... !7 i - '' THE XERdlSES School under the direction pi Ihe - ii U0 j v 7- , Se1!; Mctiny of Jaauary nxV V-'rji c3 ts . ,p--ctble famine! . .J ft tfn; Dc.4lBl9. - roufiy 55 t . . r w rii.A . . rf thin lntiuniion wui mCV'""V7- derate 77r:... s students entTavJin oJetthaUbe differ- thZfL& be imoiediateh , finned, :&frT .V JEFFREYS, Secfy. 'RnTrouScajvellM " . a !. r it... PrVil! Vlf thlS fpHF. r."" . . . i. i . m the 1st and 2tJ S ion. rns?nt. r;: oui winbe resum- OI i.-c vv- r-ctlon cflbe Her. Tlotnas Cotirell, Dis f.dv and Son : v. t:e navr, t ua "u- . . i-et;,nt;rn entirely, to " ' salisfrciion of lhos concerned. '-pcclor Sotttell. snd other respectable fa: i tnUiesintnenehborhoodpirep : .rrisicdAe boarders at $0 per Sessio.., ! !tadvnncP. and an! additional pcnjj ; l eceed:Pg ?5 fV.r Lr ; Tuitt SW -P Sirall boys under IC y ars oKarge vdl be Wsrren County. Dee. 4. 55 tJl WADKSBORO'r. ACADEMY' rTUlE Trustees rf ths AVad-sborouph Aca X demy, feel a nleasure in nnncuTicIr.ir to Ihc nubl-cthat thv. have eraed Ktbert L. Enmorcs. A. M. o su riMcnd .their Sf ininary for die ersuii pycar J Mr. Edmonds is a Gradual of the,uiu- rersity of Glasgow, Scotland, has fir several years "been engird as Princioal of the Nor folk Academy, Virginia, and is 'recommen ded by the Trustees of that Institution, as a rrct'emsn of liberal and refined educatirn, and whose industry and attention to the du ties of his prolession are equalled by few. Jftipils wi!I be carefully taught the follow. ag roujyVt their Jtated jrice.vi Spellmp, Readingv'U'riurgand A-7 .Tithmetic. per Session, ' 5 ( . 1 Engl sh Grammar.with the abote, q12 50 .or separately, " !! 5 tThe Latin, Greek; -Hebrew, anal French Languages, with Ibe Prosody, History, Geography and Antiquities, connected with- the Classicks, Logic, Moral and Natural Philosophy, Rhe toric and Bel!?s-LettresComposHion, jllonefo Geography, with tne ue or the Globes,and construction of Charts md Maps, Astronomy Elementary & practical parts of Mathematics Cht usitry, Sic separately cr collectively. The Truitees hare "also jnade an engage ment with Mrs Julia F Esmonds, to take Owrpe of the Female Department, arid feelj scotr.c-rce in rcccroTTieprjiKg(.-iicr 10 pirj lic atterttioTi, a4 perfectly adequate to teach the following branchcs,andat tlie.ar.nexluV prifes, tiz Spoiling, Read ng,Wntbgc Ar1tb-; Vn F.etic, per Sessidn, ; f- c, ;Er.gl. th Grammar," i : . .' "SI 250 Geography, Astronomy? Corsnywii-N ' tion. libetcric and Belfss-I.eitres, the S S"15 isc ri ire viiooes, c-,:r. t . . ; j : I'lain and OrnamrntaPNeedle Work, Mu- si, Drawing tnd Pamting, will be' taught, but rcr these a separate charge wlfl be made. The sluatiorwis elevated anxlJiealtliy, and fcclds out many inducements to Parents and Guardians," who reside in an unhealthy part trfilie southern states! . v v' 1 i . Board may be procured with the Teacher, o? in private families, at Hfry five Dollars Pfr Kiion.i -., , j '; . ., . j : The ft it Session will commence on the 1st day of January 1820, and termmate the 15th l June foPowing. i The. second Ses'siori tfi'.l commence on the 20tH day of Jane and tsncirute the 15th December following. , There will be a public Examination at the. "fenriiaation of each Session. S - 1 ; The. Female Department will be inspected v Mr. Edmonds, wio rJl be