r. I! " wnnEET T FALOc5Jr2R respect ijSe tbr,!eha located hjo-elfg Co'. 7h Mr nroner to call -J the. wth . , JAMESTOWN ' FEMALE ACADEMY 1 K Examination taV to naryo-v, Saturday, j y o., x:". thick the Committee produce the following Sfiellinpbu Kcie ' Minerva MmdenlH, Je"aSSj?" ?! 'Po.lv Shelby, were cammed on Spelling m toLbleV, jk1 articulated distinctly, f "... j,itroductiiTr " . Trflii Mencha1l!and AsiithMJl!er, Vereaminec1on Kdln?,n Murray's In induction, and pronounced . with correct. DSS" Jnglish 'Reader. V ....' ' Catharine Albertson, uphemia Clarke, Elitfbttli Memlenball, -Mary Evans; Jane ClmfceSoPn'a Burrow, Marv Craven, Polly Klliott, F.liza Dabt. Huth Worth, Tolly peeson, Isabella M'lver andj Ann.M'Donald, Vere examined oti reading in Murray's FjiK- ih Header, and pertftfrneti in an accurate who are equa The rest approved i that the had been in this class. ! Sequel. Catharine Albertson, Mary Evans, Jane Cbrke, Euphemia Clarke 8t Sophia Burro' vere examined on Readinc; in Murray's - He quel, Pilose and Verse.'both in concert, which, they performed with great exactness,. ar.u re higbly approved. . ; ' Writing. ; Several ppecim ens of writing were exhi . tited.some of which were very elegant. Catliarine Albertson is the best writer. . Arithmetic. Tony Flliott, Mary Craven, Isabella W Jvr and Polly Benson," were . examined on Arithmetic Polly Elliott is the best in this class. ,-. ' -' - . . Grammar. . ; Catharine Albertson, Mary Evans & Tulh Vr'l,; were examined on English Grammar, an1 u r the time they have bt-en ergaped" in tiiis study Lave made considerable progress. v t . TIeografihy Flizabeth Mendenhall, Elia labha, Cb tfisrir.e Alberton, Mat- FA-ans, Sophia Burr , n, JsiTeClrkeand Euphemia Clarke, were tsar ined on Qeography, on the Map of the Vorldand of the United States, and were foind to answer with readiness, and did tl'sclves much credit by tie examination. Elitarth Mendenhill and WizaDabbs.Wer . wmined on the Man of Europe." an-'1 rxhr ' liKdsome Maps of their own tnike, which j Go them tcQchcredtt. j-i ' Painting and Needle TTbrkj ' Font specimens of Fruit & l?lc wer ta.irit Iinpwere exhibited, and aome pieces of white KreM WorV. firui' five nieces mmhroide-'' ry. Bcme of these pieces were' elegant, and displayed a degree of natural imitation, bril liancy' &. taste. ElLfa Dshbc excels in Draw ing and Painting. : . By order of the Committee. toAVl'DXIKDSAY , Aaciist 6 , ' 38 Ccbarru Xtunty. Court of Pleas and Qirarter SesSto x julv Term, 1819. ioslua Harris, MtaOumtnt. 5 V. C Robert Pickets snmtriohed James Pickens, j as Garnishee. "IT sppearingfo the satisfaction of the Court , J tliat the liefendant residesteyOnd the Ji mi's of this State; it is therefore ordered, tliat publication he made in the Raleigh Re gister for six week that unless the defendant appear at our next Court of Picas & Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Cabar- s. at the Courthouse xf oncard, on the bien arccrding U the plaint if? s lieroand I Pfit II III M m IF A A'lW 0 v v vilit' a Hii v ah7 vr w l STOLEN. 0 Saturday hif;ht, the 24th instant, a frttnthe h'nrtr rrtnm nflprn! O.UaHni with it a small Purse . of Silver With lbcut eight'dollars therein. . Also a large ack Leather rtJtKLT hUUK, wivh afut 6 or 8 Dollars cr tht-i es.bouts.hiit. rt a number of valuable NOTES, JtE- flFTS and "other, papers : amonest ch are the followinjr, viz : Ore Note on WillirTace, oh demand. Wau d about the 50th September 1818, r SlSO, indorsed to the Euhscriber by Cl j u in S.'Kinc. One on 'John Kinif J.'