"V- i 4Y " v . .V..-..-; -v... j .vv?-' v' '. .-L-'-' . - Vf - it-. ., -... and third Ann'itnrs'oTthe Trerttiry "vhicb have rm-fred ree years j rrlor to the SOth SentTSsp;' a If of the v ratneVof persons who;hAyeWi'ei1 !o rvirr -their accounts o thesaVa; Auditors Within the vear, arid t"J't of advaoees'-nadeprjor to -the 3d March, JSOSt v the War Department, wMch .rerra-n! to: be accounted for on the loVs pnhe third AjfJitor of the Treasury on the "Pih of Serf. 1820, he -printed for the us of the 'members of this Houser , ; ; Mr. VV-sniV"Ke considered the doeo" rnent described in tjiis resolhtionas among' the frost, important whirh-had ever been nibmitieii to this body. It exhibited, the iiiirrsItion?Xh;ch had -been pfactif ednn the -government bj;persms'in its employ or "holding -offices , under it. -We hear, said he,TnanyxompJaintsrf,the profuse r'ess of the expenFtureof; the public mo- neV, and our .seal -concerns are in a de ranged condition. He wished, the peo ple to.be ftjHy informed of the manner in whicli tie-funds of .the government had been dilapTdateti, This wasa document -which ought to be spread at large before the People. 'When we exam'ne ft, - said Mr. V, we find under 'every U iter of : the alphabet si list of 'defaulters in every sta tion, and of every rank, from that f coni- mandine ceoenu to tnat or ,me soD-iirem. The people- ought to- knotf , theev Bagiti-j ous Impositions and how money was in so 4 many instances unaccounted for to large amounts by paymasters, quartermasters, and contractors. ' We are placeft here as the guardians of thVrights of the people, . and ought not to hesitate, from the consi deration of the little expense of it, to mul tiplv copies of this-document for tfieir in .spprtion. ''-.' v '' . -. . Mr. Fuller said that the original . inten tion jf the law, under which the 'port in question was matle, was to expose to the public odium .those persons who really nan tne puoic moBPV in men possession, t tl' ji-ir .-ii:r '.Afiiim me cmc rnH)reanrav-vu,c-VV " ' -"'V1 act- entitled-An' ricirpwe.itaVxb-aii at, entiled An acWo truj'af the5 eojlecl'on .oftfiiTie: on tmpoaanff:5sd,' ine.tnay ot Marcn, iy-v y fr - - Means be instructed to enmtife,nd o report to A his House, wh ether In v their pinjon," the permarieqi rfTfnuc is aunjuai - wjny.u expencjs of th is gov'emmem.';" J i I' ;, tTrsorr Tbat thewijttiajr;&' Means be instructed to enquired whether any - . . . - . i I. measures may, m their opw ion, oe necfssary i o increase the revenue, 9f9VT?PJ'. i idc measures to nis nou. . . K1 & , RESocTEvThat tVeommiliee of Vys & Means be instructed 'to enquij nto ihe tX: peiVi end j of prohihiti ng or imposing add Kion al flntl' nn th imnnrtatitin of foreien ' spi- I rits, ndimposihg an excise Bjtfiestie dis- ' The House the non motion nf MXobh, resolved itself into a Comrth:tefrof;,.t)fe whpfe on'theiitare of the Uplon ; ajid the resolution submitted by AIr;rohhv' at an eatJy f period of trie, session, rpmrostr a reduction of various branches -ot lie'pob- ltc expenditure woreta Ker up -The resolutions having been read- j .V Mr. Gobb rose and addressed jipuse in an animated speetri ot cnnsvnerHbie length in strpporrof the general principles of tits propositions 5fis speech occupied nearly, two hoiirs. . $ XeKl-: f" J Vten he concluded, at 4 octock the kromm ittee rose, reported progress $ japd viiiouse aujournea. A ,f'-; -If (. ; . . .. . - " -. NTrom tire substriber, I? rineip C? the county of Nnrthamnton filC.I1 near tHe road leain from Blfield toffafk tfax; oh' thJiilght of the 17t h DeceinfH5 a light slrvKHoi-se with wjiite