f-S$f3''. i - r. - i ' m ;. . x.'iV .L . -.v V' -v ' - - " " ' , ' - -4 " r l f -v ..... . ; " . : ., . : " .lit-! iih-X-A; 'I1 r yoKy;?;V;Vvv::.ur?;! C ; . y: r VV - V : - n continued-howctr to Alnf their duty. .y K , , ,v;;-; vODISTimn SyCTS TO, FRANCE, .f era l,cnare,s were m -i J, . ... .-s -5 -T .v , c Xi- - - r s s k " a - ? I- -' i main boHy.offhe rioters wfiictt iwa; v.- .-H; have emjeavnred 'Jo collecfrhhi ih hpstV sourres 'those facts which t are roost imji'orfant in theacttiacrir ' sis, and "thetollowinr statements will ! be founo correct, arjeasi in ineic pe I'l jieral outline. 1f fome particular oc- ; currences 1 nave inyseii oeen.ant eye witness. ' fSy,fl'At- '-'y. -f,' JtSill be 'reclfcted; th'at'l. de, " .ChaUvelinV voteivfavpr oft0amille ; 'Jordan's amendment; or" rather his ' Aew oroiect resbectinir the Iaw of E- 'y lectiens, jrave af majority- of '-nine. to. trte - 'Cote Gnuche. . Fmnv that moment th V Ultra Liberals seized every opportH- ujty .and employed every art to. im-7 1' prove so unexpected, an .adva?.taye - ! "The tpuniph was considered v to(( im ! --.porta rit to be paisp-d over without some" stronj:and decistye testimrinies of I- popular feeling, andr!accordiriplyi the: Hexi day the fiuml)er of Jheir partisans I 'outside. "'He Chambpr'way augmented f .by several hundreds. The instant M J vde hajrvelin, after Jhp- 'adjournment f of the Chamber-appeared in hlssejlan J chair, shouts were raided of Vive la 1 ! Charte fViVe"ChruyeSn !' and mutual f congratulations pasVd bettween- the rv crwd and .their faithful Reprrsenta t tive. To embellish ;thpf scene .with the cpli?rd(r and fasrinahon of popuiJ- ty. the, incorrtfptiblH Iepujyva es t corted in a kinl ni civic iiiumn!. In his f trVticrDeputatihii.,-;-.TIiVc.fy;of ''''Vive .Chsuyelin ! Vive Je 'Bepu.tp fidrle 1 :.?Vvelaithirte V was frequently rais- . "cd o' tbe-.Vay; but it was remarked ( witj' jreneral satisfaction that the Dei V - putatfon was joinetl by very few. , An ,v alarw beinr thus given to the friends 'of constitutional order, they mustered : I Charte !' was 'completely bverpo wervC; 1 " fby that of Vive Je R Oh Friday r. the contest was reneweiLwitfi redou-1 i bled numbers and fxcrtfonson bfh4 j - sides, and. did not teiininatevithowj 5 blows antt-greaf pervonalities , Un; f 'Saturday the puard of the Chamber of jr JUepu ties, composed ottvetera!Jsv-was doubled. -amd the -:eb.-l-arnieriei.ii at r v3tendahce was considerably, reinfprced, I' pa'rticularlyj in. cavalry. yAi: extraor- i ,dinarj number of Commissaries oH S tioned oh Jhespot and dechments h of the ;Royal guard, bothorSefopt J were kept in"t readiness Tor immediate sjvice. J The'LiDerarsr.notlnacT I tivoJn theirrpreparations, for, le$ides tJ the invjtations seht at a Tneetihg hejd ;4 by, the jing-Teaderk to Jheir "partisans. Friday nihtl th chloiiVratp in fidl r, house Rue' Bordereau,-in the Chattssee consule-able sare in .thesis., aAntin U ditarce ftmoHe fan a Mrbwce xich ..ccurcejl lasearin '-iti- r;, t rinn ithe Luxemburs sardens. and in the f , WrphnTHirpH teith th Utlp n'r th,- Pn'. subsequent aflr of ProfessorB v, ux in considerable numberfon Thursday ? and notth'standing the eflbrls of the i UJira-Libefats; the cry of Vive la v force the following' day,, written p!a4 1 Place Tpdoraet& La: Iue.de Paix I cardsvwere. posted up in.