.w:;?y . ?',-. - - .-vi. . s- . U'.-tV -; :v--- -1 v.:;.- ;,.t5 vv. -'ih ---:-ir'Y: 4 eTn?tc1. .t-.iL? :v n arff.irr -this State 5 nd itas believed 1 4 ? drawing from me iiutuv " "7" : : Ti-"W vV' a successor awett qualified Teacher to en- JT ; ? J,; HH " tcr upon the duties of Principal; atie begin- f :T Counterfeit Mtes.rWteS 'on We .: ninffof the ensuing: yearf tt . , V 'ii' " iBank' of Caljfi-Fearofw arftn - Under Mr.HmtonV cire;Mhe 'Acadmy ?.yl;.yaP,J. l;aTVr -V'nV .r hi rendered 'strictly preparatolo- - doH the .University ; the. vBoard. haying: -rafied'jchaVe been in"XjrcuIa(lon in , tliif place L Ji5 adoption of the bourse pfstudica tpqpl-. . for i sey'ral "'days? past.-.beyjar'f I site for entering the three Werclasses at f iv e!l 'executed b'oth'toenffcayinff,. 1 : 'V qualified to instcnctaccorxiihg tolns system. ' For the purposes of fditatlnjp 4he.'p'rb:, cner.' xncreior ut uicir.iwiw.-i vi ' be Vnnted in'the Academvi andif rendering an1 -t-t rnnf IfninlTV f ' in the upper coun'tr: The,ue of these build:' inland the lot.,to;rether with a ttrcatdunr ' dance of fire-u obd on the spot, are now; and I will be auowea to me x cacacr jkchtjw 3lv - v - trouple; jsrectca sxutable buuairtgs uppn a j i " " lot bf.hree or four acres pf , wontl, vithin j i r lcss.tjian i'qiiaTte'r.of imle"of thecadeinyf J I ' ' andVerv contisruous to ixs line w;ater. as any i To a person bo.carime,well.oin,HY t -1 ; tended ,ftr cOrrfectoess of Khotabip. and J nad nass eiLt h rim sh bu t ier v mvhantis ,- morautv 01 cnaracicr, n is. u?cu mi itw. . situations .of the-kind in th state, can be . Th ' :Srhfmt7-hns-; almost'-nmforVnlv beenTLii;U:ni;- u.;n . handsome indome tq the Teacher; , and it A f'lTj-fn'jrt' ri t lact -nimiQ man with a fattrih'. would be preferred. i . - By orderot the liord . , GEORGE W.: JEFFREYS, Sec't. , , P. 9. Liters recte'dto G. :V Jeffreys, ostmasterv "will .be punctually and promptly answered. " .- 7 j;,;- . i ' - Red-rtouse,' Cagwell County, N. Ci " . September 1,-1820, ,.V '.yot' RALEIGH:: FRIDAY; SEElhjER' 8ia8i0. v The nev Ship of the: Iine, lately . built, at: Philadelphia, hd diictrJ is named N"o rt ii r C a r o lis a was to be ' - launched yesterday,' ; ' ; ; 'S.'P -7-' T -i o tu ' ) -versa ry Serm on Tor the be n e h t o fjh i s . '.Society, 'was preached at the ; Presby .terian Church in' this citVi'on Sunday V tasfvby thef Rev: Dr. rPheetefs. It .ivas very- appropriate. rOHieiiim'r less than S2( were collected for the Snci- eiy.- ud uie jonowyjjuay, me k?ocieiy 'held itsarinual meetina:. . . ; . ' r XJn iUd, States Vanlc.-rmThejCa$ii er of the Branch at Fayetteville, ifthis State, who lately resigned his loffice, is said to be deficient; in-'thesettie-tn'ent of' his; account of Twenty-six 1 .IMKUJUilU ,I((IUI J . A HIS Auaiiiuuuii f is surely verv unfortunate. r . r Jttassachuse ffs On the 21 st ultimo, c: a vote was taken;throughout the State ) of Massachusetts; onf .the, pedicncy' ,of calling a'Cpnventiohto' ahiend the (I ConstiTution of ..that State, in particu lars herein ,by the abscission ofMaine it has become "defective j 'a'n :in i other t "particulars if theyj think itj-tiecessary f The vote in the town of .Boston $ was ) ; Yeas ,1,029, Na vs i 50f fTIi el vote th rof- -1 r . vut iie ciaie win iae ueeq .nearly in ( ;the;sa me ' proporti o'n ; & t b eCb n ve n tion I wilVrof ou'rsebeldulwaathbrised."