I A;. vv-X-. I rf i i f A; '! Ik A. THE CRUCIFIXION! T.. A'' i , ..Imitated from the ItaLa ofCreseetnbmwYif fi'kH'W'HttmVV What Joe to God r- hath dme Ait ' vt ij r -vV: ' ; V This j unexampled deed ? Tbe Heavens " TWss man and we in. horror snatcbd tbe sua.- ) Frdm such a ipectacle of tuilt 4c shame. I ikM t&e Sea the5ea In furv boird. v V' M Discloed the aojss, andfrom the centre I ask'd the Karth the Earth replied aghast, ' ' , ' XViJ ailc'd him next irrfe turn'd a scornful f Shook' his proud head, rlrfnd deign'd1 tne no 1 jnotice: ; -, -ii f Wa Man and aiich itrange- pangs tny V , U " i.U i gToan and shudder at the past," 1 - ' ' V To Mn, gy,' smiting "thoughtless Xtan. I V -5V.t- -v:i-'''':Y ''A v .'Ll.Ir ..those indebted to the : scbscrltrer I ' vT 'jcV reitheiw by;-lfoteC6rOpet : AccWt "X-':are".reUtektbcrocTorward and settb i; jr the same withotit delay, as it, is impsfcU a , . ble for him to granb lontcer imlutRenee. 4 Jan. 21. .1820 - . 613t HILLSBOROUGH ACADEMY. 5 : - J .V, 'V-ritiip tWisei of this Iwstttution, '.-vinbe 1 : resumed on the first Monday jn January J. AVITIF.KS POON , I'rinc ipaL AM tliltsborouh, pec. 1. .... : j f T.. lvA.m Ho'- - - ftlS..t3j.VTTLIlhving; jpenwved ,to Ba . Jl & ilevh Tor th coriTfnience of educating hr eliildrf-tw occfupies the house formerly 'rwnA fr XJonck'enear nhe Academy,, t?rsons eanaiso be.accpmmodated should' thevthlnk proper to calL u - A fJrt'V LOT 0H.SALH, : ; fjnKR ll6USB aftd J -OT; lately occupredby -. J ( Jac-i .Lali- situ ate. a pleasah-. elcva ;,tcVprr.rthe Ci;y; at the corner of Horgan ? aftd. Dw son's Streets; near th$ fieeason s HaU,- J,ber1a:ajrd narJ&'Pumpnd - OiithuildipM.'; Jor Tjust published ; T HR Hri DHU (or Recruits and the if a: nua f?tetc1sKlbf lnfantrr,. conformably "to tfie Un;ted S.tafes Systeni of M-UtaryDis-. r 'clplie, arranjted for the ueof" thMilitiaL V By an QJftceff frEHtia of 't V 'Sold hy t J., GAVttalejglt.- - :: .. "iTIltl.eliofa m -fti the ith day of V Fbttry next.'Ic Cash, at the itore Of Meshts4-Henry ;VVnks & Co. thotit nire mn' f oov nllionv V Ferry, on Rran9ke Ri Ter and sixt.rB-.rnites-' ah5te the tOwn f XV'naor; T:oni pntly t Forty-fire Ji.keW v.nnriRH-i con ' sVmjr. of v Men, .' VVcmeri, nd Girts. belocine til the Estate of Vim W. John'stobdfgjt '-A Z'J.. . v YM Imli IU"t. ur, &i , -'"?v3!(TtCE.-K m-: : : 'he' celebmtjed .Horse . I LiJiX.WUl stand' tne.ensuiq iasorv fti my, Stable m the Tqwn of Var 5 aton.v Th'sf Gntlemen who wish to i -' brped frOm hm wdt K well to improve A 0'cPtlnW"asifie acertalnly le corned to, the ivViestern CoAr.try; net " - J-iilU "c.Trmst;R'c; ,will be made k'rioVn itt due time', r - f V. . -. , ; ' ' . CAUTION. lnniHISvi9 to Ibrvvaro all persons rom' frad- o T ing fo,r i.Note of bxnd', fTjh I gave to ian M, Lewi', fofwir hundred Dollar, da, ted the 28h July, 1$10, aivj falls due' the 'lai day of!Matcb, 1B21, .Which Note C till 44tr AMES WEBSTER haiSit Press; and f d-Jlars iK isheebi ivpice'of theXoftdon cditioft j 1Q, dollara. ''-fhbiiecthftm' cf the American edition' 1 y v " v YVvwilriiutuisIi 43 speedily apissiblef ; Vriulora I 'andi Furcha$ter$ off Meal ; v -vVvlifkflte.'