.c-P 25 cts.- on demand, one note on ; iin Daniel for g20, on demiMid.--- r,T illifim' TToc (n Q;. exn AL T111- The dates f the three last men-- -inspected t Favettevi lit- -the weiVht ! uuiu, inuee-ti, uc iron r.rK.. 'i . T " 7:0 ii.! .oli: ;r.i : ! . l SCCOlbs. - One receipt of W'illiam f. VI ,nPni, Esq. given to fitiJ:.Rcgc.ra,t iOte tn rnl!-f Clt orrl i.Amiirrinfi! r7.c.rtipt of Samuel HUlrnan, Esq, for Sentothe subscriber for a note C'Y and Peter Bailey, left in the i,T:- -f fhid Hillman for colhiction I far, 8 nrunber of other small Notes, and oua tiw different descriptions, too tedi- person who. will deliver tlie saidi Vrii.- " ",c vumciHs, or Eive n twiri i lef toJustice, shall be amply1- ialciri, t , ORREN VINCENT, h, July 2$ ! n:i36 tf thtt';;1 Persons are for warned from in-? i . nu notes or anv tia. t r.f theni. JT- '-e n,ak... .... .."v i- : rjer l irr,ht paying .mtm to any. Tn hfl those who Jove the Lord Jtebli in 1 sincerity and endeavor a tnabMown I , his decdamongjhcfieofilei She sayfiig health axnong the nations ir i: (: i -rpHE Bethlehem; Fe m ale. Missjonar if . Society-; having undcrta k'en jprlnt the Harrhonjr'of j the--FpUr Evangelists itv the Delaware. language, iorihe benefit; of the Indians, as translated by the late Rev'd. David Zeisberg, wKo had labored as a.Missionary arnongstthe,m for'40 yearji finding their fund inadequate,. to defray; the whole, expend attending the sarne hereby, solicits respectfully the aid; either by Contribution brl nual Subscription,; of all those who wish will to the cause: of the prppagatioh iofthe ,G ospel atnong. the Heathen. The p-bposed wort may. le considered as & standardr worlirnmi the testimonies of a number, of Indifuis stiH4jvirig of Missionaries ;till;re'sklingp ambrgst' th'em;: who have a written copy of the.translation inconstant use and of the venerable and Rev.' John Heckewel der manv ! years a resident amongst the Indians, and well, known by a recent pub lication of his, entitled & A History ct the Indian Nations.":! nublisKcd by the. A me - ! rican Philosophical Society.- He, though j fafadvanced ih lifei'has kindly underta ken to revise the fwork wtiile nntmR.r-. It is inte nded to cbmmence the publicii- f tinn of it as earlv .as oossible. 1 hvfee 1 JNo- iU4..fuitiTi fctrei-t. r ew-.ioiK. ricv. wends,: 1,0. f ioice The first honor is Awarded to ".CJl f tinB in th undertaking, are, ekr- ; ) . , SS. AiKriKnn 1 the aecond ' honor to Ku- j nestly requested to forward thtir contn- n?. .pm?a Clarkeani Kiizanetn ijenacncau, ' "Ul,v"" l" VV f " " ' i. Pres: In justice to Pollv Heeson ;t may be said jlHenrv V'a ck1Pls6. 74, Khcc ti ect, at ihe read remarkably well for the lime j Philadelphia, and ev. Charles "FSc.idel, W . - - , m , -I PrcsUU nt rf the Society! .Bethlehem, July 24. J5 iXfm Contributions . forwarded to Chas. Fi-Bagge, Fsq. or Rev. A. Steiner, at,Sa Ieiny in thistateill be thankfully re teived anQ'. remitted to P.cthlehem. Fiaau, AUGUST 15, ;8i9.r Beaufort Coihhi. t?ir hard I lines, .V John !:S. i mall wood" uiid Jesse Itjfcysi.n C. : Stte ii ij of the poll : Senate, -R. lijnes 578, Thprris Ilowen !7l t. on mons, .. b. Small wood 5!o. J. Kohasdn 440, Thomas Latham F.tl-rfvwb .l'-s. 13 en ten, S ; L. D.tVil.sori, t Moses Uaker, C. : r I j Gprtfreti Wectlcv. Yesfehlavi the election ofMembers fo ty.n,rej;s ;anl tn nnr "fipnprfl! ASfmldv took lftire throujrhopt the State (except in two ji or tnree counties t wi. ere. irei.i jocai i ; .1 ... i i counties cause?,' the election' is held some davs i! pfevinuf.lv. j As we are unde? the n-'V cessitv ofiputting ourpaprr to press ' earlier than formerly, in order. to havp n, sufficient number printed :pfi to ?MP ItoIv the earlv morning; mails, we can- f 111. . - . , - , t . U AT.FlViil V - I-'"- : . ' ' V'.' t '. I no ven give a siarenjenT oi me pou at innrcneu inro iv.tr inarivei-pj.are ot hi our own CourNHouse election. i lisle, but werejuiltv of no disorder CarcKva Banlh.- We are con ceded to state, that our1 hopes are completely disappointed in relation to the contemplated arrangement be tween tlic'State Hank and the Peters- U btirc . Banks the latter havJnjv con- trary to expectations vv Jch had been raisen in tne lvueciois oi tne state Hank, declined epterii-iuto the" pro : '.. ' . , - . posed arrangcruent. , . ; WchietibUrs l)e o rot ton siliwl Vwdewff;--Tbe public xvil! doubtless ! j. Be gratified to learn t! ai CVd. ;W,LT.iAi Polk, of this citv.i rw ho was present-' at the meetine in Mecklerbunr Coun j Htv when'the -iVcraratron of Indfrehd-j enre was a-n upon in Mayr if preparlnS P.r publication spine further !( infermation reMjon to that Oeclara ; tinn. We ui derstatid tliaf the Colo4 ih,rdMondav in October next, then and there i nf 1 V!MV0 n.e:.naines;.o rjiie, jeie-1:. to replay of plead, j.menr. i final wdl be ltes, and an acct tirt of lhe proceeli taken wvi:.. .a .i:.w.-,:iri..J I i rnM th Pninirvinaao , ciiKtoKiinniiir ! I- 1 1 . : 1 F ml V i , I J . ; Keiiofi :on,FvnrrPif,: enmf 'm'.fiet ' . I ments' in . the ' publication already; ! made on this subject in lhe;Recister of tit, a l,fhf SOth 6f April last, ad .which ha Jthe. Northern papers. .. - pellint of BodisUyVevhh to call the attention of all person's Von-; ce r n e d i 0 oa t i p p. to the ex peritne nt lately ; ma de in ti e M ipso u V i.. by t hej Ferry Boats, and by Col. Atkinson by! his Barnes, of the ? use tif ijcheeU-fori propelling -BoAts, instead of. the old mode of ' polling dnd rbwinjr. -AVe' presume that a couple of wheels to a small Boat, tip Boat, or fourto a large . one,;; ild; propel them With muchinore WO a Id ease o NtteJ Rdl I " hatt either p.!lsvnr: f It ucin, in ; some iiefjree, me encis oi siram machinery. wiToout its -expence anu incumurapce. uy the Substitution of Ti litile manual labour. f jjillc hridsfiutter from one Cotv.- An article j wnicn appears pi i!?e Ame rican arlmervri'ddisheil :atCBaHjmore states,. that d Cow, the proper tS of Wm. Cramp, of . Lewe in Sussex. England, produced ; inT48 successive, weekfs,! 1250 gallons of MilandO I bs. of Bu tter ! ' The; .Qo W was wel I fed withrrtificial 'Glasses in the Futn- tner,' andVIt Hay; Bran and Grains In the AVinter Vhen will te Cows oi inis ouniry pixMiuce A,an mis quan- tityof JVlilk; ana Bntteci-Neyeri un til we cultivate Grassepfor -them in fill mm w nnrl nrnvi la I. nucoc ftp shelterrand .raore.pIentiMft The datli)re?teraai boy cif ; tiie? iiarn e ; ofPoweris, i peepirifi into. onebf the publiCweIfihtdi ty, w'hicri h had; part! yhnwcoveVed u n fortu nately "fell' l n'aiiP. ami plund ito- the waVer whose surface Was nearly forefeet frbrai the -top-ofe welh AUng'mlab hameit Matthewl SliaW; arHvdheYeUhin a4fe 1 wetks, frorp:' Scotland, ' chanceel tdsee theja ccideni, slid 1 1 n sta r) t Jjr snatch