- , , .1 ' " 1 - ' I" - - . - V rhcrc -ate 'than ,J 8ndicho7sQoiieu ' . - i ' -.-r 4-.S I-nt value, to thcroount. article isinot 1 important than co- -. rK-. nrotcctine dotics) from might be dually SVirSdoutWtUeUbor ia manu- factunaj ' it appear uia u iv thehree branches amounts $W. A- To drawn in tKeCitjr of Richmond. - i.fi4R w V 'do ;lof 1 r. lM 1.848 do 1(T Near three Blants to a Pri2f, end the Oprhes tW be paid'wUhout wcount.'ffj.' ; ;tvThc explanation of the above Lot Vhe had g rati s and the-TICKr - 17lSca'iTbe-hr.'drat 810 each inthts plate. h ; Oir &iU Vicinity, . .? TWFN1 Y 0pLLAltS RpVARD. v ;v . TTl AN WAY from the subicribef VIrP" XI Kn County. 60 the 17th of August last, Ctiegm man named N?.D.'. tie is a tolerable -laree- fellow. otrite Maclt. his lef eyria-.rar ttmjaiest. a lar?e scar onhjs forehead occasional v the kicfcjof a horse ; he art-, KlUslXrew.iandsensibI-, andfw U no doubt ! attempt to pass as a free man, if.he can by amr means nrocur'c a fortred pass I h'arebut a very few -days aince taken him from the Jajl of Hertford Qpunty here he passed for months a free man; aod had a pass to that ef fect, and on his way home made his escape It is more thaTrprobable, htf direct Jiis v Rl,rT! . fmrfi East Hartfnrxl.only course 10 some ofihe Seaport it'n twin - ffi ve the above Reward for apprehending and 'ecurirluin Jail, so Xhat I get him. ajrain . All persens are cautioned against harbouring ULEVl BOH DEN, 62 tf aAK-!ATVAV.frr.m the subscriber about Hhe first orNovember last, a young -ne-felkv named SAM 'or. SAMPEL, nine- 1 u'IUVcarol6Ji;lit Complexion, fine.counte. " :xju.rjre, erylslc?lyi -eU maerfive teet.aixor clglt inched gh, -and has a ;smaU scaa on I 1 his forehead near ihe, edge.of the hair. .He was cau,ttt in the.nf ijrhborhood: atot'tyn. ' r weeks afrerhe-webt affl since which period, 1 have teot had anv certafrt information of him. From the iManrervwhichbe left-home, and other tircurostahces, I ah induced to believe that he has been aid oeppeo. . Any person 1 hat' deliver the above fellow and ad f napper to the 'suBsCTibef; Jiear Columbia C. tl fnfm shall reeeh-c the above reward .oii conviction hf theiidnapper;or FWDol; lars for the fellow alonei' ;or (orr informationi .aothat'Iret him again, if taken out df the - Staie, or Twehty-'five Dollars if. taken' in the State. , 5." 'f . a I 1 : ZACH. WILUAWU f V Colombia CH (Getia)'V-"-: January 15; 1820 ; - 5 , 62 lSi ' PUBLIC LANDS FOR TlT-Virta'fcit'anrAct -of therlast Grneral :"Xi jAssembryi entitled'"4 'An Act directing . the.sale of certain Public Land adjoining the "City of .Raleigh and for oth.er purposes, the; ' ' tmaersigned CommUsioner will sell at put land The quantity iabot4W acres. It will be sold in coRTeixicnt, lof s of.yaiotfa ires, on . J;a credit ofoneyeatbifone tjiir if ibej pur; t cba'se money : .two years .for another