- ic icieuies ivcnnpose it .Will- DC cuosen. on jine loin vuay- oi uctooer nest. '.' '-' : ;-" X r , " -r-v Ah election has been, just held to fill the vacancy inf'the representation ui tuai oiaie iruiisress.occasionpf! by the resignation of, Mr.-Dowse ; and Holland; is elected.i- - nnrinm.T-TliQmas L-Aloore has I been; elated- to Codgressfrom he Fauquie' district, In the placVof Mr .Strother. resigned, by a- majority ot lVS-yrtek over-JohnLbve. . John G;t Graf, Esq. is ejected a Member of the House of flepfeselita- L tives in the District nf Southampton, c. cywa majority .or 53 votes nver-hrs , -opponent Arthur. Smith'. - JnfircAyTh&Jaiist.Jet to JudeXogan .-andTGen. "Xdaifi.rt"fie r leading candidates; ,for t thef office, "of y Governor, aboutl 14,706 A-otes each. ' It is now surDosedtlint ' GMil'?AtUi has succeeded. T - ; - vr For Congvesswe iearni'in addition; to toe six mfmbers fllrpsrlr Vc.r.r.'ni u.atAntbpnycWfBenliiHa-rdmV ttuu -x nomas. Mont gomery are elected. ' Out ntVh .M.u..yCa v.i, u are not members oH -"n a rrItaM a!a1 .. : -. . ' s . - ine present ongress.r, Anthohy.New i llas ueen jn,vongres9rW& on. when i. l . -- vi K.: ' Trom'the returnswe. have seen, 4t ap y pears-thai' Wro Easiis, formeVly Se- cretary of V&K and,late'Minister to i k. ... ., a ; r 1-L-.V V eiuue ine;ueiectlon.rcr?us whorar.e in the habit. of deahngiargely A rtf a-. AU r:V ia nnw iri 'fMjr'hflbTl.Hi n ou s, - oij ,in e co i iMr v c v.pu pej , which ri'or,are5A'iCa8t whrras "that; of" thenaine riqtef of the;saibe .Ba'nk-: is :iincoinmonly trjii before; ther!; become soiled oy circuiauonr anuririis-nore,-vnicn.is qaieo -z lt vfiminwnr IN. U.- lstrJaol8I4i'? is so We.nVay; . perhaps', beNbie'toVs'ay lti:a ;.. .-, - . - . , ,.-; .- - . ...... . i . - . v vi v -'v "V; Lr?:- .-iiii:. CJ lUUIVllUIUCI 3 Ul 11119 ; I W 1 1 IU 1 1 II 11 na VJG . i, tuie iu nic ucici uiiiiaiiwu tr wiuuiii" jip.U concerns ; & the. Cash rerwHtes; hl am directed bjr tlfe Boar'to'in iformyoui tftat, so soonfaS we can col-: t feet 'par ;;nibnev,fc.hod:ta.iMYrypn.- ifhali'be remitted." ; -?' ; v i 1 Central-Bank y of. , Georgetown andfyushititdn' (says J the. National InteJIigencer) has ceased to" do busi- ness. ': Arrangements have been marie f or the re d em pti p n o f a 1 1 i t s b 1 1 1 a w i t h r specie prasterrt funds; he reason ! of its win d i ng u p, ii supposed 4obe,v t he im p ra'ct icabi 1 1 ty , V i p th e .' prcsi ri t state ofhe country, of doinga profit able. business. . The t r ii t h i a w e had too many Banks in; the District, and a: reduction loftheVn umber vvithgu t a reduction of the quantum kf capital won Id , j n ou