, TvrWA iS" &W&H& .s.nowatculaledtth r . .O-belwb- tot -Yfa -VI warded tbHfceiniss oha W tabsfe:: lmmfn to3towfafitW. MfromiW&4: 1 J- i lithe iU&fe of Jehurd COM.st PJ rr D- Clocks.. SU?er-yre .1UV"J. ..-.-.of tvelrv. number of "iTli hinted for ; m . wr ;; B5d .n The wu oc tuumiut' " j ,t ' if" ... 60 !v ...T.conRS. V ; TH.1 nrpORTmuonsE. f seen,, an inc f'v ZtlfnibltihtdMuzusl 1810, by Thomat r il Norland Lpndonl . . f , : Eagle is in high health and vigor ; w;If stand .the ensuinp; scascnirfor near 'Sail; : hwhv, N. C. to be lef to Mares at: Fiftj" Dalfars the Season v-hkh nfay be dis charged by Fortv if paid in the season y Twenty-five Dollars the leap, to be paid 'at. the time of serVice and Seventy -five V Dcllart to insure a mare .to prove ."with -ibal.One dollar to be pa;d,the Groom in, eveiycase. .-. v. .v "v ; -s; Eale U a fine bar, bp wards of sixteen -hands highv hacdsnine.lv marked and one , of the finest looking -hcrfiea W the conti . nent and as; t' a race . horse, , Eiigbnd Bevci. produced fcisfcqual in his day .which t ..may. be, seen by reference, to the Esighs. Stud Book. &c.' : V-.-.; - ' t' En gle'a Pedigree and Performance will te published in hantlbillsi in due" time. .. : ' : xXEWIS SHELLEY. Jjnvl4, 1620 f 61 p - H ' A 1,1 STOF LETTERS .v f tBemiirtinfi- in-'dhariot(c . Pt-OfEce, ... Atheist day "of January? i .. ... .'iv.;. :"'"': :- j 'f rH f- V J?.l-Wro. B. Alexar rfer2, O .wal;1. Alersn J ler. Wm.J. Alexander, ro' Alexander, : Stcnhen;Afcher. SMlr Aust'.r. Silas Aletan-J 2er, James ,kinnie. Chr.rles Ataut, Jos.ah , Ai?tin,Xl'i AlexarderKpfarair. 'Alexander 2. tarmav- Alexander, H chard Austin, fyl vard Archer, ChrUs :t4itxan?cr, JteuHen Alexander heirs; Lev! Nl Alexander, Skit;! .'AJex&Rdef . 2, : " ' ' 1 ' " t n - s i-Jobn'llurdalr.n. ohn Hlrd, .Archibald j : Beovn 2 Jarhea- Words, Jvh Black 2, An demon lleaty, JohnlIbb2, Thotnas Brnet, ! Richal " Bartlet V.John Barkfej, John Bw. deu,fel B?rIf Satiisdc'ri Barnit,Mithew - iFJaln, Thomiw Burgess, Malccin McBriile, ..lleiiry rcBride - -V;fV 'VT x' :C Susannah Channel Da via Crenshaw fion, James Ontcf.fielJ. AVm." Caldwell, Jehu Chtndler, Zichariah .Capps, Ilanrey Cwse, Alien Curry, Amos F- CblC Miles : Curry, i VTbhn Chsndler; Joliox,Marjaret Curry, filler. Cuhriingham; ' Win Craige Robert ConneisFrevlfrick Cca'fbH. James Calbns, Job Cannon, Moses Carf. El zabetUCX, Da- id T. Ciird rell, Robert Crae,' Andrew Mc t.A - ' . !. ' ; J5 Ifniel Daris, ' Andre; tJebteU, Joitph Poiiglass 2 D.aVid DaWJohn Ucannan Geo. - K-Dawfcins,-Thomas Ihmn 5, "John fienS), Bf tsey Dobbint, Itiee lJkilin; John fulin, 31 s 'hew Davis, Darid Dunlop,; Merchant P uvast, Charles Destrate, John lyrf,'. John McDowell 2, David XL ! Donald, John Day is - Jiry Dougherty; , ,k., i'.f ' r ' . . Samuel U. Elliottj Frederick Ezeil, .Dvjd Ewing. , ; i . tl . . Martin H Fuller, fiebbeh FrAerhan, .Xxhcy Floydi J.M; Fu'lwood,Wm Ferrilj ., David G: Flanakin, John 6 Flanakin,fJohn