.yy. s'f ? . s.-V 1 V;-: 1. I -r II v. it II 4 li U ,4 ii." IN I I r- l i'iim i - f 1 ii T ifcn if M - .... POKTRY. I i 4J THE SL A.V E ;TK AT)E. . f Clan, ' . ) ' thVbanlshinC waves, The poor disinherited outcasts of Man, , thi h,imM of :he kindred; their foreta- I is titer's graves. .; tre; friendship, and eonjogal blls, rtrM' ftn the hoarv abvsi; The buairK near ineir 5arft, . ""-"e v ... to-dav, : i J ' t- fcmand- of Hie spoiler; his share of the ;"ThR-'jdyto he temst that whirls h em And n,cj vheir destruction its sport! ,Jut jjtoo . to the winds tha propitiously '. j breathe, l Vlnd' vaft tf.em In safety to port ! hete the yniroresiand Vampjres of Mam v mon reaortr . U -:. . r Vhere Europe exuitinsly drains, , CTbe lifobteod from Africa's VeinpT-' r Where Man rules o'er Man with a merciless -'rod.:-. ;'. -" ' " - fnurm. at his footstool the knacre of """ I c " L - j Tie hour Is approachilip- a terrible hour i ; Vengeance isbend ng her bow j Already the elbuds of the Hurricane lower, Att lhe roMt.eniIinP""VVhirlrinda bloV,t l?aek olli the hupc OccaiiHell ooois The floods rctcrp ficadl6nj-4hev srefp The Slave-cultur'd lands to the Wp s" ' . n a, moment cntomb'd ialhe terrible voiu, By their Matter himself in his snger de . s'rovMi - -:v: ShaU thi "be the ftte of the caneanfed rorelbvelv than r ' Bds in' the west. : When the Sun o'er she Octal descending in' ' f Smiles,1 - - s s jftlv andsweeilr to rest -1 Vi -t-r oF Mercy'! befriend the op- prest. 1 ,.;;' ;. . : At be voce of ih-Gospel of Peace. ' .- J cnrin nf Africa ceae : . And the'-Slave and the Master devoutly ; s jl : 'ttnite ; i .To walk v tKv "frted'o'm, ahd dell m. thy VTrtUT. ni.Hipnf d fiaTir.ff bualTied at lb I mlfer .Term of Kobe son . Cour iy n.i't Vxteutor to the las - Will of J mw Terry sid County, calls upon all 'persons V4o atsrtd irdbtd to the Estate df ae &e-.ces.-ed to ffiike tnrncx!ite -payment txtd all i; ose,bvin'R; any jdeinarrdsai?ar.st said ilt e ire dei!retl to recdeir accotm.s oi thtn-f hat they niiy be rf scharced i and if itt'bruirebt 1br-d1n due tlroe, .theywil. be1?Vrred accctd-rg rp Tc. 11 1 3t rrIIF-ternh Jl tliislnstitntion closed on tne eyeninj: rt. h The different classes Ul MV ' I r..u f r.niiih Grammar. vvix. UCtho .Kir. Rtrniolcnrvi Svntk:and prosody. vith Etync4cEtcal and Syntactical yT in-; r?.-Geraphy, . Log&rVhms, Geo- and on R,hetoric7 TJrc classes in jjub xvere the Grammar;.!F bles, Ccs .r. ytr gil and a'cero; in Greek, the Testament J nr? f;rr.a -Minora, r. V. ii . " .3 Ac the close T the Examination a purn- j ber of yH6B Gentlemen Qenycrxi single speccheslmany xSf them exhibit-. ing a hih, degree of proficiency, antj.per ! fertton in thi useful and ornamental pan f Educatioiiv-' . , V .. . r The m ;Uor'- of tlie. Examination was highly' satisfactory, ta the Twratecs. 