Jv V-- ;j !'.-!T,- .1 : . I : . . il r- --r r. y 7 7- - '.V r i v j4- r ! f - ! ' V:-"' ,-';;.r'fe!. f, & em wi r .i-.: jw s r3B t&f - ' ,- .--f TT--yj "-I (Ill i ccmatmn in : which persjverine Ubpt. IvUs requite, combhh forecast --bVao ahti'dpate t!fe' reVolutmnsof the eons 5s rapidly betpininfe a 'Science our country ! ' Meh bf the 6rt respecta hilitr and ihfeiliecnc?, iri both the South ern & riistern Mates, nav? ucvoui.":.. whole minds toJls impfoyement. Ijhe T-datiires of Kew-York.. and- Masse s chusetts have: taken: adyirnt age, of crowine jiassionrand added to.ltytbest:- ducemVnts cf; hoiinraiv rewards; yTIie -Trcx ; irapifest in the flattefitig acconiits Hven in the newspapers,' 'of themproveri ments in cultivation am! in thebreedycf domestic animals, ir were, iBiposi Die .Vn nil tHp accounts thiis afforded tjtq. e the AericQltural Meetings ift ythose States ; but, to give to our readers &neS of thU manner t)f thesemeftiliana j acreeable. " Farmers HeWa;we s)bV join an accoiint of one whichasjnstfall en under our obrervation-JV."Jn " ! " j - -.- - ' 1 .VVV''" i vC7'.vl " ' ' ' $ROX THE REPUt. ARicULJUIlAilST. Aorvnch !ThWbetHorsSSdoa ; Forihe bestVoke of GxcP,, l&;q6J to HasharRansfordmS Second beit pke$ dollars, tpdtnugr Mrdvbestoke- 6rdonawto;Samaiel Fori tBe bekrmilcIvGD 8ollars,;to IraNoble;v iv :;v,-a': ;V- tr h- FortthenesHrjairi o three l'earoid; necoua? Dest pair on oree ycarv. uu Steers. 5 itapyiQdaprg&f 3 jdoHars,yto, HgscalRansfbrd. jFpr the best pair of two year olSteeVs; 4'doilarsytJoririnettAX 7.1 ocpna pesc two year, pia oicers, i uoi lars, to' Isaacji Bcickee:" y&&i'&4- vThirdAbesri' year old Steers "dolls; dol la.t (K PeterB arnsey. 1, j - vVniinlV'bes t Heifer: t3r dollars vto -II. F ARtERS' ;ftOLID AY-V; i1 -Fpf theiestBtull Cal dollars, to Pbi-j The first Cattle bnow: ana ;Se(italf-do Chenango Countv Agrrcultural. tociety,- 4 ' , ,'.y.-v;. .-V5 1''- Vas holden in thW Hd JbcCam s larsV Wednesday phhis weeki& the-paction j, . im C. iv., - vrt madea. short timence, that them 5fdolli& and 23d of Sept. wrr.ild ; be, i proudday Pt.,,otk t;i ; H :s.: :Ah:':, 1 Vn anifested Tri rerideri ne tlie orbfafession . inns omerjceremonie., apjvpnwu iThe ratfc paliculsLr, ntieCh jsgentln:wi( ehi'aBi'Efc'as ex- ceueni runner or,(iuc o'i(jt3(, tu uj. ceaoirinlya'Oicentst ;' XX? n .'lif 'titeXX nccifp1 that, rKf Most sdn-- ijHireexpeciati6 in;jn5ii.iujoTi were ui-vt pf' tv hV-thft.Vffrstl ifcs-ssaC was brilli ant ' bfe- .upGieiy .were, streiijriucucu,jn& vui i'onfi'etlbfesptfdon enemiesif indeit had: ajiyV,aasnfa confounded 1 tls with, thermosthertfejt' satisiloftHwVstatef x ti-jsC- j t-t'--t-;W Tr-i ' r"--o ' I ward to the iipundiess' bene fits which, are: to dw Tfom this most exalted, Institulion. he 'is lojixi et&c'es &while:toVie js gxtenaipg oveiinis-wiue reuing :a-cc: fr Hie nann; wmoit gj f WsltfiS ptiit&to Ephfai 'verified. Tfe weather . wasextremftlv,. Iptrg r - .o'? i. ' T tiMittifitl'. and lent much' interest to the t. ,-rr... - : vrl r :. 