' BY AVTIWETTT. :tA An act so. authorise the erection of a light. ' hotmeoniof.e of the Islet of Shoals, near Portsmouth, in New-Hampshire. 1 W Be it enacted by the Senate and; House the Jsles of bboals,4in tne state ri.mewr Hampshire, in the state of Massachusetts, or in the state of Maine, as the President ofthe United States shall, select for the ste of a light-bouse, j shall be deeded to, and the property thereof vested in, the U. States, it shl be the duty of the Secreta I iy of the Treasury to provide,- by con tract J which shall be approved by the j President, for building a light-house on i such island, to be so lighted as to be dis ? tinguishable from j other .lighthouses on ' the east and west of the same ; ; and, also, to aeree for the salaries, wages, cr hire. qf the person or persons to be appointed by the President for the superintendahce of the same-. 'J1 j 1 . Sec. 2. And be it further enacted '.That the sum of five thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, for the purpose of. buildings such light house, to be paid out. of ary mcrcys in the Treasu- ry,not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 3. And be it further cnacted,Thnt the Sccretary.of the Treasury be, and he ' is hereby, authorised' to provide ; by con tract, for building )ight-houses, , erecting piers, beacons, or landmarks, and build ing and placing light vessels, or boats, or buovs, on the following :tes or shoals, to wit":1 A pier at the mouth of Kennebunk river, 'in the state of Maine two light bouses, one on Tenpcund Island, at the entrance into Gloucester; harbor, and the ether on Baker's Islandlnear Salem, in the state of Massachusetts ; a light-house I at a proper site near the mouth or ucne v see river, in the state of New-York;a jbhoy cn Southwest Ledge; and another on v Adam's Fall, in or, near to the harbor of New Haven, in the state of Connecticut ; v A light, vessel at the end of Smith's Point I Shoals; in the Chesapeake" Bay, in the t. state of. Virginia: A light7house on Shell i Castle Island, in the state of .North Caro I lir.a ; cr, in lieu thereof, a light vessel, to J be moored", in a proper v lace, near the i said Island; if, in the opinion ofvtheSe I . cretary of the Treasury, , the latter shall r be. preferred : A beacon and two buoys on? . . X ' I . If .1 proper sue?; in me cnannei leauirg uruic narDor oi vnariesion, inline siaie i cx'uui Carolina : A light -house on a proper site in Mobile Bay, jn the state of Alabama, or, in lieu . thereof, a light vessel in the said bay, if the same shall be preferred : A light vessel, shruldVthe same be deem ed necessary bythe Secretary of the Trea sury, at the mouth of the Mississippi, in the state of "Louisiana. v ! Sec. 4. And be itfurther enacted. That ..' there be appropriated, out of any moneys in the;:Treasury, not otherwise appropri " ated, the following sums of money to ac I ccmplish the objects specified in thisact. I to,wit: for erecting a pier at the mcutb t Aenneouna river, a sum net exceeding I rear the light-house; on West Quoddy f Head, a sun not exceeding one thousand coitars : ,ior erecting two iignt-nr.uses on cneTenPcUnd Island, and the other on Bake rs Island, an placing three buoys on the rocks and fiat near Salem, a "sum . f ,not exceeding, nine thousand dollars : for defraying the expense of lighting the light house on the south 'side of the harbor of Kantucketar.d superintending the same, a sum5 not exceeding three hundred dol lars: for a light-house neari the mouth of -Genessee river, a sum not exceeding five thousand "dollars : for placing two burs, onelcn hcuthwest Ledge, and the other on Adan s' Fall, in or near the harbor of Xew Haven, a sum not exceeding three -hundred dollars: fcra light vessel, and placing the same at the end of Smith's Point Shoals,' a sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars : fort a- light-house on Shell Castle Island, or a light -vessel, if preierrea, n sum not exceeding ;iouneen thousand dollars : for a beacon and two buoys en: proper sites in ci near to the channel leading to Charlcstrp Harbor, a tMim not exceeding s'x4 thousand five hiin-. y dred dollars : for a flight-house, cr light t vessel, for Mobile Bay, a sum not exceed xng nine thousand I dollars : for a-light vessel at the mouth of the Mississippi, 'a sum not