rT yv -; .t-" FRIDAY: MAY 191820. - r---- 7?r avTu$iirrr. w ;An act for tii'rdief6F James .Merrill.' 1 Be it enacted bp the Senate and House t Representative of, the United States : A or America in Coheres assembled. That , the rcretary ot tne ravy oe, ana ne is . hereby, atftHorised and reouirert to cause to be placed on ,the list of navy periiion- '., crs James Merrill, who whiktm the jdis-; cnarjc OHllS qui ? u uumniv !cniii4iit ; on board of the United States' jship A ' "dams, in the roQnth of May, 1814,' was ; acciden'ta,lly injured by falling from; the gun deck into the hold of the ship ; which injury has disabled him from obtaining a subsistence by , his labor. 'And, in plac ing the said James Merrill:, on the list of , pensioners, the. Secretary bf . the Navy V. shall cause to! be observed the regula tions by law provided, in relation to per-J sonsaujuorizea eo qe piacea on tn? use ox ; navv pensioners! ; n ' " : Sec. 2. And he it further enacted That j : this law shall be construed to. take effect from the 23d day of .October, in the xar - 1819. y f ; t . . ' ' " A 1 c j nnn - i xpurovcu 4viay jo-ia . ,- , . 1 ' - ' T ' f L Lf-f -f . J net ,xr uic rriici ui iik- itcirs tiuu rcjJic- , sentatives of Isaac Melchior deceased. Be it enacted by the Senate and House --of HehresentaUve of the united states it? "America in Coheres assembled. That . the Srcreturv'of the Treasury 6e, and heH hereby is, authorized amlrequ'red to can cel and annuV a1 fxnd gien- by Leonard. - Jacoby, Henry ShraflF, and Mary Hassen clever, to the United Spates, bearing aate the "14th day o December, Anno Domini the "pnal sum jof ten thousand- two hun-.l ' "dred and ninety-one dollars and twenty ' 'VcentswUh a cinditon frr indemnifying " the United States aeainst any. claim that j might be made on account of certain cer- tifiCates issued in favor of the Barri dU - trickVthen:renreented to have been lost I or rnjslaid, or 6n account of the payment ( made thereFor1, to the representatives fit saia Isaac-Me'chjrr, dpceased. Approved Mny 4 ; i82pfy; ' , v - -' 1 ' An act for the relief of JacntJvpkopot, and 'others, bf the Stockbr'.dge Indians,- resid irfg.irv. the State of New.Yorlc Be it enacted the Senate and House j of Representatives of the Unzted State J of America, in 'Congress assembled; Tlit " nc nctrciary v vv aroe, anu ne is nere by, authorised ,and "directed to ascertain and settle, upoq the principles of justice-j anu equity, cixim oi. jacon rwon&opoe. fill" n thf t;tlri: TriHIan. ihnl1 Kfinair?. mit.iiv . " . . .. . . i of cny money in the Treasury, not other- .-wise armrnnrlAt-rl - PmvtA. thnf kntii: ! v ' KV . r T'V . fc"v vvw,-7-",7 f oFVyar, of the,actual service of such In- jj dianson the Canadian frontier during the ! I i,.t W1r . ; ; ! ; , - iJ. ' U i icon ' : t- ' f v Approved-May ,4, 1820 ! I . ' r'.i.- i-' r rr U. j L -I An act for the rel.efof Wm.CofHn and others j Be it enacted by the Senate and House j cf Jieiresentatfues pf the United States j of America; in Congress assemlrledi That , f to r-trTtr ' hivmF h. 4.1..J.. . .. . , . . . me occreu' V qi iue i reasun' uc, anu uc nereny is, aoinonsea ana airecieu .o ai- iow cue Qrawoaci on so iuuon pi ijuan- t tity of whale arid sea-elephant oil, ifnpor- j ted into the United Stltes bv 'Wm. Cof-1 J - -i i X ' I i .i i it :c iL .uL xxii uuu Driers, in uic urig xjuui, in uic i year loir, as shall appear to have been exported from the United States.: i-Pro-r llifrf;vThat it shall appear, to his satis . faction, that all the requisites of the ex- . isimg laws jespeenng toe same ue paia out of any money; in the Treasury, not .otherwise appropriated. .;.