I nsc a rppe-from a neihbpririg 'stored tlirew'orie': encl into the yvell, I ash edlithe i 0 therv r to ih e pum p, il id down i fis!iied . fcip'lhe stu u n ed iTn d half drowned ,'boy from1 the bottom, faHcnecThiin securely to the rope and, caueci to tne ; company, wno nau ny this time asspmbledarotind the w.eU, to tl raw. hi in up ; and in less than tjxyo filiates' from te timepf his jiescentj the boy was safety landed upoh;terra. firma, a gobd idea! injured bv the fail. ; but likely to recqyer. Shaw re mi ; Hied fin the welh until the rope vas sent : clown second time, when lie ran up .-nt wiih the agilityitf aUailoh, apparent ! ly tiiinkins very, little of an adventure tiiat called forth; the admiring and j j x ii bnhnv ih iearh that " the tletjt.of the IJnited States.attenil-j; ef by Vhv hie PrivnfA Sprrpf.inps. W r. tiO-1 vei neur; and Lieut. Monroe, arrived I! in Washington city, on Sunday, morh- ipjt, antruti ood health, notwithstand ing: I; is ' TMo; ; a nd , fa itiin journey th roUh the Southern and Western SlStesi""' i - ,: ;-. ;:; ;. - Jl w? j7Vpr..Messrs. iisrhulks eV C'ariipys ItayV published the lapor which tl:cy lately announced if their j intention to establish. the new town j :ur.ElnlelpV Montgomery County, in i ihis State. Tt 13 neatly eiiecuteif and jj ilesei vc. encouragement. j'j -' JPtf-cts of:JJzhtvitir --Tn the vidt ,Mhtf v !" F. f?frvi Hp. .hT-Avpr 94 q!..;V. -i:ul Ki- 1 :...t, -.,;. An rri,cL v ' i r i . . . . 'r . . . ! t'amorisr-lhc lur!) ola lame !k that had len, cut down in Cj'ptain William : ioid's nr.sture, tl-e ock consisted of 57 A large- proportion to be.killei by a flash of Lightnihgt Tne last Rnrish paners eohtain aili Atmres frorn the Car lifeywavers e'.:rhed in very M sneaks feelingly of-lh'ewtlistreS which they sutler from lovness of wages.! 2()0u ot these distressed woi.:mfin , ii . . i' i :.i-i'A-- It is expected an advance' of wag will be the consequence. i j frerpenr Pfzan-r i e caiem ua ?.ette of the 3d instant, stated hatt! !e II on. Win. Head and ,-.'Vev.! other ratlemen saw lie Se. -. ?.he pre-ji Reding day lying wust uil fh U lahd. and very distinctly .miced thej land, anti very ' .mi rutidetances on hisi I ,"i k-'--it appear- ed to uu at Jcast IOC 't ct in length. ,X': r.v,rJVr;iVii7-rn thl;t;rf (Su,.t 0f r'u: StaVesr thf; t esrerh j distOct; of entvtvania. the c?e of ! c. yf,Tf v. Iaftlv Wtrled. : This Via ftrt4..l v.n ,ir rni.v x h,L ecisinn involves tbe mbVt vtm: consequences i to the whoti; din! it ? ; bnrdering vrf our -Western .tv rir -ri, ;niuV;mr K;.,Tvr.;.w J . . ! board ithe Genevan Boier. atjd r tJih.d without ,pav X ; s i i tj -f t , i . . .... mili ' . j ii ' V. : i -..i. - 1 ; submitted to.the Judjreof the diitricti inr-a -verv auie anu learneu opmioui all that attenhoiand Research which if n jtri Hio r t an c c hi ef 1 1 e d , i t' w a U e c i d e d fl 1 a t Ulie ad miral ty j u risd ict to n of tie U. S. ;TC ou rti deeiseiCen d to the freh. wa t er; uayigauie eireams i uje iin,erion oiTf the contineBt 4tnar, the wages otnoat mcn comb Itinder theVdehomlnatitiii of lea me h 's? wage si; 'and that the re m e dy by libet may be retsorted to, in oases similar to'those of the Atlantic va tersj i tA.likedecision"tias been made in i the district ot KentucKy, irruie esse of the fcteanr&jat Bufiolo. ' 4 : vt;M -S-v- L!