1 I r 1 1. . 1 v. Ir ' 1 ' v-1 il.; V f .1.1 (I 1 i:;f Hi : ' - : . , i 1 ! . ' it ; -I . - J ! " - t t mm 1 1 ' ; ' .M POKTttY. IXOX TB FRAXXXIX GAZETTE. M WHY :VEEPETST THOU?" I Does gloomy fate, with sullen frown J Consume tiry soul w-tli care ? j Hast th'tiu ihe draught of misery .khcvn Whose- dregs are carkde?pr ! Art thou orpresfwith sorrows doom, Tl-.v heart with anguish torn- Oli, swin that srd and cheerless gioofn Shall wake a brigtitci.MT.oni ! Then why should borrow, wmg thy brow t! . l .uli.r ik.i.-nt it. nil'?' OUVf UMJHI H-l , " " ... r Does tender love bedeck the bier, Is dust-w:th dust inurn'd ? Has one ifTcction pr're'd so dear To Heaven, :d Ci retuniM ! The beauteous flower, that charms the eye, And decks the smiling pbin ... . With winter's Must, do-s fade, and die, Bm dies to bloom again! Then whv shou'd sorrow, wr.ntr tby brow Say, mourn ei, say " why wecpest th:u J' W : NEW GOODS. jr. C.$R. TUCKER, IN adliiion to their former Stock, have just ! MBiwt fi-nni Vrtrtll iillil r nrW I openin!?, a lamcb and general assoktment ; 'ofDItVG'Kjns.HAUnWAKK.GIIOnERIES j &c suitable for the present -ml .ipproachm? ! feason. 1 hey invite.- meir ineniis ani ac quaintances to cal. ana see them, as they in tend to 9ell on the mot reasonable terms. Ra'eih, Oct U 95 4 w LOTS FOIl SALE. T WISH to sell 4 acre Lots in the City Ji Ralegh, nrijoining to each other and forming Jt square ; these lots are in a high, part of the City, with a good dwelling and obM houses on them, at present -occupied by Wilie Jones, Eq. The terms shall he made easy to the ..-purchaser, and pusses sion given on the 1st day of January next. STEPHEN "HAYWOOD. October 2. EDUCATION. A GENTLEMAN h. L WVi wish to make J an engagement ior the isuing Year, as J SuDerin'endants of some re Ma'e and Female Semina-y, siluatetl in a. healthy partot'Vir i tfin'sa or the Caro ins. The tlentleman isji ,'1 . r 1. t ' : 1 . . . . '. ' a hr3Gtiaic uic iiiivcriiy in j;tsiw, Scot and, and ha tor npwarda of eleven years j been habituated to tech the English Lat'.n, 1 Greek, Hthre' and French Liinsg'. Ele- j mentarv and Practical p:rti of :Ma;hemtics, 1 lL)uk Keeping (accordjnctotheIia!?'an m de) ! Ge.-graphv, Wiih the use and construct. on uf Globe."? anil Uhe'nric -and Ir!Ies bet ters, Log;c, fyral aui Xaturul I'hJos- p'y, Astronome, ?ic4 The Lulv lias for several rears instructed young Ladies in ihs uncus britnches t Ens-- j lish and Fnnch Litcraiure, Music, Piain and i ! Ornamtiitui Needle 'rc. Tlie most satis!aciory recommcn:latioi.i caji be produced. L.vttcvs f post paid! addressed to. the.Priu cipal of wie sjalistinry Aciidemj, N. Carol. na, J Vi he punctually attended to j (Tjf" Ti save trouble, perso'ns -applyii'g will lease state the salir' which will be given. .The Editor of the National InifHigen cer, und Richmond Enquirer, wdl insert th onc a week f-r five weeks, t foiward the'r b lis to 'his office for payment Octobe- 0 - 95 5w 50 DOLLARS RE W A III) To take up the ttunau ays TH VT escaped troin meori the night of the 5th of August. 10 wi.--PLYMOUTH, about 21 years old, 6 feet hghf a:d generally : ketr.s his lc-r e shut, but vhen open there j c;:: ea while sp;.ck ob-served in the black of1 th- t:dl. T.4e f.lhcr is named IJICX, 19 yea re -" oi l, J feet b or 9 inche-i h gh, very hl .ck, ii::d i-:-.!:s bold, ihe.r cloth rg i,w!nte.i c:u-.v--iM I p-ntal on. They toA tnm.