1 - The exercises of the Academy will be Ur resumed ni the first ,-Mpnday insanitary demv for- nearly t tour V V: 5eion U! terininitc on a eunesaa un ., r t vt thn vpr.nr.d SesSlClt Will close ' on 25th i November. Jloard, 50 --per Session - Tuitioti froingll to 15 per. . Session4: MrVHilJ,;the Principal, and se- VeraJ other i-espctable families in War. i-entcn are 'prepared; to accommodate aSEOA Nov. 25 1819. 54 5t WAURENTON. FEMALE MiAUVY. fllirV Exercii es of 'this Inslitntion will re- T commeeon; the fmt Monday in lanu. Yf.ur.or Larties arc u34t ... 7. T .1. , , hir icctr. Beiles.lettres.hemtry, Ka 'ural Philosophy aft iWwtbm y .... . lrl.-.l,1.!rhi . and the DrO accoming xq tnnr ry--fc";vv ' were- exam bed on Spelling, Reartmg, tv,.;?ni. . A'thmetic; on Jthc different m..trt Tsr Trirftnometrv : on .icuui,nui j of heights and stances of Areas andv So j till 3 jng and Muslm Work; Reading,Orthogrtphyr lmmar, r Parsing. rirmeUc, . C.eoirraDhy with the use he GJobts, My; vritlr them trom- -mii' "-,--. .. 1 V rmadeby --their Wpy " ! , , betrn ir North-Carolina. rTbeSyttemf to? .. ' ' Cation pursued in- this Seminary , is to fur. ' , -ish d,e mind with-.a knowledge of Mit: t d t the memorr wUh ronly-, .The PupiU -are all boarded in eFamdy ofihe Principals; -and ate thereore opt,esposed to, , the darker insepralfr from contray, prp -.v. There are two SessXw and-:.btit:oneya. .tion in the year; tlie first Session icoromen. rf " ' Vts on the .Urst Monday io January, end ends ' J , Km ttip second comrneT.ces, jShi5f ends in tbe rniddle of Novcer :?SS LaJy tofu msh herself with j Cover- iiifa pair of Sneets, Blankets and Towctap . Tes perfeessiob Board and :Tui- tiou intheibovebruchesare;b5. - lyrawing.' Music and Dancing are, also "u'uht. but for each of these therms a sepa- OSEPll AKDhHWSfPr nci j THOMAS P. JONES 5 PffIs; : r:n. Deis. ' : ""---56U15.,; rV thef.lu .dayofJanui nld.in the town bfYind dJfxmbnthBrVENTlP HIB- ri Fttf of tiaJdy Athburn. dec - -- " . . .. , mHfi Exercises; of this ?u 1 commence pn'.thefirstXfonday inJa- nnkrv next, underthc crc .of tlie R?v, ??ra2Vftkcv;:Ute pFPran County, TriKtSes' flatter themselves thai WW in, ' Andmv is situated in A much aucnu " v mgr may 7 , 5rfnitr. for: ?0 nr SO dolars Per annum, or 3a or 40 dol or in) ,0L . v tx arirnhxtfledir-, larspef Session. ed Acai i t mte pneeor iKf &... r w v w m n, rill' i iiii l iliev will receive. .-.- j-T - ScfSatronaEc.' The Trustees have a so xbepleXI of annonncing to the pubi.e that i Fcroalc- Academy will be opened n oSro' on thelstofJan'y next; bvJvSPoUv Paisley; daughter nf the. ouatified to (eh6h all the tisetxi! Aul or Sal nrihehes ; of Sconce usually autrht in Female Acadcm.es i.fe this S excepted. ; Thts trustees flatter them,e!ves that parens r themselves of this oppnrtnmt educat ing their daughters, ana ti.ucau, Hon in future w.ill be.bestcjyl on thexul- much neglected in: the western ai. v. Br order of the lw(?