mmmmmmmmm "lS VOL.pCX,; -.J--r ,,'v ... - : :.!-:r:tA- ; r -r.-t ---v y;:;---- ; ,;tir,ix:rt .H;W4I r n . TO .VGRin-'I-BlSTS MKpTn5teT Stamps i9 eeriyn- f fTKMS hone tht W!ld T1 p Ph'JnMphia ncetv for P-. i;f l?-Pt tT- prriod hns fn-nved when tne errour?etrert L . i k t - - r - crnntnr. st" . tKe aid of a .rerotti r,M5c in thrf means whirh wiH enable it t.-pf'cmne irrrovpments in an art so Yf frriai to mankird in jrrreraU and so . inrprpcr . k 1 1 iht- iimi lrrlinrljr. profitable to the state of Pcnn- . & Tvrtifa;-'. . ' '.. ; ' ' " '- I ! s o's"nv::'' " The rreat!ur!er?ortv which this state Fn .mr hs e r?r 'I hn: l-therto j diverged public .atter-tion 1 W tb Cultivation of the sr;l, and the ; iruts of tbrse who occurv it ; : nd .n..- rcVpTKl ns indeptndent, rftle r;d of erre. nas ntu k" (.r.-.,V:rr,;nft obstacle to ir.l rrrten er.t'.'vhlc1 irrorarce of Us im tanr'o, and pre:i'ce aga'nst its pur ncpr r T rtnnati iv. tee err r .t. U.t f.m Prtrc hn5 rrOf1UCOtI f:ir ( l U"" . , r a chrrs-e ?r "the currert or popur 0P' r:rr: and h.rj active zeal disph ved m .eyrviors to prrm-te improve rrer.ts m hrM? dry. rrfnc' s a wore just wpprem tv of t e otportnnce of A griciturc rnpid de Vrcmnt of t"e re?r urc- fclv hfdred oml thirty f rrrd raprc'tVs of the country, which r . v a erf"'' ra n'd- the efforts" rn ride m the c r-, , , vars to riTTroe inTemai 1- r ll- "T'vr? t, fonnot wI to. crnipi.n- i 'r co-y of raficrcl Kt'rr!t. ann us iMtMv. t?-n ti o permanent source ed. 1 he hi!.cuc aod emarras'-nn , ppr PCt f,ftwenMetn April, eightper. hun nlV l ave trl- distreed the yhf !e jt and ;oi -!;cen, tcii thound four c r n-rr hi cn-u'Vtv. ptorp hr.- ne l hundred dr.: i.rW ; . ..., . cesrrv a rospcrens sta X' ruiture Fo''-.r.mpT.vnion to the messengers jn is tr the Forces of trpde.- .The: frrrrrr !isaV .efT.ce even hfii.J-tV. and ten dolhtrs. 'is the pr't crnmrr, and bis -ah'Iilv j . ; For., compensation to the First Comp : rr' in n rre3t drgree reridatc the ope- ;HrVJ?erof tho Treasury, three thousand "ra 'r cf the "merchant. . The n.rr ? xVo hundteVrdollars. ; ; j.jct'T 1 presented s "the frs lir.V:iihe J-. For compensation to the clerks in the gra rain of national circulatir n." The ;j fPce of first' corrp'trlfer, "per .r of the rroer?tv of cc m m eree is mtimn ely a , i twentieth 'A priV, e thousand eight, h un- r irk'-Atet with tmprovemerts n hir?hiP,-;: ; rf ; am : ri: hteen, vetiteciv . thousand rv: rrd-tlie saccrss cf mnnfnetrt-cs is; r.o ?es depcrden on Its 'advancement. I The menn, tVrefore, bv, wbHi ;he 'A-j gric'riival rro-peritv of b:s Stnte canbe j les rrorr rted, meri reru'iar attention. ! Tl e ?ront adrartafo"; o climate, situa tlor re!, which t'e state of Pennsy! V.i.riin "p-5sosses ' m n eminent a degree. inn ease the vMigations to 'mprovethqse snv?rages, by a liberal, encouratjepnenr cf intiti'ticrs which have for ' tbeir.ob-1 ject tte advahcement-ol tle tnteres.t5 pt fl?f:cnlture. Nrtwithstandmg the im- pven-ohts maf'ein the Agriculture of the statef Pennsylvania, much remains to he dor e to promote ; the discovery" eftle manifold in provcmer.ts the art is still susceptible of, & to diffuse the know- IrrVei of such as are already brought to liSni The Fcoety i conv'r.ced that the establishment nf a Ptterrr F.rm would be admirably ' calculated to accomplhh this work. , Improvements in agriculture arc 'the result of .experiments ;-( ard a ptterrl fann under the direction of skil fal Agriculturists, would furnish a jour Pal of facts, by which errors in husband ry vnn-d 'in future be avcirTcd,; sul the irst approved practices adopted.'