Foster, Allsey Fuller, Mallorv Freeman. o Anaerson oner, BamnefjM. Uiies, Jes Gardner." -f - ' 1 B John Hodge 3, ismes Hudioh, febio r iron Harris, t5smuel llbrie,D;iaev Harvey; :. AViPiapi . Hajes,- Jvhn Hariis, jumeg C. Haynes, Agness Hayes, Th&mas Heurv. Sam- iei.l!f.dln George Hampton," juhn Hinej Philip Hircs Whitmell Hooks, iv ifVilliam Jamison John Johnstbri, Abel'l Jo"hn, John ErwirW . ' n ; (., ;l 'AWutusKmgl John King, Wto McKee. l comas K;L.jan, Wiliiim H. lcLea ' ryi Thomas Lewis. -v ; , - . -JPL -Thomas VlMartih, r,hbell Mitchell, Ehrl Mills, Fhilemon Motris, Andrew Mc- Willm, John MonfgomcrVarah MobreWni Wlcdlen, Robert -Morrow Rael Maze; : ' . wV-James Hi JeeV.Vi8 3fcKeeIy, Ople jKoms. ;.?'?::X$;. - iOJbjaathan Qrr, 'itotertbbrnV'EV J, - . Osborr.Iv :''-v" i - ..'.s i, . Pi-John FrhnaVJire FJcer,Istb??w Patton, James PatkcrSIIaji PlUnket Hifam Prather, Abram Ptiam, Eleaier &, fage, . ' - & D. McRes , Alexand'erlcrTeand, aiiliXabetlT Rejd,;john-Reidi-Kobert Rusei, I Samuel Rum .Ttomaa Roarers. Felet Kane. (James Ront, Levi Russ, David Roy; Russei Boberta, Robert Russei. -t 1 v l . ; v-.rjpnn &ttnn.:s-ton & Moses, Elitabe;h Sibley 2 Stephen, Joseph Swann 3, f Moses wann, John Scott, Thrjnas Speneer, IWiKer Sm'yb, Hannah Smith, i-'Jesrenh Smith: VvWro Smith,. John Stephens,: RobertSirnon.J lL ojzciuore, jaocy Speccer, Hugb; Stin$an; 31 Scl ael L.Stinsan 3.' VTV m Thomsonfcetb Tsvlor, J, c j: l;ckcr; Sally Thomson,1 . James ; Tboma edliam iThcmsan,. John M.Thomis. . Jb. mniJE Stcre-Hot'se and; Kitchen. Ir lately eu?ed by Ju Scctt,;dee, aj-.d I'UCSWIUU n-" " ----- McCraven Fnta McCurdj. AVrn McComb, f pWv the TarbouK Uecksev JTcCam, Ehxrieth Clhnr., Isabella ! ! . , . . . ? K Cheek. AranihObur(v ; Dnild O-tdwrl! -j! hf va.f-.abrtut levying the HezekiaH Cnxtre: ixme L. Citert: Jas. Car.J : ho ' v- haul hft nriiir)ied to Send a Tf bson. James Godft-ey, John Gniy, John G J more, Jones Gee, J. & J brimth,4ligfcrd Craves, Robert Civets, vJohn ttrdheK Folly j iVJicbert Vardner; Folly Vardner ' d rltYlobtat Walker, AVm J. Wilsonj James i f f'J 1? iWslker Joseph WUsof, Arri Wilson 2, l !Ji .H AViltoson.liev.bn M. C. Wiison, f V 'rWest, Mathew Wallis, Thomss Wal ' Jl . -A WoodsrAbuer Wines, Jainea- William- r: .i.ui ii juaauiwuii Ltiuinax iif.u.- tin- j i,-J:enry .WcsV'Adiia! White, John vWiL ' ' AiamsWm Wr43;Jamet WiU6nrh'ff. 3. l!i,r-yotmgblood. Shade Yarbrufghj 4 v? ;. - - "I - . . -ii ' V t-l 4. LIr- those indebted to the rabslri3er. erw lKote nn; Oben Accpnnti krereested ft comeLQfwadaildit1 the, araeivitho4t 'delavjastit is llbpssi-;. me; icr,njpn to grant jonfferannuigeryr .' 6l3t- HILtSBOROUGII ACADEMY. .'it T)b Exercise! oj this Institution, will be jresumed on the first Monday in January next w-'tl- ' ':' : ' :- lirjfboroiiii.