v - - - -v 1 tX ;Ux ';r .Gvv.- - , . ' v t vv I.,, - f r A F6R THE flFCISTER. , Mr. Giis-You. would .rendec. an accept; SiWe serrice to the ' tleyotutionarj' Officers and Soldiers of this State, as well ihose who r K have, obtained - CertWlcates W:rw?ont ;as . thos V whose Claims are, now penrl inpr and also Hhole who mar h er eaft er appTjvhy publ ish mgj i the ;forms; prescribed by Uhe :,War Ilepart; liient on, tlria ' subjectj which are herewitlv. t Ipmented. y v; : H. POTTER.. v :5 Baleigbiuly I?, 182d" -r: 1 t t . -t. tiittrirt of On this, i day oH . . 122, persohally f ; appeared, in open court (a) bein a court f 'r of record (5) 4 fcr the district; tc"r"'( f ctiiti cpur.ty, of v corporation as the case mav' bef i agedi vi years, who, being t' first duly sworn, according to law.idothi cn , his oath, tnaKeithe following decUra tion.in order to obtain the provision made k .bythe acts of Congress, of thr! 8th March, j " , 1818, 'and t! 1st May, 1820, that he, the t . said efnlisted:for the term pf .3 on t -the ' " via v of in the ' year. ; 'in- the ? " state of . . fii the. cnmpariy-commanded by Captain -ki the regiment command' C ed by-Colonel in the line ofthe' state: ; ofVv . : on;tte f Continental iestabilsb f znent ; that be continued, to serve in the T said corps ofitil ' - s when he was dischar r eed from Hhe said service, ; in ;' iri the That he was in 'the batuesof. . , Tand that he has no "other .evidence, now. in his L power, of his feaid'serviieexcept. -f - And. in pursuance" of the act of tne 1 I May, 1820. 1 do solemnly swear or affirm, I , (as the case may be, that I ;wcs a resi ! dent citizen oT the, United States, on the - 18th day ; oi Marcfy, 'oriei$hbu$and eight I hundred and' eighteen, ; and ,thal I: have not, since mai.ume. Dy gin vucorju any , provisions of an art of Congress, entitled -An act to prnvrae lor. ceriam persons V the TJhited States in Kthe Revolutionary 1 . n. '.1. 1 - - 1 war,"passed rn the 18th day of Mach; 'one thousand eTght hundred ai.r eighteen ; r , ana that 1 nave novrjrr nas any person, ja trusi jor rae any - property vr m.a.uii- j , f ; ;tie, contracts, oivdebts, due to me ; ,nor.j have I any v income other than what , is k - -ccntaineu in uie scueuuic ncrcio Anncu, f .'auuoy me suuscrioeu. aj '.: and the schedule thereto annexed,; are ? .'.V ':ieorc:tt- 'f, ' c -ix ; - ; from and after the passing-of this set, the l - :-:V.:':-! -- C;K. Judgeof -the Orphan's' Court, . for-' the , I, T ' clerk of do hereby certi- CountV.of Washington mlhe dist rict of 7 v fy that the. foregoing path (or affirmation), Columbia, ind the- Judge, of the' Orphans' v: truly copied from the records of the said : the same District, shajl, each, be entitled ' ' court : and I do fnrthet certify, that itus j j receive, in lieu of his present com pensa f v the opinion of the said court, that heto-i Hon, the sum of six dollars, for every day tal amount in value ot the properly exhi- dol lars and ' . cents5 :In testimony where- ;of, I have hereunto et tny hand, and af xed thseal .of the said court, on this ' day of. ' 182: vf - . " -v; . r . -- w-JL , : , ' Clerk cf the Cevrtxf the ' cf : SCHRTJULE. .district cf 49. Oh this - day of . 