hairs mixed Wiethe Worrell v wliite treabjn, lis face;-! botlthirid feet white brettv hieh ifn. and T. believe--on ei of; his fore 'fect white thjn mane And tall, not docked, paces tbiera- Wy Wejli - trots t?ard, a splinter about rrae jnch fopg bp ward stuck inhibreas which" bay t. disco going on; fiveye ats oldj ve fee t Wo or three inches liigb, ;stout;andsweli ;propif tipne'd; and; h appars frqtrr every if--cunistance'that lewa taken offby Drew- i- aiiu. umdoii narn wuuaivcfeu cneir rfied;reatyvrj(l withifKtrqnonsJ. land.ofNeorkiitinIhe fnreeTv l) '. fr the formaf cession 'dif tftV0ri toH'-Ooreair, by ohe of AtJo's aquaditi) the. United States. apnoiiiteyi rectors othe:RankJ-oflhc- icho(A:AU' - J. r." I I 1 Uhi te tf States for thAAtVenlMw the President of the Unite(l mi mcairs Biin9 hiladeiphJaV A letter'fronl thel)elaWaWTfluranrc Cnm. pany:of JinfiaeJphfa capture or me scnooner i'Martnjr' Dy me V e 'J ft Si Esr' jVir.soit r!if of Ba!timore!-t niirhe vto ' Harrison s.: Labon hA inr I . ' AnW?t-art plpr.fion UA hJ, 4K Gxt-: I Udni and-said he gave me 150xsilyer dol- l lajs fori lim; viDrewry is obotit thes netgntfU'cthm visage,' lolf cr tries to ..rcttf.h.M. bail4- m corl&i toletnty Iohrbe4 binc;,lrck' generally Tempted; taught ' a ; sciHot.ui ;oiirneignooTnooapart or a year, fieuelian privjteef Adhviral BrinoJmmanA. ' 'ed by CiptfJotlV.H , tVAyVf-'tfieotftoai trroten ''resnectinir Tne piunaer or tartoiome THela ki. George! v MorJto;pas9CTgfrs:on bOairiV fhe ctirJ Sirti J I 1 w i Mri Archer of Va ofTeredtone House thefbllowing resolution i ::i ""'""v- ! SflKsoLV-fej), That the committee on the ..tu diciarv be instructed to enauire . whether j there be at this lim existing, and in force, in tMissouri, anv "legal tribunal or tribunal, de rived from tbeauthority othe United States, for. whjcji they could not: or would not ! investeq wnn, competent vjtir,s(irction-and render a just acrount and pay the .ba- i powers for the examinations and determina lance ; bot.that - the 'lists Contained not f f,?n V? 01 contrf Versy Which havarisen, rnly -ns merited the epithet of defaulters. ?r ? arlse 1""; u""eru? "Simmon, troversies to which,the IJnited States are or. may become, a party ; and, if ; there be no ' but atso comprehended a v-ry great mass of individuals, whose disbursements' of .the' : funds entrusted to them had been just and legal, and againstiwhom there was no reason to supprse 'any considerable ba lance, if any, would be found on an equi table adjustment";. bur from various cau ses, snch. an adjustment could not be ob tained without adeparture ftom the rules, by which the accounting" officers'were necessarily-governed. In man v instances the accounts were in a train of settlement, and Avould no doubt exhibit. the most per fect fairness in the parties. concerned. Thus, hesakl, by' jricludiilg all persons, whose accounts were not settled, without distinction, theweigfit 'of the odium was diminished or lost. If the gentleman from Maryland i. could so 'modify "his'motioo as to obtain a classification of the cases re ported, distinguishing those, who had re fused or neglected to render 'their ac counts or to pay the bajaitces. which they respectively owed, he should readily con cur in the proposition i but in such a vast mass of cases, "when only one1'ottwp of a number can be found culpable defaitltersy it w as impossible to make a due discrimi r.ation, and the -salutary efTect arid inten tion of tlte law, by which "the report was . .. V - i. HTi sncn tribunals or tribunal, then, to report to this; house the provisions, and -measinres i which; in their