v f ; V--Vr,:';; .:-:V ;.: .( - m My wti: vi:.;;. rrt S'f;'yS 'vA? :,: ' ,' '-: t '('&"'-':'.. ' M i; :'s'-..-",5, f I : .jiW '-Jv,',v"irf: V-'-'-H. 1 f "i1 1 1 - v V - t, - - " - H f i " i. :-1 w ' -v. : ; : i w v$u8SZ ?iwi3 .ir'K w.;:y fk- f ; m m mS "jsf sm tt' J. J Y.- '.4 ur!r. . itnUr. rtb nlkntof fair, dlllf htfalPetcc. DnwarpV by party raf 4 . JlT!lkeJBrotliriu ' ' .. ? V ' r ' L. - ' - - - - - ii . 1 .' 1 1 1 y 1 1 1 ,t, r,7;terithry Bill (Mirer. j),c 19, 1 '.' rrrtf of correspondent in owr tst.x-:-r i '-?f, , ;: - TliP soMect'of Penitem'wry has been .f4n - before ;tfe L-g?s1aturr-- hs i,pen nreorfe'Hr canvassed, that it h .s Irs? alfthc charms of novelty ; and Nttle. if jif v tinf new, remains to be. id and so (Veiled has appeared tn be he nirit of onnosition to" the system at this time, n tntallr dJPerenf from that yr arm and frfta sn it of benevolence, which an this House? at its last Session that its'' Vnds have viewed it .with an eye oT almost hopeles despondenc.p-Such be - jp- ny feeUnrs, T mav b nsked, why did I introduce the bll why do T now. urge :te naie. I can only answer, because 1 I heKeve it mv dutv soto do and believ-1 ine so. I cannot, will not.vhrink.froTP the ttfrformance of hi Yes, sir, and I pledge t irrvlf. as lonp: as I have a seat on this frr.this subject RhaH neitfjr sleep nor slumber. T will continue to raise my voice ; in behalf of justice and htrfnanity ;I will nrt cease tr cvsplay netore pntiemen, the black catalnfjie of , sangjuina'ry pun laments which disgraces pur criminal Qr(k to urge them to resctie our com sn coxintry from the fonr Teproach of ttfin? the last of her sister; States in layr Sn? aside that sanguinary code which" we I inherited from bur mrtner countn:, 4 . vx$ - I do not know, sir how otner gentlemen may feel on this.-sebipct ; ft'o. mei it:has ever been a very In'erestirg one and vUhpnJ detra tTr.. from the impttrtance c( vhe other measure we h ve Irad before lis; I believe this to. be -one of the: "most important which -can . encacfe attention., In a state of nature rated by the influences of the man is the creature of 'passion,.' the" vic tim of crime the sanctions of the Divine Law are unheeded its 'threatebinsis- reeirded. 1.0 provide corrrcims Tor I dir.aes, ;of truth and justice, the feel thgs j of humanity and the indelible rjghts o( jrankind. In. other words; that crimes should b scaled ami punished according to 'thejr .CTormity; thjt facility -with which they can. be perpetrated and their impor tance to society.; .'.'..;,-' I v Let ourvcrimina1 code be tested bv the above principles,. . Murder is the highest criiHc; yv ciui pcrpeiraie agam.st' ociciy or Individuals ; let it there ifofe receive proper :?rPut the horse -thief receives the ame-i-Hc who robs you of a pitiful horse not wrr h twenty dollars, receives the 7viitistincui nun i:ym -who jiiuijts his.poignard in the breast of innncepce, or sends an im'rjQortal soul Vo its fin ac count with all its &ins full upon tt.s Again treason ispunisnea wun aeatn, ana so is he who lifts the latch of your door-fn the day time & steals frcm'it a pair of knee buckles, 1 6r any thing clseejeeeding the. value ot twenty shunngs The : one- aims his parricidal a m agninst-the land of his birth i the other steals to the amount of twenty shillings; And.thusi il t might eo : on in; , the enumeration of crimes, of every , grade,, jumbled together and re ceiving the same punishment,' j W hat justice is there in ;this,arrange ment r Are the crimes eoual in deeneef dee nee j Is the principle, uniform its operations I Avhich governs them ? Are ,lhe feelings of4.humHnity cutraged,.or. 