1 V .it ' plenty!, and' abrun da ricei J n y 1 1 eslr on to i ts bosmthstehQiise of virtu?, and hap? t)iness is e:tetklecVt6' ryonr ridi--t he iUjh',m jgloi-yl is fjtfd$hg;' ad!'i.blossomirf'; unaer yonr leetj--rursue ..iiwjvn .puiencer sanda6I-Pa otcotri juUif rljteb'ary Haryestjlnwiilscen the pixjsenceiof our Oocl ri!pen iiatrjier- r feafdrtvndbe: indticted :to; ili'aLai'irolia!-1 I inapers amouiaed to & hottcc of 'afitimufu: tarflfhiaMv-Snr hrw :ZLr aJi't T-' ' ; :' J I w1M&Mp& ' -t U ill- J mOTff'W', i v .11 I fwjtoV;t J If; 1tCnsulWt an,fKld rowey, vnbt being-specked iasil I j ifyeriheiirvbiiinidrtfn v JI l esfn. : If . feactincorradicHbna mMtljm Lj.??- V r, ionseemand.thfetavmt ' f the taxi '1 ' U-a-'ylA- i ( ioeter-tRyauln leW Pt Wj- ! :) tes::to:arit WC ; , j forde w proceed nhtirexpelletHl 1 baiihouseynd. u.fhr'liT 1 befrropef am),oHf!of - . ahcenCTheomde shs edithentrceDofthel . 1 ' overplus j v ; :$ght.h - :.-. -i. ' a. n ' h a' P r 7 , J kitJn tills .tract, flfp'linmptwnc nA xunn n .v : S i', cyerpsus he lias Otrerea tQ,;i-etnncl,.tJut:hei P:"L J &ZIZ:ZZ r KT": r'1 1 J 'f '. it nut couctenmmseit jn an ort eriyv nut t j -if "-f ir f :le?er mined m annir, The, The Animals,' Mamitnctiires, & othr brrions nVred for" Premiums; were enfrred and classed in (the .fcirenoon..' At 1 oVlock' the Society .sat down : to a good homespun 'Mumer at t wofthe; yiewing Committee enmmencecttheir duties, w fafch occupied the'Temainder of the day.' '" r c ' . : -Skcby Day- Wednesday',! ? 1 : , ' At lO" orlocJc the "procession formedf under the d'rec ion of C?ol. Piker'Mafshal of the da assisted by rBrigadexQtiarter niaster: Alnan, an4 fm)veid'ftirough,'tle principal s rect, aronndTthcpanlic sqhare, to the PresbyenafA .ieeting - House; in the following crder'l.- -t'xx.' -. - ; ;f-;v'ir : Citizen and Shectatprx, ;WV' A Pfoutrh. drawn-, by dir jzrst bjrsiGeltf v t in I fir sr. andJirld by i theChavrinan ofthe.CoviwUieeJonTVlqge, . " i "f American? Standard IroiTA; ' afifirofiridte "-..'-." ' YXmlJems; l .' - r : ' ; Mewber '9 eft he Society. ' t J President cf the Society ; and the Rev?4. The ex.