A,' f: !- ! ! h fr - -i 1 -' , .r-A -'Cto follow thbfWze that flies over, tli e ca. Gofasterftfce Uainbow V fading- dies i vj Co whistheibirtlfr vondertree, catehctfthVwave'' he sparkles that rise; .This to" do thou ahalt easier find . ' cPORvrHY. ' Than to krtow,thetbouehts ofT Woman's . . -? , i j -" . - IT) , JVl i ." - L ' i v v I ; f . t - Theiareswifi as the breete,as wav'nng too; 1 ; 'More- trariai-nt, sometimes, ibato'Uhe Attain,; - .'u'".. .-JVfKiii fc A . ;'U , j ; . ' Xj moved as the HIM by the charm jffs call t "A 4 , . A hfjjjrfrf.as the spark lev as oljdvwithal j ;.. ; 'Andto.thYnkvthat the sm'des of such beings ;-. athef,y-;v V"':;' j , -j Makefeven t h tosopbers jasjVhat they, v.- :- w ".. . 1 .- v v".'?- CNFAV MODE Orl DUKLLIKG : y'h'-.1 ,PTdished ovrequest; ' ' Cine Sam St-iish; writes in tUeXrhe Jf;can WatchmarCafr duelling, mentions a .-' late instance oTtwo'rnk!sh iprhen Having r the' V sqtto faction" to kill each other a.rtd k that ''ttiiv. erAe: titinec?' withvinHharhri . norsi- ',On which ,ccsioT hr. relates the o!!owingahecx6te, ? J .-; It is said nfthe mnci abased General :'-AjJkmt!athe'5nflcxiblyresiifced alii -a niicj.uinns ;T'reouvMi oi nis own xa .Sr .rie nephw tvith fntiitary honors he e': having beci Tcilled -In 'a duel, and this re fusal was given wlthearsin his'ee'a' so much stronget withia him was duty than . feelmg-,:;-;-,-:;;l 7 . I ? ;; !, Ths writer pot expectjng to root.iout the' practice of duelling,. while Hvirigf v dnelt ate caressedand dead ; ones bu ried .with "military;; honors." gives "sobrie, If fits - of a plan he .: proposes to bnrig For- aggressor declines following mple," he is as mui;f, disgrac the same j exam cea as ont of our people , who refuses to kill another? This kind of duel hais lecif3edly the ad . vantage ih one respect ; iatUJactiori be ing the subject,, each party is ,sureof "it by execuftas the business himself, instead tt risking the tslundersjpf another.' t ! But 1 wotild n'otgqth'length.txcept .iavery aggravated cases.' If a man should insolently reproach' ;me with poverty, J . Should throw a ten dollar bill into the fire Tfinnnihn.iM it a man spoulrt Tnrovided I had one") and if he should not rio the same,' I think myself and all bye- tanders" would be satisfied ot' my inner , - cerce anl SiK "guilt. r If he should angrily reprove -ny for not performing a promise lo th e v m e i f h e "da re-or ra ther 1 e t h i m Oiegiecc it, ! II ne oarc cntouuicr.uic uis-. race.!-?; ' VV' :- i I he should ay I was a hard drinker. ?wobi i ft r.hwith swallow, a half pint of raw :b randy and pepper; ana, one&K ; tne rtumhler. oyer my shin, to show that I did tibt'pire a fig for.hirri and let lurnde ' tnand axballerge at his peril As a case 'f extremity, if he should give me cause, 2 would "bite my tongue thro- ad thro provided I had sufficient confidence , iii ,his hoiv'ir i that , he" wouM . afford ,meHhe Ivery r towfertabie satinaction of ; biting his f - :- NOTICE. , ..TnplHB subscriber being anxions to close his jk'JL" concerns and to enable him to go to the i southward,- wish es - to : d Ispose of his . PJQ, PlittTY lyhag and being in the city of Ra: .'lenrh, andn the County 'o Wake v ? p The Lot containing one acreJ on 'whieh,-he TesMescertainryonelof the most eligible in I the Citv it beinr a street's widthVnlv from i the State House sqiiare and Mr . RuflRn'ji Ho- telr the improvements are such as to suit the acccmmodatxTO' of a genteel family; or-ony person disposed to 60 business of any kind, it beinjr an excellent stand, and in the immedi ate neighborhood ofthe most wealthy andpo litepaTtof thecity J - v. ; N; , likewise a tract of. Lino, about & miles. from the City, containing: S3o; acres, by noi means inferior toaisv .ne iu the nelghborhoodi j having on it a SAW MILL newly erected on nev'er failing atrearo. with a rock dam made as permanent - as any other perhaps in: the -ward for its'imptoTetjtent. . 