cr ATS NEAIt W ARRfeOTON, AV r . n.rt of the- Premise: jT5 fVSr resided Tltl JLT nYcIling-House, with v su table , Out. TTfinCT -net the Lnnd may be apportioned Janaarv 23 nvTLL-BK SOLD AT AUCTION. I A Tuesday the moth dayot ch ! leirgthe.Sup ,'.' .of. Anson, .KO Acr 'eh; lyin in thuth l - est Prt or Anson, nraruic j.i.v-. , jU One on the head ol !ie Waxaw bmnch "Un other on the drainsof YV .cks. branch including Tick n ve e'SJhod Sit months credit will fallowed, on bond Villi approved security being fry eiw. v t ' . ,il potter; IRjVRx'ors.of - NOTICE . ' , .. . TS hereby given that there will be; let to the lowest Bidder the building J of a Tail In the Town of Pittsboroughi in Chatham County,, on the 13th, day., of lai-ch next, ' As the building wilVbeTeX ached? to".' be very;-complete in evervre- pect? re rscu& jn mis imp wiu,nn.u,it-To their Advantage to attends A Plan of the Building may be seen' by application to the Subscriber y : t - j v . ; Y THOMAS CLEGO; r f:, -,,' ?Y ; " V Commtetiontr. Chatham countV.-TeVll. 1819, 13 Ir1 S, Security will be requiredof the Undertaker for the "'performance of the PROCLAMATION. v V61 CO lhwar(I I; . : ' lf THERE AS it has been, madeappenr ? "tome that ROBERT SHEPHErtD, of the County of Halifax, stands charged -by. the verdict of a"Juryf of Inquest, ' with ' the murder of a Certain Kegro Man slave, hy th- n;;me of Isaac and "that the sajd Shf.pherd has made his escape. y- Knw, therefore to the end that he may be brought to Justice; "the, above .reward . vll be given to any person or -persons ' trho will apprehend and confine the same bhtphcrd in any Jail ; and I do moreover hereby enjoin and dbmmand all officers, , C:il and Military .within' this i ..'State to use tht-ir best endeavors to apprehend St Lrin the raid .Shepherd, io Justice, I ' . -The iaid Shepherd has two fingers on hi? left hanif somewhat contracted, and is Iranded in the same hand with the letter M. and, is about 40 year of age, fie feet seven or eight incheshih, light haip and teard, strong made, full fac?, swarthy J cr.mplekuiq and down look, he is fond of i etrong tirjuK, ano wuen imoxicateu. xaitcs j find swears Ioudlv. and is vet-v trouble- some. : J In teitimony ' whereof, l'J I 'have caused the Great Seal of the fetaic ' to be affixed, and siened the same 1 - attlie city of Raleigh, thej27th ,day of Jan uary, A:D, 1819. JOHN BRANCli. B;' the, Governor. Wm. Pr.uiMEff. P ate Sec'y- NOTICE. f fTllIE subscriber being anxious to close his f J corceni5, and to enable him to go to the southward, wishes to dispose of his PRO PERTY lying and being, in the cfty - of Ita leifrh, and' i in the county otf U ake. i The i.ot containing one facre on whicli he resides, certainly one of the roost eligible in the City, it being a street's 'Wrdth only ffom the State House square and fr. Uifhn's' Ho tel; the improvements are Jwch a to Suittlie accomrpilaiion of a genteel family,1 ror any person disposed to do business of any k nd, it feeing an excellent stand, and in tme lmmedi ' ate neighborhood uf the most wtullby nd po lite part of the city. I .. ,v V; . Likewise a tract of Land, about 4 miles fron? the City, containing 533 acres' by no means inferiortoany 'ne in theneighborliood, tavirg on it a SAW MlLli newly erected 'on a never failing stream, with a rock dam made i nptrmanent as any other perhaps in the! orifl, and the adioinincr countrv, affording as i tnich timber of the best, quality, as -will be sufficient for one hundred v ears consumption; Tie great demand for timber of all kinds in we Cit, and ,the adjoining country, renders t!is ?filf a" source of; much orofit : i also, a bige MERCHANT MILL.1 partly 6nished, tijch, whtn comnleted will be of jnore value thin anv other within fiftv miles. beinr in the . , r j 9 --- r-- t- "art of a rich neighborhood, and' no maniL. fccturin? mill near it- ('"."