;; PCnt of the at.- fit which commum tt' L ;SL Croix M IMG " III w- - .-,.-, m.rTrn ffovernroent, in ff ":,in9 with the BriH have Sle tolor altnklve-lV. tw without swim, and your-eyes-no JrJr nble to behold the. d.jmrene. Vnlfc Tthmost valuable is. the hite d -whicb lh?ta3 but thicker and ss DO - rrrmeW ; delicious anrt nnnnns. " . 1 K who tohabil .tbe- borders of the lakes.'M DISSOLUTION. ' :-4 Tjlg co-prrtnhip hereto fore existlnfc'be twm 'he .stbscrihers,; under the firm lived by muttiil csent. ;Th6mas Jfellaon r.irt. inthorUed to settle the busines.of J, concern, and should tlieree any. elaim irilpst jt iheywill Be npald on plication. THOMAS & H A LNEI t JBjON.'-v .-fjVllVli fmcrPH into. pJurnersmpL,; iijc H eusinesswilt be rontinurd. under the; lin. a penral ajsortment of - , vk- STAVLK AND FA r CY GOOD'S, nrect additional surr.j;cs n a ew wfek5. "which will be sold at ery low prices, , ca4, country produce, or approved negor tiablepapr. ,-;; ; "... ; : .J: pe'ersburir, "vijr.cri i,', - , if -NOTICE. ; THF 'Sub?cribn, havtrpr received .Toti C STrjfAX as a partner, in xhc'tVaich & riecl- maliri? Itvswet tr.e Tf e Jjusmeass Vill hcreaf ei b cenducttd under the firm of 5AV VC E & STEDM AN . - ; As it is lndispe-isib'y necessary tnat ne thcuV. Ho e his termer srrounts, hrrnest- Iyl cits those Ir.5?bted to him. to .maVej pajmert ?siin a possible : and- moreover, twar.t of put ci?a competls him to call on ; Iris custonr ers fj-r ; sett lement"; n e nope, no one will delay .payment, and. you!d - reluc tantly resort to coeicive. measures to 'ettect , JOHN Y. SAVAGE .V TheSubicriber! infenn their friends ancl tiepnblir; that lhey hayiOn hani a- great irariftv of patches and Jew elrjv Silver, Gilt lad Plated , AVb 'fy Also. Watelu.M&fcers ToWs snd Materials, and s few.; 'anterior GocV -Movements.- Whrch they' 6Bf for tale .n reasonable termsfot; crrsh. v.. ; ; Watcfces,and Clorss, repaired.. and war- Pa!eigh,Mircl!lOv irlBf OU Geld aid g';ivjp.r. taken. in pyr CAUTION. : HlXX tJJ TRt STAT 0T50fccXA y I MOBT darlnp: imposition j ricte success-, il ullv practiced. n the public ; tlie five fclUrbill efthisB-mk; are infjen;iis!y al tered into fifties, so much so as aJj&istjto de. 'dttectiorr.by wbieh it is appreliepded rhktj a very extentve injury may be indicted on fee community. T therefore deem it my 'du ly as early as pORs-blfe;and as far as ptactica-. tie to furnish the b'est ireans in roy power of defeatinfr tbs villainous" scheme, ami thereby fuard honest men from the machinations of tiUiiny.v Yhe mofit obvious Si$tinction be twtfn the geruine fifty dollar' bills a,cd the altered fi?e dollar is, "that the words " of the P.ank of the State of Georgia, in the fre cuine bill are in ?mall.rbtnan capitals, an4 tht ssme vords In the altered fivedollaf bills, pwed in the style of pen writing, ard In the airerec; five dollar bill the worq commenci; The President, &.cj cotr.raences in italics. Tills distinction If attended, to rcarefully, will fflrarisbly truard affaint the linposi tion in tended. ; ; -. AVM JONES, CasMer.i' . HAYWOOD'S MANUAL' ATiP.V' EdiOon bf-lhis valuable- Booi, (bein: the 4tb just published, by J i CALES, improved and corrected to the fW tat tixne.'by a Centletrjin of tbe-ProfePB.