-...;, j Approved May 4, 1820. An zqL for th? relief of John Law,;and Jona than Elliot, citizens of the city of .Wash. ' inErlon.in the District of Columbia. x , Be ii enact eq by the Senate and House, pf ' Representative of the, United States cf America; in yangrrss assemblea nat tli'time allowed to John Law, and Jona- man iiiioi, now purcnasers ana uoiacrs of a lot A, (part of a reservation i;umberi ed ten in the City; of Washington.) for compiying witji the bjiilding: regulations of the said City of Washington, be exten ded for and during the ttrm of one : year, from and after the 30th day of July, 1820; any thing containetl in any law of Con gress, or any, regulation made pursuant thereto, in anywise to the contrary uot . withstanding. j( . r;-','.-- V v"" ' - , Approved JVfay 4,1 2 6.. : t An act concerning the Banks of the District ' L " 6 . j)f Columbia. - ' ! I Be it enacted bij the Senate and House cf Representatives of thctUnitcd States tj America, in Centres assembled. That thy charters of the.several incorporated Baukviu the District of 'Columbia "now paying specie, iand daring. such time onlv as uca tunics rcspecuveiy snau continue to pay'specie, be, an4 ihe.same are here by, expended tp the 1st day of June, 1822, rry, thing inithr said charters to the oon- "iraiy . notwithstanding J and the' chLyer V 1 I. T 9 oi uic iunK cii voiumma ue, anu uic same is hereby declared to be limited traits du ration td the said 1st day of Jup?TS32 Provided Tbatl this act shall be of o force or effect to extend any charter a ioresaid,' till a majority in interest of the stockholders of the ieveral Banks whose charters may be hereby extended, shall file" their declarations,- in writing, in the office of the Secretary of jthe Treasury, assentingvto, and aLccej) ting" the, benefit of thU art. 'I ' ' i ;. - . . ' r Approved May 4, TO CONTRACTORS. "PKOPOfALS will be -received at this Of XT' fice. until the 430th oLJujie, for carry ipg the Mail on the followrng Post Route, v,z. From Ualeigh by H&rrlsnn' Stofe, Franklin County, Patterson's -Store and Sills's Store t Nashville or Nash courthouse, once a week : Leave Raleigh ajL5 o'clock a m every Sa- Lturday, and. arrivcrat . Nashville on Sunday at 10 o'clock ami ami leave asnrjlle every Sunday' at 11 o'clock d mV returning by the same route, ind arrive at Raleigh onMoAday by 4 oclockt to. 1 . ' -1 ' B. R. SMITH, P. M. - Povst-pfBce, Raleigh, 18th April 1820. WEAVING AND DYEING. A MONGST other Books, lately received, J- IX Gales has the Domesticanutactourfs Assistant.in tfie arts of "Weaving and Dyeing, i comprehending- a plain system of Directions M Unearly conhecled with them in !bim"4nu?ie-)j i ture ff (Cotton and Woollen Gootls i inctuding j many useful Tables an Drafts, in cklculalin and forming various Rimis and patterns o. toods. ueignea lor tne .niprovemeni m jjo- mestic Manufactures. By J. Si R. Hronsf-n. Price 8.1 .TO CABINET MAKERS. (tli e ' only one at present in the Southern: states,; erecteci tor tne sole purpose oi sawing- Mahogany into Veneering-, &c. From the samples produced of its cutng-, j I and mspectioii of the Macuiner','.it has been i to be equal to any in tlie Northern States. ' They now oher to supply uch persons as may fuvor themwith their custom, with any quantity and quality of Mahogany Boards or ' Veneering, agreeable to order, and afthe ; shortest nolicejt'i-"'-. V . ';.'! ' : . ': - ' ; Iavinir sunTjL'cdftliemselvcs with a larcre ' and Choice assortment -of the above Wood, 'they will be able to supply their customers ( j they ever had befcrc. ;' ; v i j All orders from abroad, j directed to the i subscribers, post . paid, and jwithdue refer ! ence to some person, in tlus place, will, meet with, the strictest attention, by- . JOHN EQLESTON and v, , e.i . : 5 S; i : Charleston, S. C. iiarch 11. 1820. 