.v. r f' v . f I''?"' b plan orikir, defightful f v-y4;. .-t- V,;,.: 4 - -1 VOL. XXI. NO. t o 3 m & GENERA L ASS F-MBT- J)eiat$ jrntth Convention Question - : Mr. VaVCY sa!d;he agreed most hear . filv in tto main proposition of the gentle. ' 1 . people or this State thepropriety of ealU I & a Convention; for the purpose ofTia i mending tne uonttiiuncn. vajvp! hto hiffl, however, that the pinion of i the of- the whole-wou!4 be ' more v " accurately ascerjaineden the tnin qiies " ion t)f:the) proposition; he ptoposrd i to :! amend the' resclutionV so -as toenapie 1 1 themio expressan. pinion cn the epe- i 'Alfru'v.nf amenciincr the Constitution: as J Te&rds the : three great departments of . tljcU0vernmeni---incri-c5i3iauvc,; f'xirthre, and Judicial, r- " ., ,V'" :v'-j v-1 v ; . .Before hepToceededr'to that view: of the subject which he intebded to ,take; "be would submit to thd committee,., he I amendment ; which, was to' strike uuthe jrst: third, fth, sth; serenthelghth, " 1 liinth, tenth and elerenth J?esolutiots, & , : -: asi-rt -the following r 4 1 :'-' . v ; ; Rctolttd, TbttlhestKtCbnstitutionfUght . 1 to be so amende4 tbattbe. repreientsjon of ! the pcopie in the Senate and House ofCom. ; : mons shall be establitbed uponthe prireiple J of freepopaUtion and taxation, OTaceqrdinpT to free population, including threff-fifjhs of . All other persons. ' ' V K 1 .: ';$othat the'. Resolutions, iftheanend- inent should be adopted, will then r,daJ : '' f lReioived That thei Constitution of thi 6tate oughtJto be so amended, that'' the Co : Temor or Chief Magistrate of th State; shall ,be elected by the fTemen;qualifiel to vote ?for members of thtfllouse. of Commons and that he shall; at stated time?,' receive for hU Cserriees, a eompensaiion, whirh, shall neither ' . c increased or dinmisnedtunnjf the time . i tbi which he Is elected. V - t r j;;" Jietohced, That he said Constitution rifht to be so amended; that 'he Judires otthe Su preme Courts and of theSupericr Courts : of j v uw anu rjuji jt bujui dc rcmorea rrum mcr ..'ifor inchiKt? to perfornr tbeir duty, or oth er Ttaxonable cause,- ,0ft-- the address of both Homes- of the GeneraAssembly. for. that . purpose, jtk . RetoheiL That the said -constitution ajrht -to be so amended that theitippTesentatVmof v, the people in the Senate and Hcxue vf mons, shall be established upon the pr rK-inle of free population and taxation or aeenrr'1 iftg Xo tree population, including" threeifihs of all other persona, uj:l .?;: ,r N vi I " iXesotved, That itbe, and hereby is recom mended to the freemen of this State, that on i Xhe 1 ays appointed by law.for tbe election ot members to serve in the neat General f -As-sembly.lthat tbey nigTvify. their assent ntfdis- .cnx to cauing a cxmvemion ot AieiegTiir, io be-ejectedby the freemen? for. the. purpose - ,of rerisiijg and amending the Constitution. of - this Statei by voting by ballot,' Convention, ; or no Cotitentioti'f t''' '4 tr, V'Hr: .o 'ItisohixL That it shall be . the dufv of eve- ' iyheriff or other returning officer, ii the close of the polls intbeir respective Ccwities, f : o sura up-, aid certify : .,tb the'Govemor of ?'tbia State- the who?e nambcr of Vot tafa 3 V . TV ' I f 1 .1 , Convention,1 and no. Convent fonA? MTbe . iaid snentfs, orotJjef returning officer, Pali eliverA duplieatt nf such 'reVurns,to the' , Senators of their respective Counties, ty: be ! Ay tben takeno the eatbf lvemnerjt" at 7?oZte4?Thatat.the. next raeetiitg 01 the Oenerul Assembly, a joint select committee' Cf both. Houses shall be appointed to rective, count