! . In ihe city 1 haVe a.IL a conv oient I'artof it,.of 3jacres of ground, with small improvements, yet sumcient tor a tamily re idencef and near the market4iouse, a lot ))ch 1 nuroose to. divide to accx"J?rnodate th.'ie uhn wish to obtain eligible scites fn? 'tores, shops, &c. &c. being in a, most conve "itntand suitable sHualion r th;sJast men tioned lot near, the market house", I wilt sell auction, on the 15th insL Terms at sale iA tor the otfier property a reasonable ere- to wit : .one third part on the vtfi or Oc tober next, and tlie jjalancye ;ia one and. two Jeari upbn gbod and sufficient security. Pos session will be given by the 9lh of October Df",or sooner if required. JEHU SGOTT laku ih' vpportunitv pf informing all thosej yave cUims against him to exhibit them s iiu UJU3V iiw 0 ia.a j ni iv tohimarr earnestly des-red to-make pay Jent without tUUy, as the situation of his bu- 'J iviuiw tl , I - 3sc6rrr" ; iCale-gh, Feb.4, 1819, ' ' s J2f ; S. Aa T sm determined to selMhje. aboyt nmn.. 't' i ; sl tt v?Prtunity of, reluming' )vy cincen tih ; rto cneIl Publk ' fox past favors; inform ihem that 1 liave akrge and hand- a'tr.t ' ain,llweist Silver doanc S? r. Walcnes, and good - VJUC" witn Mahoranv cases tj of If' kecP rae; also, a quanta e,8,'?r nhte- iUfary articks, canesf e,8re.,, t-'p -iiiy articles, canes; err VV i Prices.for cash only. L 7y kir fcrr JI "0! n my line. wiUbe done a cnor Court w ee ior , TWO TRACTS Of; LAD, v GieoAiniiiiur. ucc v NOTICE. , imtK'-'SuB&teiber. witl offer fcir sare, at his Plantation, nine miles SouthAVest of Ra ldfflu onTVednestlayrthlOth of -'.larch next, ihansome Stockdf CattleVUo; antlSheepJ Alsnsome t lorsesj a roice or uxenriaiuHifiuii and Shop ooUV'parcel'oUdijTer anoLother "abides. .SThe, Terms of Sale will be; six month creljii upon airum oyer ror dolfarsj' sum? under that;' asb.r-Hbnd with; approved security witl be required; of the puf Ctiakexi. H:r ' '. i ': .' .-h ; , Also, vjll he offered for rent, Vm the same 1 xlaif not previouslysoldjliis House, IMuntaV tibn, Orfchard,"&cJv ';'-';;..; .:' v" Vt - ; ?' . -v JOSEPH llNEJirn-r,; Tehrtnrv 26 td. 14-' V; i THOMAS COBBS, its A S'employed from thV Cities qf N.-York .; and " Newark, a. niunher"lof firt - ra) Wor.kmen, of th several hMnches ot hs Ihijp Kinesfc,; viz Pmlv-fal(iRp-l Carriacre-Maktnier, Tnmminp. PaWtinffSmithv ttei who hare Keen careSilly selected1 rv4hi frienjdin New Jersey. He has also received froth .the Cities of Ne w.York ami ': PhjTadernhia. a larffe and extensive Stock of hebst and fashi onable MaleriaTs; Tie is prateful for the ve ry liberal enroirragem.ent he !has already re jCeived, and hopes, frbm'his assiduity an,d at tention tohisJusint,to merit a cnntinince of their latbrfrr' Carriares ofy description or'pT"'fee,can"be had at a short notirew ; v Ortlers from any part of the. Continent are solicited. K. ; ; " 'Vv ' ' lteference for exeellence and elegance of liis woVk, and therharacter of th advertiser, j i is rnaueio ms numerous acquaiuianccs in . ' ana tneneirjiibonngtatea .. r ; RaJe'gh, Febj 17, 1819- , 1 14 3t ' "P. S. ; A'Smith wanted, who is of ffood cba rac;er and can come well recommended for his toIety and attention. To whom liberal wages jmd constant ertiployment will be gi ven ' .' v ' ,.''."";; '- -r, IN THE , PRESS, And will be published about the-T Oth of n , . month, attheomceof the Natiojcai. I? :' A REPORT O F TJIE PER AT tlie Ilorue f Representatives of the United v " StaUt, on the snbjert.of V j ' C Til E SEJM INOLEAN WAR, "STOR the tif e of f embers .