f Unwarp'd by pmrtv rage, to lUc 3ike p rothett.t . I., . Friday, VOL. XXI. ' , '.'US - ! . . j T' '" ' . Lr - ?: it f t1 l'l?esi!aVj6n to authorize the pubKcatidn; df - ' part ofthe Secret Journal of Congress, im t der the articles of confederation. j r - sohi y 'Senate and House l&Jmeriea; in Congres9 assembled. That, '.the I Secret Joumal.t together with all the. frmpers and documents connected-with ' that Joiimai; and all. other papers and : documents heretofore considered, conh etial, of the old Congress, from the date X ff theWification of the definitive treaty t Xnf ntace between the United States and f Great Britain, in the year prief thousand . ;seven: hundred and eighty-three, to the i formation of the' present aavernment, V'now remaining in th office: of the cre: ? : ti'ry of States be pabtished, binder ttie di f Section of the President of theU. States, I And that a thousand copies thereof be printed and deposited in the Library sub l ' Sect to the disposition of Congress. J, ' tT: approved April 21, 1820. 'riesolution'for the distribution of certain co- inf the Contention which ? formed the Constitution - k'. -rt tj.1-j ft'i th.m Smnt and. House rt,hr,mtatrvracftht United Mates if America in Congress assembled. That thp Secretary i f Sifcte be, and he is here- ' bri directed to transmit one c py of the Journal of the Federal Convention at Phi ladelphia in one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, which formed the Con- ' .lifntWnf the United States: to each of . . the rnembers, now alive, of the said Con vention. i ; ; " ' Approvea iMay ia, An act. to limit the JernTof office of certain officers therein named, and for other pur - poses. .'; ' r' ' - Be it enacted by the Sehate and House ef Refircsentattveiqf theMnited States cf America in Congress assembled. That from and after the parsing of this act, all district attorneys, (collectors of. the cus toms, naval officers and surveyors of the K- k customs, navy agents: reqeivers of public f . monies for lands, registers of the laud of l iices, paymasters in the arrays the apo- thecary general; the assistant apotheca i Ties general, and the commissary general 1 of purchases, to be" -appointed under the s laws of the. United Statesi' shall be arP - pointed for the term of four years ; but ? shall be removeable from office at plea- sure. -'V -. , Sec 2. And be it further enact 'f,.That the comnnssion ot each and every ot the cmctrs'named in the first', section of this act, now in office, unless vacated by. rV- moval from office,' or otherwise, shil : .'; cease and empire, in , the limner follcw 1 " ang: All such.com missions bearing date V cn or before the thirtieth day of Septem , ber, ene thousand eight hundred & , four- 4een, shall cease and ; expire on the day ' and mtnth of their respective dates, which ? shall next ensue after the thirtieth day of I September next; all such commissions f bearing date, after : the said thirtieth da; f. of September, in the year one thusand I ,mht hundred and fourteen, and befoi e the first day of October, one ' thousand .eight bundled , and sixteen, shall cease and expire on the day and month of their respective dates, which shall next ensue after the thirtieth day of September; one thousand eght hundred and twenty one i and all other such commissions shall cease and expire at t'.d expiration of the term United States, and he is hereby autho l ized, from time to time, "as in his opi rjjon the mterest of the United States may require; to regulate and increase the sums for- which the bonds "required or which rhay be required by the laws of the Igni ted States, to beJgiTen by the saiofofficer?, ; and by all other otfioers employed in the disbursement of the ulaHc moneys 'under, the direction cf the War nd Iavy De partments, shall be given ; and all bonds given in conf(rtmity nvith such regulations h all be as valid and effectual, to all in vents and purposes, as" if .given for the bums respectively bentioned in the laws requiring the saineV ; f:v 1 ! , ; bee, 4. And be it further enacted. That . the commissions of all c-fficers employed in levying or coHectingfhe public reye 'niie, shall be jmade out and recorded in : the Treasury Department,- and the seal of