.ifir ;EdwifirBurtcrishar 1 i : r .V ith Notes Jind R'eferexieeii td Ame 1 ?' i, i- .rican Dccisiojia; by a member of the I j FhiladelphiBar 5 fronv the 2 fifth i' i ' Ge to the tVork :.Vv'"rV-.Wpt ublicatiokCbve it for 50. v 7 v Wellri bound) in calf Pk in sheep. ? : ,V' jJ'pPfice tohon-sub'scribrs wpl be S7 ' k:: .; vr ill .iwt'.'De. inferior; to Varty : other Law 7l 'l-i ; icTotpiiblisbxdin theXnited States. ::-AV...irPWadeIp!na:-Dec2ttl8i0.V-;;6 60 5tt about Cv f cUiXs. ivoyai vd4f D.. I; ' ' bubsa iptjons rrcelvfcd at J.'Galel , Hajern.- :rI,of:eWaf'Jphramntbiiumecea1ped. "Toere,ni.i oe soia on lueruiyuicui j bfvFebi1 !'fx : (at puhlic'aaleX00ti. th premTse&36fie -Tract of LND containing upwards of 40aacr, lying in the County of -Rockingham. oh JIw-Riref, adjoining the Lsnds of Joseph lleh and others, three .miles above; the, High-Rock. cAnd atthe late DweUing-Htrase of said SdeceasAJ; in me ToWn'bfvMartinville;,0i Thursday (be iyh of thfr same month,, will be soldtolhe highest-bidder 13 or 1 Mkely NEGROES, consisting of Men,. Women and Children. At the same time will be sold one Tract of LAND, known by the Horseoen ofuirter 1 Tract; lying on" both sidet of Hepepea. lining 7 ox the Battle on which is ne.v Gr?it.Mill-and an excf llent Mea dow.- At tjwe same time wilt be Sold trict containing 90 acres, adjoining-the ahore, kon' by DickV Folly Two , improved acre Lots, and One other acYe Lot with no buildingsr A hereon in . tha Town of Martin -viUeX and other perKonal Estate foo tedious to mention Th Stle to. continue, fr6i day to day untjl all is sold; v reatonable credit and 'due tteiiice will be 'given by- ! ' v - I j. fJANQR McClN, . .'V'-i r Jv' Avluaryau: ' ' NB. Sale to beein at 11 o'clock- t Gjiilford cVnmtyJar'y 1, 1R2Q ,,v 63 63tV; VAIi LBLE U E AL & VERbON AL PHQPEHtY;TOR SALE. riHE Subscriber" intending, to; : leave this vlt "co'tirity, ftitefi ntoT sale thit valuable Plantation fll kno&n by the name '6f Pbos pECTHatvRlAden'counf'fbrmerly owned by Erie Lallerstedt ?ti situated on the west side of the north-west branch of. Cape Fear riveiy nineteen' miles belp?Fa etteyille and the'same distance above ETiab'eth town, containing ja all abort two thousand Acres: This seatin otlness of soil, salubrity, ele gance of situation antltbiiildters Jaferotta tew in the-Srate ;Mt consists ol w0 'dweihng Houses, two Kitchen, two narn,. Stable, Carriage House. Dtackjimith Shop, and a Saw Mill at a short ditancefrom th jrivef the creek. 'affofrdiog two m:ll seaU besides, being 'about ' three miles from Dig Swamp, which water may be bmtight by 4 ditch, to; supply any machinery that may be established, Also, about 28 NEGROES .0 liferent sexes and age, which maj be soJd.with the Plantation, they being ac'quaQited.r with the sod and its culture vThe purchaser may, be accommodated with Cattle Hogs, Horses and all tbe:Uten9il8 u.eti on .i he . said planiatin with Corn. Fodderi Hay & also Vith House hold and Kitchen Funii-ure &c '-. - . v;Por termV,-vhrch will be made accommo dating to Vhe purchaser, apply at the. place aforesaid . VJ P. A. T.ARHB October 22r ' V t r". "Otf ..." CAllltlAGES. nmiE Subscriber has for sate, at his M anu- SL jsctory 18 miles west of Petersburg, TaJ a lie Assortmenc of Work in lys lihe cf Business, vi5-r- " . .fp-"i COr.CHES & COACHEESs with double and;.reble seps, with elegant trimmings and plated bell bnds ' r . . .. ' A "' v First rate Pannel G?g with sword case; witlj the bfst sea spring's with jated bell bands and full plated joints and leather top, t Tilbury Cii, with grathhoppef springs, (newest fMhiodj Double and Single y Sing'e Sulkeys and tiefc Gigs, Double U Srpgle, with ad withoutTqps , , w . Low priced family Stsget, handsomely Unisbed, lixed" to worjc Ah bheprl.two horses '. v,; 'K - - - F.lgnt Ra2ees, with ejiptlcrins, with handa'ime taps with morocco linings, fixed lot work with one or two hot s'eg ' , W v With a variety of othetkinds Of low1 priced Wo'k suitable for famis and traders , Ai excellent Assottxient. of Uic bestplated and brass mounted, Harness-for Carriages arid G'tffs and Family Stages &C. ' " ; ' The Subscriber tenders bis sincere thanks to the Patrons of bis Establishment living in this Stale, for 20 ears ; back, and assures them 1 hit their futurt orders, and tboje of their friends, .will be thankfully received and dubOsUehded to. ' -; r" - , i.The whole v of this Wotk lhas been made tm bv the first rate Norther Workmen, who are thtire'ly devotedtp (he nnihhing cf wcrk. of tbe. best kind, which can be w.th conh-dfiuce-cecom mended to the Pr4lic at large. STERLING WOODWARD-" " Poplar Grove, ' ' r Hs : lnw-ddie.ilntv, Va. July 5v' 53 6m , TO -0 IVJVEKS OF , J 1 LAND WAHRAKTS; r)r HAVING formid'a partnerliip'with Mr. James Yaulx, for the purpose of focat ing Land Warrant, ib the late acquired ter ritory from the Chickasaw Indians, in this State, we have spared no pains to make otir selyes well,arquainied with the si oaiion of 1 he good ykcanUand jn thiS section of con try., To enable us to locate these U'ljids, with out interfering w,-b the old surveys, We have procured a complete transcript ofalf the old surveys and cnuuesi from which we have tormed a conriected Vpla; of nearly all of them;, and from 4 searches and surveys "we havealready. made, we .belancceeded in finding i number of the original corners' and marks, wfcereby we are enabled to jdentify the greater , portion of these 'lands. M r, Yaulx & Co. with on other Snrvevor & Co. and occasionally , tvro ether) Surveyors 8cc.I cave . Deen.con&iantiy employed fox several months past, in ascertaining tbe situation of J tbe old surveys, and sufyeying out the good vacant lanos, 0 as to enable t2s to locate with certainty s when an office opens r we hall continue oar -united exertionr until our information shall be" full and complete ; if; j 'We now offer out-services td;'att Warran holders," who may wish tbeie uarranfs locat ted4 We will locatfc all, warrants Which may be placed in our hands survey, the lands so located