-V,' '- -;v s '. : . " mm US I: ;A . . If ii 4 t. : ; t' j 1.1 Mi I 1 i.y i IS I' I: t:t !l 1: f I i :A - i i 'I I? jf rJ V . . t . ....... ! 'POETRY. "VA v ; '"-fy ownr- AfMy; ort'tf fcaA '& o .ik On a smooth stream I second to irhde - ir I v Nonllen cloxd aprM?arMin i!(rtt't ," , 1 NocVmnl lh fcUlow thveateninr tide ;'' I Xor tboilit -bright rnbm woald 'soon be j i.-; - Tto -r I tiniM mv lovta norm, r . . - . l Or' knev-lK)vfquick: those hours Would U Witli tcindre'i Atrli srtml;c joinM, ;"' i : 'Aitii we li'ere weep for dneib 2ear," ( T If Ifeaven. a cnmclo womnj. ' i AVIi ties ar'e severed- hcre-oh earth f r", Pmil nature sik.s re it h.ns borner c ( f TJiecriei ofsucU 'denaiien vroruv s - v j'AVh:ie, norj ite'.disMnt-)aw!8'hes laid, j: T Aiwt Heaven dpriV'J.'nie of a rriend f i ., ' Miy.wilJows veep.ifruinfl hej tomb t . '-na volenti lebtif naturpatd, ' 7. W? And menv'ry weeps J her early doom.V v : f v----vi" ' V'v -- : nitr if her sainted-com can Ree , - ,v " , .-.. Y '. ila l bright realmsQf Miss" aboy e,J t; ? OrwjneteiBiir.mis ry,k ;r v :r". '.VV Wle'll tease, to wtfep for one ve love. January 15, ,1819;' -aii hpin nut of the efie'mr seekmelicl te "uder a patsh;Fort,;; If cvca in tliat rnsfv'he wasnot to- attack, certainlr he "'Vs riot t(j ;attack Vin 'iajiyTCJise, . of lessj Jackson j.fnllv; eTpowerf d to '''bring: .th SennnIe. war to a concbsirTT he rnermsj tlat he is so empowered by" his orders,. '"whirl beinf' now before us, must spjeki for themselves." "It; does not atp-ar that . Gen. Jackson eversaw that lctteiv.which r .vas datetfar this placcafter ; tlfe capture . lays after, the Secretary oWVar having arrived here, and infused a little, more er.enrv into our.cnuncn ewasaiith Hz ed to.tue a jsoimcTldiscretion in ciwsii it rlhcot.; On the 16ih,.lu: was instructed a jain tocnnsiderhjmt;lf at liberty to- cross 'the line, and pursue, rtie enemy ; hut, ibo!;,rrfi(ge undent Sfiar.hh fortre the - xjJ li or.: I nse,nrru's .were tran.sminea , to Gen. Jackson, and constituted, or "ought r to have constituted his gu"rde. Tinci e was C :then no njstLcntif for the occupation of v Pensacola, and thenttack on Barrancajs, ; in the message of the Prescient, the letter; to Gov. Bibb, or in the'oixlersthemselycs.; The gentleman from Mabachusetts would ; pardon him' for saving that he had under taken what even his talents were not cofti - petento--he maintaiTsancc -offdw-ectly contradictory itTrf positions"" that if was r right jn (Jen. Jackson, to take PcnsAcola, -and wror.g in the. President to kcep.it. "Phe gentleman has niade a greater mis-; take: tnan.he suppces, ucn. jacKson;. to 1 have dene in" attacking .Pcnsacola for an (j Uhe::ordecal tHeelreW the -eJctreie trengt'U r i e letter toiopv.-uioo auinji fof 'a similar etVilanatinru" -When the ' cretarrav's in that letter, that General h :.-cf St. IVlarts - He wonin taKe a mnienta-i I'jr : 'tv g'artce -at "the orders.' ; On. the 2d of) ' j T5erembrr IPIi Uen; Gaines was for- flif 'bidden to cro' s the"" Florida-line, ! Seven' I both '. of the President and Gen; Jackscn. If it were.rih in , liiru to seize the place, j - t kirn possible: that it should have been righL-in the President immediately to'sur ; ; , render it.? We.'sir, are the supporters o j the Prerdcnt, We regret that ve cannot j ' ; .Support Gen. '.Jackson alsbu fhe gentle- j v z tnan liberality is