V ' f v'; '.'!. - r: TTB A.. YYjj iJ ;;:v-fep i )( sprite- . w-r-" : xy-y'zx i : :; . . .- . . ' 'y; " : y.;yy-yifc :rmmkf m-r-0m pw- -cx. , lm- ; -:x" v - ... ?. '! ... : . ' . '"-. . - : DEBATlOK ; ' ; :y The Convention ' tyicstwit. ' :1 CONTINUED. ! IN SENATE Ti'ec. 2, , Mr. FRASEI said, the ! He solutions on V,e taMe were.of moinentous impqrtancei tiihc Committee ouglt.to be cautious kovri ti?' proceeded. ; on . so dehcare a subject. Ha vine. "worn tn support the Constant jont fecco'.:!d net ivp hi VMe- in sdencepnii" t.rojM i'irn which went to invade that sa tjredirsfruireni." ' ' , Mr. F. :d not mean ta follow the gen- ean Orange tlirougU-the, whole Mi !i rem.fk"5 but. 'would notice, some of the; most excr ptionable. And first, in r itinn in the election ' of the Gm-ernor l . - . . : would he introducing a erret evil. 'yTh public atmosphere .-would oon become darkened by sweh a rrgrtVitioh. We nov hear of an eastern and western intf-esr though Ave know but little of it ; .bur g'nx ( the poerof electing the Governor to the i Pcn;)U and the whole Country will he J g:tat?dbv partv-spiri ".;. ' , I "if mny be said, h-t the proposetVmode j cf electing the 'Governor is mre confor i mnWe than the prpnt to Repubjican , -D-incinle. This mnv be.. Rut tb' :.eo- ; p'e are satised with the nrcv;v.on ; of the j Consiituii' n in this respect ; & to change j it might be atrH led wiih danger. Every. ! man when he enters into Society surrn dprs a portion of his liberty to the Gov ernment ; and we had done, this in flac IjEihe nower of 'elcctiric our Governor mtne Lieg:Iature, and rlo ;iit complain f.fany abuse of it., VVere the Constitu tion to be amended, as proposed, and a r.r.ndidate'' frpfrf the East, and another iVnm the West, shoulcl be proposed. to fill the Governmental- Chair, the whole coun try, wpuld be !n a state of agitation. If rentlemen wish to see. instances of this. hey need 'only; look at the States f Nc cjt ork.?i.id Pennsylvania. Dun g the iate t War. wh'id theceovl-ought toh-ivebee.n r.nitcd : a man, tJi 'y were divided by. partv-spirh, growing out of contested election sffrr their Governors. On : the Ref-'-h----:. . providing for the eLecrion cf the Sheriff bv the' people, he. sw'?f say bur, little. ,,If ;uis be a favorite TRtnsure of the mover, hc-may easily pio- j Tide for it fry an act of Assembly, ihit he ; o. nidered" it u the lighj of a bait thrown j cut by an . ingenious angler, to .hook. the. aruspectir.g Gudgeeris in; this cprarait j tee. ' . I :h ' r. K .'"'l And-in respect to tiff Judges is It pos-; aihle that the Gentleman can De senpus ir recommending such a mode of dispfac mg a Jurlge? a course that Would strike ctthe root oftfrc independence of theu diciary. Mr. F. said, he had beeiLtaught to consider the independence. oTourJurlg e.sas the greatest of blessings Butif they p re to hold .the tennre of their offices on the will of the people, or the Geucral As sembly, jou efTectually tlcst ruv: tiieir ji dependence. (Any suitor defeated 'in his trudby the honest and indepenVIc'it'deci slop rf a Judge, might come forward to the L'-rislatUre with a charge of friability to discharge the duties rf his office against J tht- JuOge, and he might be thus ejected iroa his omcejor uaviag perioraiea nis dcty. "y i ' ' . .' Again." yh'en the Legislature shall pass an unconstitutional law, to wtiom are we to look for redress? Are we not to look to an indepeWent ' Judiciary ? Suppose the Legislature were to pass 'a j law, that when adeltor became insolvent; i his wifeand children should be sold to t pay his debts, and the-Judges