-n, The frro of this Work, in whieh all the Uvs are arranged inder distinct heads in Alphahe-Hcal order, has, by experience been uad to be the most convenient, both to the trofecsion ktd otbers-J f ." X K-. 'y '? C Jhis Edition is greatly irofToved by Mar. n&lNoteii and correction-ot errors and o-tnissi-i detect d in tbe;forcnr,VTkv fc J OJL ES hat elm for tab r ...;, POTTER'&JUi?TICE. A nev ivA trueh approved Work for Justy Vf. QaerifTe. and other OfficerV., v 2v 7 ' im' ;.;A':--': . y ;', r State or T$&Bm&&x&iMk ' . Stokes CoiirttTfS ' Coart of F.qui;y Fall Tnn,' A. XX 1B18. e?h w. wktcn, S 1 -y . r. " . tyunctimu ; V. iSiam.H Winatonri l?r?:'&? T tpp tving to the satif faetioa of fhe Court , Out Wilbam H. YiBSton, the Pcfridant p tte ibt-e case, does ret reside witiim the limits of this Btate j it is therefore Ordered, Mt ruhlication. be made in thfe Raleigh Ke- jisTer tor six weeks Succesivejy. tbaf unless ;JDefidant apiears within the, two first intcn, crniTnencittg on-the thira Mon F 7 le Kxirtnionday in,' Marcn next, Vm ;fr f le ansft'ff or'deraur, tlie cause yui be uken pro confesso. at that tcrjD, and I r!W!v for h exparte; a ' s tMAlfLXWSUQmfC.M.E: in h vast qantifres Oiat therwill " rhm source 01 wesjun wuw uw- re in conr-paratvclv large shaded characters, la'.the'jreiiuine fifty dolhrrbill, the word Th" before the word lresidcnt; he', is en- i.r l2 fT7nahestionablv;tbeb:est that was ever, in Up- ni Standthe en I - 1 f t .Minfe' K. Carolina. wherhe irave ceneral to tneir ow; : u:: rMihllktr ?ffr?lw ! Eacrte'a Derformane?.-and( ttrtns. will: be ? made knovirrr in due time.: ' Eagle ia in as nnt 1 health asjany JIorlMiA tfrftcoiitinenti;f ?.S0: I.- rim on :. V ; ' ' . i 4. -.;- FRIDAY M A RCH 19, 1 81$; " r. vb.-. -Thc bnc:- Kaleidoacopfe o Swam df i ttr;i ll.r-'.i-15Lx.il.l 1 I t Uraingiun on ne.r yuyaje.iu jaerinu daj was -unfartunatel jrvec1cied on the The Captaih arid crew h'ad arrived: on. the.4tK-.in5t.1 at Savannah, ih ihe FcHr. Gathering CatoVbi- - The Lgislaturef yTrir! nm a;ojourr ed ou the ISth instant "fter a session of . nib ety-ei jife :" day J tdtfng "Avhrich,. th y passed . 80 ac tW W TJt b xindeatoOd(says ie tasfSaV vannab RepuVlicaJibatler President, of the, United States yirtv?sit our "a ty trxth. rourse; of the neit months il and it"; is Highly" crAtifyiog -to"- State, 1 that jifeparations'are - 'already : tom menced tOv give biro a splendia and heaftypQse.''' "';. v 'VN- 1 r r At a meetirijr of the T)i rotors of the rBan !c oM he .- ITntted ?Sta tesr hpld a t ftheir-Banling '"HotiseVin 'PKijadTph?aV joti the 6th lnstantJLa!doTll 'Cjieves: j E s q ; w a s . u n a n i in o u si y e j e c te d es i uptftTiR Courts Mr Justice john son, on the 12th inst' delivrect jhe opinion of the VjCnUrt in the cae.of cectaij) XJoodsTaKeri oit of 7lhe J5parf ish ship Carrtyi,.. affirming1 the de cree of the Inferior (nurf, -restoring the: coods to. the possesion of the Carthas'enian 'capTorsupon the grou nd that the privateer, by whom ho v were oritnal fy eptn red. was eruiziiv