more'comprehensiye . thanours: I approl, with all riiy"heaft, t the restoration of Verisacpla., I think 3t. Marks. pught; perhaps, to , have been Jajso restored ; biit.I Isav this with doubts .and dirtidericW .That. the President tlm't nd the seixnre . of the Spamsh posts Vas au act of war, is rnnnifi-st- frprin his open:ig; . message; -in. which he'says that, to. h a ve .retained them wouldJiaye changed our ."relations vjth Spain, totdq which Ihe pow Ter of "the Executive was inconipeteirt,r ConirreBs alone pcs-essi nz it., The Presi- .dent'has.' in this' itistarice. deserved-well tof hisTconnlry. Ue has taken, the "only ieourse which he could have tmrsurd con- . i silent-wr tne constitution ot tne iana.- j And he eleficd' the gentleman ' o . .iae goed i both- h positibnS; that theT General was I right In takirrg, and the "President right 1. In giving nnjLhe posts IV!r.;HolraeiIex- ! plained: 1 We took ; these pests," he said, to" rSeep themfrom the hards of the enemy. j and, in rcsring them; made yt a condition j . r that Spain'shcAild'njet. mir'eriemy have j - theim . Wc'saidjto her, here, is your, dag- t"'--wc xouim -iji uie nnus oiourenc- . myiand having wre$te4,it from himwtf.! ( restore It to you in the Jtope that you.will i "takebettercare of i 'for, the futurcj ; Mr; j. f. proceeded. ne gentlemap trpm ftiasi f saphusct t s w as t nil y nnforttina te ; f act" m principle was'alwavs against himfTlve t Spanish posts were." not in .posseSjSion t$i r the et;cmyv. One old TntUan was found in . tiie tiarancas ncne in rensaccja,, cone tnj lour of a threat of Indian ocpupaticri as if -i TcirartiSt reiiAHVioiA' nmi uie oarancas- - Klensacola wssto be restored Jincqnditr6n-; j:Jally,'and miht, therefore, imTrier.iately si itave jtome into th'epossessiwi of the Indi- i " j .an?;if.they had the powcinjlth'e will to S .Jtatc if. : gciuiu.uiiwis- in a uuem- .tident when Jiu ui!' '- v MrVC'. said-licfr?jHcvd to liaVe" set thelresident mariifesUngby.the restora-JJ ; Uioiof Pensacol his devqtedness to the: -. porisjitiUioiw ; hen :tne vn-oie envntrvf wis ,iJi,ng w iv j7iquiiain- ivj oyiyivt I iLeaidratid'he said iUone; iitheliniited circle iii wliich lie f Juoved, tliathe'Pi-esi- . i,vi rr.-tt ntwnd-r it- l.t hathfi cotihl 'nntrl I rnaj jrom wjucii ,iuj:i t iv.is nu .escape. 1 ' Mc gave p Gem lack-tv wh he sup- "portOH'J'eiideiiC; 'aiKl i;av1uptheFre ! :iident"when Jiu Mjj.)prted Gl-n. Jackson; ' ,:..fd jtr It Was not his :int incJJneito'thnklJ thX theiexess.auth ity'" e!d. r 1 be ientlcinin fiwn'Massalmsetts "pXifa)l6 orresijOndente vatGhcntQlHffetent.'rrnni -thktwh?ch Uehad-qabtil Ke nnldy5nl uie gonqmoq oi,' vtieri nutans, t nere acu 'rafetx ;.tlq6 n$3: Anf ,fl s'idelyjyari ant ffom iht: 'tntl statemept of the Arperijan commissioners at;G hrnt jnhibjtin tit Uitei- Stfte; hav qualified soVen3git preriiesovereHprntv'Tsiding in the govern? J mvntffllic-UnuVd : Staies 'cTheyylivfc : muer.tueir own laws ami - customs, viy itrHabii ajil hunt t(?eir Jandt butackrio-; Ictee the protection of thoUnitetf States, and-liayeio Vight to elUthei lands but ta'the.govci-nmer.t "of the ''United States. ir.oj-effn iwjwers or lorenjn suojecis uavc rcJ flit !oa 'described; ,Uh, .thern, w ern'u st aliow-a siniilaf1 relation "to fexisi 4ietweeri Spain" antHnelndranjresidjng her domtnionsv Shefirin( be, theffore; re-'gardtytaV- the soverenV-rf "JorjclaJc we, are; accordinlytreatinwitf her for the. purchase' of .it. In sf victress, heoVHw; ought fist to have "demanded of her to restrain tjie InVlihns,Vnd, that failing, we ( should have demarided a right ofpassge for ouf.annyV ;But, if the President had the poxver to mfgh an ,armrinto Florida ithoorcpnsulting Spain, and without, the authority of Congress; .he had nopowc, to:.aoth'ifn!e?a Ttgaiiijit her.