. 'The era: Vshnicnt of C attle hrws, . to ! ini- prcve the broed of domestic animals the s'r;i m inn of pretniums -Fnr the vprioui in.porverr.ent in Agriculture and Jiome ciknu. 'C!i:rfs nnd all these . auxiliarv, whicli rxperience 'baslemoWrat rt hf st calculated to excite a ; spirit f I)rrest Prrul-j,- .?1A kon hf ijrlrAitrl v !in tj;e grf aror prospect of s'tccesv - An cxposinn of tbe plan of the. institution ras a ready appaJd liefore the public. xtvix XI, tll II w- i may ho referring to- the ad- ,swss r.iul netitinn tn ftnri'pnv rro'sont tn the-Legislature at their last session. .rv:ews of the Societv havfe' received t:nanrmous sanction of that repecta- CO'Jv. Who will nn ir thr hi- ?? session, make a libeiT provision forJ ij. To believe tht the tlal.ns -of uch -v -v. .iiUiJi iiiiiiri 1. 1 r n n 1 be p " ,txn for public patronage, JWQuld In r " fortif,etl by a generous contri uZn the inhabitants of a city .whose Ueif'7tis ?r identified with the in- 01 the firm located ia the neighbor. t honfl. The estjflltshment o,tay Pattern ot i Experiments rarnv would torm pn sw I in'the A(rriail6urAr ".history"! of the Stfc ; nd Avouhl rnake-an important additior; . n rr tnp- n lmDPr ti,uiuc vaiunuit m-.t.-.. inns" which distinguish the c ty ot.rniia- detnhia as the emporium of. Arts and Sciences. . - r.i - ' -s By oHpr of the Society, -v f RTGHAlvD PREKS, .President. V Bobf.rt Vaux", Secretarr. TTTHOtJIi'Y. An actroakinp appropriations forihe support, of GoTernmeiit for tlie Vwr one thousand eijrht hundred' ar.d nineteen; ' . ":R&it watted In' thr Senate and Ffo'usr nf Pehrrsentalive nf'tht. UvJfed;$r.7Hs J VtifiAmrrira. in 1 were awwTO,'i nai 'I the followins: siimsibe, and the same .ur I rnr ;'ronnn:ntlnn cranted hr liw to rr n'a'nta'nen ?n nn improved ?ys:i'tu mrmliers of th Sena.t'exw! House of iPin rt hrhrdrvis m . some PrsnV , PPnrtsPr.!arve?, their omcers ah(1 attcn ahd attci d K ntiri!ntpd to the exerr'ons or thisori- f .lnT,f tiM.Pf, hundred and six tv tljcnsan etv ; rd furtihes sdditicral inrhcement j and en ro!ltr.'- to a r-erevrrcrxe in - these efor's, ny : .yror tvc expenses of f re wood, station; that sureHrrity mnv in future ne ;: erv nrr;nr.'ar.d other conttngert expen rrecTVf d ar.d incrcasec. 1 ne ' rr - se, of tVr t o TTrues of Congress, forty -v'hbr-i.t f.imlsl and tinder rven:.diffrPy, two thousand d-1!ar?f. - hc rontinuedl to labor, in the cause -am- ;i For;'rhP of the TUtvrv of Con rrfud bv a hrpe tliat a period would ard' CTe.'r6inrthe librirsau:s';a1o.vancef ! r;Ve. Interests of,, one th'oiranrVr;iieJ;undred.and fifty drl 1 Arr'odturr: hen.o-lrncer deera.ded ,1 . - - " . v C annl ftCrilTIOtmn ' s a p en ijiziu i i.v.n- - . i rr rrinrfiis-uiru " iff nirunn . ire tr-r rar.K . . . ; tne liriten atarcs, iweiKv-pve cnouv.i crrsereds'intimalelv asperated vvtii ;rdo1pu,s. ' : , ' . best teiTfts vi the country. 1 he 1 u por rr,rr.nen?aOan to the Vice-PresMen': t 11. . i ! I . . 