and obtain the grants in the name Of tbeowneTsi all at odr own expense ; and charge forsuch," reasonable ; portxona j of the lands so located, ai is customary in aach cases ; we will cause: all warrants. nUced a our hands for location,' to be adjudicated .1 at mayjbe required by uw and.tlo whate ver else ny,be requiaite.to perfect titleadu buch warrants... ' AD comiiiinicalior.a ad; dressed to me at NashTilleVsfiall be prompt : ly iitieidedcrand an information I. ciu. givg to; those 'living at a distance; relative to their arrant tihr lands, will be ci veil, on application.,;' . JNOyC. Al'BAiQnB; tvfHaHfax couhty: Fishirnj Creek and iti the neighborhood of GideW Al⊤ Wishes Jtasell the Lands on wptcp, neTe Also odehalf of 333 lAcres adjorhln tti ahove lands; on wjilch there tea newly erected Sa and Grist MiU. f The al?ove lands woiild be divided, sd as! not to injure, the sale thereofUThe vitality ranks with the land jn the ieighborho. and th I wood be justified iri saying it is as heal thy as Any in the btate. Wo weveri tnose Wishmg to purchase wiiVplease call and view for thetriselves, as1 1 arri determiaed tb selL ; j'fe :rA 7 : : iLtU Ditl JVJUc x September 1. ': 4rtf ' i'NEWvMCSIC. . XlGAiEg has just reeive4.A feebh Parcel offjne iClusic. Jiicboigst- seiofrrfippii'r; Swiss'-Walz : do as a Duet ' Genl Harnsons March '; "Naval.Dance;;,;-. : StantW .Waiirf :.;;': - 'y Corner, a Duet. j t; ' ' .-.:v ! Wil yoti comelothe Rower,wth viations 'Stop, Nicholas andpIc.fwtV,Wait.a 1 Tl e Kanks" and Bra tJf, of I Von?nv Uoon : ; Q ; lurcell's iRrOttnd, with variations r , heambrg! Walts y ;fi wt. The ilungarian do. ' ) lC- -k :,TJ-L t ' ? La HoHandaise ,do.- , S''x -A ' IJa tour's favorit Rondo V..-..c: -'v.r.' "'.'' favorite MarcJn with "variations ; PrinceiCutusoff, a.Ktmdo, ? a . Popular Air Ar.Hy Vl'y NosV - j ; -7 ;V Like the gloom of Night retiring with vO- 1 ital embellishments, astsung by M?s. French.;.;; & t.V;f ,DonaM, the Popular Scotch Ballad sung ' . by MrsFfenrli . , l ;-vr,:,1'f;vtf , .r-'UtoiirVa&t(A U Tyrolese and Hungarian Airs, wilh' variations V"v '' -t ''i Geh. Jackson's Triumph(G rand March . iljussek's Rondo-: v -' jphriHi?.nis' Uobln Adair : . f A favorite Air from Mozart, arranged as 4,v ;.aDuet; i" - ."' ''""' : -.?- ' .Pleyelsfatbri'Eondo.i jvu' . Siebens Lo? eLto the i fairest, &c. yith va- a.. .' .irf''v'riati6njs,i; v r.iV,. Books o i . ?onsC i ; SONGS. '4 Minute Gim at Sea , Blue eyel Mary , l Hall Columbia : ,1 -Love's Young Dream V Hoy's Wifet.'. - Robin Adair i) ' ' u 1 - Come, rest in my boson! "'.Loyem'y Mary' ' ,jt.; x Soldier's, Return v- Garland of Ldve . : v Meeting of the Waters , Jessif'bf Ihimblariei: 1 - i,Somei Rolls of Steel, Piano VVADKSBORO'T'rtsd ACADEiMY. rflBE Trustees of the Wadesborongh Aca 1 demy, feel a pleasnrejn announcing 'to the public, that they "have engaged Robert L. Edmonds, A. M. tosuptrrStena; their Seminary' for the ensu?rgyear1f, ;- 1 -v .Mr Edmonds is a Graduate of the.Uni-' veYsity cf Glasgow, Scotland,' hjis for several years been engaged as