- i -1 Two notorious druiikards (says the fj -iVork; Gazette of JalyJ) who liave loinir been know n o u r streets, last; evening- tell upon this plan to get nd of their troubles... They each draulca pint of clear whiskey, being wetljchar-i ged before, and requested aihird i)et- fohi wheri ';Xheyereb iclf tfiem toeUiep.plaiins: their mobtJS; thus placed, thejthmi perrn.iti 'cdm. pita u t e I with thei ;vreque'st, 1 iglited f o ri ms ion e m at c n u n i c n n e pu t pe t wee n their , mouths, and tb an hi stint 1 the two nlisertibje yrettbW (vefe blown to atoms, and "aS tftTectually "scatired to thewirids as if filled ; with gunpowder -and th ,e, poor lellbw wbopIieCthe niatch was so - niucli:-injured - by the r limbs of the two cartas? tliat bis life j 1 rA A ? : II. At me iate saie ot townr lots ln xnej low ii ,yi awaua, I ine sunt seiecieu ivi t Estate of Alabama) omc othe lofR, uip imp roved of o u rse, as iheVpface H yet but a pftn (if ion, r orypiece of wootf i? sqTdbi!isp25 ; nd tSlftW the nrimber sbldt brought jjpwartls ojf an : nuuureu aiiu, iweiuy inousaau uuj- Tarsi ? ;The;lIu of July tScnhtatns shrorl fafbalysis f ofthe ennstitutiori reporfed;bji tee to the contention. : ;The gpyeror is to be elected by the people. fWjtwo yeaf-s, is to. have a negative bn the! iawsL The sejiators tojbe elected ior three years, aVd the; representatives fnr nnp VPfirt finn nr tn hp nnnnrfinn. i ed through the state every nv years. agreeably to nurabers. The Judiciary . is to be composed of a superior adS :t inferior courts;4r:the first tojjave chaii U eery, and appellate jurisdiction and . the same jiidgpsl to hold; the district courts. Sherill's are to be elected for i i three years bvithe neorle : -clerks hv i ! the; courts, Alt elections to be I -ill.' .-Li'.. a Vll H i4'; 1. . Ll'i. to be ! i at Huntsyiilefone yearthen at Caha- t i ba until 1825, when, it is to belfixed : permanentlv. J There is to be State i jlank ;antl rBi&hesV: but Inoi'Viorei ! tiia'n; nnp hriinrli thftll hii icf aMichoil at one se$ston-p the state, ttr bwnltjwo- ! tHird of the .stjnck,. and tne StocRhol- j dersl to be liable bersonall v feir ! the ! d ebti oft li e ban k. and no bank o j;o ; Into operation payment of j the. whole srock subsc ibed for is wade in gold or silver. ! By a gentleman-recently rfetiithed ! from the Tombeckbee, we are inform- i ed, that Gen Jackspn has" written to I Mehuleetubbeel head chief 6f one of ; th ;.threej grand diviMbna of therChoc- . nun at u. (unci anu : jnucy 3ciiiirij.' " "- .r;,w .. .wv T (when or where our; inlormarit did !he had but syen.Jdplar$i iit; learn) to hold a conference oti the ; subject of the sale of that part of their I . . . . I T- . 1 ... . "" " . 'iiajiijWvto-the''tJhitecl:-States.'"AV I our; lrdbrmantl left there,. Meshulee tubbee, and Peachland were rbn a (wt Jlirotih 'the distrtct, td cbnjult j the;olher cliicfs and the other meu on the: subject ; and the opinion was air J niost universal, iathong the.rwhites in ;the;.iifeigliWHpod,.' tliat the. District VH be ceded to tlie;Unitcd Slates, either by sale or in exchange for lands. t o n 1 1 1 e . a i k a u sa w -i, n u ugn o i , im me 'diately--1'.' '. 