44 Amdngthe ' Ja pa n es iVhe says) if aman Js niortajly give r ncur, i.wouiu iun uy wuiui against 'h' wair (provided hofore) aud exclaim "houri are :s!dveif9' and let him V. world, and the ailjoinung country, aliording as ' j much timber 6ftbe Jhest quality, as wdl be? J snfncrent'forpnehUrfed years consumption. ; The great demandj!fbr timbenTfaU kin! in "...the City, and tthe sdjoininjr 'country, renders this 'Mill a source 'qf much profit ; also.'a ; large MF.RCHANT MILL, partly finished, which, when conr.plctfd will be of more value . Lthan aav Other within fifty miles, being in the ; ! heart of rich neighborhood, and no manu- I rfactortnf mil' near .it.'; $.r , V.-i; t ' ' .' ' . In the city t bave.' V;Lot, in -a convenient -t' part,ofiCof3 acres .of ground, with .small jmprovementsyet ificient for a family ire ; tidence t 1 ndi near thc market -house, a lot ! whichjl purpose to divide to accommodate those who wish tojobtain eligjble'Scites''for . stores, shop SuTcc.' being in'a most cpnve ' nientand suitable situation; this last men. f - tion. Tot near the market boiise, I will sell 1 , at auction, on. the l.th )nst Terms at sale; I and for the other p op erty . a reasonabl e "ere-J (Jit, ta wit one tnrrd part n the 9th ot Oc tober nest, and the balance jnone aod two Jears upon good and sufricientsectintv;vPos- session will be given hy- tle 9h of 6ctober nextrxir sooner if fequired JEilU SCOTT take this opportunity of )nfbrmiig allhbse wIk have claims against him to ex ibit fbem for settlement, and those w!k stand irklebttd to him are earnestly des red to make pay ment without delay,; as ihe situation of his bu finess absolutely forbids longer indulgence; ' , ' .!-. ' - J.SfOTT. Rale ch,Feb.4.1ol , 12-tf P. ST As I irrf d etermined to sell tb above described psopertyj-a. great bargain may be had by an early application.I avail myself of this opportunity- of reluming, my sincere thanks to a generous -public foj past favors, and inform them that I liave alarge and hand- y some srimentof 'Jewelrv. Ladies and Gen- Uemerfa Gold Patent Levers, Silver dojuid " , a "great variet)'f 'other Watches, and good etch day ..Clocks, with Mahogany cases. : ' .', J warranted. to keep time; also, a quanti-l rri tyof sitjer. nlate, military articles; canes, ' ,vc. tt reduced pricea,-ibr cash Only vB- , Vcrv-kind of work in my line, will be done as - 7 , -iformerl, .iintU J remoye. . f0 - ; n' ? ' . V' rw;BolIaw a Year .' V" 'ivTUh'e;Jast;&nrt-or Session held nMheCounty of ,VYrrcn, the Subscriber was qualified s Administrator o0fe iEiute :of itbe4iite Dje1fliomis;B; fllosterl of. WArrentan All 'Demons haVine tros 'gainst the said jpsfatrate reques'ed Uo ntesent tbem WthVlune limbed by Jaw. oTncrwjetne nuscrDer win aan uiwat ofits protect on.MVi 4 "K i 1 'L-. 