- n e a. i r k;J:.it contained Kl:vi:x FIr.NiiKi ; IJ ti a in PanVNo'.es, also a suit of .jri-ey ' Pr. iflnth, a: ;! a qnantitjr- of other light . r'otii n. I uui chayl these fellows 111 Can j den coun'v, C v . A .11 . . 1 Anv pri-or ir..n w.n ptirsue viic u:iuaays ar.d c-;nh;T..' Wa n wne siro.i; .Ju;l so Uiat j I getti.-ni. ?v ".'ur' nil die Aioe ir.d l'ro-;j pcriv inut ,9 'V-Ji u.em, -shall he cniitlotl lu j Fr, m me, ..'I'fiii.?' hvir-.j ni l.MjC'iln Countv. tVevt Augua 12 91 7w Cape-Fear Aavigaticn Company: "TJUUSUANT to a Resolution of tlie Stork-1 holders. l5o,ks fir Subscription towards :m ifiCrtase of she Capitol Stock ,f the '. ape F ar Nav gftio" C ompanj fir the sum ol one i hundred ihousipd dol!ars,-u-'di be opened at i the places, and under thedirection of the ;fr- '&ons 'hereinafter meiit-.oued, -on the second Af omiay of Nov. niber next,and continue open 1 for iirty das then next surceeling, subjVct'! to such rcjjtdativns a may be detcrtn.ii-id ii by ihc Stockhohlers m jrtneral meeting, aiai ; h ch will be cvinimunlcated to ihe Onnnn.- j xj;.ssioners appointed to receive subscriptioiite. ' At Faeiev.ueumicr . tiied. rectin of John W. Wrieht Jtli.leti County New -Hanover 2ton e Randolph tiuiJford Or.'.'ge ' Chathim Casucll Racfeingham btokes Roran Mou'.gotTsery It.chmond Avison AV ike Tiiomas Browji . R chard Hradley . - 1 Phil.p Vision i bamiifcl 1 fill 1 Uidurtl Mendenhall A. I). Murphey 1 Jolin A. Kamay I Alex .MuqiJ.ev i Samuel II. U (iUiarles F Harge Jesse A Pearson I Ar.drcv V";ale Win P Lek "Vv'm Jolms; n 1 John U:iyuq.d i G;hrlel Holmes. 1 atanpson V ayetttrille, Oct. 1. 1U18. X tsMX - Capr-Fear Navigation CQinpzny. i TUB Stockholders of the Company e hereby notified that a fifth Instalmeutf Tin" Dillars on each and every Share of the feturck of ttus Company s required to be' paid to he Treasurer in Faywteville on Tuesday the lOlh day of November next. J. W. WHIGliT, Treas'r.; Fa ettevdle, Oct. 1, 1818. 94 t2N 1 Three DoIIaj-s a Vear OFFICE OF THE COMMISSARY GENERAL OF SUBSISTENCE. , Washington City, Aujust 25, 1818. mniS ia to give Notice that separate pro tt. posals will be received ar' be Office o thp- n tromis&arv General of Subsistence; ua" til the 20ih day of November next, inclusive, j Fr the supply of rations for the use of the troops of the United States, to be aeiiverea u bulk, upon inspection a follows, fiz 3 ist at Boston. . '750 barrels pork 1562 hushela pease or "beans 2009 barrels ol flour 350 do of Whiskey - 125 cwt of soap 5250 lbs of Candles 219 bushels of salt 5500 KU'ina oF vinegar. On third on the 1st dav of June, 1819 ; one-third on the l't day of October, 131? I od the rcmalr.der ca the 1st day of t'ebrua ry, 1320. td. Al iVir-I ort. 423 barrels cf pork fco.l bushel of n8se orbeani , 114S barrels ot Hour 2t (? do of whiskey 71 cvt. of rap 2r0'0 Jh j?f candles iCo busT.t la of salt K2C&) tr.-.lloi.s of vinegar - O..C hiid i.nthe 1st dyofjune, 1819; one thiul on the lsvdav of October, ; and t!ic temaii der on die l3t day of February Ib-i0. 5d. Jit rhiladclphia. 160 ham Is i;f : k 335 bnsh. Is rf prase or Leans 430 barreL of fl' r . 75 do tf fthisk'cy 27 cwt. of soap 1125 lbs of candies 47 bushels of salt 750 gjiilrms cf vinegar , . One th:rd on the 1st day of June, 1819 1 one-third the 1st day of October, 1819 ; a d 'h - remainder on the 1st day ot Februa ry, 1S20. 4th. At Haltimore. f57 barrels of p-jtk v 17S6 busht-U n'f-pease or bcns 2296 barreis of fl ur 40'! do rf whiskey 143 cwr. of oap 6000 I'.Ki of c.