lhinV; and three veinTfbr the: remainirgthird j on - irivin? Dohd.wkhaBnroTe4 aecuhty; parable " i'to the 5bTem6r,r and negotiable atanyofthe Hanks in the Stated. I I v'XV'Uf Theland-ia well woodedr-haf -jnanv fcand- . . -foaie f p . . vr pujiaing, anu f sevew i " Should'the weather nrove too unfayoyable . V to Commence th e iale on the appointed : day. j. riii uc posiponepvtuiiii inr nm gvvuu; - .tnereaf ter,- and. will beontnued from ioay 10 vfc".V FjilelshV Jan - 61 820i : , 62-r4 April nexti'on the pretoiie&if tiie, public land " adjbininpi; the City bf Raleigh, -Arhich by the "j aaid act is directed td'kesold .r, -..?. ,1.; pay. or py otner adOttrnmentf unui nwsnea,. il3 1 ; th'epaxticulara will Ve made knot at r -ck v-'.- Duncan Cameron iK , l. r 't hiVrrtifrr:. Pleas 1a ftTtie ""NriticLe. -thkl.' 1 J .i'Tonlhe:-52d dacf Febmafy hexti atTXbe I '1 . c hourt .House in .the Cit of Cliarlestoh;' Stated I i I of SoOi'Carolina, I riiall take the depositions' j ) cause Hqitndln'ff in, the Court of Equiry for OliV the ConmvofAnson, State of North-CaroUaa i vuc herein, Gilbert ylVardUw and. tefiTare;. of tbe; Board; ;Cbmnii83ipncfs,bn PrilaV lasLi ior John Bel! was; re" WnnintptUCitTreasdrer.lJenii A ijaf namj'VJerHoi mehjpoa.rq anu .11-. laip l vv iu.viwg u 4 v V ''" ! - S I. brMrtir :1)ut iiosc.who enior it iea- eralliwr'Wafy trke m the affile:. afford rcma rHiblennstances "of I once VityViitetideti ibirfonie of jtjmembers wjjn .an;xcepLoii;romi:ne qsuai'ai lov. fMosles' Snetris died about 50 Years ag4aged :9 14nevfcr. having witnessed theW fchiWr Joshua; Stfff hi a so, "died Hast Nov mberv aged ayjn4jye yearwiththe saroe; rrwite i;MnS9 fcOffcs tl iecT at 80-i-ha v- iha lived 5$ -tears with thea"m"e wife4. Aarnu ouscasi.M t anve, ageu 0 nav ini Jived 48 fears with the $aths yvife, Msrv.DilliartiiNlalive, k&$ 7&r haVtn's'.lived topwVrdsof 40 veara with th tame huitad.,-:-i -:';Va;";?: Wic dtersle'Teasurer ofithet'Stata; of irffinia Kas 'Vesigned hit office jilcknoledgin had becomel hjV misfortune, ufinihe lair period if pnpaf alfeled cortniercjal ; disf resS Van pecdniafyrdiffi beforaihvalved'bjindi high m the chnudenta:fthe 'fpabHc hutl vh'o hayeiaince faJleoia sacrific t the unusuaj state of the times j :coh seaienlteT'fK.-jwhjiph Public i Trf isti r v.hay occiirrJpd ; whtch he s unable to sUppI y'j. Tie tadds, that if the sacrifice of is'piternar estate with Jhat AvhSchjhe has acquir- j ed;byfa.iif6findttstrvV expiaiiott jor ni.iauic9 nc win view It is i&tso aiated. that a suit has been ordered ins'i'.tlie.vReter- of tjie amount of his bond, for.y malfeasance in office;, ( ; And a lerJt.in the Jbarmers' mnk at;Petiur- hasgoii ifpljarl ongicg . tQ tha Institution; lis jbnndi,with goosui etiesjft'r 10,000 -dollariy ill lessen the ; uencicncy by so muihi ;' trer; trr the town of GcnPistbh re- - rn.. '"i eti)lf di An