1 .vi :. ; vr-JOHN XNPRtlSDNy 4dnVfr , Warrenton rtatch t819 t- ' 16 3wr NQRJHCA ROLlA - STAQES: v;- :. ' NEW. X1K&TH tVfyWL Subscriber -fias ' tfie pleasure of inr formmtbe Pbl?c. that he.'ln co!njuc tion with Tapt Wiixtati St6tt, of Rafeigb; has ntibsbetla NBW STAGES 1 ;frorp .thlf plaeeHt foj'ghf to Raleigh ; to run through, n two njvs. tTj?: a weeic L.eave. "Mr.f.ewvis. Tiriy,1foteT;every' Toeday ami JaWdav' at'6"A r; and arrtve in Raleigh, fby wav oftTarriYnicrh) 6W Sundays 8t Wed-; nesdays. by 7 , , I -Leave Kaieign on as tiirdavs and Tuesdays a 4. A'.; M, ami arrive at Washington oii Sundays ; aKd.Wednesdays Vv4PvM. ; Also, aregwlaf ONf OF STAGKS conjunction with the ptkiitinXf: Plymouth Steam Boat, X'runs Jtwre a5week between Plymouth and ewbern X-ea ves Phrmoutb on Sundays anl Wednesdays at 8 A' M'and 'arrives atNewberri ( through "this r'.aee). on Mondays and Thursdays by 9 A. M y l eaves Vewbern at 12,' same days, hd rrirs at Plymouth by, P. on Tuesdays and ,$a turdays..; ; - . These Lines are supplied With active. tier, ses, careful lirivers.igood Public Hriuses, Smooth Itoads, and are driven in day. timpf With such actommodatibns the Proprietory hope to render comfortable all who travel -these routs;- .' C; ' . ' -r ' 1.1 - v, ,; klxo:, . , K Washington, N. C, Pec. SO 1818. '12- And will be .publi shed about th lOtli of next month, at the ofTireof the National" Iktm tiorxcKR, .. ,4"-1 .V)- A REPORT OP THFV BFf ATP ' In Ute tlonse of Representative of the United ' v ' f ftta'fs: oh the ntifdect of ' ' ' V tTl SK.MINOt.EAN WAU. ' FOR the use of.MembeVp of Con'j'r.ess av.1 " others, we shall publish before the ter.j mTnatiqn of the Session, that is to say on ! 1 1 jiZaaay.oi npxi momn. a vuini.-ii' cumu 111. , ' k- r , naunio ntr r tA ; te-. i 1 ( i . .1 . 7 early part of it,, as we shall be ab'e.t up to that day, to throw frohthe prrss, in pamph let form. The pr ce foij this part oi'the work will beat the rate of bne-th.rd' of a cent per . fs no nbate of the same length, wh eh 'has' -takH nlace, in ponfrress, has excited more pithjic attention and' few have been elmr.tnteriaed b gipeaterdinla s of eloquence and Jeariiing, it is presumed," on takings rn O'irselve's the responsIhiliv of embodying it in a permanent form, thaV e perf'rnvser J iice ace-ptahie to the community, and by which we shall not. incur a loss.' : i V GALES & SEATON. I February IV 1819. , - . U ljh By the President vf the L United States. "lTTHEftnAS, by an act of Congress passed T v on 'the th rd dav of March, 1855. enti- tied "van act to provide for the ascertaining and son eyine of the boundary lines fixed by the treaty with Ah e Creek Indians and fer o ther purposes,", the President rf ihe f United States . r authorized to caus ' the'lartd)var. qtiired W the said treaty, to be offered for sale, wen survey ed : 1 ' , J ' Therefore. I, Jame-j Monroe, President tif the United States, do J hereby declare arid make known, that public sales tor th disposal (a crreeably tojaw) of crt.i n lands in the Ala bama territory, shuil he held ft Oahaba, in the said.territory, on the first Monday in January next,' and shall continue for three weeks, du ring Hitch time wil' be oUfrd for sale .' Townthlp t on inhered $ to 6 Wloiivt In rng t g . ; . 9 to ifi , . t ' 6 " i .10 to 6 " . .. - 1i , 7 " ' 10(0 16 ta ' ', 8 except such lands' as have beeti preserved by .taw for the support of ,schX)ls, and! for otlier purposes' l lie larl shall b-voTi'jred for .-a f in regular numerical oder,romniencirg viih the lowest numder of section, township an l ranged, : . ; " ?';' . 'j' Given uruler my hand at the City nt Wt sh ington,;thc 17thla o' Ju'v one thou -; v : sand eight hundrriarf1 A-cr'ht1:! . ! :i , yJAMES MOKHOE. Ry the President I' ", 1 ; v:-. , 'V,. N . r r; J mfigs, .. . Commissioner of; the General Land OfhV By the President of the United Stat esl 1 rHKRKAS, by an act of Congress, passeo . f T on the tfth of February,' 181 8, en titled ,! an act making provision for the establish', men't of additional Land Offices in the territo ry of1 Missouri,", the President bf the United States is authorized to direct the public lands, which have been surveyed in the said territo ry to be offered for sale , , . 