-r y . ' ' A? GEREN, Sec v Greensboro', Gndforrt ounsriw Thr imported '.f torse ,. GHANCRj WiU slant! the cosnVj .---An .,.rmW stLle near Tfrhnru5ih, at j i25lhe season.' with S to.tue prnmn, Viable for accidents, he . . CHANCE is qf fin? size, uncommonly thAre of bone and sinew, and other- "-.j - ----- , - -,.; t nf exeat uniformity- of racinsr povver the TiorJoipnin.Araojanj .ia,M v- " ," ther of the Turf !) Flying Child rrs ; the no; tetlmuura'i oy ire ,vcck a"'-' r-j. cot thVroTd td Hbck ami all lllack,,tv ho tras a boM rtinnrr, wmulnc: a 30 Plate in his covennsron-. Chance's Pedipree i ti to any to be" found in the whole annalsof rac inc blood, r.haice bcat-.th cttdrated Socmen and: efekter, rsch, at. 2 and 4 miles- Tbo$teleJrated 'runners, run Iieir tlbrf over : the;1)neasler Course. 7 .' vard's in the mile, l ts authentically Pvcn, ' . . . .- . . - . ...!. Till that thcvr .uoiteti speeo ant dou"" lbs .f their proper weight in this 'country) tdd enable them to rut? 4 miles . within t 'itnntM "0 srfnd Tho. unou aretro- sprctive riew, the united j soed and bottom of Chance., may be 'omnsrl to that of Fly- mg Childers, C vears old,' Ufclbs, running miles vanla in 7 m'.nntcs 30 seconds Eclipse carrymglf81bs on 'p: Iwck, running, a . 7 io voVfla tn 8 minutes. Matchcm St J Troj.T vear. old.'.l Vlbs 4 miles 353 yards J IJestless, 5 vwr old. 119 ; over : vo-jc Course, 4 roiles .550 yards n 7 mmr.' .-13 secf:nd-i,and lfmiitonifln- H5, nramoou t. h6J. h 6 ears old run 4 mil es 353 yards in 7 min. l.Pecorids. Chance has gottrry some r K.t rtmnyc n , Enirlaml : tie 13 irc r r:-.'!,: ' urtVn, .rrnved 'himself to' D'C; V- K.t varrild riinnfr n all tnavrng ,- kNitn-tvt hv tliie F.mperor. AleM nt iron tTu'rirVai ! Chance's ..ideal 1 stock in this cotlntrr, is d beueye yenr ani' v , old, or if arv older, not trainfa r been trahd hve proven to be good w inners. VW T w.fVrtAi name: I ujii not-advised of.by letter won aVl tW e days at Portbacco, Maryland. " Mr .enefer's Coh when 3 years eU, won .ver the Washington Lourjje mi.. beats, bating two Ather Cblts iWith ease .this Spring, 4 years old, he ; won aStvjeo Stakes over Port Tobacco Course- 3 tad e beats, beating' three rery fine Colts. -.M-Stonestreet's Colt, by Chance, won hi day 2 mile heats- ' (I.suppose those 2 Cobs to be Multum inParvoi and Vaijguarci 1 x.y, a, the- tim e of running 'not emgnamed, sand one of thempxtbably, the propei-ty of som e one, not the present, owner.) Mr.- -B6yd s Colt, by Chance, last year ; 3: years old, won the Jcikey Club Purse at MaTlborpugh, . 2 m'de heats.'since, he has receTyed an injury land not trained -tbtsyear.' Multum in Panro and Vanguara,.ru vu. -..t.u fc o.