ract .to . suspend "sai u nd Kxecu ticn3 & de c rees of Co u r f s Ffbr8iitrday.5, ;s:;'v-:-. - r the Kus- ie orwn- Reprjesenta'tive . Govern - yerjifnen, in th,e wore civilized parts jBolivafvXfter having acc'5ni:' piisedvthe: liberation of afgreat part of the Interior ofKcw-rGretJadai has taken iup his'1inef nrchffoiVene zueiiai he expects to engage.tp Koy-; alisty ii'. his route through Caciitiii i C r 1 The ' deliberations of fconCTes have zi ey ex produced ,:a deeper fl.n feres t, i f wetnay judge froin everyillay" at(end .tpeiiUings "b the Senate UhanUh'e idtijsiolwhicK has occupied that body for? th e last eight days 5 ?a nd th e4 curity has 'seldomeen vfiJid 5y ajmbrejar! ble de0ate-certai hi v bre interests -inIeW ouIi hot:; havir, formed the; subject of Jtoi-on gallenesj: been fiHedfbtttjth public desire to hear' the debate haibeeh ao far ndulged arUfthe iijamDer not 0600160.1116 seats ol thaTmenbe auditork (ahd ihitenesbeehren' dercd 'the mffre i in tere$tin? by ithe great n.unie 0 fad iswh om wc we're glad oSee admitted- upoo the flobh- y - ' j . ' ,T exii'ssibng.t ofregretft -tos-con: v llfIf oiir brethren iot the:South feel some dee:oimtat5dnfctfj&c rnff ihae' has bectttraised irf the Eastern rSafei-dnrinff 4b& faifxwnimeVrfit oueht Xol oe rpmcmoerea inatis jiapior was,i ndirais'io'TinciT itbe'e.nen'r1 iMlrage hetw'iAnH attempt as 'tna? pi a ? ftJO'lJU med&?jersisall I3t2 tnev rravei,i)ew.niuiprnjivHwMsr inrvwreeiv. vain periect cinjwso.re-i:-The deficit .said to'be Upwards of y i Baiar,Esjql a fmemberv of iEjtttJVe'Xuijcify apnoinrttf by the LesiIatureV-.Treasu- tU ' v ' 7 ; ' v :. . - ' " w- -i rp.,ii 1 : t .Uovernor Slaughter; oi ;K.entucky,v ; sihuonyeuion erminateariis sit hasefqsed to sini he'Ialreceritly THrifgs pn the;Sth inst. S-K' ' paised hy the Leslslatiire of that State, e t - 11 I. if tontlTnh accounts sar, that siarr xqmeror nas airectea tl liatihrtlof a Piefe$ttrn pa thupbftedjnehlionr ofihe Senate bfHhe'-tniird J?tateifVpftMissbn atit M ai ne i n t?ie Mtne bil II wi th sbme The: ihstitu tioffbf Board o? Aeri- culture in mediate w or. w 1 1 form, 0 nuountea 1 v-f n e,w era n pitp . . ,,'".'5::.?l JLiVt.!.L'.'A'i noufcc"that and; com meoced ifspredihcatBhe Gapiiol JnlUapy, a"ftj;ysf agt J gn'ectablelterilhj "ta-:: 4ereeV has ajid?that,Swritf r Wtpi twp or three 5 jime a so Veicfji'rejjed y fortheabo?e'disease in r r -iriO "JUT ' JTlTiicy yx l a pcciai court of the U.f States" n otsrsi tti rig in Jh is- ei ty their honors Judes Joh h sbn and Drayton; presid i h. Hen ry Rpi bef ts aliastDe Wblfwsvetefthiy; j found guiltyLPiracyYW penter 1 n jooara : toe Prat! cat entp Louisa command eil firftbrpida; a nd a ft e rward s' byOeo rge C tark m an d was VftvbodKelLih'eAiiAto Yhrkw robbed payista!. Glarfce 1 nient, havi n; been :same cntoe.ffrsJoji - In a recent trial in the District Court