-iif les 230 ?tis!- Is uf salt - . -4000 -gj-.Hons ofviwjrar .,- ti-e third oj the 1 -a day of June, 1810 r 0'e thi d on t e 1st dr.y of October, 19 ; and the remainder ou t.-.e Ut day of Febiua ry, 1S20 5th. At A'arfolk, Ta. 267 barrc'-s ut'crk 558 bushi Is rf'r ease or beans 7 7 barrels f fl ur 12J do t w.iiskey 45 cwt. of srap 185 ibi of cundk-s 7H bif.Iitls ol Salt IZyj ga'lo s vssiegar (;n.i iiurd O'l the Is: dev of 'June, 1S19 ; I on- ih'td on th 1st day of Octobe-, 1819 ; 1 -od thr re;uindcron the lst dy ot Fcbxua-1 ! .... 1 Din ry 1820 6. At Chtirlest'jn,S. &: 53 barrels of p. rk 112 bushels o. paseor beans 144 ba rcls of flour 25 do of whukcy 9 cwt of soap 375 !' s ot candles 16 bushels r t salt 250 Kali r.s ot Vinegar . Oue-hiurlh on tfi 1st iiy cf June, lf!9;j j e ffiuitb on the 1; dy cf September, L 1 119 ; one. fenrih on 'be lt day ot Decern- ! j be 1819, and remainder Oa the 1st da of Van:!:, 1S20. 7ih. At Ati-auy, J J". f.4 b. rr ' ol u mU 1-4 hude'.jo p-ae cr beaas 17'2 hx:rtU fiiwp.. 3'J do (" v.hikcy 1 1 tw. ( f so-ip 450 -lbs of cawdh S 10 huT e!j tir s..it 30.) ihILjus; vir.tijar t;..c-!!i rd cn ? lt dy of June, 1S19 ; onu lh:rd o;i tin; lt -Jity t f rt.:ber, 181 ; jind r- eniair.ds.r Oi. Uk Ij. day c Fcbrua ry, 1S2.T bih. At Sp'ifijifitiJ, JLis. 51 n4rr-1 ci p'-: ?i 1'V bu:fiIs i t!ciic or beans 13 barrels . is .ur 24 do of wNi.'.k: y 9 15 cw: of ioaj; Ib-.-iif candies bushels ot salt Oae ii.;rd on t.t l-i .lay of Jrlne, 1819 ; fn: -.inn; on wie is uv o: urtooer, 10 y ; I and thx rtmh.iider on ti.e 1st day of Februa I 20. 9th. At Carlisle, Fenn. 51 brrrfcofpok 107 hu.vhels of pease or beans 133 b.rrels of flour 24 do of whiskey 9 cwt. ot fcoap 360 lbs of candle t 15 bushtis of sdt 24u talhVns oi vinegar Oi.e thrd on the 1st day of June, 1819 j one thif d on the 1st day cf October, 1819; i j: and the remainder on the 1st day of Februa- r, 1820. j 0th. At Pittsburg, Fenn. j 85 barrtlsofpork ! 178 bushes of ' px-ase or beans j 230 barrels of fl r 40 co ok Wui-key ! 14 cw . ot" soap j 600 ibs of candies l 25 buNelvot salt I 400 ga'I !:s ot Vinegar ... v OiK.ili.ru on the lsi day of June. 1819: one th;rd on ihe 1st day of October, 1C19; j ai d the remainder 0:1 the 1st day cf Februa ry, 1823 11th. AtfCewvort.Ken 64 hireU of pork 134 bushel of peaie or beans If 2 bar re U of flour 30 do of wh.ikey i 11 cwt of iap ; 450. ;bi of candU- s 19 buKhils of salt i 30 -u3its cf vinegar O e dif.d on thfe lu day of June, 1SIO -one third on ti e 1st day of October, 181; Jy. lo:20rCILaii,der 0a Ut 01"fba. noX CXvCcdin5 lhirty iwertcU thfc : first iirac for 12ih. At Forf Hawkins, Gfc 107 barrels of pork 4 223 bushel of pease or beans 287 barrels of flour 50 do of whiskey v 18 cwt. of soap 750 lba of candles "31 bushelaof salt, n ; 500 gallons of vjnegar One third cn the 1st day of June, 1819 ; one-third oh the .1st day of October, 1819 ; abd the remainder on the 1st day of Febm ry, 1820. ' - v - " 1 3ft. At Plattsburg. a23 barrels of pork 268 bushels of pease or beans 344 barrels of ilfur 60 do of whis itt-y J 21 CWt- Of SOap , 900 lbs of candles v S3 bushel of sa-t .. C)Q gallons of vinegar One third oft the 1st day of June, 1S19 ; one third on the 1st dayof Octoi er, 1819 ; and the remainder on the lt day of Februa ry, 1820. - - 4th. At SackeWs Harbor. 