opinion, may be necessary to be adopted by Congress for causing the au- thority of the government and laws pfyhe IT. i States to be respected, and ibr assuring pri rteotinh to the property and other rights, of the ln'jtej! States, ami of their citizens, within Missouri:1' . ., 1 Which after some debate, was ordered to lie on the table 91 votes to 59. J The, House then "again i resolved it sejf Tnto a committee of the whole, on the state I of the Union, and the consideration nf Mri Cobb's resolutions- or reducirg theexpen- onures-ot tne government was l tstrmed. iVIr.Smith, of Md. delivered a speech in reply to Mr. Cobb's speech of ytsfer day, generally in opposition to the resolu tions. - v ; '.. Mr Eustis followed, in reply to a part of Mr. Smith's remarks ; and, at 4 o'clock; the committee rose ; and the House ad journed. . ' ' rtrrt uas uowir ion, ami iuey roae on a i ( -.noinasi v vy nung, j SouthCdrMnd:. UHtf Ktsif ntirsr wun one eve,; r - 7 Jfsiayua iaii I will give trie above reward to any per- Jame Sehott, Pierce BuUerp-,Yhrt sonlvho will deliver trie said Horse to me i Samue WethehH, St nvy ,trousevor a iberal reward fdr such ?l,as weir, information as shall lead to, a discovery of the 'Hofse so tbat J get hi . ; again ; sand I hope every ntlenianilvetideavr to search and give me.ih formation; ' . ; ; JAMES BINFOlR; Sen. Jan. 6th,: 1823. . v f12 ,V -. r $JT fjbe Editors -of the. Journal, JVIHledge Tilley Go'rgirr I'ress, dahawba, Ubam ; and Whiff, -KafhTille. Ten-- will insert the ; aboveadveitisement three times, and forwdrd j tneir accounts to the advertiser lor payment. .Tflmes CVh r. Thomas P: Cope, . I SnmierCarsweU, ' j Ilenryl Pratt, ' ; Wp. Steversotv Jolm Jouker, v ttebert Hemming, i I George Hoffman : . ! ' - yJlJ&tjryland. Robert Gijmbrr, jr. Robert teno,, f ; Archibald Oracle, ;" ''. . mm :Xathaniel,Silsibee,' ; " ; : . MaisoichuBetitA David Sears, Ditto. reouired, were, in a great -degree frustra ted". . He hoped such a motlificatktn of the tesohit.cn would be made, :and that the Comptroller rwould be required-so to clas sify the reported cases, that the innocent might not be confounded with the -guiltv. lr. Lowndes; concurred in ther view uhich had been taken by Mr. Fuller, and wished that the resolution might lie On the' table, with a view to; seeing whether such a discrimination, or classification ''of the cases' might be made as to shew, distinctly the class of: cases-remaining unsettled rrom circumstance?-, "separately trom that of actual defalcation.: M r. . Warfield net objecting4 to - this course, the resolution was ordered to lie on the table. -' ; ' ' ' C The House then resolved itself. into a emmittee of the whole, on the bill mak- ing r-tial -appropriations for the support Lcommittee of the whole, on the state of the i 'he Military Establishment for the year j j Union and l"be consideration of Mr. Cobs i. ; resolutions Was rsurr,ed. s " j "j - I nere was a Jlesultory conversation on f Mr. A. Smvth, of Vi. rose, and delivered at FRIDAY, Jan. 5. Mr. Barbour, from the committee'of Naval Affairs reported a bill to amend the act for the - gradual increase .of the Navy, (Repeal ing thefirst section, and reducing the appro priation for the object of that te, from one million of dollirs anrniallv to five hundred inou.sana collars, tor yix year?. The bill wa twice read and committed. . . Xlr. "Williams, of N. C subm tted forconsi deratiorr the foHou ing resolutions : ' Kesolved, Thfct the Secretary of War be directed to inform this House what amount of appropriation wjb be necessary to-conr.pletej existing contracts tor the