1 ; --. Therefore I, James IVlonroe, President of the United States,' do hereby, declare & mafcf known,, that public sales for the disposal (a greeably to law) of certain lands in the terri tory of Missouri, shall be held In Franklin; in said terriory, viz : ''')'. : . On the first Monday in January next for the saleof ' "'; ' y Townships No 46 to 52wn-) r- i v ' , .' elusive and ilMct'l town- inVange 19 ship 53,;';: i V .'' y . 48 to 52 and? fract'l township 5$ $ 20v 48 to 52 sJ- V 21,22,23 ; On the first Monday! in M.arch next, for the sale of i .-'.,.; - O ' Townships 48 to 55 inclusive.in ranges24 Si 25 7 ' . . 48 to 50;- . 26 5t27 ,'On the firs Monday in May uext, for the ale of Townships 51 to 54 inclusive.in rangesl 1 V-;;? ' 5ltafct3:, 13 K12 . 53 to 56 . ! i 14& 15 excepting tjie lands which have beer-or may be ,resened by .lawjfbf the.'support of schools, and for othejr purposes; r - -. : - i ? Each sale shall continue-as long a? may be necessary to U fier the lands for wile, ard ho longer, and the, lands shall Be Offered irnregu; ler numerical, order. ( f .. "--i ; iyen under my hand, at life city of Wash : ' ington, this 1 rth lay of July on ecthou - 1 sand eight htrndreo and eighteen. ' V s JAMES MONKOE. j By the President i-rij w; f . ' J " .'.' V . v--JOSIAH MEIGS.! - Commissioner of the G eiei-al Land Office'. i f itJiLEiGifpnrjsrTED by joseph orOnD Advertisetocnts not- exceeding thirty lints Scp&ior Court of a w, November Term, - ?8i8rr7, ; -r. ?; : IirabethitbV jtpirBivofe Biam'Smitb.--- XT appearing to teCowtlur the Defen " antv William Smithis not an Inhabit of his Statej; it ;is tbere(ore;5rdered; ths pubiieation be made for h reje months inbe .Star, andRalergb Register; neWipaperpub. Iishedla the citj of Haleigb, that unless the defendant Villiam Smith appeai at theeal term to be held t for sad ebuntjyoii -the 6th Monday after the 4th JHonday in March next ar)d pJead,ertor1demur; td plaintiff's petition jud grnent pfp; cofesso wUl be eri tered'-tm1 against him. 6 A'yi&C'M 4im GEO. GRAHAM, C.S.G. V AREATBARGAIK! , : , jTlyiTAY bela in'lhe ftotise an4 Shop which now occupy They are well calculat ed for; a Coach-makerV":brany oher mecha Tiid The stand is within a few doors'of ibe ftfarket-hoiisWtheliEasUide; all necessary outhouses, & in the yard there is a Well of excellent water.0 A garden, also is (attached tp the premises, which is inferior to none i'htie:'Ctvof Raleigh; 'VY: 'r .'t - J.i'ERMS, of sAUi';:--:-,-' r Oncthird ;at ninety days, approved len- dorsed, neirotiable notes, at either ; of . the. baiiks in. this place, and the other two-thirds in one arid- two years -negotiable hptes, and a deed of trust on the property. V V; 'H'1 i Hxki$.:xj yA:- r- joF.ii browns :; ) i ; NEW GKOCERY. -y -I'" '..; 'r- ?i ' .''' mm, V''-' "'i-j'.-.' frtHE nbscriber l)aa opened Grocery v Stored on Fayetteville Street, a tew doos south of Doctor Rando'ph Webb's cot'ner, & directly rpposile MrrfB.;sl Ring's Store Where he. in'e.nds. keeping- a . constant sup ply of. almost every.articleio that line., ,: . .' fie his on hard at present, LHaf & Brown Sugar, Coffee, Troperial , and HyioflK'Tea,' Alsplce, Pepper &, irie-eri Copperas,' .Salt Pi. tre, Kails assarfedi Trace Chains Pots, Ovens nd Skill ts, Whie Lead and Spanish Hrown, 1 raco and Bed cord iiooe, wonn- Vrn Cheese and Pota'oes of sWDerior. ouali 'tv," Molasses, Jamaica tnd West Indialuum, Nortterii dUto.vFrencn is randy anaiioiuna Uin, I Apple and Peacb ? Brandy, Whiskey, Liverpool and Turks Island Salt with general a: sortment'of Queen's 'Ware viz Plates, Dishes, Cups and Saucers, Bowls, 'Murs.'