71 oin ui uie rresiaem oi ine unaeu states, -..;,, 1 T : r XK? HEREA by l1" ct u KSfr vv passed on the 26 h of March, 1804, on the 3d of March; 1805, and on the 25th of April; 808; the President of the United States is authorised lov cause thr Lands in rbc DiBtrict oCDnroit to be offered for sale when surveyed : j . ' Thei efore, I, JAMES MONROE, Presi- dent of the United States, doherrbyMeclare j uu iuaii.r wiuwh, mi puuw ?ics wr,i"c disposal (agreeable to hw) of ce,rta n lands. shaM be heid at Detroit in Michigan Terri tory, oa the first Mdnday in 'July next, viz t , -l. r, Siouttiqflhc : t MEastof the Town- , base like', -! ' nierid, line. ships 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6 Si 7, ' Hv ranges 4, 5 & l,2;3,4,5nd 6,invrangess7. ; 1,2, 34 and 5, ! in ranges 8. i I excepting such landi as are; or1 may be re" served oy wwior tne support or scnoois or for other purposes. The sale shall conti nue so long as may be necessary to offer the lands for sale, and r.o longer,; and he lands t. sVall be offered in regular numerical order, j Given under my hand, :&t the" City .4f.j m Auuiiiu;i uiib uh ui mairuii, ioju. jAMliS MONHOE. By the President: 1 : - t JOSlAHjMEIGS, v'. r ".v tljCommissioritr of the General ' 70 Ju'y l.Vf ij; V Land Office, ' the' President of the United States. WHEREAS, by 'aaact of Cangress pass ed on the 3d of M,arch, lSl?, entitled " An acc to autliorise the appointment of a Surveyor for the Lands in the northern part ; of the Mississippi territory," ,and the. sale of certain l&nds therein desert bed, the Pre-; sident of the United States is authorised to cause certain lands to be sold : . .s : ; Therefore, I, JAMES MONROE, Presi dent of the United Slates do hereby declare and make knovrn, that phblio-saks shall be held at Huntsville, in Alabama, fc tbes&V4' of the Lands in fractional to.vnshi'pfive in range four, wes Wand in fractional township three, in range eleven, vwest, except traj r onal section No. ul, in said fractional town, shipr Also the lo' (designated for sale on the plan of the town,) laid off fcr a town in the said fractional iownsH, shall be sold mt lots. '. Also 'the lots, faid off for a town in township four, in range elereji, west. The salts shall commence on the 1st. Monday in June next, and continue till the4 Lands and Lots- shall have been offered for sate; , y lGiven under-my iha-.id, at' the XJity of Washington, the 6tllbf Mwcii, 1820J 4 ? t; . v 4 V --JAMii'MOKROsi Hy the President it 'f-l -1 . yr; Cciraswaetpf the Qensral b :."r r" r:: J-Lirr .u:":.:: hei for the county of it - .i. .ii.J!.;S!- i ; House m inton, on ; .r... i.l : e nxr uT t ' Ma y next,- and rjpley i STATE, OF NORTH-CAROLINA, . 1 ' I Hertford County. . 'J M"V '.'V ? Court of Pleas an'd Quarter Sessions, ' ' 4'V: :i - February,Tetm, 1820. Jnhn ana F.nhraim" ' Oririnal attachment le- t i Wheeler. J V ; V vie on all his Houses &. ! Joseph Robertson. J lurtreesborongh. s T.. appearing to tuesatjsiacuon i- me tint thf nrdinarv. nrocess' oXaw cannot, be serv ed on him. It is therefore prdered, that publication be made in the Raleigh ; Register for three months, : to not;:y xne s;uu osepu rj .rtson, that he 'be and appear at the.next Court oi 1'ieas ajiu .yuai-.vr , wiuu . ui, i held for the County bf, Hertford, at the Court-1 House in Wintbn, pii the fourth Monday in j May : next, and replevy and plead to issue, or judgment final -mil be renderea ag-ainsn mm. j Witness, Joseph F;TlickJnspnt-j Clerk of said Court, at Wmtoti, the foiirth Monday of February, 182U. rf. 1 JOS. F. DICKINSON, Clerk. 1 r STATE E OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, - - ;'! Hertford Cg-iint. t ; . v"r Court of Pleas, and Qua?ter ' Sessions, (; Fpbniflrv Term. 1B20. " 'K : i rSr ; -M' Original attachment . Wm & JoshuaWise, levied oh all' his Hou ses' and Lo'ts" in and ! , joseph Robertson. I adjoining- Murfreesbo-' 'T apnearihtr to the satisfaction of . the t Court,?