182 .- , persohal- Ty appeared, in open.court; (a) being court v'-t)f record (5) ; ! for the aid district. ; circuit,, ccunty, of corporation, as the . .'rase may; b; "aged "years resi dent in . ; in said district', circuit, 6ivn : ty, 'or corporation, who, being first duly sworn, "accerdipg to law, doth, cnliis ; oath, declare that he served' in: the,Reyo- I luiionary- war as follows !(c),, .'; : . And 1 do solemnly- swear (or affirm .(as r the case may be,) that I was a resdentW v'S-cStiten of. the - United States, on the.l8th j . iuy ci jTiarcn, 1010; anu uiai i. nave not,- ; i since t3atjme,' by giftsaleV orin .anyW . c A4ia.iuicr. jiuu:cu 01 in v uniucnvi or any f. part thereof,' with intent thereby so todi- i.uniMi ic as 10 urjpg . mysei wunin me provisions of an act of Congress, entithd An act to provide for certain persons' ' Hin the laud and navarservice'jDf : 'the United "States; in the; Revolutionary var passed i 'the 18th day of March, .3813 ; ami -thAt 1 have'not, nor has any j person Jn truster me any propert)'or Securities, cntfactscr' debts, due to; me ; v itior.have I any inccmexother than what is - contained in the schedule hereto annexed, v' abd bv me "subscribed, (d) a.a' : - 1- , if ' a.' r-. . - . . V" $wom jo?&& declared; the " tv , T''rfw doifeby wni- fy, thattb foregoing oath (or affirmation) and the schedule .thereto annexed are . trqly copied from tbe record of the said court ; and I Co further certify, that it is, the'tcmrah of ibe r.sa:d court that' the. to " tl amcunt in value cf the property "exhK bited in the aforesaid schedule b S;:v dol lars and -cents. Ta testimony-where : cf, I have4bereunto set my hand, arid'af- S xed e.e seal of the ?said court, oa: this' ; ' " Citric iie Court for the s ' o" ; , t t - 'A rrt) The whole ot the form I prescribed 1 bem .u r;w.f .M;nn. to-rerirv the amouni, vJ" ro- pertv of the applicant, the. oat hof r h jTl indthecertlficatepftheclerVeptedmus be done wh'le tne couw is vsf.'''", c , (b) Jil aVe courts of record,: witnm tue contemplation of the act ofConprres r V 1st1 Which are expressly ;mad,e . courts or record by the laws oflhe state j which create them;-3: -'-i'o .'vr;v: : t- i ' 2d-Which have been solemnly, adjudged, by the -tribunals of the several states, to-b courts of record v .:-t - Sd.vWhich proceed according tathe cojirse Of the common law, with a jurisdiction unb mitetl In point. of amquHteping arecordof thei r proceedings .s? sV.iV. :- , 4th AVhich have the power or tine ana And- courts- which -prpwe accoxvin r theWrsef ihe civil and Icandnjawharing neither of those ttributes,re not courts of record. altTiou&h they,ay keep a registry of K'AJi. rrriii'fWiirs. and" possess a seal. The court should, inery. instance, state on , the j ace of therbtedings, that . it is a court of record, and s'atewbv itis swen. 1 ujumim oj tleJlttoriiep General o f the Umted:Statei If th- ilrrtarant shall have . served under more engagements thn