were to de- j terraine the, law unconstitutional & void, j The Legislature might say ..to such a Judge, you have not exectited our law, and we consider, you ' incapable of di charginthe duties of your oftlce. The gentleman from Orange had enu tnerated a number, of States which had heiu Conventions 'for. the purpfcse of a rnentling their Constitutions ;and among others, Connecticut hadybeen mentioned, That State, it wotjhl be recollected, was' famous 'for a Hartjard VorivcntioTr. U j V is theobiect the Centlcm'an has in View? j What, asked Mr. F is the grievance un der which the Western Gentlemen labor? .The only one that he had heard named, that thej dp "-not-possess their . due height in" the Legislature. Spose'a Convention is held, do Gentlemen sup posethat the scale of Eastern and Vestr trn power -w ill be o equally balanced hat neither wl preponderate ? Ccrtaii J.v not Oacyor theother mast, have.iu-i-" vVV, said lrF. have hitherto' held this pcer.and iWould ask Gentlemen whM il.tr Ave haves'ever abused it to . answen ;ir ow purposes ? rc has been lavjs1 Wfe hr ve not; Iva- sh npon us. wc 'are fa-, ored with' every vantage Tor camvng. i r anextenstye cumnKrce. ut e iveti - a - - w i " ......v. y j f (.fib intui i vji vi-'- ii Emoting Internal mp improvements ? ' Weir ave. But they.call for a Convention in? ?!-tr to get-tnis power zrcurf ns-nnu piace in their own hard. Tio this we obiect. Vo'uici te the. consequence ? Every man the State would claim his privilege to SiuUvKJU i Wouiu oecouif .awuui i pop a lace, w e sii ou'.n n ay e7 no cnis. mitted that the constitution was not pc tect nor woi ould any new. one-tn;it -rcquiyT may lose the sabstance.t Innovations are xlanjrefous: and Constitutions, ougnr not to be tampered with, except It I wcre to j correct some crving evil. , w e nave.,.'seeii i to wbat exti ernes theHelormers in r rnce carried tljeir schemes" and this oUght to be a warning Q all other Rations. lUnr Constitution-Was the, work of out venera 'de. Fathers ; M e have lived happily un der it' for" fortv years, and he venerated mcir acts too higjlily, Wantonly tulestroy this instrument. - ' - - t f Debate be. continued. y j Spanish treaty. The f.llmviPg .rroject of aTreaty, appears amongst the dncjimetit romrr.unicJftedwith the Message ot'ti'e President to Coiigres,' . and is, we understand, a true, copy ot tnfe Treaty ralifietl by our Gorernment. PrrArrt of a- Treaty" delivered, bv Don J.ias JJe Unix to ttie decretaru of ataie. ' 9tft February, 1819." - j Translation, sent by Don Luis cle Oni-.j ; r Xlts Catholic Maiestv and theU. Stares-i of America, desiring to consolidate, on a permanent basis, the friendship and good j correspondence, which happily prevails j j between the two 'parties have detcrmin- i I ed to settle aud termirtate all their differ- j encLs and pretensions by a treatv. which f : shall designate with precision" the limits ; of the one and the other, the settlement j; whereof will be productive of general ad- vantage and reciprocal utuity to Dotnna ; tibns f , i With this intention,. his Catholic Ma- iestv hn anDointeti tne , most excellent i onJ Luis de Onis G'onzallcs v Vara, j 'lcvci 0f the town of Ravaces, perpetual Regjdor of the corporation- of the' city of Sal.imanca, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Amcricau. order of Isabella the Catholic, decorated -with the Lys ofLa Vendee. Knight Pensioner of the Royal and distinguished Spanish order of Charles the Third, Member" of "the ; Supreme As: sembly cf the said royal 'order ; of I he Council of- rxis Catholic Majesty, his Se cretary with exercise of decrees; irnd his F.nvov" Extraordinary and-Miniitec le-. nipotentiary near: tfe - United State of America ; and the President of the Uni ted States, yfhh the advice and consent of the Senate, has appointed Mr. John Quincy '--Adams, Secretary of State of the j t United Stales. And tiie Plenipotentiaries, j alter having exchanged; their- powers, have agrer d upon and concluded the fol lowing articles !' 