erection ot forl.fi Cat ions. : - v. -. - Resolved, tliat the Secretary of the Navy be directed to inform this House what sums i of mouey will be requisite to complete the j existing contracts nrade in piirsuance of. the , act for the gradual intrease of the navy. I .l'hee.resoHitions,from their nature, lie on ifie table one dav of course. V Tlie House tlen again resolved itelf into a HA LEIGH VW VM VW VWWWVt Wft VTV VV WWVMTVW FRIDAY, JANUARY 12f';1821 . onday . n ext is the da v fixed b y law for the annual el ectihti of a ri Tri -tend ant of; Pol ice and seven CbJrifnis sioners for the government of the Citv: and as if is of importance. to Irave o4jr poiicevvell m .maL nygJutro the ci tTT zena generally will attend to theelec tion and place competent persons in ofjice who will attend to their duty. t,;.n-.! -!'( : .!-:" X Our Siiprenie Court is yt In ses sion ; but vvc learn that it willproba bly rKseiin a few days, The term is thus short, from the indisposition and non-atff ndance of some of the, Gentle men or the Bar. . AniJ at a meeting of the Directors; newi ar ine jDankingttiouse, Lakgdon CuijvjtsV Esq. was unanimously elect y Pf eideftrr (He' ehtam'g eari V.e presume a like msrtiricfe cbuttl not eriaagtd in.the Wife JfhnJr. merfildtfi ffotft ab'tfve entle-. ma n; arid stated hvn.td be 4 thereat ' est-"ff!erch pendent -fiP'htiiWili'r'ciilnaVt-nrriift'' ' yet shch an tmrhense , proper ty Js kept ! em- .-V..--4 present term, of the foil J The! Hanic f the Common weaifh of KWckj.'M in existence, and lts Prl: sfdetit and Di rectors havp 4ap0n li..co by the; Legislattrre. John I. Critteti- uenr late a senator - ot the United States was chosenPresident ot trie :aank.;-Thecarrt.taViy: two mtl lions. A 'branch its estaMishetl In, eacjh . District iof the State. . Ko loaji ednbe n an amount greater than two thousand tlolla rsr. No t w i t b s ta n di ng i thenar rier against speculation which1 is interpo sed by this imitation, Ave.yet appre fhat tlie establishmni: of? thla Bank kyilbe to Kentucky the future sou rcej or; ueep bu t yii n regret.-r j ii win i ijiu.ti- jnrcu latioo. , tneren v tlaals. vhaniih''t othprwk in'iT.if J were penmtteu to.Jje fiormtf nt. ,,TliefoljoWln ' , the' Queen to'th'e acidresi of th'I'PrihtcrV V'rrhe Press iiTAitfibrmn''ihe1 onlyisri tiobl thal"fiberty has' left. (V. ! it V During the p. vV"y,. . .....wingEenueineii,, ship CVane, has iirtived Ml tilts Icitv. have been a.Im.tte,! to the. Bar, viz.hiletters haVe been recefveJ S son 1 Alexander, of Lincoln. Al" JU . of iRuncombe.' HutthrhOIL M! hhHl " a'Ju1 ,c hai? .an pt. ner Stith, nd vv.ikins.bf Nortl,amp-1 " as worth, of the United Stites' ship , John Hnan, of Newbern. R ivd. of Jonn Adams : likewise, letters from Law berts. Ab ton 1 arlMroug-li. ; j. , " . j . v- County Co7trr,obert INI-Cauly, of Orange, .Sachet, ot .! Rutherford, Johu I Bailey of Ed'enton, Uennie, and .Jordan, of Pascjuotank, John Fontaine, of Hillsborough; fl. At. Sioktsi of Wilkes, Craig, of Bun combe,1 " Canfield, of Pitt. By the late accirmn ts from Englamf, it appears that Lord Ersicine had rev covered fromi the illness 1 with whir-h ,, - - , - t 9 .. Vd he was seized in the House of Lords. Lt. Mervjne, of the United States' It;w lose thiS we losealL Ve)iAe uv .wtiict iajiiiti i againsi anj impiaca-i. ble focThe Pr4ssns riotf onlr; the "c? 1 B5C tiis sunsv, j ne Miroans ot - f pd t r iHt : rt i s vi tS e i If a rfow e r; tb at vj is pefpetuajjych of v ;tyrnyiiti Simi.jishini tHe tiiimber, ' of its aefheren ts.: 4 That. un ses i whiefvdoe ot, before ! hold some addrtiomT W the what can it never ,w sets, fee-" 