&c. . h . ... -v .. : Hi has also on hand , and 'ntends to keep a constant supply of the(bst Family Flour, by the Birrel or Jess quantity. - , :,: He has ordered and -expects shortly to re C'ive. a considerable addition to his present stpek ; and aslhe itepdsto sell on as mode rate erms as can be afforded, he. will feel greatly oblrged jLohiB friends ard the public tc a share of their custom and patronage. WM SHW. Raleiph. Feb. 12 12 6w ., j,., - NOTICE' ' :. TO MEKCHAjrrS AKll OTHERS, HHHAT on Thursday the 25th "of Marcb i nexti at the late Dwelli tig-House and r Store of fr Jjo. Faifets, deceased, In the c5 ty of Raleigh! will commence the sale of all h'a Strxk of GOODS on hand, consisting of a wen seiecten . assormcnr 01 ury u ius ana Uarl ware' of variou's kinds, .lately purchased in Philadelphia and N w-York, many Pieces and Packages of which hve never been cut or broken ! If wou'd h. 'useless to attempt a Alescripti'n of tbe Goods, at they are comT posed 'of every article generally constituting .an assortment for this "Market, and that of good -'quality As th-u sale must be without reserve, or. bye B.dders,it;w;ll be well worth the,' attention cf Merchintsand others who like good bargains. ' ;t ' -; ' , Six mon'h credit will b? allowed tofpttr ehaicrs, for all sums over Four Dollar?, on giving Notes with two approved Securities, v At the same time will be P.ented until the 1st of January next, two convenient'Houses, either of vhich would suit a St. dent, of Law pr Physic', of any person who wished to have 1 a Room ff Rooms" to. themselves. , Some Ne-j gro belonging o the Estate will probably he hied at the tame time for the balance "of! t he y ear, both male and female, of a size and age to be serviceable " The sale wil conti nue from day. o day until, the whole is sold ' 4 MARK COOKE, Adm'r. v Tvkh the Will annexed, of $he Estate of John latrei, Jiec. JlaTigh, Fe&rvanj 55, 15 3t By the PresiderU States. ,"11 J HERE AS, by an act of Gongress,pass f ? ed6n the lnh of February, 1818, en, tHled " An act making provision for the es tablishment or additional Land Offices in the "f erriiory of Missouri," the -President of tbe United States is authorised to direct the public lands whiebxhave been surveyed in the ssid Territory, to be offered for sale : Therefore, I, James Monroe, President of the United States, do hereby declare; and make known, that public sales for tbe dispo sal (agreeably to law) of certain lands in the Territory of Missouri, shall be held as fol- tlows, viz ; At St: Louis, in' the said Territo f ry, on the first Monday in Augutt, October, December, rebmary 4and April next,,, and three weeks after each of the ssid days; for be sale r of lands in the land district pf St. Louis.! Thirty townships shall be offered at each sale, commeneing with the most east ern .ranges Vest of the fifth principal meridi an line, and proceeding westerly. i ; A t the Seailof Juttice'forBo-nhrd County, in the said Territory, on the first Monday in September1 and , Kovember next, and three weeks sfter each of the said dajs, for3ihe sale of lands in tbe land district of Howard County. : Thirty townships sb all be offered at eir.h sale ; The first to be in a square form, 'and to include the seat of justice of be I said County, as nearly An the centre aa the siiuauoD ai mc surreys , win aaam, ana me second immediately east o the first, and in the; same forni ( excepting from sale in each district, the ands which have been or jCDay be reserved by.law for other purposes. iu t i Given under my ; hand, at the City of t . 