-2rr.ises ip the Ghhrch 'commejV-" cen py a national air from we music, in Rey. Mr. Clark thendje'ssedjhe Foun tain of Mercv. in ah animated feeling, a6d X. most apprnpriate -Prayer.. The" president ' f Vi a ' Tnr!iit!Kn AT. T Trt Tn fT ' rn - uoanced -a pjiin; ,intell!ent, ana truly useful addre. ';'-1f'le folio w ng premiums were then proclaimed by'j the? Presidentl and presented by t-MarsJivT"-'. ' ; QN rANUFACTyRfeS: , " For the biC, piece of Fulled Cloth, five dollars, to T&Eli2abeth Brown. - j . Second lest'4 dnllars, toh'o.BrowhV . Thirjf best; 'sXdollarsvtoIViUs' Polly ,Garnsey'i;t y'&l :) ?fS ; : For the besL pjVe' of women's pressed Flannel, six dollars; totrs.' Farthy IJahs- frd. :.4r.,v-L-er i - Second besritiannei;5 .UDuars, .ip iirs. Eiiiabeth Brpwnfef-.'l:'--V'ri; v.' r Third be;FlanneU 4Hollars: to Mrfii , ,r OUrX.li JJC?i. i iuiuu.ii y uuuwo, iu .fus. Fanny Hansforq.. -"i1- : r ' v ? Foi the best pecnof Fiannel, 3 dollars, to MissPHscilla1 WellingS U - Tor the best IpysceLbf Table vprien;'. ' dollars to. Iiss Polly : darnsey, - - V .'i Ire Pttniinrl Tvht ;i 'v.v? : :' For the four best,Pigs;4 dollarst arfaors-Bf Paradiste.; 7 "ii .La vc Th6.rteporUoy priva.te letters, 6f the ' "I" ' 1 " -i-.-Vj..v Lforahntryof the B-aiichtnk of the sioce tbtbeen;co )y yvftis ism p am stat?inettt- of theiiCts - " v; 1 l an arks -for -the : nresens :f-'- lFIi r .tj-...- ;;:-v . .Irrtl-, li-Jrty. , i if ihe: therefrofnl Sunder epjr cf law, up- i wards of $ne jiumirea th&wan&MQUamj. is nilly cohfirnjefty .the to1wipg.state-r hients; tppit;d from - Ohio 'papers y,We yt6Hmis- arama, wuicn- nas.commencett ' Fir tHt best piece of Unen Shirting,: 6 5i to Miss narnet oennet. ; r . Second tfest piecfi-f Shirting, 5xibllars to Thomas VV. Rahdall. ? U ! Fcr the Uest Cheese, dollatsitto Mart Cote ' t, ., ... " ' v. :-r'''' 'i,,?'-rti f ' ; ThVdbeftciheesei JdofeHelin. h Kent. V'ar'V' . r or the best FanHinr-nfill," 4dolars, to J"ia Kowing; VT tFot- tlie best PlobgfihS dollars, -tooe: Wrlck:c:-'1 Productions could not be aw a rdVd, in. con sequencerbf . tha impracticability, of can didates ascertajning- the clpracter and quantity of their'Scropsat:Srt''ery aperi-; ocV of thfersea siobu .'(iTlie-; .Sbdetylmec.t.a gain',-for that jpurposerhSM&rCh next.- '. Afer theprcmiums Vere'ardedl a jYd thahkTeturned the lironeofGrV,: the pr o6es3ion' (atgain fofmid in "theisame nrder,'.feturned-to Mr "SteerV and:ba!v took -6f 'a'scfcohd Holiday bviner : - une nunorea anq sixteen annnais were offered for premium; many: more were driven i in Tfor, exhibition ; -hn3. although brefhiQms could 110t.be ''awarded ailJ. vet l their n.umbcrs'and tippearance enh wCed I uic pieasni es oi lite r an anarcnectea crent credit on the; nrriise'-NvprHiiy eniulii- i j tipn-'oftheir wnerji.'.The Culyes ouVfil I by:MessrsVRatKlallRavmond',vThonp f i sorii.VAtixy ana otuers, extjieu inc. nuisz f lively iiiereVt.V Thev-, wers the; fix; hi oruer.j; liar ot ivir. .