the said Department affixed hereto ; any law to the contrary notwithstanding : JPrcvidcd, That the said seal sliall not be. affixed to anysuch commission before die . same shall have been signed py the -President of the United States. r, Approved May 15, 1820. l. .. . S?x TT : X - An act to revive and continue in force an j act, entitjed Aa act ta provide .or per sons who were disabled by known wounds, ' cceived in the revolutionary, war, and tor . JL ;er purposes..;; J ' j. : .. V ; -: ; n it enacted by the Senate and House of lie tretentative: of the Unit, d States vf itf t a in Congress assembled, That the act . entitled " An act to Drovide for 7g who were disable by known wounds r.eceived jin the-Udyolutionary war " pass -d on. the; 10th cf April, one thousancjeisht hundred dhd si ; and li I fcf four years from their respective dates. I $ Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That . rt sh5all be lawful for the Pesident the mited; as in said apt 4cclard, t9 the term .r.:rMM onrl nftprwardsl revived and) continued in force by aa act entitled, An act to revive and continue in force A . An act to provide forerson wio were disa bled by known wounds received in, the re volutionaryvar.; ' and for, qther purposes for arid during the term of six years, as in th said act is declared , shall ,be. ana the same is hereby revived artdf conji-nued-injbrce fo? one year, and. nolongen from the passing ofshis act,; sPrhiided,f That this act shall not be construed to repeal or make void the foutth section' of an act entitled . An act concerhjniava-. lid'pensidhs.V passed the thirdnf March, one thousand eight hundred &Vttineteen;; hut the said fourth section of the, said last mentioned act shall be, and hereby is, de clared to be, in full force and eftect ; any thin in the said act hereby Revived and ma"de perpetual, to the contrary notwith standing. - - v ' ,, .l . 3ec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the right any person now ; has, or may hereafter acquire, to receive a pension inf virtne of any law of the United States, be considered to commence at the time of completing his testimony, pursuant to tlie( act. hereby revived and cbntinued in force.' " ' See's. Ancl be it further enacted. That tl?e agents for the payment of invalid pen,, sioners of the United States shall, in fu ture, be required to give bond, ,with two or more sureties, to bef approved by the Secretary for the Department of War, in a sum not exceeding five thousand dol lars, for the faithfuVJischarge of the du ties cnfided to them, respectively. - , Approved-At ril 21, ;820. , y ? An act authorizing the building o ieertaUv f : number of small vessels ot War.- Be it enacted bv tJie$enateandHc, of Heftrestntativesofthe United 'States of America in l ongres asscmuicu., the President of the United Suites is here by authorized to cause to be built and rauipped any number of small vessels of war (not exceeding five) which, m nis judgment, the puonc service imn : the said vessel to be of a force not more tlan twelve guns each, according to the discretion of the President. And, for cariHrinK this act into- effect,:.- the sum oi sixy tliousana dollars is nereuy HKy:--priated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropria ted. .. . : . ') l: , Approved May 15. 1820. An act designatingahe ports Within which . only foreign armed vesseUsball be per , mittedto enter. , : V it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of Americain Congress asaembled,Thiit, after the first day of July, xne thousand eigh- hundred and wen'typit shall not be la wful -"for any foreign armed vesselsHo enter :anj harbor belonging toUheiU nited States, excepting only those of Portj land. Boston, New-Lotun, New-York; Philadelphia, Norfolk, Smithtylle, in N. Carolina, Charlestoa,and Mobile ; un less when such vesselssliall be forced in by distress ;shy the dangers of the sea, or by being pursued by an enemy, and be unable to make any of thei ports above mentioned ; ih which case&the comman ding officer shall immediately report his vessel to thei collector of the district, sta ting the object qj; causes o. his -entering SMch harbor; shall take-such position therein as shall be assigned him by such collector ; ancl shall confotmhimself to such regulations js shall be signified to himhy the said collector, under the au thority hd directions of the President of the United Slates. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the President of theV1 United States td;employ such pariofthe land and naval forces of the United States, or the militiat thereof, as he may deem necessary to enforce, the provisions of the first section of this act ; and the President shall also be authorized to employ such forces to preventVany foreign armed ves sel Jrpitf entering or remaining within any waters within thejurisciction of the Uni ted Sta'tea except such as shall li in her direct course in enteringfrom sta, or lea ving to proceed to sear either of the har bors abo e mentioned. . Sec. J5. And be it further enacted, That this act shall continue in f;rce Until the first day of. July, one thousand ejght hun dred and twenty t wo, and no longer. ; , Approved May 15,41820 :. An acV for the relief of Samuel Beall. 4 Be it etiactea oyine senate anj& jnouse ofUetirisentatives of he United States of America in Congress assembled,. That ihe propel accounting officers: of the Treasury Depurtmeht be, and they are hereby authorized 'tuid directed tpa to Samuel B. Beall, the amount of two, final settlement certificaies, issued tosthe said Samuel B.'Ball on the first of Feb ruary, ont .thousand sevenhhnjdred 'and eighty-five for ' his .services iis a lieute uant in the armyof ihe United States dui ring the revolutionary ivaf, and ii umber ed tighty nine thouiand four hjindred and Hfty-six,H and . eigtt -tiine thousand;- oui hundred ahd fitty sey en to'gtther; witli interest 'on the said certificutts, at the. rate of six per centum petoumfrotw ieetherhorhitere 1 wbitlKsaid ceftiricates,;were lost jby ; the standing ana? pnpaia : iwj before payment is made as aforespd, the said Samuel B. Beall shall give. bond to theiUnied Statesto be approved jby the Secretary bf-the TreasUto refund the moaey; should the said certificates her after be presented for payment -k, i - Sec. 2U And be t it further endcud, Th at the 'sums to be paid, in pursuanc of the first section of this act, shall b.paid out ofany money in the Treasury.not other wise abprppnated. - ;;' . $ NAppvoie K J" .';:. '.v : An act in addition to an act, entitled " An act to provide for certnin persons engaged in the land and naval service of th4 United . States in the, revolutionary warf passed ' on the eighteenth day of March, otie thou T sand eight bundriedvand eighteen . ;: ; ; : Be it enacted by the Senate aji&Mn& of Representatives of theWnited States ' " itt irto iMtiisi''a6!trtnbled That no person iWho, now is, of may hereafter be placed oriHhe pensiert list of the' Uni-v ted ptates, uy virtue oi iuc an, cuutu. Ail act to provide for ce-tain persons engaged in the laiid and naval service of ih. United States in the Revolutionary War." passed on the eighteenth ' day ,oY March, one thousand eighth hundred and eighteen, shall, alter tne payment of that part oi tne pension wnicn uecamc the fVinrth dav of i March one th due on hpusand eicht hundred and twenty, continue to re ceive the pension granted by the said act until he shall have exhibited td some court of record, in the county, ;citw or bo rough, in which he resides, a schedule; subscribed by him containing his whole estateand kcVoiejXhiii necessary clothing arid i beddings excepted) and shall have (beforethe said court, or some of thjc judg es thereof)' taken and subscribed, and produced to the said court, the following tath or affirmation, to wit, I, A. B. do so lemnly swear or affirm (as the ca se may be) that was a resident citizen of the U fiited" .