n n de r a c n n 1 m ifi 5 i o r i f r 0 m -th e ' Re in ul 1 1 c or Province of Cartb,agena and was not fitted out in thiscountry.VioV had committed any; other jviofation. of ,the: strict, ahd impartial n en tralitv winch is maintained- bsy-the United State3i rn tne present war ociween apain ana her revjotteil tCol6sies. " V KThe. time having arrived ytyhen if is necessary fo r , the 1 J u Ige s to go. on th e Sprinc Circuits, thecoa ft adj ourn -ed i ine 'die; after . hearfn an d ' decid ing a greaXer nnnibeV .of important causes "-ft iin haVe ever be'n determin ed at an y, former tern. v lJ . " k j"- . ... - j Jnetcnlf Tbe-.cr'rtesj (says the last' Haljdax Compter.) wliich tli m maiv; Ki0id'tobe:ifhy o.F,r penrn to halve created ,v general d esi re i 0 tne. pfjblfc ta. know hi fate ; which as far as we Have -learned, for public satis- public already have a. ?:nov.le(Tge of t the crimes with which ihis man stoiU charged ; one fs for. horse - fstealitJic, and , the other; wa9 fo't ; bigamy : -the f first ne. now staoos cnarei witi ; ami waits in confinement the sitting .'cf our next Superior Court, when justite to him will be ' awarded.--On ti)e laf-i ter charge, lie has been Arraigned be fore ;hh Adnor VJudge Daniel, tlve.u'; presiding at th -last term cf the Su perior i Cou rt i nv Pitt cou nty.where th e ofe nce?S'.as com m itted , a nd waa released bya Jury of foitv-odd 'inen. We learn that the evidence adduced against him, f bore every mark of his guilt ; but the all, important and only necessary thing, to liave lawfully ebn- I firmed ht guilt and consigned Uim to i ' . 1 ..--!?' -A Ji jl vi 'ij : Le an lgnom.iH!ou3 ,oeain,; cuuiu' iut uc produced. . This great impediment to the t)ro9ecutipnt combined - witVthe o verpo weri ng eloquence "of . his cou n sl, (William Gastoa) rendere'd every aru ment the attornejjp , for the com m o i w e al th p rb d u ced voi d A and it 1 u 0 avaii.-;;;,, v ;?r4 " , IgToivn of tlaliSaxslX is wi th cor tfH tulation toMie well-wisbfcrsof Jmr", 1 venerable little town, that we ' JiaH 'its prosperity ; venerablerfor its age and respectability,; Yor its being the seat cf revolutionary struggles, and' once the Metropolis of the State. Vith reverence and awe do Ave. often cast a wifctful eye oh the decayed' and; fal-: ling fabrics which surround ed u"der' seri ed and lonely as tbey are, 'they be speak thelriallen greatness.. Since that period ,u n ti 1 a y ea r i r t wo bac k t see m s tov have been u nder a d eel in e, whe n the era f Internal jlmprbvement shejiy ed, tbt Halifax ; might be rnade'tovie with any of it i str :towns.AJ rea dy; isthe work began ; last weekiour street presentedfa pleasing the cttj2enst; as : pspaiyu vastnron sedi with - strangers', abn8,IcaHs ana norsea j i?v;nea iq jcap4iie -tiuuai, was v beheld Wifcyery) agreeabje, sene sations, , Vat,. longTrow of h'ogsheadalCof Tobacco? finding t their wa taftir warehouses i"'; hithertcgOccpiedfbnly by a Tew casks 'et lime, bu$ now groanr j ing una er manyBJthoasand. weight cf j tTobacco, of this BankHsgaiiiookui tip ingrpassedfhfeoHwloefearr now leic -oiv 11s:. luure. pruapcrjiy hdtstinfettislredRie the OthinsUntioriyrpoi on 1 p- ii.i 01 on; 4 1 r 1 s njsi u.ieniiqo io niake ashbrfJrfbsf ryaitionV p:1 arid f-retiirn heffrre tna neit Sesiinn iof i Conis'fflll''!' 