exceeding fifteen , thousand dol lars;; ... s ' . ! Sec. S.yfndle it fin-therciatted, "(T bat the Secretary cfjhe Treasurv be,, and he is hereby, authorized.' if he shall deem it expedient and proper, to. build the lieht he use directed to be built on Sparrow's Point, in the state of Maryland, cn North "mi in aaiu uwtc , aiui ajso xo SUOStltUte a light vessel for the ligbt-honse directed to be'built on Cranev Isiandjat tLe riiouth of EI12 zaoetn iu vermin toe stale ot irgi- r.ia. Sec. 6. And be itfurther to ccmplete t the light-houses?: essels heretofore .directed .there be appropriate tdr cut 'of any mcreys j ; ci herwise apprbpria.i ia tne 1 reasurv not . ted, the following adtUtiruiar&uni's. ni win for the light houses in the state of Marv1 'ina, a sum not exceeding six thouond MX hundred dollars Efor ' the light house ' directed to be built between tKe mouth jof urand Hirer, m the state of Ohio, & the 9 ' 0 pepraeniairve gj me unmu. yc America, it , Congress assembled. 1 hat ' as scon asthejurisdiction of such one of mouth'ofDetroitRiver.in the Territory of Michigan, fivevthbusand dollars : & for the Itetft houses or light vessels for tue state of Virginia, a snm not exceeding six thou sand six hundred dollars. s Sec. T And be it further enacted y That no light house, beacon, nor land-mark,' shll be built r erected orf any site previ ous to th p. cession of jurisdiction oyer.the same' being made to thetTnited Statesi' ;Approved-May 15, 1820.1 : f An act to amend an act "making reservation of certain public lands for naval purposes ' passed first March, one tliousand eight ' hundred and "8CTenteen.:;'.v i5:.V. "- . ;.ls 2c, it enacted by: the Senate and House X of Ji efiresenta fives of the United States r of America in Congress assembled, That ' so much of the first section of the act of congresspassed on , the first day of March, j one thousand eight hundred. & seventeen' entitled ' An act making reservation - of ' certain public, lands for naval purposes,, I as empowers (he, 'Secretary of the Navy to appoint an agent :-or agents, anu ur veyor,' be, and the same is hereby repeal fed ; and the .duties and service required !bv said section be performed in future by t such surv eyors of public lands as, may beJ designated by the Presidentfol the unitea States. '..-:'" .. .:;!.-. --v.- j a ApprovedMay 15, X80. 1 3 :t v ; An act to cQTjtinue in force !lin act,, to pros'-tect the commerce of the United States, ' and punish the crime of piracy," and also . . to make further , provision for ' punishing ' the crime of piracy. j Be it enacted by the Senateand House of Representatives 'of the' United States of America, i?i Congress assembled. That the first, second, third, and -fourth sec tions'of an act, entitled Ar act to pro tect the commerce ofthe United Jytaes and punish the drime of piraty," passed on jthe third day cf-March, one thousand eight hundred and. nineteen,' be, and the same are hereby, continued in force,' from the passing'of this act, for (the term of two vears. and from thence to the end of the next session of Congress,' antl no longer. ; '. ' .... ir; - ""- Sec. 2.' And be itfurtlier enacted. That the fifth section of the ,'said act be, and the same is hereby continued in force? as to all crimes made punishable by ? the same, and heretofore committed, in all respects, as. fully as if the duration of the said section had been without limita tion.. . ' " - ; ' y'.- ' ' Sec 3. "And be it further enactedbat if any person shall, upon the.high seas, or m any open -roadstead, or id any haven. I basin, or bay, or in any river, where tbe sea ebbs and flows, commit the crime of robbery, in or upon any ship or vessel,, or upon any ofj the shipN company of any ship cr vessel; or the lading thereof, such person shall be adjudged to be a -pirate7.; and being thereof convicted befor the Circuit Court of the United States for' the district into which he shall be brought I or in which he shall be found shall suffer j death. And if any person engaged in, any ( piratical cruize or enterprise, or beine of ; the creto;or ship's companv, of any pira- ncai siup or vessel, ami on ; shore, snaji commit robbery, -Mich person shall be ad judged a pirate, and on conviction there of before theCircnit Court of the United States for the district intd which he shall ! be