-mu-ton. " Atlarlborougb, Multum; in Par'o .won the Jirl heat, ruti ; 2 to an aged Archi bald gelding after winning the ftrst .4. mile heats, batmg '4' others. r Vanuard walked over for 2 mile heats no rppbsition ) After which, they went to Portpbacco.and weft both days , they1 were then" taken to Leonard To wn-Multum In ParvO was there sold, and hej with Vanguird,v (both by Chance) an; others, started for thejirst day ;l was Avert by Vanguard, but a hard, race between the two brothers ; tlieir opponents no Ayhere (distan ced J ' At Washington 4 mileheat Maltum 2d to Maria by Sit Afchy, abjed, beatirtc 4 others, and iy,ns drawn C after the 6rst heat, 2 days thereafter, he ruii apd sron, b m;i--heats : beating ai Floiizel of ;the same asre Vangti rd beat m il e heats with "caae, Slmbo ainVftuick byrSir Archy, (both 5 years bfd a great betUngTace, ,T have let, iVrr. Gentlemen of Ihe highest standing ' 'that the young stock ofXnaoce," premises tt? vie with those otany omer ouw on uir-, Coiitinent. and V egret shatf; Chfthce's leavr on lleisi lineal de-reaant or innai,uy. 1 Horsed Col OeltyN Eclipse and ho jmme-1 diatedpscendant of he c.olebrr.ted Old K-n? flerorU aiid, in obliqhe 'channels,. Urff? 'V:j r X :....iliMit s nute and between iu anri 11 ?ecom.N , . u. course wants 4&3.vsrls tb be 4 miles, aIow. in? half a" Stone f 7lbs ) to Ke equal to sixty insr Maryland,where his stocicismosi; Known breeders woUld.-'Weli;i.o:'keeph-:iij VltW SCTTT.N.:: T resumed 6niheffMo next j.;vrrHETPOdN;Princ)pal : .Raleigh :xcADEif: nrtrnV f nsti t u t ioii will on enbn- th e tstv 4 ; A ; January P t, und er the;.fcar e of the tiniPHpiVi. n TVineinaTtiss'N'reCnivinp th e care of tfip Female Department; and boil. 'Parents anfi a'r4unV are requestea if pi; tlieir- Children 'andVards as erly ir. the SessVon a onvenlcnnttwt; they faay b rbperrclnalHiV-p - The celebciTf Tb-ch ;thjv TnstiJftition ba attained is nipii.RrCTui.v'.- arid the PubhC fmiy assnred;hat h' continued at'eminh wiFVot be.wantint; w nencra bnt thft pfirt ot the Students The nrices rf ttiitWi as berttdfore, vrxJ ' 1st Class jpix osion -, - f ! rcontribuUoTltn thefcoht inherit fund 5 r Music; 6avr'':A1alVnting,-.ail4tt tra charge, as 4al j ? - t' t1'? " ;At a la(e mit'R the Trnstees-pft-Mis- Academy, the torn oiua was appropriaicvx for the purchwje Cf aj Plnlosopblcal Ajjpafa tus. Mr M tfctP, ihe of the'ProfeksOrn; the Universitylnfltij State; Cwho is n-vr )n o vUit to the'lfortMf has been requested jto malte the necessary ferrahgervents toh beiAlf ! of the Doanl,. -r. fyUtf S-U'-. ! Th'e ad rant cs which :will acerue,tf me institution' from abore ; anprnHalf?On must- be obvimisJ 4s the Teachers be enabled to illuirvatLhe prinpTe,v of 4tu. rrr ieficel hi mV4 useful and pleasinir'ex perimentY all i'eVti.JtfE-t; facilitate the (roi j rrP9sof the NuKitt in this lmporianthfancn ofEUftcatfch; ; ;; f . . i . 7. " - By order, cf Hfe .Bn.arl . X "Kov 29. 