-States on the eighteenth day of Mal ch, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and that I have not, since that timi by gift, sale dr in any mahnei what ever, disposed of I my property, r any part thereof, with intent thereby so to di minish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled "an act. to' provide or certain persons en gaged in the land and naval sen ices of the United States in the revolui ionary war," passed 'n the ,eighteentlj day of March, one thoasand eight hundred and eighteen, arid that'I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property or securities,1 contracts or debts, due to me nnr have I anv income, other than what is contained inthe schedule hereto an nexed arid..byv-.ne .subscribed ; Nor until such person shall have delivered, oir.cause to be delivered,' to the Secre. ary of War, a copy of the aforesaid schedule and bath of affirni'ation, ceitied by the cler' of the court to wjiichthe 'said .schedule was de liveredt together yith the opinion! ofjthe said Court, also certified by their xjlerk of the value of the property contained in the said schedule t Provided, That; in every case inwhich the:, pensioner .m.ay:b': in sane,or incapable of taking an oth the cour may receive the schedulej .Without the 'aforesaid oath or 'affirmation;,-from. the-Committee or other persons authoriz ed la take: care of such person. . I ,,"., '. ' SeoJAnd be it further enacted, Tha the1 original schedule and oath or affirma tion shall be filed in the clerk's oflice, of the court tp which the schedule and oath or affirmation aforesaid shall be, txliiit-. ed : andra,ny perjdn who shall swear or affirm falsfly in the premises md be thereof convicted,1 shall suffej as for wil ful and corrupt perjury. " - Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That on the receipt uf the : copy of the schedule and oath, or affirrnation aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the War Department, to cause to he -struck from t)ie list of pensioners under the .siid act the name of such person, in case the said person shall nor, in his opvnioiii betn such indigent circumstances as to be unable' o support himselwithout the assistance of his country "Provided, "That evey per siri,j who shall have been placed on the pension list in consequence of disability ,t tl-om. known wounds received in thje revo lutionary war, and who sh&ll'have relin quished suclii ; pension in order tb avail themselves of the benefit of the provisions of the act, to wicjvthis isanametmchent, whid byf virtue- of this section; v may be stricken from tlie pension LUst, shall be. forthwith restored to the pension sorehBg Approved May 1 , ' 1820. : j HALE1GH .PEACE sOciE i Y. y anniversary. Sermon wH be preacned X' b tore this Society by the ttev. jWllhato Hooper, of;9hapd-Hiy,at':the Meihodist F Mejeting-Hoiise'bii -bundfav,: 9th uly,!iit ,U o' . clock A hi On Afcnday,lheday ollwng,the 1 aocfetv will meer Jor the transaction lof busi- iieS8.;.;-Aii ireiiqsoi ace arc inviicu iendK Hlbse wh wisbs io become ro embers J - 1. . 1. - .1. -- -JJL. ..J I. .11' .- - '. V K;? 1 4 EUrJVllAK 0ATT Cor.be iec'y, Kaeigb, Julv;;i:;;.r 4 i HAWFIELD LAND FOR SAIr r lirltu , suDscrioer mienaiDg to leave iuis . , part of thefcuntry,-is desirous of ftiling;.hiT&ce Creek; NortlifGalina j containing about 2 0 OiAcrps"; of as .ood a Quality as any; in the Hawfields. j: 1$ is imnecesaryt hov ever, , to point but arty tadvantas, 'asit is presumed aiiy' pJersori -wishing to purchase will, view the land .before purchasing,- There is about. 75, acrs cleared on it, ahd fit for cultivation j it is handspmelysitba ted ; and it isvell known that there is nb bart of the country more healthy than the l Hawfields,r-it is als6 wellwatered, has on itaTcqmrnodious jvellm ' Ba and "nther necessary Outhouses. ; - ; ;f he" stibscribbij lives one the rirethi ses ajjout threh1iiles easj, of Murbh's" Million the -road, leading' : from .Salem to Chapel Hill, and can be seen at any ftin.e, v EXUM ELLTOIT. Haw fields, Orange county, 7 'swj j TOLEN fHpm the subscriberlivinjriirtl Sal sbury; N. C m Frirtayi tneotniinv stant, A DAliK BROWJN' llUKK 1U2 : Horse ''S seven years old, 15 hands high; crest-fallen, nicked, has a small star, inisii forehead, with a small white;sp'4 at the root f; pt at tne roox 1 Theman who : of his tail.; aivViis short wade tween 25 and yeiffs of age, aout 3 .fet or 10 inches high, redliair, pale cOmplliori; s has a bad cough and is apparently in a contaafcm; thettak sumption ; and- has; ;alarge srunor thej j fcr tire tjejendaot to appear the next Cbtit$ A . nHis ciotnes cannot De r ot Pleas and QuarterScssiofcMO; ?e held tor ; twoisuitsth him'ibutlhliecountvf Surrvdat thelCourt-ftduse irt:-;--v. ne generally wore a,niuc