-te streets iPr9deT along.the'Bcjuleyards in the t leges Y'Ze Ecoles dJIetiiciw et de; . Jroi callirig upon thestud v - come fo'hvard in sSTppf. rt $ of jiational 1 liberty ) against the? machinations a'ricB I ! i6 e ij ce. of a perj u red a ristocracyr ,'H Atk wo nciock manyfjfrndredswere, J r asFemnjea, ana oeiore nve tne mum-j lude was. so great 'that considerably a nuniuers wjio coum noi Keen ineir ma- ) (ices, in front ', of. Jfie Palais "iBourboy were' obliged to;t'r".-ne v situations j ' At. T:.a T.Vt 4rir-fJ ' iven therPont.Lopivr; andtmanyi verdriyeTxbytnn, oi... tV..:1 v-ir b ti'L- .:. I 1 xvas, ascertained that therst aftrcle4 . f tK- i:i,'f ri.: w;.i Kr. U.iHf r.,''Vai . i Da majnntyot rive, thelavoHte -cries of eaclr partyietommenced ; the 1 I. 'T-- IV..- .... .. . Royalista- were -aVimated vfih their ',4derrd desperate by tHeirN deleat.7' . l .Vchcouritered their opponent's.: In that f ' V quarter grou ps . Toughjt in groups Pthe i v?pnrions nverer in f mnr!l 'ne' .VJ.i ? sticks with fermles and the wounded were,, numerous. The crowd Vollect t?d by this tipeabout six7ciocV-be,-jbnd 'the Pont Louis; iyL ;was irn ' xnense. - TKe contest vas renew ed.be . tweeny the -parties. though' certainly ; with less exar"erat5phand cries were distinctly nearaor bar (e$ Mission the Liberal vtappared .divided into two narries one in which; yo tt retreat by the side of.fhe fiver, to; warns tne roni- ivpvair. auu4 yiv by the Rue RivoIi, ras fariaS the wing -olfthc JTh uil le ries i nhabi tect on sieur. Thefate afUhThunierje.s and th e j;a r d ep s h a d i nt h e m e h I m e bee h closed i and the . jjfu arcdonbfeiThe two parties; which had Hen separated in Xa T?lace touis XV. appeare(i near ly at 'thf iame momentt the opposite entrances aif tl prevented rom ,e ftcti ng a j U o ction .the vigilaiceand activity, of the Kovi; al Guard; Svhkfvcfeen distributwl i instrtti ;parfreXt They, Succeeded 50 or 6. &;slout8fie. 1 Charte ! were rester'ated in front of the Falare. iine or Fn rmgieauerswnn.nao oeen seizedif was almost instantly re'scued. ) the solijier who hejd himand whofell in the frt runlet Oh risinjf, he levelled his piece' and shot the,aailant inthe side, under tlie leftbreast. vI he wounci I Rue, Petit Carreatuhere he eirpired atten o?chck. . Ins ? ame ivas Lallerl mant, e,wasf a student or aw, & iniy, WTeirsyold.v-'ft is 'reported that he I 'Seven persons, 'who' struck the gen disturbances, knd eleven 'accused of raisingsediffou's cries, are now in cus4 tody. A ?abint Council, attej)d?d by, aU the minhte wa .held at the ' Oirde des' i?ceaux oil Saturday audi coiltjniied itsC del'berafioiisj fefveraf' hours, j One f he r?sulfs vaan ftr-f dinance of the Prefect of. PliceV pub lished on Sunday, tnorhingi; which pm hibifs . all puMic m$it rngs, f.Consistifig of more -thanJthree persorisv and n joins inict?on( of the severest punisHv ments as in caspsof rebelltonaccord n e ,a ri iclf o ft h e Pen a 1 Code. I ": sunday "passed over qnie11y. vThe vChamber of Deputies notmeef m?. no lypyWVpniiy ai piv'ep.ifujj afene wal 'i ur uisiuiuaiRrs in uiui ij uai ici . j, f- On iVlomiay a yayf multitudeasseth bled the. gre? tfcr part : close, to the bridge in La Place Iiouis XV. and the ! usual edMiouV; cries vf'ere raiied.