responsible for the progress of 'the Pirpih ir every other respect the Seminaries "'will be distinct w-d separate. TheTru8tees pledge them tthti to Parents atfd Guardiansi who may place children under their care, th. no ex wtion will Ibe spared to ad vancft thlir im provement,' and constitute j their, vlfare wA happiness :c I :-' r '- L lV. V, SMITH. yidesbor'o' N. C. yovr 23, 18196 10fr ' 0 Monday tbe 3d day of January next, will be rented 9ut until the first day of Jsiuary, 1821, all the Town property belong to the Estate of AVilliam A. K Falkener, deceased. '.. , ' .; f '. -f At the same time will be sbld,all the perish Jble Propertfof William and -W.'A- K. Fal er.er deceased consisting of a large and aloable collection of Books, a great variety cf Toys lately imported from Europe, all the Household and Kitchen, Furhiknfe,; coh tistln? of Silver and China, Plate, and; many: articles too tedious to mention. . ' '. . The above sales will be on six months ere-; cht, at the Dwell itig.house lately occupied by Wjlliam Falkener dec in the. Town of War ren ton, N- C and will be without reserve. jV Foid.. and'apprared security will ' be 7 re luired by lbe.CJuardians and Admiriistrator. v james somervell; f - ; ; f JOHN C. JOHN SON; . j ROBERT H. JONES.' WTarrentn, Dec. 1J, 1819. j . '56, 2 v i NOTICE, .rjx-f ' T71LLtAT FALKENER, Esq. late of i T WarTenton, N. C. is dead, arid I have Qualified as Adminlitfator to his Estate. All Arsons indebted are; requested t& make im dia;e payment, and those having claims i r resent them without delay, properly au-'Sent.cated.'- : ' '-';' "' " 'V' - r ' TAMES SOMERVELL.' ' , W'arrentoivDecllSlP.- ; . 55 2 1 Cv W i tMiNGT6N; otel ! TN cotisecniejlce' of, the continued indis-4 position 01 ine suosci,iucr, uc iv discontinuing nisnresent " business. tHe, i ana on tno- if .uJir aL c'i n m. T)nrl l ' i. ..-J : u mciwure illicit iui saic, mi ma vijv ! . ?.rs W be procured in theneigh-, Kitchcn, fUrnlturc, appertaining toWs which lie occupies, he will civeun :and I hep resumes that jt can be rented on. rea sonable terms for an v number"of years: vv Wilmington Nov. 27. ? 54 '4WVVV NOTICE, ' v . The celebrate Horse j . fLJx ki'. Will stand '-theensuinV season amy;SfaWe ratheToVn of War- f f rent on. rrhnci fnHmtw,u -:.u. University ' .hft houyez.in the i S himA 'fMm . .;m ,:n -v V j - 7 " haa . LJerate tetms, at IS hi onnortnt.' l,C;il iJ J m r rrVTIL ifii" r , . II V V- a it V'll'.ll 111 Will I If 1 Wfll" m 1 TT T B tJTVff A 1 1 FaU:V;-;herrn!iV &cVilV'bevmadl Jtnpwin inilue.tiine.';'"-- ri?) V Warrentoni Nov. 12. 1819;;: "54 tr ON the. J Oth lav- f of January,' .1820,'. at ' Richmond ll'dlin Rowan County, will cmmenee the Sale of the.Tersonf 1 Esiat6 of the Jjtte Col. RichmohdPearspn, sen. decd. 1 nd,continue from day to day until, finished : COnsifciinR- 01 u larjjc tuaqi.itjr " vuv, ,i u bacco.' Corn, Flour and Grain; pf erery de scription ; Fodder,. Horses, Oxen,, a large stock of Ciftle and ' Hogs, Pork, , &c. also, iVapgons, Carts and Varming;Tfols of every, description, Stills, &c'. also, at jive same tim; "will be hired, for the term of twelve month's," '9 Ti'rber of -valnableNegroes, among- them il'ers, Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Wag- 1 v : ners, Shoemakers&c Also, atthe same time will be leased; the valuable Saw