1: L f-Ac-V-f Yre: l&arri'ffbm another 'iourceihat ; a' deputation fi om the Choctaw nation ji lias visited ti e country on the Arkan- . saw, w i in a view. .to sucn an exenange, ; and have hiade a very favorable re ! port, both of.the country and quanti ty of uame'. In,cons.iuehce of which a gt cht , number of the Ohoctaws have epied a willingness to tVe.U.. States on the sj granted to. the C exchange same terms Cherokeesr I'he District emhraces..the Military C niS8in..n the 'Beckbee, where it lias beeu de.ffet tnt ned , t he-great feife ral toad frv.rri Nadiville to New!Or leansalall cios jUiat river. ' .; ". j, Meis Kgent for tlie..Che.rpKe tation, hh , given public notice to the W1 Vh nf?11 thM '' theyyeoH the said iafiurjy ifr JUly, he shir apply tp Ren. j cuS01' T tlpi by military T' rt& ordered to leave the natipn. before the season nt nl'i ttlihrr A.- .Mnrnr iliil fit aril l-omiva . - tio th ) a u s a n ui i u s tice. s w or e .th e T' lifaim iiieincrors inev; inereioroue lerre the less criminissefation. TuscalaoshtTltepA ohrjiidge iliiJeTjhaB nrn- ed frohi liu ITa I o; wh e re ; h e wen t for the- purpose of making a treaty with the Indians, f .rnheirlnterest in. the lantis tney occupnn ine western couu e ii : ' : i . ."1 -ir ' u v: i . i'. - : Jim. of tlusstate;i the object was'to purchase their lnterestand tl have Uieiti " remove f i b m their present resi- j dence to trie westward, or to contract tjieirs limits tp ibe land they actually improve, 'tht mission, we understand, "asS terininateoll' (unsuccessful ly-the inuiaus uciming to sen ami remove. Iv', Gorman, Esq; attended as a cojnr pjissibner oh the4 j part of Massachu sells that statehaving reserved; the r fiht, iwhen the 1 land was 'fbrihrly i sold6f having a "commissioner 4 pre- sent at any negociatibn with thei djans torjtheir removals he Council wasattended by i great concourse of people, ;and the negueiatbn excited riiticliitee5t and anie pttcfl. San JV'Vif, a ChreT; and one of the princi pal ; Counsel I ors v of - tlie Great t)saie tribe, ;ar rived bereVarftwNdays f5go on,' an enibass y ; f om ..his nation - to Vivo lJr-i ci rlnf lair fa(iMa l! a.rfl.' lehcyf his ar jtts hiatftreileiit e tfiem and the vct-nnveht and iu o dition iias not vet saileti.' but is daily I ,-expeGtetl procecQf M w,bimuafjtae ateiffiaf 9 ; lohnaott anJ Jxpedii2& Vf v Z pi uvtfcUUM liuiu 1U IB9UUII IU JJtSJje TOQ4 N . tried the cufintf with Weat easeit : - ' XafweehvClrilenV: Atkinson) t f " on seeing ine ferfj.-Dpai worked ur, i, ' wheels, immediately conlve hd -;i ideaof iapplyihff theni I VSltke b&rty ' -bound Up the Misiftftr) vvitrt tjnUfdV ! States troops stares, fe; Hn &b6W; ' ' three Uajr&he had one' of H birei f&e wbbee1s4 and a triil rnalev4 ih which khe was run tin thi Tiidd- f. : ri, about twomiles, aha 'back, m 3(1 It ts bihly fcrdtify !n that- eoI V, 4 Vernment baa nlacef tlus prompt) dei t cf sive, and jJistinujshed DmceKin, tho rf-4 J command of this iiuportnt litatidn1; I I UK - nnnraVpmoi'it u hiti ho Tin? a ms improvement wnicn n nas.pm rsnn these barges wrirbrov6if,a5t'icn.1 ; portance o, the government vb0bii f : f repeditidti'' albda vinxbViii ' r H. ;. tJ'.l W-' v-fev ,'' v ' ( Sajnftnrtttufa bftfte-Pptiy '&Mk)viW ";i'V pienqonta, ?n:our lastifiafier coilejT ji appears i inarj mese men, ( Ht.nrjiaiwlu.1 fn rkjM.I ah II' n. L.4 I of ilem; beloved the mabk tiaW .v rencej c:apt. At.t wick, tne propertt. oi J '. Mr. J. J. Daniel, of this cityv ;SmcliV:V-:-arrived here on the lC(h insti apnJt5 sibty from a wrecking, cruise dff. thei Florida Coast, with a cargo uvvq?;.yeii.v in a duik; - un tnis arrival. Ai reported, that " on the 14th inst; near K it fertl. 