- . JCthe gentleman had eyen succeed -ed in' shewing 'thatSori 'atit ojnty;; WfuT' con veyed j by th e. Execu tiye": to GcnX ja cksqn to Vnke the Spanish posts,' he would only have established that';ncnrist:tntipnal'or: uers nacroeen given. , aou inereoy Trans ferred thedisappnaiorrwmjthciiVilj-, larymfTicer to the Executi ve. But no such , orders were, in ti"thi given. " The Presi dent bad acted in conformity to the', con- stmition, when he forbade the attack of Spanish s f.vrt.and when, in (he same sprrit, be surrendeced the posts Jhcm-, selves.' 1 , ." 1. r . He would not trespass much longer up- oh the, tune f the r.r.mMiiiiee. ; but he. trnsjed he should be;-in'dulged vith some few! '-..reflections upon the danger ."of peiv roittir.g.thcc nduct, ti v'.:ic!i it hd been bis paniful duty to a nidi ad vert; to pass, wjthjut a' solemn 1 expression r-f t!ie cliiap prrhatjon of this House. KeCril to your .iTcoJU'ction, . s;h1 vlLe,' the Jire nations whicb have gone hefcjfc us..' Where are theV-,nw;- and how have they lost 4, their ljhevfies? If .we 'coi'dd transport rirselves 1 back to the ages wtien L recce and nome flourished' in their emrtest ni-osneritv; H mingling in the throng, ask a Grecian if he dTd not fear some daring military chief- j tarn, covered with -lory, some Pbilipor Alexander, would one day overthrow his liberties "Ko. J , No 1 the confident and indignant.Grecian would exclaim, j we have nothing to fear from our heroes ; our liberties wiU be "etcfnalylf a. Roman citw zen had been asked, -ijf he did not fiear the conqueror of Gairimigbt'cstablisa a throne upon.-the mins of 'the. public -ii1)erty, he would have' instantly repellccf the unjust insiriuation Vet Grcvre liad' fallen, Cx sar had passed .the Jiuhlcon, and the pa, triotic arm even ofPrutus could not pre s? rve . the liIMprt'es of hh country I The j cehbrared IVldame de Stae'l, in her-la.st, arid perhaps best work, has .said, that' in ttt: revv rear: nlmos;t-the rerv mroth. when the President pf the Directory; de- claved thatmonM-cTiv, xyorild never morel! show Its frightful head in France. .BonirN parte, "with his grenadiers; entered the palide of St. Cloud, and, dispersing, with the Jiavotievthei deputies of the people, deliberatiiig on theaffairs-of the stated laid thefomud.itmhs of Bint vast fabric .f despotKni ' W hch j;ersli:itived all Eu ro)e. He hoped rvQt to Jie ftnKundrstond -lie ai far from intimating ; thnt Gene teil. Jackson cherihed aiy designs inimi cal to the Khejpties: -;the Vcoun ; ry'4 He belief tdJiis intkojns pure atHl patriotic, fie thanked God. Vhatyhc wouid'not", brit J he thanked Jiiin M'll more that he could not it.ne- wouii, yerurn tne Iepuilic: I :Bat precedents, if ad. were fraught with i I themost da.-tfrous toriseqnences. ,Majv iw u" mikhui, ui-vhuc 01 1 nose w no rnas ot f ha vet tre.