Principal of the Ntr fblk Academy, ,Vii-ginia',4 snd is recommen ded by the Trustee s of that Institution, as a gentleman of liberal and refined education, and whose industry and attention to the'du ies of his proleasiun are equalled by fw; If vPupUs will be carefully taught the follow ing courses, at their stated prices, viz ; ; " . Spelling, Reading, Writii g and A-? R . x; rithmetic, per Sesion, . s a , English Grammarwith the above, A. -a or separately, 7 X : , f 0 S P? , Latin, ASreeKj MebreWj atiC7 French JLr.guages, with the Prosody History Geography' and Antkjuitjes, cohnec'f.d with the Ciassicks; Logic, Moral and' Natural Philo6phy, Rhe it toric and BeHes-tttres,Compction,3gl5 the Giobessnd consritiiction 6f Charts and Maps, Astronomy, Elementary j& practical parts of Mathematics; Che- m!tf rv- Kzrri Br.rol nit I1 Aottw.t.'.' The Tiustees have also made an rngage-J racnt wiibi nira ;j uiia'r ; tsumoods, ; w, taae, charge of, the Female Department, and feel a confidence ' iwrecomroen ing h erio pub-; lie attention, as pcrfectlyrad equate to. teach the' following branches, and at the annexed pricia,'tix v !;;$ ' h fx ; Spelling, Beding,Wriling ScArith,? cin meticper Session, rv i' .T-iyr-I Englith Grammar, :x 7' jB12 5Q r geography; -'Astronomy, ;rComposi- ) i, tion. Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres, the glS use cf the Globes, etc.' ' J"" w French Language grammatically, . 15 Plain and Ornamental Needle Work, Mb sic, Drawing arid . Painting, will taught,' bot.for these a separate charge will be made. The 'siiuation is elevated and healthy, and holds out, many inducements to Parents and Guardians, who reside in an unbetfltby part oftaoulhematat'es Board may be procured with the Teacher or in private families, at fifty -five . Dolors per session. : ( , )';:::,itv : '. The first Session will .commence on fthe 1st da of January 1820; and terminate the 15th ol June following. The f Second Session will commence on the 20th diy ol June and terminate, tbe 15tb December following 4 t ; There will be public Exammatioh at the termination of each Session.! rfe v Vv. . The Female Department will be inspected by Mr. ' Edmonds, who wdtbeirespontible for , the progress of, the -Pupils ui every other yespe'et the Slmariea will be distinct and separated TheTruxtplhcp selves to Parents aod Guardians, who m a v place children under their a re, that no ex ertioifvarill' tv imhut' n. mAmmw.-. .kit. T ; - - j w - vv uiuiyc UICIC' IU1 brovement, and consUhitethe weUare Wadeiborb'jy C. NoVr S3, 1819f-5610tf- BLAKONrJS& "4' t," if :"tlminueVShbber; WUitiii -r eT I : C ta'chment ttohprt and ToVnaaVFrazer: S vied on?la TT appearinthelsJtiscHplii of Jthe Court that the defenda is Robert & ho inas Fwzerarenot inhabits itsof tliis Siate It is therefore ordered th t publicationT be madvirt.liie Raleigh Kc ;ister for -three months;for the defendant tQappear atithe next Court' of pjf at lind artr Session to be held for thOuiity of S ofeatthe wwrt houie t eaniyrttl eeeiMJoSSay; in Marcn next, an: replevy Vue, or jndgment final wil ana piqaQ5to n be rendered a ; ga nst taem. - vv itncss, j. our said "Court; at Croc"?, il Moofe,ClerkoXl! second-'Monpa of December, A D; , - . ':"M ATTHB W y MOORE, C. STATE OF N0RTH4CAROLI STOKES,pOUl County Court Of -Pleas and u?irrervSesDns; !DecemberiTerm,18l9Af 1' Bethel & WatlingtonVl OrftriuaiachTn? v ?