. '- '.J A irsicf this iSnk t1 LriiVrfi-f Jt hieriwcn ic I e$ q r- inem v o .VAUK v-? :-v- vptcs'in tSc'Bnti.'Hquse'y-ords! - ! in '.I v. " :h held W tVefe ' " Vme on WedncscUy, thVsoth Jtine next.'. has broohf (Q0;in oIdC(Mi.a V - ' ? "-C-c; ';i75& seaf jtltci House Onmnons fretf3.stries"hieh:TMMV calcuUttetlor. ion r.1 rfnn " tvn n.r .-sr-lihW rtllMf!!)?-.' aiKTltv - r ; :. i. , . " rj.ii r t'! cxpcr.otv- Alw SawSljU -AU;;f' utiidi j arctiewand ;n rood -jwir'n The mJI flam of f rock,"weU pfall The.siuuti n is ia j . - I.m1i!iv as anV 6 A this- side the mouutais The land is otjexcejiiquajyy A.. luruier.ucsQnjiTion'pi v5 prupcuj loparchAse will no dubtr"hsVviev "be prt misfff: Persons , desirous ofvVie'wjSr:K the land are referred toDr.Oilchrist Jiving rear the rniUs,' Mr EUSs on tbc, premise!. rc' to thi ' 'Jcl:u Scot?, ' d cd. ' RaleiirbJ May 51. J- i; 32tf- ' I G Tpie. Editors of. the VUm;npqT , and Xebcrn papers aye: requested tinsert the ubove fobr tirats,1 and send their 'accr unts to . . ' 1 -t . , ' : - - V: 11ALE1GJI : f ,.;tWDAY,-3uNE !. 1821.. - 'AVm. S Blacklrdere, Esq1.; the lat6 S'ibsct iber'm Haleigb. Term3 will be.made mcniberand John J Dayes, Esq. areJjj Elliot 373 ; -Mr, Fessendcna; Mr. Candidates To.represeur ine niMrici of Newbcfn in the inextCpngressofijand no-chpite isUiade. v the United States;-7 r. . : . f must therefore be'made. The following is a crpy of a letter froth aentJemait fc Winton, in this 'Stafey to the Editor of the Edetiton Gd ziette, date'dMay14. , Yesterday there'-'Xva informatirn "lodged: hi ibis place, .that txt Cojbfll.f now under sentence of death in the Jail r pf Suffolk Va. forthc Tnurdcr of'.Cajj'ain John hCltbo . had- ina'de -"affidavitof 'aj Ccnversationnai uok piace in ourjaitoa " April 1S20, respecting the robbery - .Jf"a certain. Jeth ro" Pender. , The afiidavit'of rCcrbell states, that Jerry Kced, the fellow that shotJ. V. Perry; told him (Corbel!) mat; inerbDoery rwas fomrnitteii me said Reed, Willis Edge Harvey Edge, and, an old black" man ; instead of Win. Spiers .J. A. Wade, William vftogers,' WilliaBv-,Lisles' and Nicholas Faircloth, vho were thei conrmed and two of them tried for the offence. Yesterday a p'arty cf gentlemen went' in pursuit of Willis & Harvey. -Edge"; and after finding them, Harvey Edge (the son .of Willis) made a renfessien of the whole affair,,ar,d stated upon oath, that Jerry Keed;Viil:s Edge, himself, &: a certain black" man unknown, committed the rebbefy, instead of the a bove accused persons; and strange to re late John A. Wade made-' confession, ihat bimself-and the other named persons. . r-ommitted the cffuice, & that said Wade j jas inea, anu came very near Dirmg con victed of a crime of which it now Appears, . : We learn (says the Editor of the .ono(K joeaconj oy gentlemen . from " Southamptonthat the examination of Etivard Ilargill and John frcher, who treapprehendepj irr this place on the ?th instant, on a charge of being con, .cerned in the