1 , " I ,TIere' shall le a firm and inviolable 'peace and sincere' friendship between his Catholic Majesty, Ins successors and ub- j jectjs, and the United States and theirci- j nzens, whoouc exception or persons or places. ' ' : 1 i y ' ;." ' -ii ti. HTs Catholic Maiestv. desirine to give a distwguisneu proct ot hislriendship j to the United States, cedes to them, in full property and sovereignty, all the ter ritories .vliich belong to him, situated rtb thereastward of the Mississippi," krliwn by the names of East and West Florida, snch as they were ceded to him by Great-1 Rritainin 15S3 ; and vith the. limits by whtchytliey are designated -in. the treaty of limits and navigatjori, 'concluded be tween Spain and the: United! States,, on the 27h-Ottober, 175. X III. The adjacent islands dependent on said ' provi hces, places, public 'vSO uaresr pubiie . Vafices,- for tificatrons, barracks. ant ouier ouiiuings wnicnarc ngt ihc, property of some private Individual jar- cinves, anu documents wicu reiaie Qi rectly to-the property and soyereiity of said provinces, arc, included inthisarti cle.' -M::-X-.:J:: itK IV. That" at n time whatever : 'there: may bey any. dispute''; 'dry mistake vin ; the; boundarieswhich shall eDaiarei- in fu - f ture, tlic territories of Ids Catholic jMa- jesty and those of the United States,,tp the westward joi thejAlississippi, the two high contracting, parties have agreed to fix thern in the follovnKmanneK :4l'he' boundary line;.between-the two cpAiridy shall begin oil - the Gulphdf MeicoTntT-j ine mouia Mine nver sauina m rae sea ;. continuing north,a long the middle of that river, to th32 of latitude thence by a line due nortli, totheSS? of latitude where it strikes the Rio Roxo of Natchitoches f Red Rivert fcllowing the . course cf the (I longitude ; and the 33$Q of latitudefvhers it crosses that , river : thence, ! by? ai yline I due north hv t hp said lOGP iof lone itudi fy .London:accnrdini to MellKhVThaQ; lUl it eoters tlx? rier Arkansas thence - - - - v - a a - - - - a aionctne miutiiepi, ine. vitawsus,-iv uic aJ.. ia latitude ; " theirce : a line shall : be drawn to the westward by the same pa rallel of latitude to 'the source. ofhC;! ver Sah Clenienxeor Mltnoiaahfo)ldw ing the coii rse of that Hyer n to'the df latitude ; ' and thence, a line,duefwest to the Pacific Ocean, - r the country belonging to Iris Catholic Majesty includ- lh&nAc:iti hrvPr ft:ibiriSii:RiV5r hi annulled in thi i - . l.-v" - v Tia? oT-al Aid tp place the lamlrnarkwaicirsiiai designate :.tac';iy the, !. limtti. or, ppui tioneach cf the crntf ictirigr Pf PMl appoint a; cornmi$"sKm'eV ;at3td a jrvjyor, who shlili meet before, thef t erthinahon f ene year from the date of he f atififcauon of this tiaty,- at Natcnit6h;yo4he Red Rxer, and proceed tcj rjaft andark the said iine. in conffirraitv to wnll is a- bove agreed upon & s ipulatcd they shall j maice ouc piansanu K.cep journaiarui v.lc,r' proceedings and the - result agreed ujpon' by them haUvbe considereias part of this treaty, and shall have the iame;force as if it were inserted thereihfThe, two governments fill amicablyj age:iiespectJ ing tne