ropi n ion j essentially co n tributtto the prosperity of traue and commerce in the District, f "$" r ViV7soefo?s; ---At this .timer of the year it may not oe. amiss ao sratev ton our readers .in.ine iower,partsM)t the State; that a wash of pennyroyal and water ; will.'prevent musquefbes v from' bi(ingv ; The! same hVb strewed about the- room will eiiettually, clear it of these .troublesome insects, 1 -i - , . . . -: - . - . i . . , The Bellona '"PowderMilIs, near Baltimore, blew up on the 29th ultimo. Three of the workmen, were kllel An--s ta n fly: and isev era! s eyere y" i nj (ired ? t wo of whom ,ave si nee lied7 This is the fourth time that 0irMilIerect-: edat thatlacevhave experienced a similar calamity. V: ' f ' . . A Library was founded a few weeks past-in; Salem Miiss: for"; tlieiJ use of nipchahici and; their, appf entices: I n J -J :1 X r "f f a iev wavs. it receivea uu. volumes of userui auu valuable works.' -j ' . ft , . It is painfulj to' announce: (says' the Peje pee -Oaz)' that the ; late Frsh has made weepipg destruction on.; the Pee pec.FnmQamtw tide water, fe w, ir an plantations Ij a ve" escaped dam age : ; mapyV are to tal jAs w ep t p f I i neir present crcps, numDers ae,lost from 50, l to;lOo,. and , spmeas hih-as ,200 bags of jcottonandkwrr&cV in loportion, together vith cbttle . and other livestock. Mt is believed that nii a minion ot uoiiarsAvoulupptre lair au ine louses on . reeuee..A Bench,' with avievv of taking the be- nefit.of the'inolventact'Mr Cob: bett and Mr, Benbov are accused of causing placard s to be, posted u p abou t theicityr,.. -i , ;f"-;'; iM:.' ;rVVrhe - Ha Van na ; NnYiirf r4w of the X9th ult; cohtainsi the? prbcla niauoH ui iiiej viceroy or Mexico, da- icu me isoi way, vroxnulattn the Const ituiian;&n public that on that day, Vhtnelf and alLstfieVauthei jw!4 take,oatbltoV ih'j.mijiij iuj?,.vuirrauinorities m ine Jorrn tlratolemn act, ndput the cohstitu tioti i htbjnl hied iate3peration ;4wnitrr,TheAmericans at Paris, celebrated the 44th' Anni ver- lai of Americah lhdependencev bv H 1 in nei'whichVwas ''honored: fry the pre r x. WV.' 'V ??' a eivcii'wjr.air.l .ri:Vrnit fcit isj sfited ik the tpridoniines.tl.at Cpbbti; ii a:prispner ihrthe rules bAtheKins iartfiaueiTeTertf ietVtUKiUS Jipffiaa1iiWhep frUl oArnmpntaaa iConiainrnsK theerYiterms ofits reiiunciatiOD, a cmpjeteefihitipVf chargesainst mpdpmwnjch" thafdvefntnelit iftdmini$tfeM or course now nuiiiiui; vr.uic - u uuj tion vfook place. ; v Abuses, however,? rare iu?euarui . ruiiiviMu oj b,ivvmii ls'imDossioieLtfiev snouiu uotxisi wnf. d elr a s:oVe rntn'eitt i n ivliich th e1; J u dffes i xompos&tne;.ie&i8iai;ure;wiux,epac f thelj awsltffcv; are femeesi jftuuie iriue iiia y.ueLiiui will- rasseiprtKalnolJ thiajf acUre' frequently sighed with enaclirnenu d corn toUie ppinions of tne Judges irespectl v Wto what bueht to be the f lawjd ' th e (ise,; " ! Extract of a j letter received in., " dated Parity July. 6. y jBoston, There ; is . rt'otninjr ye t dope here rcsnectinff.tRe tonnaie dutYlnVAme- fnca. '! Mr. Gallatin' is J?6JldingmiscusV sions iWitn ine Ministers,; out K is yei unceriamow tney wiu ena w4nope arm even expeti.; uytjuai ring ,ine duties;;jOurpinion 5cdntin4esthe j sariie",' that there will be npVetaliatdry j measures resorted to byHhe.jFVench ! government, tfib' . mena ces Jia yev ben i ci veh ! out thai they shall lay a corres ponding duty . upon t American&ves- r. ii-'- --i'i V ' x - -?