1 i (! ,0 1 r v f V ; .v -1 1 a A-"'. "X" V POETRY: A. CONTENTMENT: iTfce tem o million?, and the lot of few. Thrice blest is he, who, through life's tbrny 'r' road '' ic-i :, .. j . . , ' J ' Can pass with leasure,and without a sigh; Vho viewa,-inmbVd his frailty of abode; i ,i ,Who lives in peace and never fears to die . h Vho craves but little, and but Jittle wants ; A f Who's aims are noble and his vices Few ; i (Who to the child of sorrow, easement grants, 1 . ) And lives all niindful'io the end in view. ' ' ... , i x. r . . - The ills of life, and perfidy of friends, J lne .smiles ot torurae, ana tne trowns oj ' j fkfe, " , . , To probe his peaceful soul but little tends, j. ; And on his m em Vy find an equal date. . -s ' i -1- i ; Then tell me C&Ttf of Fancy, where you rdwell, "Where thy celestial bower uprea'rs its held; Or wtta lohedesart hides tby hujriblecell ; - . Or what kind glade receive thee on its . That I may bow adoring at thy shrine, . , A :Aid. spend my little spaceof life with, thee. Claim all thy Miss and in thy; virtues shine, CoMented, hippy, virtuous, blest and tree. ARRANGEMENT OF JUDGES. FT1HE following is the arrangement of vX v Circuits agreed upon by , the Judges Tor the Fall. 1819 r- .,; Edenton .. Kewbern ftaleigh Cape-Fear tYasli, Paxton X)onndl Toomer. DanieL ' .Hillsborough j Morganton WM. HILL, Sec'y. July 28 i i 36 3W N RTH CAROLINA, ; Treasury Department t July 18T9. flE attertion of the Clerks of the several I CouTtf Cau ts within the State aforesaid, SJ and a'lothers conccrn--d, is respectfully n-i jtedJto ttt aci 01 xnc -Assemoiy or 1010, ; ' Chapter the Sth A prompt and punctal . perionnance of the Duties enjoined by that L aw is indrspensRa yneces-an,ana mwsi 01 course se be'jnsistcl onv r . I Jiitva ilwvsjuit, rtto A reas. S. G JO U WIN. Compt Tr . LOST Between Jnriesborouh Tennessee, & Hillsborough, N. C. " -A large rrf -IfoToccd Pocket Book, Containing only Receipts, IRonds, Orders fo- xtmnev. a Vlan of the Alabama Territory, sevrra' Letters clirected by the subscriber to persons living in FrankHn counly, N Caroli na, a' small Gold Rreast pin : representing a padlock. -Anv person who will deliver the same fo fne living in jLouisburg, shall be handsomely rewarded, i 7 JAMES KtGOOD.OE. j lywi-bWg; August 1, .37; NOTICF, THE subscriber has formed a new Rstab lisTimentatthe Store formerlj occupied bv-Mr P. Penyfhe has'pirchased aH his Stock, which with otfrer Goods purchased a auct ion,' makes his assortment complete ;. he will eU!ow fr cash nrcountry produce, (no ; credit.V Dry Goods 3pecialhf , having been i purchased low, wU14e Sour at reduced pn 'ces alo Craves of Crockery -Ware and Rot- 1 ties, a large quantiv of Swedish Iron, beM - qua'itv.'RUcksmith's Toote,. Weeding Hoes, , : Steelof aH kinds, Cutlerv well assorted, Mo i lasses of a siipcricT quality,' Rrown ahd Coal 8ui.ar Tea and Cofiee,' Jamaica, ntigUa and ; NK. Rum, prime old Rvej Whiskey in Bar f-tejfil and old Port Wine by ihe dozen or less, ! fine and coarse Salt, with anumber of other . articles too num emus far insert ion . " fA generous price piven for Bee-Wax; . V HENItY b:PURVI VNCE. Favetteville, Aig 3. ! S3 6w N.'B The snbscriber has fHll power tore ce ve debts due Mr. Perry and grant dischar gerf. . II E P , ADVERTISEM ENT. BEING desirous.to settle al my bus'ess, rnd having soldi out' all my Stock in "Trade, I request all those that havedemands 1 4 against me and all who are indebted to me, I to caU at my eld Store cri II.B. Purviance, who is properly authorised to settle all out standing, accounts I intend to leave the Continent In May next ; tberefore request all those ;0-are'rwCDleVt0 me come forward and settle their accounts before the first of October next, otherwise they will be placed in a proper officer's hands forollec- tlon. - -7 V; Y. PERRY. Favetlerille. AuiT- 3. 