brought, orjn which he shall be found, shall sufi'er death : Provided, that nothintr j in this.section contained shall be construed to deprive "any particular state of its fa. t risdiction over such offences when com- niiiicu wiinin me nociy ot a county. or : authorize the courts -of the United States : to try any such offerdt rs, after conviction' i or acquittance, for the same offence in a , state court. . , ' . :':,- .; ' ' y j Sec .4. And be itfurther enacted. That 11 aiiV Citizen of th I TnifH Stnt. -hfnr of the crew or shin's comnanV of anv fo reign ship or vessel engaged in the slave traue, or any person whatever, beinc of the crew or shjp;s company of any shlpfl ,cssei ownea in, whole or part or na vigated former in behalf of, any citizen or citizens of the yUnitl Rfnte choii-iori from any fwcb'htp; or vessel, and, on any foiteign shore, seize any negro or mulatto; not held id service or labor by the laws of either of the states or territorir f th IT- nited States, with intent to make such ne gro or mulatto a slave-shall decoy, or for cibly bring or carry, or shall receive, such negro or mulatto op board any ' such ship or vesseK,with intent, as aforesaid, such Btizen or person; shall; be adjudged a pi rate, and, on conviction thereof before the' circuircourt of, the -United Statefor the district'wherein he( may. be brought ot found, shl.ll suffer death. ' v ' A A A SicSJjiud bejt further enacted. Thafl i uiy n'licitui me vjiiucu otaies ueiutr : oi iiic crew or snip s company, $1, any jro t reign ship. or vessel engaged ?n the slave trade, or any person whatever, beihsr of fc ' li . '-ji. .1... ' . i J' r bly confine or detain .or aid and abet in 'tcibly confining, or detaining, on board ; iornot nea to service uy.uie laws ot either s. of the states' or territories of the United :;tor not hejd to service by.tlie laws' of either t States, iwiib intent to make such neVro or mulatto a slave, or . shall oh : board any Ucb: p'oreei;offeror ittehipt to ' enccrcd, i nat ! . ,vo,- j-iur?..ij nipuji, oruu-. 1 ( fir oc-r. V, nfrnAUiu t. .w 1 iud lieht hSMco lor.mr in behalf of, aoy citizen pr. to be built, f citizens ot uie united States, shall forck seitl, as a klave ahy begro or mulatto, not ( held to service, I as aforesaid, or sjiall, on the higiseas or ahjr whiereQnide wai ter, transfer, or deliver over, to any other ship or vessel, p any negro, or rhhlatto, nbi held to , service, as aforesaid, with intent to make such negro" pr mulatto a . slave, or. shall land, or deliver . on shorefrorh oh board. any s ard any such ',, ship ci- vessel, any such negro or itlulattbi with intent to majke sale ofi or liavlng pfeviooslv soldi . such negro of mulatto, as a slave. Mien citizen or per son shall be ad nidged a pirate, and, on conviction thereof, before the circuit .eourt of tlie United gtates for t he dist rict where in he shall be bro't or found, shall suffer death. :At -t-.":.'M 'A. -'A i;fA ,r -ApprovedMay 15, 1820. A'tl- --:A --' 'rA L'Aii act authorising the Secretary of State to issue icucrs rain-i iu t'lj Be it enacted by) the Senate and House of Representatwes Unit edi States nf America in Congress assembled, -That the 'Secretary of State shall be and he is hereby? authorized arid required ' o issue Letters pa tent to. Henry Burdin; for his improvement' inVthe.-'constiuction of a plough, upon his complying with the di rections of the act, entitled An act to promote thq progress, of - the usejfi 1 ! arts and to repeal the act hretofore made for that, purpose,'.' and an act entitlep, Ah act to extend the privilege of obtaining Patents for useful ciscoverjes andj inven tions tp certain persons therein mentioned, and to enlarge and define the penalties for violating the rights of patentee's," ex- ceot so far as the' said acts, or any ;part or i parts of them, require a residence of two years. within the united Mates; in like manner in all respects, as if the said Hen ry Burdin had resided two years within the. United States. 