attack made npn Dr. J. Saunders,at his residence in that coun v' ty, on" thc3d April, theforrner as prin cipali the latter ps accessary .belore, the fact, aud sent to Southampton! for trial,' i took - place on Mo nd ay 1 ast', ber fore the courTof that .county. Hargill was full' identified as one of the per sons who made, the Vttaclv on the Doc tor the evidence goingto: connect Arcnen jvun ine i rap sac u on j iijwas oe lieved, w ould not be .sufficient 'to coh - vict $ blmf 'butibotb wereremanded for trial at the Superior. Cpurt, - whirJV -will. commence its sitting, on the 4tb Tf next month : v" u ,iK .r:M ; '.JFedera( Court at RjclmoTiSYm: j?QXTj?r'. a free man'of color isi the only prisoner who has" yet been trietj ..before, the Court, whW commenced its sitting on Tuesday laVf, Chief Jus ticeMarsball presiding. vVe detailed B's case some .weeks'since'. He was : charged 'itB' robbingor procurio"' to be robbed'the Post Officeof this cTy; . ic J" iciurueu a veraict Ot gUiUu. The punishment.' in this: case, is not death, bu t con)inemdnh.;." , ; . ; " A new trial is pranteil in'thi tas&on the rouwl that-the ' Marshal had ir;.fc&rt6 the ' Jury whilejcooaulung.J .v ' . ; Cottrc..issiot&Lor ; (wys: the: CferjesfonkCourof 4he . 2th uliSvhoVd: hpnn' viAV r bel .on theiRemory ofthe Rev; Mr; iamtoett,vdeceaseda8' tyeVferday mw wui-vry j.aiSc i iate uafe trom a hicuiv it siipc table r -goons, wui nroti gooo. iu ine supreme ConkwVhU coun wbe ld ie Jh Ps,W?re, thev were progri MjctHopooKw.i Ujr Uhrljo. A ictr.li'Moiiday iaS.memberntr.t. '7 , ;frtainly declining.' uwns' to. 1 np,te .vt : hand; Jiving j in a iililereiit ' ' . he nraclicp. tve.enWv ;.ifr,.li!r,'i!. aml uState : salthouli fiie'iirrinrigoi1 anil nro- or d e rt d id -be' rc turnbcf. i ; ! - v .t j f wfrtr.ihtii -.Vi'flKiv. nnmhItvnnvV. j JfochestePi Woodcr.ck, Mfchheli;- Spencer,; Rl!ffries: Gebhard, Sttnr, fToRkJin K.rk- J hndp Aran Rensselaer, Pat tcrs'oiv Dickinson, j Xolden.AVood. ' 7 ' - ;fJ -xf.' f Ori!y sis bf theabove Vr(; memrs'J U of ibe last C6ntfes3. ... J'- 4 In thestate nfiterm ont -Ae 'nh-'j iCras:becnLfcentl3r, chanoed.v?S"f ! crly they elected, byrceneraf tick-1 , ift ; now by districts. A majority of j ;atl the vutesih acb districf -Uifctitir trarv to the aw4n tKe southern states. rcqm red ttf nm)ce a choicer J'rhese"cir jcarnstaOce pIti the follort ln irici-; .dent : i.'Atjhe fourth irtal for a RepVery T, l)i!-".i-r' Vdrmmit. Sin- Hic'narils.'l i fhf Iilte RVnrcWnfhiivp-i in 5 foWii: Iliad;-! J 1 G votes 5-iVIr; White 988 ftlr. ijjueranti lOo. antl lor, all .others 4l; j A Qftfctrial t-,The Naal Court of En qui r jn the casc-of'Coin. Barron, sitting at the siting at a-greiij distance, a jFrT. -A book -bind ory in Baltimore was entirely ciriumoiI by fire otVTttcs dayJast. , fir. Skinner," editor, of the Aiuenca n Farmer, I is', said ' toq' one ; of -the chief sufferersbv the fire, which (consumed several hundred copies of ! his journal ; after liavihgjtaeif several thnere-pririted, there ft not a single set of the work-left. Maiiyof the subscribers, having sent their volumes" therejobeboundjare likewise sufferers. - ' ' "'"''' " -' ' i, : The legislature. of the state of New ark has passed an 'act, vesting in the court of Chancery, a jurisliction over the f states of 1iabffujil. iJrnhkardsJ si milar to that it exercises over luna- i tics.