38 6t NOTICE; 1 IIEREAS Atholas WKeena . (an 'Irishman) for the consideration of ! 360 dollars per annum, contracted to j tiriinage the Tanninjj and Cui t ing busi- . lit-s for me in the best nianner, for the l' fterni of one year, commencing Sept. 25, ;yt ( 13 16, and to end 25th Sept. 119. . ' , ' v Some time last winter I cave the said N'rCUolas M'Keena myinote of 360 dolls, j . : 1 . for Jhis sr vices. . V"T 'I : On tlie: 15th day of this' instant, the ; - said Nicholas M'Keeha demaindedVef -fne a'nw note with surety fur his wages, then solemnly promisin; to give back the old ' tote above ntentioned : when a new one" . wuldbefiiigiied.' ' . , . Agrteabie to his request tne new note r ; for Z60- dollars' (dated 25th Sept. 1818) , . was signed Re delivered. The said Nicho " V'las M'Kee.a Tcfused to. give back the " .'. 7 old note above nwntion.ed,ayus.ke would V Aoep both.': K : .'A ' - -r1' ThisMs to fbrwarn. all persons from i ,rudiugrVthe said notes, .as I ave a ' i '; fcifcU bond upbti the -said -MKeena for ". cine ihcQ&aod dollars. - HUGH1 HAYS. i ',. xrdl Grove. NiCJuly 17 - r ' i , The said Nicholas M 'Keena has .' , ' j: fbrleiteihis wages. S6 3w r : i KLANK3 F0 ALL KINDS, . j 'PA U- mar be had atthis Oflitfe. ' . Three IJoUars iiiYcor Ce R SALE, nflWO ;CRBLOTS in the,T6wtJ of.Mor l ganjon, situated on the eas lying in th e forks of the main leading roads , to States yille S Wilkesboro, with a very good dwel ling-house, kitchen and other out btnldlngs. 'Also a small Apple and P each Orchard, with a most excellent Well. For terms apply to the Subscriber on the premises. ; , . ' '' ISAAC IfEURlLL. July 22,1819' 8 3w THK SUBSCRIBER c , OFFEHS for sale, the fcHowing TRACTS OF X.ANI), to wit, between 2 and 300 Acres, lvincr on the north side of Cashoke- L Creek. cotnmonly Called the Shipyard Plan tation; 500 acres adjoining the lands ot. Wra W, Johnson, dec and an undlruW ; fourth art of the WOOD ISLANDISHE RIES. Terms made known by applying to Joshua Taylor, Es. Windsor, or to Uie su, scriDer. ! . , t . ! THOMAS L. WEST. Wke, April 10. 22 . TAKEN UP, ' .'l AND committed to the JaU bf Randolph county on the 22d June," a Negro Man,f who says his name is J0HN, about SO xeari of age, dark compleiidn, anc! s?.ys he beloifS tQ a man by tb name of William Gregory, a speculator, wd bought him oY a man named Wilev. near Edenton. N C. i that h runaf wy from him in Geo-'gia. on hs way to tfee Alabama about the 1st ot J snuary last. SILAS -DAVIDSON,' Jailor. " July 10; ; . 24- 6tv- STATfi OP NORTH-CAliOLlNAL Lincoln County. . Superior Court of Law, April Term, A p. . 1819. - ' - vauicrnic nuync, ptltlnn far DIvoptp Thomal Rhyne. 3 V' IT appearing to thetlourt that, the Dfrnd ant, Thomas Khyne, athleft tfcls Stat,e.4 1ft is therefore onlered by Court, that publi cation' be made three Thontlis in the Ra'e gb Star and Rnligh Regis' er, giving n t ice lio he Defendant to appeY at the ne Superior Court of Law; to be held for Lincoln - 'ountj, at the Court-House in Lincomton, on thef4i,b ; Mondav after the 4th Monday of Sentenr bir i next, men anu tnere to answer pteatiorcie- mur, to said 'petition ; othenvise it will be , taken pro confesso, and .