necessary articles m o; lunusu ed to these persons, and also as jto their respective escorts, should suWbejdent1 echnecessaiy. ' y" - z -I ' iv VI. The inhabitants of th e ceiled ier ri tones shall be secured irt thii free exer cise of their rejigion without j ny restric - moo : and fill those who itnt desire to ! remove "to. the Spanish dorriiioi shiill be pei nntted to seil or export uicir-eircctSi i jaVa'iVy. time whatever, w tthouj bJiug suli-, I ject in either case to dutvesl ; j ? ject VII. riws inhabitants of the ti'O pro- vjnce.s foresaid, and thoseHa1 all the ter ritories: which his Ca'thnlicjfA'iijcsy cede: pirated in tire Union jof ttj. . S. as soon.j as possible. aere'eabJv-i.Vihe Arinclpiesf l the';fedi'-'-.i const io.i, 'and-admitted' to i thi i ,S:.nt .if a! be 'nri viles: iie-i'priv ilee, of ill i?e other rights and immunities statt-v . - , . ; ; ' ry -f y ;y.:"' VI I. The territories ohe.tw? r lari-r das; which at ihe time of "tjir :rt Hvtrv . which 'is to "be made" of them -Jttthe CJ; S. should be occupied by the; topoTv4u -'horities of the Republic, shaf. 'he .-Krr-' cf t o t he c o ii nyKsione rs -w i i ch , hk 5 a tho-.-licIajety, or the Captn-Geperahpf the HavawnaV may send for that,xTpose, in prde rhat th e said : te rrhorie ;;frtAy' he deli vered up in)a.reVo)arKnS annfeif the I comtr vslonersor officers appotnfMhyhe" U . O. XO ttrtcvc..uc-nii-.; .y v i:-' n' -r IX.-A1I the grants of lands madCby his Catholic Majesty, or byf his legitirnte : au-,; thoHties, In the aforesaM territories, of the twpTiondas, and othej s jwhicn hisyMa jestyxedeto the U.fS.; shall be confirm -e'dandaknowledged s yalidj excepting those-grants which may have lieen made after the. 24th" Jan of last yeanheate that the first proposals iWet e riiadefor the" ces.cn - of these provinces, vhicir mated bV the most sincere jl?Mre; Ot con- ciiiationand.with a view oferdicating all, the dissemions ':'.r.h?ch have; existed t between ahem,' and to seltsure that g?od harmony which thry des;rK.P?e3ttla!,y to maintain wjui t-aci -oiiwr )itr'ill renounce all claims for damages or, inju- ; ries, which , t hey Hiemse res as wey as their respective Mibjects a-n.dcitizfhs may have, suffered tiiitii the ine; of signing of: tljis-rtreatyi' -'- - ; -fe' ,1''" -:: The renunciation of .the'UStrttes will; exteiwl to all the injuries - .ijientibnect in the convention of the ;1 1th August, If 03. ' "2.y Tftf'all claims of. pme made by Trench 'nrivateers and Jcfthdemiud by French Uoinmis witmn tne . lerruary ai.u dnsdicon;atrif 1r :. -'j Si To Ull -cfaims of -indernnitics on ac-j '- fv... --:,; v. , riuk"M:v f-v ,u r count pi tne suspeiisioij oijuic i5u wtuc-j posit; at Aew-urieans. ; i ; . t- ..m-4-.yAnd to all the- claims of pituens of the UiStafe&iubon hecbyernent;.of Spain, in which- thidtedsiUpn of the!; government: oi.tne u Oiaies may nave, been iblictted before the-date ofthistrea-j tyand-sihee the date of the conyention of 18(ahVhic;'nsayhavebl;e to the Uepartinent ot. tateoit tins- ne- li To alt tire 3hjties rtientioped in the conventional ln august, xoy- ,,;-t ? 2.