-.pecl; v t 54-t four oV fireVoting"dKs':ai';arters7-- r(Sttdenfa of the Academir;) -.JffB Baleigh; Jan. 1;: V-.7 f 61 gtf.rl n .J., -f 1 " " 3 RALEIGH ! niu" f Kiwi uaut 4Uf- t i r.cer.ondiy;U. the annual Election-day for CityW- ? cer. Jnsph Gal.es was re-cKosen :In- ferdrfjtl or Police, ; John JjeJl Jo'm Ih-iv ariCnarJesManly,'.Cntmis-sicin-r for the Alid'llWard ; Tithia- Cor (nis3ioners of. 'the pattern Vari; 0. Sct ti' Cun: missi oners 'of-thV V"esst( estern Viid.v The Corpf)Vate'?OlHcvfs wiU Imetthis evenjnc' Hr. .the'' purpos bf. ciuUfvinr-'apni uiti Jb - a G fe rk a n i 1 o? business as may com before - jV ; ( 67a fc i5 ?ir ' ??r i "ff rx ewoe r n Optniel sayn Afr.JF'ulfon, the Civil Engineer," nTjlhe if ate,r hai arrived. in t;ti- t-i wn ; op fis Vay . ta sjJre;iHe "ica between Clubfoot and TIarlowe's crt vts.) AW u m j ers tsr d lie intend afVjrKarHs to prc?ed fn tJience to V!i iiti,'tonIto c-;a'nine tlve Caps-Fear I R:?,VtVom thericetn j-ajtteiUeVaml il nn oiner, enuiurniv win permit, hr'Kitl likewise examinethe i'eifee, fr; n-$neefi,9orb,4o.c--0,,f UruMee,' before Jie rctyrns to?I(alefgh. TCxitvertf.rrQn 'tlij??.l2th rriRt. a man rsi'inl hi in 9 el JiMrt lira ckstok ca 1 jbi'- I' fyr a Inend .to hs care,; and I al -d fcr t;is addreis, vyhich tlie'Majbr tel Kirn, -he dtew outbf his pocket a Meccf of pa psr folded ip, ,atid re-r nu"ea ne wpoiawnce iiqown;iviiicn he uccordSnly dd; Tua knaveaf-. fprwardi wrote -a proiinissorv note fori SI -'P above the signature ahd on pis arrival in this place, sold it to one of our MercbantsTor goods Some sus picibn'wkjny about tlie note, on ap-, plfcation tV Major 'Afford. thcTraueJ : wii disc6veret!,and the man was pur j sued and taken in Cumberland' cotin J ty "but haw kijice ; inadef hil ecapei lei irig 'behind shim tSegMMjnhich be ot5f iicd-'ba uiscoanterfeit note., his'.'; 'hqitheg incautiously signtheirnantts! iyr-Ar-moslia dftv vus comnvitfetf in Columbia oti Si WtS'fc hfnjt -1 a sb r ' Frb In the iro.r riw;th-v;aroMna; ; were : pass. he here onthr .way hpnie.. The, father; waf ; -tpfing oil horseback ab'tj his sod "drivinjf jibe wagon'. f-jyhebJeyarriiV! yeU nesr tn'br: bhd iof the iowttfl the were met by? another; perscri on . hoieblki whb ran of 'eonerand an altercatfbri and orr cu8ihgrpasVe! betvvctQhem.--; The imm4rdde bncbhtfnbighia cbjebwb street ou tdirectly fre? tbned and tj sb suroseU a large; stone orf brick pass !is fafKefV and strike with" violence on the bppbsiie side-of th$ atreet and im mediate; anothervhich ruckUhe wanebn'ihbv'h tetrptei j Tbe man galloped u (xtthe ftrithd ttilhed bftnUiiekt that c r?ed; ; , The old ma'nalthVughgton nedidnot falffroni; atUmpted topFbceedJ He,bweyer; ?p)H fpu hd that He had receiyed a se TfT?X:'?W thwagon, Ff(fccejded ,wrth rkorrHoutASileS, pufiortowmv Herheyfound-it be- in(l:ftebldvmabt be inri eb nveyed- to a 1 1 n i,i..tti i - . tr..J" . I- . rr : f atj n'ive.satnerefi appears Tnar. i !. Hi i i eiV: f a.i Wa ?rn h?r in d hi Html ibrt ebnyeyed-to VhobseaPMiished- 0owe& ii tfl C vpn:nrlnrt- 't, , v U ' Morr I j fobler fJtis, R.oberg, Rujrgles, San ill B-JT f- aie 1 foTjcuenoh, :rrimblt, fiaDykend WiU :i::-fcompt -measure .tveref: taka ::to lijJA?essrs..BatboUf, 'grow,' lEaton,' ttd jflsticana from tfbng pre bns? V511! 