'fieods'flf e! ovrrtiir UbertY"Td l"V;aSeny,w jnercs r Thfe forceii or tru th -ju I f i ma te Wi res'ista-' ble ; bdrtrahuhoof soml II The Postmaster-General has d i is charged a Postmaster from v office for Daniel iCoker;. who ha$ at prescrit the carethe American settlers in-Afri ca'. Dr. Dix, surgeon on boanl the Cyane, and Lieut. Meirvine, visited Campe ar and the sett le rs -at Yonie. in the iskntl of herbro and left them ail well on the. 26tli of October. these ikelitleWn haVeHren a narticu- I a r a c c ou u x t?t t he itua.ion of; i h t A sotnfl arlvpnti , ti o u sid ,m oes wjih srs?owl a Da ce a a , to; be imperceptible, r Tha.Pess cives it livings. i fiePregsliloe jmore for ! tinitfnu aa feach i ing JcouW 1na nft. Wjfai s ft ; 4 fhaasadeene'bH ly .Ailia'ncer. ftirh Me' wrtb ditad ? lAt ":" is that 'the Preshalnspiredl tlie JoVft . ! ue.swor027v:f , . , venrm 7 fW''A.a ! i p( viiiiuiu are aiioweq iorihe scalp . V"; of evry wplf takeri and destoTv tq bo ::i r v P '"c yaxtiodoWty' iri whicwbi.is:fak? 1, tv, the Tuscaloosa ; Rp'niihllii w .'!'' came to 1 his onice.fas heretoforp rv. quu ed. jThfi Our readers w)ll find from "the late (Foreign n.w. thnt thp a 't- a t iiavyng negiecien to give - notice to.ji mencaris, and ol the causes of the late r rimers ot the tJeatl rjewsnapers winch j disaster in their sickness and death. From these va nou9 comraunica ! i ons i t that not inbre tllanetween wen ty and thirty, h a ve died. The m i s ta k ej i n th e letter from an; offi cer on aboard 't)f the John Adami, publish; .1VS i.iui soaips naye-'ueeojj.tai.en IthanUh wliole taxes of theountvIlWv ..rC So-that wolatching ishe; IJest busi ness fyllowejf members of the : IegUfre W.:scalp.sj .v 'a's a, i-iece. UTlXil .ilrer -p r Pct' r1 -vuiiyne JAW- If J li ! Tne aetaiis ot tne Dili. l ne result Avas,.: largetus vievtstfthe top.es presreutedby these that the bill was crtiered to be engrossed (resoluiioiTs He spr.ke mi re than two hourt; frr a third readms without serious oppoi- !l 1r- Knstis fi.llowetl, in reply'ro parts of ticn. . ' ' ; 'rvv : ,:J ; Mr: Smyth's speech. VVlIenhe concluded-- W.EJ)NSI)AY J.N. 3. The resolution j t. terday Submitted by A'r. Kunvell.directirg an .enquiry into the xrcdiency of fixing by law the sa aries of the persons Attached to the commissi ons under tjje Treaty of Gheut, &c. and l.tRt 1 i i.e committee rose. : The! 'resident's Stt:retarv,Mr Gouvemeur, 1 presented ho Messapes from the President I ' K 4 4 ' 4 4 ' . t f t . .ci)iic irai-smKiin, in pursuance oi a reso hition of the House of l.enreseotatives of the j-4th ultimo,) .informatiorv on the subject o ; wic -incan siave.traoe the other transmit of "ti ic i ui etc. anil ' t no- riKnt,f t.... i . i .1 , r --4 r ' ? ".i'ia ui n't ijiu JLctciiiucr ai. : " "4imK IOr CCriam were statement of expenditures and receipts in the 'i-k tV j , 11JtI,a" wepsTtme nt ; also the nature and ex 1 ne House nrcceeded to r.onsidpr the I tmtnf th . . r 4 !; , , - ' . . . . J . "vis ciucrra miQ, ana Win "j n ai.dhion to the several acts making j : whom, from the 2d -March; 1811, to the pre p. vi.i , for certain ; persons engaged in yfsent period. e land and naval service of the United j Tnc first f these .MesVaees was referred to istes in the Hevrilntionarv War ? anrt . Mr. Hardin moved to'amend it byjadd o it the following sections : sc. 2. beifjtirther ena'itetL Tbot no nr.sM.r ernrdcT tl.e afcTe.aid acts shall hi the committt e which hiia that wnsideratiorwud e other ordered to lie on the table. J , . en frrm the rolls, who, tipOn, giving iri' j htdule of his property as is therein di- i li l rn'i 4i.ni i. l .:. "ir"". l""1 ?Km cn the pension ami l! , darphcat,cn shall be made by him, if ' head. ...i. 4, M.1.VUUIC. I P icunplli lac. f 1 ... . nvnu IVM 1MI dollars. Viu!. debate "tS I rain nrftonul In 1.4. . r. . i . Jn motion of Mr. Baldwin : v 1 . . the cummiuee on mm- instmctMl to enctuire ulreih.r tf i . ,rbt,iool:UtT f"r Uje-diie tf.tgi cedent c xiM.njr revenue la us. . ... " ' , I STOP MY BOY J " : v-' liOUNp eclortd bny, named Mins Evens, a little wast 17 ears. .f . - , . .. I ' " 4.1. . v ... i . .... v r . 