335 barrels of pork ' 104 bushels ef pease or beans 1033 barrels of flour 180 do of whiskey 64 cwt. of soap 27'J0 lbs of candles 113 bushels of salt 3 SCO frallcns of vinegnr . One half on the 1st day of June, 1319 , & .the remainder on the 1st day of December, 1319. 15f. At JSrUrzara. 107 barre! of potk . 232 bushels of pease or beaas 27 barrels of flour 50 do of whiskey 18 cwt. of soap 750 lbs of candles . 31 bushels oi. ",t 500 gallons oi vinegar One hJf on the Utdav of June, 1813 ; V i the remainder on the lt day of December, ! 1319. Hth. At Detroit. 13 T barrels of pork 2B71 bushe's of pease or beans r barrels of fl ur do ot whiskey cwt. of soap C-13 230 945 ibso; candles 402 bushtls of salt C430 gallons cf vinegar One h alf on the 1st day of June, 1819; ana the remainder on the 20th day ot September, 1319- ;.;:.:'V.,:----'-v;",::.'(- 7th. At St. Louis. 1025 cwt. o' b-con 6H9 barrel i of perk 2?7? buhl -Is of pease or beans 2343 bjurehi of Cm meal 152 d 1 of flviur 64." do i f wh skt y 2"0 cwt of Mp S545 lbs of cai'd es 402 b!5!:els of adt 6 130 gi'lc-sof vinegar !! !! One h!f on'the Ifct day of .June, 1819 5 and the nmi.nde.- cu the 1st day of October, I . ' 1319. I'M. At Arkansas. 40 cwt. ot bucoa 27 barrels of pork 112 bushels of pease or beans 91 barrels of corn meal 61 d j of fl.iur 25 do of whiskey 9 cu t. of soap 3?5 ,"s of cau-llcs 16 bushels of salt 250 gallons cf vinegar ' v. Gn-. h&U on the first day of June; 1819 ;t Zi t oe r. ft inder oh the first da jr of December, 1619. : r . - 10.. At Red River. 40 cwt. of bacon '27 barrels of pcik 1 ! .? husbeU of pease or beads VI barrel ef corn meal 5! do of flour ' 25 do of whiskey 9 cwt. of aoap 375 lbs of candles lo bushels of sJt 2 0 gallons of vinegar O c half on'' the .1st' day of June, 1819 ; & the tmii;der on the lt day of December, iSi9. 20th. At BnVAi Route. 123 cwt. of b, con Ht bn rela of prk -3 i7 bmheU of pesse or beans 292 barrels of coon meal 197 do of flour , 80 do of whiskey 29 cwt. of scap 1200 lbs of cid:es 50 bushels of s&lt 800 gallons of vinegar v 0.e tourdi on tlie 1st day cf Jure, 1819, oa.- fourth 00 the 1st day of September, 1819 ; one Lurth on the 1st d :y of Decem ber, 1819 ; and the remainder on the first day of March, 1S20. 21 st. At JVew-Qrleans. 16 2 cwt. of bacon 3110 barrels of pork 4r25 bushels of pease or beans 3776 bat re s of com meal 2549 do of flour 1036 da of whiskey 370 cwt. of soap 15540 lbs candles 643 bushels of salt 10J60 gai'ens of vinecrar Orte fourih on the first di,y of Jane, 1319 ; (t ne fourth on the first day of September, , 1319 ; one fourth on the first day of Decern. i btr, 1819, and the remainder on the first ; day of March; 1820. j Perk, pease, beans, fiour, whiskey, salt j and vinegar, must be delivered in strong and i secure barrels ; aod the soap and candles n toxe, af acontenient size lor tr.Spo.t,. t."n- . .. j i he privilege is reserved to the United j Sut-s of inc. va.ing or diminishing the quan. , ti. to be delivtied, and m changing the ; ptr lods of delivery ; on giving, previously, ; sixty days notice to the contractors. ! Tuc co!trac:ors to be liable fbr the ex- perts of inspection, and for the Safe delive t r, at such store houses as may be designa. ted by the United States, it the several de- ; pots. By order cf the Secretary of War. C. VANDEVEN TER, Acting Commissary of Subsikteoce August 28 90 tN10. RALEIGH FRIJTD BY JOSEPlTgALEs OXFORD ACADEMY. THE semi-annual Examination of the Students of this Institution will coivi mence ou Monday tlie 9th of Xovciuh r next ; and vill close on the Saturday fol lowing, at which time. Parents. G lardi ans and others who feel an, interest in the Education of -the Pupils, 2 re respectfully invited to attend. . , STEPHEN K. SXEED, SecV. Oxford, N.C. Oct 20. 