-f Congress and JtS dtherswe shall publish, before the ter mination of the Session, that is to sny; on the 2d day of next month, a volume cnhta:ning so much of hat DebU, being of course the early part of it as we shall be able up to that day, to throw from the press,' in pamph let form. The pr'Ce for this part of the work will bent the rate of one-third bf a cent per page., V-4 r i''. ' ; . As no Debate of tjie same length, which has taken plce- in "Congress, h:s excited more public attention, i and-few have been characterised by greater dispTaysof eloquence and -learning, it is presnmed, on taking on ourselves the responsibility of embodying it i in a permanenttorm, th it we pertbrm a ser vice acc-ptahl? to the community and by which we shall not incur a loss . ' GALES & SEAT0N. ; February 15, 1819. ? 14- R() AN O K eHLA N D FOR SALE. THE Subscriber wiH sell his Land, situate - in fecklenburg County, Virgitiiai on Roanoke, between Field'f aad Taylor's Te ries, and adjoining the Iands.of Charles Ci. Field, Samiiel Lock ett and Richard H, Wal kcr -The trr't contains Four Hundred and Sixty-Four Acres, s rich, well watered, and has a sacney cleared to work ten or twelve ha".ds adrynageTusly. ; It is well a. dapted to the culture of Con, Wheat and Tobacco, has a fine clay foundation, atid pru- dtlces Clover udmiablv. This Land will be sold to the highest Jid-1 der, without any .reserve; M Met-ki en burg CcurtrllQuse, on Mrniday the, -15th iHy of March next, (bemg the, lt day f C tvt.). TV rn"s. One; two ar.oVthree years Ricii- ard f. Walker wjM shey thg Land to any pen- son disposed to yiew it i v . ' ... WILLIAM GREKN. Warrenton, Peb'y inh-; , H3t ' j 1 KIDNAPPING, OKTueslday eveningahe 2d instant, was ' S'olen and conveyed away ti-om ilie house of Wilr"i Fiatmon,n ar the fr.m W)i ks in this cotin'y' (lately owned by - White said Barrow) my Son TEPIIKW lOWFXL, a boy of color. , He is about 8 ears of age is a'ell grown boy, very sir; n'g an(i well built, a rotind fleshy face, ami is very pert & active i complexion black, which would, induce a- tiy person toNuwnK,'ni a -stave, i- rtzif. son io 1 believt- that" my j son wastoltn by ISAAC tIENl)UICK a noUd villain, wlo has been lurking about here for some time, , by the knowledge, and concept pf saidF.atmon. j is a verv slick tonguetf f ellowi and talks ra ther broad ; h haa tfavelled ithroiighTen jiessee, the Mississippi and about N; Orleana. 1 hare no doubt but my son is conveyed to wards the West or SQtith. 1 appeal to a h mane and feeling People to assist in retpring to me my lost Child. I hope the public will, be on th.e alert,-and if any suspiciou? person or persons should be seen conve) ing a boy of the above'description, that Uiey will make an examination of the Boy, who in private, would relate the wliole caaei, Should any person make any di&covery and will give inCorniatioii to nie near the Iron , Works in thia cbuhty, J mtf uit i ue ttuipiy saiisncu IOl lueir ikiuu- ness, and will be thankfully, received by the much afflicted father, i . r j . J : bTEPHE-POWRLL. Nash county, Dec' 16. '" 14' 3r do hereby certify that Stephen Powell is a free mai of eolormd Of - good and honest repute. - r - ".'i.--j ; , ' ; BARNABAS PEARSON. ' 'f The Editors of the Telescope, Colum bia, and Chronicle, Augusta, will insert the above advertisement totr weeks and forward, their bills to the Editor of the Itegister. .,. i i THfi 3UBSCH1BERSV HAVE commenced business in Clarkaville .where iliey have large and extensive astortment of Grocerici at Petertborgb pri. cea. v They bave also - formed , a conpection with one of, the strongest houses jn Norfolk for(the purpose of going largely into the To bacco business. 