- '- 'i ; .Mi i CHEROKEE LETTER. ! J FOB THE RALEIGH REGISTER. - , , t. " y . - : . , v . I send you a letter tJiich T have just received from vone' of .the Chiefs of, the Cherokee nation whom I had the pleasurei of -seeing vhe'n Tvi ?ted their country last summer. The letter is offered ta exhibit some viewM nrd opinions of i leaingtnan of the ration, ann as apecimpn, ,ui myiuu talents and acquirement under cfr cmstahces extremeljr'iunfaVrable ta t h e d e vel p? men t of jren iu s . Th e xvr 2 i?r crrortunitiesl for obtaining ' ati education were ver. limited, but the letter, suchas" it is, M have no doubt, , tras. indited and Writtenby himself, ' and T believe thereare. some amon' ': ourselves who areeven selected for. teir wisdom ,,and learning by an : en; lightened - community to IerUIate on the multifarious concerns of a great State, that would carcply be. able- to ivrite a better. The' original will be left with the printer for,5 the jrratifica- ti n of those who mav choose to exa- jump it. mere is one crpainiau, only carriage road: in the nation, lead jnf from Ailgusta;to. Nashville, open ed by Mr. Erwin of Augusta, formerly of this tate. a few other merchants, ard by 'the Indians. On this road,1 in . the heart of the Cherokee nation, lives Mn I!n$s.ihe writer rf.this letter; -wt) has a well assorted- store of dry . gfwls and groceries and, keeps a post ofFce, the only one f p. the nation, un- j :der a deprivation from the Postmaster General of, the United States. Mr. Koss it. a half-blooded .Cherokee, and in every sense of the word, a jrentle nun. He 1 a9 a sisterJa youngj lady. who possesses a fine understandinsrl teych .improved by .reading.';- She told liie she had never been but once out cf the nation, and then for a few days onv on a yiit f osNashyille, in the vicinity of which she had seen, for the eopIv time in hex .life, what she, had cvd bclU .To T ts. Phi niz y of A ugus- ta, who vras lately at IrJt)upre and hsd.a couple of years ia'jb-';trivellejj , 'ihrpvph fie' nation, 1. spoke; of our rou Ituai arnf.aintance. iM.iss vfcliza Ros - . "."''' '-ar--.- 1 rJrs. r. jntermed merfthat;she napnen- ed to Have been - pfesent;at the party . ' of which MUs Ro8frkcV"tiiat being;, asl ed to. , danccJJiej d e'ctind 'S2jin' she has only; Handed a monq: Jn , diang and was not quanAed.to exhibit Vin a polished socictjrvrtiBoush tnucfc --DeViuas!on. however, stie did dance'. ".with her appearance manners & con versation. No arruipudipo?ition of nhi, or desire to ratifyfthe idle fcji' Tmsity of others; le'adsie'into these; ihinute details t thihlliem essen tially Necessary to?de!irieate truly the ' caparities and condition, of these muchv . abused people It iyes :tnercat pi cap' fire. to learn that, thet? 'rsi :dent du.r inghis late southern exf iVsion had an epportunity of Inspectin'the principal fchool ih. the nationv JJJ It;iyill be one f the chief gloriesfopthedministra-; t- tratprv of th isit 1 ustrious man, t!iat he (las.been" the uniform the firm and the. . Orient friend pf theIndian's, & thisf Visit, ' I trust, will form a memorable ra in the annals of thVjr "civilization tad happipess. Before 'dismissing this r Notice of the Ross family. I should add "that a:brother bf 'the chief wasrlast ;imTTer,f and probably now is. a clerk Meijcs, the Indian aj;ent, who w-Hies at Nighwassc apout 40 miles f 'the post-office, and I have seldom transacted business with a man more pdite. capable and intelligent. I have spfifcrn 0f but one family of Indians. unough my acquainfance m the na tion is not extensive, fcb'jaW. yet speak f other famiiies-who ,'wbultl appear to hri ailvantasrevbut I am now by t iifinn lunitcd to the observatiomof I' !e- The purpose of the visit toWafch- j toti.allu'ded to iathesubjoineil let- fr r as to ncociate a treaty wiuen Tec'ted, afterwardsralifieJ .by r J i f-sidpn iml RonrfA nnrl has tiy been published inr the -newfipa-If this puhricauonshodld ever the eye of ..Mr.