9r 2w PALL AND FANCY GOODS. Lynch cj Gather, Are now receiving 33 6 Packages of Briiith, India and French GOODS, COMPRIING a very general Assortment ; which they oflVr for sale on liberal terms. PctersburgSept. 15 91 2m STATi: OrNoKTH-CBR.tLIKA, Aiecklmlurg County. Superior ourtof Law, May Term, 1813 Elizabeth Smith, v V9 Petition for Divorce WiHIarh Smith. und Alimony- W T anfjeanmr to the Court th.tthe Defend- fi. ant, William Smith, is not a citizen of this State, it is therefore on! ered, that pub lieation be made for three mwtns in. the Star, and Raleigh Register newspapers printed in j theC tv of Ilaleiirh.that unless the said Wil- iliam Smith appear at the next term of said Court to be held on the 6th Monday alter the ! 4th Monday in September next, and plead, i answer, or demur to the plaint iC's petition, it will be heard ex-parte, an j judgment pro . coniesso enured atf-.tinst hi'o. G IiO Itfi K. Ci U A 1 1 A M, c. 9 c. l. State of North-Carolina,' Hkbitokii Crvrr. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, .frigmt Tetm, 1318. -William Tt Cheatham, va. . . Or i. Attach. Ithoderick Joiner. S Irrird pn one wqro man. THE defendant in .this case, beinr a. resi dent withoHi the county, am! the Court being satisfied thereof, it is orderrd, that no tice be given him by pubi c advertisement, in the Kaleigh lietristtr, for three month, that unless he be : ! appear at the next Court . to be held for the county of Ilertion!, at the j Court. I louse in Winton, on tlie 4h Monday . in November next, :ixmI replevy, plead or "de 1 mur, final Judgment-will be entered against I him. and execution awarded. - Test JOS F DICKINSON, C!k. State, of. North-Carolina HI.HTFOHU COCNTr. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1818. W H. Murfre atto. fbr Eikanah Talb. rt, '..--!- vs. Attach. Thomas II. Condv, jr. &. Co. rvufc, jjetennar.ts in tins case being tcsl JL dent witlioi.t the county, and the Court being 'satisfieil thereof. It is ordered, that notice be given thfm by public advertisement in the Raleigh Register for three months, that unless they be and appear at the next Court to be held lor the county of Hertford, at the Courthouse in Winton, on the 4th Monday of November next, and replevy, plead or demur final judgment will be entered a gainst them, and execution awarded. T-st. J05 F. DICKINSON, Clk. NOUTH-CAHOLIXA STATE HANK SllPTtilBER 2, 1818. IN pursuance of a Resolution of the Board on the 26lh ult. to cjien Boiks of Subscription for the unsubscribed Stf -ck of this Brink on the 4th. Monday of No vember next. Books will Accordingly be opened on that dav at the Principal Bank and its several Branches, during Bank hours, and kept open until Thursday the 3d day of December inclusive, and then closed, except the ho!e 4234 shares shall not the.i have been subscribed ; in which case,as soon as the fact shall be ascertain ed, a 'Book will be kept open at the Prin cipal Bank for ten days longer. And should an overplus number of Shares be subscribed for, the Subscription will be scaled, by reducing the largest subscrip tions, until the number correspond with the Shares to be dispose d of. Subscri bers must appear personally, as no