--V'? " Squirrel ffuntOn ' Saturday the 9th' ulb twenty-pjight gentlemeq; of Clarence.!; under,A. SlCIarke(Slilsq and MK Bcnjami nf Hoi mesYkil led,798 squirrels, between 4he hours of. 8Ai i 'Alifirid xM-jfo fog this Jargeinumber was killed a ail: circuit pi a ; jew; iniies, inere isj no ap parcn r di miiiution of t h ese animals . Crops of ; Wfheat contiguous, to! xvood land have "su flfered; considerably; by squineis ims season, ana xpru'will prouaply suner: more., ! ! -iS! mcfcTKWe . learilw t b yj a sen- tleman from Sair Harbor.- that the shin New-Jersey, ' Capt. " David , H o w lan d , irom iiiverppoi, bound to Alexandria, wasstranded, J at 1 lo'clock on jThurs- day morning last, Ipn th?e South side of Long, Island near! Sbuthanptbn.- remained' tight at jthe.tjastcjcounts but "bur informant states it 'will be diA ficultjtov get her, hW: The cargo of ury gooas, naruware, crates.rcoal, and sa I f, is-pTi ncipally saved j the-people wx re employed in uandipg' it pn Fri dajMrLr Mrs. Betts" atid 5 children passengers, landed ;f on iFridariiand ' arfiltd S'at llSoutharnpion. KNo acciilerit h'appenei (Jersey Is a ship of OO jons, pwhed by sailed from Liverpbpl about the.middlev r June.-v:r v !v :-; ; TKitnsiies nga insti theQueett1. On .(h4t ver frornaa orieJ(V,male, nreanHn appearancer iftd resembl i ng tlVe : i m age; sel 1 er jbf Ctfie met rojpblis.P sooner hali they, fan 4? ed j than ;tKemo firiiss e Pith es , $ pi t jj no h th e m ia ft d hef. te ijiejni ufeCifny. oiiui-, uuiei, ivwas literal iy surrounded-by thei.ivi nido ws ?wef e broken -and jbne ; of the witnesses badly 'wounded byerthe eye.KIt: bejbame .necessary?tpeadj me riwt'acuvanu'. incmoo wasac last dIspersed"hyijYei;'p reaiaiaiice. ; Ayen, tne Aiaptainpi ine Packptcafeinifbrhis bu t . jie appeasedCthenT . by say in g, D thetltaliansjW harf hot bWt lHe , usiuiieuou y i.eise.'; wou ia, jana. "I vv :v;The -iline'rva Smvth. arrfveiJ last evnjg m aysJrom vapuAxepnetrnas, la vorea. tne ecu tors pftheMiercap verppbl papers tp the9th;tand 4 Verpbbl papers to papcrjs jo-tne evening oi tne a uv AV-apuvai ?vuuimcic ICYU1U l M hdck of a.n aetisiuln'teltVat WlrnjngtoniDeraT1 ware.;SundaYrnpm u l uiuu. ' auu u t jiaii i poa v v u uiuuivk .j ?rJlTi'chihn . Territoru,rA. cOmmu- uugnis weirpppKet tne casa as.any qthererabnJ'vf fHM (l5ftThrneral wish of the JClnrdQm.of u general wljt the Kinrdom,o veriirdet hving manitetitselwe' tuci woipiwns 4oravkionsniutionai jro vuujctiw w Mi)5iu i w u i j,u n iuui en irre w 1 1 1 spai JW . i ; iucpuuiicauon onet'-. onstuu v ti$&hektsting