- .( V .1 , W- ' SleW Robert Fraxer. jofci ; : ''.v.i ,.' and leviit on a qtiarrtny .tOildervWpeaju tber artl T aobearini? to the sat fACtiort' ofRhe ltcjbeit '-Frjilier. I Court' 'that the defend not an Inhabitant of this S itelt is there. foreword eted, that publ lbatio Raleish Reuister' for ihre? ; beTOadeirthe' onthsi fori the defendant to. appear at next Quarter Seasioni to be held. "urt ofPleif & ttA VfTntkhtv I efoGerm anion, t : t v .-I nn ttiA wnit Monclav in Mirth, ami reolev and plead to is5?e,bt j'udgmc ntf final wiljlbe rendered against himrWitne iS'AaUhe R Moore, Clerk of aairurt, Ofiice, Abe cnd Monday. in December, A D ::18l9.: $ 58-3m M -It MpQRE, :(;lk , STATE .OF, 0HTli-43XKOLm f - - .- . L 3 Court of Pleas andaQuarteri Sessions,! f; si . Decemberi Termtl8l9 l 1 i John Henley) Anginal at.taf imenleed, IlClS.! , . IT appearing totbevsatistaktioo, totj tne ,vCourrthat4 the defendant Robert Fraz er 'Janoran,'mha.biUhtfth-Sta tforrdefed -hat phblieat ion b made hi the "l .-. -r Al il. .-iL'.' IV- iLa Jo - tendantjb appear a tythe next Court ofPJe and Qtiarteif Sessions to be held tor. thiCcfonf iy OT' atovpa, a- vuaiuririimwc 11114 ton, oi the aecortd-Monday in .March 'nxt, nVil replay and plpadj tp issiie or jAiurrtent v 'final' will Heehdered anst.himWitns,' Mai thew UIoj&iCTerk; of Satd . pfurt, at QeiiiesecondMbWaa-in December, A.J D"-ial;v :-:" :! . v U i . c; -' MATTHEW -R. MOOtiEj-CIki ' ;T STATE OF OaTH-CAliOLINAi 'i Wyy'U STOKES COUNTt." , . r v Court of Plea and (Quarter Sessiodsi ; ; .'"-v Decevi'oer Term, 1819. f hnUneback;0rlf,a, -r '-r-.Wi li'v ; r J ' Vied Robert Fraser, Hv'v attachmerttie . Ort land. v, I T anpeariner to th satisfaction Of the Court that she . defendant Robert Frazer, not an Wiabttaiitof this Siaterdt is there- I f te ordereilhat publication be;rejwle i the ftrtrhir:t trl hnntai iit thfe next ''.COittf-of Pleas ana ynip eressns o oe nei joriqoun- . 'i r? . . . t ll 1 l fc. .Jn'...!. will be given" agaisst himlUntssaUhe It. Moore. Clerk, "df ' said prurt at Ut ?,the second Monday-jn pecembcr A lk, 1819.. :7t:,Mxt r moore, c.tl;: STATE OF M)RTrT-0AR0LINA? ' V , STOKV.3 COUNTY, ? . . Courliif Pleajwid Quarter SessiottSj;'., XT apnearine ;?to '-Ithe ': saVisfactiastinf 17 Court- that the dyendant RpbeMzer, is" not an inhabitjint of thiaJState-l there fore ordertd, that ptitcation' be mlkle h the Raleigh Register for i h'reer.m.ntb, forlie deV fendant to appear a Jthe iext Court.of Pleas aj d.uarter Sessions to be held for.thexoun ty of Stokes at tne rort-hbUs inlGernari toH, on the second Monday in Marh nexti and replevy and plead to issue, erudment final will be tendered agai nst h imWdness, Matthew U. Mppre Clerk of said Cotc-t at Office, the second Monday in December, A. b.i8i9. ' f- -a? mm " -MATffiEW R.