'bbt. Are the ; indelible rights of - man observed ? No ; the citizens .have' right to have, justice equal-y a(lmhVistered--their feelings are : outrage l,aii oihey.jcVy alodaganst the 1 syttm J J v :Tv- .",v- . j.y-. l " : V have tUhsswn, fOiat 0ief ecomt .principle? laUl !cwn is ..violated feqiiaJl 5 with fi'-Nt. And ' what is' the : cohse- '.jlertslative i quence 1 ne very, ohjec ot: punishment iuhrecene- i is d'eteatedi- .The: great, object of puhjsh-?; llol v Spirf t, menc, is ine prevention et enmes oy ae- thrse unruly passions, "was one ot the eay liest duties ofrocretv one pt the most important duties., ot tne legislator ne is bound to enact such pains and penalties as shall add tp the terors'of remote and funire ' punish men t-t he fear of. present fcain. fBut. iii' enacting' Uiws ytipon this 8ubiec.there are certain principles which 1 aid nay is. bound ' to- obscryei. He is bound not td exceed fh'e limits of thepow- j cr wmcn soceiy:pnginau possesses over the lives of it& members; .'and secondly, he is bound to observe the immutable principles of justice, inneasur)ng;as peap j ierrine others hxm itheir com mission. and 1 would ttsk if thisYesuh has beeft found 'a r." ' k 1 .!. er crimed ofaeep aye p'erpetratec;Ilere;, than in cnui.tries where punish ments;are raore4en?ent ?f:l answer, confidently. No. The sa.me cprsequerces have followed as in ever;' coumry where if has existed, Look for confirttwition of this assefrion to yreai x.ruiin. nen justice ciacKStone Wrote his Commentaries,' he in forms that there were at that time one hundred arid sixty - spepies rf .'crimes- Jrj that country punished withMenih-Tp -what pupiber they have now swelled, I knw not ; but this I do. k now, .that Lord TUlehborpu gh. ha? ithinthe last few years proposed in Parliament, another black list shocking to' humanity in which the intention isJ as:s practicable,; punishment by. crime : Jmkeftjfor the acr ahd punished , jaccord; sna wnenever ne loses signi oi euner 01.- gy !isu ucauw ire crimes suppress in j t ed i LrOot at jthe newspapers cf-the ; dav these principles', he is:,-dG";rig societyVan irinry by " transcending: his authority;- Let ils bring our criminal law to this test I K'tus -see .whether It recognizes them, j .vr 1 yni sn-cw you iiiiti 11 sci.s aiicsc principles at u tter d e rtncef and , th at it must, therefore:, be funda mentally wrong." , Tor what cause are We at Ubertv".tOi tae the life.of our. felloe-creature r 'A crtfnrl, ohlv for one' and ctbat js rnur- ucr.y L.ne is me lmmeuiaie jjinuioa, and he alone cap ; tatje- it a way," or give the rieht so -todrf aiid accordinclr he as given hi'saiciioB to. the principle, that blood demands blcK)d-4'From every ni a uminer wiU4 ucuanu wwou oj an. WhosC-sbeldaeth man's blood, by an shall 4iis bVod;beL shed'." This is oar warrant, and-thfs. alone ; remove it, and yob have nothing to justify it J H is the "ord rf God, for iti.WHinivei sal-i.like.the sense of the Divine Being, It'h confined . 