fortheicityor jforii brojtigtht.fi the grbb hd that ;the"efendantH had charged the planttflpkhUhaving pftpring, "ahcl 1 jing'irlatio to other , reports uetrimen tav to ihs cna-, racter. In;the course of f thetmti t appeared f the chargeV were ivitliout foundation, and abandoned on 'thtf part of the'defendantt t)y the ad vice of hi countse, 4 He then jthje himself short consul tation'j brought in a verdict of:8 00UIriiissho-uld operWte- as av solemn warning to .the assassinspof repu tati oh, in eve ry part ht the u h ion. 4 - :''-rl jge session 01 ine.ueiegai.es irmn inc. Northern, Middle Southerp & Vest erP-Disirict; o'0he United: Staffg.: assembled atvWashintonA)Mlielm:f maUon of a eNational t PharmacopaeiaV haying decided njtheseyeial arti cles of, tKetlvtatefJalJdica an1 on th e pre pf at i b ns & bbmpo u hds deem -e d b fH ciii at Xth eC b n v en ti b n r .. a ppoi n t'.1 iediDr. Jabb;Bis;clbw,Vof 4B(istonVl)r, Eh Ives, rof NevhaVen, -Dr; Lyman pahlinr tplevvrlrk,hUrv Uomas TiHephXof,Philad.elph Eli i ali jpe; ; Butt aLb t Jiatiitn wl ;a:cam njitteetb j 4rjae dfrejmrbCthe sarae lorwiie presw iWeic'- lor.-r-Tire Governor, in his 1 commuoicanooio ineAiisiaiure? in ina-view'bloerattbns under the act for tliej eticojiragement dfvaHcuI tureygi vcsi lavoilovacrourit The r connectiohof the great interiorjntecr ests bf tb State .Avith a stiE-df: in teirialj improvement? natjallyjlbads him tb;ayieW of thq prugresf the magnificent undertaking of6the:State of) e wVV;br k, t h e; Grand ; Canal , o f 1h e Sfatet of which the following accepta be account is given : . -r li'flfld, completion of themiddle section has already; opened- markets, fori a fertile and ieensive: region Th expensefof convcyiiig a baft elof flour by land to' At bay'-f roai' C ihcynt f y'abbut't he' Cayu "ga lake waa more than' twic: lis much as the expbrtatibii'.fefheVfrom' to Txiterpbpl ; and th'fflreBcebetee.u.i jfche former nhae'; rese.h'.coisi.' m9Si'T vaue ill not only lmtrateytha tuiacturer,; but afford W increased com.-i' pensation to the agnculturalisC jndepen ueiiiiy vs ihc, ui uu; tjJuiutRiii ,.iu, value, 'frbm Xitsbeing : furidshed with: sC. lahtic cs(ntryy?ili sbbiv be supplied iv salt , frorntheW ablwdlqVthe5xvenue;, from. the. salt btKsappropriiated.tp-jjthesc of the canal, already t eees;the'rabt. favorable estimatesi and shews ivcbncld si yely tjie i .portance of iAli comniuaicd tibri to the accommodation of a vast coun-J try.Vrln Uierogresa of ; the canal, gyp-d r .r'lt'i.:. .i, u '".:':.