and J GristIills of the deceased, onThird Creek.i Also,"' he. Mansion House and Lands attached to i, together with the valuable Merchant Mills of the deceased, on the South River, all of 'which Mills sre well known to be si tuated on never failing ' streams. AlsO, at theam'e time, will be leased a number of Plantations belonging to'said Estate, to wit ; Boon's Meadow, on the south side of Third Creek :The Plantation between Third Creek am! the Somh River ; arid t,wo other I'ijtnta'iiMs adjoining the same ( , Also, the Plantation usually denominated the Old Place, or Seat of the deceased, upon which there is between two and three hundred acres of open' land of the best quality- Also, that valuable Plantation usually call eel Stokes' Quarters. Aiso, several other Tracts of Land adjacent to thoseabove mentioned. Upon all iinese 1 laiuai who ant natia ui fisting of some of the most fertile and valua ; bK I.fcnds irt Itowkn County, there, is a due moportion ot open land, as wen anaptea as any lands m North-Carolina, to tne growm and cultivation of Coiton, Tobacco, Corn, Small Gr:dn, kc. The terms of saleand leise will be liberal, and made known on the day.' ' i E. PEARSON; . V ; J. A PEAI5SOX, 56 2t Executors. NICW'GOUDS ; U For Sale at Jitition. 4 THAT valuable STOCK OF GOODS, purchased of Ifoiton & Jirame, Jn ihe me'hj of April last ; comorising a e'eoico and, extensile, 'assortment ot-.f. t-.-X.l-i-XVJSOA'JinLE a FAycr ARTICLES, ' !'' ' CO N3IST IMO OF ; ; . ' ' ' ; ;I Fine and Superfine Uroadr Cloths, ' ' - ' Single and Doubled Milled Cassinretes,' ; .-.Flannels,;.' . :' ;.v -f ",. Blankets, ... . --. '. " . Vi; Negro Cottons, vj 4 A, large variety of Stockings, t CLmens,- U . " '"..-'.'"' " -: : - CambricSfMuslrns, . .'' harhware; &cf. &?: .; ; v - - AlljBfwhteli-9iUl.be aold .wUhout jreserve, as I am about lo,remove from this State to the Alabama; , . J ' V - .The iAuctmn ' "will take piace on the SE CO NT) MONDAY jn January, J820, and will continue from day ..to day until all, is sold. , 3Tie TERMS oT sale .-will, be . for; all sums under' SI 0, 'cash above", ten and ;"fiot exceeding glOO.threcmohtbs credit j above one hundre,d and riot exceeding S2004 six months; and a)ove two hundred, ;nine mon; hi , .credit, j , For i i&l hi sums3 tbove 1 00, .notes, negociable. at either of; cur Rantr. with two eood endorsers.Vwill hexe- quirei, For those under One hundred, Coin. raon tictes,, with approvea securiiy will pc, taken. , . V.: , . ' Merchants at t distancend m tbe;ti?ini- ty of .thiij place, are respectfully' jnvitcd to. attend. v,,.',.i: .S. -n I. ;f w't; ' At'ihc!iiVtime nd nlace will: be sbd all mV HOUSEH OLD 'and KILO HEN, FURNI- TURK, that I xlo not tafce vitii me v . r ; v : wmscott. Raleich. Dec. 9: ' -V- 55 it J.t s P. S. Iti sh6uid sell thelaboveStocis; of Goods; before Christmas, 1; shall gtye no tice thereof in timeto jareventdisappoint ment.: Tshall not dispose of them in a lump atter. that day. ,? ', : . k W. S. : ; V ALU A BLEi R EALSc PERSONAL PPOPCHTV T?nt ICS A T Ti! .'" rHpic suDscrioer . intencjfng 'to; leave mis i .county, - offers for . sale that valuable flaritation weltknown by , ihe name.of Pabs-f pect Hiirf Bladen connty, 'formerly bwned by Erie Lallerstedt, Esq. situated on the west side of the north west, branch of Cape Fear river, nineteen