1 wasmng'ODi xne imrxeemn oay 01 a !' pnl, one thousand eight hundred and r 1 iff 1 ti r . Bj the President. S.- fy ) rJ Vf ,'-v. 1 v uommifsicmerot tne f X -.' '! General Land Office. iDsertc hc fast time fox Half iv Dbllar, and ibr a Quter cacii succeeding paper. v niib'is'on the Character aud Customs cif the lneonle of India; 2 vols H 1 Latrobes Visit to South Africa, De Stael's French RevoIutiOa Emigrants Gidei !!. Jt - EsnweJlas;ltt'ers oh England, 5 y. A' ne3y & handsome octavo edition 0 Black- JTewland's" Chancery t Thornton's Grammar of Botany, with Plates Barlass's practical Sermons- ,v ' L' '; Abercromble's Mourner comforted; cnnsolat iorv Extracts on he death :bf Friends . flume's History of Ehgland,b' i pntint atiou to the presenttime m a vols, m ele eantand 'neat:bindihgs.;-;-;t::i , f;,;: .)c ilJettew'frbmeomhfb . Birkbeck's Lettersjrom then! mois t . W Ptavfairs Oiertatidn;on? the progress of ' : rMathem'atica? a nd Physical Science" SmithVThucTdesyols" -'xi,;- Montaigne's .Essavs3 V. ; I MrsCieneTaleatv, ' ;' Memoirs p?Rob Uoy :. yV 'J.:-: Sophia or a dangerous Indiscretion Cottage Ske'ches, v5 v. '" ; : ; ', -v'-. PdgeworlhV Aloral Tales,' 3 Correction, 2 v. v,. f:;r" " 2 v. ! Rachel, a Tale,. . I :'J;. vt Clarent me, by Miss uumey, 2 y. It"-:- A mimoer pt aenooi uooxs, Bsc., Mrch4, 1819 1: VTHIS4DAY IS PUBLISHED, s--". '-'.AT; TBS OFFICE OF TH ; ; national intelligencer; -J, J . -PRICK 1 DOUiA:AK 50 CESTS, ?::.' ,' TBE C ONSTI TUT! ON AL X AW ! OF THE UNITED STATES, ? Embracing the Declaration of Independence, A 4' Articles of Confederation, and Constitution of the United States sand the CbnstiHitions I, of the several .States composing th'e yniou. A revised Edition of this Work will be is "sued fronvthe same Press on the 1st day of December annnally hereafter,, embracing such; new Constitutions, or amendments of those which noV exist, as may have been formed In the-interrel bet ween each edition. ; Sold by Ji Gams, Raleigh. f, " 1 Febniarv 26. ' . . N : l. 15 i ' ' BOOK & !TAXI(TARt STORE. ' . ' .1- - . - . - .- " J -3- : ' - " - i " . r'' Nsw -!' Establish M9i jv Market! Staeet 1&n OOk SELLERS c STATIONERS, Phi- F; -tATiEipaiA, respectfiiTly inform the Pub lic thatAthev baveaken that large and spaci ous House- No 73 Market Street where thev have , opened a complejevAssortmentof nwHS,, 1 aprr, aim ay ouir'- aj-tfcics . cuiwicci- , ed .'with the Statlorjai y H'lsjness, which they wiH dispose of on tne irnstreasonable terms" j Persors Visitipthat City," will od it to their advantage to call at their Storey as rVorn their extensive assortment; the Advertisers flat ter. themselves they can ex ecute orders on as good terms as-.-knyH6tise in; the tTniteS States, and sue as thev trttst will firiveJatis- faction to those who may 5 favor thmf with j their, commands . , ?r -K.-j ,1 Philadelphia, Feb 15. . y 1S qw THOMAS COBBS, TTAS em ployed from the Citiei of rT??ofk .." and Newark -a number1 of first- rate Workmen of the several branches of his Bu smess, viz'- 'nody-Making, CarriageMakmg, Trimminc;, Paintinpr, Smiths,-. &c. who , have beejiarefullj- selected by h'w friend jn New Jersev. He hnlso received from the Cities of New York arid Philadelphia, a large 'and j eXt.ensive Stock tf 'the bf st and mos fashi onable Materials. -tHe is grateful fof tbe;;ve ,1 -. . - . . t ". ry uoerai encouragemem; ne nas aireaqvrc. ceivea, ana nopesirom nis assjyuuy anu at tention to his business, to merit a continuance of their favors. - Carriages tif any description or nr. can be had S a short notice. X ' i Orders from -any part of the Continent are solicited.