5 't l: hV fl I In U XJUnAnaW-X, ' tiot liavine a sinslel Dersbir oti board i'r, that he took out load ;of tif iti' bulk and proceeded :to tliis riljacBi.'' From the declarations of tled, 6bw evr, 1 as; far fas obtaini2d, jit appears that the sloop was sent by her owner. front Havanna, (where he nowjrs) to ; inc. ,c itu Kia voasi, 10 cut wpou She there met with a small piratical oopf, tl)e Captain and crew of which aoect- t taken from him ' and hehung up for ' ' some tlme iivthe hroiids, td hiilce. (that lie had; no mrfney, the piratical apiaiu proposeu 10 ' aciwick1 ana ni crew, join him in; a piratical cruised - --.jU After consulting his men they agfeed, v -Wi th thcexceptien of the above parrU : v j "j-r ed UeedwIerberrig indirectly thread ehed jri caseCof non-comnlFance. ?at aK iiengtn acceaeu,s ne aeciares, to. save v ; hi s I i fe. ' Both -1 Ippps then sai led ia a company, and soon after, on the Flo ; v i n a v pas vt iuey:iei i . in w un jtne ii rt j tish jbriti-: yapt. Seel ej, from JJav tani boiind;Falm4uth;if Ertgril ill ?i distress' wlii ch they boarded, and.rArt ; . ashore; t'fie brigs - consisted of terii r' -v j oi njed the pirates and , then j ritorirt ed the Captain o'f the gang, '-thit i$ie Cap '' tain aftid Mate of f the brig couldiot be trusted, Immediatelyaf terVjthey with tte cook and one man j' wnri haa refused to join the pirates, were inv humanly murdereu and thrbwn'pve board ! t : Tfotji 'sloops- yefe; thelt : luauuu wim Aonee,, as aoove uescriot tu a.iu , iiicrjBtw jr .iiiiiuc up lliai was fold 'here, previous to their, leavimf the bri. ' v--'-J-vrjV:: SpirnojtAbr.rrtfo Lesis of liar bad oes have recently nasseif rei. solutions, declaring that any. attempt to establish any tax, dutvF or fees ori 1 the inhaWtauts of that islandby thei ' ; ; Lords ommi8iioner3of the: Britisli r ireasurjj is uiegai anu ought to e re- ' gland to reftiionstrate against thes at tempts, and to protest that theiv mlL tieverjje submitted tdii nd that the are jn openHiolatidbof the inherent luberties Of the reople who can oif, riglit be taxed !oh!jt b' their ' own rpreseniative&; 'hege.;' proceedings will recal "to the rainda of ti auicricans ine spirn wnicn ICQ tneif rfrefaihers to resist British, taxation and to assert 'thei r4 rights and liberties JVe hopfe that the -same success rhay attend, tle ; resistance or all peopld whom their ruler may attempt to tai -Unlawfully ortherwiscVopprriwi- ylvy P Tfif of my LaiidlSxd) BaiDGE oi LAVjkiiitiooRf' this dar published Miv ' niomas and - Hot sate at the' eity ' bookstores f ffenefallvv is a distinct andfcomplete tale irt It self, being; as the ad verti demerits bit c -stated, the first tale of the third serieS. flwler.thfe title atihe?betfd!of this pi ; ragraphi .' . " t '. - i,- v 1 - , (Tj" In a few: oVouir last weeit Mn'cr'li iHr; the lleturn d? tiie 'Orairrilie . "Eleiob.Tthel , name of Di Hai e was placed 'amontrit ! tbff ; candidates lor the CoajroonS. inatecfiefC ihi': Senate. -- At Wilm!netoivou the 3d iratftto2 aUson td Miss Eiraa TreyalhcW tin ilertitf cduntv, on the6Wifeldirl '''.. Drew, a very old ami resptciible inh&biHut. -.t- n i i-. ta it. v r. l .-. r- 1 iu utoig5Luii, o, V"W uicui inv- siier '. i i short, illness. Ur. Jamfei Bogle, ' fafmt'il r?r thisCityDr tfiahj'd.years hi Ceorgfto,.h ftfti' acquired the confidence of th .c'iairirfirr. . 1 j Phystilaiit:'aAd its'triendship1alt.a: tnltil'V' j . f a:f.:;;:-:.;.?;;iyi m 1 .1' ft II 1 'i J ill 'iS' :?'('! in: V 0 I lev !M 'if: ' i fil if- 5'! r 1 1 i Hj f - V- r.H I I '1C I1 A 3' X.- ."1 " r.w'ri ,1 j : 5 ? "ii-'