1819. i.i 1 ., -Oil the 1st1 u iV of JL January he.tt, npeu a private Aade-. Jy th Raltigh. fV the reception of Youth of both sixes r In this-;Seminiry tae com st of Studies w ill coiisist of theiollo wr ing bi'iv.-.he-vlz : v . . I J Oni h OCR A phy, vrnn panicowi attciKi' u to .the. sounds of tc vowels ani a jN't pron'u;ciapon; 1U. a m x cpiW? and p e try. in nil f hvv r'eur asid distinct Imaft- S10 I .3. i f TTiNG.on a new ami tmnmv t-d plan,.-bv which neatU T 1 :;:-. . . ; . t . t ,f and Jiiir hatid may ce acquuea m r-t. AnrniMFTic, so as to aumit; ii.iMiH ---";, inimediatc practical appa - -n . tior.: V. V 5, Efj'o lis it G it a m M a irj a'ccWa.. r to Mr, UanU n6w. systitn, as welS's the usual mode. a fivocnAPRY. imtiressen twitn the qVay mgand cohTunng Mans, ami the use of the Globt 8. Nat 1 PHii.osopjiTvexpiaineti $. "ASTHQMY nd . VhrcI illus 10. Ou iSTitTfV 3 trad, in Vrtnan.- mstauces,5y pracncl ex liTKV. L A Tl n At.' 0 G RfiEid ; L an V AhHsh ? ! J?r i,r 'G?ARB a ' - ir W....- ivr. 12. RHETORICS : .PEX.XEUTO 'tresI in Jwhxhclearktid ilov ing; siylH will be pattictriaylyat-- V l tentKd to. . - v. .- 13. Logick. . . ":?!.' 14: Mora?, i'ni w npjiy; a 1A. iiiSToav. Ahcisht tT Miderh.l --.Th"p--litt accomplishments of Mt-Sic ! and PaintT, H Uught.bexper: riencV;aiitt'apprflred:teacUer;:cpgageii for that purpose.'; . ' . i.The Inst.utn?! wdl consist oi fwp; de partments, vi?. "Malej and Krnle ! or the accommodation of -which Jai-gef and corivenient rooms -have been prjucdred, Contiguous to each other, thpuglr without ' direct commuuication : pB6t i Depart-, tions in aavAncms tneir .ptiniis, u nop will merit the c'onfidejice. and ihppqrt oy an enliglitetredpijblic. s ; 4J; : , AY bile the inculcation of goo(f morals, Correct habits and.a geteel flejpprtment Will l?a considered tndiensableU;tin nW!'n w'xTiipndlVnff and e. 5ct r a va tra n CC Ort the.articletof 4reiarticulariy;) iW! oe seauiouuu Giscouragea i ; i A lady : xyilH be ; employed! as soqn; aS ctrcaTrfstance may admit,to tech needle ; wCrk lit its various b'rarfchesandi attend to the instruct,ion of the. smaller females. 1lVrm hf Admission i for W session ;of tiTC months, as aoove, ia uuu o-v, payable in .BmtWm I i F JOHN HxHAbbAAI MRalekh --Dec, 1, 1819 , fT 54' H " 7 '-.vr ' -r SWtEoirNoitTrt-CAiiOLXNA. : V t Superior.pourt of Law, Sept. Terjry 1819, , -,-'ttTJI' TrtappeakngtotheCou i .'Si' 1 ant, W iTiara Crocfcetv hata teri ui is im iherVMrderedby the;Court;tthat; publicatibil bejma5ehr Italeigh Roister, and the Miltonntelligem ctn givi'nrfnotice "that th'e defendant do ap pear at th4 next Superior Court to ' be held for the cof ty ot r ersony at ine wunuwuc inTloxbbm'-thiii-hd ntl thi and'tbvref to answer,,' plead; or lfm.i try L?d nWtStion r otherwise it will bek taken . proTCwitesso, heard exparie, .antau.