-RossJ frnst he lJ! eniso the exposure ofa private P,fr the mention of. the name of 8.'"lest aiid sensible 1 femaleVip 1 con-' tl ra,'f'n l,c Pub'c g.0() intended 'promoted bjr it my p'le.pbject 12o to interest the feelings and en- ano p" lornjeu witiv J?reax.. proprie.y "aQtle'erancei "afirl the ' Jcompanv,. aft ,vell as rs. P. werequite d el 'shted. 1 A JL lt'the iustice of. my countrymen in behalf of a brave, generou and un "v ! C A LVIN;JdNES. " Roswile;Vhcrkie Aation i was, from home at the time the last soufth ern mail passed herei'-hpe.-yp.uIll be-j Heve.I had not jvillineiv'iieeriected rep!y- ihg to the very friendlvsetitimehts .con Itafned in your letter. of the 26tk of Mav icoursu myt late correct, afid it: is with nl tpost gratification I acknowledge that J am qouvinced of the favorable disposition of the Government toward-the object of ameliorating the condition of the Ameri can aborigines, and also of the more li beral semiments -which are beginning to prevail among the people . generally tot wards them.; I hope the. time' i now at hand when" th e .dark 'l cloud : of prejudice!, which has so lon I hong over the heads of the Indian's filt vanish and thr.t . the caj lumnies which have been pointed at their intellectual nrnftpvA will he. -silenred ini to shame'. ( 'he j Cherokee -nation , ove much to your visit and description of the Mission School at Bi ainertt. for the inif mation ; which seems- tn.be prevailing throughout the United States tor the a meliorate n of their condition. I trust the time is hot, very tar dkt itit v jien the Che ixtkee? will evince to the world that ' A -merican Indians are capable of civilisa tion and imprt y menr in the highes :; degreed ".' Time nd- grtod !ii anac m cii :j will realise 'this fieri Could I'tntena:i the' leat particle of doiibt irrny mind r.ftl.e ! practicability of their imp rove pert irjeii" j vilization kc. I should ftel fsha "ie in r'.c- ! knowledging myself American .and i descendant of this na'on." Hut. r.s tUt I most intelligent persons how heerh to em 'I tertain a favorable opinior of th-.ir capai- ! City, and a? they are disposed Jo rn ke a trial pi: realizing jte correctne'ss of that -'opinion,! hope f heir foundation obu:l- i upr on will be, laid rightl) & that teir wotkr J men may understand ecjucaciously conai;cj Abe job they undertake; their labor .-woulil donbtiess then be crownetp.with 'Success. ;Thougb.i.it.: njusttvpt be e xpectecLthat a nation oC p'eople in the'5;rue?.sUteof nar turewooliat onc Agre&lo lay asiae ' tKeij" long-continudd, favorite prejiices,hajbit& and costamsVto a'doptneiv .ones vet th seed of education . must be'soyvfi r. ( ref pien:snea oy tne m:sts ox patience, perse tciautcauuncxi nianatenicin,." ,.v v ne'l it- has taken -ro ! t andVkprouted it v:. II ultimately bsar . doyi)7tbe "tpld'rovv th. olf natural habits af.d , Vcitom vancL final! j root them out. CPtltich good is antic: put d to result'ffi om the; Mission School at ijj'iii nerdlTie number of scholars av pre sent exceeds 6o"tniiVis open for 100. The the. ;: flattering encouagcciehtvgivt n by him for rTts.c.ontiiuinnce. w,a$ hiijtdv