-.adjudged accTT'li'gr . iy. Witness. L.avvsnn Men iein, i;ierK nt said CoUrt at DITice. the 4th Monday affcr the 4th Monday of .'Ma-ch, A. D 1829, aiid in the 43d year of the Independence of .ttie United States, k s l . , LAWSOX HENDEityVJ : , TUCASURV DKPA RT.M EN'T , I ' , r $KcoxirCo?tnnoti.:iis ()Ffici:7 1 V ! -; AfAHrir55, 119. -13 j WHEREAS, by an act entitled ah a:t, reguttting the payments to invalid pe;n stones, passed the 3d of the present montlli,' an affidavit of two Surgeons tft liysicisns, afj to the continuance and rate f dTsavility ot the several applicants must accompany their respective applications for the first pavmenf -which shall fall due afierthe 4th of Vlah next, and at the end of cVery two years thefef af'er. And whir as some mifulerstandihg may arise as 10 ine umcwnp ineaooverirea tioned act shall iro into operat on. j ' This is to notify ail whom it : may concern hat, by the construction given 'o ihe said ict by.the Second Comptroller of the Treu4 ry, tbe before mentioned affidavits (agfee.ib4 lv to The form published hv he hon theSei cretary ot War, under date ot 2ot instl) Will be required to accompany tnC.epplicaUohw for all pensions to wbieh they apply fallfnjf duepn the 4th day. of September next ) i j RICHARD CCT S' j , 19tlstS! 5kcom Comptroller. ; TlIlXSllOllOUGn ACADEMYi ; A S the Preparatory School at the Univer V. sity ' ihis State, lias at the late exanii ttatin Wholly ceH3erf: in cons rVji 1 enc e lof "the declension of the Rev Abncr fr. Cfoton, to enn'inue any longei in t he business biTthat school iTIie Pact It y have . eJ.Veretl Into-jaii understanding with the-Rev .T.Vi'Jver'spopn sunerintendantof tlte lijllsb'iroutrlr Acadsn?;', and with Mr lltiarefs, ils Vrinclpal Teacher', n Concurrence with Its Trustees, in Icenjse quence of which this Academy will be'ie're fter considered as a Preparatbry' School tiJ the University In pursuance of this'arraie.-' nent, ?fter the public examination' of Ihe University was completer!, the Faculty pro ceeded to Hillsborough o attend the anrs;ial "examination of the AcademvV ajtreeably to previous appomtm.ent. The cx'aminaticojjtet gan Jn the 14th of June, and Was fr.iishetfon the following day. v 1 j v The mimbcr of students in the Academy ,at this time is fifty .four. ' I j . The public examination of the Hillsboro' Academy, will hereafier be conducted iH fthe pregenceOf the faculty of the University as being urids" their immediate care, jointly with uev. Mr; WUherspoon Their, r J t nt 1 v . 11 1 j . . . . ! sions will close, and their exammaUonsfwdl tke place! cote.Tiporaneously Tlie plari of education is precisely the same $ thst of. the Acfcderov being modelled by the Faculty exnressfv toCaualifv its students fori thi classes of the tlnversity , As the faculty wrfl be present at the successive examinations of a student in this Academy, and participate in the f rmation of the reports, such yriuth as. pass regular and approved examinations1 on the course of studies, here, will not -be called to renewed examinations on the same' -ubjticis when they wish to enter the Univer sity ; bnt wiil.be admitted into the. classes for which they , shall appear to be qualified ' 'by the exam nations of ihe Acad etry jThej youth who hallbe placed at Hillsboroiijfh to i commence their etlucation,5 will i-otpnly en- joy these advantages, but the bent fits of a! . healthy situation ; ot an enhghtened ml po-1; 1 shed society ; of boarding m good fanailies'i upon the most moderate ttrmJr; and of being called to a