-fliQORE,q, c; STATE OF- N j)RTH- AROLINAj Court of Pleas tiiid Quarter ::'SeasiorJsl' biik '- vPecember Term 1819 : S j '.tl tow 0rianal attachment levledon Wm-fT' Lonelhundred and fifty tfcai Tti tpI: fcreshf Jand, See- a featherbed : -.i;-v:.vandlillue.-. .-j r appearing tol the saticfaction lo Court , that tbe ttefendant Rsbert F is not ati?inhabitantibf this Stae--It is i fore ordered thb? publication be made iif the Ral eigh Refeister fori three months; for the de fendant to appear; a, the next Court of Pleas nun man- ext. arid renlev v'hd nlead to ifisiie' i iirdcAnmt uuai wuu)ciacrcu aeauisc mm witness: j latthew RriloreClerkofaidiffrtit -7--: "Court $ Ples and6)iiarte Sessioi s,S&. s-tv::PerabervTte ;:::;;r - Samuel Stbtsr-.V.' . -4 f, ' t-T - C Pnal atachn?t f le- ,:Rtzeryx ITajspeafjrig toitlie satisfectioni f the . COrphai the'defeadant Roberi 1 razeri, s fvdtjlnnabitaritof this Statelt is ihere fore ordered that publication lie made llhe Raleigh itecristcr foT'lhreemonthii fnr Me'ite fendant jo ; appear at the tieXt 'Court of Pleas rand OjuarterSessjpfistO be held for tnlcou'n- ty oUbtoes,athexw ton?onJihe second Mbridav in Mfli-rh fc4 ri Iplevy ind plead to tssnef or! judgroeri firiaU Ijwdl beioderedjgainstf;,;, MM MATTt R. MOORE, d a i I the razeri tftra: and quarter SesSip.nr.to be held forthe ty of Stokes aV rheiourt-house: in tie tonj on te se'rid Monday: in'- March thesw ; .Mocii5; Clerk of saldCou atc ei' the seond Monday in December, A ; II 1819; afrits 1 T?l? Vf A i t? -c nTTn a 'rinxr fJIHE Exrcisea of;, the Female Schoot at: it Long Meadows wiU-be resumed oh the list Monday in January next, unaer the dt- recition of Mrs Graves. la this Institution are (aught Grammar, Geography, Moral -Natural!.- Philosophy, Astronrmy " Logc. -r Hhetoric and History; also jJeedle-Woilr .; Mowing anu ,wusic. Doiurying H ,i UHniv will 'be;FyTfi?efpolfara a Scssiop'in ad- yance, except wusicv ana t .wrawin, v, oc which there wilL be an xUa-chlrgfc-v i ) T-a no creates attention, w,m uc yaiut so 1.1c Ora'rfgej 6 miles North West of Hill borofj n.jiecamoer i.i. 'i,1 . ot STATE QE NQRTHCAROLINA. J; Court of Plea ariU Quarter Sessictis, - vOctober.;Sess;ms, ;18I9. i .m:r$. , McBee I.- JohrTOl dent in this State is ordered thar all"fuT" ' : ther proceeding? in .tfs case-be siayedtfbr v three1 months, and that nubUcatioo be. raadeil Hn the Raleigh Register for i threes montks- v Jied onLand.;,. P .iJ i earing, to thersatistiCtron . ot "tna - fdr lh Dfefebdantto Appear at oiir next y , noimttCk)urt1tobrer botdeivlor the Coinivof ' Kutherfbrd, ai vfie Coui4iciert Ruter J and replevy, pkad to issue or demurl othe r wisenudgtnent by .default will'be enteredv STATE OF ;ORTH.CAROLINAi N-'-Ii'VNCOLI, QOUNTT. : i'M' A Superior Court 'of; Lw; October Term ;1819, DelilarLangmrd, Petition for Divorce rahd Alimony, i G eorge Lahgfbrd. therefore ordered bV. the Ccurt. that nubli. cation be made three months' iri1 the Raleigh ! fStJrr "smd Ralefgh