1 2 Nt niah " Ed wa :Vds has SeeTi-e1 ectil ed Senator to Concressfrom the'state or ;i.iarcn: nexr, at wnicn time nia pre scnterttr- oTkeryice will cxpir-'S 5: ' J; Srn ceri who receiyecHa :blu Jbegi si ature ; o t aIN e w -y orK,Tty ei ect ar a e n ator 1 n congress, to succeea mr ,Kipg, has publicly decline'd being coS-t side.rafd-'carrd(date: Gor,fela'ihe fatc.xonSnia4ie; bf the niraticabshinXobisa. destroyed oft CharlestbnV wa arrested on the 4th instant ; andaftera jftiil examination xommitfed tolttie' iaif of tKat;ptace for trialv-This isthe samevfellow- who pi uptl elOaptai nFihley , of thev ship Boston at;the Isle of -May. Inrthe: district Court of the TX now 1n Session in this city, it washes j terday adjudged, that the Portuguese shipiMonte , Allegro, and cargo, cap Uu.thej Patriot privateer sErPa tjivrvand'sentiinto this .port should be restored to the owners..aif. ua. On the 15lh day of Feb. I8!Qvin tta-1 I ge,r.?town, ?y ahitigton-County, state j of M a ry 1 afl d jj' a ic ; e r t a!n fre e w h i te m a n ; i n am ed An ( 1 re w Wif ibnast-cdtiyic i ed before John Hershey, eaq of pro fane swearing and not having money lo pay hts tines" (about 7 dollaVs) the cbr pore al pu n 1 sh th e n t of -whipping in coViforittity wtth the orders of MriJflerf shey, as', afflicted; by J. Howard, ? ft1 co n stable. u i ; rr '; ;- v The remains of two dead bodies found in 'a fressh grave in the woods near the Sr Mile House, from winch th e s;ahg 0 f robbers was jately dislodge ed, have been examined By tb'e coro ner of dhaVlestonV'Oneotlmbbai Kp'peared to have been aihite'man,': ! buried in a box. made of rouh slabs ;' the other the -remains of a young te male negro, Supposed to hivft. been de posited. In the "grave. Upwards of two he amoorit of claims for Spanish notations nossessed in. Boston' is sa'nl ,tj exceed a nxillion and a halfdoUarsj Hwj.ptof prtimi, of one pjerchant being I three .iiu n dred and fifty thousand do) f I.3rs, besides , iirterest for 15 yars. j We tVrl e r 9 i a n d t ha t tn ercha rt ts i n this town have similar claims, to a very cb b sid erab ! e a in bu n t . PrW. paftr. IJrrLast .'evening (says a Phi la d elphi.V pape r 0 f M a rc h 10i). the inha bTtanl'sof this city were alarmed with the hrv of Are j i proved - tofbei .the. Masonic Hall, in Chesnut street & irr two hui-s that noble-structure, the pride land ornament of our city; Was i n ruinsthe fir had made such pro? :esS before it was discovered, that the utmost; exertion of our energetic fife .-companies' were found inadequate to , subdue the- d'estructivelelement, -We, learnf that it origi nated. from a beam Hvhich extended, under thefire place in tlie jBal 1-roorn,; in the lower part of the building ;"a, cotillionvparty wha were to havemet theteiVhad Coot a ssemorea j yvnen tne nre- y&n -disco vered. J ,v.