anureport inenumDerQ votes sot re anrned 4o? and against calling a. Conyetition rjjr.xhe purposes atoresail; ; , x c I .J-' . Mr. y. said it was proper he' sbcuid - ineet the v .with some sembly have not a n.cht , .question contained in these resoluiioni;itd. the people, and recommend to them Jthe i expediency, of callinn a ton ventio'n, to amend their form bCvQoveniment. jR -. i !5ir, it is laid dow in that. Instrarnent. from which J have drawn manv.' of mv .. political tenets, that all men ,are born Equally free ; that they ebjoy certain:fjtP -jaiienaDie ngnts, 'Bestowed by Uodand nature, and that of these, are life, liberty; ndthe pursuit of h'appiness7;rhat po . veraraent is formed for the equal distri bution pi rights, -'the protection of life lit bertand property and the primotloo hf . human bappiuess, and that wheneverjit foil. ... CT I I . . t . 1,. I I ht to amend, to change or to abolbk. i fcU "uru iucsc, tue people cavp a nic uuv:ciii provisions oz-xne , etlaratiohj Of Independence, bat t&y objection, which lie had hnl Mvin31c fPT7'.,c Vlrulct - - Lsurpns that the GeheraUAsM r".6" cn of the union", and received aapolitKl hve been met, as .aUjpthe? great qUesti truths in every cntiy wrre civaahd ohs bf ,fofm in Goyernrnent should.be prlitital liberty have been Established-. I The pecDle of this State therefnr 1 a tightio.) amend their Constitution,1 and I ' io ,t"nnnn, f- i : "t 1 1 fjvk powers of goyersrnent, aa hey now ex 5fT btisusceptible of amendment tThe saii 4'Y: f'..r'. ,"vi"1 tt loe grtai f,tght which authorises the people of if 3 1 5 W Tatc Attire int.q their gtievancesJH :rnmeot, to a certain extent, beloW J " tvim J 0t j 1sa members of the community ; d ;-V ;,s.kf.utiTes,Jf we believe their Rights - . f.be Jbetter sf cufecf; and public liberty b ' ,.. t ter protected, to recommend tp tbeia v '.. V Alteration;-r -r'' '."- t lii n 5. - A;; pursuing this course.we havi an B.l toloset us, by ttoi Illustrious stated" r .-'f, the independence of these States. peonle of tblJnitedtates in forming a General Government, first aereedpon Articles oCouTederation ; and thisifqrnl of:GoverumenVnoi,answcr"tngAnhfe4 puioses-for which' it was intendeth neoDle. thfoueh the legislative bodiea if the Statei.. tenmnriVriVlprt fin C alteraiion in that Compact; arid for tt ijot amePdihg ther government.iand,; ing to thft people those jreat ODjects ior which alVgovernmentsare ifts6tatedAhey called a: Convention; who - framedLthe. Constitution of the United Btateff.:.' , Those who assisted in this .grea' ..wprk were' then denounced as innayators.i the, charge( against them, howveiv was not sustained, and .they: are' now csidered the benefactors of; j tnanitina, m navmg presented tothe States, the. most perfect modelof goverpment whichtne worta ever saw: MayVthej same Vipiritr preside over those who may;hereafte$ be called to amend our Constitution i).ir: ; -: We have not orilythe example of the United States but of seveni of the States whose Constitutions! have; been amended. Nine, out of the thirteen Of the old US. have revised their onstitntions ; and he would ask gentlemen, to pointfqutvanv injurious effects whicrt, haveioeen expe rietveed from such amendments? So far. from; having sustained an ? injury, . great litjpivcrucms ts.