we ordet th4ktrbbpsH tbrMiirn to-their cwrps,iahd leyeryndiyiduaL tbliis of dinaj; occupatioh:,; v V.;. ipmuix irije;iu ui sou rancis.fwpo rVBy.virtue of the act dated vesterdah. pjf. w uicpjj is i-aajesiy,f our augp$t tner, msransmutexi-to-ustiihtn'&uniimfted clause pf Kemfte Eeotherexerjbis 4of rti fguts, -picxug?uves, pre-enijuence ana Jn icohsequence of the decis1bnwitiis,' iTi rtj-ssiy tViu give; f f voqstiiution co ine ioljsuctsand;fo sani je' ti m e itheirfona hlmbbsisfiv .)We haVex reiblved tbleefee. arid do. doni jof the T Jwricilies shall be tKeTsinie that-Sas1 adopted for:; thei KinetlOm of TBpkin hi 12 and ancMed bv;lus.Cai luuuiubauuiia wiiieii me ruirinnai TenrH. i ciiiauoiitjonstKuupnaiiv con voKeo. snail "Consider t suitable to prbpbse.ln order to dapt it4 to the particular, cjfeuftnistanxies of the3tates of his Majeity; Hp ? Witservf tooAii an naKec, Known an une arrangements - wnicn may pe necessary'! to lacihtate and ing; storm in that partiof Italy. vSeve- and the Austrian governmenthave had information df acretsietycbm pvsonithouti pasrtrss the r M . :Jr. ,t 01 masgiore, even lorn nour. r APIS or- derisVigidipft ers s and, watched ai equally infected ith the revoluiionarypirit. --r. . . .. . .. a . . . . . f wi niorrvoF thelAnierican officersmte Lhad Mne ninst Tnnlsthprfi finV T.i:' States. ; ifmW-v ' Mte HaseT frofc the Bank oFEife? -' lahdtoslustraadeacommunicatio tbU!ie;vStock'Excge7tatin in answer to a peutron irom tne sudaI w iiaro t n r n a ru r n .- - - tio wt n n 'Tnn v i j m m the (that: being allowed interest f at 5 p pci aiMiuui, iui (Lnp uiuuoj ; ay vancu that jie was f authorised to i stateithat f 40 theBankiilC rfrayer,.ofthe.:pelfi iohel .bexercisMbVlris finajstyr- i4uuiuc,;ur Mic saine :-fnxnner.as Jtuey ,-can v-iU Allurners&cretarieSrof consistssora3rigaferia 2 ! SmkHI es t ;'Naples,nh'JuIy,;1820.t '- opere .iodine, gwme PI. l errA .i.A;. ignidPRANClSi;.Lt.Genl'C CTa j! iu ?V!i ?? vv 'f SrW mumcations from the Spanish govera-'. : , ) 13th )f July, whichspeak of a gather- tM..iUtin& U thistcommunicatibji will ho doubthe viAt his itdee;! i thiaiitetv'tlie i&hc?S ; i ery torabIea $tfmtani hnriM:oi'stricks:.--::-:'':iv';:!';:,i; ' r In Warren oounty, feayt tgo, Seymour';' f ,; ' , . '. ' V IrS? S ;'V- kan Esiiveryrfip Mrmesteeedlairhife Theutjrm. tpioe, tkncB as Vorthyi liberal andi bspitablerr 1 ; ! diminishirig In father r reipectsl the. man--knd in his domestic' circle, was hoobr JCineiS'-rabrfic .ndbelov V'( ' ITheOaeeS h ientabrarnunieation Chathana county pnCthe 3d insU Mn-.r.C' her inten tion tcTbe present everyilay feVdiysmhw jfetraig dnringrthe. myestigatioawhichIis to; inrrfottthV'i';"i vhjf-i. - , V ;lhatVinpduced.' v" ' :. iFh PuHs?4papers, ot the S4jh have arrived. ; 1-hey .re - ji ledIiiiot'd vir in e;:iuin tne ; fortes t a pprovea oi au auaresauo ui; a-iok.;; x ui& uocu then t ; jaft $u!a!?PS ft JM1 in ? wtKyoiir IVIeslty and the rrCfaitnfal accbmplishnjenilbf m proiiiises, u y rpHiovjug ai i- preiext'ior distru st; will facil i tate the naci ficatiort bX transmarine pbsselslbnsV he'Cbr tb vcpeproiibse aTidadopUte tieljessafy; Measures tranquility ip inose regioosiin oruer o. UQitehSpaini fpfihpthmiipheis: inf be happianii IjfMSc After f therreadinff; of theladdress ussg wv.