era- ifyb)gtothe mis,sioh f imily well a .s tl the; nation. ; wA&rjeeajriy to yoiir';re-iest. OAiUll 1U ill .ivll L1IV lC-OUl V J-i O ypaa ime occasionally,' ana nermit oit tpi assure you that nothing '-wuUPbe inorfe satisfactory to me tha.toJiiV.arfrom yoji:. a all times. , O ahd tender th eif r inspects to you, and accept, sir, assuran ce t ol the regard and-esteem . r- Your vWy'obed'a&eitfer V' i ADDRESS 7 FhUndehthia SdzipVy for tHer iPromotinn of "Yctional Industrv t4When we first; venturedeltow-citizens. to call your attention to the sdhject ofpoj litfcal economy f we were influenced tp adopt that measure, by the calamitous situation-of our kffairs, ; public Be privat. Agriculture had' received a deep wound by the reduction of thc-prices of its staple articles from twenty to forty per cent, real estate yas 'reduced; in the same pro portion navigation and commerce wei-e IJ languishing manufactures were prostra ed bv an inordinate influx of .foreign com mpdities, calculated to excite, a spirit-of Juxuryand extravagance in ourl citizens -rthe narrow, illiberal and sdfih max - i f ms, " to buy goods where theycould be ! 0 ' had the clieapest,and 'nof t"6 ta the i V many tor toe peneni oi cne iew, najM produced" a system whereby the" wealth of our-nation wasonverted intoa means'l oT fostering and encouraging the mdustryf ; f a distant hemisphere, and. suppbiiu j foreign gQyernments; while,' bar wnjeiti-:. zens were .turned adrift for.Wahtof jem- olpymentjahd many of. them reduced to menficityiand.r'vcouty1m we wer&inyotved in heavier debts than ever before,: -with: diminished ' mean's of pay ment-and the character of our.coun- try: from? tne'lnabilitj; of her rrief chants tn nai their debts, and their frequenU oankruptcy,iwas greatlmjapred iu the ' ver" aspect our f flairsSvere viewed: they ' iVsented the most seridus cause of 'unea - iiueb and apprehension. i pposuion relative tome ooject 01 journey. c:. ..Washington .Jity 1$ easiire of, the utt 4 :0:o:0! isp I. Si .We looked around for he causes which, in the short space of four years,', without pestilence, jpr flilure of any;of thejioun ties of heaven, had reduced to this state, from the pinnacle of reputation arid hap-pirfess-f-a people justly- celebrated for their4Jerprise, their iridpstry, their me cfiahiC1?! skill; their wealth, and enjoying in the highest ; degree every gft of Kea venin soil, climate, and'extent 6f ter4ri- Several causes, we funo .had combin ed to ' product this caUmiteuS result. The prosperity, of the country had engeh dered a spirit .of extra vaganc'e--and the inordinate, 'spirit of banking, tcarried in many cases .toa, pulpahlc excess,Uiad none mupni miscuict. jdui inc. gjatia ramounV evH;jn cohnparison witH which ail ithe rest sinlTmto. insignificance, is the Immpderhte extent, of our Importations, whereby .we are; involved inV debts, for vyhich our produce, at the highest prices, would. have been inadequate to pay : .and their great , recenf reduction, of course, increases our diibilities. , The evils aris ing,; from other sources would have gra -dually cured-themselves -or involved in ruiu only the deluded parties. Whereas the loss of our industry,; the draia of our specie, and the consequent impoverish ment of. our country, anect all classes of K-i'iz'ensJthe econcmic il and the extrava gant ;.thKlaborer, the artisan, the cujti- Ain tnemost mature consideration we havf given the subject, u'e are persuaded that th Only radical remedy of those evils is ro limit the importation of such articles as we can manufacture ourfiehts, .