- iuugeawsiMH.H.yw. '"1 1 PETU OK wfto has setvd. ft regular ap TLfprent Ceshipi in rabditb' Che business. --. of a Curr JEt ot l-eauierwot ujjiau w v emptoyea.T uiat ousiph::., cfot?i -.-x pay fsvui&Mny'- rnent required ktfthe Presidtrit arid 17. rectork of IheisaidCbrnpanyVri. , s 5' -fi - v ',-' ..'..!-; -o wt.. I- 52? 6t MS'- -....Cr' fYATT HARiasOT has just Teeeved htalPalt supply Staplerand:aney OODhi; wKich makes jJis assortment ?ry ledmpleiea wellsu jted toine appiou'w: aoni UHe solicits lerotiageif ;hi3. nenHsiandtheiPnblicifferiefally Hhem 'iliat his'Goods wUlbesDjd at reasona ble pnees forcash, or m short reuit. t . TrT'Vanpearing toi; the atiacnon ,.t 6f the :B CourRthat.he;"lefe d?Mlh this state is r :,-v - for the Defendant to ..appear at1 our nen CdtintyCbftrt tO.be hofcien for me .ouiuy vf Itutherford; kt the Court-house in Uulher. ftirilmnon the 2dr Monday m -January next, kiVd renteVv'plrt.tl' ttf 'isu,crortemnr, other? wise niafrmcnxwy t STATE :OF NOll'ni CAHOJUlNAf I '-v;; , Vrrv County . Owirtof Pleasnd Quarter Sesionsoveai berTerm, 18 IP, R 11 Burch Mothers.4! I A - ; I Petition for partition . The rei I Estate of ( of Lands. ,..,: AT Tiv Tia Gr?ory,dec J -r "BTT appearing to! the satisfaction, of the ,JL; Court, that Thomas Greor- , jr. oneof th-'Hei-'sbf th said t nomas Gregory, dee is not a resident Of this Stt ; "t is therefore ordered by th e C-uri,h,tt pnbl icataon be made i pear ai tlie n xtjpuurt ot Picas and Quarrel Sensioiis to be held for the Ctuity of Sumy, at the Coun-Hcu9in Hock ford, on the se fcond'Mvvralay FvbruaVr 1320 ;-and 'plead; answer or kmnn to the a;id petition,' or the j Vpelition W'll be heacd.exparie, ami judgment ! pro confess'. cntere-i agripst Inmt ' 5U6t JO WILLI AMSiLC-CM S t ATii )r IS 1 ) i L 1 1 1 -tJ A liuiji :x A. LINCOLN CdtJKTY. "I f J li SnVrrjrtr Com t'rlf I Aw,Ot:tober Terrs, 1819 Delilah EangT.vrd, ") Petition f jt LhyorCe and Ahtriony. ; . 51 anne.iriut6the satisfaction ct the j! defen- . V'" - -r- , , . . . ,-. .iUlinivi f Jt daT.is mu an in! abitant.ot this atate; ifiis ihe "e'ore ordered bv the Court that pnbli catiou!!be 'nrwde'three months in the Raleigh iJt,t. ;td fUieich Register giving not icejto ue 4n lo4uay iwirr nic tm Marcli ihekf, then and there to answer, pi eijd 1. ;if ttre skid netitton. otherwise j will be take, pro cnfesss,and djndgd ae cordinclv -WnXawsoaUlenderson, nt.Lv nf q- d Coo rt. -At L ncolnton, the 4th Moti.e the 'Ail8laiid-.the;44lh year ofvtbeJnUe. LJ..An. tl.P Tr.;tP(l Stales . ; ' -i .. ! II Hi" - -- f - v- - US0?f MEDICINES.. !as justreevedfrom V ? .'DowAt ofttoston, a Ir sh supply of bis yiluabbV PATKNTMi DICINES-- .- ' . - ' : ccnsitttng of .;. . -v-i fisthmaticPilKfbr Consumption ; t Female PiUs highly approved. :. .. xAhtibilibus PillsV v : v V v? ' r Wtiinth.AchePnis :U. ; -r O f ;. " :' Hunters Pills wid Powders lor . 