'A ApprovedMay 15, 1820. An act Tcr the relief of. Itichard S. IJackley. Br it enacted by the Senate an$ House I of Representatives, ; of the Ur, it edi States of America in Congress assembled, 1 hat there b paid to Richard S. Hackey, or to his Ant or Attorneyduly autlorize.d, hut of any monejy in the Treasury not o therwise appropriated, the; sum of six thousand. two hutv'ied and tlijrteen dol lars ; dnd seventy-four cents ; bejng the amou.nt of expenses incurred and paid by him, -in and' about the detention J of the shTp Vigilant, seized by hin at Cadiz, in theyear one thousand eight hundrrd and nine, under the. orders of George'AV. Ir- vmg, j." q..tnen iviinisjjcr oi me u. States in cnain ApprovedMay 15, 1820, V An act for the relief of Ambrose asse. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America $ri .Congressassefnbled, That theSeCretary'cf the Treasury ;be, land he is nereuv, autnonzeti to pay j to vmurose Vasse, of the town of , AlexsndfiaJ in the of Commissiorers. ' under the seventh ar- i ticlej of the Treaty , of. the twentieth of j November, one thousand seyen hundred j & n ih'ety-fou r, bet ween 'the! United ! States ; auu 'vj i cui-Dritain , .rroviaea, i ijerc , is as much money remaining of the fund whichiby law, was appropriated for the payment of the awards under the said ser venin iarticieot ;the said treaty pay such part thereof, as the fund I saidremaining in the -Treasury, will ep- aoie.i, -i? ,-v. .. : Approved May-15, 1 820. . A An jact for. the relief of persons holding con ; firmed unlocated claims for lands in the V state'bf IlliTiois.U ,JAg.': AAyA': -AA'.: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of .the United States of America, in Ccngfesi dssembledfThat all persons lawfully, holding; confirmed unlocated claims for land within thfe tract reserved by; the third section of til e act fentitld An act confirming certain claims to land in the Illinois territory, and pro viding for their-location;' passed six teenth day of April, inith year one thou sand i eight hundred and fourteen; be al lowed until the first day; of Novemberi onei thousand eight hundred and twentv, to register! the f ame ; and the said claims ihall . bcrecei vabje iit payment for public lands within he said reserved tract, cob fQrmably with;, the provisions bf . thie said act, and of the act eritiUed "- An act ma king further proybiori .fof settling claims' to land, in the ierritcry' of lirm'ois," passed the twenty -sixth day of April one thou sand "eight ( hundreds anjdixteen, arany time before therZ first tlay of NNovetuber i ll . ' i . - i . j .Lj . J 1. . . . . ' ,- luousana eigni nunureu auu iwenry.. , 1 ' ApprovedMay 15, laay. An act in additicrttoi jheact, cfttitletf An act makir.g appropriations for the support ot government lor tne, year onp inousana 'ofefirvsntati6eiheUn& of A iericuptCcbgess tii$6mblei?,k Tha t t be follow ing sums oe and the same are lie rebj, approp ria ted, th kiki to say Fcr ppmpctsion granted bv law.' to District of Columbia, theisum of thirteen the pers-autnorisea to,transactne du thousand threp hundred andseventyeight ! j slness of the late supervisor of the Reve dollars and sixty -three cents ; being, the 1 1 nue in e .state of Pennsylvania, be, and sum awarded to be paid him for the cargo" I he is hereby authorised and directed to of the shin niivi. Urinfli h thi Bnarrl i : revise the accounts of Conrad ,Laub; de y etgnt ruinareaand,tvrenty, ' ana. io other rfBe it tiTa!cieifiWi&' tof theSenale ahd House of I il L lii. il ,. - . ; . . '- T' ilepresentatives, in addition: to the apforo- pimiiuu ticreioiore maoenor tnai ooject, twenty-three thousand three hundred and forty dollars. ' . , . - ' l For rebuilding , the j public wharf; and repairing the public warehouses, on . Sta- ten Island, fifteen thousand dollars. ;i: For graduating the Capitol Square,"! puiung me grounas in oraer, ana planting trees within the same, two thousand dol lars. . v ' . , -, ' , j . 't ''' '' t-Ji.c . .; , Sec. 2. And be it furtherertactedf Ttiki jthe several appropriations hereinbefore made, shall be paid out of? any moneys in the 1 reasury not o herwise appropria Sec. 3. And he it further enacted, That the arrearages of the DeDartment of War. from the(first day of July, one ; thorisand eight hundred and fifteen, to the first 6f ly.,one thousand eight hundred; and sej venteen, be paid I out-jof the ; sum soff one hundred and fifty thousand doltarsalrea dy ! appropriated for Arrearages -prior to. tne nrst-ot July, one. thousand eight huh dred and-;fifteen ; any . thing in J the act, entitled ' An act in addition to the seVef ral acts for the establishment apdregii lation of the Treasury War, ahd Navy Departments," passed the first of f May one thousand ight hundred and .twenty, to the contrary notwithstanding; vf; ; . 