-that tne aetenuanx, josepu no - J bertson.. hath removed hiir.self ; out of the Count v, or so absconds or conceals, himself s, that the M-dina.-v process of Law cannot be, : i RArv(L ftn' Mm ft is therefore! ordered, that publicitiou . be made in the Raleigh Register for three months, to notify the said Joseph I ! Robertson, that he be arid appear at the next ! ; Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be Hertford, at the Court- the fourth Monday in v and plead to issue, or f iudcraent filial will be rendered aeramst him. f- VCitness Joseph F. Dickinson, Clerk ;bf i said Court, at Winton, the fourth Monday of ; February, 1820, " t i ; ', '; .v''.-.' j JOS. F.1DICK1NSON, Clerk. i STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, ; S ; Hertford County,' f-: - . v . Court of Pleas and- Quarter Sessions, ; February Term, lBZOr ; . . tv -to 1, "1 Original attachment lei Dan.el Southaiy ' vied6on Us Houses & T 1 i, tTwL " fLots in and acUouiine Joseph Rbhcrtson.j MurfreeSl,oroug?. - J T appearm to the satisfaction of th4 . Court, that the defendant, Joseph Ro bertson, hath removed jluniSelf out of the County, or so absconds or conceals himself tlat the ordinary process of Law cannot be se-ve'd ou him. It is therefore ordered,' that publication be; made in the Raleigh Register for three months, to notify , the said Joseph Robertson, that hej be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the Comity of Hertford, at the Court Hou;ie;'Iri W'inton.' on the fourth Monday in Mav. next, and replevy and plead to issue, o: judgment final will be rendered against him. Witness, Joseph F, Dickinson, Clerk cf; i ; said Court, at Winton, the fourth Monday of I February, 1820. s ., i JOS.. T: DICFJNSON, Clerk. March 23,11820. V 1 : r , ; . 70 . STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, . ; '. j Hertfortl Comity, ) Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, . i , February Term; ,1820. Moses Clements, I vs. ., . Original attachment le I ried on all his Houses f nfifl T.ntc in .ATlrl &rlir5n d i-. r p. , 1 inn Aiiirt'nrphnrniic,rrj; Court, that the defendant, Joseph Ro- j bertson, ; hath removed himself .out of the County, or so absconds or conceals himself that the ordinary process of Law cannot be served on him.-It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register for three months,''' to "notify the said" Joseph Kooenson, inat ne.oe and appear at tne nest Court ; of Pjeas and Quarter Sessions to be held;for tlie County,of Ilertiord, at the Court House in .Winton, oh the fourth Monday in May next,' a.nd replevy-alnd plead to issue, or judgment fjnal will be rendered agaLinst him. Mritness, Joseph: F; Dickinjson, Clerk of said Court, at Whiton, the fourth Moiiday cf February, lbu. . . -. I JOS. F. DICKINSON, Clerk. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, i . I Hertford County, : Court of Pleas- and Quarter Sessions, ' i February Term," 1820. ; . , v, y . j Ijritririal attachment Ie Benj. Talbot, rvPAhnn all hVHnn i u L f and Lots in and adjoin Joseph Robertson .Muresborpui. IT appearing ? to ' the . satisfaction of the 'Court, that the defendant, r Joseph , Ro bertson, ' hath removed himself ' out of the County, or so absconds or conceals ? himself Via -tVlA' rVrVmaixr T'rw ftf I JL"df CUTmnfr Vlf served on liim.