110 Se or nation, but is coextensive with the humaufamily-1 felt and acknow dged alike byhe nnftitoredisaVage of Kc flesart, and the citizen Ct polished ?nd refined i6ciety, This, is the bnly-csise which manhi V state of nature hathe Sht to take tfcfe life of his felWw-crea ; "re : and rKyssessinp- it'brirv so individu society iias it in po other or 'greaterj rsree ; -tor, several individuals congre : img logerner, caitio more g e, to-cne hole greater powers than individualjv Jach possessed, than each "can .give to himself griater rpower.. This rSrjnciple; recognized by the common law When) naT fcaid.it is only inthe case of raur-: ; tf ire justifiable in taking the life'of 'w-creature perhaps it may be ex nded to treason, and if so, ; it would , be' oy analogy. JTheprjnciple. which unapd$ tlood Xor blood, 'tvould justify trfPT-; art. 1 ' r . strikes at the apolitical existence of vernment, 'r society.'. perhaps': it lawfully be -banished 'with death , fuiukmetttal principle, our criminal t . t at open defiahce4nstead of con Jft t extends it to felons in a variety t ed ? Lookat jthe newspa5e In a late London paper, we are. tolr!, . that atr tne Lancaster Assizes, immethateiy pie'ieding; thirty tlp.' psrsons 'received! sentence of death. -"Creat Britain haWcri- ; ven.tms system iu!i trtal and hastouncl it ji we ; are not 'en tenner on a,;. fild pf -wild j eQriment-the ' experiment has "'fief n nen lor us, ana r am jusnea in say ni. hat the strongest expectation of the Fhi 'HntnpRist has;, notbeen disappointed.-? 'is to the honor of the western world, -'.hAt; the plan we are now diserissihgj was Mrpf recOoed txvstem anq. to practice thisusTdethe Atlantici: William'PenVwi? the blunder of the Oofdny of Pennsylya-nia-th at greats and good man,;. .great in all the. vqual ities ojf the -statesman ,! good in atltlie virtues of the Christian and ihe 11111 upuii urgiiuii,(niiic tuiwuy, uc ii r- med a svsterrr of criminal laes'septially embrafcrng th'e principle of tne Peniten - tiarV fothis p'roject'th5 King 8c Couh 'qil refused tlieir assent-Notwithstanding which, the colonyr acted upon itj for hir- ijr-nve yarr ana aiceT;wara3 aciuuanru it to seccire a privilege thev deemed jmof e. essential. Connecticut a'dorited the sys tem in its tuill extent soon titter the Kevo-; luti'.n-Pennsylvania revive'd it inir9r; New-York established hers in 1800, and 4 Vireinia in. 1806 since which'severa? periods, in those respective States; peni tentiaries h a ve been f inoperatiori and in otier States of the Uinnn they b,a!yeJbeeh establTshetl, Now, sir, let me nsk gentle, men, what is the 'State of Society.ih those States ? Are; there more crimes perpdr I tratejd in those States in proportion to the Krium4)er f inhabitants -than in this Stater .Js property. less securer No, sir, the) people- arenas' pure inmorals,' and a? secure in their possessions,' as we are;.