-. A &Ielishs Ma d has been rfeferre'd id in thl late riegociations with : SpaTfc Frotn that; Map it appears that the whole domain of the UnitedStates, extending; from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, is about feqiial to two million two hundred and fifty six tjwu- jsand, . nine; hundred x and fifty-five square miles ; of which that' part ly ing East of the Mississippi & includr ing the "Fiprid&vis; equal to nine hunt 5 red and forty-two thousand one hundred anrtT forty stjhare railesl;If the whole-domain ;were as populous as'jCbnnecticutvatf the': last'ensus, (1810) it wonld;cbhtain a Jpopulatiori one hundred aii tliirty five millions, four-hundr jjthree hu ndred i personsand . if as po-; tpulous"; as? Italy -nbCiSrthe" number I would be five hundred and;one million. the imagination playr and jtliere is no limit;to the grandeur wemay-anci-pate for; our country. Nay if arith meticBet triie a'Veryiew brief yeari? will find this the most powerful nation on: the: globe. Ve hay only : to wish t hat it may be a?enligfrtend ej? it will nav I wo per -isnareji ,was .onerea k4u inis p-foroihayet afedafs js J;MrXofes! ,preeiaiivc iuvuuer?3y iruHioouiu Wc .' :r.:,-; l-f''T -":'. -'-I Varoiina, 'saiiea Tronv,xe,w-if orit on: '. r -wiv-' t'lv .jjT'-' - - ' -" , date Iinaf tb ibpGollctor andXnterriaijtiuties letibo:I)istct;o .T-'amei MaAerrlbe' CpfleStorahd inspector pitp ,itevenuTe ior;;tne trict ofilJeaUfort; iNorth-Uaroiina. 4 ::-Mbo W Tk :drsiSb b& Svtvhrfe aid inVpetorSbf thepbrl of CprntuckTn- :i amitn inomsonrQ newr 1 orK tio SarJis Hnkney to Se Secretary, bf Legati on of ; t he tTn tedi Statea prmericaTlut theCburti ormimpaiiaiestjr p? xsroperor bf aftRussias:; &-$Pf exan3e r TL Everett ;.of Massa- cnusertts, tot uek vjaarge ues vxuaires 'oi. tfie lriited States of America; at tie Cottrt of Hi Majesty: ih Jphg of thfe Nethirlah,, '. W: 'te'l v iltenry VHiH, iof Kew-Ybfjc', to be tibrt jMtBbJafleTrb-ftf "krf ';vr;fe; 6hrfb;;syiin e Gbnsul of the United SliteS for. trier lisianji-bf:Teherin..':g :5TJayid Erskine, of Stockholm,, to ji 6bnsu!r of the Uniied States for ffi 1 ftavid: PWrishrv of Pennsvl vahiai -to be'ConsuL 0 f thclinited States" f6r the ort. of Antwerp.;- to be Con sul of the Ifn i ted States for ihe:pbrt:lof;.Siib'5aV Spaio.1 ' ", ' ; SHaf MareanV bf Massachusetts,' tto be, Consul bF the United States' for the Island of Martinique' : ! ; ; HnrV; Prebleof lassachusetts, to H.be-Cotisftl of tbUnited States, at Pa- 1 John "Srahami to be MihisterPleni potcntiary of the United States, at ;llio jrle; Janeiro,; '' y:. Xristpphei Hughes jr. of MaV jalSd jto be Charge d 'Arfai res "of the Un ited . States at Stock h$l m. v ; 1 j, J .; RertjeeJPox," to be Corisjullat FlmouthJ in England i ' 1 1. fjbhln Forsyth of Gbnria to be Slin- ister lcPlnipotefiary ? of the United t JbHn' Ja'i erAppletpi'f Mjchu. settsi to be Secretary of liegatibn! at Rio j d e ; Jaii efro 1 " 'Abraham P. Gibson j bt-WeW-Yk,-to bel Consul ait.'i?eterspttri!: , C Frances Adams, of the District of CoIUnibia, to be Consul at Trieste;;T Cortland Parker, of New-Jersey, to oe uonsui at iurracoa. , uTownsenp! StithojrVimniaV tojbe ; Thomas D. An d ergon of Pen n sy J Va iairto be;Cbn5'ttl ot tfav United States t?rripoiK r "-;;v 42 nia m r r( y ': Larzi Oxen. There "are no w ex hibiting at Baltimoretwo pxen raised by'Miv John Barhey,bf Port Perin in the j state )f DeiawareVbose "dimen sions are as follows : v ." r;:r . i - : ! .. Tvr---r , ft, inch No. jl a red ox, O years old length from th e set on of the horns the tip pf the rump ii.ight '. .. v ; Across, the hpa-; -Smallest grth . Largest do. - -v .? 