- The mVasiiresi howeverj tajke,h by'go yerri me n jt2 yve ro ver y prom' pt antf 3 ecisiiei that in 71 ess than ten, minutes aftejth breakirig up of tide hathber, the w hole.' y was - d shersed 'AL parik coijsisiiojj or.aoout7i3uu.,wno j had,escaped ly the Rue Rivolu. entsr tcd'J f 5r-Tfc?i ".were oyeriaken ,howeyer; t 1 ffen-d'armefier .and Chassieurjivorthe Ryal Guard , and nearly forly: were thie e,yetinviat' sev another party entered the Palais Royal, ' The slumps ' werf instantly shutndv Vde bei ng rist o red f by , th e exe rtion st. of th e gen-cl'armeri'e and ttynatiohal ,guard?' tbVgardenciLJhe Galleries were clear- . :W X gUPW troops.-. Several severe contests took ahd the Palais guarded, uniil-mid- Jjpl'iv - i V y) nf 1 Pa"8 oi VariSf. and number: were seyerely !;'in - n'fla'4'' fw -11 AUi .irlAi L A. : v !, VW ;":Wt ."l successful in re-establilinV tranqiiili ty. Yesterday, die ppbl ip- peace jwai preserve iq every quartej JThe Imie of cond act: to be jru csoed lb the gov ern mefjt h as beenj happily marked out by ahe intemperance,' precipitation-rc arrogance of'tle iiberaithejs0lyesV ahd Jf the Miniftry-anlt the icajorlty uf the - Chamberof Depufies continue firiniand uhitetj i ra?ice fssaved ftont the inipbd ing hurrorii of.re.vVt! u tiih- I house- in $ue?df(ariresjin thenre jo his fathei V a seedsnsahMri v iWhen 4 M rl Brottffham ; and Lord; Hutchinso i first rrivedaf Sf.0mer!s on Saturday was-first int rod uceel to her .Maiesty who Avas fak'UiVcoffees aftera vfe'4whig i p 1 1 m p I M a r v 1 M s c i v a i y 1 1 y j " ' a i r a Mrirouananno)ip tha.tl Tuinrtl Huic1fn$.wHo-;Jd.. forJi ; mcr)jDeenar fremlf her Ma jestynrt who was now a,jcondehtta friend of the Kinsr. Jtad come;: in the spirit of sintjere' friendships to botht( namej jj The (Jueeri inimediatejly' an s w ered ; $h e wouM pe m o'st Kap py tosee Jord futc'hf ns0ii fortjhwith his" iliordshifi Ay as lccorilinTmtrOi itn.l .4i'nb onffoa irlth "Jtpr Mai ; jestv! who.convrsfdon indinrenlj tOniCS,lUI;01S.v JjOroSOiP J"e;.M.tKfS-5! ' i ..41. I j T 1 1 i At l; - y t ft L ' f . uhiterstood he had vspm.te proposals t Lwish; see them in-jwrittiP pdwit.ftl j Ut delay. In con sequence of jhis rje ! quest. jlord Hutchinson. wrote; the fblf lowing lener, 10 ivir.-1 as ihi oltieial adviser ol her Majesty m Birii-In obedience toihe commands 4v I the Quees, I have to inform yvu thsit I aitj not in p')vsess1on',o any. proposition or prd positions detailed in. -hi spec fie- form df words 'ivhich. I could lav before hers MaJ jestv : but I cart detail to VQUj-for jher iw iormaiion, ine suDsiancf 01 manv convey satwns Ma posed by his Majesty are, thftt theueeft .is', hot j'to- assume theJstyJe andjiitteM Queen! of5 Eoeland-or dny title ritta chetj to tijf lariamUy; of England. A condi; ihat sheis ncrt;residcin any part of thejj United Kip(?dfninjventp' visit Knfdahiiii jl ne, consequence: 1 sucn a yisiy win p?? f h immedhi?eessaeto ParlianTentahd ,&n entirjendtoTftlc,orprq nef ciatioi bejleVe that-' there'' is ho pthep cnnauion ;,ram su ren one' m aVl ,mpor?t. t3Tce.H I think it riht to sehdyOU aileM r ni e?: his Vords are- It is'imateriaV 1 hat her.JVfajesty- should know cbnfidentiallv1 .t.. !f .L ' '.tin . . .