4 T -V . O trteiL .!ill V.. i jv , i t ' J flhcrnnrlfl mim ,,1..,,-. : " i. -t .vim irs. u 1 1 kt riFiiiiriinof . 7 i.ia.n.cii.iiiii. 1 111 i h i -debt, th&n dollars. U blood,) abobt ihe first jnsr. He'is' tall, buf .. -... oeujitrtivr enacted. That eve- ? 5enoer, nis Miaae is Indian, but his: 'curl -;rl1!;,K,n" u launder the act of the ' i.eks is Negro; His feet are loot and : 1 y? b stricken from tl.e ncn- : remarkuble hollow ; his hands are M.alH gnt Wigered. . On the jiiould of his tbereis a soft place, if not two- eport !ays he was aeen m Ky wood. pel naps lie may De by-this time in Ran dolph, haying kin there. .1 will thank a friend who should discover VherV he is, and send iue wotd,' or bring to me. or fix Jiihi where I niay hear irorti him I will pay ny fi ietd for his time and expeuces,' and tiioe. '.' ;'..: -'X i'-s I forWarn all nersons from harlinnvin 4 t A . , . MU-J 44 iiiui, oriLti.pioyingnimt it tneooy injures any one," they may take him" to the law. L but Jet;no nan abusd him, but'lawfullv ccrucr-him biihg Jiirii hemeiind toiTcct him there; h ? v ' -V.-t 'l .V:.. t. , r - . mc im.me irauing roaa in; tne norm east coruer 'cf "Chatham -county, in the Foi k of .New Hope fend. north eastL I am called TAMES Q,KKT.r4V Kld-r us Mernrrtheatio Flr Hon; Job n j Li rid, Meblr of th ft U ' ' Hoase of ;Repre.eritatiyes, frj.rrr-: thft'f sUte of. New-Jerscv, i tetl 'yesterda y afternoon agedjabontica v f nan:f;amiab;j?jjchi i, Sv leftanome;wheree:w38Besa !. 3 f rjends lament-hk; uuef peSed de i ' -: pai;ture,rif.J ' feri of de :iv' rS, 1 .' Queen of England has nassed the or-1: ed in o'ur- last, rirohahlv deal unhurt: TJie British Minifitry stating ihat dnly twenty-fke survived. uijuii inai iiieir roajontv Qts.twenty-M wnen tne,4niormatipn was, ; that twen- ishttvotkiS: which the v had oV Hip 9d ' ty-five liail dipd. 'Thie J !af Gt) to nr. n - J " S " J- 1 T ------. . uji. j iuit iii, ii t reaoinj: ot tne ties, would be Bill of Pains and Penal reducud to wine on the 3l reading," yuld not vent'nre on the measure with so small a majoiify, but aye it p,to thegreat joy of theQueen's inemis, anu, apparently, to the great ag-reesT- ; joy of u large majority of tlie People of Jingland. I - - ; t Tfiat the committee of co.n I 'u cv . r U,S,,ri'cled "i'A ,mu th pe ir L . m'f. any alteration in tl.e exist- , Lich ie.if mthp v;R.n,,: r . " .4.. . fK. .uvawiJii 1)1 Sr'i" Icre,o D:amfest of , good' imported fcirAlT.,, Tha the committee of ?acy f i ctcd 10 5qre into the ex. c faak ainy revision J,y hn; f0r i vTA Trraty .with JSpainUtile j rooro is left(to doubt, by;the articles jfuinished by the late arrival in Nevv- x in iv iioni i4ij;iaiju, inar ine-4 reatv between the United States and Spain has been at length i&tified-by that power, j Supposing it t be so ratified, an interesting subject presetits itself to pur government. :-The IVeaty has been !rati5edl by the Kesident 'and Senate 6f,the lUiiitedvtates; But the Treaty contained a clause binding Spain 16 ratify tt within a'certaiif time. I hat time; is lons elaDsed. Is the Treaty now a ; Tre at, tirf w i 1 1 i t re f u i re to be agai ti so bin i t ted to t he Se n - ute r. It 'it be not refjaired to be sub mitted to the Senate; but ma y become the-' lawof ! the land bV thp; Proclamfii tion of the. Presideni.hasrthe Execu tive the discretion to submit it to the Rebate ajgain or not, s p?olicjr mayjtlic- , M. 9 A I Vl 11A nui.ii u l.'