-anuvii- wiiicu-was bnf I months old, wajj much larger t!ian the ordinrtry twjyeaiv;oJdH;; :and,tHatsf Mr 'Kaymnd,ionVyf 6V;vnvonh's ?Tld,! larger Ahap.a yearling. . Judge Cary s was but aoout 4- months oia, an q quite r.s large is the commbri yearlings. .-'-Indeed; most of the young.CHt tie w ere highly creditable f tothc country ; .oc'thiS fact' is the; strongf estand ihbstfcpnclusiye bomiient. thHt can be made, upon the utUityt of tG Siki eiy. - ,vmg:;:' , Hezekiah, Brown exhibited a lot ojf Piirs which attrat ted 'the aitentionef e ve' j as a fare?, ma uotrhave. a f tragical end; i ,'Fhe auttiorsd abettors "p$ it hay em uclr f-tb;aswpr-:for;4-Ac:inf' - FromMe QhJoT .-i.'-:. . .-.;.-: "j," t. -.h . .,. i'jf-. i -'. ,;By ,an act ;.of te . Ieci! athro 'jof- this aepasseiS last ;sessi6ii,ifa"prVArjded? I th.it imless tlie BratehesfthisJLFniteid' tSta'tcs.;jUotc1ocatedr-' ;t.hjlic,ote, cease their operations , by the riuTiu rtfi ; lurjusunur u vuurs oer te v icu.; oil thBankandhat-o ditgr of the State proceeditbchareh said Bank witU the tax aforeVaidVhd im mediately thereafter t to sqrapersri to, collect theaeV li :f .Dh.j'ejjr'ningof tiethunsaph vr: 7; "''?IC??-.- pT?efvTH ixAfBi-' " .iSam'uersto; Jhsephl Adkinsohn ;4:V " iy rjvuiwj 'riuii mn.na' tes jviDET. ' ' . ' teB,SAbneriBiirhanp , 5y virtttet . $t- warrant.su.ecr-in; the. .4 1 F-.svtt.i uo4,wr--G.?:?-:2ate, ,ws uaitor "of State, agreeably to thetpv6peHejith' ith a flrisis..ff ab;'t.'psi-Icn.-I'nt4iv;. :MJl in? Chancery, sJOie'foiH he JLThited of the- stale ofj v)no a t,tlivjr;l:iht sesjon;;, t S; 3 tp pirjC&jt.Crtu'rjt, sitting atXtnlicothei trix; f t'onvalt ' bai)ks,J amir ii wi v iilauU aiul i H ryTf r of saijdCourt an nsr;-to' ibmpanie. di&l'ft'shociatibrt'jlof iifd'vidui i "?d iil! ,of cnmplaUpraymgjtliatahe aisj tuat may j .iransactoap.ir5; business j iKf wi vac olaic .juvfS v.11, within tins states withouteintra ri Vl Av J-Ji 't ! I vp-iTTti f t-.t tf- ? f- . I ' A' sse lit M v; n f ?01ii o ,; n assrf on tine1 8t1iFi' !.Brownvnriamrkf : Brpwn7-?1JkccBledioe or iwlltchell . ' ; TV6mas'lleye: .oed.:f atthlewridcsVr': :';' ' r er. ,J)r Daniel L vHariy ngtr, t Oe rg Barclay: ' )r Jeremidh Battle; Jae, Battlel Benfannri V jfBorojjghs,; iPetjfrBariiiJtzaJ. tiroqrjyg, ,V;: 7' 1; 1' t 1 H was directed) a cc Orr arfd Mr. J Cpli e i- :ertere;!ihe 7 Branch : Bapki f4hes United Sue?; at this place, on jFrldy last, nd levied" oil the specie a hi, baiik -;rrn7 tha ins til tiit&n. to theV mouhtTI one hiljnlred; tiU'Usand dotlirsdiich is Khtftx asseis' rys ejr Tfi'ey were a rjj.easing ?Jght, co'ft si stin? of a fe male s W he.' w i th t w'd; litters ''f P'gs. nide each jitteff;' alt tot kingc exactltalike that it; was utterly imposs- ble to :distiuguish them. The 'first nine werebut,ix months andthe other two weeks old;- ..Good judges gayett as their opinio tfiat the nine'eldes'i Jjdavei-a 15Qpouods eachr.