-ited of his nature, as a bundle of .babits..vTheT --definition was much truer when apphedro go vernments Precedents weit thrir habits. . Tlicre "was one im-f portantdinerer.ee between the formation of Habits by an individual and by govern riientsl He.lcb'ntracts 'it only after fre quent 'repetition. A single instarxe. fixes the habit and determiVncs the -directiori of goyerhmbts.!AgahKt';t'he. alarming .doctrine of . unli mited; discretion in Aour military xommanders, when applied even to prisoners of var, 'he .must ehterhis protest. It began upon them ; it 'Wrnld endnpoh;)US.".vHefl form : of government "was) destined to be perpetual, ;B.ut. if it were to be preserv ed, Jt must be by the practice of Virtue, by jastice, byfmpderatiiJii by magnanimi ty;, by - greatness J, ot Lsoul, hy keeping . a watchfullind steady eve on the Executive md, aboveU, by fiplding ' to a striet . accountability, tlie-military branch of the e are fvehtmfr.-aid Mr. C.- a.ereat mo ral battle,: for the-bencfit, raS only, ot our country, put op aii inaKind. - l he eyespt the w holeort dare in fixed atteritiofi uri 60 us. fOiielrid the lajesWportionlot it gHzif-gSvkb contempt -Withjealousyand wit h, vnyy'; the otherport mil, iviUi hope,' with cnnAtleiice,:arid "with affection Et fy'.where tie black jc1ou4 of legitimacy is susp'ended over the world: save onlv" one- bright "spr.ti .wldcliVbr'eaks :vntr frourlhe to the the down i w ot -Jtocrty.- hejfe. -and -all rnarikmdvard r s pomicai -nemispnei e k ot f tne VVest; brigiiten, -wdaumriate, and 'gtadden numan lieavt; Obscure tliat. bv dutethis hfehltrtistby Irampliut? or fgrihg to btrample'dv dowh Uv$ J0c$ the constiVuUa n; arid theirights of other manitvhd crtiel t and anibit ion Whc. the nnnlorisf despotjsriv of the seizuredf Perisaolriiow Htth? cnuciue ana - caiae 1 irp acui4.ui whi mstiuinoniiauniniy JMiMH M v. c-nstrons":bfVpirit? 'pxiHjuce;ancl i agrandisemefit mae holdsald they.Uhe conduct oTtliose : w np 3cistarit;Jyrer saw how 'those' ad rni'r erts wreSstocndfea wnenuat uiustnousvmwi.. wri4 ) vef nsiiclppteld his pachlcmoderaie?! J mstvcourj5e', , now tiiey oijctr myrv ii.icu 0 witli exultation ariil'ilenght their Uy compelled tq unite in - the 1 pVaihestSestbwed ripon our goyernmenti-- I5ewal pow.you tqneii;tms exajtea cna rctcrv 'Beware hoi?.: ratal' sarictforir in this infant peVic4rrH bijbiic, sctf celjr ye.t;t wq score years; old, j tDniUiiaryi insuioiiriationKemerierv that Greece had her AleXandelotp her 'Gxsar; vEn gland 4 he;Cimvvel, Frtince her Bonaparte; and thatif we would escape. : tne-roclc on which they spliti they, mast avoid ihcir eYrr&r;vvt " Howjdifterenh'as cen the treatment of GenefaJackson'and tha: modest but heroic young man,- a ivatiy cof one of "tlie srnallest States in'thekunion ; Who achiev ed foi'his country, on Lake Erie one of them os t gloriousr victories of the la te var. In a moment of passion he; forgot himself and offered an actjof ; violence , which Wa s perited'.of'as'so'ori'as:":pei-pe wasiriecland suffered the judgmcrit'p re nounced, by his peers.: Public justiceAvas thought f not even then to' be .tisfied. The Press and Congress took up the sub ject.. My linnorible friend frpra Virginia,! viVir. jounson me raunrui - ana cuusisiem. ce'ntinel.oif the la w and of trfe cou'stitution, disapproved in Uiat instance;, as he dtvzi in this, and moved an inquiry. The pub lic mind remained agitated tiad u nappe a s ed until the recent atcmementi so honora bly made by the gallant comnjodore.