Prox ies will be received. Tlie Terms of payment are, one-fourth at the time of subscribing, in Specie, State Bank Notes', or such other Notes as tlie Bank' 'is in the habit cf -receiving; one fourth in three months, one-fourth in ix .months and the -remaining' fourth in twehe months. The Shares being subscribed for at par (though their current value is much hicherY the holders of the Shires now 1 j j , - j disposed of, will not be entitled: to Divi dends, until the one whick shall fall due I after December, 1820. I WM.H. HAYWOOD, Cashr : By the President of the United Slates j iyilEllEAS,by an act of Co gre,s passed j j I T on the tnntl day of March, 1815, enti- : tie 1 " an act to provide for the ascertaining i j and surveying- cf the boundary lines fixed by 1 J the treaty with die Creek Indians, and for o- ! ther purposes," the President ef the Ui h1 j (States is authorized to cause the lands. ' c-i jciiretl by tlie said treaty, to be oflered i.ir I sale, when surveyed: j Therefore. I, James Monroe, Fresident of ; lbe United States, dn hereby declare and make known, that public sales for tlie disosal (a j greeably to Lw) of certain lands in tlie Ala j bama territory, shall be held at Cahaba, in the ; said territory, oh the first Monday in January next, and shall continue for three weeks, du. 1 1 SI, 1 1'.. i ring wmcn time will be offered .'or sale 9 to 6 iucliuikc in raiige 9 to 16 in 10 to 16 in lo to 16 in except such lands as have been reserved by 1 j juw( ivruie support 01 schoois, ?ncl torothti ; nectssarv to DUrnOses. 1 he IazuI shtilt rkfl-wrl 0f ...'' .. 1.1-1. .. 1 1 'it ir-.,.,' ar 1 ! ' , . ' io:4cr, iuia uie lauab klUti uc - in regular numer.cai oroerA commencing with icr imnitrrical order. the lowest numder of section, tow nship and ; range. v ' .-. . Given under my hroid at the City of V.-sh-: ington, the 17Ui day of July, one thou-; sand eight hiu.dred and erjrhteen ' JAMES MONROE. By the President ; J.MEIHS, Commissioner of the Gxueral Land Oaice ia c each succeeding paper LANDS FOR Jiir piK Subscriber Uhir-T i from this State. oHVrs . J THE TRACT Or.v.: Whereon he now liV;.s, Cl n, 900 acres, lyin on Ca,i,ok.. ;. ' -l wn.ch is a good Dwtiwij;,. necessar- Out Houses, i,,.', V,:' repair. Also, a TU ACT ot a 1 cres ciimmniilv called th 4- Uition, lying on Cashoke Cre4" -head of Albcniar'.L- Sand,.. ' vided fourth part of the ' WOOD ISLAND FIS!iKr,F All of which will he s)ld on iCt ' " ting terms by applying to "Ui P.ertie County, Sep. 10. m tv. mini. . A PKTITIOV" y SHALL present a Petition toU, Cener-d Assembly ot Xui ih-f -.r. 1 .tport of which will be, to (jet a JX " which mav empower C'onr.jx.;,HlpP :'i j ed ior the purpose (or niy-tlt") lt 1 part of tne lauds ut tlie"fo,v ,,f x?- ' ( us ai rioanone in me c u rs ' c Mty of j x. j. Dctooging to tne orn- 's of I. in manner wnicn may nenrtjcr.nei SAaFL .illxt Julv 20 AUGUST HAM.MKIL NO 173, rt .'.LTIM sTnrf "DfTAS received an extensive Hdi ' S 3. sutly tf tlie f .llnwin ;ir, j-v H v'l-l ! W I'lk'L'lV'ti wit. t.-- o ... a c; niplete assoi tintnt 6c very low j,,,Cp Luckiag Glasses cf various ui'j'-,-' ass.itcu 1C0 '' Xes Looking Clnss Pist.-s 5: ;.v 12 by 10. 14 by 19 hmI 17 by 10. II. How Glass, fine and com i,.,n, Ctmb, Tortoise Shell, M-r k. SuU,h.. and 1 1 ore, 3cc. at lowest .Mu-uL' Dricvs, Violin aneIViplin Strings, Gi,it4rs, rionets, Placets and Flutes, Gu:s and G unlocks. Pistols, Oil CV1 Reeds completely assortments, Mm1,,' Flints, Sievcr marked .Cutting Kvw Scvthes, bevthe Stones, Lortee Mil!s u. Lanips, -pniig i.anceis, v.ottf,n Lvt.