1 sWtite evidence: atibn tbejafe of the Hcv; Kingsburyv frbnV Savannabjjdatecl j tf;j nsays,' 5A?reat parrot m0Attyiinqin asbes. ' A fie comrneoced about two b'clptltliimbrninin lrttable? VHich has! cmsumd, the bfstvpoon Mftici han .erie.hatf, I ain; confident, of tbat 3arp4n whicb business is carried Jon. fffi wind; wa s1jgh?ari(V the1kflaine!'; inroad .with rarji(lity iFhernount of property lot 13: immense, ? on any simuar, CT;n"u j tiui .auiuvun iVil rp;foqf.; fifths of ?the ciwa cle strbyedv yet trj v apd'tKeircontenM one half of tHai now consumeYpti may -forml some idea; of the i,1rapid pro gress of the flames, whenjiinrm yoii that the work of des tr u cti bnwas near ly finished at ?un;nse. tfotii? t;j TTlie Presiderit atitl Cashierj of the, tiitedbtes'Bankliich is a heap bt.ruinsii'Vfiad only , ti me Vtp ; sa v th e Bank-apcrvtheCdiscbu tfon nptesahda part of, the gold. .The;rest;ifthe! afithejr.'fiboyifiney obliged to JeaVe ib the Vault; apd- it was the gfC in the va utt 4 the waifs; of- which are 4 etthicKand findstthat nothing U i nj u red . The large establishm e tit of Andrew to,& Cot in which was pro-' I per ty to -an- imm ense, amount;, the stores near,uie marKet cauea uiospn s TWrige: a; rane of elegant ncw'stOTes, belonging to the Presbyterian Church j aftiew Custom House and a nmbcr of fibe brick stores, which were: thn't, fir0 proof are -a II cunsu nipd . -1 Tjie' amount of the lpsss it is impossible at I present to form any estimate The jl Pc?nix Company of? fiondonar ini surers on prupertj ,, uesirovetii iu inn ambunlof 170,000 dolla The-jCpniV pany here, no doiibt suftrs , severely, as iv ejl as those at tbef north. : Hadk tlte fire tfrosjted 6rotfh(6nfStreet, of vvliidh ; therb was at one lime -e?eyjf prnbabili, V there isno saying where; it woiild HatJe Jitoppejl. .. The Haik of tne ?iate 01 ueorgjia,,, ine episcopal C h u rc h and the j PJIan te rV Ba nU took fire several tiines."lmt was! saved hy reaf exertion. v ' v;; f; It is iwiw about half past 12f Av 1V1. and the, lastlhonie Miat,vH bejhurnt, in all probability is; now in Jfamcsi ; -t The ibi lowing; are already. asber tainel,to be the .4u(Terera j ;: V: Andrew Low, & Co. burnt out, loss es timated at 80G;000 and more ; Low, Wallace, Codblossvj;;:-:;-ijloj d &!JMorr.sonfjjj 'building; burnt ;: Judg MAllestersJiouse J-ddge Jones, do. Joho' Hunter's buildings ; W. L ' Wil liams Hook Srore V;all the Pi iiUing Offi- .c,ea; all) ine vvuoicshie otores ; mosc 01 th5;rHetaii;. . rto."fK:evrinsurance-:.