&.Uius , a- and ui tin.. worK.-. iut without tne 'STana resto;vvt;ve of 41 buying less.lhahVe'sell,;' winch a proper tanir a lone-f can-; enect, theywill operate as mere palliatives of an evil w hose-i nimonse e x t e u t and mag xptude require prompt and decisive ie' 4nedies. A H'Our e,ftr: s ha ve been diiect -ed; to convince our feilow-citfecn's' of this' truthj so imptrtant to their virtue, their lir)pineSs;their indjependencev r We arcvlike other men. lialetp ertory: We'maylhave viewed thLubjectthrugh ah jncot'reptjmedium. ' But- weeclare, .as'r-w.e.can-wiiijrtruth, that shoidd'.we -be miskensliVuld any ninri prboHiof itien devi.s'a better plan We . s.5ia.1J rejoice ihV tUev discovery, abanc!oh-onrr;:pi'esent-yjewv and support theirs vvithrall.ouratr.--" tlor. We'V,ontend not for victpry.That js.hovbUject .itT.the d isCussi; "Qjt 'momentou s juest ion , in v o! ving; t ;jy ha p.- pjness or tyery ot millions. - VVe ceutenu n.rffhe happTne--s of our ci;i2cnsndffor; tHeliopor and prosperity of our beloved cofintrv. i'- '.w -W .W'A jdocument'ha; just reached us: which ! 4oes hohor'to the hend and heurt ?of the ! ;wnter,asweu as to me rcspectaoie oo- dy, ci citiiiensjjy wlvhm itwja-opted ui4t ' W M IV-M UCJV i - ' . i" w JUUB IVIV itv.M I j of .rprtti jls the pjeVfntmentof a '.fagr Vjth intaliifiiect" in ty, tliroftd to'pros i p er t y ; veuw ar 1 1 1 ly recon ra end mksocjh ations througjttmt the c()nnu'yt&arryits salutarvbjefits into ope r? tioh.r and thiis arie.siuis unpuvci imiuicii Qui.cmzeos. SiK prC Cposedt jie faithfully adhered aoV-ahd the tarifflie properly modifiedthe thick Clouds that envy rOn nur'honori will' dis mes to wanrus,tQLavoio: tneuia- rtatoUrcetl-afalse andvhstakenHlicv rrom wnence tney ouit turxn.on us wun destruCtiyc violence, rtWr r ' i ' ' vipeiawe claims tbhionbsof ha yjm g h" rst-adopted h)edea t cohsti tu t ion :Itwilibnpthr j usaspruie, that istijJia;taJce'n the Jefuon this obcasion, 'moreip-articularly should the sound views he'has given of the ' Causes of our. disi tresses, and the excellent remedies she has' prescribed, lead to their radical bure.' Grand Inquest of 'Newcastle County t " State of Delaware. The Grand Jury of Newcastle county beg leave to i f present that th ej aise dcieply im pressed wit b the distressed and calamitous si tdjioirpf the agricultural, commercial and mamjfacttjrsing interests ot,the .Stattljat result of eceive irrrui'.lons of Ardii ood$ exceeding to n4mm?ae amountsthe value 6f bur exporter V liier easing; poverty and. d stress - The only practical femalies fijr these evilsi in the epinion of the Grand Jury, are; , I; A: regular and strict economy, in the. ex- penses pi.tpe.peopi;r..s- c ; -IJf , A reirnchnievit in." the, Us eTof Imported gopds, and foreigrluxuries.. f.:.- y z -. III A steady attention -tbthe improve ment of our agricultural products ; ; - IV ,'i,tiid the 'acpurag-tnieTit-f ..w'aVX'rr home;, ty fostering- and prolec'ting domesticjiia- Tp a serious consideration" of this ; import ant'subj ec the Gr-.nd Jury wouli most ea' nestly invite'lhe attention, of, the citizen . J ... -i-li .ru- -..a-u. , . - more esccialljr of this :-coun trf va- or cf the.soil, as well as the land own-' pday-ot December, by John Quincy. Adams, ex, the manufacturer, the trader,, and the Secretary o? State of the ' United States, merchant;- , v . on the-part of,the United States ; and foster-.ouir domestic industry. Ofhenms sures nlay.be adopted to eo-dperats a in fin j.ueir upiuiyi uicscttna "v. iicu jruni An nniavoraoie fiance or xratier? tnej i.'lll. .Thus draihing tft e state Of its fpecie, a'ncl c.imdatiogmedi umi-v .'