-., h. .iir';.,i,:-ii Uiu The decisioprmay sa'yv is taken tto pro-j ceedagninst Her s' soon as ' she sets: her footontheBritish 'shore.'? ' I cannot con' cluoVthls iettefwithout riiy humble thof ieriotis and siniiefe supplication.ithat htr iVlajestyviil jake'drese propositions ; into her most caim lfi"?ide.rioh,ndjin6 kffi pwhh any hurry or pre cTpita jion oil spiiq-J rtarrt a Object. ! tiJippV that r yt ,iad-. ice w-ii poi pe misinterpreteai ch ,oavtr hp'phssiole irerestihichiWouldl induce met tp give" fallacious Counsel to the Queen.! ;But let th'eyehtbe 'what it; mayil shajl.; cjbnsple fyerfjitped a. painfpl tdimposedj Supqiiw mejoebesttf Toy judgrpeiand concietice,'ani"tn',' a .a'se in the, idecisior)i f Iwhich ;tbe Kjhth p e'enh Griy-: : ;yernmeht'4' materiallyhterestedj;;iHavi ibh. P. I certaihlshUld "r.ot fcaye.M$Jied( to nave proy gnt matters 10 so precipiiaic a; cbnciusibn but it is'her Majesty's dsci- s?6h, ahd Wt raine; ? Xhrscdl thatf I,haVeVberforhied ? m yr duty towards her. kwith'evertoossib I Use of your brother's name &.hand", as Ji - Queen h as refused to give any; veri tliej - Wortest, delay: m rnave tne,nonor to oe, sir, wwi grcav en the letter :theA moment per.ivi-ijes? 'i$r 'rtA.) K' Prm-ped- the t utmost i n d i ffWfit i ohTahd i anneal ed to v.M r.? iprougnam lor nis opinion. ;x nay. gcu t J em a ii re hi arked ,i t ha t certai niyth psel j were; h0tJcoriditions which? hej should Ifdyise: hlijes)y6Tc cnnsieVlwIiatQD- pleasedto iccepHeii-ajeity lst: kneyv whatas belting ft hefreal sitnatfonvTbc'.Qa ; plied. ly determination ;is;; soon neio witn iord Liverpool. ' n.t.w -fe;i. qiiuiu-.gesriiiio uik pier, u.erermineu r vo;.iuetr 7 nars-, oi ;.oii respeci 10 - , iestv's Ministers propose ,ihat :5Q O0ft5! I to eo, ashoreipi ah oneti boat.vthobffhMthe 'QukehWttt i:i- - X vr; per annum sh. uld be seftlec oolhe Quef-p; r; the swell of ihe: water ten o'clockTiext morn ' rbfei subject to suchicodi had asseni- : '; ; W may, impose; her lenow mat tne conditions liiievf to oe imf mVidiatelir put o the cirriasesVand tMhuizas and nes ot " God save; Queen ' ' 7 desnatcha jCourier' to nren.ir: hnpei I Calais Shewir part icuiatlyjiious on this last phtt( haVirifceviderttiyTa very; strong apprehen3!on , thatHel Frecovrjament; tnightjndeavor 'ttitj1 intceptr; v at Jeast,r?lfjhejr passage io tfeast;' bfenisi ses,. frhis apprehension ivill accoupt lb r he r: 3S1 aj e sty 's has' t$ ol eaVeiv J t j Enslislvpacketj'; 'f iiAt:half bast five sheleft Stbmerwl i a c u h ij i a ii v w j w I xa uy;yiiHie iami , ton;;eima!Ta her Majesty Jwitli ! royral salutlp'he obserxeJ(as-we are inarmed ) that r as no special instructionshad been sent.V 'tovihim, lie .toHdeivddK that'--Ke v should,rsd ischarge his Ml' persona out a quarter, before came close ; ioto, theroads, Ibutonou tide could hotiehter lhevharb narDor; Her. MajeVtywith .fterj usuatprQ until a ; v as Usooh fas jshe vundersM()d, tliaf it ,'Jate