-Uiiice;;-. FIontgomery5ypd' C6V store ; he Grand Lodge H'pnrn ; Union Lodge Room, and all the pa(ier3,;&c.":, '. , . $ Public jjeneficenc-Thi cprpbra tioji ot the citvJot Charleston4ha$ - virv" B5,000i.for: -thej-relief of ;Vthfx ilisj ti-es?pdt citizens of Vilmingtbn;by the late Fife:; and SlO,O0O. to the'still nlore v afilicied citiieuSof Savannid from, the same cause : UThe'Debate bn UheSlissoort buesv Sen ale of ;tiVe ? (Jnited';Sta1est,fe diicussjon has? beeb brought bit inci den tat ijr to thebi 1 1- for t he: ad m Issfbn' bf ;lai;iB intof thbiUnipn, It haying been prbpb$edlby way bfamendmentl' t'tfi tbcnfpnfate Inrthe samejbill a ;brb- vision ipr ane aomission ocnssoun ibta'tlle-jjftiop tiotr by! wliich t has beej; jjrppbied.tb exclude; 8lavcTy-Trbm''kihe5 Sta te erected ib:hat territory tiob absbrtrs so nmpti lttentibnthatlj Untii is rie almoibtLV saip! no Bbieryed bbf this h eajlljsterjb: Mr MacODftht;the apjarncc pf tib Sbnate Chamber 'aitbstedibc impoK tance or ine ouestion actuaiiTiUepuu n tfrtrf 'M5oHJTbfer follow ing tyeV&? the T'eaiahpNaysrinte Se na teof the VI S&W. tlicT mot jotvlbf MrRbbbrts:t bf(a cbmmitteer byw ussouri ar proposea to pe unuen iu the sarhei bill)- tyith jnMtionSrto; kfbte fAem and tebbr w thiadlbissjbn in Jth'e sbapVtn Avfiich' iidame frpju the: i KA5-M essrs uurrn i, i;ana, uic-rreon, rjt?ral opinion that an that was . com Jilutibt'e'waS'goneV anrJears is safe i the Cashier has been r 117" Thefabove- fextiCfc-Sfromsott therp paar. vVVith tbe writers means of infnrmat linn .. wi i nf ft jinamin?nfirl . W ardeiitly wlshufpr the eirpation of staye4 dangering the.public ace,;ir Exciting locai jelousies that may fiballv buUn leo ry v ruviueu jvv can ot? ooe. -wicnour en pardy the. Union: bf the , Stated Of w'c e lis, leu u cnops- ineiieasi.' : , jiatrery; would be-a tess eyll than jiould be a ;spi fit pf act imonyd fibstili jy bet weepvdif ferent'sectioiis of jthe Union. If th IVl- ed in aby bth'fer wa lpb(dbe fat better to admit her on the terms shwishes.ind I pass a prospective lar that slavery should F)e:grjerbuN ncrous , remarks; are worthy of the i print rrom which they areopidi and which has been iteufast inlthe support of justrincires. When'Se reflect that they -are made in the iuidst of a, fcbmmilmly stropffly prejudicedion the subiect;-to which Hhevi rejerdoUble: j credit is due t the tndependent spirit w ni cuuic 4.ieu m e i r ex pre $ ston?ss- k : Benal or 4 from irtyew-FbrBu fu xvi u 15 . h eiecieuwuy , nea ri v an .unamy wiC) Hwcaioria congress irom j tne state orA ew-iorK, to supply the: vacan cy pec asipn ed by the eSpiVatibh of his term of service ion thSd day of March last, j i Whe n t M rKing a rivfes bt'thfese ofgbw M ember of the"! Senate wil I be at his ' nost iilmakinn-. iiii th whnJp. il . - -..v : . r3' . . 7'- ....v In the State bf Alabama, lThomas: A. ; Ubirers hasJeen?appointed Secret j tary pf tate BaelPickebs Au ditor, and-Jack r . Ross, -Treasurer.' . . Dndling& bill , lias passed its third Reading iti' the Xegislatbre of Alabama, to take hfl'ect' from (he first ttay.vbvM party engaiC'ed in ;it: diteWo 3 months J i iniptsonment and a frneof two thb6 i sahl dollars bW haf f to go into the j puirtic treasury,1 the other to the i b' k t br m er-r-the o de nder j to : gi ve sec u t ity