. and lies in the cti.t e .t ;IIS ard in UoUies ' ri'hff most glowing Cotion neigthoi hood in Ho- ks of IIh Is I jj'l' wegiern part of Noith-Caioi nn, tt com- ,: IIM:V'9 B 191 j;t UlllliU Ml I kit VU.llil tl S.C Ol trncps r hrd York District. S. C. (in which lt is sutirtcd) tw rubhc Ho&ds nd rood j Brie'gcs leaiiinK tbrough the piare, wi;l ne cesaarily command alcrge f ouiun of the up cevnry produce that goes to rri ket by wag jgons.. : :.'::v.-:--:-rp.;-: j litrriscurg is lugh, healthy, and cjood v. er a Strre cf but moderate Bssortmeiit has taken two hundred bales of Cotton in one ! person and sent them on to Ch&xle&lc, st'c I by water. A. rltLsW. Charlotte, N. Cr Oct 10. 9S HDr OCj 1 wish to sell also at private sale. Twenty Tfciii8nd Acres cf Land in Mont gomery Cstuity, N, C. A. F- .iviatian of the Schuylkill. -Yc I e;i tn , fro m a 1 a I e Pi i 1 a d e I ph i a pape r, that by a late improvement at . a place called" Flat Rock iu that River, bj iiieans of?. Crib Dam, the result of im mense labor, the greatest difficulty iu i ll the navigation of that River has been t . " ' ri . i. r . j: . overcome. I ne juam is ouu iccc in length, 13 or 14 feet high, A Canal of suGicient witlth and depth is made of two miles down the east side ot the stream ; so that instead of a fhoal, rocky, and of ciurse perilous naviga tion, t here is aVuie and easy surface oi a canal;whicb promises a great increase of trade to Philadelphia. i flont in regard to usurv. If these ex-1 - . V I jeiimcnts succeed, it is to be hoped ! that the matrons of the confetJerationi will not be too proud to follow the ex atnples tnus set. Jlhcde-fcltmrfy it appears, is now the only State in the union without a written Constitution ; and the old chaffer of Charles II being acknowl edged to be defective, it is preamed that State will not long remain with out a Constitution. JFashivton Vu. 2. Judge Tiand the Cotumissioner to .Sout! as a net which contains a great multitude of fishes, glanubad; but whether this ought to recommend them, is ancther qilotiau. ' Some Churches, it is true, have acted upon what they call a liberal ground ; that is,- they have admitted meti-rf alL sorts cf principles into their Communion : and it some who ones professed to be, friendly to doctrines deemed essential to the Gospel, have afterwards become the avowed enemies ef such docirines, they take no uo::ce cf them : but leave them. i as they s ty, to judge for themselvrs.-;-! Hut what have been the ccnsequer.ces of ! this liberal and imposing plan, the histor 1 of the Church in every age ubundantlv" tcsuiics. fcuch. assu.i;cl7. is not tnc udc- h-America, who passed over land r.iiity of t'Js New IVom Buenos Ayres to Chili, has amv- iinom?. i. ia, ca cd at Philadelphia, in the America,! c . 1 1 . i a irom ainaraisv. ne i An estimate has been tnade, that the lands lately ceded by the Indians ii the state of Indiana, amcimt to abcut Seven millions of a ere: as relurnet m good season, to prepare his report, as the other commissioners have done, iu time to be laid before Congress. Mr. Rodney and Mr. Graham, tvo of the Commissioners, and Mr. Brcck enbridge, Secretary io t!ic Commis sion, have been recently engaged, in this city, in preparing their repcrt. William A. Palmer is ciecteda Se nator in Congress, from Vermont, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the! resjgnatmn oi 3ir. tisk, ami aisu ior six years from aiid. after the 3d day ol of t'Js New Teitaaient.' , See 2d .3. Titui. IT. and m. 10. 2d Fetcr u. 1. Krvzlc'.io i II. 15. DIED, On the 9th inst. !Vlrs. Letrinia Johno.i. consort of Ma, James Johnson. Postmas ter tf GrccnsbuP.' N. C. as a believer in the Gospel cf Chi i.t she resigned to the will cf her Heavenly Father without a murmur, leaving rive small children and numerous relatives und a large portion ol ,o' ihi-i: tf. Tir:,.llll iuiuaiikui.v. v. - - , . . which they have ever leasoa lo Deleivo 3 her eternal gam. . At China Gmve, Oglethorpe count, Geo. a few days ago, Maj. Fd d nand 1 .a r.izy, for many years a respectable mer chant of Aogusta. He waa kindrela.xre aiad a wealthy, binevchrnt emzen. their loss, bar.