1 . ' ' ' .:' 'Verif ri;al. . 1. " .,' : VI i Ito Cerate - , '; '; ri; rn. head-ache; ; ' , Ttch Ointrneht. ' r ' y . , , Drops; foKerupt ons of the skinv V';Tooth;.rtv;Jfrv i y.-,r w.. 'iheament j fbrllheupatism. , . . : V;A-Cor.i Ptaister. :. .... j; klwance made to those who purchase b) trscird ,rv.wy eui cs. m.y bf hd gratis, w.tti lialeigh;tPeC,:ip;-; X) i ave iuSr reciifei ctitdmmd. 5 i,;, shtrl Aeravam troW M?er Charleston ji the Vj&Howipgl Reasonable .k;.itthv nflTr bv wholesale only to thefcealersof Nh-Qarobna64lo?t do v White YeUow, tireen &, uea rianiww BereeW Drab and : White P?ains jnd lirsV andlrowni Broad Cloth Double MilleUrabdree Ve, Brown andihed PasstmeresTCriinson rt.i fc TtpafePMiye Cloth : Black Bomba Vetts, Colored and rigur?d do. Printed dQ HpcurtePl?is and 5-Wi 8bawls,& wansaown, a oiwnevi r", "r v-T" Wftstcdating, BlackrWhland colM Cotton, Hosembswloo Avhite, Black &ortea Lon&f 5 ''J''r" d 7Lt.ir1frn: WamtFancVitored r.tv44 and-64.Catnbric. Muslin, J n: j a -in-oirVviton Shawls.'.3 tngr 1 .u;- TS .ktnmB &H an arte' WU W Mull ; A usiitn :vj:;t-vr;-.. r;. , Togeilier with the follow French cd IndiafeilkCoi; Black lvitmesiF.gured Z?Xk -lA rWhWins 74 Levantine I ci- .J m-w in Colored Florences, Pdact 1 Sarsnetts, BiacK ana, feii"!,". TVT " I ?55-'4r COMPLETE RRltVA . iale,vori teasonabl? teriii I " i William Ruffin; Sfe W , Bank of Korth toolinatt aleicb Cut and active honest, a good Cpoic le iiostier ana uarnaee urivt w1. rfcv,lv-n completest dinind-rcbm waited I . . Dec; 15th T 1 ' '. : - C ABRl AGEST ' ' qpHE Subscriber has for sale, h', ,! -l.factoryia mUes west otPetersC . aJare-AsshrtiB'ent of Work iryhui ifuainess, vis ! j l?l:Le -COACHf:? iCOACHKES , . T and rcb?e;stepwitheleganttrirm:ni3 plated bell band s I ; J 'Firstrate Parniel '. ?;.gs wiin sjrordr with the brst seavprir vUh tH'erfT! bands andfnll plated jojnts M j-thert ; : Tilbury; Gies with erasrvLr' YncwestiasVvoTO Double an;l S.u ' 2 - - $ni5wn.cy CK ig, Doubt- K .' Single, with and 'ubout Tops j 65 ,;;Low-pr2ced-;famUy Stagei, . firushed,, fixed to work wish one 0P ? horses . ' . .-j ,-,(: -, tWa x Elegant Raxees, with elipttc HMnswrlK " .handsome tops wilh mrocoo iibir'fn A to work with one or twohoises "j " ; ;i With a variety of other kintlsrjfopc'r;ceJ Woik suitable for fsm"irics aiid traliri 3. Aatescellent Assortment of''hebe$tplate4 and -brass nwunud Harness far Carriage and Gigs and Family Stages, &t. ' .-Thcub'scribet'iend.ers bis sincere thnnks to the Patrons ofhi E?tahlishmcRtlW'nr in this Stat, Tor 20 jear$ Ud,; aTUt thern that their future otds, ane thoe cf their friends, will be thankfully recf;T(!(j and duly, attended to. . Tbe whole of this Work has been made up by thefirst rate Northern Workraen. who re entirely devoted to thfcfims&3njofw ' of the best, kind, 4 which can be w th corfi. -lence rscommenffea to tne rabhc !are j , ' , , STERLING. WOOD.V ARi' . Poplar, Grove, 1 : 1 . Dinwiddie courty, Va. Jolv 5. 