-;-: v ; IV.-llepessiBghralue of real estate ; Unanimously agreed to, and ordered to be. printed. ' .. . : . ;--;'- lARCHD." ALEXANDER, Foreman. AttestrS, II: Bo.c:,: Clerk of G. J. j j -Nr R. The failure of crops, stated M the preceding document, has not prevailed in other pns of th United States but the dis tress is equally felt elsewhere. ,w i ; 4 0: By the President of the United States, f hasaconventioa, between the United States of rAmerica and his Cath6- licmajesipade and cbncludeat Mad rid,n JthV eleventh day of. Aaust,Jin .th e. vear one thousand eight hundred and two. by Charles Pinckney, at that time min- ister piempoieniiaTV oiic u. otaxes in Spain anxlpon-Pedro Cevallos; Coun sellor otiDtate.Crentleraanot the tied Chamber,- First Secretary bf State,-and Superintendant 'of Posts and Post OfRces, fully authorised and. empowered by their respeenve governments;, was uuiy rau fied by the theii President of. the . United States,, by and with the advice and con sent. of the Senate - thereof, on the ninth day: of 'January, in the year one thousand cielit hundred and four ; , and wa ratified by the King of Spain, on the ninth idayofJ juiy :iast past : yvna wnereas ine-ratin-catiioris-of the two governments were ex- c hanged in this city, on the. twenty-hrs pon Louis de Onis, envoy extraordinat and: minister plenipotentiary from Spam, qji the part of Spain ; which; convention in, as follows-: .-..v.- v.- . . . , . ga A Convention between his. Catholic Majesty ! rKhd th Unit eii States of Ann erica; for the j ind emnification of those, who have sus tained losses, damages, or injuries, jnicdrtv ; 'Ts"squ cn'cj;"' of'.the ;"' excesses" ,tpf individuals, j of either ' nation jv,xlu ring the ;.late" war; contrary to the existing treaty or. the laws ii -of 'nations&.? ; ' 'li:.v;L-r;,4---.'! His CathblicMajesty, andJte gcvern inent of the United States. oLXmericay wishing amicably to adjust the claims, which have jar iseh from excesses com.r mitted during, the late war, bv individuals Of either natron?; contrary to the laws,bf nations or tnerxrpaEy exisung.oeiw.een iije two 'countries : his Catholic Majesty fras giverv,5for.J this purpose, j full powers to Jiisllxcellency, t lfym. Pedror eValiosJ Counsellor ' of Stte- Gentleman, of ,j the BedtChanibef 1 njploynient-tir&rcr ta.ryrof State, and .universal despatch, and Su p e r fn ten $ a n t Gen e.ral of the Posts J and Post)fliciiri Spain and the indieijj and- the goveriMnent'Oi the united bta'ies i of America to CblTrli 'Pinckney? ai;cLu- zeniot ,tne saia stases, .aiKi,iieir ivuni,;. formedi-Compse five Com m issioners twolVwhom by his Cathlicajefew.opbm- by. the go: .veininent: of th.qmted Site's, and the ftfth brrom in. case hy ;shouidrat"be:able to agree, on. a per oii fo'ri the fittlf Com missionerV'ic.hajar 'Jhiinamea:f j and ieavethe decision ttHiip : '. Xndrfeufter, ; incase ,-o.-J he deatlit; sickness or necessafyabsence,iOf shall proccea ;m tne.same manner, to xue appointment otjferions to replace therb? :'.i"he;ppoiiit'j3B'ent oftheCouimis sioners, beihVhu; made,, leach; one bf Lthein shall take-aW oath to' examine, dis- cv&S'i and ecidc on thelaimsV! which they, arv, to judge?, taccording tp the laws ofnations andjexistmg tfeatyVatid, with the impartiality justice may dic- taie.. ; ... .Ny.-5 .!g?.-3?.