-Lt is tnerfore ordered, that publicaJlioif be made in the Raleigh? Register for tliree montlis, ta no4fyr the said Joseph Robertson, that he be and appear at the next Court of Pleas aikl .QuarteT" iiessions to be held for the Countv of Hertford, at the Court- Hoiise in Winton,' on tlie fourth. Monday in 3Iay next, and replew and pcad to issue, of judgment nai wfll be rendered against hinL r i Witness, Joseph F. Dickinson Clerkof J. ' -.t pji ' f - i a said uourtjat vincon, tne iourtn Monday: oj j ireDruary,; , j; 'i " .. , ? . Xif ' JOS. F. ,DTCKIN?ON, Clerk: ".) NEUUOES;FOH?SaLE. pil REB7 likely NeCTcv Roys and a Youu); STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, : ' r'''- ,' "( HERTFORD COUNTY. ' V Court of Pleasr and Quarter Sessions; U V- February Terra. 1820. ; - r - : James S.Jones, Ex'or.i&c. Jud. Atta, Le-r-; V v. ; f C vied on a tract William Jones. V j of Land, he. IT appearing to the satisfaction- of the Court that the defendant: William Jones is not a resident of this State. It is therefore or dered that publication be made,, in the Ra leigh Register for three months for the de fendant to appear at the next Court of Pleas, and QuarterSessions, to ;be heltl for5 the (Uounty or nertiord, at the Courthouse in Winton, on the fourth Monday. in May next, jl and.replevy and plead to issue; or. judgment final will be entered against : him-' Witness, JOS F DICKINSON; Clk STATE OF NOHT-HCARQLlNA, . . HERTFORD COUNTX' - j Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1 "- February Term, 1B20 ..; : Simmons J. Baker; S Jud.? Aita. f Levied . ' t. ; C on a Grist Mill; ' V Wilham Whitneld.y V IT appearing tothesatisfactioripf the Court that the deferidant Wiiiiam Whitfield is not a resident of this State; It is there- ! the Raleic-h Register 'for three months for iuiv..uiuticu. uiai uuuiivi.uii uc iiicuic ill me uerenaant 10 appear ai me next CKurtt oi j. Pieas and Quarter Sessions, to be held . for the county of Hertford, at the Courthouse in Winton, on the fourth Monday in May heif, and replevy and; plead to issue, or iudgroent ; final will be entered against him. Witness, j J oseph F. Dickinson, Clerk of said Court, kt ; office, the fourth Monday of February, 1820. H r 73 30S: FDICKINSOX, ClH STATE OF NORTH -CAROLINA " HERTFORp ' COUNTY. ; Court of Pias arid Quarter Sessions, ' February Term, 1820. . Titus Daruen, )Or( Alt. H Levied on a v, grey or white Mule' 17 I nomas Whitaker. ffT appearing to the satisfactlpn of the Court fl- that the defendant Thomas Whitaker is Rot a resident of this State. It is therefore ordered, Tthat: publication -be made.vin the JJaleigh Register for three months for Ittie defendant to appear at the' next Court of Pleas and Quarter , Setisions, to beheld foe the County of Hertford,- at the Courthouse in Winton, on the fourth Monday in May next, and replevy. and plead to issue, or judgment hnal -witl Dejentercd , gainst mm. Witness, Joseph F. Dickinson, Clerk of'said Couxt, at omce, t:;e fourth Monday of February, 1820. , . ... r. JOS: F, DICKINSON, Clk.i ft STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA; L Hertford County, v ( i" i Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions V'- February Term, 1820. .' ' - L ivm R- .TnV n. T?p'n."l Original attachment " ! levied on all his Hou- t1i, ' ses arid Lots in and ad v " s J joimng Murfreesboro' B T appearing to tfxe satisfaction of the Jt Court, that the defendant, Joseph Ro bertson, hath removed himself out of the Countyi or so absconds or conceals himself that Uie ordinary . process of Law cannot be. wci :cu vh.lluu.- xt jj uipxciuxc uixitxeuj nun publication, be made in the Ilaleigh Register for tlirec month to notify the said Joseph Robertson, "that he be and appear ut, the- next Court of Pleas' and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County bf Hertford, at the Court house in Winton, on the fourth Monday in May next, and replevy arid plead to issue; or judgment hnal will be rendered against him. Witness, Joseph F. Dickinson,-; Clerk of said Court, at Winton, the fourth Monday of February, low..:, -'...' 