miles below Fay etteville and the same distance above BUzalieth'town, containing in all abgut two thousand ."Acres. gahce of situation and buildings isrinferiof to! feW in the State. it consists of two dwelling Houses, twbTKtchens, ;two. Barns, Stable, Carriage Hodse, Bldcksmith Shop andaaw. Mill it a short distance from the river, ithe creek affordingtwo mill seats besides, beFng abbilt three miles ' from Big Swamp, which waier may be brougtit by , a ditch tojiupply anyfinaclunery that may be establish ed.s- v4 i - Also, about 28 NEG ROES of difTerent sexes arid ages, which may1 be sold with' the Plantation, they being acquainted ;with tlie soil and its culture. The purchaser may be accommodated with Cattle, llcgs, Horses ard all the Uter.sils used on thd said plantation, with Corni KodderHayi & also "witliTlouse hold and Kitchen Futniture&c" -i:.y?j v, f . k. For terms,; which will be made accommo dating to the purchaser appiyr at thejplace aforesaidi . : - '!'5 ". ; ; ; r IV A. TARBE, ' Octob'erSai' 4 i 42 onenen at j, uraies-s suvs- r B LK.TL.i on AianeieannxHiaiMc,MoiwM Ol vols,AGf ntleman jane? liadiejs JPackct Boots for 1820,1 Scott's (Tales of mv Lanu. lord 3d series, -also his Pdeticil Vorts, 5; By the same author. A)firroIy,?Kundf Waierly, Kob Mofp Antiqqary -ana. uy ;iarr-. nerife.'- MeAioujarof tbf haadelphia;AgFi- cultlral Society 4 vols; 'Bora ej usnanar Sincfairis Code oticujiurpe ri a ota. dical Compinioti-Tlnrantryi. w" Platte, 2iqlK',-tteirff-',owi."KvrTr? SulU and Be Retr Memoes D? 5 ery i.oicM. uVwi;, ..-..--n ,r rk iA.. ' ,A. I mm I. f T 111 T1PFI K -3 1 4iV91itU Wa aaV.. 4n"dflhimc'.lat.9iRilfTil nag yoixvovtcc oi ou m'v',"V- t f J Leit, Letters from the Moutta'r.s, Letters from Souths Kn'ckerbOcket'$ New,.york, almfctmdCiFeHowChristiahW Mil wtighv'. Gnide,Ameri'an uuAiier, Ame rican Bpeeches,Tylors inqmry, piisiory, oi theBfle Society, Life of Beal;ief Life of the Bisho olXandalf.roiive Branch- De StkePs Frencl Revolut;on,Chateaubriani' Recollec tions, Kletish's Ti unfiling tiompaj on. , .1, N: CKROLINA BIBLE S( CIETY A'.Tfhe annual meeting of this Society, ,on X, Monday last, the following Resolutions y Resbtvjsn, That Ministers of the Gos pel, I c every denomination, beMihl iclv in yited this Sqc'vety to disiributi thei Bi bles 1 kndahatey.lie,riust4dtb,give notice! at the conctusion of their service, whenever ' thev shall I think kuch hot irp will prpdtide any goodffect, thajt if tljere be any poor pbrson present who is jdes'tiiutevof the Bible, and cannot afford tcj purchase one, that siifch person may be supb lied with" a co- py gratuitously, on application t such) Mt nisier-1; t - 1 . i .... j. - RESoLVCDVTbat, in case where persons prefeVgiviBg a reduced, prile for a Bible to accepting of i t grat ui toualyi th at Jil i nister s be authorized . to receive i reauced pi ice fbf tf;."f..CI i--r$) . f t. , . Invttjrtion is accordingly tnade to all .Mi-, nister 8 of the. Gospel to cat! at;r.or send to the Book-Store of the Secretary of this So. ciety in -Raleigh; ;forf any hamber of copies of the Bible apd.Testament.w;jich the may 1 f. . . . 11 ! 'tt 1 .. . uV.rv.i j: ..j oe OJ opinion ujcy win ue ajic to .iusju.