sunou sw-,-,i5tU'wc"Iora'-On tne secona Monaay in Augusts , v v Whoever wui apprenera gaia unci, n secure h'm in any Jail in the United States an give me information,shall receive Tenr ty five dollars j abdtTwentyrfere Dollars; tor information of the Horsejsaihat 1. may oIk ktain him again . "p,. r";; . ' J ' rETEIl SK1UISK, Salisbury, May 29 : y 81pg2 ; " (iUTroN To JOeatersin, Gun Powde HAVING found that inferior Gun Powder of other manufactories is offered for ssde as ours, even someiimes in kegs branded DUPONT, whereby afteh pts are made Jo injure the (well established character of our Gun Powder, and impose on the public ; we think it necessary to caution .the , dealers atainst purchaslng Gun Powder; as ours, exi cept from our Agents,; or.; thbse who are known to purchase; from us or our Agents i X JEi.-J. DUPONT DENEMOtfRS & CO. TH UPONT'S GUN POWDER, direct from iif the Factory, and for sale afredUcet prices.' --.' .'''. : ; . : - ' i Durkin, Henderson 1st Co, Agents. - Petmburg,;Aj?ril 20; 1820 -'75 9t , ,w . f for sale,- Tuableterchantill trith , two pair vhfJiunHfinda Good Cot f 6ft? r : On the mouth ot l'yrreirskt;reeiv wnerK n empties into Haw River, witrf about fifty-fire or sixty .acres of goodnp!?om;ivhich is. a good Dwellin.llouse ahd otherputhouses. A part of the land is now in cultivation.- Thjs stream is; a vePy lasting one, and in a, good, neighborhood for custom, and in the neighborhood of G6R Edward Joes& It is unnecessary to s.Ute any further part-culars, a it is Dresumed that no ffentleraan will pur- jifccA teUhrait vlewine- the nremises, which. mav .hp seen bv annlvine to the subscriber at the Mill. ; ; - FRANCIS ST AUTL Chatham countyt June 8, J82Q. y STATE OF KORtH-CAROLINAi . count r ;;vf . Court of Plas and Quarter Session's, ' May Term, 1820. - . Thomas KirkmanO Or. Atta. Leried on! . ' . J. Household Furniture, Samuel Hymer,r J ' &c. , IT appearing to the Court, that, the Defend, ant in" this casejresides in another govern ment ; it is ordered, that all proceedings be stayed for hree months, and that publication be made4! in the Raleigh Register for 6 weeks for the defendant to appear at the next Court to be held for said county, on ;the first Mon day in s Agu?tfnext, and replevy, plead to issue or'demurpthei wise judgment by de fault will be entered against him, j - AcopyV!, - ' SI 79 f-V AyRSSR HARPER, c.c c W M ASN HALL EAGLE HOTEL. 7 ISHES toinform his former Customers T t and the Public generally that he, has nu &nthfA his House, so that he is now Cable tp accommodate as many as may honor Him with their company. His House is large, having seven comfortable rooms wnicn nave fire.placts in them suitable for families or Ravelling gentlemen wisliirg such 'He is provided with good ,fceds; Liquors, &c and keen as crood a Table as the neigobor- hood wdl afford;' He is also' provided ;Witb good Stables,1 and will always fceep the pest Provender, ; The situation, of the place is pleasant and'very healthy.5 Gentlenien wish ing toyvisitb'mi with ,'iheir fsmilies.-dunng L ti e summer season, can uc accyiumouav.ru wu moderate terms. , - , The keeper of this Establishment; pledges himself the Public jtq do aR iibW power:. to please and give entire satis'cfib'n Gun? tlemen whef call can ' anuue theirisetves In khk 1 NewsnaDers in IMa Wall-Room, f where he keep files otprers from wlriost eve- v part i txhe Uniteof mates J. Mason HalL' OraueeSutitV. C I SuperibhCourt of Law; Term, of , the; Erst Jl v -r I :': Mbndayafterhefburtfra : i Mondar after the fourth SfoTxliv ' ; rr iii'i. liih vl b Petition for 'dj?orce? ; lliamWithlny V ?i'....T- i?.Al ...;i William aN; thiS case, it .appearihjHo tn'jBsajlUraei fr tton of the Court; that thd h;gar,c.ou"rse1 Star: and RaleJghL Hegister' newspapers for. j next Term of this Court, to be held at Bun- - ' cdmbe Court-house, iri the Twn of AsheVille, : ; on theis- Aiondty after jhe 4thr Monday of i j has been taken, and the , detendanr failing to -i i appear j H is ;orderdrb publication be rcadefcr three month in ' .th 6 1 v.; aeptemDerinext,' orj:tjnisj petition wur Bft f . -;.v- r . ? Witness, ltebert HenrV.rClerkrbf said-' Court, nix ofhee, the first Ihndajf after the fouthrMondav.ofMirchi 1820. ill;; O -- ( Estate!' oF-rNt - 1 . - u - t cotrjrtx.