1 JOS. F. DICKINSON, Clerk.. .'j STATER OF NORTH-CATlOIJNAj ;f :j .Hertford County i y " ,r,vj; Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ! - . ; Y .-f ' February Term, 1820. ; t jnt, r- t Original attachment, YYm.&Jo9. G.Rea, ! lcviefon Hou; Joseph Robertson; fff Xots ih and ad 1 - J joimng Murfreesboro . iT appearing to tlie satisfaction qfithe Courtj ,lliat the defendant,. Joseph; Ro bertson, hath removed 'himself out of the ! County,' or so absconds or conceals himself l that,t4ie ordmary process oi juiw cannot be SCI VCU.-U11 XlXOU -XL X5 UlCltlUlC LilitW pubheation be made in the Raleigh Register Robertson, thit hfc be1 and appear at the next Court of. 'Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of . Hertford, at the Court House in Wintqn, on the fourth Monday in May next, arid replevy and plead to issue, or iudgiiierit final will be rendered against him. Witness, Joseph F. Dickinson, Clerk of said Court,1 at Winton, he fourth Monday of FebruaH, 1820. i - ";u ,: v.;." y'-- J OS. tF. DICKINSON Clerk.(T STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, - ' STOKES COyNTXi :; : Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, J ; ;. '' VV - March Term, 1820.:. . iarc.il ciiu, ijwu. v - ib; Ong.na3 Attachment "tyl v; levied on Laiidu;;.''.-- OUWjXlTX A iXVUIil, . J V "tj IMiUUR-UIIIMIt; .. v." ' Robert Frazer. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court x. that tne defendant Robert rrazer is a re sident of another State, or so absents; or con ceals himself lhat the ordinary process jbf law cannou uc svryeu uioinnm. ii is iucrnox"t firdered,1 that , publication be made six weeki: in the ; Raleigh Register, that unless the ;de fendantv appear at ; our; Court of ; Pleas! ancv Quart er,Sessioiw to.be eld for the. County ut Sthe'Ctbu'sein ' GermantonJ on the Second Monday of June; hexti and re plev or plead to":issue j otherwise judglmen oy default witt.be ehtered'up'sgamst jbini. STATE OF, NORTH-CAROLINA, ;' v f ROCKINGHAM iCOUXTY.' $4 Douf t f Pleasn4 Quarter iSessibns, Kiqi-FAit February 1S20. , Daniel Scales " ; , j.p i'-r Court that tle defendant in this cas e ; i t y ::vsi;.jb Original Attachment levied Major .fPriceO:; UtW K : - ' ; JfX lappeanng- to the Satisfaction of the l v : not an'inhubitantof this ;State-i-t is tiere- ' . I fore ordered that publication be made for ' ' . ' r three' months successively an the Raleigh Rev 2 gister,v: for the defendant to appear- at the ' ', Yf . next; Court of Pleas, and Quarter Sessions to '.- be held for the County of Rockingham, at -the .T . cpurMiouse; in vemt-ortn, onvtue. fourth ; ; Monday in IMay next, and. replevy' demur or . plead to issue, otherwise iudgrnent will be , rendered, for the PlalnUfT according to his i demand. ' C'r Y:'l 'T r: Witness, Robert Gailawsy,: Clerk' cf said rCourt; at Office the fourth vMondsy in Fe- " ' ; bruarvV 1S20C;.'- VhWH 1 ' . 1 6VS 3m l i ; J O B ERT G A LL A. WAY c . c c. ; ' f ; : jv'. 1 STATE OFNOiyrf iCAROLlNA ; U: :jh-i'y -Wi': BtI3icOkBE CQVWTTll' i it - t Superior Court of Lkwv Terrn: bf the first j : Monday after thefourth Monday of'V 0 I -j : 1 , iiarcn a- ij. i&w. Hester Withley, Petition for .divorce. filed fifst .Monday after -the". fourth Monday of M arch, 1819. v. .William Withley CiJ" hj paw.' 