1 .rrri:nn:l?tcn 01 v.-oaun, iirui , f . T T.,:trfT Sfii'tes. .five .thoiunnd do! .u. Vrr coirpensat.i n4o tne secretary 01 St-'te ix thrusac d ds i v?;. ; F- compensation -to the Clerks in thej: department of State, neract oftwentith r-il 4 ie-htroM lu-nnrn -eirhreen, I 'f.firen thous.snd. n'ne hundred dollars. h For additional cWk bsre, to cover rx- Vt" i'perises'f extra cor.vinrr m the PerKin ! if mentof State-. 6n thousand five hundred 1 1 tnnat lv, the eypen- 'dollars. ' i I For th eonihjreot and incidental ex- -penses of toe -hIJ)e.?prtment.-inchrdfni? II !expei;ses of r; 'i 1 i r.'? rtf ' di: rihut ir co- - ; pies'orthr LawjsVrth'e Second Session f Tnrf.Htli r.onp-roKV. and hrintinp-'the I .! .4.r. v ' o.' v; ' q 7' law, injie wr-papersv$.venty-four thctisind j Fr'.p.n t.p t!tr n 'sail, office, tncludfnjp tjiq mesw-nger t; the ( patent ofi'.ce, hr.?t'TC(! arid sixty dpi- I'.irs . : . . y . .. , j pr-cor,''r':,ii'v-". .o tb i'rci'etfir.Y ; the Tr-ast- v; $i? thqushnd .fif ' ' r - j: -t 1.-. r li,IiJf.t' "l " r ' -' . ' jj 1" T V"11 v?!" 11 III U ' V" I Ik I No HI tilt" .-n. V ;'t propenty- crn he de,riv oHlce rf t;c'oretarv pfcthe Treasury, eieht 'hundred and fiftv dollars. ( c , . JFor compensation to the.' messenrr in said office,, f ur hundre'dl-aVd iep ft. liars. . For compensation to.the Second Comp troller of the Treasury, thiee. th usuud dojtani. ' " ; : "... ( - ' . ' For tompenjsation .ta the-clerks in said office; per act 01 twentieth fpril, eigh-, said office, four-hundred and , ten dollars. For compensation to'the First A'lklt.or 01 tne 1 reasury, inrec ui''usiiim,ii!;imrs. For compensation tohe clerks in the ; office of the First ; iaditortvpe.r.';act-of j -twentieth. ' A pril, eiglittenV hundred and 1 eghtecnk fifteen thousand rwor hundred 'dollarsr , ..'';..'. !' V... - Z;'. 1 Eor compensation ' ti the messenger ixi sanl ofhcet four hundred. afid ten dollars. " J . For GorhpcnsAtion to ; .'tlve.clerks injth jofnee. of the Second AudRor.VperCt of twentieth- April, eighteen hundred and eighteen;- seventeen thousand two hun: dred d liars, V; ;, , , . -. :-'..V''.': I Fn. com peusatlon -to t he messengep. in ! said office, four hundred and ted dollars;. I r For ci-mpensation to the I hlrd Auditor, j three thousand dollars. ; - y' . S: rFor compensation to the clerks irl the Third Auditor's office- per act of twenti feth April, eighteen hundred k eighteen, For compensation to the messengers in j saidjoffipe, scvehhundyed and ten dollars. For Compensation to the Fourth Audi I tor, three thousand dollars. . j For compensation the clerks in the I Ff-urth Auditor's 'office per act of tweh Uicth April, eighteen, hundred iind eigh iVtoen. fiTteehi iciisandand fifty dollars. r or cuiiijvcusuirou iu iuc messenger said office' Jour hundredand terf dollars. .V For cornpensatioh to the Fifdi Auditor, threehtosand dollars, -i! t Forcompensation to the clerks ip. the FtfthlAliditqr's office, !pef act of twenti etri April, eighteen hundred and eighteen, ten thousihd five hundred dollars. ; ?, ' . Fdrccrnpehatfon to" the messenger ia I aid olhce, loirr hundred;and ten dcuarjj. " For compensation to' the; T.resnrer of the United '$tates three thousand dollars. J For compensation. to, the clerks W;thej teen hundred and eighteen, iwelve thou sa:d five hundred and fifty dollars.: ; . For comperi4atioh the, messenger in Treasurer's; o per act of twentieth pril. eighteen hundred artd eighteen fiye thotjsand twojhuntjrpd 8c fifty dollars. ' For additional iClerk hire, being for irrearage pf pay to an assistant to the hief clerk in Said office, three hundred tfoljars. .