- To Ih e sums which ;his tatfiptfCcjyia- jesry advanced ft the eturn' oaptain: Pike fim tlie oyipclas XnteiHtasliM tion otainiinua, ntiea outana equipped ii vTfcthercti-rcpll te;inthe; terrupri rt thp!mUnnitMt urhtrh life -jVh nT? tVt"f Finally:: to all claunsvof iuiuec'oTRi C. M-UDon the jrovernnieri6f the United I States in 'which the interapsiti.v pf his j! sicitediyfcefbre txjdateioitais 'reatvil and ince the, date'o.th4 .CohVitpa o J 80crb'-iViaVtQ Tpade "toll tiu At rbtiip tleIinister.in,the UJStates.i 'XL -The f Civetition entered ntd e j shall be held hull, in cons deration of, the jcomraoana ot war, sucn vessels- may- oe grantees nor having c;iijplied vithjthc detained and; sent to theMierest and cbndhioiif the cesshh'." ,v r';'i l-ii'-U' I most , couvenientport tovliich the hip of X. TSo two contihciine- DartiHani- a'r birprivatSer" that may- haife cWtained Dfublic.'jor to tne minisceriOi iu&Mouiurs in Spahi;i ;f ;V -' ? J:i m iesty-etendsaKBySfclV 2,.: the ratificatjons pf which the 21st December, 181.8,' at part which reiivtey'ro the payment of 'the injuries which tVje U-.- feitates and.thit? citizens claim;; itrtveiivg lijreed between tbect wo high-.contiacthvi; parties, that i these injuries shall be. pafi itjegrAlly, by the XJ. States, f mil the pny creels of. t h e publ ic or crown lapds of the. $ wo FJoridas & ether, tefntoiies cedtii b). .1' . C. M. in thjs Trey-Jso that both'goy yernments consider nil tlreir jclaimsand Vse of their subjects and citizens, a& Cancelled from this date ; excepting those !i4ai -ns which t he cit izen of the; tU. States f jnay ihave agtinst Spanish individuals, or IfvttiCh the lattey may have upoh-the clti- p.tfosoi this Keptablic ? , ' ....,'.-;. i XIIriThe xreatv of limits and havira- tion ef jlfy femainslpon firmed in all; ancH eacii onyci tia articles, - excepting the 2d, 3d, 4th, STlst, and the seconjdclaiiseiof the 22d article, which, hftving been al j tered- by this T r t-at, a re iolojiiger valid. With respect to the 15th ariicle'of the j same 1 reaty, ot triends'iup, limits ana navigation," of 1795, in wti ich it! is stipida- rted 'hat the flag shall corer tmj property, t ne two nigni contracting parties agree, that thisrnaye be sotjjntf erstoofl with f e sfject to those powers wf:io recognise this Drincinle c but if pither-' nf 'h" two rlnti - trading parties shall t)e at. war with a third party, and tlieof her , neutral, the fiagjpf the neutral sirall cover the pro-, pert i enemies whose govern ftients ac knowledge thi$ principle; antt uot of mo thers. . " - , ;. i' y .' . Xllt. .Injhrder to avoid fraidsand the1 Kreat" evils which arise frona'rconce.alin?: lihe destination of vessels, by clearing' out litl Crth.iirvi tfirrma mi tli .'Io-of :TnHi; Maine, Europe, &vthje two high extracting parties ' have sreed-ythat m rare aU merchaftt vessels belonging to tieir respective subjects r citizhs; shall bu. Cleared out for : spec.1', fiedocrt; either at their respective, cusu ,'fn "liousesor iu j toose ot otner powers tirom whose ..-ports-; said vessel may depart ,hi 'Continuation or lieir primitive voyage or in case they jihould uutlei takeiii,' nei1ivbneJ ; Ant the luerchant v esse I s of ei thW of the two ha- j t ion s" th at , i h v iol atio p o f t hei r clea r apces, I should enter m her r nrt wV'hniVt inViitv-uiV 1 I the motived Vhich IndaeHrl&hW 01 jiould be rnet witU'on-tlie i nigli; seas : these presents do grant toyou full powerv ! by their, vessels of1 war ory privateers f lTe niost ample form, to treat, 'of ymir-r' ' ; cleaved ovtt in vi(4atfoh;of -:ithisi;ahicle;e 'Other; intermediate aui :iail bedecained. proceeded aeainstiAn I rhor,tyJh:5!1Gn W lrsons as ; i upon 'conyicUbniforfeitefl;;. XIV. In case . there shall be lust -cause to suspect the character of the, vessel s, or, . ; wliich should n't be cleared put for a sper cified port, as is stipulated in the prece ding article, or that the cargo belongs to i enemies of either of the contracting par- .ties,;wnose governments ao not recognize the principle that the ilag coversthepro perty, or,vvmcp snai consist or, articles ox suchw-vessel, belouirs : where she shall be adjudged! agreeably to the HaWrof na-T i tions,- and the practice;' established : by. ! other" no ai'iii me po w c rs-. And" tt' 1 s agreed that'.. 