- Int, tfr, look across the lAthintic-and .what is the result there ? jPrecisely what it is here. :I h:ive referred , you to the foul code of Knfi'iishvCriminal Lsaw. Let mesi .licit your -.attention jto the mighty empire of Russia,1 and the powerful monarchy; cf f Austria. Daring the two and twenty years Uhas.Elizabetti sat upon ti?e throne of the CzarVvwe are inarmed by historians, no' an ej cution took blace throuhont hei extensive em'prt,e':?-And; her hjccessor, ?Cath&ririe,,(for Paul scarcely ca?n bej said to naye iirofce tne successiojr) pon a. tair trialf fhbolshed !punlshhierit hy death, ex "cept for nnrder,nirely. The.'F.mijieroir ! Joseph, vtbo, in 41787, abplishetl capital punisnmepf' entirely, tiuougnoqn;iSj.vao-t minibbs. lvConparef th: ahabitaifs ot iiicse coanir.us (Warn ?xaose gi xujiianuj .and'let'the;opppsers of Penitentiaries say ii crimes aoounu more in. tee rcrraer, tnan in. the; latter. ; T 'r - ki-. f; U . ,3?hu's then, "sir;it stapds We admit our s sh;iii is., oaa w 111 a 'reniceniiary auirnu TV vincr mates nave r.neq,;.iuju approve ft shall we riot try it r Shall N. Carolipa ever lag behiad ih the race; of THE t Fl NE '':. UTS ll mTQiw Gefa'tlemeri H,.f , i respectfully informs . tlie Ladies t inB J ti A'. ofBaleifirh and it yiciilt Mt Is ttd opened.? at xjuuains uormenv oceu 5,v . 1, .11. ' 1 ? fi-' .: 1 1 ;- Gen. 'JACKSON the; Herb of Ne wOrlearis.r fy k ;Vhf. 'v ifi :Gen.PlKE.;who:fell atrkilOppe f H.i: vi?; t V: :.'-!t Cor FERR Y,f the "Hero jfef Lake; iSrie,; iwho wrested the pam:pf Kavat Vitpty; .;.-,. ' k '. from the British. V We have met the'ene&y, ind they' areours.' ?.5- v ij Cocr.; MACDONOUGH, the ; Herb pf- the Wcond' Naval -Victofy; on .Lak6 f V V Jj vlT: ;-t.::iChampiain; 'rM'r : ' Papt.;WlLGOVfclafn by theSayages r;fciVl i7"-y I An iNDIANiis represented in the act of talcing tn'CataV'scalpbeii t I Sergtwi'OKTKR arrives. though ! too fi late; to save- niin 'iiand .rtist&.''the f . 1 through wit his bayonet ''.V.P-'s " ijf S l:': :? i ? !-jpr:"7 5 ' - .-S The presenPOE kheelmg at JhisJtC th the1 Gmldess! oPLiberty; n AJetptngBeautjr,vap - :Thv'-or.CaroIj!!Bc ' Virff-i A ia 1 ReAu t vt ' j : New-York Bety OPTIC Vlf,W5 7 "Sir A-:.-;-' v. - r-'x ; -A-:----; Aij:; J : ,v yv; '! resenting 1, The gement between th'Uni j and-hii Britannia jajeityfs frigate:. Gtaerrjre.-:-J-j jf'v!'! vA';viTV ' . M lhanture of his Britannic IViaieatv's Frierate Giierrierev "ii ! " 'H i V ' ; V) I ,';V' ' . ; V . fRepi-esentinEr. .i -and his Hntannir, M nptv' 'Frip-ate fiuftrrvere. xy - 2.:apture of his Britannic Maiesty's tPriRate Guemem ;But,!Sir, we. areipldit- will JUe expen sue., l rue it wtir he expensive (Vnd 13 Nocth -Crolina too piorto be just Mst iheihariglher citizens; -as bein noVabie to bear" ttve'expt-nce of saViiVir. their lives Y' Could a'jiealsant! from fthe bonderf tne Neva or-tUV D inube be transported to I tars aiju. iuiess iuis ucoaie, hwnac ise 7 He' would ask. - is sdrry, and in thi s tie- r. I mnpiuj country.;- wneiner . seventy or r j IdnesJ should mark th.crirnmaltcode ? : i E nr cases. ' rPerhapsi there Are ; an 'f? the penalty. ; ' v ,; , . f 5 Hich I laid-downris violatedhy four law. Let Ais- see if