Register, giving notice to the defendant that heappear.at tJi enext 5U-.. v perior Court of J-aw tofbe! heldfbrLincbla' Countv.:at the Court-house in Llncolntori. on. fT appearing, to.xjhe sahstactiott ; , the? Cour that JGeorRe Langfrd ' the defen dant.' is not ahnhabitant of this State itlsi-; ihc4th Monday after hfrthAlohdaybf . MardtVflext then aiid h ere W answer, plead -; or demur tdthe Satdr petitBh, othemise: it Hbe taken; pn.'cfe?ssoinil' ajodged ac, iording-Witess;idn: .Henderson' Clerk of said Court, at t4ric.6lntQn,;the .4tbi ..' f-Mnday after the j4Ui.Mpnday of Septemberj; Ai D. 1819, and the 44th year ot the inde- . , ; penderweof the thtitfed States; I -U- i " "vVv : Supdriuft bfLaw SepuTerrni';1819J r Waiiam' Crocket: S fV- t-u:- 'r?l ' . It appearing to the Court that the defpnii 1 ant William Crticke it iSv theretore orclered by thej Court that, publication be made' three months in the ., . 'Rerjjsterandi. tjwidtoft intelligei cer, giving, not icehat the' defendantdo . , neajs at the'next SiineKor fcbuH dofce held . i for th county of,4; Person, at- th.Ccjiiftbo4ise 1 , tri ltoxbo.fo,ntlje second Monday ao-Marclii) T.ext, viiien ana eretns,werjfpie?o or-; ; v de,mttri tosai petition herwise ?tilibef.' C&ejir exparte and - adf judired accbrdinglv, '-V i iv- '- r-' . i. yr:;" !;v tj)uycA,;RosE, ,crs;cV-:) ;, : : . HAS employe from the Cities of fif ' Yorjt and vNe-ark a number f "first- rate T Workmen, of the several branches of hii Bu-' "..' sinessJ vi2 TBodywMalungCarrtaeeakAncr- ?S : Trimmmgv Paintirig,f Smithy &tx,whp; i)aTe ' C :- occn trnuu; Bcicumi uy hij inenqin;jew i f Jerser . He has also received from the Cities t ; :of New-York , ? extensive Stock bf the hf-t. anri mnt fcKiJ , tCTtiari to'his business, to merit a continuance.. of theirvfaybrs.: Carriage prprice tane hajdaha itiort 11 cjef ;:$1V: -JOrders from any1 part 'of tije continefit ire i sieited. 'V " ' r - iRererence,for excellence and elegancetjf v ' his work, indth cbaract ; is made to his numerous' Jri this aria,theneighboring,StaJs. C.f i RemainiDg iri tbfe, Posf-Ofiice at Cba' V- corcl CabirrhCdutiW; 'W&-j&ti ':H: 1 ' :VA0H!Bext.wiII) Hnltv ;ibW.Uef ' erai xryai-vuitc a ueau j xevters , Dowland Charles Darton. VJo8ebh'EsgletZebuion fejliot F Catherine Ferrell, Lewis Fisher,eoUr :jWt"Iiv ItMrsAUemodJSeOrgek , aitf Area.; i - TV ' If1, -; 1 'V'- ; ; ) ;B-GergeBakh -.. ., jonn ewesuti Auarew juaris. iienrr v . :A ' . i : M ' 1 ,r. ...I Wxvka .;-T.-o'v:-tv iHTr-- - r i . .nwStffilmtoSherw p ; Hosea;H$rndbn; wUHorieywU, Jaia;r P,V I -MutchinsOnvv ;sr-r'J CK-; - f IIMargafeMcCu Jf f; Morrison, A, C. McRee; John McCalebiWra , r P. McLeur. vmVrZm' - if l -Pr-Aron PerryWalter S PKarrl JbHa f V Petree Johti FifeilsaacrPMt. ?'H ,7 I .:DempyBeed2viifV j .-temiUben n I ,Tayfer;To j Vi FHenry pilliatns, Evan IS, VWilV 4 ft f amjl WfcddinrLxbdas WliltlevA "JiiV. .( . a -. ' . . ... .r x. i. tr. , . i ii .-. r1 : sr - a a. . . :lsiUAsnuvisp.-1 5psteJfor.. keepinirlbi'S .fett U T I V;

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