one he hould s?t forth the comnanv. recimentv and line, or j ship, Vessel, or corps, in -whicl he may, have served, as also the ime of entering, and the , , . rf - . . ( time and rnarrierof leaving each service. (c Here set forth the' regiment, ompany and lire, or ship corps, or vessel 'ana tne date .ofthe original declaration ; and, if he has receive a pension, the number: 01 the pension, certificate should be inserted.". (r)' Hf re 'enumerate 'ach arficJe.'of .'real an.d personal estatenecessar-r clbtbiDg aixd bedding excepted, and subscribe the samt Thedeclarsnt must also mention his occupa tion' his ability to pursue i, the number.and ' names of his family residing with-him, their ages, and their capacity, to contribute to their f support, in order that the department may be enabled. to decide1 whether the applicant is i in snch indigentcircumstances to be eV ! titled to the pension Tt js the option of t he words ot tnearji of May, 1820, , . Jo f h;rTMf wilhfHlt ibe assistance w4nnA0 4 f tin . . .nnmr-hnd those n!v who ncDahlenf supporting themselves wiih-. rnit the a'V of the governmert, "except by private "r public charity. ; : 1Y clTT'T11tTtrTY!t . - - 7 --iv,- ' - Ah act to inCreasethe Allowance of the ? Jaes of the OrbhansV Court, in the bounties of Washinrton and Alexandria. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ifouse. of nctirexentatwea;if tlieUnited;-S t hhurt for the Countvi of ' Alexandria, in J; ne sli shall , attend in the execution of his Ah act', to alter and establish certain post 77r it enacted by the Senafeand "House rbf-Fefiresentatwes of the 'United States pf America in Congress aasptnbledThitiX the following post'roads be,fandthe same; are'herebv, discontinued, that is to say : : 'From vJLilly Point to Halcyonville, in 'Virginia. . . 1 rrom Dublin to Jactsonville, in, Geor and frtm Natchez to Lake Poncbartrain, in the" same state. r, . - " . ' Frpfn Rhea CouTthoue," Tehnesseei to Tort-Jackson, in Alabama. V ', t j From HaysviKe to Oxford, North-Carolina. . v ; :. ?-? From i Walterboroueh to Barnwell CourtUbuse, in South-Carolina. . 1 - r rum varies, py iviontgomery Courthouse, to Howard. Courthouse. : :; ,-Fro'm Franklin, Howard county, to Chariton.- ; 'l- ' . V iv;; 'v From St. Charles, by jIurphey's, in St. John's Settlement,tq Howard Courthouse, in the Missouri Territory. T ; . . From Vasfialborough. .to . Harlem, iri Maine. . . "' . -t ' . 'o- From Alna to Palermo. f V From Dunlstable'to Piscatagcug Bridy in New Hampshire. : v From Cahaba to St. Stephens. In AewI:amfi8iire.Trcrti Amherst. by Lyndborpugh ,and-'0'rbeTdtr totlao cock. ' ""-"w' ' ;r-r-t t '-- : i nat ine'post roaci trpm Heeneto Richmond pass, by VVihchester.'V " ' JJS;From Keene,by Surry.DrgwsviH afad x From Dunstable.'-tfrrouprh Tfo'tm&it':- ! by Bedford Meeting Housed and Pjsbata I rgoug Bridge, to Isle Honksetri peher.y CUbot, Mafshfieldr and Plain-field.