5t tj litf the President of the. United Sh'tf 1,1 rulEftRAS, by an act of Congress, px J '': ed on the 3d day of Mirch, ljfls, en- titled an act ta provide for the aicerainlnf a'nd surveying of the bounlarj lines hdbj the Treaty with .he -Cek-'ndiatiS, an! Iir ' other purposeV .the President of the VnU ted States is authorized to : cau tl 1 s acquired by the aif3 Treaty to be oiTert' 'ot sale, when surveyed i i j; J Therefore, I, Jaies Monroe, PreW oT the; Uivted States, do hereby (lechrc make kn-iwn, that public sales far the dispo- ' .(.alXaree-ably to law) .of certat'ajanda in Ihft ' Alatama Territory, shall be heVj at Ca!uw ba, in the sa?d Territory, tn t)re seoonJ fip Iny in January 'nextv'awt iiuil ?ftYnQeopen t tiree weeks, during which time shall be of fered for. sale -''( 5; M ( roivnshipa 5,6, 7. 8, 19,20, 21; 22 anl , 23, in ran-re 5 3,7, lo20 8c21,in(lo. 6 17an(U9 ' j! n rl.- 7 .. 17 and 18 1 J i in do & V , 17. IS. 19 St 20 f in do, 9 in do. t5 : in do 15 in do. 18 I ?'V 21 and 22 .'.j ' ( IS' ' ;- : in do 18 except such lands &i have been, or shall be. reserved by law, for the support pfschooKoJ Xr nttiM. mtrnoses i the lands snail qe otit ed for sale in regular numfrica I orJr, epa- nencihg with, the lowest, ivumuw p.vm smp ana ruuS,. (,4P;LflPia) mgton, thi9r28thJday ofSeptfmter J819.; g - ; 'JAMES jidONftOE. - "I v"w iOSlAH MEIGS THE f REStPn eFiTHE' VM, rEAStbyant,fCpn W ed..on the3d otMar jli, mVe. act to provide br the !;effi 'ie surveying of the boulday u-nes nxeJ w suivryii'5 r"-Alr Iniliins, and forwK -authorised to cause f tne wiu die said treaty to be Peered for sale, i surveyd. ,AVf - .4 1 j, n. president of the Unitea States g, (i, knovwnthat public sales for e F greeabV'tojU ri tory of Alabama, shall be hew t n On the first Monday Ki4, i" sale of townships KUin tv lftk IV lnd 13. in range m range ,casn.v 1 u iker.for-wc :J0U the first Monday n , sale of Townships 9.ana . 9, 101rl2,13d-'. 20 ami S ranges 4 and 5,b iftfr lhp . .On the first Monday in 5m?f ' Pes 6 sale of Townships 9. J ;cst9, 1 "r,"itQia.ii. is range.iwesu' 14, in range;iwv--- .rv 17icr Ana Wies snaii VV;iov in AS": 13.14 and 15, in range ; n e 7- iwjj 11 Jri ranee 98, 9, 10 Except riLQ. 10 and U, m range - fc rC. such lands b5e.n,i. nsepf insr sucn ianu ', use d3V" ; and. Given unucir .f . f , under ofMtv Washington! iaif-. 1819. JAMES MO"- By the President. 2;. loner of ! - . -i . - t : . aad7, west9andiuin rj'Tn 11," and ana 11, in .range 9,. t and 13. JJ : n1f). west--0, 10. 1 .11 iA in ,inftr two weeks aiw P", .,".bef r r j- .,Wical order.; ;; : .v H tT y- ;.Tabiroughyec,4, 1819 -5 ! J ' ' inr r- " " . I ' 4 w . - " - . -..f.l.'-.. - T KJ.- LliJlLMMMMlilMia