houV,. huiiairfjr and abnlaudiher; ' wots Id be five :lijweyele'fU rsafly rdacrVtheboar ; H apbrnacliJf&the4 which shereplied in approbate ter JheMr !vf ajesty're bury it yas f dearly dark1; "iF&tiffi were however iatcen fromlhecarri vei mucin. ,(-. hi ,4uc iiivi iiiiiK-"prcpara (- t - wLk-r-iVf.ttV -xTli tiohs were Wade for her immediate de f eH iiniavorable, the Greets were II-f U3 .rous erunuiasi;ic cueeringsjrom. tne. . , countless liltudejoh heTghts;tiUjairihe - A. X T-i. A . L. A ' MT , A I ... " :'VL0-W$;J?? 4ever, tb leacpi thftertpx)pHlA6e ' JfferIajWtfcirnVe- it r:t , ( 11 o'clock pnlonday o'clocta deputBwn of i nhabjtatsfy-?to --Theyj brpkeV the; u ; waited iron nr and pr til;f gratulatofr-.'ad kridamohiH ;:Qy. and tne yueen wsrirawmtnraugh tlifrr ;T.r v I ittheFduntiinnidfei . fed CirpoTatlonwited witl conA iSf f If Sv-s V PsentedDe form nlsjiandknd aid- J nave beVifcoTrtC . : . waejc(yd by ,th tnTnandtnj6 rv!V j othMro terbury:with;the CMstomarrnd ti6&Z t:- -v i feite. hnrse jJarsiAed aeainst ; ; - riage butinsisted nponawing alndpeace for si-aie time by se- Af ajesfy complelel ythroiig fiverTWihdowafethro :SpectaSan so;cowqecr;witn weii-aresseuopie have de: " -?; :Th e sneseiiiB hr yjvediipo;nieE by hejdeath of that: re : ; Majesty appeared f -. ; Through ;-ere'ip affection she h.ad alvays found ; ; . us'r - ,1 A -. Wi , i itm J ,i , at. tt - ? - fl and tetreshtnenr," appeared ; at one tfte j ihdowiof the inn pnee satisfieduandTim aearanceburstt iiidptraaeWshontSt r IT-- txU- iS - a -i5'.V. ter a delay of about twenty minutea she resumed her ipurnevi w I f JiL." ii " J. . V. x. av,-- ..t-'1- i - i3iacneain, -ner : 5 : drewiuf ad i s iharthere is ap :ry, - mentary?depfsspn" thc sliould ber I tieepderedA htrlrepose deiifa- mitteeTls this day'14yUrsnce the- - b'le The attiogjew lr-f asst;' j ' ihtehseVaudo r. J k.i-.iM?-i-iir..v-f- siondimnKth-t tone p'eriod.jhe has showa. v CarOlioei'l' . On 'iiahtlnlK Kr MioL ' Kr uic aireec caueu iouaiyY lor . ner. an- . v T)earaiTte,Vand :her .Maiestvf conde- ' - I sg et erself j at tKfe win -"r.-dondtaubalf viv lvardsi bnltbtherl althcame xiut qii ini? uaicoiiy , atpu a eq oy , a i a e rm au . vv ;Vob(! boved andetired4 Jwesseneri bvere -con- , iiuuaity :passg iuana irom ipe pouse, v. , .. ' -I'll.' I'lfi V- ' :f:- vehi.J ftSujt'h :-Ati.ietyitr lhj C&. W House r r ; 1 sfeerejaarkeritrtl trb. rherefwere, howis V . ?dnty Jy:eyer;; in se- v took place i n o n seel u e rt c el of th reats ; ' V fc u. V i I great crovijremaineri in tront ot Vj i . ..-..A.-t'- V: r. weiore trie ye.s-,, pcaou passiiir iney, i oungeu id . sideo'i:thfcht ise was so . ' jt.tirph';tat :'th stationed in front ot ':" v. PLrA ' 1 vu 4 -r. 7 . . The- Queen thinks it. necessary tw- rA2,i it 1 . 10 ia S?2lS wkim ui tier cuai rttiu, auu lire jiiMUCC . - wueen is surpnzea to una tnat atnesfjae-e w . . - ' ' W- " . - I -k. ,'-. " . -7.O ttf court the f oliet inrfuiry-'in b er v '..' 7. attendon ttrHten dqct & ' - 1 conduct; She taimJatsQ desires an open in ;' .15 . the - parliament and the country, she sq . mnly protests agamst the tbrroatlohi v; JA Ai .tx rtttn inin A a'.V ':

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