'adjudication "shall be had with' the least delay possible ; land if it bliall be proved that the detention or capture was unjust, lyshall hot only hc the duty of the tnbunal Avhere the case was. tried to re Jeaserthe vessel apd carlo. but; it shall ueciue the corresponding indemnity for the damages, and injuries that may have beenustained,,to be paid by thepcaptors, and, in their defect, by the government by .whom they shall be com missioned. : Xy,TBoth Contracting parties, wishing tolayor their mutual commerce, by. af .ford ing in: their prts every necessary assistance to-their r-bsprcti ve merchant vessels have agreed that, the sailors who shall desert from their vessek in the ports of the other, shall; be arrested and: deli vered up at the instance of the .consul, wjid - shal I prdve, ne vertheless, that'" the deserters' belong to the vessel that claim" thelm, exIii&Uing the dojetrment !thats ! cystoma ry in their nation that is to say , that the Snanih CjoiisuI iria-n ' Anvciiearf port shall exhibit the'rili of the vessel ;M and theiAmencan, consul m a Spanish port the document ; known by tnVrtame of articles ; and if the nam e of the deser-i ter . or deserters who are claimed shalt appearjii trfe pile or the other; they shall be arrested, ijeld in enstodv, anddeliyered to the vessel tp whicli iheyhkirlprnx; XVI. y His -Catholic Majesty- having condescended ta make the cessions to the U..-States which are specified in t lie prew sent treaty, m complirnent tothe United States? wjvh: the object pf' cancelling -ail claims they have df mandedbivthe royal crowri kljefU States wjl certify i due form, that theytia ve hot recei vedy any" compensation' fcnFrancejiur 'the mja riei ythey Suered- from, hfr f privateers consuls and triborjals, on tbecbasts arid in the ports ofipamandhey:willpreient an autnenttcv-statement -ot t the, nrizea madapctpftb . niay vcauu.iHjjpnce uiea-etUrn ot this mcHiiitfe.tv5:;yyy -'." - - ffXVlIj' It being mutiaHy advantageous to the cbipmerce of Spahv and of the U. States, jto ,faciritate t act ween both" natipes'a li bli ted time, in the territories ceded bv this trc atv. on 'relating to. commerce, whih may be best-- adapted f favor the same', the.twp higlt. contracting ; parties j agree: that Spanish, )v vessels which; rnal arriviloaded f4olelc.r ' with theproduceror-manufactnres ., of , Sjain, (lirectlyTrom the pdrtB or colonies : &hail he admitted ?nto al I the.Vort.f th ; two Floritias thai inay be lawfuilVtpen y to the. trade of prev nations, for tho : ! space of tvelve yeaj-s, vhhotit' paying ) i moreduf.ies forih'eir iirodudepr m,erch,anr- fiisy, nor greater tonnage outy, uiiw arelpaid by vessels - of the V States During jiaid limep no other nation shalZ . f be en titled to the same pri vileges in'thO ',. ceeU sterritpries;rh5 twelve years : inall-'negWi three months after excha'ng-i, iug the ratificationi'iif the present treaty-, at the expiration j of said j'timr; Snahisli' vessels' shall Ibe rtcliyefl: in aid trrito rie ;on the same lobthig as the ftiost ta.-' : voreldf nations.-'. . ! ji-.h'" ':'' ' "yXVI'II. The jsent; treaty shall" not .'y; ln 'iyrce until fanned, in 'Pu Utrmjsy the "c. Wactpf' xjaVties ; andytui ritin ; ' cation -r shall be exchnnged in i?c .mpntfcr . fi ' Tri this time or Kbcner possible. . In witness w at ref. we. the underwrite , - ten Pteniotentbriesof hWXatliollc Ma jjt! ty and of the United Sjates of America . iiave sierned. bv virJilr ,f ytfur liowers. tho , s. present treaty ; f lr ii i.dship nc? liniits, ( :; and have thereunto saffixel our sealsre- ' spcctively. - .:;: :' -" '-.., ''':' Dpne at yVashin&on. tb -day ipf Fehrnarv. 