- V'"""'' Vr. -: .""r---:'v s.:;' tis now bflaw' directed', :;-'K.: ';- -ApprovedMay l; 182a From ' Westport to iBrunerstown, in Kentucky.' ' - ' '-i.. ' !;:: ' From Whitfieid to'.Jefferon, in Maine. From Chickasaw . agency to" St.; Ste phens in -Mississippi;, j ? - f ';; From ChcfctawgencyldMonticello; ; Sec. .2. jindbe it further enacted, That the following ' be' established pbt roads, thafis- toiay : v- i-::r'1' uCj T?fntTY Vjrorf.nnPS-sbVKJPanton, tonWest- nnrt. in the state of New-York, f ' i, . rProm Stockbtidge to Randolph. ; fn mfnFrbm AlflarbjrJbast'Pittsr .trnaj to hitfiJd.; r -:''M OlV: ' From Alna'to Galjpet, v vs f ; ':y From Sedgwick Jleex Jslnd; Mt 'pYrQui Ellsworth,; .by - Jordan's River ScKool-fous inTVetiton, to thejtownsp Eden: andMount Desart;; 1 ;iiJ:'M.4:'p... From ldoborough,byUrnorit H6rje. "$eHmrmt ; and Belmont, toBel st. -, From Gardiner, by l?ittston,.Whifiefdi Malta; and JeffersontaVldobfirpugh; -'.From Nw i'ortland,' Dy rungneia; to v From Hallowell, by IVtaUai tojHarlem, r Ma&sdchu8tt8.-r6m. Sprmgnfeld; by i Wilbraham, to.. StaRbrdbvjh, ut Cdnnec t icutT, k V 1": r, T? From Sand wick, by Coatuit village, in West I Barnstable: ThomaD Sc,bdder's, 1 armcuin, anu -xciuu?,. !""- .m tbe south side f Cape Cod';?:: From Glrucester, by Essex, to From Hanover, by Hanson,. Bridgewater C i . . . .c .. s j; '. v From North field, by 6'rhon, tlcborbugb ihVermpfit-r t t Ffom Salisbur' to Amesbury. From Taunton, by Raynan4, Bridgewater; .f;.vvVf.". , J ronnefftt?.i From 'perby, tinfrton, to Newtown. .:'..', .', - V;- Ipswich. to Jast toUrat Mr to by Hun- J From VVoodburf j by Roxbury, to War- ren. .From Hartford, by East Windsor, FJ lingtrn-Somers, Wilbraham, and Ludldwi to' BejichertowtT, irf MassachusettsV 'v' . From Newlfaven, by Oxford,puthbu, ry, Woodbury, and Washington, to Waf- sr From Norwick to Colchester, p IrijVcwz FcrXv From Bata via to Ridg- way. From Windham, by Roxbury, to Stara: ford From Honkihton to Keene. M ; ; : I f- Frem. Mount Hcpe7Ho Bloommgburg. ' ' Frm Mnscow: by Yok; Caledonia, land Scbitville', to Roehester. : ' From Dover to Sharon, in Connecticut. ? Frofti porter, by t,TweJve Mile Creek, to Kiprhtern Mile Creek : 1 - Fwm -Skeneatelason the east side of SklneatelrtS lake, by SjjafTord, and Scott, to Courtland village ; i ;if .v From Luzerne, by Edinburgh, to Gal- uta, tolthica. - f ' -' 'C tvSFrohr Bath.bV If bper Addison, Trpups- burgh,;rDeerfield,'and Etkland, to Batches . From Cpnstantia, by Ciceroi fend Sail- na, to Onandago. . , r r " -: jFixjm Reading to Dresden on lake, thenVe, along' the lakeiiy 'tc:Gebevai.4,:'-:r,:' :''' ' .Sepeca Benton, i; Frbrh Gftsheni by Scotchtown, to rjioomingsourgn. . ; , . : .. " From P6uglikeepsie, by.-New Paltz, and Bruynville, to Bloomingsburgh: : From Sulliyaii, br-Cazanovia, & Wood stock, .tiTDe Ruy ter. " . ) ' v I?i&erinsvlvama;That the post route. from Philadelphia-to Athens, pass by Ro kming's Ferry; nd the mouth of Durham I ! rio.l- T7of A V.-:. f v vr.rom Bedtora t tp-.bom trset, - . . ' AFlpm Harrisburgb, by Corbettfs Mills, Jonestown. & Rohrersburg, to Hamburg. A FroniCatawisse, fby Mifflinburg; Nescopeck. 