1 They are now receiving To bacco at CUrksville, and ae giving l.bcral prices.' The situation of Clarksville;endera tla convenient market fora large proportion r North Carolina, it being at the confluence 0f Dan and Stanton and within four miles of jilRCHETT & BABTlSTi f .e line. s Pcc a .e J7rti7feCoT,iPoIkl the Fj esi tienv oi :ims lnsiuuuon, jnientiinc portly- to be. nbseht Trom' the Statp fdr so m c ti me on-li is private bu si oes s on" xnp :n in si. annnapcei ;uy,a. cir cular tp each of tKe Directors hls-Jn tetforipifres 20tir i n stant.iitid trcq ueslUHs ameet- irijf of theBoanonithat dav' to"er vacancy.: viAl special jeino tif the i) rreciorswas accord i ngl y h e id "b'ii':Sa4 tqnla y lastr Belbre tfie Colonel's r'e- j sisnatiori vvascceptejd & Resolution f was, passed by the Board requesting i hiin to continue irr office, under that provision of the law which au thorises fthePres'Mlent,' in case of ahaericeji to ?iame a Presiden t; pro tern? .but th i s j b e i ri d e c 1 1 n e r I it h e re s Tg; n a t i b n was a c j cepted, pd Vv'rn, Bojjau, Esq.. was peiectedrto filtfthe vacahej. x; r- . ' . .The Colonel received aiiuhanimous vote of thanks from tfie Bonrd of Di rectors, lor the, able ahd tfaithful jhari- 4 ner in wntch he had, rrom the com- j tnendement of the Institutiont fulfilled S the duties of his office. Y- 7 : Moses Jar.vis," Esq ; of Nevybern, is elected a Director pf the Branch of the State Bank in-that place, to fill the var cancy occasioned by the death of Jas. M'Rinley. j-- .a r Superior Coirf. The.Sprlnc: Term ' of our superior Courts commences on ! Monday next. Owing. to the resnar f tion of) Judge SeavtelLj in sbme Of the Counties ; in the Edentori District no i Court can be held. ' The Councilof state, it is presumed, will e called as soon as practicable, in order temDora- nly to lit! the vacancy . ; ' - fix Paintine- for, the Sennit Mr. rul- ly, an etninent AVttst of Philadelphia, r. j ' ii . r.-ii i ii i- vvuif pmuieu , inp luu-ienin ngure oi NVashintqn which at present Orna ments our Commons' Hall) is at pre sent enlaced on a Picture for ourSehr ate Chamber representing XVashinsf- ton antl his Arm v crossing, the Dela ware before the Rattle ol lentbn. in this Painting there will be a fine E questrian figure of the General. i ' ; Shocking Accident.rM Richmond, where the birth-day . of VVashington j was celebrated by a parade of Volun-I leer pornpanies, public dinners, &c. on the firing of the evening salute, Col Vni. Tatham, a man of misfor f tune, but of cdnsiderable inforniation j j known in London, in Washington and in all parts of the Uniobtbrhis skill in Cvil Engineering, walked in front of the cannot), and pefore he was seen by the officer yho gave the word of com mand, was blown to pieces by the ex plosion -; John ForjByth, of Georgia, bow; a S; nator of Congrcsb,, is appointed by the President, with the conseut ofthe Se nate, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the Ur nited States to Spain ; vice G, Vfc Er- yi tig, who has requested perialssion to return home. ' j The Vice-President havihjt tetird ! from theChair of President of the Se- jpate, fjor the rerriatnder of the present session, the Hop. James Uarbour, or Virginia, has been - chosen President pro tempore of that bqdy, : i ' General Jacksmi.