-If, ' ;- - . iVar a further allowance for. clerk hire, beings for; ; the salary, of said assistant, for theyear eighteen hundred and nineteen, four bundred!dollars, :j ' : ', j ' ) or compensation to aft additional clerk In said ofiTee, eight hundred dollars.,," ' .-For compensation to the messenger in said. ofRceJ four hnhdrod.r and jten dollars -' For com pens tion t .tpe lComniissioner nflthe General Land ' Office, threetthou- sai dollars. . y ; . For tfoiiineiHation to. the clerics in the oce ofvaid commissipher, per act of: rwentieth" Apnl, eighteen hundred aftd eighteen,; t wen ty rtwo thousand five hun dred and; jfiftv irlnllnrs 1 v; ' :. -; j .jscr copipensaticwi ; to iqem e.Tf nger ip j said .office, cur hundred) ami ten oI ta Ps. For coinpensation to the ComraTsioner I of the Re'venne, three thousand dollars. I F'r compensation to the clerks in said t commisiner'sofTice, pe: act.of .wentteth. j Ap il, eightoen hunored and eighteen, if'ur thousand three hundred and fifty i doll irs. ! r:; :" y 1 : .. ; , j .t For CoPipensation to tne jiiessenger. in i said office; four hundredHnd-teri 1 dollars. j ; For conipeosation to the Register of '; the' Tr easury, three thfliand dollars; "fv For comprhsajtitjn to the clerk's in the Regisrer's ofriceVper act of twentieth .A i pril, eighteen huudred & eighteen,, twt n yy twp thousand one hundred and fifty .doih' rs V - ' ' ? "", ! , '; ', ." JFor compensation to?the messengers irT said office, iurludng t?e sum of ninety dlhrs:f tamping shipfs registers, five hundred ftQlJars. .1 ; y , v V.Fr compensation t the Secretary' Jof the l.mmissioo.ers of th tne 1. 1 -mmissioyers ot the bm.Ktr.g iunaT ivyi nui;.reaana nrty n FovaUyahce to a person employed in transmit tng passnom vt sea-letters; for cxpt-me ,1 JraiisJatinjr f-h'dgn languages m he oflica nf : tlve Srr'crtjtary ot'Treasu'.t r,..tir printing, tnou ; gent exT)ons,' in ,.th ' ment; nd in the sever forty thi)Usnd and fifte foo, iind 6ther contin- TeMsiry depart -ralrofTicds therein forty thitusnd and fifteenl dollars. F.r c:,ifip.v'i'.sati6r.- to a suporintor.dgnt i.snd two AvatcJimen. emplpved for the rse j : ctrity of Vte 'IVr''suHmildiian rerairs' orjEngrnts, hoe. ajn' ixre buckets, one' thousand. onr hundred dollars i AVnr, six thousand doflarfi. . 7 ": ; Fr r c'"mpePsati6n. to t fit clerks in the r OVe of fhv Becrerarv Jf War, per act cif twentieth of April, eighteen Iwndi-ed' 4 a no:, rigntf on, twenty-pve tiiousanc eight Hundred dollars.' .jr: .; r .' I . ;-i.v,-' " . For xpense of fuc, stationery, ptMnt- ing, and cthen c; ntingejit expenses, in ; said c.Iricei five thousand tioHars. "; " , 'For arrtc-rfragesof contngent expenses tf in j said, offi ce, jt ric-r,. to the year eigh teen i hundred a'pd nineteen, one thousand doV For corrpensation to the messenger and" his assstafits,in;aaid office " seven hundred and ten dollars, f; V - ':' ! Fcr comneusation to the 'Pavmaster- General, to tbous?Aul fije hundred dol ilars. ' - ,,'j ' ' 1 ?:'4r::t: ;:,,-.. r or compensation to tne cierKS inline Paymaster-General's cifljce, ' per act of twehifeth l April, eighte4p ' hundred and. eighteen, nine thousand two hundred dol lar. V. -r-, . ';r(.1 a-'.'"