-We knowvtio better w.$y of gettjng aV.theiotereswhijDn4;this! groupe excited!tHao to state the fct, tliat M r Brown' was twice offered, and TefusV ed; trie 'hundred-&oltar& firit thenC-; 'T -j. eri.C Gei-man-eitnhited V fineTthrlfty; eveV;sin"ce- its;-bVnh.-7v'7i.t1 i-r ; :Ampng"the.yrgetal)le : prMuctiohsahree MaWrnothf Squkshes were exhibited; two ui .iyuir.il, juic ujic -wcigmng u,-anu tne uiuer a (iquiiiis, terw raisea oy ptepnen Hopkins : the third one; we believe: was i-fl? m; KftW aprfin. :7--V.v 7v,7 f A beautiful Vy atex-melpn weijnng2I ibsa5 exhibdy Asa Palltc! ir; Chester Hammond; ' of Smyrna.- exilic bited ;a -humber. of. tb celebrated Ulita Bfe, ;-6r Swedish Turnip, weighing from iix to v ten' fioun4s' ea"cht . Mf: H:is' culti- vatintr an atrew tliis' mbstvaluable'rooL i f ' iJ.--lAXi.rlJ-''. .n .which promises io yieiiv laijge. uiu" ex- V&leWcfbp.; lh 'theiotties'-or.TjHscpnnt! and deposit or tlieBaKkbf -thfeSjtJI. Stac$7located:1m this taie: As this; trnnsactio' rnny receiv frorn; Assembly of 7Ol0 nelcn the thFe-bruai-y; Jai9toax4fie' Bank-br tliet Urn ted'Sftrei; : &c "Cft ? 'I tocnaieihe 7B.i(nk Vithvthevstimof t'OfiCopb lulSars'f anctjmadeihis'ya.re nit, ;tiirectA mi aom ijriarien cflrit .rhor7af-col w ltie;ats-'.piayc hTiijVope ky bave been v'eXci ted vXb e 7Aidi V.of jste,7feeli.hg:; him sel f kboii n'd by t h e7 la w-f7th e statie "'ti' rknownhiiideterjnfimtw one or.tw indiviauab siibserfueht to this he rcciv: ed a ciiatibrtiio "Appear before u the 'Cir- cuit voui t, vOn .a ufay..tnevijt) mstas at that time, a rnotioh would . be raadev bv the Baftk of the" UnitediStates-tbenloitr his procee'dingi udthe; law. ot the staYe; ;f This dttation : i encibsed by hith; to a; gepueman oi ne oa,i; w uii a request, deem it co.rre;t!Qnj Tiearil bybitkinsel brsblicjtbrsfbr tHVt insiiiiixiyn ; mc swici reiuscu , io-appear, ueiiyiHS- iue juri&un.viuif. lie v-oiiri, aiv ter:a.'. shbrt;;adrfpfj Mtothe in-;. junctibriVbn-;bbn8s' amountioriuuouuii-oemggivenpyjtne;; barik.7-Tiiis was Aen tered i n to? i Inithe mean; timeirthersprvis lb theap-v pliciittbyn7c Anf?itor -hrtiTheen irtstriicted bv hi ebbni'i sel to charge tliie.tax and issue his war-'r mm.ariddeliyerit 3 SI.10U1Q ue reatranieju- yy 'UJCjinjuncuon tJrW71ftice dKnatijl rtd-50b&0qiiars ofnceOtt Cblicbllte?: 77 :f-Vm -7" thfcmhHns ing: nvirs; Jn .Hre bfficelof tliie Banksajt; ChilicotheVanch de m a j ided of the C ash te r? (tile P resid e h f "jeinpren-t.