al AasembiV.. The 'bill! renuires -evev ry'ofticer of the Stated Ito take an bath j that he has noti snceJthe-jaS8age of tins act, violated its i Jprbyisibns'artdf 1 tliat he wiil-pb. uriria' his coritlnbi sjJmfe-tihwtje.rice for .thb redemption bf the pledge given by the Editbsr bfhe EyenipjtPosltb ub ravel all that Is ye t fmytenous ,re'-' spelling . the : Spanish treaty:;. The public are parti cularjly desiroti Sj to learn on .wha grounds the Post his so utthsltatng1y pronounced . the .con- duct bfihe li ng pf Spain, in tegard, to that treaty to be exempt from1; all censurq. ' , 1 his reasonable ex- pectatipn, it is presumed, 'the Editor of tlie Evening- ostiwjll nbldrsap The National Convention 'fbtv fyrjoZ irig a ! PharmacopoBia at r Washingtpb, is on ithe.eye' ti:3g3j r after brinin . the: impbrtabt buHiuesi for which it asserabrpd, to a happyfabdas bt7nrrtbf - flcrTbb fTbb. "Gid-j eon . uranzeruiate postmaster Kenerat nl tha I Stntda 1 nnf .nniv- momhai of the XT: States,1 anttnb wt member; o f the Slebate bf th tS; stated hatven to eVta'tif'Wfiroli bcbf :flnd.: lmin thel ha nMrtrtrtf arf . t a uriii : Anm h is 1 1 ri n 1 T r exVembre loss r of the.ship: America; CaptMtbmi tberts.' belonging: tr Mr Charles , Hall t Ibf Newiyorki kThis shib had beeb'bu about l8aajr;frpm Valuable :i sbgafi occi; aiid tenb n thi evbj bf en ienusrT w e uu was an ven . usnore rl it m nrr ht crn I f F 3fi ' ihrt nrtft! Iff ui'alshort timbebtto nainfuljo state. Cant ; ibbertsili Ei.Oarrisueabd thb two suDercarroeB4 Doth ofHPhila dlhiafIinue'iS '11 sedmebTwerb; droned- 'iCaofe ! and the two Srgbw ooacj grilling snoref wneiT tneimain,' mastfellon thehabdd pfCa pt and tbreethefs drifted 'up'dtttM. uea.cn as. weir a? a-nauwer ui uaies ui i The sei wits so: thbiip5 sjckia:mi fathper wkisenbutfcbiiaolflph? anu uie rauney iur ine vora2e,'raissM iu 4." ewj vf 04 resnuquenua, anu.i,ii- 4: tf htsli is o Meet 7. inches thick, aft d 4 iM k. : 7 inches thickvaiid is' said bv V ' Me of the first ? cheras' iij the Ave: V. ctirpabmrfWe hHVeV 'Sfi ten been surpris - the mmon silver jnirculatioh 1 cornpany-is nbwgnrmiii !;to' shaft to the above mentioned: ore. " -.. rr with which the riati vtev.Tflema uri S some of .oufyrints ami it the industry withich:eyeryJto;:of . jfc haVeeit -starched ; to discover rb1Wmi.ha.: A !"atf?$3f fbUndhovf etbusable or tin : ; v :v ?impprtanU it ipmrsatisfictia-t K v by rui,wrc, personal or political prejudrces have riotr in rpt pectio this Pbemf: blinded the juil sv ment and rivarped the; mind, htl woSt' V ceptfon.; U I two extracts ffJthe latelifltigh viewers,, irom whose hands, judin' .,v,.,,Vuav,M,l)tfy,j,, uicr,p4c, no ia ; r oreipectedfcr ad ':& n-poetp v'j;. phemostrecentellW Mviii;uuscrvai!ou5oi inea$c, ,no, 14 the Backwoodsto'Vitetf.A Rci,'. - - "vi - This- Xth?; Backwoodsman,) j8 certiiply 1 ;' the mtfavorable specunen bftiriiad. iuji yroiMw tuaii, nueuTf HIS lllrt loubterfj literature; that Jias fyet iallen Under bar noi"1 ::W ice. .UK:?