-j Thread Edgings, Ribbons awrtid ,A Ir'.ns, Crapes do for Hats, Hat CnvrV j Hat Linings, Eoot V e and lW,t (V ; Snuff lioxes, a variety of Plated ar.:l(,; Buttons, Sewing Silk and 1 wist, 'i'Lu '1 apes Cx. Also, A few boxes of Toys, suitable for ChrLtmas gifts. Which, tortther with a ei-eat variru: ither Staple and Fancy Articies (to-A j intr us to specify; wul be altloaac modatiug terms. Baltimore, Sept. IS. 92 WILLI AM" PAtNILL & CO. CuinTitission Je reliant f, Ruck Li s disc, X.C TN FORM .their friends and the Public, is Jt they will commence tlie above lU,r,t on the 1st of October next ; by M liicli n they will have completed, larjre and ctvt nient WAREHOUSES at the above jibxeix at the foot of the Fnll3, fir the rectpuu anv TKObUCE committed to their care Theground florsof the alxne builJrp will oe appropriated for the reception ot T bacco exclusively, and the second stories v be calculatcl for the storage of Flour, Cottu,' Merchandise, Stc uc. These WartVisa are contiguous to, but quite free (wsi, tk' lnimrtation ot Uie river. V. r. fit on. ship produce to any place required bytt owners, or should they confide to ;!icraiL; place of sale, such markets will be soigui.-i urn insure uie oesi prices. They assure the public, that every step tr oe taken to promote the interest ofiiUL may be pleased to confide to tl.t:u the u iiagementof their business. Al essrs. J A M ES H A M 1 LTONj !c CO a New-York, thtir Partners, will aitendp cularly to the sale of ail produce urderei: their care ; pavment for which will bca through V. V h Co. (TJ7 Tnej' ntend keeping on !ianh acr nil assortment of Dry Cotids, (la-ct-.a Hardware, fitc. ; wiiichwill be selected If J. 11 St Co of New-York shipped directly J theabve place, wid sold on the rasi r- able tcr!is. AuirnHt. Igl8 i22l- By the President of the United Yi ' IlKliE VS. hv an art nf Cnr.fr: f- ? on the 17th of February, :61a, eni.ts M an act making provision for the esJi ment of additional Land Offices m the terr rv-of Missouri," tht President of t!i tittw States is authorized to direct the public w which have been surveyed in tij ail t'r l ry- to be offered tor sale: . Therefore. I. James Monroe. Pi eslden' tf 1 the United States, do hereby declare known, that 'public sales for thedispcU j greeably to law) of certain lands in Uif tory (if Missouri, shall De held m l-rar.fci.Ji-said territory, viz : - On the first Monday in January next fo: f saleof Townships No 46 to 52 in-" elusive and fmctM town- C in ranged ship 53 j A3 to 52 and 1 rQ fra.ct'1 township 53 S ... 43 to 52 t On the first Mwlav in March next, for u sale of Towiuhips 48 to 55 inclusive,in rnesC4i 4Slo50 26 r. On the first Monday in May next, w aleof ... Townships 51 to 54 inclusive, In rang"1! " 51 to 55 . 53 to 56 14' except ".njr the lands which have beer, or r be ,reser v el by Lw,for the supjxrt vt sfi and for oilier purposes. Each sale LaJ I. continue as long a n? 7 9 t ffer the lands kir's-h. - Ciivtn uudr my hand, at ther.tj y,. ing'on, this 17th day of Ju y, nnt ' sand eight hundred nd eisS111 JAMLS MUNi-- By tlie President : JOSIAII W'WXi, Qimmissloner of the fteocrlL.' BLANk. - m a . . t lit nil L-.n.la f..- . ! tt tnl'l' 1 ' "''iv ! v Printer and by every Post-IMaster ir. the -utc

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