- inivv 4 -. connlitiition' which has-been altered. And why, sir. are the-penple of this State not to be trusted in Convention, as well as these of other States Are they .more corrupt, or do they know less how t.o. ap preciate thebleteings of Republican Go vernment? -i-, ? ' v ' 1' " The States Mr. Y. observed,whtchad not - amended theirs constitutions, wre, Hhode -Island, New Jersey, Virginia ana North-Carolina : "and no doubt the same reason which has ibre vented this State from actiriir unon the aobie'tt, has hIsq prevented theothersCyIa' WRS set" jtled much like ibis State, first on the At - laptic,. and gradually to tne westwaro.; iand the people to theeastr Ha-4ngK 4nia jority of counties not of pojjnltidn, have constantly - refused to meet the reasonable wishesf thospHin ;thei bpper country. -Posstissihgt a Tnajority in the legisla ture. thtfjr ?r(ppwef ar& forget right. s. We have thwVaidhe, power to adopt the br6tkisiti6n?whch-nas been presented. & if we deernlt 'nrdnerilo alter the Consti- tntion, atis the.DouifaeniGuiyvoi ini x--gislature to send -thfc ; auetp xp the'eo-J s pie,1 and let them decide upbn it 'they mflv Inrfp exnerlieht. i - :f.. fcut it is said there does ribt exTst suuH cient, necesity.for thi& measure; becati(sr all the purposes of repreentatiou are at present-, answered ; and the gentleman from. Craven has submitted to thVxom mittee a statement which said 'Mr Y. I must admit was made with great ; abili ty but witir muclvmore addrSsThe argument which the gentleman drew frorr this "statement was one deserving the c.a racter, of that wjiich .makes th , worse appeaf.the better came.-Tke gentleman will excuse pie, for saying the argument He trusted he ch.ou!J be ale mivince .the" torn mittWJf not theivntlemfth jiini; or an ,o.Qvocate. ratner tnar . u 3tnrt,.n se iit,, tpat tne pnncijpre ue oau w-iv(w,w" k the basts of representation was founded. as, the m prrnr; The fcentlcman laid dawn- as a, correct ! principle of Representative Governmen. f,J that.reprcsentation.t; should oe lormea on (the mixed phticiple of population and Lwealthi and 'the .'better to establish: his founded on free population, ai dangerous !n -,! .vfam4 i-' Vi: :v i - 114 ft Alt fciliba I maintain, sir. said .Ml, that in inosc freeoverriments, the rui&bf represent ation according tfcee-pppulalinrfisCDr-rect V But the rp'etulaar circumstance of f"at? maV such l5-aJ a Pnnc,T PIe populaUon,:and (taxaUon :may more correct ; Scperhaps our own State" mav be one 6f this description. But. said he. let us examine the doctrine laid down bv the rentleman from Cfavcn. . He has drawn a' line from Virginia on the north, thror;Granville,Wake and Bladen to the Southparbllna linei on thje south,neving these couhties entirely out of his! calcula tion, I had hoped; said he tfi.at In this discussion, gentlemen .would not have brought to itheirassbtanceiXastern ' and western interest; toai me quesuonwouia roet D argument ana reason, rner wan feeline and intefest , Bur,; sir, we know questions' hich cannot be supported K.r fti-mittn-nK am tptQ I often carried . bv by argument, are too often carried bM souhdine the tocsin of alarm. Eastern tCi vyestern iniuencci ucci niwu word' of desiemihe and intriguing politici am acnongtJs. fpr years past, from whomL hw.v.r said he. I owe It to candor, to declare,- should; bejexclnaedrthe'genae- i lf t aid Mr. Yt we are hoover to dt&n Jjnea cJdisunciion,ocvwcu .ua the -westi?. let us draw; those that exist in point.bf 'tfact and tmot according to the whe$ of Qentlemes, to anstet their own ';.(.