'Approved Mav i5; i820. , s ) ; : A - " '..V '). :t"- A:AA aAA An act to provide I foi? the; building an addi tion to the Custom House now erecting iri j the cit of New Orleans, for the use; of the 1 District Court of the GnUed States fortthe - i state of lxui5lam:fC j Be It enacted by the Senateand House, of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary ofthe. Treasury, cause to be built an acjditioh to the custom hodse now erecting in the city of Kew-Orleans.which shall contain rooms suitable for the use of the District Court of the United States for the 'state of Louisiana,; and that so much of the appropriation for4the erection as shall be sufficient for that purpose, be, and the same is. hereby declared tq be, applicable to. that object. Sec; 2. And be it further enacted, :Thatj as soon vas the said building shalLbe com pleted, ihe Secretary of the Treasury1 shall be authorised and required : to cause jto be sold, at public salej upph such terms, ) and' in such maimer a he shall judge to oe expeoient, tue nouse ana lot in wnicn the District Court is now - held and - to causehe amount for which they shall be sold, to be paid into the Treasury! of the United States. V , Approved May 15, 1820. An act for the relief of the legal represental ' 'tivesot Conrad LiUbTdeceastd. Be it 'enacted by, the Senate and House of Representaives of t they United States of America in Congress assembled ', Th at ceased, late a collector of Internal Duties. in the state, aforesaid,, and to, audit 1 and settle the samet admitting! on sufficient evidence; all legal or equitable credits not heretofore allowed or rejected by, Con gress 5 t-A !-; : :;; .; . A'- " ':: A 'AA'A' Sec; Ahdrbe it further ehdcted pnt it theadmmlstrator of ?the said Conrad Laub, deceased shall be dissatisfied with tne settlement fana aecision or '.ne person authorized to transact the business of the supervisor aforesaid he'may within three months after such; decisions, appeal from the same upon such items' ih the account as .be shall specially designate, statingin writings his objections to the decision on the same to the accounting officers of the Treasury department ; and upon such appeal being taken and presented to the i reasurv jjepartmeni, wjtnin tne umca foresaid, it shall be lawful for the account -ing officers of. th at Department v io aurt it and settle tn e same; according to the rules prescribed by this act, and in such mannef as the justice of the' casermay require. 1 . -Sec; S..And'itfther;enacted if, upon jtheettlementof the accounts as aforesaid, of the' saidt Conrad Jaub deceased, it shall appear that he is enti tled to further credits than have 'hereto; fore been received, it shall be lawful for he1 Secretary of the Treasury ? to allow the same and credit his account there with -' '', ' '- ' :ri,iAA AiA Sec:4. Arid be it further enaftedTbiit the. legal- and equitable ' allowance to i?e made, shall riot exceed the balance which is due to the United States ; not shall any allowance, so ascertained, be passed to his credit, unless ; the administrator shall forthwith payi such remaining balance if any a$halU: upom found to beidue ajad owing from the said Conrad haub. Az M Ai: fiA A j AAAA pApproveday5'j82() ::AffA An act tOvJ authorise jibe Governor of Illinois , vto obtain crtaio Abstracts of litnds Iroin eertajtooM ABeitehaclied &n&'Housc bf- Refifesentativts of she United- States of. ' Anrerica in!. Congress cssembledi That- it ihall belhe duty of tlie Register ofthe United States land ofiBce at Vincennes, in Ithe state cf Indiana to furnish' to tbe Go- I vernor Of the stal oP TiliiuJ kit ishaU. apply for the sahle, a -comDlete ab4 oviavv ui aus iii tnii wnicnmave, Deen. ; purchased.-at th at officeror which hiay hereafter be purchased; which lie withid b' thfe state tf.IUinois, designating the hatnji " v of eachTpurchaser:and the tinbe.o rhak. me iuc uurenpsp.'