-. i . ., x ni ;i3rbe..Comrsionersa;n ; meet and h(ildittieir sessions inadrid, .whetej witfiin the term belfecfconed j'ront they, On which they may, assemble) 1 they nail , receive all Claim whichhcbnsueiice of this Cohveritibn,-. may be madeli-as well by the sulijectof his Catholic'! Miijesty as - by the cj'tiiehs of the Urtittd .States of Ar" mt:rica,who may have a right to demand 1 irijuressustain in xoh&ef duer&erof 'the Spvn ish & ubj ectsvbr i&fo e'rtcaiu -citi it hsif -. ,iThe CommissiOnerjs-ruUioQ '.. th cowl rnnt:iitiDr r!l rtc t hftf I Panel exajnineloh jcat re- flStive totlie said demiuas, apd toreceiye, asSlwprfhy ot credit all testimony; the "ISthenticit of y hied cannot reasonably e4ou1b Sr5. From the decisjons ofXthe Commis- sioners there hallpo appeal t and the Agreement , bf threepf hem shall, give tun iorce , ana e nect i n eir; aecisionsi as, well witir respect tu the ustice of - tlae (aims as td the amo ficatioh ' whiQh maybe adjudged; to Ue claimaints ; Uie aidcontrJcting4parties obftgiug ithemselvesjj.to satisfy the said awards in; speciekhpu deduction, j at tlie times and places pointed iput, and ijq der the; cohdi tions wh ich may l be expres sed by th'e IBoard ofvpommissibners.K 6. It not riayjhg been Vjpossible 5for: the iaid Plenipotentiaries t6aeluponta mbdeby which the abpviifienjLiofted Boarcl .-of Couimissioerih wld. arjtrate the tlaim's "briginatingffrom th excesses of loreieh cruisers,-aeents. consuls '6r"tri: junals, in their- respective1 territpri I eryienipotentiarygRejar his,Catblicia- jestyrwho havejagfed as follows': ji lA'Roard ofi CoramissionersshalJ be which might be imputable to their Jwo ' v; 6ve!ments,.tbejfshav'ex that each government shall reserve (as . it does by this Convention).- to .itself, it, ; ' subjects or citizens respectively, alk the - r pjghts; which they f now hive, and ur4der V . wnich: they may hereafter bring forward " their claims, v at uch t times as may be 7. The present Convention shall have) until it be I raufied?'br no force Var effect the cont ting partfes, and the ratifica- iioii suaii Vfexcn; hged as soon asjpossi? blek' In faith Vreof, we; the underwritea? t V -V Plenipotentiaries,. haVelighed this 1 "Jj ; .j Convention, and have affixed' thereto f- our respective seals. . .rv'lrr: " i I)one at;Madrid, this llth day of .Au gust, 1802.; ,, -. ? . . Cl- Sj PEDRO CEVALLOS. y ii trs. CHA'JILES PINCKNEY Kowi therefore,1 be it knoym. that4 1 James MonroeA President ifi thfttTn itp1 Statesbavejpauseji the said.: Convention; o oe noade puuiict ,to.the ietia hat,the r , same.- .ana t v. e verv4iclauseX, and SArticIt. f thereof, may be observed and fulfilled. . k. with good ; faith, by the fnitedStates,; " andthevcitizens thereof, fli-?4&r: XV I.1 in-iesumony wnereoi i nave .hereuhto iSet my hand, and causedhe ieal of aL 1 rT:..'j o. !' . ' a -r " - - LL'S.J year . of our, Lord one. thousand i v,.' eight .hundred fahd eighteen, and of Independence the forty-third. -; By the. Presideht. -..-, .? ,, . . ', r; JoHN i'uiNCY AnAMs;. . v ' ' ; ; Secretary of State. .. ' . : : . '. -II.: . . .. . COACH MAKER) RALEIGH, ': TTAS employed from the Cities of N York i I .and Newark, , number ipf first rate Workmen, of the several-branches of hiVBu sinegs, viz . ISodyiMakinrrCWlaffe.Mak Trimming, Painting; Smiths,' he who. hare . neen carefully, selected by his friend jr.-New, Jersey,; ille.lias alsreceived froth the C.tie of NeTork-andj-Philadelphiaya large and extensive Stock Of the best and most fashi onable JWaterials, He is grateful for the ve ry liberal encouragement- he has alreadv re ceived ahd hVpWfrm bis assiduity and at . tentioh t& his,bu9mess to merit i rontinnr f their favors. Carriaffeir ofanv descriotiori 1 or pr:ce, can be had? a shortnotice i-, " Orders froni'any.part of the Continent are. solicited. "i-r-; ; V x-rvJU-V', -...;.