-?t- mi, agreeably to the intent of toe above Jtesb- lutions, ..within a reasonable time. - fv !, V By order, J. G ALES, bec'y. Rale gh.j Dec. 14, 4 TEMALE "EDUCATION. finHfi Exercises of the Female School at J. 1.0ng Meadows. iwilt he returned on the last'Mthday m Jai Uary next, under the tu rectionTOf. Mrs Graves.' Ik this Irfstitutio'i are taubht- Gramnar," Geography.- Moral'St Natural -Philophy, - Astr oajfny t togic, Rhetoric; and History it a!tt:Needl2-Work, Drawing and Musiet j Boarding and I'uton will berjFifty-five JJoIlar Sessjion in ad vance l except M usic and , t Drawing for which tpere will be an .ve.xiraTehae': y The gteatest atteiition,wJl be paid "i;e morals and relurknis "instruction of pupils put uridir-lourcare I ....'( ;".'-1 .' - ' V rkliU A H; Gl AVES) rindipal. j;DcccTnberT7;8l9.: 57 5t iGRDES i FOR, SATiE. : e .soid on Friday he 4th day of FRruary tiext, for Cash, at thejStore of. MesfTiC Jlery; Wiikea&Co Abojutme mile pom Anlhony'a Ferrj, n iaaoke Ri ver, and; xe'','miiebAfevtKe JLOfst cf VYindiot i from; Fdfty tbfottyffe'' likely 5EG40E:;consistior of ;Uen,omeiv Bpys. and Gls, belonging the pslate of1 Wm'AVohnston, ,dccd.'IS-: fvf l- 4 .tjBRirmN,;.Exy,tv. BeVtjefC,'4ty? j 6 If.tfT. 'A "r BOA'RDG 1 N iMW UBVllQ -l rin a E'Subscribjjr-having rew 4nl Houses JL latebccopid 4)y; MrsMilnerj nar the Mile Academy haalmad.i preparations for th'eraccommodaiion otVjKhtr tra!Coar dej3, f orltlieeiJsuirig yearVvrvW: r NIEL SHJNE iDec:-ll81V h , i iiu . r 1 " i . ' ; " - ' ':,;-IKAviASi sTTAS ;Wst received at; (hiiSiore at Mason Olali; liiS;VaIl Go(4?v -cI 1 fbfale 6nJ the, fewest rrii for cash or country. produce No crekiit gyerv l! j v .' N A II IhoiewhO are, indebted either by Note r .Book amount, arpr equesled to come tor- ward. ar? maKe.immeaiaie .p?vnicm, as.no lojiger iedtdgence wiiioeivei ; : : Nov" $7U819.r"f v.v-r f54 4t H Ati N,G forrreb a jfir rnershwhh Mr, James Vali for thprpofeTof iocat ing t,apdwjirtantsy in the jat e acquired 'ieri ritory From the jChickasaw' IridianstinUhis Stated fireKave; spared no 3ain$ WmaSeur selves TWell acqaintetl wiih the situation of the'frdbd yacint land in this-ection of coun try. Tbehible iis to :atejUiies Iawj;vltJJ' oiit infeiferirf witli the bid sbrTeVs. we have procured f coin Jlete transcript bfajl the bljl sufveylMd r eniries frbirtwhich ;W&ia'ys-r iormecKi.voHicww ui ucMj . tbemf aftUC from : searchea hAve already flaade; we , Ii4cded'lfe' findinfr ii iiimber of the orlinilcoraera ar d marks; whereby we are enabled to' -identify the greater tportion ot lesejianasr f Jwr; Vaulx&Cb with one btueScyc& Co. and occasionally two; dUir LSryeyors &c. have' beejvc0.nstantiy':empl6ye4 for several months past,, in ascertaining thetskuatioti of shall continue our united exerti mt until dot tnformatipnshall be Gill and co; apletei; , ' We txot Oiler our services to aU5V&rran holde,rfvhi ciay wish their wirrants loest ted.- We wittlbcatealfwarrant which may beplfced'in pur hands, survey be lauds so located irndl obtainlhe granu i ntlie name of the olimerall at our twn epepsej, and chafger. for siacb, . reaspnable wirtions of the lands so located as is cu$toi tary in such esses we -i ill cause all warr nts, placed ill our JbandsjfoT locstiOD, tp'be dju;dica(cd as may bermfedby Li w ant , dpinrh'at ver else fjmay bfreqtiMiite to per ?ct titles on such ITx4iUCbmuiii :atibos ad dressed tij mtt'athlle; shalltwprjftmpi ly'attendcxiiPiiad4 give td thisef Unog ata distance! relative t6 their wataiiij pr,laj;wl(l:;.tfgiv;.