-The citizens of Philadelphia, were abdutw to give the Ge n f ra 1 a -tiblic Dinner as h e passed through, bnt having to visit New-York and return to Washington by) the first of March, he declined the honor intend ed him- - -,r : lv'- General Wiiliam Mclntoh, the ce Iebrated Indian Warrior, attended by several other Chiefs and Warriors, is at present on a visit to the Seat of Go vernmenL . ; : . ' : ': ; s The great mail between Pbiladelr phia and Baltimore, ; is to be carried by: the Union Steatp Boat line after the first of Apri I next. ; The Senate were principally engaged on the 1 8th . in discussing tlic- provi sions Qf. the bill to change the present System for the disposition of the Pub lic Land, . Tbe yeas arid nays were taken no less than seven times on, vari ous propositions to amend the bill. The bill was finally ordered to be engrossed for 'a th i fd reading, by an- u nsually large majority, embracing the following highly important principle that, from and after the first of Octf 1820 the m i n imu m V price v of t th e nublip lands shall be otie dollar and fifty cents 4 per acre, and that no'credit shall be given for the purchase mcey, or any 'part of it,' The pil 1 also provided that j after that date, the quarter sections exposed for sale, shall or; may be subdiyided. Nearly, the Whole of the niext day was spent on the sana e bil 1 , which was 1 passed and sent to the other Houss torJ r v! ..v'.-'.... ' .'J ,!..:-,. -m. -f--'.' . - . ' Y-' " rn. :c::-.-vi-;-.-, '!.v..v .-V,;J-'v 1.rv'ri ' ; '' S . v ... . : i - -.7 !,;. V .. - -'' ' ''..-- - - :. a: '4 v- V; r --,1. x,. -Jfv-.- r--V- : ' ' J.'i - ,j. ' - ' the cHotiftangdbn Unarii huT5 electe4iPrestdentv6rthe U n 1 1 e u , p t a te .a JJa n k ,7 vv e mi a e r i a m u pbinted Vby-the, : President, 'withi the ctihse n t of the Senate. rto be Directors if . tlieBrink o,t Ithe nMStatesJ o kfeepafof the verflmentiR eu'r sti WaeBowcK..o N'ew-Yorki -Joliji McKim; Jr of Baltiniore.- The Mil ievyinnr a fax of 50.000 dol lars per , a h hum on t h j Unit ed S (ate' a jtaVof.l p,C.O d olfa rs4 per.ri nii;i oi? a i I o th e r u tY-tA u th oVisett Baltic s , hai pass -e 1 ioth bran cJi b f the Leil a to j'e' A law ta(3cin' the branches in Kentucky 5.0Q0 dollar. a month, b.?ts also passed the LegisUtu re of that State, I . v - fr.ChJef Justice Marshal I delive rr ed the opinion of the upre mi Court on ' the 1 Tth " i nstan t q ithe Tpase of urges against Crowninshield.: T'p 1st. That, since th e adoption pf the constitution .of thb United! States, a1 J?pte has authority to pass a bankrupt in w, .pruviueu ucn law iiuea jiui. . im pair the obligation ot contracts, vith? in the meaning of the constitution, ; 1 2dly. iTiat thejxet of New-York, ( t bat of 1 8 1 1) which, was? pleaded j n this- catisef, so far as it purports to dis- j charge the contract on which th is suit was instituted, is a law impairing the obligation pf contracts, within the tn'eaning of the constitution of the Vi' State. ' '" ::l v-' ; ; ; ' The effect of which, we understand to be, to invalidate such parts of the state laws as discharge the insolvent as to His subsequent acquisitions of property, whilst it connrms them so far as they discharge the person of the debtor only ,lromarre?t and, iinprigon ment ! ; v ' ;r lHmarahh Tenitity of the Spiders Thread. In the introduction to a mo dern system of entomology there js a description of. the process by which the snider weaves its webb. After de scribing the four spinners,' as they are termed, from which the visible threads proce ed , th e wri te r makes th e fo 1 1 o w -mgcurious observations jThesV are machinery, thro which by a process more singular than that' of rope-spinning, the thread is d ra wq . Each spinner is pierced like the plate oil a wire d rawer, . with a multitude of holes, so numerous and exquisitively fine, that a space not often bigger than a pin's point includes a thousand.