-- t. : i Lv.jx 'rl sum uj uiev. Desx.quaiirynasoeen.ucuy ered; lahdt is ascertained that this re gion contains, , a sUfficint:uahtitv.of this invaluable tninieral, for the supply the wholeniie; principal ibtcdieiits cf hydraulic mortar were pfctq:ed at jgreatxpeiseirbm abroad, f 0 r the , const ruction- of ' locks j but apeciespf iras ' fably adapted for, water cement; and eh4 tirely supetding . the necessity of a fb-. reiKu'Suypiy. oionc tor, uc ouustruvinJU of loka, cnlyersj biidgbf and aeducts; ts also foabd in &aiihaance,;&i idcntly ? belieyed. asell ; fmm theKeo 1 5igicat cbaraterthisiiorias from various bher. indfeatfons, that coal wii be?. Biscover&d am'oiy sanicient'if br domestic lases arid manufactut-ing vestaldishmer'V ; pes animation' wmca.uniswor'-.'in -jia breseht juri'fTntshed sVsVtSseiii'iuW ! ternattrauec rnrimpui4inea yarjiageor pcrsoijai -jopscr- near Uie isle -of Bo- . d i s app eari "under the ! am e ( i by ati n is inow firrcpnf.nfc iinflbence of mbfaf justice BigamV, icbnvicWd routheieuiiderst anu .iage9 iu&.- 0111 ecrs - who composeti tetlate); Cdu-MaHiallon5 bolrdthe meaiierraueany quaarqn, ranu vwua werer piaceu'jnrresrxivijpnitf ijrctir. artkhavtcomeut in thisvesfel t DaniefcDTomp by the Hepubljcn inrjiexr;3roYernori;r v .. . " 2-5 V w i Sometimes b?) feVrAnoih'et-Cbi i.ion aptory nas. peen vtif srroyea ny , fimv-the 'PatapscdvFaeory,nme mih irom jDarumpre.i;jiisexiraorainarY, that a watchman is rexuiariy employ- it jas ib o hfy.Hh tf.&i'uf(i'leye rhbuH- He jea u twr morning, and the fire brbke'dnt iii i uic t mi 1 u..Biur( y y suuu ani: ; a lie, losses estimated at0i,d00.v - f Indiaq prUjden rofceegit cii'said c f have .establisftcil Isomethipg like ajiadie introduced ijf) ta:theif Society manjbf 'the awavahi usages of cfyiliziatibm- iSome bf their vffesiristitHtions are. an d .nrohibi fed bVlse vere neirafHbsi-4 As3apecimefrQft thev dispense justice in 'cases of Mrj viu 1 mi pun, .. vytz'jyiaie j ay s ; uie oa? vannaii,; MuseHhiy thefdlfowing anec doaidtojbeanthenUc tM f'An -Indian : aSsadl fed .? n nothp ri Of iwtiicfireur$r!ififp The Judce ordered the sheri flPto b'ri n thejMrtJe.s before 'hiuiTlie sheriff weht'in pursuit ofthembutreturned j hal did ypu dawiUi them j gave the db fend an.t 1 af ashesf V'hat I I ditl yott dchWifli the aintiifr'HGavei 1 nun .id ioo.":.f "j- tr ni win- vQ nr 1 forrber,Vr. witness Why.tave -ni ro:J lasnes-rior nau. .nevejoniS; ybngue herb vpufd have beenonb; of this' fuss - ahd roiible. ;Ity ivoiild bei well If a t thedistsS'tiin'sdf jus4 ; ticctjuld ti&sd equally arid promptlyj fftdministere. .A .,"''"';. 3 ' .. H ! P At . tfiet ppe ni xi'6t e r Houiev of i Assembly at iiermuda on the 1st u It. Sir Wmfcumleyx1 thVnevlybinf 4 edvernbrlludi the teujn stan1:pf Berm uda betngrmadea fre$ Ipqrtrnefh obseryatibnsif j "The Prince ReJtliabifiea f Wed to sanction-by a- recent acttlte stitij 'neater frecdorii of trade and intercourse ueiwecn uhs coiony a:iu oe-,cominpni,oi Amef icar teat national purposes, for i tile oenenc qiii empire m general,' ana uic niijiuj witi cs(.jtiuii-i 11 au iu pain ; cular, by which'' together -with theehj creased establishment pf the dock yard and naval arsenal; t:isikely;tb..become a gi-cat;entrepotbet7eeh: Great Britain America and theiVVest ; Indies it rests with youmlves ahd. the inhahitants of th ese islands; 6'' gi vefu effect vb these" graCfcus ihthtions- and pto eiisurp; theiif permanence by liberal and enlightened pol icy,.