'It annparinc l tti coiitf... tion of the Court, Jhat the legal course ' V -j ; has been taken, and the,' defendant faikner to appear ; it is , orucre oj ' ine ViOUri, xnat ' ! i publication be made for three months , in tdey. Star and Raleigh Register : newspapers, for . ' ;' the Defend an tto come, in and answer at the .'; v; v next Term of this Court, ; to be held at Bun-. ' 1 cdidqc vour-uoust, ui uie; i own or Asnevuie; j y on the 1st Monday, after the 4th Mondayof '. " !'v September nert,.0r ! this petition will - ba , heard ex" parte.tft'i f'i'j. ''.t I -V -:. ;" i:, fourth Monday of March; 182Q. r 743iri v v; ROBERT HENRTClert:. - - STIRLING ANDREWS, a smalTJJoy; a- v V ' bout 12 years of age, bound to the Paper- "' 1 -C' . mating Business, abscondedfrom the Paper- ;v Millnear Sileigh , about a fortnight igo.. V': Two o his brothera' enlisted with ibe Re-.k -, i ,t V cruijirg party which lately left this City, 'and ; . ' it is believed they nave persuaded ibis Boy : V; a ;:r to go ofi'with thmuj ) vi'rii' y ' ' v-: ,:i'.. : The advertiser has no other desire that he ', should return to him but his own welfare as . i the acquiring a good business woa'd cer.ainly , j afford. him. a better chance, of becomipgaa' useful; and Respectable member of society. ":-',( than .stroling about the country after a re- . .' ' ' cruitipg 'party 1' Anyxpersonapprehtndinffv and ,f ecuring said Boy, will rece;ve a reward or Five Dollars,' from the Printer hereof. .:' , : April 20; 1820. ; :yr-IiT HpMAS doiiiis; . COACH. MiUCFR Ti ATkK TH fTKr n : IX and iNewark fc :numbert of first rate V) Workmen, of thr seVeral branches of hts Bu- ' i sTness, viz'. BodyMakingCarriage-Making; ' Trimming, Pafiltihg, Smiths;1: He. who have iS v ' Jersevr He has also received from the Cnie ' tv-. of New-Yorfcand Philadelphia, a Jarjre and , I extensive Stock of the best and-most fashi- ? onable Materials, y He is grateful for the, ve-'; ry liberaV encouragement he lias already1 reV, tentibn to his business, to merit a continuance of their favors. Carriages of any descriptiot-f t J op pflce, can Ije' haft at a shorttnbtice.V v Orders from any part 6f the continent ire4 , ' ! " IV?: .fev v Reference for excellence and eletance of r his work, and the character bf the advert -ser is made to his numerous acquaihtahce in thia v ' ' arid tHeriei?hboring States v ' I tt 1 'H: ' v - ' V V Vt Raleigb,- FebH7a",;:f ft S;. -y,- !Frot Tetesbut 'to ' (V ffflHE Mail Coach leaves PeterslrirVerery " J Lli day 17 o'clock, P. H. arriVes afUich V ' ' mond at 11 p. M. sUrts from Richmond at 3 At M. and arrives inBjJtimoreTia Fredc- ' ricksburg and 1 Washington City the next ; day to dine; this arrangement ' Paisen- gers are expedited nearly 24 hours, aodthp r Fare through is much lest tfaari by aiiy other ; jrpute4 A(nd the Proprietors pledge thenv , ; ' elres that every attention shall be paid' to Passengers both 5ii the road and in Houses 1 fo accommodation that can be rf quired, y if ' " ?i Kef uming; tlie Coacbes leave Brltimore at " 4'iM, every day, arrive aft Washington to ;. I iuc Jtcwa uQui m.1 ii ana rnvc n uicn r mond at half past 4 P I M. next : day ia time . : ; r . for theSoutbern Mail Coach.' i 14 order'io -Z'.vl effect Uiis axi angement; the Proprietor from t i x ' . i.iwiuiyxivx ' ; i.u k ictci iuu',i u.w 'uivvft . comfortable close Mail Cu;che,tt)at are for the express purpose of .carry injf those PaW semrersh&t are tinder th e necessity of hiuv if ryij. ten; and to prevent the delav ia liicb- - .,- mond ana retersDurg, so muca-compiamea ; . -of. The Passengers shall pot be delayed In ,V ' y Richmond that are inbe tegular line, and ;T : Who appVin season tar seats. Litra' Carri- jjr aeek shaft &lwvs be ta readiness to start at J- 4; ' ibetimef the regular Linei jj fV-; The regular IiBe; of Mominffj Coaches tt and from, Petersbnig' iwill be contiriued a i. , Cbartettesyille , and ' Lynchburg Stages 1 leave Bichmondvei7:Tti!esdtandf Fr;day inorciDgsl ir,-F;;: HfrV- ' - ' ' (Seat taken atv the: SUge-Ofiice; ' UaJon . TTe-TilE PRQPniBTOUS 4,.. V '; : ;:'. ' ft V : 3 i t 70,1 Juii6 ! ; -e uBJchmoDL3Urch 22 lg20.j ; 70 "3ca; '.V

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