$Bi' sppucatton.. " cv KdhMfjTetOet.l A 45 "5 Ill, - ' tistii; Traces liPoliticaViPComy, rnjiips on iJland ;NaiatIon, SattlUI'on CanalsK ell's Nl edical .tompanion,B well Mdiesi Me- . - . ... a It is PtMMfiatQUT General As-f enibl y. wil l ri?to-dajr or, to-morrd w. penor uiurt? ir we piace 01 juuge, Tmer'resigne4v-.JV i In )'i.e Scpafe iy mi no U9 speech on the' sVtgect ffom.JM r. Oastony the. bill- fr IowWing te sala-j ry of the Judges of the auWetne Coprt, iJefimtcij,he;;;Kes HheHouse of Couinons,propO!iP2:l a-? mend the Constitution of the Unietl States,' :'so as to exclude foreigner froiu oJffice. ' ':..4- '"':r-V':-W t -.-i ! - ts j'vlMri D 1 insbi), Sejiaf or from New Jersey 'h'as 'asatn brought "forward . the j Bronosition which .orurinateu . in tin relate, for amending the? Constitution .so as to make an uniform mode or e lecting Electors for electing the Presi dent and Members of Congress; t:;:VVe vvish.it may be successful. "V; i i ' ' - .. ' . Jllurder.On Saturday night last, a negro irnan, nmeu Uamel, tne pro- i perty or. Mr. vv iiiiam. Kurnn, or truss city, was shot in thei. yard of Milling-j ton Rkhardsonf (at- whose house his) wifb was servant) by one of Richard-; son's workmen, named IFilliamTack' eft, whii it is supposed had an irbpro-j perconnVcion with'-his 'w-ife 4Thei negro j survived bjj t half an hour.; Tackett is committed to jail, to take liis trjakat the next Superior Gotirt. f i FirintfliThomas Mann Ram! dol ph was,, oji Friday Jasi, ejected Go-J vernor of the State of Virginia for the ensuing year. Bu rWel I U.Bassett i and . Uyniv Banks: were also in nomination' for the effieb; ';:- X J(:IJa r James Pleasants, now a Member of the Flouse brRepresehtatives froin the s t at e 'o f V ijrginia, has bee n el ec ted a Senator of the United States, vice John-, VV; Eppes, resigned, ; .-..::v j u jarylan(t.---Sa.n? Sprigs of Prince 'Qeprgfe County, is .elected Glverhor pif the Statfef Maryland, fiir the yarf: ensuing. ;' . hj't iy : . 1 'Ed w'd IJoyd a ii i . V i 11 i a m t'i n k n ey are elected Senators in C,onres from tne atate or Marvianu. .JiiUgevlLooDei r has, been Reefed Proi fe.ssbr-of Chmistry;in the. South Ca- n . a . apt. Ilode Savannah.. in 50 days from St Peters burg (Russia.) via Co p e n h age'n , A i u n?. del. Vand Norway, , and . 53 days froqi h flings,, all well, and:to use Captain j Rodg.er3.wn phras.e,7eir a screwy bolt9yor rope ; yarn . -pcrried, aj thougjh sh e exp e ri en c ed ye ry ; rough weath er : j- f . The folloiviha: apnears in theianers r ec ei yjed -vb'yituV i as t a rr i val s from En--J y v. by an act pt l'arlramtnt, 59th ot . Mis Majesty, G ea 3,c. 54, A me ri can o r Fori-;, fpguesships ;or. Vessels4, enteno(qil tpucKiivat any of the ports bf the United i Kingdarhare to pay ho hig.hef light 4nar payable oniBfitisK ships. - jv yr ;HNykpVGoi tTpon every storm, and every"deu? c.iekti&op.ft'e;W!and' of the ! West! ipdie.ar:tipen This;isaisingular kjnd' tsf ) policy tut we go to the West-Indies, as ihe akers.Vcarts go to the houses!' A Any bread- to day - May : "ive call to-morrow Wlat natne. is ; given o this tirid;.ToTHhuckiieiia woma oe concent lonr in tm content ions: in this, way:; wit hptfany'ste cannot th e West-I n d ia v