! Jtnr wnirn- ha tnaii tA . entitled to receiveJ from snhh aWrknti I , " aL tne rate nt fpn pnte fov n-H hMu vided; hoivevcr, That all the, expense in curred by yirtuedf this act shall be de trayed by said state. ' :. ' jt snail be ,the duty. of the Secretary of thd rr. . v' .1- , . . ' . ... jl reasury; upon the appIicatriH o,f th6 vjuvci-nor oi . saia state, tocuse a com , pleteabstt-act to be made Out for the" usd ' v of said State, of all" the rhilitarv hohntir r s ahd which .have , been patented, to the) , , ! ' oldiers of the late. armr. lvin Vithln -t. ;ne same, designating the natne of eaca , , 1 patentee.: , f f-lv A :.S 1,-ApprovedIai H An act to establish an uniform tnrylfe of dir.u pime ano; held exercise for "thd militia of the United States-' SA:. H " 1 '-Be. it Enacted bu :iher 'Senate andJJo tiki - ofRehresentatives of the United Stated of America, inHfrhgrcfe dYse mUed, That 1 the system of dicipUhe and held exercise)', which is' and Ihall be ordered) to be obJ served bv the reeulaf armv of the UnTterl . States in the diTOrfenVwrps iol infcwtm anillery an rifleirieh shall .also be ob ' seryroVBy the militia; ifi the exercises and discipline of: the saW corpreipectiyely1 thrbughout the Umte4 States.i A Sec. 2. Andb Ufurtkefenttttedt T hafc so fouch of the act of Csngressj approved the 8th day of ; May, one thousii nd sevea 1 hundred and hinete-two as anbioVes and establishes the rulesNahd dfecipline of thek I Karon defcteuben,; and requires them. td ' be observed by the muitiahrougbout thd repealed. 1 r ; ; 1 ' a .' 'J . .... i , j '. . i i . - . ; jLvj.arbu i vpprovea. 'Tkr-..i.-t. 41 A 'L.L. 'i.''.' ) A An act for therelierof Jahd.fi. Cartel1.; Be' it enacted bu the-Seriate and Hout of Representatives of the tlnited Stated of America in Congress assembled 'That there be paid to;!John D; Carter, out o any money in the TreafUty not otherwise appropriated oy iaw.the sumjof five tnou sand nine hundred and eighty rseien doli lars alrd ninety ceiltsj1 fjeing that part of the proceeds of certgpods! and hier A chandiie, befonerih to the said ' JbKrt D , Carter, captured on board the ship Man-v datin and brought iritthe port jof Phila neipnia, ana tnere condem.nedj as prize ; of war, which were paid into theTreasu-J ry of the United gtates;f as. Uielnited ; States portion Of said prize., h v : ApPToved--.May 8, 1820 W An act for the relief ;of the fceirsl of Abijali xium anu vv uiiBm uoraon rorman . ; ftf it PYlhhtPft hit ttt Rofxrtt ',rj T-Tn, d . bf, Representatives ofthe; x United State " 4 of America in Congress GiSertibled, That ' the heirs of AbijahHunt and William. ' Gordon Forman, and they are hereby, A" confirmed iri their claim to fifteen hun- ' dred arpens of land, situated od jthe Mis sissippi .; river, ,near'the mouth of. Cples ; , creek; in the state of Mississippi? Bein - -the meTahdwhiibrwasx.oAVeyedto A bijah Hunt and VVilliam Gordon Forman ' ' on the f31st day 4 Of May "onei thousand , eight hundred ahd two, by Charles Nor- , wood, executor ot the last will and testa meht Of iohn' Turhbull ! Provided, no- thine: in this. aCt shall be so 'construed to affect the lairn bf any other person of 1 persons to the said land, or any dart there- I " of; derived either, from' the - United State? -or from any othef source whatever" ; s'; ' Approved May 8 1820. . ti UfiQE M(jRPHE.Y?s REPORTS. !' iYeatfy printed m a new Type arid tine Paper Of Cases argued dhd tdjuitd iri th4 jlsfyreme Cvart Vjf VmYbrtfa Carolina, :;;; ;;fentt 1819. . : Ohcr of irfut fudges of the Superior, Court J TA'AAlhtLa.vr land Equity; i AAAA'. ' ' AMt'AAi A .yx TttB Qaseii decided atilayTerm trefe so A t nntnmits a 1ft rrnnirc 1 fart lhre mAd'ii fifths 1 nitmberi-wKirh -Will' he nnbllihed In -'I'ti. f uccession as iasi as uiey can Dc.prqiareuy. fi r" inH 'wtthniif limit fl ft trt- narti . '., .a cular periods1 ' Beforetbe DecenjberTenn, ; it is etpectedthe volume i will be completed. ;: ber4 of , the Lav. Repository, under a belief;; . that: the will be acceptable i atid lfm any aitfv4Tfnt,t tici. 5f is retftiestcd that no ' - t.1; m 'iKA erfr -rttfli-U?;th ? th rl tcvn 1 1 n4i .. ARREKfMAl Hnfefe EiaminiUoa of the Students of tbla . tbe entire tuitisfactioa of the Trustees., The Exercises of the SclKJoVwill be resumed 0:1 . 5 Monday the:19th initant under the superi- tendsncfefthe ReyjC. A. Hi u; A to' the - v present PrincipaV W8isted: ly Mr.' James . Board and Tuition as heretolbte.'l Cv'-'.'-' ' A:a A GEO: ANDISO SecV ' :Ju3e-I3,w; :.2v$ '"' ; : 1 :. 4'. ,1 . r. r uA.-

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