the second i "ecu better . regarded. It is Uid down jj!er7 ejnineot .writer " that the "cri- v"t are-permarent," uniform .and I'and always conformable tP.th'e ingi with the-ru tties! of ProiVtdence--f ich iii all .that constitutes 'a hatiori's ;re3l Ayealth-whbse soil , for eeven & t'blrty Vears! has beeuntrodden, by.a bostile iooi-inai ims country, is too poor to Dear tne hurt hen ot aremtentrary. air.uthey wouianueea xnuiK we aeservea Ltnere- proaci.Aittereq against another people, that oT being a1 nation of Shopkeeper?. J ; Orie,? Word mdreV j$ir; &ua'l will' close ally when indisaimiriateiv inflicted: hare 1 iMtflprf In rvtvvont inv rvinian y.- i -non J kVL'eth inline manners or me peopio.inan tnose 11 nr,aJ uus rcuuu.c oiv.n- tn prope ons. thus ; roade, . yrtnevitbiy coiipteract their own desitrriConvictions are yield- .11 LL'tT r . l - x. .. ' ,vu. uy juries wiin reluctance tnevseize upon every circumstance which rfmy pos sibly! operate. jn fav'or'of.-the, crihiihaii- and tr at lenrth a conviction is wrune; front them the -people, . shocked at the disproportion between the; often ce & the. Tllinitllhititit 'm-oi-iuKolm tKa 17 VaciWi vrti 1 win, peiuionstor.a ;paraonna;ur tnere oe a f c-.t ner of his' heart jwnere & spark of humanity luiW, It is reached the xti- ro mat is turned otft,to reneiw misrdepre- uauwu. accurt; mat , 11 acam conaemnea he till has a reasonable, hoje of escipe. tentry occurred the clonjrr .scerie oi which tbok-place since this House , has been; u cession. iA mah by the irame of weedon was convicted In Guilford Su perior Cqart of horse stealinrs applica tion was made tb the Chief Maeistrater-1 wpo, upon fouodatisfacror: tohimseIf,f pardoned tne man- he, w as Uow ever kept in confinement: .for bis prison fees, until 1IUIJ411CU4 . ui; Auiim?r, .uHurisonmcni.rne broke fail After a - lapse utf some, time ne lyinrneujco nis oiajrajjmts-rauu, some private mischief havirf.been comipitte, as; '.wasaupposea oy mm ana mpre ap Preh ended, a warrant, I believe,1 was ta- -foSn out gainst hinia company assem- oiea to punnun, vun arms, ne wastouna and sjioy .-..!j.'vi .- c :That thessatevilsi SirVeverymaTipf intelligence ad mitS'T-owi then aie they ! I.L. 1&.UJLU1LU - ' I X 111 III 1 . . ... I. tem.V'Pass trre.-BilLubbn your table, ": reV vise 'yourcrJmfrial "code;' and scale .the punishment to-the jerime. .Do this,: sir, and you.cieanse the. Aogea Stable. ; Jfo lesi ihan iBw and lrkethe qoack; ypu re tard but do not cure ; theZpsei&e. -:W But it may be contended' that-the eect of theT Penitentiary system will be td in crease the huniber of crimesvandtherebf not leu to idle sp ecuiatioa a this subject j o.-1 errv s orn iant viemrv over ine-ririnsn fieeLniiaEe r.nc t '7 - - . . . 4; A'view(of.the.Crty''aod'Pbrt o!f j i&M&W rr :V -J; ' . b j , u. , x ne oaiiies or cc-oeorges anu. novireuo, in iiaiy: gameu py opnaparxe u!er , v ij ; ;'-.. thef..Astriar H?