regular attendance on relig-ioua' instruction and public worship. . - . The Faculty in their visitat this time,have had much satisfaction in witnessing the br-! der, nd correctness both in scholarship and manners,' to which this school m-'s been form ed by Us present manaeers. Its Trdsteea have given evldenVe of practical wisdom, in j their- appomtments to 'the 1 offices , of the school, and w ine trust which they have af- terwarda, reposed m utembarrassed & sound discretion of those to whom the business 'of t the . Academy has bStn committed V s i JOSEPH CALDWELL, d NVB.;4The exercises at - this Insttution urill be reumrd on the first Monday in! July, I Do! Advertisements riot cxbeeding-thirty lis f.V. RAN AWAV-fromthe subsin&er.pninc iSd Monday of AHast, Neco taan: named Smart When he left me bejiad.on, homespun overallsnd shirt. abo;t five feet nine inches high, stout made,; blc? com, plected, about .25 years old; Any person apprehending ssldMlow and bringing him home, or lodging nim in some Jai, so that I get him, shall have die above rewarg ana all eznences Daid. ; J : EVEN fl 6 WELL. River, Cabarrus county, July 19 j 37 3w . r v niKARU ; .- .v; ... EROH the subscriber; the ; lattery part of s.May. last, a small Rav M A RE, suppos ed ti be about 4 feet 8 'or 10 Inches high; and about 6 vears old; trots iKd pa.cesand is heavy to htr hfght whn fat Alspn othe small Ray MARE, or 5years old; .slender triacJo, with a large lump.on her cheek bone.v Likewise a , Bay ttorse COLT, 3 years old, not very well grown, with a sroallJhite spot oneach side of jhis neck, i Any information respecting them,or either of them, will be thnkfa1ly Wceiyed r 'and if delivered to me, any' reasonable trouble and fTnPrtrd will hr n5Vl. ; s ":: . iinn k irtT' v ,, r it'-' " i V I WM W SfEDMAN. jPittsbtjrotigh, Chatham county, .Tulv 30 17 3w CD J Cft MAKRJ RAEE HAS employed from; the Cities of N Yrfc and! Newark, a number of nr?t fate Workmen, of" the seVeral branches of hi Ru siness, x'tt Qdyrf akinjr, CarriagfiMak ing, Trimmine, Painting, Smithy &c who. haye been carefully select d by his friend in New Jersev He has also received from the Cities of New York arid Philadelphia, a large and extensive Stock 5f the Vst and most fash 1 onable Materials, file is rtefr! fqrhe ve ry liberal encouragement he has alrca'd "re ceived, and hop?'?! frctn, his assiduity and at tention t" hisbtisines,to merit a continuance of their favors. Cjarria-ares 'of anv lescriptibn or pr ce, cn.n be bad af a short ivot'ce. Orders from -any part of the Continent are solicited. - .j-' Uef'erence folr excellence and ,elegairee of his work', and th. rharacter of the advertiser, is made tt his nul.ieroiis acquairitancesin this and thene'Jchhorine' States. i f Ua'eiglv ? eb 17, 1819 14 ot Scclf CARRIAGES. H" r jrHK Subscriber, has for s-le, at his Vanu- factory 18 miles tvest oi leter?.bnrg. ya a lage Afsrtment of Work jiti his hue ot Mu ine s. viz ; ! . - CUES & COA( ; h IvKi v'ltfv couOie rvb'e ie:i . with lc?tant trimmincrs and plated teH burds f'irst rite fonnel s ith sword taics, J wi'l)the b-st -ea sp ingswi'h plated but bands and full plated io'mts and 'eather tot is 1 TMbury Cigs with grasshopper springs. (newest tashi r.) DfHible and NiPgle ? Sing t Sutkeys,ard Stick Cigs, ?infli vih and Without Toos 1 .. ble & r - - - 1 , , Lw pr ced Fiami'y, Stagefj handsomely rinished, fiivd tbwcrk w h one or 'o ho ses : ' I : ' ! '" tvlegant Tl- zees, with el iptic, springs vy th hands mr tfps with mrrocco limng&, iixe'i to work