94 1' 9 M 2 9 ft. ih.A) Kb. ii, a red pied oz. 6 Veirs bid .JerigtE;" . ; ... 9 He ght I , x ; 4:. A 5 Across the hipa - 4 ' 5 Smallesigirth"'.; i;. . ; ' . -'. .9, Larsrest do. .-. ;:" ?. 10- 05 si 6 &7 No considered the heaviest" and: fat testox eveE rlisedyi the United State.j ":. ''A- letter has been received at Bos ton from an officer; of the'frigate a cedonian, Capt.' Downs dated at sea, Deci ISth, JSlsrjn lat. t;NVoj 24-V:. then out SS'days frpnvNbrfplk. Thfe 1 ettertatesr that nothing extror-: dinary had ' ocCu rred on. board; except ihg the 4eath of midshipman, Petei" B. Raiidol nh, of Va of tybhus teveri after1 Lthree days illness V-and: the fall, from tne toretopgaiiant ya ra , or ai exana ejr rnera seamab,; who suriktblre ihe boat, sent to Wave himfcould reach hini. VTh "ship ; nfd not spbken jiny American vessel btitihejSachem of Philadelphia boundf tcT Rio janaroi but! 55 days. 3'a''fir8P?j? Aiacedohian wksf eefcied to touch at wasWalrraJs5f"a ?as;e fast ana'ls mufeti easier than when, she 1 eft iBostbii. Clliit theApfficers and crew were;yery heal thyj thdugh ori an allowance . of water : which, wheA drawn by the officer was locked up in: their , chests anLcould -; Be f;ex- changed for thjlsine uantityvoff Utrf Cant. Mobtef of ttbe schn Jane bHngs not further: information resDectinithe movements of ihe "Patriotsonr the; lalaki than they had been'receiitly rcihforced by I tnp -amv a i (jj a;-top siyeraoip nam oer -ti troops from England, hb, Jiad Jbteen lao dedmthe Oronokorf That'nart offBr?- an'sVsqadronp tinder ? the : comniatui of CDmnioaoretj q ti Et consisting, oi': otie un ship, an IS gun ' brig; .and,, fouf Jarge sciiooners were dpntinu ally crbiEui Jbe tyreen; StiMartiai and .St3artMome i gainst vessels bearing the AHiganr. flag, Deen raaae pv ine president ana oe lire captain Ml iaHe , thefitAtlkii Bart a. Guineamaftaymg: 300 alavci v i v itbw.boJbd; X hoars'b thq , vhole squadron, and -ak f 5 1 -apturecDy.ine cng ana neaviest schoo Baltimore,;) pierced fcAnsiVand "im-. der the Artigan; fiigrart Into St:Bart5i' where shfts;sei zerd -arni .sold by the go-' :L vernmenr. bne wat Dtfrc&ased -rbv the agent'of Jolie, and beings fctted 'taa sunis ' . Tiprstyle:was io safl-tbesae'dayrwitX 1 uie jan, la iaKcin oer axnafnentai tpe? r Five Isfarids, arid join the sbuadrbh taere. e af e fpur.i; American in ; tiits ;pfeieni3tf xnciu xjoaiowiaiis, v.; pic, isaac voinn - . enSheaffe, & gfohafSCopley, sq. f." 1 ?, aDd.TosiahJ)i.VP tiveor Uharieatonu, m 5 ' 3 ursdarr the 1st daV'of'Ariril nrttti reborn mejKled; as . -iAtofhfi Jiu43ifiaiKn tasrmgna prayer throUgiiout he Com- naTiy.bther tHings.jM ;V;? i . . jhis is a subject of no small v. sm- v ve. uMj&vangeucai- ana $ unworn ' ' J I 1 :.,.4t! is'yeiy-:gratIln..to,p)teeiTe ll ipiniiof.Pyf I bnildingXJJmrchs,. 