-- fheraintstefebF?parpris?an itecessaryit tfieftj'xjty?wq ndd u ai$fhahad auuuuutcui uiafc uivwug iiagi ucenicu gdihstthe i vtiiulional f systepili u. ;i 1 AM. atneywere iconnned tn the ;tViL ;-di.i : :conyiqteq!anq .sentenced topexecav ; ,the;p Somex ecP -Ambassador froth) -Naiiles " tbitho- -rf, .finspc.Hij.. vosui,,ox.-n 'Aige-j ; v Tie;':Couft ! ;iMoie.riftce T. .yar! ien&cwfth res)ec hVMiK'n!-v tva$ acttfaliy presentedtto t ie uodse pfpmmpns:-f-tt ;j lb :-;lxitrivfc'Qf a;JettehfrSjtii ;agetiat'v5.-v',': LloycPs: atibrallarted S5th Jittije J;.i Jyejairilo ieSefrf.' - -! waiJj'PeacocfcJahUSriarkl1fh i anal: one i row; v galley,- andUhat nar had ; :--' bee$ declared .by-xthertifegwygainsit-.v:.? npvtidine:;of?thecoursehe i snaadron "4 fotlfr although' they netAbp,ttieirwft dow hertjisV " thex rjpinion of the the pperaftonof th gam i uniB, vvitn, nicn stati s, tne Aie-; . expeditibnde9tinet Jtd the cbi vf ; J Avk -'"-i'"" vf - ; t r 4; the city dhe : Ine&s mi h - i ; L ' J " vi-V-., W tT" v--iT- smmvM. li: 2 m :-Vf ? ' - : WOTId? 8 r Pr: , a ston to nusinpss. nfd H pranks. 1 1 -i'- , .. J 5 tnct m Massachusettsti is acertainid;ihat Geh bhn-A- 'fAisIecJe'dTGbyraFf of X&ym&mMMrl le tate 1- Arrivediat tins -port yesterday,r77V ; f ji a - . a a a My . a. . - - i - i .-.1 - j i iurta - uarpiina -Carplina ''tLikewis'iii'Q'' ihk od feraft't:?! j !i::t) v-i" ! vg' :' iwpod feraft InOnslowountorilhetrf idi-fhi RJ.:il'-: Arch ifxald Hpbeson of the wt'ur'i1-''-Atthis Suxrimer lResideric:tf neaklForc v ; ;v JohnsbbV-onlthalf'tti 12sqj .aged 68vvf M (: i'-5r$C-c'''-v v in vviinipn vypp tne2i'tn j touiiitti.deiti6 1 : 5 ja ;Jhiu iiuaucjpiua, ui iae; prevail c ine' feiei. Abraham Barkerdllormef-r !; ; liighly rederiai , NcwV v; ;; Ellicptf Prbfessor oT few mm otfou itouxgiry, whb, it the p j d advances; in the f Mathematicil : soens--, " vCpese h pontiniued to admire, Jd cultivate during life i topkiiiciiiaiT brinch wa4 .; ; wjuca.pcToiea, as practical aiuvik lri thisJie Was nreminent. both in the "' ,r; ciDer.t use ot insiruments, ana jne accarac- . -of his calculattons, which erethei resuUi J v: his BsevatibhsThe epdutidh jrhich ho ;'; ';: &ned for, thoie rare and pecaraulre',. ) Mentral'ined by ih e numbeir and re -'V' quencyjof hitppoini ment,boih fey indiri J , ': dual Btitea and the (Jnited Stales, 'for the 5 purpose of? adjusting such boundary lines asjV. t j v uj;.i .k. ..f a - .' . nervations. xjy.ni8bawc?isqcpriTeu vv t -i i ; , bif mdeytea4flr'tbe JklititaryACademy-'v '-t' I nffle'ritstbt':friC4i6 I . .- L ..!i.:-lji..tC.:i-J-. a: ' - w -'-. -,'1 a? husband ' :.and a.kind and affectionate naV Vjvi t ' '."'''.. I r. ffi 't, 4 ; it if Ah - C - i , . " 1 i' -i- - 'iV K- 'i1:-.v'V:, .;J- ,i - - f