& make more sompU.te theif-caU culationake, forfexamplw'tM most roen; roanv of whom assisted in ach :tiK;f II Pie oi assuming a Dasis w,rcwrwenuuw vuivw--- - ii;J tioia.ic, iiiu ik wii. ye? luuuuii-v i-tcic-ttrc ievinir ;th cohgresifc The j ibe section of -coury estof this place. containing 25 ; counties,- six memoers pf Congress, antd tthe.eCticin of countr U Wino 5 tient and the loavesd fislies knows not to wHati party 6etbnlgs,V and the calculation wifl produce. ,very different result from! the one, presentea oy- tne Cientleman from craven. put, sir, nis statement ?ii wrong in-principle . and in f calcuUtionl TUf wiong n principle, be rcause.it would be highly apstocratic and dangerous to public liberty, that the se veral: counties of the State should be re presented' according to the valuation of real and personal property, oienacu wun frele Domdatibh.t It would give to wealth art ascendeWy unfavorable to jcivil liber tvJand no wherelolerated in a) free co :vefnment. i-Tlie calculation ot tne Gen tleman, said he, is equally erroneous. It is well known that in therfeastern part of the State, there are many more slaves than 5nUhec west; The numbers which theentleman has made use of as xhi bitirg thepopUlationpf the different parts bf thev State, were (not founded cu the free population alone, but include also, th ree-ftfth& of the black population ; so that he ha?s taken into his estimate.not nn : i.Iy the value of ,the alaves as property, bu he ha4 arfrieil in numbers, three iitths of them to thdlwhite population, i5c thereby nas constaereo: mem in nisi xitiuuiauuu both as to numbers and property. .This plan of representation; given Us by the Gentleman,) and twhchot ailt others,. ia pnint of calculation, best suits the mterejit of the eastern Miction ofthetStatef.l still .gives to the west more, representatives man tnev now nave, uut, -sir,- now, as the, Gentleman disposed nt the counties of Granxille, Vake and Bladen. They enter xt6t ih to ; the scope of his policy : they are left outlof the! calculation-though in point of faV, all of them are d5rjsider- etl .'as belencinr to ,the . eastern interest : Uladeii hafclie-retoforbeeri Considered as decidfdlyf eastern p Granville, wavering sometimes 'on'ne S'def sonietimes cn the other, though I h ipe sir, said he, that oh this occasion, her i worthy repreientaJLive will bie 'found Isubport -n e the cause, of eual repi-eseptation;) In the calculation ( which I intend -subVaitting, said he, Wake will he given " to those who have never commanded h'r .votes.he has ; never supported fe westi; tUre , poj tipn. tAVhp Cnmni'ittWe: that-the theorV of Re- presentatiotiV assumed by the gentleman from CrAVens wrorig both-in principle and calculation . I -'noV proceed ,t6 shew the great inequality of the present repre sentation, supposing the b.asis f represen tation to.be fouhdedn taxation atone. By looking; a the ReportTo the- Cbtnptrnller of taxes 'paid Into fhe. Public . Trcesur) for the year i8lfir,it ; wdl -be fctimT, , tliat 35.Counties to theiEastJof Raleigh paid R38,Il$i and-that twejityTseve tb the West,! InciuHing; Walce ' paid i JS5l,183, t vrlVjiVfi rif th fiavrrTw'ft fro!h Clerks on account of Licences and Auctioneers,) Lftrisiature -if; . -A The 23 Western Counties send: to' this sHure 84 This cakMltlon including the Borough ! i iLA '. jrr - ..... ra?mytrj, ij.Kys a runercner-. oi Accordivgi. to taxation alone, the 35 i Ji'.astern Counties would ;.re- entitled M-io about Iff rri embers more than the v 27 Counties to the WttA Jt V.: - 25 is Giving to the Vstr thei principl ojf A . ; . taxat ion. alone; 7, n; embers more than '; !', 1 thv nnw have-'ift-vf v'-;X' -f' t. '' $ Let us next, sir, consider the represen tation of the. State, ac'coriling to numbers, ti ot forgetting': that 'the numbers. i m ade. use of in calculatioare the free,.white po pulation,4 including three -fifths pf Fallot