-; v ' ., Iielerenc'e for excellence and I elegance? of his work, and ihcharacter of the advertiser. jiuimc io ms numerous, acquaintances in this .mi inneig-nooring; itates. , i i l?lo.rK f?V-t r-' ty-t ' . , ; 114 St&ctf H ILLS BOROUG H ACADEMY; A S the Preparatory Schoolat the tfnivefc A sitv of this State, has at thVlif tram;. imi unuea scaxes cooe amxed. JJone t: C ; at the city of Washington; this twea T ' : nation, whoify ceased, in consequence bf ih'S ; ' declension . of ' the Itev Abner W. Clopton, V ' tocohtinUe any longer in thebusiness of that- ," N .s,chooViTheaculty have ehured; into an , : upderstandmg wilh the Jiev J.Vi;berspopij. supenntendtntof theHtllsboroUeh Academv! ' ait with Mr Rogers, its Princinal Teacher 7 " jnconchrrence with Jitrrustebj in conse- ; qucucc .wiven iui Acaaemy will oehere- ; after considered-as Vi Preparatorvt School tf e University "In puesUanjf e of this arrange- tuwxi ic iiiepupisc. 'examination ot ; ims- ' University was completed, th et , Facility jro- deeded to Hillsborough to attend the, anntial ' h ijxanmiai on ojineAcan emy, ; agreeably tt -previous appointment be Ka.Tton the; 14th bt 4 une, and was finished onV 1 11 toiioyingQ ay ; it- tThe number oXstudenu 'irithej Academy .C ; itthis trmenfty-fohiv' j. ' - 'tv - .1 : . ' ' cThe public j examtnt jor the Hillsboro 7 -Academy, will hereafter, be conducted in the ' presence of the faculty of the, Uniyersity as beinpr nnter their immediate ckre. iointlf ;ith the Uey. AIr .vyitherspooh i- Their sea- sions urin ciose, ana meir: examinations wjll take .place- coteaipoi aneoiisly ,The plan of education is precisely thsame ; that of thej itcademv. being modelled by the FacutvyV exDresslv. 'to" jiualify it oturl -classes of the Un.yersity , As the faculty will .' r'x" y uvvotitc; examination of a student in this-Academy, and partieipat? ithe formation of thereports, sucb'ybuthi' as-pass regular an approyed examinations fHiiiicwrse,;oi stud es here, w ill not be w called to renewed examinations on the same ; 'H 'JM h I suojects wntn they wish toenter the CniveA : ; ' i -1 j ' s.tyVbutwiJVbe admitted''intathe claSse.i .'i 1)? H for, which ;tey shall appearyto be -Qualified: v y55e mlnationiof the Academy" The, youth v; ho shall belacel at Ilillsborough, o"" ? commence their education, will not nly en ' joy these adrantages, but the. '.benefits of A b talthy situation ; of an enlightened and t)b, ' lished society $. of boarding in good families upon rue mosrmoaerate terms t and ot being called to a regular attendance-on - religious ?,The Faculty rn Iheir.visitatthft tini'ehatfi v v had nitoch ;sat;slaction z in wltnessincr the or- f 1 tlerand correqtTi esi. both in scholarship and i ' iV""",'""! tywvwi.u iiin cnooi na oeen iorm' , . kd"'hyVits' present ptianagers-:. )ts Trustees? .1 f ; have given eyidence of pifbctieai wisdom, Li ;, incur appuinxmenu ; totte4omces or tua sbhool.'and in the triist wh xli they haVe - atX ter wards reposed in unembarrassed & sound -discretion pt;those jta honr the business of " "u theiAcademy has been-committsd .:'V.: w 1 i'v 1 . jOSfePil CALDWELU' V June 20- iiN. '.iTKe.'xerws'"itvtbttr, Insttution w'e resumed, on thVfetst Mondayla 4Q$ : ;t I '! v.; ; I j. , t f ll I Ml Vi ! 1 I I ! IB is! m m 1. v.' la .; 4! !1; 1 ., i: ! .a i', ! ii .1 .'.' ' ' 'if; m. nit1 li ft i ;' .A-. " J