- And was" there to be a distinction between the officers of tlieltwo branches of the public .service ? . Are former vserirjces. nowfver eminent. 10 urotect irom even inquiring into recent misconduct ? Is there Hi) he nation to cen a court of inquiry or aeheral court mar 1 1 iai. Perhaps, im pclled by a sense of that gratitude, he determined by anticipatioiv to extend to tue irenera ;ral tha t pardon ted right to grant yvhich he had tUeundoultfe atter sentence. L.er. u; saici ;vir. v. not shrink from our duty. Xet "us assert our 1 constitutiorial "powers, and vindicate the r irvstfument froni miiiiarv vlcatu)n. v - " t He hoped gentlemea will deliberately j stand. -They m:ly bear down all oppobi .timi ; iliey may even vote the General the public thanks ; .'they, may carry him, triu m phai i Iy tli roueh tins HuuieC But, if they dr, in mV humlile indsfrm, it will j be a triumph of the principle of insubor- dinationa triumph .of the military over the civil authority; a triumjutjovef -the powers m tins Liousc a tnumpn over the cotistitution of the land.' And Jie Payed most devoutly tolveUven Uiat it - ' r might not prove? ill its ultimate enects & ' conseqijences, a triuniplt oyer tha" liber t:s of the people- 1 S20 reWard f " ANA W AY'from the, subscriber, on Fri t dar'n?ght the 18th of December last, an Apprentice Boy, of the ageof IS years3& 8 months, bv, iheriame of Solomon Houses he is ahmit 5 feet 2 or 3" inches Ihrgh; dark complexionl black eves, dark skin i he look i with him two suits of my C'jl?s a blue arid vvhi'e checked coat and a Spanish brown and blue coat and ,a black cloth - coat with small metal buttons on,' tvro store wa steoata arid one hoinespun not made up, 5 pair of overalls of; diffefent sorts, 3 or .4 haodkerchiefa ,v ' ; ;' ) will give IVenty Dollars Reward to any person who wiir take up ,the rimaway anti bring him to me in Randolph counly,vN:' C; N '"-..-.; -ENNlONl'RtCH. I February 1 11 3w A GREAT BARGAIN! :-:: MAY be had in ihe House and Shop which I I hqw occupy They are vVeli calculat- ed Lfor a Coach maker, or ariy other mecha 'nir . ' Th e stand is with hi a few doors f the M arkt:-h6use, on the East side. . There are all necessary, oat houses &jn theyard there is a Well of excellent water. A garden 'also is attached to the premises, whichls hsferior to none. in the Citvof RaliKb. , '. -; . v ; TEUAIS OF SALE - "-V ODe-tbird at', ninety days' approved en dorsed, negotiable notes, at either of the banks in this place; arid the oth er tWo?thirds injone and two years negotiable notes,, arid a' deed of trust on the property. . - - Jan. lV-.tt.r yT . JOEL BROWN. ' DESEHTD on ItheSO last. CLINTON G RD7FIN, enlisted ori 'ginal iy on he 4th of Jaii wary,: 18 14. ! but who re-enlisted on the 3d of October, 1318, thirty year3 Vf age, S feet 6 inches high, of dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes and by pro fession a;SJdie, v'V-- aff-.. v-i iso, 1410M A"5 do vvwie, 35 years 6faffew iGrirus probably !urjkinffva!)buVAa'mstai orSavannsliand Down'e about Kutherfbrd in rthisb'taterA Reward of Thirty Dollars each: together' witii all' reasonable exDences. will begivenibr their sppcehehsjooand delifery S SnONOflO, tiapt:fArtiKerw ;-Re$raitingltendezyouzrar -.v.