-r.f.i i'.-f Quarter S essibns'ibt' 4 Court of Pleas and Jacob DouthetiO or; Attac t wm. Cbamn. ;;. and Thomas Poindexter Elisha PurdonjA summoned as Garnishees ;'f V IT appeanngto tbe satisfaction of the Court t ' that the Defendant, Elisha Putr nifs ari . , inhabitant of 4nothe StateLit iirjti putbea therefore. ication be , pext ana-taen ana mere replevy; ana cemur,, 'x r ) fbr plead tissiie; otherwise judg m emXwiirv ' Pfie rendered against Jiim according to ihe .- " ? . ; f PlatifT?s dehiand. JvVitfie,f Joseph Willi-VJ;lt ams,iuierK ot sato t;ourt, ft ojticei tneseconp. ' Monday iitJWy7A:iJ.'imV";l'r.1 ' 79 3m - J O. U ILUAMS, 6. 'V-, S17ATE OF NdRTHiCAlxOLINf ; ' . - HMeAijounnrr -y. . r CoUrt of JPleasfanft Quarter Sessions - Mav Term. 1820: ? vv'; -,1 WaugH & Finley. 1 Attachment: Sum Vv . ?'V; Vrooned Fraiicis Bar- joel Chandfert Jlnardr Garnishee.' ; IT appearing to thd -satisfaction of the i Court, that. the defendant resides be- ' yond the limits of this State. 1 Therefore . ordered by-the Court that publication be , maue in tue riaiegu jegiste !ior;tnree; hefi "Monday in July next tneri an there, re i plevy and plead, or judgment will pe ta i'ken again him. ;,hTCkst2. V;v , n ROBERTv MARTIN, Clk 1 1 ' . 1 1 ' " 1 " 1 1 ' 1 W l f 5 REWARD, ft, ' RAN AWAY from the subscriber liT- ing in Caswell coiintv, N 1 C. in mpntns, ior tne .aetgnaant to appear at. four next County Cbrt.tov.be(ieMrthe l Court-house in -Wiikesbbro' on the fifth. month of Jure-11818. iMrtrn ltrv nm '? '? med CHARLES; He isjalack com- f! V ; 1 plected. about 20 years' olage, $ feet 4 : "" ' or a mcucs 11 igif, wciuQxuana incunea ; be slim, and lias an openyprerjpirsejmn tenance The last time I heaMlof him was " his haviner broken iail in Martin count v.N.C in April last, where he was ;aprehe))ded He had;a free pass, and had beeft t passing as a' fKde man for some tlme-therelwas anotner felio ,n company With him,'wilf ,also 'had '. .fi-ee pass- It is more than jprobabe they Will continue together andphtain V new sec of passes Charges ..was nurchasecl of Mre. Little otT Sussex county, Viinilwhere it is probable, he may beor he may remain lurk intr 'aboutMnthe Uiwer part of tbis state near- New bern and Edenton, where b s bis bcen.' s for some ..::l yfiJ X.: v Any' person who will secure 'laid fellow'- l. "' ;" :;' Charles sothat l gfet him .againj sball hare '; the above reward; Arid all reasonable' elpeW? ?t ces paid. 'Any letters addressed ' to me at Lcasburg, Caswelt Ki C, on the above, will ' be receired and attended to by J i; j '." i '"r; June 17V ! !. '83, VALUA BLE R ElAIc PERSONAL ; U .PROPERTY FOR SALE. ; flWB Subscriber, intend'.ng fo .leave this -1. county,1- offers 4 for sale . ; tht raluabto '' , Plantation well kcowjn by the name of Pnos . tier Hail, Bladen county, formerly owned by Erie Lallefstedt, lEtq. isituaiea-on the; ' vest sitie of the nortii'r est branch off Cane . Fear river, nineteen miles belowFayetteville , . X ana in e same uiaiaucc wvc juiiai'c-i.ii . y , Containing infill abdut two thousand Acres. : . This seat goodness of soil, alobnty, ele.', V , Wnce ox situation and buildings -ii inferior io. few in the State t it consists oi;trb dwellimj . v v Houses, two Kitchens, two partis, Stable, Carriage House, Blacksmith Sho; and a Saw Mill at a short di8aflce from the river, the ereek affordinsf two nidi seats besides, being nhhnt three miles tromuifT pwamw, wuim watermaybe-brougltit by b ditch ! jo jupply Plantation, they being.acquarnted with the J t. f,1tiiM i ilie. nurr.hn?4r miv be SOI fiinx iv,uv y ; - - 1 - r y . . - accommodatea wunauitr, jaoa, nwn aforesaid. .October 28 v '"- v j sua BLANKS OF ALL.KINUS MA i)B IlAfc V ' AT'THIS,Orln;uv any machinery that jnay beestabliished v ; v, ; Alsoi sAour 2ig ;NEGROES of 'dinVrcnt eMftnd aires. which may be sold with the , , , ,. , all tberUtensils tiseq oni ne saio iptanwion , - . 1 with CcW, Fodder; Hay, fcals hold 'and :Kaclien 'Furniture &c 'M : Por, terms, whtctfwiU be-made sccomB- k I dating1 o the pnrchasei; app'y at the' place?; ; - j ?. ? r..4A Afloiii . 1 A:. -.' ii' ... : 1 : Ml .4 ; : s . '1'' ,: 1 1 : f . I t .r 1

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