14 ' vv'V' " -, j' ; v, -From Liverpool, by Mount .Pleasant J JVulls, Freeburg, Middleburg, and Kew Berlini to Mifflinburg., i . ,v y J5f , From , v Reading,; by Morgantovvn to Do wnington. .Ks V' ASfes-' From Emails to Millerstown;; 4 - .' From White Horse; by; Berllnonnelsi. ville', Middletown Merribtown.Jeiferson VYaynesburgb and Mprrisvilie, to Graye Creek Flats in Virginia, r , . From Sroudsburh to Orwigsburgli" Froni-New-Hope, by Lumberville, and Erwihna; to - RomimrV; Ferryl ' near the mouth of Durham Creek. J f ' From KutztoWn,; by IVIartztown; New Goshenhoppen, ,See many tow p, X7ill5orrp' on1 f onfro'5iiic t"B - fr Tpseph Williams', and Centre Square to White In MarviiindYhm1 Chesapeake.sby . ft o a a . - run uepositeiQ yonewmgo. j , ? "'From 1 CharlotteHair, by the! Three Notched Road. tP FenwickV Tavern.? Frpm Havre de Grace to Woodlawhi f by M-ClintockAs, and lAnthony sj Creek toLewisburg. J'Zr-'r-:SfX : '',;-i- " p" From Staunton, by Greenville, '& Fair field, to Lexbgton. ' ' ''. it r ron nepnerasiowii, uvjuccwji, auu Smitb?elda Wineheste rt. ? 1 ' rrom vv.es t i-iiueriy ip yv eiisourgi , . , :Frpm L.Jungtofli by the Calf Pasture, to Faucett'sinBath: Countyi .;-.;i-?.'v::.H' "Front Timber Ridge, , by North Riven to!M66refieldiB va; l';v- -1 From 1?Petersbtirs. 'I by" jfpntheriantj's Tavern. Xombartiyland:Dennis'saterni to JemngsVOldOrdTriary : w iMJrthCdtvlinrom -Williams borougbj byJynnsVille,' to ClarksvUle,'in yprnia-'s-r3';t:-W bvEd fiel4s;;Chipcppr's Stpre)yat;ob AustinV; s . JlV Ar&xande:, id Maxwell's WretoCbarlotteA7i.' fFrom Chariotteby: and-WilliamTaylor's to Wadesborouglu FrpjTi vNewbfro, by Street's Bridge, Crppm $ Ferrv, ' Hbokerstowff, Snowhdl, ndtantpnbuit6iiheiap . Frpm"; Ojcford, bv CanrtPh rand Youne's Storc to Clarksvlllet 'in -iriaiVW iirom tanyjUeVJlIiam awliifg ahdroublpsome Iron Works, to Salem. ::;Fr6m Haysyili , by Hawkins. MUlsV ana vnait ivts, tpVVillian)sborough. : ; ; VJSouth-Carolin4.mm Columbia : by Richard Harrison's stored to Bechamsv BJ1 Creek, aiid Pepe Ferries, io JConS J Frontf Conwaybdrough, M Little Riner and Smithvilie, to Wilmingtbn.irt; North ! ' From Chester Courthouse, by ; Cedar ( Shoals, apdf M Dpnald's' Ferry 6 Lan i caster. Courthouse Jrt ' .J, - - j Frpm: Jolm Thompson," jun,.by Richard iioward's:tn Godireyrs.FerryTon Big Pee. jlbb jiver. or near the same. . That the mail from Lumberton, to Ma- rion yourtneuse,'. pass by .thepvost eliffi gible route, omitting Barfield's, it neces-j sarvv . . Cfc:-,s :Zz t' ' Ijtn Gffor.From riartfo spnyille, tpJPerry Milin Tatnal couptyj ,J That the maij iput from Augusta ;ta Sayanhahlshaitpass by ; Waynesbor6ugh ftFroM Poweltco;' Sy Mount Zi6n&:Ea ton ton; to MPnticello."' OAio.From Coshocton to WopterV rx- nuu eviue io oetnei,- ,Iom Feestpwri; by Be'thel, Wniiams rg, ieDanoni' and:liidgeville. to Day-. ton. 7V - F roinLebanon', by Sprinsborough and Ridgeville, tp Xenia. : . ' Frpm VVest Union, by DecaturvRipleyi Bridgewateri Bethel, and Newtown, to CinciimatiH-lvv '.;'?".;, J!From Greenville to w!ncheste niih- diana. ' . f nrK' ' ' : ' 1 I . S ? " : ) From Irville to Mount Vernpn. ; From Pikcton, by obft Bennett's and; Asa