- i Pbeni; which yould:g! 'i" ! autnors PNspoft to ;cel6bnty Inar5y countryi v -andjlinlesf we are.in'Mtiy: .raiatakensniu- - : fetumteof itnieriti itV j ; v m.v(jvt w uiv.puaoictJiistcncC OI 8UCU anomaly as nati re paetieal genius In an A :i :;i:OtheriKeYieibe8ide.tlie8C,i given batibbit 1 W vjn ine xwn iinsr. int.Ttv; v.n o w . of Bertiei county; .to; Miss Sarah 'Brown' Rev:Anthony orsteTf A..t;.r. late PastAr of the 2na-inuepenuent U 'arch in'Charle.ton; ed tor upwards of two years" under deehnin heaithvwhich gradually Weakened Ihe: sbri nn. taine chri sicknesi, tered his. pf;pring:bi1gfittceHth i ueiip nopw were Tauwanct hdie.l without, a, struggle of ; sigh . He died tte deaiK of the ffighteoui with the full and gloriU3 hope ' ' J of a blessed resurrectibh; ; , : ? Mr Forster wasM nitivebfa SfV.r ' ng;ffa;ugiiterpfT. Prpwnri,-B9duirc:: ?: )f ChowanV-..':?t-;. '""vB;;.;:.v : ' v : In Chatham countyvoff theSth mstankc VNC: MnTames M'Laurin; Vineriibarlt;! cf Fay- ' " etteylerto MiSsrEahnyNFarVUttdauVhI V-l:. ier ?omasFarrrsuE3q.bf Chathani V v f county s :sl?,: . v. ; . -r: : - ;LatftVi.m"NeWi:I Esq. Editor oOhe;Kew-prIeans C&rbmVi : i : cle, to Mis BaraH Nixon, i : : : :r-;. : PiED;Ti;i::rt '.;;:;-. :v r 'ta'this cirv. on Tuesday mrrrnlh t,k . . ' U A wh themorexijiayy b?etv inrl : 11 1. ' aiiaa' foHituo;'. a'v pamfiil And ditreair.c4" i ':' whiqb at slome short $nterva'(sf flat'- . .j"." -friiendi: that tBe r:UMn 'K-'.otf.' r : ' I received hiieducatibn atirXbTUveriiy: ije V ; I ifaSMtprbfiuiid'aaaera! theVige'tUshWGemaniy tn hi dbi aridmpsteroplaryro v enurfierftte all his excellencies arid considering the reJaiiot ; r in which betood td'blsome may think; wwO ' have said tob; much rjitose- who Vkqew hini ' ' . oesv wui Knqw uc,waa superior to our praise ; 1 yiceUent iM Discourse Wis deliver M$?':: Pfieeters previoto ,f1ieinferment. ' Thics discourse, could ndt fail tbinipresi a very rtu -merbusjassemblaere bf : svmfla.thifith-' triHWdai. i fbVwairdiverei energy of 2riisi v? . U . . i j -s. tf nMf i i . rous rrienos can ,iesiuy now well; tittedhtf v W $p instruct by .his conVerSatWlrf iriva:te - J't andkedify py his.etuencd?iri the Puttw-: y : But time would falf jrerC we tbenbrneratfiWr ; rw-:r But Htsobrm ths f uit pJi rirjjnci ca vcniy paul IUOU irooi Mearwifepf lames Mears. seri'fi Tbl v goou wruuma uan passeu long ipe 01 ap w v dye usefulness ; bt latterly had fiecoms '. 1 rather hejplesaud aj-sjfort time btforer; tier aeatn, accmeatauy ten inline ed5 ot ru Lthe, firei ad tebrerelif could be giveh;: IriHvde &ouutyJMr. Jesse Lathdnti a rda and resectable inhabitants : 'IVIrrPafrsQa Atsotit. aged 42. Ustthe-RcvtlDrO editor of Jhe 5ali ti y of scieatitJdiiiCe, Aim rcaaennr ircA aast souzat Xnif , . i . - Mr b 1 11 ' 1 J - - V I. .1.- i ... ;'I ' '.',' .( - r s : 1"::'V;'. V . ; t nincommittedtdittilwr -. -.y-cx . y .:u;:' .i---'-

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