-v 1 w.uuj.wioc Mcxoia-vpurnarj lue.aDov40urweeKS and torward Caswell O: H. North-Carolina; ,ii heads beaming in their coHntenances; ; .nd you sHwoV thbse nimic'th general t no limit, no pruuenxiaimuuuis to tne ai eratiuuie f lie .was not disposed sure the President for uot ordering I f)NmfNd!ire' -i-Ivine:: on Twatiaes 01 xjunrp. vreettanti Thia innd ii divided bv tbfe countv hnes,oi Halifax and ,Wafren (abut20q acrem the; latter) ;and eonianrepritneobacoo purt otrtne CWiqryvoi xp aiucjciwit, ana and -trirlffe f f I yriu aisqi seltanotner tract rymg 4 mnes ll'ovr' inVtliirh above weeks, coiitain iiit? Ia33 acrevVnis is alsoa prime -tract :cf find and irii mediately on the qthr $ide of the creeJc.;; JftwiH sen acres wun an ex ceeut Saw and Grist Mill newly "ei-ected:- )n thesewQiitractd there ia.tufHeieht good Pine iimfiertoupjlyea yeit'fii f,;""'-'? ;.,';;'i'" l',1??;-;.i:; ? y y 1 1 have, klsq another tract pF 601 Cat re'sj f y intr wLtluri two miles Dftb lvfillV which con tains a targe pbrtioa of cscellent' Pirie" tim. pberi, iuv,w-vs.tev .. 'c-s - -" tv thing furerivhut, invites tnbse' dispose. .nn .rift naa him T h trma Will liA rieasohiiWeand ihepaymw the barc'haseri-'Btci; &&.,,4Avr .Vl' HaHf-x county, K C: Jan 6 1 7 2m ' - ; ' ; .i'ekoposals,;E'-;!v F&tyubihfcng' in the- City 0 Raleigh, ex p i - jgricTiiure una me ' CONDUCTED BIT CALVIN JONii, M4 D. Member of the Agricultural Society of North Car ol in a, oft a e CaV.eeeM Ph v s ci ah s ,&nd S urgeona ; of th e. Uni yeritity of ew-York CONDITIONS; 1. THE Work will be published in num bers? containing 70x0 89 pagslarge :octtfyo ii ze. one numbdr . as nearlv as Dracticable, ev.;rv 2 months, stitched io'colbred pan'er. S i x n u m be r's wi 11 make a volume of beiw een ! tour und nve hundred pagea, , whicb wt iL ' i. : 1 -.1. 1' i'.ll l'i itirnisneu wnn a uue page na copious of reference. The oarier shall be eood type "fa'ir and the' mechanic) exeution atOvA. M nd arrive; jn RsWjT Jt wil I be d eli vered jjed and 'directed. ' v"v ? 1 II. The price will be three'dollars a year ! naidi in advance, or on J the delivery ot the I first number ; 'four, dollars if paid-after, the jdeiivexy tne second number ana wiinB the year, and five dollars if paid after the ex piraiion of the year. Prompt. or: advance payments are neyeriheless at all": times, de knandable This condition wdl continue, to j tptrate upon each year's subscription during if Uie whole course uf ihe publication. -Its ob - . ject is to maKe punctual payments me inter ! est of all parties. : . ' - '. :'" ;-;;:;: '';. " j 1 HI All persons subscribing, t)r authorizing jtheir nanies td Wsent,or receiving. the vork, will bexoiisidered permanent subscribers, and tio Magazine will be 4isc6ntinud with but . written directions and' the ' payment of arrears, except at 'the option of the Pub lisher. ' . ..rV!'!' ''v,-:yV;--- I IIViThtv Publiaherwill ensure the safety ol ali monies transmitted to hn- oa account j of the wok through the Post-Officx's, by sub scribe and PoJt-Maj'tt rs Pr 'ided, be! latter, forward it imineiliately on its coming into their hands l a VosuMstersv'i ec?ip s will J-je returned the-second mail following, and , jtb sobscri'oeis an intiznit on ol the amount received. viU be made on the ccvec of their nixt laazine, or a receipt wilt be return led ' by. maiVifreqn.ired. - ;'U..;; '',''v:;,'. " rl -VPost-M 'sttrs who undertake to procure subscnbeA and collect subscription money will be