-' .. ; For arrearage's to the clerks in said of ficej. for the f year: Eighteen hundred and sevc:ntren, nine hundred and forty-dollars and ;fortbems,:tk.-. "' 'V!::.!'.'.;-- :' : For compensation to saidoffico- fp(ir -huijidin'teV'dollats.' - Fpr.experce of'faei;yswthnefritftV' ingr" and other continwh t expense s," In said office, two thousand "jbl lars. - V; -For compK-nsatn vtp the clerks in thei oflSce pf the AdjutanLGeneral, tvvo thou- .sana one nunarea ana hwv doliars. dretl and eighteen L two-i thousand nine. iiuimrc.u anc nity aoiiars.j; ,i r . t i ' the- contingent expanses of said ofj ficei eight; hundred' and seventy; dolhiys. For, corapensation:to,te clerks a' the office of the .Engineer -lepartmemV two thousand one hundred'aha fifty dollars'. ' ' For f uei,statione ry ,;prihtin g; and'pther contingent exriehsbs" of "id-;oftce'one thousand seven hundred 5c ninety :dparjs." . .,For compensation i to the cJer ' Cin ployed .in the office of the Surgeon Gen r efal one ' thousand one hundred!-afcd 4 fifty dollars. , J . " For jontidgent expenses of said' office three hundred and Seventy -four dollars. ;' - For, coni t pensatipn id th Secretary of thelftavy-.'sixtaoin ,Fdr-; (mpensation to tlie clerks in the of5ce of ,the Secretary ofj the JNavy, per act of twentieth April, eigldeen "hundred andeighfeeni eight thousand tb hiindred dollars. " ; For expense of fueli sta ioneryj& other Contingent expensesanratd 'pffi'ce; jtwo thousand ijve hundred dollars. ?, 4;-: - 'For conpensation to themessenrin said office fiwr Kundfedbd ten ds llaW 7'r66ippens&tiori jlojtthe Coomussion ersof the Navy poard ten thousand five hundred dtdars'. ; ; . '-';;:;..; For CQnipensatiorl to the Secretary, two thousarid dolJarsf I T -. ''- ' f 'i Fo5 bompehsatioh to tlfe clerks' in the j ot th U tpted btates, mciuOing me. XsMel office bf jthe frdhahed departmfeht-per; t-JfljUfcendj of hehJ II UIL L t I.1I1.II. I it I III 11. r If n LLLIl 11 CI 1 1 f . ' : 3 ' , . , J . - . , .;f. . ... r . w tw - - . r. . - ... i.-l ,. . . , . .. . , I v --II For compensation to the clerksjin; the office of said commissioners, per-act . of twentieth April,' eighteen" hundred 'and i eighteen, three thousand.nye nunared oc fiftv .lollQfe-i I ;.."'. -:-4 -. f '.' For; an addition tVthe lallowance -for clerk- hire in v said-office, four thousand dollars. "t" ?WUv; Por cotnpensatioh ;.tcf Jlie-? messenger jn I said offitj?, four hundred'; and , ten dollars. I j For I, the contingent exjpenses of said omce.jtwjo thousand dolJars. ; ; j. ; I For com pen sat km-to a' superinteodant. and twoilvatchmen, Hd for other expen- ses; incurred tor the security ; 01 tne orate, yv ar, and Navy, Departments, one thou sand oiie hundred dollars;- ;- :'. I ri 1 For 4cd"pensaton to the Post-Master ;,tTeneral,!four thousand dollars. j 1 . j For'c'ojjnnenaHiri to tlu-cierks tri the ' office of the Post Master General; per act of twentieth April, eighteen hundred -!a.nd eighteen, twentyiwq thousand seven . hundred ,d Hilars.' . .. ) For compensjitjon to the messengers In the Generd Post Oifice, six hundred and j sixtv dollars. .V; ..' ' 'Ay- For conpersation to the Assistant Piost ;iviHSTer,iTenerai; two tnousana nve nun- dr od d'lhirs. ' i . . ,1 L L F r compensation, to the Second Assist - ; nnt Post M.