- ;-j : "'-::!-- -:'' - i Reference" for excellence and -elegance of his work, and thejtharacter of the advertiser, ja i made to'his.nunierdus acquaitifancesjn.tnis and the neighboring- States.. v " ; j 'Raleigh; Feh.-l.i8l9-.'N,14. t &ctf ! ; P.'S; ASmith wanted, who js of good cha racter and ean come Well recommended for his sobriety?and ajttention. To whom, liberal wages and constant employment will be gi ' fflHE Subscriber being desirous to.con- I tract his-Rusiness, offers forj sale his property in the,Town ot Jreensborough, via; his Tavern, Howse and Lot which he at pre sent occupies, jt js in ah eligible: partbf th Town for business, is ample, has 14 fire pla ces,5 has all necessary Out House appertain iiigand is well calculated for the convenience of Travel' ers arid Boarders.; Also, hisTAJJ YARD, which is targe arid suitable fpr an ex tensive Businessj j there are ; wo tiir.ps in the Yard which bey er lack for water,-' arid which are sufficient o supply it with the greatest abundance. -There are severalhun-' dred HlDESf wlitch Jf wish to go ;ith the Tan Yard, togeth er ' with'oth er necessaries, for carrying on the Business The Nourish ing state of the Town of Greensboroiighp he healthiness of and the drcumjacent eoun-U-y, combined wijh many ptheradvantages ; render this property peculiarly, desireable for those who are disposed to live in a pub lic liney The Siibsctiber deems H unneces faiy to ,give a mir.ute description of ;lt, as it is presumed that those jho-wish to pur chase, will be desirt us VoT seeth e prem" s es' previous thereto. A liberal; credit will . be I given to the purchaser, - he itih bond .with j security- ""r '. iv ? ' ''; - - ' :i, ': jVv-'V . ..j .The Subscriber avails himself of the pre-! Sent opporturtityjtoreturn his sincere thanks to the Public for past tavors, , and trusts that should he makef sale of the above pnjpert that ii will be to some person who will be; papkbie and - willing to support its present character as-a House of , Entertainment, ; if hot. to' surpasi i'i H) : -j, ;,Alyi ANDRFW PATRICK; f ; fCf ? If the property be not sold, the pre sent Proprietor Will cohtmuee bvamess.- . Greensboro leh. 23 15 4w vae& Hall's Travels jn Canada and the U. States .i Trumbull's HisVoryiofCbririectiCut, 2jVi -i J)ar1,v's Louisiana - -;,J :, i-rm -y V- v Two "Lne Therp It is the highelt situation i!fyi 9 January 23 . The ty-Frve Dollar, if paid Wl nexl Fifteen Dollars the v r 5 an4Doll.r. for loaurinc H be demanded as soorti Kevvli Foal;or,the property is trngferrrtHPi, Urto the Groom every j"' ei Ui fcdfatjtheneighWhood pr for which must be sent when th ffe N taken away. " c AIrt, i The Suhseriber ha rr.:j- , rage, both of high and lowfflW care ana attention will . be bVd , . but will not pliable for any t c m V escapes whatsoever. ' .CCiler.tJ fel IMOLEON is -a' beauti W, years old, fW feet thrr -JJ high, and possesses as much no2 V1 tiyity as any Horse in the Vnl - r PEDIGUKE. TIMOLEON was gotten by the i famous Horse, Sir Arrhv, hi, via naitram v- 1 1 amhyDldWi!dr,hiSGr,ttr ine imi.:prea "orse,. Driver. Great Grand Dam bv d . I Fall6w, cu' ofa Vampitr Ma-e 8or. PERFORMANCE. Thereby rerfifyi h i I jtf above Bade lo. Ti wor iT W ovc periy 01. R. R- Johnson, o " r 1816," then three yea-s eld. n a Swer rV t " mile heatstvat New Market, 7 h.,V RICO entrance, half forfeit V Vtei 'A ,').'