atlowed ten per cent upon all monies they remit, provided the money is ient fiee 3f postage and immediately after. coini?ig to hand- VI. Postap will be naidbv the PiiDllsher 00 single .lettetsT wiclosing tnree dollars or upWii-ds, but will riot be paid by him in any li-oihtr wise k?it& A v - ...v.." "L''"Hi-;- 1 . yil The pnblicatipn will cqmmence when-, ever the number of subscriber shall be con side: able enough jo justify the undertaking, i VIU: As writers alwav& desire to know who are their resdors;' the namfesarid resi dt pee vof subsci ibers will, be given in the first. VGlumea - ; -r: ' The instil uiion "of an AgriculUii al Society iriNorth-CaijOfinaT ai'd -the patronage ii has proffsTred to. tliel cor.teinp'-ated work have brought these proposals betbre?. the public r The first numbe r of the" Magaime, besides I o her matter will contain the consti;ution of the Jspciety, a list of the. officers and mem I bsrs and the prize subjects The w rk in itSj progress Will contain sucn seiecU.oneVtroTn : recent publications as shall seem adapted to our situation and circumstances ; arid origi nal communfeat -oris par t iculr ly those made to the Societyand the transjactions;cf that .boly,. 5Desides A griculturej? the ' M aga zine "will embrace, the whole circle' of domestic economy j-and a few pages will be occasion ally devoted to other branches pf science, to political econoiny and to poulaf medicine Woiks oftbis kind, besides the valuable imformation they inipartr are uefu,l by excit ing enquiry. Tbequantity ofcmfedical'aftd surgic! knowledge has quadrupled; in; the i united atates since , the iirjt publication pf the f edical 'Reaosito y, 'twenty years ago' i and the same'mayBe done for Agricultur "VVe shall add bejpnd ' calculation tj ih lueoiotrr country if we increase it? prodects to a f erfprmable exterir and duly econoa)xse their use arid 'eendkui our Je. for it Will be comaenjsurate with its capability of adding, to oJ wea Ith and of multiplying our enjoyments, and not! the lesst of these will be the' gratification 'iffbrded t-pbur Jfces teem ;by the aaccessiul; applications ' of .rt ijSciencei Soundpatri;otisra' i ; Iriseparar bly, allied td A&riciikurai the belief that.this work will be uiefiU tctthe Lhation and to indivtduals it bespeaks thepa. iroirage oi uoscripnons ot communicaf ions. ii rubafcfntioTTLr ririll Ae received bv ? all - ttfc CoitMasters, moat of the Printers arid Booksellers and.rnaoy of - the Physicians 4 a Vii ginia, the C&roiinas and Georgia,' and by J vartus oier genii emen iu vaosc nicra"ia in Teanessee and Albanv; 7 iz f tS eittly tiecuted at thisce;? 1 1 I H .i .1 Ml I 1 1 . il . 1 - ! -j ,AEW ;Edition, ort; f . I?: em-timea Geml'WlJ f- : 7 - r.u xi nil lim oine ierm et;this Work b , Vtl Laws . are arranirM iir- 1-cH H K ftohabetlcalord 1 ai' . Profession and oihtra. b ibS ginal ote. d- correction K msiona defected in tin? fl' , i , ; SPOTTER'S JUSTICE V A new and naucK abnrov . 5 ceVSberUFs. and .thOffi .-. V rtll , yr - ,vC iQ iy. dkeorouph rothne of SomL r ?z r ,'f.l.''uJ Riven, tbut an In of Ten Dollars, ,s rWifrl.i tlTO t rach5bare 6ubr)bed to the CaryW 'FREDERICK RANDAL. r;. , Horse that w. ; sufng Season at the ItEanousK r ! county, .Carolina, tere he nfe 1 satisfaction the las; Season with Fr!A i rexcentronsr: , : . - - ' made known indue time. Eaele . c health as anv Horse on in r J !i! "ufi January 26, 1819 " r. A .