-:-;; ..' , ; Jf 7;; Theimduibattlevof rcbla Areola by . .;, .Mn - 'JErenchrariniestAinderjamost frenieridous ifire. Vt'y. K' .vi;'...r.Tv;-;..;J. :', ..V. ' i ;;j8.;The srfgiiinary batfle'of Waterloo.! ir' fi :v -I- " . v l VA Viey of the palace anil Church of St.Jori iaridt;auis1n yfctit ' ' pA ' ' I ; -ip. A general y&wl of the ertyMyiehhainiGeany ffij-j I ,:;v I- ' . ."I 1. Entrance of the lrich armies Mto Venice 1 ;.; ' : 13. The Island of 'St Helena, whtre NaboleOn BbnarJartfel it'hint fenrrRfip ri c " ll! i !S.iv; I !.': 1I!'-;ir ' 1 Prisoner. 1. i he City ?of Nantes. -- :.;. i IS, 16; Xhree difiererit views of Paris. ; AS. The Chuirch of Sti Andrew's, at Romei : :; 19: The Priqry.of Florence. Jf 20. A . View of the CMv nf r.nndnn. S , hi ,r Others also of a. similar nature I :-Z I4 1 m remai-k5. ?K.appears to.me that the doctrine of accountability ishUt litUe-un-Jderstod;iri thisiouse;Wje are tbidifeir; we "ae-iaccoiui table to!our constituents for dur acts here ; that when we haVe de scended tothe ordinary walks of ifbi Upd mingled again. ,Wth our fellofw-citizensr they; piatellis iwe have been ; unfaithful stewards, and "tbat.they have;; no further use (or our eroces.v This is troeand iit 4s righrit hcialdbe .f Those who pla-! cea uere nmve; av-rtgni 10 cnoosc 'Otnec servants if .thet think ; proper. ; But; sir. is this the only; tribunal to which fy;sh all ha ve.ta answer ht NoCto him who made us anij lui uisiieu us .wuq. reasea .to guide an4''r!eCust to him shidLwe haveVtb cive.'ari accburit of this days transactions. and -according ta the 'fideUty with :rich weischr'bur; trust'.ill be bur gaiety br 'danger Splemnljthen do I cal) up bjiiGcntlemehj this vday to do their duty nd,; With their hahd Oponltheir beans, to vote as their, conscien.ces dictate. . Jt , : 'ys :.--'f shall TIv?-:ii-! CoMrerth heretbf fextsng lindef'the firm br Lka. WixLiiatsoa & Co, is thisday dissolved; by mutual consent. The busiilcss of the -same will hktied 'hv jaroes HitnUtoii Co; to whoni those iridebti .ed are requested to make'rimmediatei pay- . V . 'JAMES BAMIiiTON fc,Cov AeV.XOrlC. MOT. 112 1U19 V 52 Aw v?;..:..BeefM 'jfVitn-ja nuinljer of irigu la rjrjeurjous! i j jS:Mripfyiqf:WM:T ;..,:-x: mRPTRTFVJKGiMAfttK ! D vU '.' v- Twp excellent Qrgajis)pn he Museum ivi 11 iie brefrom 9 o'clbck. in the Morjri nsr Von til ft. btA&-i in the;Evening;an ;.-:frAdmittance'oO CentSrChti'dren.'h'afv.'price, i'4iM-?J-: "VV - p. ; v. r . .Ut-. .-h ' ;t - : f.:riu,v.-..r November 18. . v ; Ml L LIN E H V '& FANC Y G 00D S.f J -i ;vt PW0tiiQ-- j ''t r 1 n "V ISS R ELA; respectfully Piriforms Jjt the Public,' fShe has. just received frbnV- New -York; and is how openings a General Assortment "of Miljinery 6c Fancy G(OpSrribnt;Vbichir ?i Tlaib and SAttiri Straw Boririetsr irripe rialiChip Mpurping ditto, Sil I Sattin & Leghorn ditto, sTarge and small -Beaver Hats,ljace JVfuslinlCarjs, Hair Ca jis & Ciiijls, Tinsel liOrnaniientsrfor, the! head, fine! &'h read; Lace ? and "Edging. priced Muslin Colleret ands. .worked Trim mings for;-3ressesj Plush andJErmine y ii- rimmirigs, .r lgureoroamn rtooes, tvius Iin dittofrIndia Mull & Book Muslin, Stri ped and Figured ditto fortresses, Fibr ed and Striped Nankeee'n . and Gaiiton Craped Cassimtre Shawfe OstrichJFea thers,' Artificial Flowers Kid &; Worsted Socks for Children Indies i Cotton and Worsted Hose, Meribb & Siik Hand kerchiefs, white and black Castor Gfoves, lined Xpd ; plaih CicC diub,white. Sattia Shoes; Parnel ditto China Faffs, fCbttbn Friuge, Ridicules nd Clasps, Corsetts, a great variety ,of Ribbon?, Qrnamenu for Beaver HatsCWaddirig;tor. Pelisses, Frog lahd-'Fahcyi Buttons .Boll v l-bndoitiine Soap; iAdsordittoV cXosmetkr V Wasth- L Balls, ditto of Roses, Hair 'Powder&c.' 1 I. ' October f.r--; Ma--fETU jJ"" " L 6 I .1 ? 