-i'ster-General', . two thousand ! five hundred dollars., ! i . : ' For tho continee.nt expenses of the Ge- ' neraTPTjstOtTiCefour thousand d'.llafsi ' :f-For compensation to the Surveyor Ge neral, two. thousand dollars. : . j- Fvr coiiipensation to the clerks fn the office o" Surveyor Qeneral, two thcissand jonV -hundred, d -liars ."- - 1 r or ppmpc nsation to tne snrvjev- r souin n n . . -. . j . 1 k.-. 1 . of Tennes&eei two ..thousand dollars. hut office, and Kcditmgent expenses one u tnousana sev -n nuiHirea.niiars. - J For ;cnm pensatior, to the tie State of'Ilnois "and th; Mfssouri ter--iH'ry, two thousand dollars'. .''. 'j; ; ! Fnr-coitirie'f?Sation. tn his clorks. ner acjfr, of third Apnl, eighteen hund ted .& eigh teen, two thousand dollars-" ,- . .For cv:)mpensat5on to the surveyor in Iheij viHoaTim. ueri'uory, two inousaT.a uciwrs: ; tnousana five hundred dllars. ' ' : 'j : j.Ft6r.c6nipen3aiioi) toihe Conimlssiciter '..'oif the.-' 'Public f 'lknl'dings;a'!fWaslnrign j' t W o 1 h f an ( Ix I oil a r s. . . ; f " ; i For-compensation to the ofncSrs anxl clerks of the . Mint, nine thousand six hundred dollars. v - 5 U ! . T' .- f For wages of the persons em ployed tip the difterej operations of the Mint, ten thousand and sv venty-fi ve doilaf. ; . , J Per "rtfp ifts, ost-'of it;pn arid ;nacl5re ry,;r, n)?. ind" other cAninent. experiges oth' .Miijfr: .five," t sand' four' hundred .dltars;-KvV'..; 'K. "i , ' . '";;:; rX ' V For allnWance of - wastage in the grId and silverjcoinage of theirmntVthree thcu sand d')llars. T'';'' ' '"-4- . For ,coiipensat?on Aa thet JGrvernor, judges, jand. '-Secretary j of the Misri tei'rkory, seven thousand eight hundred pilars.; j; ? :;r;t. , j- Tap the contingent expences vef ; sid terrirory, three hundredfand fiftv,dollar. ,Fpr mpensatioa" toj, tlie.4Goveiuibr Judges, jatd ..Secrejaiyr-'pf. tlie;Alabi;iiittt U rt itory, seven tJiousnd one hundredth; thirtV:-three dollars. sz iFor-;' t he Hcontingen t expenses of '"Win.i : rci ri.uyfc iiirt-e nuuurea ana lyny xioiutiT M.'!Fdr'icO"inensation""'':to the tloverpo f j uoges, raif cl secretary ot tne -xvi icnm terrikorv,' three' hundred' and4ifty dollars I r i' qr rue piscaaTge.or sopp -ciajmsagasi thy,i5nifle4 Sutesf 'af.cVjnt of the Cfvtl I Dipirtnieht, pot J.otfierwfseppovi4ed'f;rj ' as sKafi have been admitVedin diie Course 'c- ... ii.w ... 'i..L iuL.-:' l and dollars., ' j .;" "'..' -.1; -1 ... jX-ForKrorrtrrraatio to' t!he Ciief jwfcei therAssqciate Judges, and District J uds tune 1 haudred V"d joorteen. dollars "and twenty-eght cents . ' .'1 ! f '" 1 .For compensation to the 'Attorney Ge- j hefa( o 1 1 he Ignited States, three thousand hve nundred doiirs. I c ' .,-' - For ccm Isxlerki "er act vof I wjentle'tn Aprifceiglitjben hutidred axld eiglien, one thousand (tollars. : 1 Fortontingent vexpences of his office, 'fivie liunidrd dollars: J.. ' j 4 For ''compensation to supdry district '.iat torneys knxt marshals as