- . ,.- f 'r- to have tac6mmun the plabters jket is on the decline, and iiot iik'ejj .to revive. We have seen betters of a 1; brom the large stocks on hand through- oui curope, me letter autis,- it is iear- T" ' v . t !- t . . ' ii . V ' ' -.14 ed there will not be the smallest chance of an imnrovemenY in nrices foia loiifr time.JVw. Int. '.- ' J- 1 ';- - r- ; v. The Secr etary of the Treasu ry gives notice, that a sum.eoual t the amount I of the Mississippi Stock . novutsnd-j' nng, baling been recei ved in to i the Treasury, lrom thef saWof the ptiblic Jl i ioiius jjicuiu iur ltSk-rcnemptl0n,4ie J f wnoie.ot said fctock Hfll be discharjred !' at the Treasury, on err after the firt day. of Abeusf next.t . rZA' . We ;u n tfc rstaud: that the bala nee of the Louisiana stock has already! been redeemed. ' 1 he amount of the. Mis- siMiprji is estimated at aboutS70U,uuu, a nd t h e Xoii is i an a at. nearly S2, 1 00?0o0 inclusive.of interest.' " 'J - ' " -: j , . ' ' " f ::-J --i 'V-s v -lR tf mowrif s.rStock'" of ,tKeViaiik oflheited;Stalesrls ner's KewiYi rk hippina List,. of the 22d insf. a etghte en tciid "a Jfialfcpetn cenf. aavance, Demg van advance - ot I nearly thirty per Cent.above the great-ii est'depressipn it ;basM expene(eU.j TKcl tStpte fiyeper": cent; fban' is. I quoted .-in the.' same-paper at time and such ;a thihfas7itiat.topil;4reditr oo o.Vebope the credit of tte i .Ulii t ecf5 : S ta t esViv i llv': ne vefr beoml enoUgbto;ti?n)ptvn borrov-.min r iiey.irajoer iii3Dfj,nie necesiiy. oi ine 1 ed -'to ,t!;e. (Jt h Ju ! j , i n order' to obtai n tbe'testimnriy jn writing of Mr! C la yA jcate to cur friends i payment of theJote the.ureumptiniv ',Vr . f v ' ! "I ''l.nl' li.tf: ..r! Jf -io Kit' flirt tv;.oihai! tinKi .11 .-' V . . . ,- . 1 I t I I i .11 C ' Tuinrjus to the market, of selling fo-It missee of the ;r)ote, both live in tie bacco at auction "by w!ulecaTgoeljsame u r. ' -v.- . - ft .... i- , 'v, oi-.r: e'i-::if i'Jl-v 1 h'innl : cniJpiri frnra T f n'vtfrtfl! tn ilfp S9tb "1 y i4 mi " n ' , " " r , a; ! Anril for ait inborn nan r three !1 i r K r ?f"v ' v ' 77 No - '.r t r 5IMJJ5 oi war, n;i jug . u uici y u wj j sal I lof panislvriiercha'ntiner), richly tad ah wi tH SugraY, -coffefe'f cpp'iliiea l. Van!lav and dollars -?;lif) saitl to be tlie - richest' convoj that eyersaifed i heslimatef ijy; soirie o be,Avortfi cx" me c r har m a copoe j ar o rjtn -e,y ni tea Medical Societies andlCloljesres.pas jjustissuctl iroin the press ot Messrs. I AVel Is & Billy,; of kilos totil :We liaFl vviin pleasure me appearance w litis The' increase of population in the tern countrv during tl'c, last ten years. j -I lie.'num ber o f i nliabitants i n Indiana in-the vean 1810. was 24.000it Js. now 147,000 ; vnakingart; increase in tn -vears of siX'huitdred verezntl M iss,ouri , . J it. appears!, c.orYtai n A , i n Ainrust lat, when tae 1 census was coin- ! ptetetl, 66.60 iiihabitants.