-s-Through each of these holes proceeds a? thread, of an incobceivable tepuity? which, immediately after issuing from the orifice, unites with all the other: threads from the same spinner into one. tlence irom each spinner pro ceeds a compound thread ; and these foUr threads at tfie distance' of aout one tenth of an inch from the apex of the spinner, again unite, and form the j threstd we are "accustomed to see, which the spider iises in forming its webb, v Thus, a spider's 1 webb, even Spunby the smallest specie, aftd when so fine that it is almost imperceptible to our senses is not, asr we suppose, a single linei but a rone, corppoped of at least 4,000 strands. But, to feel all the wonders of this fact, we must' foiloweuwenhoeck in one of his pal cnlations)n the subject. This rbnown ed microscopic observer found, by an acurate'estimatibn, that thb threads of the spiders, some of which 4r notJar-, ger than a . grain of sand, are so fine, rthat 400,000 of them would riot exceed in thickness one of the hairs of his beard. Now we knbw that .each (if these threails is composed of 4,00 still j nner. It follows, ,vtherelore, that bove sixteen millions of the .finest threads, which issue from such spiders, arc not altogether thicker, than a hu man hair. ...V':V- ':V - '.' A list of the Preachers Stations tne Virginia jonierence lor ruic year 1819 issued; tronyhe Uonter- ence commen ced at Oxford, the i 0th "February, 181 9. - ri-. '. ' r''r Yaurijt District. Jas. Patterson (p. s.) ' . f ; FranhUniyiillam AJ. Elltoit and, VV ilUams Harris. . ';.:': - h--" .. , ; --: .v y Gtttor Samuel Hunter and Benjamin Salitburyt James Held and Arcbibald Ro buison. - -:' ': ,' 1 - . . . ' '.'v.- ' ; ':-' . , Jtredettj Thomas Brouder. ' i : - ; - Yadkin, Stephen RoweV ' ' s ? i.iiAmoi C. Tread way and JobnLat tibjoreafter 6 months. ; j ' v l"f- 71 Haxv'lliver. laiah Harris and Ira Parker. Hevsb Distbjct: Lewis Skidmot e, (p. t);.J Jenbern John 4 . Brame. , ( v! f . JllattamU9keettfaTtks WmEtwoo b. Beauart & Straits,: Lpocb Johnson Ncv-itiver, George Burnett.? . ;$'': Bldcki River y. J6achim JLane. . :'.J i. Rakish City & Circuit, H ez ekiah G. Lei A and. George W, -Chariton. V- . .; - :! Tar Rivtlr, Thomas ; Mann and V illiam Burge. , . . ?.rU '7v-x--' ' I Roanoke, Lesis Kimboll and Wni I). Buf NcrxrdLic. Distrkt. B, Drake, 1 1 1 nfi: year, vi 7..:. -y. ' , - jGhnCoimeiJv:;i ? ;?5r,;,:.;i Kicholafiiucile. oiPhiladelphiaV 1 - Prtj r Johji F.AVtight;andM ! : CamJeti'V&faitm, AYm,H;Stirr:;v-;:'; j t i Bi?erAl!eJ5arii. t-1 ,V-;'j l! Jeiv!!:ad;ilef Johnson and-Jacob Hill'l, j ! , jS7trtt.TlutrIv A - McCain &1A xnm Cbanoi. tsfreensvfUt. OQS4. 1 lrfviitlilA th'eV M .; Dauce,, tl ' ,, - f v , jieteriburg, 1 James McAdetiV . . ''-;. y jJrunrqickt Jolm Dpyle A lonlpson Ga j t- t v.! .... ...'V. ' v :Yl; r - , v; wtiira'Joshua Lavvrence and l&wsseg . 4 . ise.yont cf'Jjinwtpg'; James, 'bmith, 1 14. Glottc&tet Sanil; Carrand and GeorcfeC,: juchmwdCjiJfyeri' jpeytci Anderson ' ' I I and Wm PeeMes..; ;; ;ni'V-X?.;i?,v C'; '". (-f. j ' VfWWrVn' RichircM apd TliaVHowar. i j- .l!fi Chtlt -yBs iim atiersixvmomhs, J.' McUUand, t- -;' :Cit&Mcr Peier'i)?uJb.Uv':4::f:';; i ' : ' -f Oolnmbiiix . Wm Cojnptop an4Trancis biry Ward, . :. -- . . tf '-Jtmhettt, .Chariest Jj., fiooleyttf U, ' ': , ; Eijjht' ..iChlateffrtkelihiittiy "yr'trt -: rceivedj The'CbnfeTCT the 7th May and If be appoiuii . - ...r.i ne nrai j.anpuai .sitting o commcngc-iu ' -the City pf Hlchmond, Va,ip' the 23d,rcbV. i : . In this city, on