.L.I r. I 1111111 v power, will he exercise it f I '- . tur impresslonsi the result of con- jectureituerely; are.' tliat therreatv wHlbe'"ain;:vs6bmitte'a ate rthati if M is; there infebe ilorii-d ni.linciliiiin in. ' I 4L . U 4-''..i i..4 -J." - -i:".' I LFKi),WWII IU 11, 4 MU - UlC BtVIC , Ul Uie ittL:-i:x,'.!:...-;-L-.v. ..i-.K- it It . witn au the 'Communications above; mentioned, obtained on the spot, aim w.i i i a usi oi tner persons - who have died wand, wh.ch has been .sent ootn py jur. uix and Mrv Doughen. v It is I understood that a-particular communicatiori will; be itiade to the public. Jiy the- Board of Managers of uivvuiuiiifcftu.u ougeiy,as soon as it can bq prepared.A'a.; ii,. ; j vVestern bpunrjrvbut that it will be .Ratified fitfaJ 1 as it no w' ptahdsi- lAVe learn from Capt,Wliitierbthe s h i p China, from Cad iz. that tne news of, the i ratification of, th&FLoitiri a Cummerce in the IVestrlndia Sms, A Message: from the President, of the United States was ye steriJay trans mitted to tKeXHouse,'6 HepreientiA 1 1 V P fi.v in.. firff. I n h i 1 . 4 U . 4. f . . I tion moWtl by MiFuBer, in thAt 6o-f dy, calling forJnfoTuTation of the:Na-l vaf force f which has been ' Stationed (or the protection of the Com meTce" of tir' citizens tn -the West-India isJamlsanr! partes adjacent during the r(sent yeafr ancl whether any denrkion tv Pi fates of the United States, vgaged ini um ur uuiers uptin tne property of ct- iix.eoa.ui l me tnixeti .ocates." eiirared in such cdmtnerce, have lieeri ,rpport ed to our, goVernrnent; The foll6win2 is the substance of the information trans mitrpd. I:.- ; ' -..'-i -':''; - I he .Letter of 'the Secretaiy of the Navy to the President, states j that the brig Entecprize the Schooners-Noft C II f lr- . r ! T r .'-. ,! . ''-"''- " " k -T usi auM xj y hx aiiu gun, vessets o. 15 and jlfj have been,. du'ring-'tKe ifesent'yjeaie India islands, aud along tlie Southend Cdasfe:& IfctatesjadiiiTadditionttotikli Fth'VA .f ftITi.;f .W 'C;lii1r ceedin hnteTto thiediteineiijj ha ve i i icti'svwiukrxti.ei tfoute through thelt-lndik island ano anoru protection to our commerce. r j v ;t. "wv- 4w iJat u lilt , amfene4entr; thebijl for,reffo!'ktm4fi'i-.fi C MARPtPn Vf "-y Tiiesday f,rr - "vo, lvi uict i nil i i rk chanti Sainoel i?" Ule GenUhodes,of Xavoe.' V h--. A vvasQincton CUv w. : c..-..... ! ' v senratire in Congress, from Xortbl W to; dow of .thejfitrnes tcbSt-r; tavernAfehpr ? tv.- n-r i. . . A ic. ltttfabitan ts of f h. t v lhf ?ld6st persoiiinlu f In,hathaim cotintv.- wis .oneiiTth first- arid 'pep'bhe of ; If county; hn the 23d 59' "tnce. n -i;f m ' "' "'' -"J PMUCiT.I; : :.5V.0,.r County. l, O.oi ; the lUlr. jPf-bet& Graham, consort of PrJchattn ' .T Vnue has lost'- ati useful member, ind society systad lo8 J cwichi (t lamented houldlt ttempt pbW. t trarherwortfvand vies-mypeii wolld fair .n the nerformance of it mffiii- i-lcel1. .u q4 benevoler anxlle nd a zealous and deyeuri..V.T.- . ' ' filwntn? daughters to kripSi" : r , tlrr draconsofate husbinrl 1k.4!: ii At ViOletBankMn Chet.;r.ac.T i. : ji:3 - ue 29u1t:afl December 18,1820.'; rJ .-. ,v . . , ' . TREATy fcachedCadi2 abu the first &. Accompany iDgy this letter- ar 1

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