1 . . - " . f JN UK 1 tl-t; AKiLil JN A S 1 Ai?E B AN K. p;;"? f Rawjb; Qctf26 181&f A GKEEAUY to theSd section cf th Act il, incorporating the Stit Banfcpf fprth Carol i ria, abElectiori bf.iii n eten i Directors of the Pncipal Bank is Hp taetpWeinna ally on the nrst Monday in December, jSTe Stoekfiolders;f tp;!aidBaDk are tliere fore ca-Ied upon to meet and hold said Elee tion;nd toattesd touch other Business; iri relation to the general interests of the Insti tutlon as may bejiidged necessary on &ion. day the 6th of December next, at nfne oclock in the morning, ttfie Bank In Raleigh. ; v liBy-rder oTbeBoaird, -T i , .f' : C vmMrHirAYVVO0D.Vrash?iv :(3Ci As Business of imporlancejs expec w wwwc mu utcciurg-, it. a nopeq ine sioci holders 'Will generally a'.tend Sueh as y ! LAND VVARRANTSi ' HAYINGformed ft partnership with,' UK , ames VaulXAfor the pnrbo)(e of roc&tX mgL Wariantr, ifhe lateacijuired teri ' rhpryrfrom the ibickasaw Indians; "in this) v State; Ve haveiapated no paint to make ouh serves well acquainted .wuB the Si uition qf the o4acantandirf this section ofebun 4"' 1 V ' tryVToenabJe uto locate these faridajwith. outloierfenuht . v . ' proctcred complete tranicript Of all the old, ' -' ' sttrveys and eAtH , formed , a connected plat b& nearly aU of themj sndoni; seiches juid auivtys wo : 1 v' v W.fresdy.:flde;.jreve succeeded in ' V v- , findiuga-numer of the original cofoera ac4 niarkawbef y we.'sre enabled 10 identify ; .Vaulx aCo. witb obe other Sutreyor 2c Co. J ' ' occasionally two othetj Sumyors &cV-" ' : -V; "Wlyployed fbr several - ; mohthahast, in ascertauuci? the A '; the bld surv ejsv and surteyin out the gnod ' ; ' c 4cantJand, enable p to locate ? r V ertamty ; wheti-an offece -opena, wd V- ' .shllotinuer;atiifed txeittonf.talilba 1 -.informtUdnahalt be fulland "erimnl. ? ? i i jWehoofierur ienricest& all WarranJ folders,' Who ibsv wiah their uanrant l. itedV Vie wilkVlocate all warrapuf which hiay i ; be placed 1nourhandj. VurveV th linrl. . fr:lbcatedftiiri bbtih tbe'gfsnu In -the natreV ! y lucywiKrn kii i uur: own cxpensef and charge : for ;8uch;reaonabIe ,portlous ? cases we: .vill cause all warrants, bfaccd in our bawls for locatiprf. q bfe adjudicated- i v r aa may be required by law, And do whateV 1 yer elafeinay beequiheb perfect fu les ot I such rrats. A1P cwnmuniektiohs ' tdV -' . ' dressed low af ftdj ville. ihaSkbc proop & ' V ' ; ly mtteiidedao" and nyt iitformifion Hcan give tplhosc livineii'at distance, relative taj y iv their warwnts; buids, will girca on ! V appfieaUoa, 4 f jViC.v,."' i j qtmiM & JO.G, MLEMdRB. "' "! - : v-NssbTille. Ten-Octl . 1.: Hft k -," " i ornate ate Jy Gates's , Store, i . .. ' s f BQrTERsiJlJS'yiCE, ; . 'if , - 'ill - 1.'- r ..1 - r X,

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