with one br two hot ses ; ' With a variety of otherk nds cf low priced Wo:k su',f able for farr.iHes and traders j , j Ar eiceilent Ass riment ofhe beftpfate'd and b a&s mou'.iled Harness for Carriages and 5nijrs and Famiij Stages, &c. j -The t'bscriber tenders hh sincere thanks to tlie Patrons of ni Kstablishment living in tins State, for 20 ears ock, nri ?jurts them, that their ftuure orders, and .oe cf tSsir friends will Lc th&nkfally received and duft attended to. . I The whole of tfc?? ttVk has been -.tislde tjp by theftrst rate Northern Vrrk?r,pn, ySiO are entirely devoted to -the finishing of w ;ik of the beat kinrf, which an.be ,w th cui f dence; recommended to the Public at larsre.- . TliljLlNG WOODf 'Aitl) Vf ' Poplar Grove, j ' V-'-r As'-v -r - piny ddie nnjv. Va. Tulv ,5: ' ; 33 6m ; k AGIiKJUtTUUAL PAVEll. '- , r r . JOtfX S. SKINKKR, POS r-MASTKH OF ' And published ev&i'ij Friip-y nhming flli Anierican Farmer, is printed on a ;heet of papr, of the best quality, siae of a common new- paperand foWetl sd as to make eight 'page's, and by that mean admits of being- conveniently bound up and preserv ed in-volumes'; '"..": : ':s;' 'H' lite matters treated of in the American: Farmer are, Abaicf ELTirnE, IjakpeIxgI lx-l tebicai. hirnovEwfeXTs; Lk'niKSTic EcoyoMf. J 1 . . . ; - ift . - j- -. 1 ami-Tiew inventions ana aiscpvenes iconne y 1111 uimv iiuu vlj. ti .vuiiunmaiU! vakil il. rt aV.., r twki principal articles of country produce in ' tbe it Baltimore roarket,ascerjaind byactaalssdesj; rwnicn'are eiveni" x ...ru. .Jm 'i I '.'The American farmer' takes ,no cphcerrif i 111 - pariy punviu!- nur win it. cou lain; any aa Lverti sements, eicept a single insertion of such as rt late to seed.1 asrr cul t ural i mol e- ments, remarkable live stock books on farm ing, and such other notices as are connected m their nature with the objects of the paper. Numerous d-agrams and cuts jtre inserted in-order to shetr.more clearlthe -construc tion of new andimproved implements of bus band-y, or to illustrate p-ticularCsi stems pf cultivation 'p.v.rp -. '' ) i Twelve nuxnbers have already 2 appeared and a second edition f haying been issued to supply the extraoMinjary demand, complete w may yex ue naa, on early application. The price of the American Farmer is fbuf dollars p e annbm payabl e either half yearly in advancei or the w)ibie amonnt,;asihesub4 scriber.Iikes best Thr money to be ifiemvt ted by mail, to theEditbrt at.hls1 rib and 4 iie ine wm ne, immeataieiv secure. iy put Vp,' and sent tb -any part of the Untied except those of snecie-navinc banks: W !, ( ionixf any sir&rcn&er feel dissatisfied on the , j: receipt and per sat of the numbers then issued; he 'mil bent liberty turn them t6 the E4i- wr, 7wio pudge htmselj to refund utiniedtatefrj the amount paid by such, siibscriler. :. p ( T Any person who shall receive arid send on money for ten subscribers, for ayearywiil be entitled to a copy of the paperOrto four oollari, and sa in proportion for a smaller or Baltimore Jane 2Qi 33 8w erfcd thc trst 4; iii KEWBOOfeS. Tj3lles lias j ust rccci vield tW& to -f tirpviowinfiMiew BooW'''; VTracyVPolitica !Ecoo6m! W)? Carey s xyinatcauon 01 jtreiana. :- j v Farmer's loems V ' ' "if"-.V ! ')", Llewelleqrpr the Vale of Phlinlirnmon, V'j; 2 votumes-1 ' i r" : Tom Cnbbs Memorial to Congress I t Paley's Pfiildsoipji'y, -p nVw' edition j t ACCOUNT BOOKS. f For carrying the .Mail 4ntheffollpw ' Wz johts will be received at x the the' 2d doh of d6tvbqr 'rfcxf. Pi ; 1 ' : .' ..: - M -f ', y : - - XK. NOT.CAR0 LIN A. -'f ; - -FromxSalem ; by J Le" ngton, . Salisbury7l t;iarOiie, ors c u. ana rincsneyvuic, 10 Union c h C tnite, once weekvj -i ' Leave Sa'em every TudfVc at. and arrive at Union ;c h pn Friday by :6 fzn f i 1 Leave Union c b every Saturday a. ,6n m and arrive at Salem bhTuesday by' IQjx in l Fr)m jvUutherlordton by Harmonvi He to Mackaysviile, once in two .weeks 32 miles. I. : Leave Ifutherfo Hton every other FVidav at 6' j!t ad arrive at lackaysville by 3 Leave Maikaysville at 4 p m and arrive at RuthefordcSb on Saturday by 2 p m. : :: F om tnaberton by f Ph ladelphu?j M ' PhiUsvilliet M n pflier, M Tack?ns I-de, Cowper Hill,'SteartsviIle,: Queensi'ale and Aif rdsvilJe"tovLtimb; rtonj once a week ! ! Leave Lumfc ncn every 1 uesday at 6 a m 8rd arrive at lutpelier by 6 f w i - 1 j LraveMonTpHer every Wednesday a.fltn, a d arrive at". Lumberton on Thui sday by nop.- Vi .;..; v ...- 1 : ! From Haywood c h by Waynes ville .'to HoughtensviUe, S C once in two weeks- 7 ! "LaVe Haylfjod c h tvery otbe. Monday a 6 a rn avid -arrive at Houghtenivilleon Tiifc. day 1" 6 p m -;.;- - , : ' .. ; ' .r . f LcaV- H4Jg tentViHe "every oilier Wed netday at (f a m'and arrive at Haywood c ji on Wednesday by-6 p m. 4 "i ; j ,'Frv .m'Vi ivb rn by Til man's Mill to Bay River, 70 nft' i'S, once in two weeks. I c Leave "Newbe'n evc-ry other. Wednesday 6 a vi ana arrive at Bfy liivcr on TKuf d ay by 4 p hu v ? .Lea ye Bay River every other Monday at 10 a m and .arrive; at New'bern on TUtfcday by 6p m. ' :! " '' 1 P.om Tfrborp' to Williamstdh, once' a week, 30 m'Jes. ' i v Lave "I avboro'i every Tuesday at 6 a m and arrive at Williamston on TUtsdky by 3 Leave Williafnstbn every Tuesday at 4 p i a d arrive at Turboro' on Wedie:sday vy 10 a in. ;.'':" ' j-, '' -; '.1. 'Ffom Lonisbu" by ilaysville and Heath Seat to Ox&ud ooce a week. . ! . Lcve Lou sburg every Saturday at ;4 a rn and arrive at Oxfj d by 1 p fit. ' ; Le.-ve Oxtid every FfWiny at 11 a m tid arrive at Louisburar by 8 to ! , j , j j From A hevrU by Long shoals, Ji Clay tons, Huddows. j Glevesons,1 and Benson's Tur- pike to Pendletcn c h S C once in two week? 76 miles. " ' Leave A slivdlCj every other Saturday at 3 a m and arrive at Perdleton c h on Sunday b5pm. .. 'V.' v'.';-( " Leave Pendleton c h every other -TSTtirs-dr.y ai 6 a m s'n4 arrive at Ashvdle oh Fri diV bv 5pm I' ,- .. . From -Statesville by Campbell's GrCve to Mqrgan own, ence a week. . ' L ave Vltt'SviHe -ev- ry Wednesday , at $ a m nd 'afrive at Sloigantown on Tuesday by :1 5 -a m y ' - ',''.' ' ' Leave MoriS.oVn every Monday at 6 4i ti a d Arrive atjStuievil on Tuesday by O p, - ... , ' ; j',-'-. -( T .i.rn C!i ipel Hill to 'Lexington, once a We k. ' ': j ' A -u --.- '- . .,'' '. Leave Chanel lill every vVVednesday, at 6 ,u-rix-a--d aniVe at Lexington on Thursday by UUi m. ' "v' .- . ,-K - .. '.'jujae Lexington every Thursday at 1 p in atid arrive at Chapel Hill on Friday by :'.-.! " , ' uoTts. . ' ,y;-- 1. The rot-m(JSlef General may expedite the" mails and alter the times for arrival and ' depar ufe at any time during the continu ance of the. ctmtract, ie Stipulating an ade quate compensaticn'fbr ny extra etpeifise that may be occasioned thereby!, :t 2. F.tteen;niihutes shall be alldvyed-for opehing and closing the mail at ai Offices where no jpartcjiiUr time is speciCed, 3 ' For every thirty minuit s detaytina void&ble accidents excepted) : in arrrtfiittr af- t';r he tirnitr. ij escribed i ny contra, the cun tractor shall foifeit 'ore dollar; a d if ; he .delay concihue until the departure of j any depending- naaiL whereby cthe mails des-l tined top such depending mail lose a trip, a for.titure o double the. amount "a4oWed for crrying th mail one trip shall be i'ncui Ad, u.l; &s it snail pe maae to appear that the delay was; pfccisloned by unavoidable acci dent i iii which base the amount, pt pay. for Lt.c tri, ; win, u nit bases, ue loaeuca anu retained." 