Boynfort's, to Burlington, onlthe north : r-From N6twalk, in the; county of Hulbn, p Lower jSahdokhjf'.t State ipf, Qfiio. .Vwwcti From ; Falmouth, : by Thepbald's;to Fredericksburg. ' -"M :?V From Whitleyjourthousey Cplonel Ross's, to Monticello v , That the post road from MquntSteri-; ing io rresjonourg.pass Dy xnp wiympian Springs and Beaver Iron Works&h Bath county, o ' Xr: lXt', I That , the post -road, from "thei : Great Grossings to the fnouth of Cedar, pass by nessiersvuie, m li wen county. .! From Richmond to Estill Courthouse ; From Smithland," by j America, in Illi nois, to .Cypress, in Kentucky. Jb roro, Richmond, by Big Hill," to Hasle From EsttlliXourthouse; to" Patrick's Salt WorksVon the nordiSfork of KentuC- 9,? FromKewf tiebyjWestpario Bethlehein, to Gharlestovrri, in Indiana k From Staming Grounds tp'Heslersville. i From Frankfort, by, Heslersville, to Port-Wllianu'lr. v;;::ffe r 1 ,From Shelbvville to New Castle. ; In 7b7zcse?-FromiKnoxvilie by Morgan Courthouse, to Overton Courts houehm:M i. x iom morgan lown, Dyvruu.p,.i.iowiij' by the town of Calhbutiv to Ross's on the south'-sitBe of -TrWe'sisee Rivrte-'; r---- ! j From Murfresbrpugh: to She)bjfyilieil fnonv.Grbvei to .tatesyiileV'' t rorpiKingston,;by:. William- White's on Popular creek, to Clinton, k :. tr jcforo monroe, oy oaoicsuoryugu, w u-. liamsbunr and'Beech Hill, to Carthage. .. WFrom ReynoldsburgbB jP the Lower Chickasaw Bluffs. xX-:Xz:X q i ; Frqm; Nashville, bylfarpeth, & Nevc Ho pe, to' Fayetteville: ::-:y:i-iZ':-!'t' Trpm Greeneiille ho Greenville. Coir legei in the county ,bf :Greehe. ::llpt From SDaftaV- bv, Allen's iFerry and rLibertyto Statesyilleir iff-0Pri From' Chickasaw; Lower Biutrjtajtne post of Arkansas. - v ri In wflfwwo.FrcmPalestine; by Hin dostan, to Porters ville; - ; FrohH discrj to Versailles", ; v ,l " ; :---N Ef oni' Eawrenceburgi by Aurora Han over, andising S - ' flIIUnoisprom Kaska'skias, by the Irisii Settlmen, Covington, Carlisle and PerrVviUe. toVandaUa. i'Fppirf vlilinpisSaline, jiniGallatintd Golconda. ' If !Fr6m York, by Aurpra,to Terre Haute tFrom-:Montgbe Gill's Ferry; Id Jackson ija Missouri :; 7Fhe mail, from Cape Girardeau to jSa- lemKerituckv shall Mss b'Mmerlciai i! From CarrailBy Alount f Vernon, to t Carlisle4?- w-:f,ht f From CarmFtp Way ne Courthouse and Jeffetwii'C'r From Palm vra. bv'Wavne Cctirtbouse.- kJeffersbh Courthouse, and' dovingtbnfo 7f f ronawrenceyiueby MNcup store it Nicholas: Nail's, 430 pittsblDrbngb' Frptn Pittsborohgh,' by . D. Moffitt'si to -That the mail from Marietta to Wood-J jieldio byReigmer's Miltsi ih the town J i:Aurenus. I -y '- .'i' -. - j I In Misnsstfijilr-T rom iNatchz, by it. r i j 1 1 1? j tix lia v lur ah ri 1 ir-ii u s I 11 " u, Marion jCotQqunho Firon BuTtCornlBprin. - tubthpuse;, trt CraWrdA ::;Frotfyineif.b housej arid Latw riei Ferry lo Ross's and V- ' aihindnlJuTenriess Vl 'vvv;; PraiHe'filnRBil to;:rH'Clairne.M;vii -r, nc A' i -:i tCFJ-bmMloWesirillby .' by Mi Cburtlabd, Bainbridge and! Big .Spring, tpsseivuh, h rank in fcoUhty. From St, lairCourthbuse: t&l Carols Vln