-in affording"' abd cob tinumg, col lecdveiy'aidHpdfviduailyVleyery t to aU vessels of 'eery tionf enterink your ports anu na roors;, oy wnicn we al most hone to render : this: Colony, thp chief ;.Mart -a.jppriiim' 2f the AVesll tern vv.orici." . . u-rt - i-' A London paper) of Nov. T says thatra n e tv .? balace: Is fb be bectin fbi ihtl Prlpx-e' !iepnt infheri ng,bn , tbe'samjipot hereBuckiriffhatn- noss now sianasoit5 is lo-uB-a-sur perb ialacef thteei fronts toiroverV 0011- rim ncof- ana jine; rnu&eTaw bf itsibit tButi! Wflstitie PrihcctBe ei;reuctantriQ;ap nienfethe iroun;d Tf :St.wes'iJa hbusf afe toP be4sbld, andjnVbt TOfnGfKV wjl be wanted to cpmtilte ..Hhp&'fleSw I VnrWrnhaveCarletbffvH ratKafff e P9nuerai uui pi which Uie tbhange CoflefeHou Boston'ifocmeylytop iOfMsjuare feetan d ced,y trianSlarteet'fo 1 S,8I3 saare feet, was lately soya .ai; aucuou, bcmi othfiHia dolla; $ ii nquen JMtbcers,- andf arne5iy in taff ihemitS ' Hathhbt a Printer eyes'?.;Hath-fi hor han4sV'' organs, i4imehsion senses, afiEeclionv pafcns'tTed wiffi the sap) e tqoa, snojeet xo ineameaiscasesneaipu byHhesam't meai?s vrii meet ami csoted by the'eame summer an w intef that;an; other,TCat is htf jck prick Us do we hot blcedY IfTOU wrohef us tioe. not suffer? .ABd'ifydtt urglect'ib ftdu us shall not witgoui tnemv; ,v perevare your prlsonersaldh baufflit tnem.'t rebiied thc 6lieriff'.-i mand grader's! BtiUiliearSt fy'sV who'M atesithat drde'fi have been I v v -U fjeAeiyed frbni head 6 tfartlfsj that all : V j teYpryceedr folwitK;tbbiScott Therje areeirnderstahd; Cbetween v eiMitlKindred niefi : at!Tra.U tprpcieed eilown:the'i0 t thejeavegrf' A laid do wn upon the gutter, and reacfi-i ' iu-.verf, puiiren je euie 01 , waters . v t u c u oci a 1 iv u uoii - tv-iirej us c k.1 n a . ek'edjits:) ted ip to the; fioise-.aMin byttyo per-- ons whohad repaired to the roof with,;V babhets of water :-her - forti toil e 4iav' log n ?i egrbebrtaken hf, on 1 Jview of hef perJpua:stiathJTho, ' ' in.e exertions x)i an muivHiual, a pre- , inrum nas oeeji .ODtaineu.ana-presenU' m AtUmingtpnbh; theVOthllhsti Jofin .Cowaiiy Miss JanelAmeliaJJitk V . K? youngesttaaugntetf tylr: VVnugJiclu - ; At LeaksvilleV5 the 2d nlt."after 4dayk .' V indisposition, in;th very I: ; jbstly arid SeneranylahTe,ntedMrs Jen 1, i' rtet CamptelWth poL'James CampbelU,G4shier of thei.Ai: V; gncy of the Statefianfcf NortU-Caro-v lirtA jn that townv 'r;,V-V' Dcath-ithatmi ? "if ;,'. proress ot hhman3plendor: by 'his S, re "j 'i 4 peated bjhwHeitriomplibver the vaiu V.' -distinctidnbf tHs fVt;k.Wajfr hi1V;vi7. haughty ".sceptre