1ft 10 4 .'.;- : f Whilst directinir' the aUent our reailers to the above; Treaty (say. the Editors pf the Tat,Tptelliffencerv we cannot Torbeaf noticioc: one fact v connected fuhlit' I neodatiouiand w non-rafificatiohJ i lf. say some.; coni- ) rnentatprsV yjtju Spanisfi Minister had lull power aud autjibrrty1 for ivbatlirj j djd, lustyrin is bound toVratifv the; I reaty. " e riou haVe" a; copy of j th i a ))oSvhri&tit(ijtby the I Kins of shew, hWjcpncrusive' th at document is onthisx point, we;sub1oiii a duotatiort trom;it'i '-':-''. 'r 'l:-' '-r'-J . . ?; King) have -Hrrantedw and br iffi - i - H.W1 Presideritof tho o .principles -ot , the most Peitect equall y and; , itness, to conclude . land sigh v a Treaty r of Avnitv.' whei-rh pastdifferenees rnay be adjusted, and a firm & lasting peace'establ islied bei weeni r the two governments.) ObJ iging ourselFesl iu nereuy voage ourselves, ami fir$mUre, on. ihj wofX: Sf a Xing, tc afi firpveSraljfy, and felfil, and lo causeLtrV be inviolably observed, and fulfilled. 75a soevtr may ke stipulate and trgned. b ' you ; i to; which i intent ,and fmrpose r grant you all authority and htitfoivet: iri the most ampl form;' thereby4 and 1 of r; y,y After this, it is prpsumed ve efiaM hear no more surmises pf a defect of puyer - in -Don Luisi de Oni to con clude a. TrPatyyiVhifij vhw Sovereign : was bound, by the most sacrpd tiesy ratify. : ' ' ' ' ' - BKWARK OF UHK SWINDLES - HB went'otT from Casu'tU Coumvj ti:C:; dnTfeursaay night the 18th pf thliin.' -stantspme time in the oight tit i supoba- v edhe' wi If n ake i jfyi Termssee. He! has gone.'awy-;r:'r eonjtdei&blym tjebbf sides what lie owes me, wh ch jsbouV-Torty ' ' or tft5Tl)ollars. Thi-wfr , knowb by v the nam e ot JAVII) JiRd,, Ptj WJ :' sod &mily,with h.m. Th sa d I3rd is about .' forty-five rs otageabjut, fiyctjteri V inches hfa; a very daTk cbrrplecfea.r . drinks-spirits very freely, Toad of gambhr. but a very,bad.hantl at itri Ail persons will : do well to be guarded gaimt him., v j v ,: .y y --t; !. : -x s. couhra: . ' ' N Caswell Count.. Nov 26." : V53' 3wV " EE respec that ik ncxr- v im. st- the most exped i U on f & tli e cL e v nt. iiuvrum.riuiauCTpinaw nrcumontt and , Italeiglu N C.'is thrbu jh the. City of Wash. ,ibgton. "t'Ut . ::yl v'-ryy r-'-'r--' ' ' h e fkren the' route g ecrtalnly as v'on-l as can be fotmd pniany Une fn i the tjf. States ; nor has this L-ine been interrupted by a single ""lr vVl',.vJ'vrj."7ii,Mc;r- assengers r: Jai&eaJati tympany. fllH E Stockholders of this Cpmpany rtr yXt noticed that the Eighth-Instalment of the original Capital; and ' the Fowrih or Lihe Subscription of Dec, JIS', or SC oi each and every Share ; isr pnrsan; to ; ai 6rdeir pf.th' Piitlcht.'a'xd Dire-.trs, ."; quired to be ptfid tb' Je-HK V3Vi:i"6 4V,, Treasurer," ia Fayette viJlc. on T-t-;rsd the 2rtlt day o: January, 1820- and therovisUWof the C!iartef will Lo forced upW-cvery del ir.nuncv . , ; (-- yy;:p;N-y;'50HNiCLA!ICi;PrV' -FayetteyiHe, 'OcUi '-: 3 i.4jJ ; ; ' oau. irom v jwnmgton CiJy, every day is cepsihe'SahWh if' i, v.-: v- ; . :i f phtladelphiapsr. 22 ' $0 Gv '.. . y . i t 332 amerLdmnts, and thus tjie Ccn- j td in said line to the eatward his Alajes- j rxreen t?tf: two gUvejBactti Hthl til thicaic r - o sale at thy oe; -y..y.v i. v. - ry.r 1 :::-y v..--