granted by law, ihciuduig t)ibse in. the severaHefritpries, eiglit' thousand two hundred dollars.;! ! . For Cvjropensvtion to the repcrter jof the decisjpris of the. supreme court of Uei I yfljtedtatesfor the year eighteen hun-' dred abd nineteen, ' one tiiousarid dollars. of k vFor the payment of sun dissensions f granted; hf the late. and present governl inents, jtw't thonsand,an' ninety dollars.' : For thef pkyept of balances dii; to ceTtainXOllcctors of the old iaterpal reve nue, p uri&ant to the pro vision W of the act of jthirteenlh -of February eighteen huo died .fifteen, fifteen tiiousapd dollars, j -; For thcunaiptenance ;anl Support; of lighthouses': beacons, buoys and - public 1 piers, stakhe of channels, l)ars 6c sboah, I including the purchase and transpprtafi&n provements, and contingent expenses,bud j iuuudinkf Ulsb "balances of ioriaer. ap- ( territory, six -tliousaud six hundred dpi r - vffqr the: ccr.tmjtent expensesof said j prppHaHonsfbr 1 Savanhah flyer, -n jci : Krie. and Little G nil Tsland? -whicH carried ! to tli.'.sQrpsundi - the"-tfirt."';;'-.; K fi rsf Decern herJasf 'se vi n tyvfiur . thoui , sand three hundred and sixfy-two doa'rsV - Fryents.;:., ;,.; i- j For he pprchaeof'er iujus: n pnptic wjirenouses,-one nu- ared fhousapddollarsn: r ' U t : ..P. Vv ;'-- -i. I''-', tothe Ohio' riyer,twbun4redv and fifty'V thousand dollars ; and for completing the; V ' said road, the um of t w o hundred -3nd '! , ; . A e,ightyTfiye ' thousand dolWs ; hicl se- . .sums,: hereby abproDriated; tcge --v ther with the araonnt heretefofe advanc---ed by, theUWed States for mi' kingVsairl road, shall be repaired out reserved for laying out and making road&- to the State of .Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois-- -r iby virtue of the ? several acts forJlbead- -juissiuu ; ui uic an rtsaia. states unip idq , ur,;4':!":f:;ve . Foruryeying' the public la.ntjs of "the A United States one liundred jandt sixt5C tho'usa'nddollars. V ,0". ,,!; For exenss.attendlng the, 5cupanc' ''. oT the new excute;biUdmgs,finrJading-. fuelrfurn'tuie, and dther incidental 'rex- :'::,- 'wentv-three thousrr.fV"tw4 luia- ' dred and ninety seven" dollars sand fifty '-'. c ' !.;pme;cents- .; ... J ' - V7:'..p : t For ctvering with slate lihejtwri exe(i.; v r j ' cutiye Jit"la;n.:s novy occupied hyf tbej ?r ;j ! Sjte, Treasury, 'War, and taVy '"De:I-'S1. ; jMw-nnenrsten- thousand umr' ;.;-f, ,,.-t- A-r j. ,-, X'ortfi 'discharge, cf i,'ifc,l'rrtisceirant-.5- fn claitps'-aiiti' t the United M es; not''! ".'':" '', ptnerwjsfi'iprov;neci tor V.s .M 11 hares ' " f at t he Treasury, Vijf thcusund pilars. H; : V For; Additional com pensidion allowed ; For compensation to the clerKS?Uv.the. 6fficevof the C.'m mi Uary.enerjal ofFur renames, two thcAiiand ..agkt hundred dol- V ''.- '.'- ,. :" i:-':-. -J :h flrr- corRpensatlon tc tne; messenger iti ,v said office, three huhdred kud (blxty dol- - ; I-rs. ' I'lUw.;.; J !"'.' "v-j 'V'.