1 f' ,4Perso s ciaking proposals are desired to ,;ate their prices by theyear -Those who contract will receive their pay quarterly -in the .months of May, ( August,'; Nemt ber. and bruary one mohth after the ex piration of each quaver. ,; 'j 'r'?- ',5,-Nf bthe' th&n a free while perboin' shall be employed ;o jcohvey the mail.; f f v Wh re thes proposer intends to. (Convey ihe mail iwtbelhodycastage carriaje.he i desired to,8nieit in h-: proposals.! i;. J 7 he Po t-master" General reserves to limseif the right of dechring any .contract V n end whenever one failure happens; which amounts to the l03s of a trip, i .- " . is 8 CThe- distances stated re fiucb as have been communicated to thif'effice, and aome pf. them "are doubtless incorrect 4 on this 'ubject the contractor must infoi m, himself , ho alteration will be made in the pay; oh ac count of any.Vrf or in this respect. : -' r9x The ' ontracts are to be in operation on the first cay of January : next ; and No 1 to 30 are to'Iend December; 31, 182P ; the resi uue are to end on Drctmber 31, 1822 ; -V5-"' RETURN J' MElGSv Jr ? ' ;v i' Post-Master General . r i General . Post- Office i ;;:., ' . . Washington CityvMay'26, 1819. These "rotitej comniehce No 40 & lend 42 paper. ATE OF N.)H n.M-.,. or Subscriptions, W-Tu v I, ' !' rs". allthe stiece&.rsu tb their natural affinities hV v?ii . be published . at PhiiacWlpbia SW i ork, in quarto, at fiv. h..!-?". lume exclusive of the covers.: " v- As every, science ljnn.J:f. suoscnoer may withdraw an,- . fl Subscribers wiU' be ahw. ,ea volume trratis aiut Tiu e,y ninth and tenth set. t-t-1 , It as expected th this .v; rage, some" of the .first talents bar e.'" ..erica and Buro.V. . , 31 ' A- " 1 Postmasters, and GentleL L . 1 i tor the diifusigh of science, ar tm fully requested to collect Tc- Dublication : and tn fiirwa.j .t1: l(,r ti.ts undersigned. " ' uu,?rn to tiu: nr.xN j. H stiTii v v A Jnt for. the State of : r K PUBLIC S ALB Wlr : fl fuuscrjuerii.avin; TeStrlvedto to the Western ( ie western -nmtrv u-.n -i , " Public Auction oniAVednesda-i the l a of September next,' five tracts of land IaZ? theco:intiesof Frajiklm aiid -iv, 5;1 of ;hese tracts qohtamiUg' 833 acres i pos'ed to be one of - he' most viluab'e feri '.le tracts of land in'' he county of. "" (in" whirb ifmostlv l-;sVili.i:;fec Jl ofWm G Jnjesr F lb nnd Wm Rj The other adjoininf? four truets arP L. .-3 in Wood, and f cleared w'u.ld make 'afe and handsdm farms Also that tmt d sL fr publi " business, cal'ed MlLFOUhlr,. in the county ntybf Warren ami daihmi-Lz'.- ot Saiul v Saiid v Creek, 'coiitainirt 5 V0 acres. in arcsjtuateu on -said creek :' a tir.st ...i , l M".t Mm, Togciiier w;vn a valuable distil. i . . ; . . . - HHi M commodious dwelling house and ofkerf houses,'a store hfuse and tavern, ire t ml. n entlvi located on this, -land '"'Tins fri 1 k well wrtby thV at ten ion of those UilpJl to enter into pub' ic business., , j As th use disposed to. purcliae; will virr the premises, any furthe descriptkn isc. ed unniecessary The terms will b' i JCrai The above lands will be sold WNJ f,r.