--vVt7f. Int. fJVo'es flKHahdTtie: nractkerrf many 0 f our Merchahk is to destroy tli'eir Notes, as sooiiyas! t hey have paid them ;;.withmijt'esertin eyt de n ce o f the pay men t t ey makeo f such notes Such' paactice is'tuhtra ry; toJaAVnd Jdangerou to them, ' in 1 the extreme. Abe lact is,, that it a man'purchases goods, giving his Note is no discharge of ; the (ibligatf gjnp, pay for-th e good s ; I f s u ed uport tli e purchase, for the nmount of the goods, and if the persoii suinc; him.s!iowsttha t by a fire oj- onv. act ident, lie has lost hipocket book ; ami if ,thes purchaser J ca n nof "hoin ev, no t e h e jre r the ! goods,- a receipt ojtj"jH'e,u?ck, of itj b.Pfn paid and the suit iipolrthaori pnal, contract, for the'aiabunt oTlln '- British- Criminal -The. oot v T- j j t i ngh am Callepdap contain J the n um ! l)cr of th ftjj t w of m bjand boys wbo I liad been'entenced lb jiteath at-a late and two 18, years of age. j At iheKeht demnedj io Wliuui wem iuj iiu u su-uixa m.u , ' 1 1 the". -Devonshire". assises' eleven meii and one voman ; vVere sentenced Ho death. - Th edattcr wars for en ternig a dairy,-and s tearing bread, butter, &cP I Four men were executed; at the Old f f Bailey, on ,the 27tli of MardO .one for t nign way rouuery , auu ifjifc, wi mcai - r disasters? took, plcecn board tTie ch ooh ex 0rh n CaptBrow n V ; which afri v ed at -Ne w bu r y pers on rhurl ay t last fVomljPorttJ-ftinceO the Uf ii'iin jaouary vv m. xivon ;vvas. wurii fed vetboa r d from ,: t fi ema.ife cRa i jris cofcihe boat btin'afterO; m got nim on Doaru ne.ariyj txnau&iei,-t Scarcely chad-Hhba nto when Charles lJawsei jen , overooaru schonje pased ;oimQcitt;tbe featand" reveredbirrtterad beeiajVcVbout'4m single' s-fatetof IndianaiJ5nce the cenf of 1l6; w'il-l gveijfidea'ofjtr(e. imtncnse'e'miiratiotK.trfS-' tvhole u'e'9' I orsonift' nthrr ood ievkdencc cf the . rbd PMS1: t i on , tnyu nitifs witli Scle n c e- a n d li- tcrat y instruction, labour iii Aricul- tare, Gnrdeuitsnr or ; th-r Mechanic; I i f e', habits of iridiMvj? - o Be. Ihervitlue ' have been heltl, ited ..ateHd.dv;y. n umber of respectnli tifccns;f 1 it "tlfe".. . last, at tncicounty courtncuse, it was Ijiesotvefl, - To i(irni i an associatiutt to ! xnhstitute artcietyj out- of which a 'i n,inil .if ir,'f' K r " 1 1 t n , ta k e ( !e d i re i t fo u of a p I a n f or- s t a b -i lishiti a School on- theeiprijiciples iwkhrn a fe 1 v m i 1 e s q f Ph i l a d e I p h i a (with sufficient: Krob'fidsT-fofr.?arffadeh,' 1 w 0 r k -s hup s Midi oTlvose " w ho reflect on Tne nature 1 ana ,tenencies toi ine proppsed system Jpf Euatipn it. is P