-"v:. ;: - For alio vftnee tp thp clerks in, the pffice t ' 'oi'.'he;-. ..Cpmvntssryf General; -Siib-jstr. .' ehce, ttvo tlidusnd ore hundred and fifty ' dollars.. ' ; .: v ( V: : 'Fpr the cpntFngeht eXpcn pf said'o!.. fice twb thousand seven jiundred dollans ! j J "! For salaj-:es to the njiristers-of the Uni L ted 'States" to London, Paris, St.;Tcersr' burg, , Hid Jancirp7.H .Madhd, -wtlt ilio ;r r salaries f ti'ir'.sevpral secretaries, of le- v vrf uiy k 'ir;ui oui.espi inc jupenn- , j -tehdani of Jodjan ridev'e.ivri of tweh-! ttiethfAp!n, ehawhan'dfrdoc!gbte6ii' ' -' i four hundred u nd fiftV'dollars.. i tJ'tt'- gation, and thc.' salary of ayGriareydea j) , : Affiiires at! the ffiigueand 'at StockbolniV V ana lor xrte usual Miayrnpc' pi three; ;. nionthVaiary : to the' limster at Sfcckf I V holm, payable on hkretuna hoipeViBir- th.ousand two hundred ;ajrtd ft Idollurs;' ' ! J v For ptrtfit for a Minister Flentpor'eit?a ' : -ry at RioJanyii-o, and-'Madrid.i and also for: the Charge des'AfTairesaLrd tne iingue, ' ttagueV;' Hnd StpckhTJ'rty -ono' ' '' . v msad"fivihimd doUarfc-.l:'f!-; v- XC : "l r.'the 'contjgcWei'pt vTeSit the inis-";' v ' thOUiKl . Ti'Av 1 siohss aforesaid, ten tliinisarid dotfars ' v : : s : i- r ,'uc,iicieiy jn tne appropnationsr. . -of firmer years for the "payfntint fof ex .' k-' " penses on foreign iniercourse, including ' ' ' ; losses on dr afts and the difetWpe bfex-;', ' ' change, twentyvtho jt C.' : : For theHcoBtingnte.nses'-(bf inter-," v ; , course, bet ween'tfveUrt - .- . reigtT ( natjoHhiny tlidalid dpljarpl, , ; ; . " For. tbe expcivses of jfitercbursi with "";; ' ierbaty povferi, . Ibrtrrtdlthousahd. , -'. i dollars. v "!: t;" ' i-.'C v:inry. -V ! .! jKFor the expepses! during vlhi prelent. t " . year tor carrying 1 into effect Jthe fifth; including the 'combensatlon hf the ConirJ sixth, and seyeuih artjcles of tUe treaty '- :' l.ot. lJ?ace, '4Cpnclduel with....his. iprttamiic ''.'vzf 1 Mttes'ty brf the 24ihMay5-bf ;ecmbe"r ?-' one thousand eiAit iVundrttd and Ifourteeb. ' .. - I missioners, "Agents,! and SuryersVlihcl, -..' their coptingent expenses," 'forty jthousaud 1 :J'y ,dbilari..ffv,r ' K v' ,: : -' yC'- '! opthe salaries of the agents for cfainiijf'- on accoun; 01 pcraiioii, ana 1 or seamen. ;. ?it lw$;&tA at I Parisi-four Uiousa'nd ' Fur the relief pR di.stre ssea ' 'Americaa . I ' seamen hi foreign tjeurttHes, 'eklftV4hnu ' ' Sand doliarsV:N i' ' ' 'V . ' i v-usiu paper, cujritTing ana pnn -. ng Certificates of Registry,' anjl LLts of Cis iuvi vessels pf the United States, eighteen hundred and thirteen, thoa-, ;sandHlwtla.;.v''r:''. i'"-.K j . To indemnify the uisbrcrs ' ftYt! ieCBritt&!i'f iip .BnodeI-arvilieifiand burnt by . the Peacock, after .xhe period fixed 'by ' ; le treaty - of Ghent for the tep mfn'fttjazi v :( f( hpstiluits beteetf the'United Stated v " ' and Grrrat! Bi itaiiv; arid hepdependeucies,' . . I. . . 1 J t . . . .!' I For theecrid payment to JolanTntrn-.' pcic4 fixed bthe treaty pf Ghtbt?cf he terrninatioii cf, hostilities tetni Uia United fctate&iiriiLlircat-Mrjtafn n? bull for paintmgi, grecablv tcj 1113 cxb , -l 1 tract with "the creterym s id 'pursuance ol';a (feslujkri. of fcjvigfcs "? i& . '-H ij bf thesixtllipf Fe - Vjlj and seveirteen, w; hqusaiiddoliyi,' j 1 '; - 'J ;i writers of the Britishjship Uwoiiftm; :r 111 Robert Hail; taken? ajd!burKt!?;hytu.i(: ' ' ' merican shin of 'waL Peacock ' 'kf:erithfi.- ; till I J.' 1 1 4 . 1 ,1 t 81 I 11 'ii i Mi v 1. 1 i 0 1 .-- f v-'-: iMrr--7: 'A

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