- ' 1 ( V HAWKINS, -Jnry 14th 1819 33 1 Sep j - ' N W.li be sold'at the same t.m. 55 head if cattle, 150 head of shetp, and sn ceilent and large stock of hogsL p jj , T UKASOUY UI-'d'AU f.MFX . ) , Mat 10, 1819 j 5 TOTfCE is hereby given to the Icpt'ls 11 . tofs o Stor k, issued under the Convex tion with France, of the 30 h of K. t l'30. commonly called Locm.iNA SirecK, tliat'ot' the 21st of October next ensmnj the Urt hereof, a farth r payment on account of Uiel principal of said! stock, will be made at iitj rate tf fifty-foar per centum on the reTpainji moiety, or unredeemed port on therrof; it4 j thatlthe same will be pajd to the respef proprietors, or x:: ine;r attorn duly autii&f risedon the day beore meiitronedj at ihe Treasury in Washington, or at sue1 Loan (A fice,on the boikj whereof any portion ol sal stock may -stand., . r-', ;: l J j ;- Information -is further given, that the -nte rest di?', at the time of redemption, fin stui part of said stock as is held in Evrop, w3 be paid as heretofore in London and Amste dam, and that the interest on sucn prt'of said stock as has been domesticated, will jbe, pa d ai the same time with the principal, ei ther at the Treasury,, or at the Uian Officf asbefore mentiohed And it if Iso heihf made known, that interest on t&at par iotirtf Said Louisiana Stock, intended to be redeem ed as aforesaid, will cease and determine a the 21st of October, 181 ! . I ! WM II "CRAWFORD, tOl ' Secretary ' f the Treirj. BY. THE PlijS?IDET CF TIIS i'KlTEB STATES '; . -j 1 - r IEREAS, by an act of Congress, psjj ed on the 3d of MtrchI 1815,! entitle sufveyingflt tne Dounaay unea . treaty with the- Creek Indians, and foe other purposes," the President of the United Suta is authorised to cause the lands acquired 1 the said treaty to be offered for sale, wtefl suneyd. ; ','-x' '. .:: 1 . Therefore, I, James Monroe. Preside" tne United States, do hereby decbre& mM known, that public sales tor the disposal t reeablv th law) ot certain land in tc ritory of Alabama, shaft be held itHunt, in said territory, as follows : i 1 . ! j On the first JVfonday in July next, for w sale of to wnshjps 9, 10, H,12, 13; and H, J rrmo-Pc 1 anA 9 irpst 9 '10. 11. 12, l in ranges 1, east9, 11, .12 Mnd 14, rahff'e i; east 9, 11, 12 & 14,in rangfeZ, 12 and 13, in range 3, east-11, 12and Ui in range 4,east'.. . -, ' ' Qh the first Monday in September, r sale of Townships 9 and 10 in rfn)?e3,JJ 3, 10, 11, 12, 13 arid 14, IS. I6f J 1U v i A -m. " j... vT.,.rihpr. for t"5 . un inenrsi isioraay hi - Hy'1"",' - c , sale towiisjups y. xvy -. and ll, in range 9, west-9, " JJ in range 10, west-9, TO, Hi, 12 n f ! range 11, west-9, 10, 11, 12, 13 f lm range 12, west On the first Monday in January, lJ for 2.13 tne site oif. i ownsn ips if, a , in ranges 13 and 14, west 10, Jh J2. IJ 11,1 range 1$, west12 and 13, in ranjje hi yviiu oatu mtjji uk uciv v . .'..(tfjt : J :.-.. -'l &.' TUnmlaviin AJe 1 L in ran?e 9-X8. 9. 10 and ill, in ad, Ms" ing stich lands as. have been, or Jtia and for other purposes. Each sale; si tinue opei4for two weeks and no "l Tshall commence with the lowest f uDI , the tol section, iOWnship, and range, ana , Mir regular numeriia! order, J I - r;tffo Given uider my hnd, th Vfick T . Wasfiington, this 20thM of V .V'v" 1819. ' M ' ' .'. ' I . t. Lr,nr 4r the vie it fun 1 ; ' '. '.: . JAMBS MMW- By the President. -.' 1 I L Josiah Msics, Commissioner ot 'V the General Land oiacc. ...March 24, tlao :t- ' i c

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