nef lii'i.' ill r ul calculatjph tothe Eastern section of : the Str.. 1 i ebntaiij 6 C6gre9ionaV-Disicts;'A':tA and have i federal, pooulation W ; : 224'84l 27;C6iintief: to the westi containing A 'Av ;t federal poduution of a A Aii-265,174 ,mm Making ;a dinence!ri favor of 27 ACourmeWj A The avera; popnlationl of the a,st ern Counties is about 6,424, and considcrT ing this number aa Sending -3 members to4 ine ierisiaiure; wouia eive. to tne;. vv es tern, vounueg ; apcut 20 members more than the v now have : ahd it would there - fbrecessarily follow that uesuming as the correct basis of representation;in this StateJiqicaand ta iip)?, thepowef' of theast would be greatly diminished whilst that Of the West would be increase Ifci In the teUit&lB4. the. question of Tepreieb tat ion geographi cally, which he must acknawledcre'was a flatty yvzy? only,, and in to wtfich iie . h ad been driven by; those who bad, preceded mm. 7;JueAisnowi saia iic, consiucToe; subject aa it will affect every part of the J, 1 . ...lit J V -. . of the wejifernpefpleja'r-eiire ai the seat -of aheii government., , 1 Havimr. as I trust, 'sir. said he, shewn makinga difierence ofg"-?. , i Te.3.5 Easttrn'.CountieB; rtd::. thi;' r -7-. ina and Soufequally interested in amercing llfc. vnsiuuuoa as regards tne .present tlh; the: first Corieressional tMstrtct'eom posed of contiguous Counties, as4' are all tne oiner fistncts in. tne. State 1 latioa-;j?;;,V, ;; 6,773 Vv, ' Chowan has , ,; Z&SZ Ml'h:- 2d BistrictfV Halifax haa V 19 on , . s, I'.'' - xi iiistriCJt j ffiagecomb ; IDSV Vy!.. .' !.".. .., ' .. 'WW-' v waabinrtoa W350 : . i - " ' . ' ' 1 'V,-: - a- -V , - 'f'". W""'T 4in iiistrxt ; Uraven - s J h Lenoir ' ; y- 5th District! Granville , , - fr 12 478 6.UCT 1 bth Dlstriot I New-Hanover Columbus. , '0:: r''h y Cumberland , -Moore 7th District 5.990 8th District Orange Jfersoifcv VjVJU Sth-District r Stokes 1049 2omt Huckinghim ::i tl 'A -V;-. " " ;.4"v- - "; 10th District i Rowan A A ' i '"" V KanUoIph r -v,. A--' A ; -; 11th District t Rutherford 9,793 12,811 : V..-. i ilr.uwnncl ' 2.712 4 i. ,4... ..ln-QQq 12 th District'; Iwcoln 15,364 AA:'-;i 4 Cafourrua 5,6S5. 1. 13th District i Iredell .. : J '- Aahe' The ipequality ib taxation in the i i wunuca ot ipp mate, u aooai tasweii paid in the sameyear Asne pa, , the same year JTg 97 Haywood paii m same year ' .: 26 89 : IAtheEaernvpart of the Stkte, the ? ftjUowirtgACourtties paid for, the same yeur the following amount of taxes Aj lalifax papd t -.k"' , v'. v-::24 Oranvaie.paid t , V- A ' 2,169i 82 ; Carteret DkidiA-. v 00 . A 3 10 ' 9 A Thus it will be &eenslr;hhat ereat ih equalitv exists ihyeryAection cf the Stateth in the population & taxation of i iac .iccj counties, ? antr yet, according; 1 1 .tied to three Members in the tegislature, -7 t.. r - vwvpov v.i though one coo tains a population bf20.041, if , - j -i 1 r nnu uavs it utx into tne i reasury, ot the RtftM . fc'2 ATi 1 .itih;1c 1. 1' l - Mr. YA'said ;f he ' would next consider ! the resolution j jjroppsingrlhat the Consti tution -siiouidAtre so .amended, 'that the Chiet-Magistrate or the Stsim should !l ctctici uy tue people lablished, that as re&ai .tation of the; State, ther6 P?e m. J? estSft PH ot the State, the f ment of their government, aAd - with the, ' d -, h-ountie?,?r 1L ? ; ; 4- A twoiiew States about.tohe admitted tai l-A. , Kowan paid xa 18X8 into jht Trea A-i 4 1 the Union, the'rill-r seventeen whic"hV '-Av f V A suy A.' AlV: ! .. A-:v, ,:. v 553.415 ? 