-payment.; oi ; saau; .tax, vitcr7 w us re fuself 7Uponhich Jbhn .CHHt:peH7wit!ttwo7ssistats, tuevanlfs of the 'Office,.' and: ttiok1 about iyyu, cioiiars in specie, ana aauuiyioi !4aAprva7wthdr ptHinted'of ?j.jthe specie and ban k aper a siinVvbf ii30p(5"dQll erablejsnplti of bahk paper -he iurneTdt to said bffiD he depb'siteiitintheBahkbf Glulicothei afewtbdsastt)f the S;"BatiksLIUr imr tue ? transaction, 511c r resiaent ociue lan k read ta. Mr., Harper the ; suppcepn. wicffiesKavJe before hieiitiDnedvrflis' 1 1 1 j' 1 WAerciio ) It"': Iawson,John-HDiybHaryl f 7?lf3W I I Kftty VIlrant"fcastoad John Ekurri;; ; V1-t7- ! V;7Viin;lQler,jtbwl?lnd Frenclil'f I 1 ancyFilKener, ;.toU,ilVi4lWl'el5;:: , ' Vdlam FoJer,77ames TlaclT.-llahi Pu ' efioihWFf 3,-: ' 7' lit j i libmasCTtJeTS J II' ! Jsh4m?)lqrtVft ft1 n'lmryhhara -ila?-' I ' i' r-blyarntlddwi 1 i llim i: Norfleet7tIDtGeri : I: 71 iiii 11 Ms rwrHiMeyJesselllc TlbnSe; Henry Harrt;! ndersbn4 ftant(pfe','V'; ; f!hin-l'iiTI?illQnfl-.ij If rr.Vii ttii j ' r7;pbertJ JpnesJbseph. nevUidteyonw.; v :P KarteveKertrp, Ja' eKelly 7 -'i 1 r . lit e!5dwarUieReyi;iIe v J pannici LtgonLU,cy. igpn, Mary a; d: Lartei 77 . 1 . Alexknderylcas ; Uw IMpufoi j : f l. ; -7 -j .rah4;ge:SlVrpvla7 is! Ill in v inney - Aiartin ; 4. nomas aIqWov- 'Frtd erits iiM -wassey .0n iarsnJUi,ve$sianuei, Uetr N i'N I bnlHe-Vdy to G6lumbustfhes was serVed wi t ha notice; WhStfi he bppbsed ton beAfj .it-wouiu.;oe Krc.v?uuuLiu.e iu ihhii uig i Rlanufactures. rTher xwlen7 Clmh - eir 1 Ui,?Doen MSnrr.-! ..-r,..- .?4? 't; .Vipwmirvl.ofnmittfee srjokte: in the -Hiost-' . --,.. .-r -. v--v. f tttcWcrreaMei: 'He' cHviwieii'theY? money to iire" rraAWjywucxcii s c in "brthetnBn evmilt h estStCreasnrv'theV SrElTtna; Pleasants JJCChl 7 1 1 l?vrisV;SaW 7V7 ! ' ' iJ S V lilaKP .i'i4?.ijtalbhaVjhjmbot jl siirw; 7.7 1 mt -paB.iel Shavrindy4U3nipes Benja' ' ' i f;' wrelK1nme9iGiUv7SmithnSB Ci fii ThoroaiTPtrode? Iieyf Lewis; SltUrnlojeJoJjil , ;. to;fSithttStrohn c7 7 j V t r-.x?i. i?rtr 5r i.rot. t" rJ l ' ".V". ;.v. ..' J I AQt. ih4bensbbfrd;5Tl Stroudt -if 0 rcfifrt Jr-iWi'w-.'' misvtntf y1atpv:Te. 'TP rf Vrt- i . l r . . 4 . . f v "..' . Bank' biitnSebtf vthe"- Dreen 7 faidancl fropi niakin g btlt any wa rl AugussVTurheiv Sblonioo Terrell. ;'77 vsi- ' irani, orv appoinEing? acyipern; lsTtbte&ute allDf either b?7 Pvi3ibiis oftheiact of thQlegislatore-afore ltSxfsaidrfcou p - 7, ; wrucr ur. oiuerwihr, any luonevs receiveu i t t j" 'v- ws.,.Mr . - , , ;. , jr 7 7..;7--i'71H v -;,:'7s "7p'7r';-- 7 -"- i : : "?.vi?; 7,;- ; -

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