re sum e d v w i 1 1 . tlml k , favorably 61. it, ndf that i is particularly daptedfto; tlieISf aes. ; TKe m a oyj-espectable names al rady 1 affixed , fo rm the best auspices a-nd assures success in ttie prosecution of , too ooj F OR THE RALEIGH REGIS tESi MJE1TIA. severance ,vf?ich fJaf frtLricotncexperience or -an mantina 2 mm vlmsWHv. taught Vila cfTa rriitf-t tm.i I Tr y hjctv- tsmeari esarne -tnin ) lem po- 4 thfeMidationofthepuolic Ifecorpindentr dl, raCtsMrbm a circular ltterjif GeSeral pHW ?A aetti,?S,61. '. ' ! 'M i - -:'( - x .. ..j? Tti?:.,. c iU- -nenot,aeertinctsiflnsv.1in th HiKpr txW. - i Vii j. Mb asiuncioii. iv ii. e -liAi-tuovi- uiiuv -M . y ."i "" . I'JiM s "several Statesated-rlleaduarters, J . neafTassuic, October 13, l-O.-li f n'FIr j t HAni'?reUgr(.nl)rnu ' I S j ' dHrntion ofAtreaV, and -'-J V; . !"Hthe misfartunerlCJc .f -have: JiStherto expeiiencrejCchtelh' to rj,as cIose,d;fl6werjofc " " ft 'j.' ' . be iribat thee ,.,A ejal'stments. flfwe m thecbtmiicriccr-. j-t .1' ,. r iif -T,;" t"" 94 -. "" ! 1 i f&vas witlMfiftireac ' ! )' ihectates to; raisend min ! ' iould niayt Me t V' P ' !( .checks id) re ,! (; r,cnbrtool lchxnGrrtexrpdituresy ; ;, staved our i4p-r cvi;ency;an WJCCOiej, , nhermanttablinf. 1 btftcmrVttg;tbe-tlisplih .Ty. : ;;ij2' "'"'"T- -r: kvA - ii to make, beadiigaml the pemyVWithout -s' -r.nlv 4-,2fv J" ' ; ( ji 'riarisonjtlterrtha V (i 1 iri!iua which afc , n,iti;-tlVtti7eid 6ur)rn ilveyn Jo.d :,i-.Miltptf,,n thikte,fto:MissiabelUCliris.; ! . 1 fronihe befcryfor'fMm that W.antpC per- Utuifia Glenn,' of HibfexibQAmrytyar 3 c , ! (i i ractenz extrtised ujenHhetnrif bas always beenlilf creekSn KV.ifr. - 4 tl. t : part of hem niervice, eve d Uut Oils has been )m j atiWeliaveJtadaCfereat.prt'.pUioo.oru Ju I umewetsfmetr ,f V I g frim tpt rom ib , . ! .) I j( I oltfethe eXtrOtthnarywasU 'R It'll I. ujiipTibwbf provisran's, stes, Cdmp t he w a a " hi- I . I page;armsiotuesrieryW .!.! eldest to fr linei' ' - : i ! conceive VhHauyimi ' V k 1 p'abifeptm!ei'i ; thuJurceVoKwhx . -u ' igKt adi-tiied , )' ) j. iwtirf i;-' ti-LL ttor years sensible ot.his an;)roakhircr-di,!it- v I J V , utemp is, aim' lltodtitafi - Hjill auii.njvuraute nir.KS. growing r (ji 1 am oitoSnentiOn.b Uavetlife ; ; j pririrOevegeto it, ''1 i Iiltiftlallgjrmb thousaifd rtewhoots $Mmfo,r(b , iS' 5 and Dyfent4nu'(ng?V S-' wa V With difhro fv V,Jln isr foujul that ehitg tlfe i f!. rope, wnen introuuceaintolthisoun- , trjthmes gfrtwVupsrJ erect as to ,b unfi t fuivf ttf use i c I o " ; g. , " iu :The reasotienfC this ii-onknhWn : ; hav:e fi)iH'unatell?vamort&'t:- th.e!8necie"ftVS s Mtaeius n thisico -V are, perhaps quiteMsoorfe poje as the VVhiteThortrlofuroe; i"f We haVe te'ri wrrrHit; :cftirD:: ii,. '''-i'"! leVnrettVireadHv ii;4Hn.rniJ(,Vjrh '1,1 tindiapctly rwied tojt- ' :.rL'A:fsn . . i-'vT..TTt T'- ,. -.i.---? i'JlI.c"'--. . If ' r. agO.Mr;W wknob. itwjiJterirv uorW ; $ thhorjo0i Cryil aiicr'iitaifiOus Liber. 'il BCfOt ' ;3;