3 elect their Gavp fb- fh n.i " A A popmanofi or r7iy andi pays imp : the F others butt am equally, I hopef . attached" y Treasury S267 89, VNo man. uniuflnen- to all. If. hnvpr. thht &A ced by' partv feelmg, said he, after itaii perhapsnrthabit andprofesorf it isia;, i v lhg-thi view of ;ihe subject, can saytha favbiv ofi the udicTaryATi should isbw." '" A ? there is n,ot 2a, i;ic7f :,:ne!tessity iot- j satd;helf toV ponsidec 'teni; :alf -'tiecessary ' ' i A ' : mending the Constitution;; AA for the pmtec- ' v ea necessity4, tor amending the Conituf mtatedmire such Ivirtue and firmness -U011,, Uie friend of ' CcwiyentioW have 1 though they ; might differ In opinion with; uum6 cn i.i4w ?uumu uc vuii cu 01 mem 3 a luoumuanon 01 ine constitution, now- n government, has heenl brpuglit ictd dis cussion, u necomes us. saia he, to mam tain the Ophdon; wh(A we' have of them also j on pfinciplei aid he, the 'election, of the Eecutiye,! shoiiid tie by he peo ple V Thfe -freedom and;safey of every State, ponsists in a proper distribution of its tExecutiv Lejslative : and: Judicial powers. One should? not be dep!endant on the! other, , but :co-orlainateig ih:' their powers;, and whenevec, you Wake, the election j of one. depend upon Vthe pill oS the other, you so'lar Impair the freedom and safety, of . the Sute.; The principle 1 aiu uown py me genueman num u range is correct one; that the vereign au thptyjshuld rest ith the peoleaad thatbubl.cA,A atit should rberade; tie- sponsible ibr W?oti' 6y elections; atitatect) ) aaoXconYeui periods iwasistrate ot beat by.tne JUegulatur ana opi majte; hint Uependaxtt oji them lor.is.reppomtment ; tne nai .more' &.4bltoJse4ureha election a Jtmeernhfr pc4iCv patwnage, to secure a majority in the X-t uw uw ui uicdurc .1 ojutc causp nKn are seiectea xcr tnis depart ever, aa respects, other great powers fof 1 Jxome infallible ?: Squire, ana aii wm pe weii. irivejto I cen?f; the Uovernof shall , remove any pf . Pflft;'ClT?tion of Governor4n4;'ou the.iddreaa';lof: th'ree-foUrthi off no mancahjbe eltedix frbni his''talen't."id-nhhl-.ve. h -ixTAetA:- hnNp. th I t'm- ' shewn hins?lfw6ipthxjf tbePutt?onftJcau isuch' removal may ; be " ?- v0 ; , i dehce- A "piiUnty reoulreiiL.shalE be stated Var lenth In ititS. V- V ,-;a Mflnl ft m;..,Hr:J t i'.flU.-. f U1! mahd a majorityApf the suffraeei of rthell people I of ids; Ahohiitat inust eohei tounue upon pubiiceryices; high charA your racteranttiuffici tjfie p-blic rjr.d shr!:i re ;A J wSh honor ahd,iQsefulue ct thi carnV7.'i Chief-Magistrate of a .great an respec-j Kume against the feeK53 andpitslc. ' 'i' .Vr--, table Stated Mfthe Governor .wereto, be tj monienW 'The majority which U ri ' : - f elected by tne p):ople,he.ouldinddc t edand the cause ofremy-lr-which u t-.'nv 1 zl fib appoiritfcient tor ohger period if pe statedi will be a EcXTicient gusrr.: ' .' J i..:. nztjjexd adoifsuca.-c (i fprcv fcs rj kuJ Cppaxtir 1 . . . v? course, be more sVstematic and , rWular But the gentleman. frif Craven had ob- jected for this mode reelecting the Govern .1 becaiise jt ;was.pfpbable if. adopted v the Jylemhers or Assemhtv wnnlrl -inffa-1 1 ence tfie election, by Caticus, Jn the samoi way as Members of Congress injlucir the election of the President of the ,Uni- s a ted States, $ said hej It will le fourid. ' in Npracticei' that this 1 obiect has no-'Ki Weight, no matter hatconscauence -irt - the9rygentlemea;maygJye. It. - He had ; himself been in a Congressional Caucus ' : 4n6Vif he should ever again be irj Conf..?4 gress.at a time! wheri it became neciwiarvu ' A heshpuld notnty nnsider It i right,' but a nnty, ; Wheneirer a President was to