-HIV III. ' NORTH-'CA.ROLINA STMXs 'i ': ".NEW LINES : :)I :,- forcing h ej. Public, that K tion WJib Capt i Wiiliam Scott. m coi)unt 'UNAVJG ATION. COMPAVV TH&Presidevt and trtctoru,v . -KIN NAVIGATION' rm w!. 1 I H .V 1" m nas estannsiied a nkw i tw nt U'bfcf from .this place l! rouph to lhlefeh. ." the! icMr-tewis Lerov's Ihtel. 'everv'Tr..li red at the Posi-anice, eqyer- tpy. way.ot arnoroagni on Suwlayj & y J ucjiaaysy i'. iweave Kajeigh on Sal turdaysi. and TuesdavK at 4 X M j.n-t j af WaslfirigtonWSundays and VcinVv, j 4 P. M. AlsOj a regular LINK OF STAGF.3 in conjunciion vitn ane isdentontf Plm.mi cxeamoacai, rur.s twite a weik tptviets Plymouth, and Newbern jLea?fs PlvmniS on Sandals and Wednesdays at 8 AM 4 1 arrives at: rwewoern (thryupl) this place s -ttopnays ami 1 aursaays oy y A.jMJvLttia Newbern at 12, same days, .ind jtrnns Plymouth' bj 4 M- onTuesda)" and . t.urdays.'' ; ' -,;: ' -,'T.. These Lines are supplied with active Hca-. ses, careful' Drivers, rood Pablic Houset Smooth Roads, and are driyen .mtUvti'mtL j ,W ith sucb?accommodationithe Prapritton nope 10 renaer comioruDie au wuo travel thesferouts .,' ;, '; : :)'' - '-'::jJ.-'''-. ',' ' " . - JX llxfc 1, Washjnjrfcn,,Na nec $dl8l&! 1 StAte o f. No Uth -Cahoiin a. a v:; :: Stoles County'.' , I ' .!:'. : ' Corirt of Enuliv FuU Terrcl Am Wll Joseph W. Wtnton; t j AVilliarri If . Wrnston.S. I irV anpearinc: to t he satisfaction of the Couit ';JI..that William If Winston, tbelMtvknf in the above case,' does not reside within tht limits of this State; it istherefoH that publication be made in tlile Rile gh Rf gister fornix weeks successivelV. lint unlai the defendant annears withinTthei two frst (-.days of. the next term, at the V'o'f-'''se'; j Germantorivcommencing on 'he hiMMen- dav after the fourth Mondav m wrta b irA' OiiliiPt tfA! IHlCU'lT Ol' ixj ha 1 ft a w a. l a. v. m v ' p witl be taken nro confess d at tbattcnD, set down tor hearing exparte. V Test. EMANUEL SHORKKJU i State of No r t ii-C a k oti k a . . Mecklenhurv GounvA Superior Court of Lav, November Tr2 .'"',":.b' v 1818. ' : i 1 . r Elizabeth 5milb,S petitionforaPiTorcfisi William 5mith. Ah ; IT appearing to the Court that ft e JWJ ant, William Smith, is not ad i? of i his State Tit. Is therefore publication be ir.ade for three mf M Star snd Raleigh Register-newsppefliP lished in the city of Raleifrh, tbafuJsW defendant "William Smith appearjat tbe term td be held tor a d county, J, JC petition, judgment pro comesa "- - terexi up against nim j . j r -? 4Sm -- GEO. QRAHAW,4t5i NliiW GROCERV - t . i n 0 ft Grocer raiHts auoscriDer 115 7'P&(0 ::l -Siore, on Payettenlle south of DoptorRindo!p!i weof directly opposite Mr S. Where he Intends- keeping M- pj ot almost every arucie .-r f . Ertfl Cnei. Iirnerial ard - f.' J Brown. Trace and o tv, Moiassei, amsicB ;td,WMi Northern ditto,. r;in5 Annie T,and . reacn . (h 1, -Linsoo! -d Turks Island; 'JU general assortmenx 01 tu,v,":i 1 6f PIates,:Disbes,: Cup 4 j. Mugs, &c. - Vr V, t . fc le? n H has also '.hiDdd Hf. a constant suppiy w v r .-T . j v nsiderable aC"'?Y rv. , CS tack: ;and . .:tAti-m a cin be accrcfa, j": greatly obliged to bis fr'crJ?l X trot '.!;'At.t".'- Rtleigb, Pebi 12 y-T,-:. 2 fte' Print an3. Wefe?.fo.Mcst ie the. ?r-

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