1 n portance. A house of worsipperyi- r ba to every -blai heafiof Rummer 'iinji;ecdd;bf wt , ter, thej rain jahdie snoty,; will cer; ,': ;' lainly'evejii te nd ihg d iy i n e setVice. And hiuch of ( tpral Oodrodubed by the instii; tutibrtif reIion)-eults ; from the ; ; hib'itrbfjsbfi v ' gblar attendance ibn eo Any' ; t hpusesbb smail ; tl5f,;orartibI6 " .A ' cojodamnratt v---ers "areCsare tO;produ'ce theiffeosive ' r " in; our cotintry,Jof leaving Church be v ' J fore-; service closes : , and of talKin;, ' and laughing with out,while the woN ; farther, thfeofa V "v cuously; on benches instead ot liii lew p& ft njtter ;; ;; r;parrenjso.;Keep..xneir. nuaren wua hemaladdertheirfbn.e ;inivine;MHbo7K Hntse ha-f;; .p(,s5fe;jta1id;J olaJheoVbf anipng theybungAni f . j A tence, ;te reproach that dfteti ftlls'oA ' v , i piousparents oja accountLof the cbaV;;- ; aucibrtheirvhildrtfb have seer; ; ;-;', distinguisd:rof?ssOri bfreliioni " weeping in bife part of a church," while, j iirdaughterV were; giggling- and: 1 ; ; wjiisperi n"g jif i.tfiOulnjjpj iajparkiii- ';: . 'the-r - aatheir ?bby84;vrere -.-'plajririe, j . withnegces andicioysyouth;out ol j dobrs. Jlis most clekrly, for; the in-j , terests pf inoraliry atitl religion .that Churches should beJled;witK,v)eW instead of t Hckes aijahat hly 'ome' ; afranemeht.thbse pewsahbiilabe ap 1 . i propfiated , to tfefamiljetjiatcora ' j poSe tfc!wbrshipin cbrigrecatibnsij poSe Itls y to. make comfortable; proyt v s ibn forocca i hal. harers The ta; V$jf 'pt of a cpngrbatio ' , l?lfU.rA motlier atlotieena" A 'ofew'Satliib the children between themVall,seVouVy , . ' orderlynd attentive form i aAjgrbup , Jn the; highstefee,ibterestii 4; i . It seems; in- this;case as ! though i :'7; thelifttirbacisnantipr joVmenteblomestkJif to the sctuabXGodsiibus y puriiftend rexaltaaani prepared y ardibg-rtlr; j hlier joys'. 'iThe'.hb ness4bf religibbrahd;;glorje8 of etei , niH sem' to invest these neareat and dearest relatib ( ? them; ;wi tff themajetjrj dbd grandeur ,- f vM sjojenirj scenjret irxrei nature recoils at the gloomy thought," andfainwobld pass it ioverviThe ty-,. '; '. r' t,maylforget th0;pbjetf hist re Wige theTparenthe1"smiiin aiitl man his Gbd,u t rDeath ) remem-:v bets. mPaniniast:die.Ottr- lot remalhi' , j tinchangeburoon Earthly ) splendor is no v exemption frbro his soaiis ; youin.ana Djsauiy must ODer - , umnd f IporrwtVorym ' der. ties of eaHhljanbpt jprblonpur 'stay 9 thetear of rental ;fbndness,:; A oQanbtro;avai$ not? ? tha. tide . of life spent, we'must depart to ivOrldi - t. Oh MbridayemiiRii last Mr James X Boylan tcrlVlistianl;aiie.-H v In Hertford Coiintyat the hbiwe bf Timo thylRidleyt EscJ onTbiiriday the 4lh instant nen aianey, fcsq. iojkii Aiirjj w. UrowD loverly wretersoug.x , ."lm-Z-rIEDr;: . : At tKe residrnc. of laj: AV, Crohahi ; ILbcust Qrovef ntSckpd the dthlarl-7 uary,Mr. Jblin raUjns,' aged'lO years, H; nauve ofjSfew -Jersey;; ' , : "i.'-' !- y- Ou the49U4 Februaryi it Smyrna; Del. drldand tliirt J ; JJ.J in vjiUHiea , wnem sue remau'.eo. .a- p ,1 1 1 T-H . r :' i ;i .'I 1 ! : 'J 1 lii ai : 1