be recommended to- bring beforcthe people aman Calculated for th exalted pfRce. tront - hlsr bblitiditl .' standing J talent and pubiic.eharacter., . It, is not because th'e' VS members of Congress-recommend .manr AA thatAhe.is chosen x6 tha office; -but beA 3; cause his eminent services and talents en- I title him toi the station A and this' is thej r A- means by which toublic opihien is conceifi trated.on ne individual, when there a many who havii pretensiont toiti y--J : iut tnejrentieman fjcortt Hertford oih 1243 1 jected to this mode because it wouldvjj -- r 1 t0 the people of the Western part of the j Pjate, the power to-elect -a Governorv JThisrwith vthat ; gentleman niay coitsttV tute asufBciept objection ; He must;: however, know that it is not a irood oi-- IPltAn wirk iU-'. k4 tZ .. t I.. hot VOttr (mvrftirnont hnnti tneK.- onri . sonable princiDlesid this State: will nt er be governed bV Ipcal parties ; bnt Trrr; i it otner should be, oygreat-poii. . . ! -:63S : jhe moie electinthChlffig , - ; ' -- .. .v- v. uiaic nr. inr nriiiitrr. ih nil ir.' . . . t seve-; j novation upon our aystera of government! -.";' 1 m tne , Many ot the Mates, whch compose this trim.! i'tTnfnn ha tra w4lA U ",flM i .' method, has thought proper to change iti.: VAV my opnioft Mr if you wifht bring to this department of the Govern- : l 1 ; ment the .first talents and virtue , of thvi country, gtvetolt more patronage assig ' A ;il H more duti'ahd' mate itthevgift cfi ' ;i a free and enlightened people:. !. : vAv. 7 -A A ivMr. VL saM: that thpnKnn'neiftnN tti V A mlttine tb the rieonle; the ntiestinn wh ttherthev Would reAlt W ? Cnnvenimn AiX t not necessarily involve a discussion of: fe vpropet organisation of theJudidary. But, since it has been brought into discussion an'6fret(e'd upop aa one of the host pqweki . n propetythat the objection should be fflet iui a.rguuieiu3 against tpe measure, .it ts 1 nave, said he.. no attachment for Aoife i - llu crapen otthe torernment more: than' arf- 1 1 ' 4111U.. - xw- sir ioei u touow,, tnat oe ment ntrthe AvomAiiM hnf. Vitr hi That vtfae;v 1 can t3o crX i rtion of lifeA liberty and Droneirtvi;; 2 ami ' I A -11 friendly ta a proper Independencebf tbb " r Tudiciary;? ?! admire the public omcen dr :1 5e man,vivho will j give fii opidioif frankly A 11 i .wc nave vesi oc tirmry.oc who will meet every question! A A ds the repreiieri-1 j officiallv. submitted to hint: 'with rriah!tr ; A A".? exists aiwj- iimdependenCa'' Sjiv the oeonle rof thf ' " 'u.t 1 wrongs for which; a piiblic(Bcerst theA A Lphohld 6e;menableriexcept ; It be by y t w.iiw,fiiuriWBicp xncy.are impeacnavie r r Is such a tenure of ofSce necessarv. ti " ke proper exercise of that Independenctj 't X good f A? I apprehencf noVirj and the ex A 5a penence lot ; mahy :cf ' cur sistejf'i StateA A , : confirmt-tse'lt... ihi$ opinldaVf A: ;H .-: V;'A to the establishment of thU depatmetfts ' of the Government, tiki etfenr hthr. all r A ? you have to guard aait)Vt,fort the proper " ,V;: 7 exercise of the functiortsassiMed to it. W . t s C arbitrary- powerAchllhe one: hand,' and A iicapncouf faction bnUheotherA If thlsA v IjahalU' be donevjthe y incjependenceof tho Hi A A dudidaryWill be maintained, r ;Upon thi 'v';. frcm:.tbj$..'ccn$Ut ot ; Louisiana thes A ; fil of the mds' v ' .') .afd and accurate character T have tvet anvWa)riahbs'eiuk& shall not be sufficient ground fpr impeach- ;VA;! I addrts randinsertelcri'thff journal kia'A-; ; 'J j. ll j'll.,- - iL I each hoiise,Wilb:h provlsiori ia; 'f VV v:Sf x;Ai ' , .a.--s v-- ' v-x- .-rft,;- r-..T . .