Isl and s'bej numberedl and sh tbfe trade vset 'olf to thehi tiy; the wek thaVeacK niayi have be i ri th e n e ilhb'olrhbbd watphi n& ' our opportunity; : -t aaiem Meg. E -t no Americans: arnye, and it is too late tci I bo kfunany : nip re : this season i-fj pplfqf ty-f oil r, have passed the Soiififl thieirl. Thelews .. haveibeea,? pf jialfe veevereiyS handlediriiariy parts;! or Germany ? about i4 dayi ago y :w re attacked ia'thii city bf the jir j hossv broken irepaired, and (kenpagain 6irinilita'wert called Put, and hareieeii ever since doi n ';Ia ty in tilffcrent parts of the tuw"9 iu Keep.uruer.uiaiiy or me ri oters have been7 arrested and- some it-CQhettdJt thW house of coirec- , tipn(hkrC1ao9r' teToiiie;'' two,- jt KhreeyearsMessiMe ers pouse was severe ty na mi reu.- It has caused corysiderabfe confusion f : 4 eyacfeif oi urense - wwiar., FR1DAV TJECEMJ3ER 24, 1819; roiin College, vice Ur Ed wd bmitn, rgHinsi.Hie,tyrapnyf.9 unierng, ; mer--. ; ; , f v "l - : .. ,v i;,lj measures, have long disgraced the crowh ' vannan.'CaDt. Rodeers, has arrived at UW m;n in rW.ia A-rti?b f..;.,i . : . . isxtracroi a letter trom Uopenhagen, dated '$o$ipeititiiiniie fciserably dull : f t 80171 4rV?nlc Ii f fibf Jl f? p although here has "been no rioting for the last 3 or jS 3 , ; ..-w:. 1 1 ; It is reported that .the famotn 'JeV 1 ; banker, Roihsqhild Jnijicnant .at tlie .i ji' tit ' . r'l " t " . r- :t .:( in Treatment or nis Dreinren irj ren- toh, lia s reYused to'discnu nt tic pa- i,t ' ( pei? of any -of the bankers in the towq j : IwW ch persecute.! the. Israeli tes.i This '. 1 sa I ; fas ' 'greatly' in cony en jeijbed, r V ; -refu the; coinmerco between England anil jGermany,;and has even paused somtv .stoppages or pamepis; lyoung": ventlerrieipfBoscawen Hi ) ; t)n . the 1 i . Tnst. made hunting iyyVy.r .iriTthejneliiboring woods, and return ; fed Rttwilightj'. with ;665 greyari j red squirrel heatIycock5, hawM? :! y owls, ducks jartridg c (bits, muskrats- minks, rhtfge: ( foxes, and ' otters " This (adds" th&i M: jOiiu-ia aucouuii vasiiy.citeeus um H'f r ( THE PHILADELPHIA GAZETTE. ? 4 mer nuniin in -joscawen, anu wep-. ? , Aiove it would place, even hsKatp . ' I shooters of the west in a quanuiryi V 1 FRCfr Jfriend. Rdf j X( cr c' ,is Jia Itjib winto? bat acts'- ot madness and1: despair the , r " concerns; and cares of ths (world may' vanve poor trail human nature. jam. told, th it two .vounr. men of. your city tri'n - ' :Kialfagreed ia take each others lives r V ; Last Sabbath afternoon was the appoint ed tune ! , and the ;. neighborhood - of thi V town the fatal spot ! What could induces - them toN be accompanied by friends can-. ' not be imagined ; unless it Was in order: " v, after the 'destruction' was finbhed, to bev ? sure that their bodies shoufd- be decentfy.' - mierreq, insieaa oi oeirrg. ie,n a pry.ior ,ft the crows ! But so Jtpvas I .TJley met I with the engines of death" V They fired av ' each other JFve tirn'J ) J j and, theay. j agreed that it was better to Gye .a littlet ": , longerJ ;.' r r . .vlj-;-'-'.r . . . Thine; ; - vH The handbill calling another rrieetV 5, ia; TjoNpoN, Ava:s ;giverilm;,thesef; 102 strong tcrms ' ... T . .i" t-jr? 4 - unucu unions w j.nsnmen i . Vv?; t. . i : You have 'asked for reform j You have beeir slaughter yvijth thes J f 1 s wo rd,; y e t j u sti cV is delayed JIjon d drf ; '' Ime-Kts btMondky: :Nr4rer v jat 12 oloc: at noon, in Finsbafyarket : " . 