Tuesday lasL Dr; Lewis, Conr.Pejuler to Miss.MaUidVJ.' Fn.oep ; daughter .bf:I)r,R;ep postscftiph r CESSION OF, FLORld A; .4 We are favored with the foilowidg irn jpbrtan liiiibrmatiocj frbtq - confident jat- :oondent,.::.,; The n ego tiation ; fpr th e pu rchasft - ; of. the loridas was .rcsu med bettyeert ; he Secretary of Ifltat and the Spanish , Minister, some weeks agoj Vajxl it ha'v been for a Week or ten days past under stood mat tne negotiauaq promiseu ine most flattering results.. From all, I, ' -heard yesterday, I have no doubt the , ; tfftaty, is actually cbhcluded.-A ;Se- ' v nafor informed 'roe: that it was expect? ed the treaty - would have beenlaid be-, . ore that body ;oin Friday ; last, The ;4 treaty il not bnlyettle our western ; boundary '.. with' Spaing but it wtll. givft us artknportant tQrritory valuable for its i n tri n sic .Worth';1; bq t : more so' as t i remove a foreign nation froni all influT ence in that quarter secures the'pe)cft bf bur 8outlbrbbQrder gives! us the, iibportapt harbors (and nayaj stations on the coait of Florida $ nd; protects ; the. intercourse .between, te, fsfate , north of East Florida, and the ports" on ; the, uuipn oi Mexico rHew.uneans, f narrasseti naval powv Pensacola as a rndej;vbus:Itr moreover gives us this valuable territory by. peaceable cession wnicn can never ue tiisputeu, but which, if acquired by ' conquest, wou I d r b e a Iway s I i able to, - be), made; a . bonl oT cbnienfioru "The: treaty will : alao'give to .ou r tnerchants i tidemrtitjr ; for Spanish Spoliations, which m6dnt to- niiljions, and ; yhich being, sstrmed .C,v dpaitrby. ou( ggverijmenty will great C jy ' increase -the active fcapital 6f tbft community. . These, are the leading-adr- . viuiia-rouicra wiii rcaquy pevur io ? r youkr J! ;JtU$t UQngressipnusrroceedigS ;' - v-vf' h f HI D ATT.E B 19.'-) After the call of the House, of which. ; nnf ir,hid hpn rppviOnlv n-ivin (h'av debate was resumed on'tbe;bill to Cr Jjl ret i. a scpaiaic icft iLuijui guverumenc but ofithe Southern part Of tbe pfesent ( Mjssourj territory 5 andy bi'majpritjr of - two vptPstb restriction bn i the : principle of Slavery e vyh fch 4had beca ' ieviouslyinsertea;?inthe Y expunged i Tlie House wasn ever be-Y: fore lenowp i tojbe so fulli;one hundred lj and. seventyseven Representatives t !(out;bf 15) vbeingprest- Thi-re m ai nder oL the d ajrwas; spent la un- Y successful endeavors to introduce some ' modification! of ihe samet principle ' in , tie, biUr Y At length the protons qiiesy tvori was I required, abdbad almost v been agreed t be takehj which'wbitld . baW) precludexj all urther;flebate if j well as amend nVent when the cohtroV yeray ceasedarid the bill was order ed to be engrossed for a third reading, ithbuti;'djyis7oo . .; The biti authorizing the necessary; preliminaries for the admission! of Aa. ' bama tprritory'intb the Unfort Iwhici ; had previously! pulsed the naewas riaji a third 'timeand assed.T f , 'i Tlte; pryceed ings in these and other matters f having oceppied '.the House .; untU-:fate':.3uur';jtbe:tbate ou )it ; j&nk qusti6ri- Y ATiipi)Ar; tfia-o- ; V The;llbuse !atraib resolved itself in v t b a com tni Hee o f Jt!e Mol eSah thik suojeci ot ; ue; yt'.oute ; . Tlie tnution to repeal the:, charter - of ihe ankifthng still nailer considera Y-r-'- tion. YX:';-- -H .v!": " v Hliv LqwndcsiTof S. C. rose and ad dressed the committee more thiin threji I hours Tnlbppositiobi.o llxe. niotiou. Y y Mc; Tvler of Vircioia, followed, and; ! spoke about an hour io support of tEt - motion ; neu ue ,umuiiu;rvf p gl ; - ttJ : r

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