- ' :" : 1st heat Timoleon '1 1 M Aiexanaers sambo, 2 J Forrest's Fai: Rosamond 3 J Anderson's ' Btheam. " 4 : 9 a . m - C f - a - - . me res 01 , tpe ut. cr b r paid f rfi4 Timoleon distanced ihn field tl 2 1 Kh1 running at his ease, first tett in 4 n, Jib seconds, tne heat,' 1 nmti'e 43. morning before this rare, I umlim d against Mri. Worshs re's llf-rse-pooni-i half a mile, for glOO, . wlich he uoa ril great ease. ; , Given under my hand.- ?;; ;:. -1 . jav.eh j nmnt He was then sold tq Mr. Wynn f iTu Ihousand nve Hundred dilve. 1 Hereby certify, that I trained nth ceicbratea ; norse i imoi en, tor the mi injr races Fall 1816, he uon the 1st hett a the Post Stake ai Vcw Market, 2 mile beta, b subscribers, b'J ew n. i Ftrs ht-at, t, m hnd,7jor jardi ahead, n 3 m rut 49 sfcb?ds 2d and 3d heats forihi sWi3tf of strersgth in the P'idtr. bn'ziUi A:. U urummond's uoqattte, 3p.x otibtsi LadyjKicnmona, .Mr. rxjirest.'s frfj F lj, EaijKosarriocd ;f and rr ct'.vtd foifrit fajj Mr Harrison's Col- La a re c "Hi- i i ;wef.th"e,walkid &Vfr thp fi.-'.field Court k tbe Proprieti rs Pure g250 .'.so mikh n A nd tlie ?iame -F4l won, te fockey ilj Purse giCfv, at Tarhorough.'tyo.milf fcirji beat ine the famouJ Mare, Ladv L;eh,fo"ti IWr. Bullock Rorse FtKraqry, 1317, k yorir the Sweep Stakes oyir the CharM1! Course, two m.ue rests, 4 vubscr bfrs earh winning the two fust; rest iirgreJ a yle, ba'ing Mr Singletlrs Tiflj ,fc Mr. Sparrow' Cf It, and Mr Awry i from the hand Ms'e.r'b'day t.f, My follorrir,. aisrw veHrg from Cbirlesto' , c 20th of March;1 he won the Jockey .Clik -New-Market, . four mi!e ftea'si Deaanj. Allen's famous and noted Ma Reautj. hard in hand, at two heas. " to?0 n.DWncUow) A of. from " tfCfc-MW.fB weather, thh Jtiwas ever kf , since" This race was consuirffd f 'i r., mtiA oa woa -Ver ruacrerit Course, - iime: the first heat Q""! J '4 ' seconds, 2d heat' n 3 rr.ir.u e JBd " HnrtP rntftnii At this raCC 1 bj , i Mr. Robert R Johnson; for S'fiJ tenJdays.I ffcred him at tlv, ''"J thousand dollars, as ! Ud tn b'kete, wis superior to any' Race Hcre i w y ti.pnC4 . nvDvd .r in u course mwc' 'SfitM- V .' ..' - i ' ; Given under my hand at puri litK UI lUlf wiU 'v- ' - A I.-"- ' 1 1 run TimoUon at New ar.k after I purchased him, 3 rn; el J Proprietor's purte. S00 dolly JJ won with great ease : beating w " , Florizel Mare. ; r . ber The vext week he walked fit Id Course tot the Jockey Clot r. j J30 dollars. : ' . ...m ..The next w?c I. walked J fax Course for the. Jockey Club rr ) dol!ars.4 mile heats. , JtieSi .The rexVweek he - walked oj .fw , and Neck Tr, 4 mile beat, forj J land Mub Purse of foir hoodrfd ?'"m viuu v.v. , ,t:hiow.J f rtn distemper; and it "was w tb g" wneKe ne was " : ' , pi be got bomee won tie very easy s beating Mf M , itdlj :? The next daylrcr Una iVb1? he chcakedo badly in, rune X a quarter igainst Mr. Tt ai.sport,Uhat' I ordereo him. The bat; Fall I trained b f week be fore he Paces commenc .; Im. and wS t"t nic the .Stable, for teveri Jys & Warren Countv, Feb. 17 SucblemSn r at, the rnCS pavd at any time witmn ik! aie rf Xs; Georeria four dys-st:rmras pfva FroprieTor's Purse, 3 mil? ht.its . at iw.ii h.Atfl hear c Mr. Rcfirfl" a -ri i Hose Lvcurtrus, Mr 'Sirgletor. Biunk, Mr'. Watson'a Black 'Eyed r'. 'tf. AtA I'nnif inH Iff TaViOfl wirtjuci c 1J. unit l - - 4 beats, with great eas j best jf Mr. u 'mond's HojrseJHarwocd d Ah 'f y':.