1 place; - Sua street Finsbtirytrce, tc i address the Prince for ii redress of grievK ances. ... -vx -y '';,-;v;x:- :''a;" i''.r ' f , Let all. industrious' fases'; consult" ; their ' own good ; the, intolerant and. the ive QdeiiosW their ; love of freedom, then; will jq e; frejemeirj . and vio -tnaike: oire fnoafiimi jhe' ; Prince : .to th'r': himseli ihWHhe 'aYm i ifs a high-spirited and genercple a. oue'man to '.declare: tiifoseltihe fri'i-nrl H U if A, N I Tri jf US T I G l5' CCLtB lRTY! AhA : .unlike his predecessors, Instead of Incorr por,atingA tpwnbr uponjiim tjo jmrabrtalize his name by en-J . franchising ..whole ntionsL .;;Can onemanv will one man resist the Voice. b million's tr:ii i.:n: fi-ii...:.Li....i..,,j. ' " - knaves the th ye. living patriots, whose hearts bleed for h your dead and dywg tor ydur .famisheav ,. and; famishing country faiks ! .Forbid it ; every man whq has soul to lie free, and. .f uiuiuiKf juv evej- uc 4iac aupes Ol i - l -.Etid JlVyei Weiabed 'SDirits"ofiif t: ' brave,Mhose.ci;imson,bathel :so: oft r " e sacred shrine of ' liberty ! Forbid irl. V c courage to resist oppression j j, mo. longer? . .. tenipizewitlr your fearsrllNo longer ." ' to theiwot-d of powardsj kiiavs ani plunderers. ?.iY6uc:.rni?eries are intolera- , ' bre 1"he dadelivranceijs atHhand- o'udesiins .reiiiaija; with . ybu reives. t r ; Ypurfathcrs. beca-nte . free by their (cpu V rage. ,Ty rnt Vere never.subdued" br covrardiy submission, UBritcsiU liever turn reriegadoes and aposta'tize from the heroic cause of liberty vtnd :just!ce 4is- K NlayedbythirSnJNEVsaridllAMPfipvc'i' X I fhe times are now portentous.ii 1HiduV"vv- ' sanaspi ine most userui people die daily -of wanhe cries -of the pressed rises' -up to lleaveh," and call aloud ior ibstirVt - upon the guilty authors tfJtheirsurTerinitsJ' his heru fori vour .v ., pvw,v jJousTju ue past, ana. " onte.more( offer td-thetnce the hand o -' v v gofellpwshiptTry, in the awful cirW' curstances of thimes-whether: he ha;; f thej wisdom to take impress it to his heart, V S antVxciaini aioup--i,i grive wrongs' Put 1 willnOw.be 'WiC;l-9f foniori dare no&&::Sf'k Vise Oim nrftinsf P knnhH.nTU.. L. ..- , ;. theoice ot reason, of justice anct of iher "V -cy; -Briton no longertrifle) withyour ' ''-- '.arigEu I; Awake, to y '; erMng arous Tomy, eholdie ghostsofvouj mangled fnerid&Xr, they cry .aloud Be firrji beoldf i -i you would atoid; bur;ffate t biit.: preserve V;r. ' ; peapeieer odl order !; respect' prri ; op- : K ii A&5AUKE AN 13 MURDER?! proposed to be vniihtrih f.w Gen Cw Jbheis; of thiii citv, will: we leant, ajjjcar UCAl UIOlTiU.' Harrisobi t)f Jones CountyAhd lt: Mary . Mumford; widq w of Bryan M uai - . ,Qn the lrJth inst. prVnthony W. IV pey, of Windsor v Anxl on the same di, ' Mrs. Bunch, of Bertife county;;' ! : yl ;X)nthei9Lhinst. JVInATtW Huttn ' '"'.:T , - Thenfst luimbe y Magazine proti5se4 to be tniihtrh f. Y4 -: ,' .i:.' ' died. f 1 1- : - -'- . At Ililhborougbl.a fcw.daysari V7ri!v J Wayne; bookbinder, of tliia city K4yi':' ' In Kewprn ' on the 2d inst. MrAne-' ! i A,: A.1 . f ;".'.i! : I f )'. Vf v., :(' ' w ; ...... . v

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