thfougtioutlthe. worlds. Vvv, Eile an irapriousriLcelhe breaksthei i " S Isilkenotdspfriend'ship;; and 1 destroy' j gben.pham 'U '-C -i uc ucaunjouij mi serene must tail re- shitless intbitsvepld-(ebMtelTlie ybung i he fair.: theobhand the-Jse, ;musValt,l r t;M wistet itjatjuit the "at ageof mortal p'; i tt CJr vii Yea ixue-ev.xenjamn JJeiyell, of Rkmghamtc)inty, who OaS been'-'an;imwearie.d.preacn pel;of Christifbt thittyfyejars, seized J; ! from our fond embracesHis mortal part - ? soulhisimmort f oaring wings of Angels, has fled, t6 enjoy J ; those inimitable, scenes.ofglory prepare V ? ior ine jzuuuui irum tue iouooauouoi Jiie worid-??'.r-v:Atj:;f j I ? Var from thia wWldof toU;afe strife; : - itvH e V present wrmhe.Ju6rd!f ' P 4--'t: ' The lalwrs'oXhistetallife " JJBadstn a larfferevartl'-?-1" '" v--'? ;? ocarcc.nau me .western nanzcrtrfiuetl the'etherjal yacuityWith newmade time; qn vthe evening of the x5thlnsfaritr wheit ; V5' " ahrtinweicome ? messenerer accosted itht ? 2 - abode of the afilicted! w ith doteMacentrf .: i . of ! resistless - stateiThat f rfacewhichr ; ? f .:xu. W .'-iv-xi Jir-L .-,' .(i-.; ; V cured Uvim in He had5nbt vbe'neatdto'ititelaH-- word distinctly fof a cahsidprahlR'tm meht df all-wlio ;iaV him.lhe comheiiidL pray ingSd smgingnd cctjnu rJth i, V out ihtermissipn fotmrel hqbrs with lan . -S kac hobleancf pathetic ; .after , which 5; " i he wa qui.iomijosed until he expired. Heib'et thgrimohster1 wlt&'it derctt ' ''1' Pf j&mjkisure f eyei ctiatcteristic'tjf; ihp' : ' Chrlsjtian-i-and left a tehibnybehind of . the ealityTpf theTrelijgid? bf Christ. iHi :i : aiscohsotate jcpmpanion arid aitlumber ci - children ;with an ;ktensi vecoaiKxtipnc4;i''(;; SUt histf sidshcea wrlc, ini thrf iSstdaytefo trnfrirlt though; les an :pubuclilc he nasi been, h thettt int: Jltw Slarir BarbctaflrtaV ' and vatu.lifeihiav though absentij irom them . he is' present. , f ; Wththe ffMm: At his seat intary's bounfyfMaiflabd, othethasphitfKey, nVjrf ahe A ?0ih yeappt his ?gCfS4 fe'ifc'V;':? lorrbiS yMniafhlcU;Statd;.Jv- was Kepresentati vem Congre i la tl o t : trying peyibd fwhertj partieS Avcra'rost-''.? nearly dividedtmd engaged in t -;zre.i( '- I itra.leSuichis removal ioiN;Virork: .'-.s' - : -- t. ..J; -nr fm'J" . . . I - ' . icn cpuniry ner iaaniy pad eD9igratea;at eailv period of her LfeSbd was bont in T IpRdJpfthe. I rbay 3tatejirVhicli juld ft : t ascettai'6 bu$ .4t if nj-? i: orcireumsxa;nces jormealiet a great vavei ter, and h taed with I no tmobser vant eyey th:toe qoitteribf theglhez..-4 ke.fUih:5paai8bvltiaij a 1 French. Ivilh irreat'2uei;cv i ,waa nei-rcctle sjt 'na edwitni tne rtuxed B.Idr,.icd at I rar.r, 4. i : .'- .flit . ' corn; in urc y j -nu4oui: rjear . opoU- , . - r dppKen i py , tne . tra 'traders alon Ihe .:gritbernj r-r .i " " ". ''V

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