Mmourt tfrnVory .'Fro.m New wErofe Louisiana f r rom Louisiana to ue.wJUOiKloa.v.? deau Tanner' Coote Sa'nsRin:AlbiH Sm it f. tnn - die, PrairietChaVetori,; Williahi WMbri- r's:.and:fti,,Bl6m " VVf ( l WCK& faMtihigari riFrbniiDetroit: 1 1 OldlTonv Falls of Cahawbiiif Xing and - V 1 SmithVStpre Shelby CotlrtHbse; David ;i ' ; " j -; MLauchlhysStqia ; ce3e.rinet.tbehei Rbsssand.ampiPaiter ! :J -Ingtwib-.Tennessee) .. ' ' :',-From' the;-tptn oT,0Hl)awba.'ib the F;iUs X p-' i j of ahlba,-andtuscat : ?! by Ppntiac, tpMountmensI i ' V .. r Approxed44M4yS820LC- !'h :.;r ; it? Tb eWrsofecM Jorlweil f an -"4 : :U UiMBRELLA froni MritW!liitiaw; abSut -ri three weeks ag: wjlt rleas I v i ,' hintswithoutdel44ic:W - J ? f- & n-Vi AXlVf JLxn A. ! ' Cpurtof'PleaSait ; iienjamiit Bobbins,- ,Orifrinl attachment '''". attachment icv itu on lanti. f i ' j . ft i j '. -r - : . William Kobbins, IT appeaftng to theiatisfac(ii)n f the Court p'ss f that theJDfifehdaniYrf this cale Is iVnK k ' ; resideof thirfStateAlt 14 tflerefore brder-4 'ii . ed by the Courtthafblication bea4 six weeks in' the RaleiffhvKrkter. thatun- less the defendint appears a --i: Pleaslhd Quarter jSessi(Sn tde ieldJb'r tfie t', County of Stpkeat tbeCourthoisefa Ger-: U mantonon; tBVfiecohd jVIbndajy, bf. Septem-1 ' y J her next,;W replevy tii plead to ssue. judg-X: r- i Went by defauliwiirbe Wtereir akihst him. V 8r rff MATtttiw ii; MooitE'1 c- : : The imnroven lot oti tohUi f livV ,a vii uv uiugi, UWII.UIK Ul tUV Vlllf ivr UVVtIl i , j?.uu at uic; same nine, puDiiic enJUgn for .- j Business,' T haye'wp nthetl 'Lots, very X'zXf any ana ot tne banasome Sites they afford for . Purchasers arfiinyited tb vjethe prernl ; X ses. . Raleigh, June 1:1 Sk:H'-c?otf.-:.r;,, aDama, ...nearFlorence monthTHREEEGnOfcs Ctiartes; and tatibtv in tranktin icounttr-Ktate of W f , CHARLfiiS' about feet ftiincliea high, thiEyisixSor sirverryeirsjolcf jr;wasTai'i - haye,prpcured'a pass fo all three ? He has a quantity of clothine. amonfl wliitfli ,.; a .'bine coarser clothsoutout ; jcoat'lct'e striped " L waisttoa a 'auofhoe I , wars; vyw ciuui anuuuons ana- sajn tie is a icoarse earoenleraftd fcnl r?iip virv wrfl commpn alze58 or yearsjof We'; has a :l : g rariebclbthipjith herjettel dresses - rj' ui caircu nuu wuue cangoric'pnff . is a picsiy woman, ana nas ayenowjsn comi wex.cn coat of very coarse, coating which 'fits him uauiy . ne qas rupiurc in ijievMjr pare of his abdomen,' ajvCprfliKmly wears abelt.tr lAlfof them. I expecti'aro free ironi' marks pf thewhipas rither XjZt ' ttriclf enlsinee - I oVrted tbemV which is about " ; nyp years. ; ii is supwscu uicy v-e carrieu -off by. some: white man, and; that thev will : A am lor tne state oi Illinois,, inijana or onio -. ingr thefiany JallBut jof this ate, And:a or go o ck io tuib ninry oi iogrconiDe, iff jforth.Carorina. '-, : ::-i . j -' v' t -XXX-X KTKe;aboVrewarl will be bt ren 'for secur- ' ' bberat reward wube paid irtakenin this' - 4 est south of Florence, June 12XX:" XX':, V' . mmmmxxwx

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