. - 'V. if" ; i.'ii mm, r u ; " " c . V. I! itbe plana of fr; deltghifdl Ieac ; 5 -d y prt-f age tC Myf like Biother. ; i r? v j m j" ' - j'V.;f ,'.f- . - j- - -1 r---- VOLvXXII, FRro'AYJUNE ' -. . i ; v j,V .-'. -.'jv- . j- i'U C ?;. ".'i , . w ' - : - ira.AViiiniiiUTrir f ,jv .' .ffp' I.I .. I . . , - ' I 1 ' , : .- ' , .. - . . . . K TI1E AGRICULTURAL INTEREST. r 'From&tte'9 Register. , 1 r ; . t ."''' v There are napersons amonfif lis, ex cept the euperabcndanf population a-feiv of our, largest cities,1 that -are more oppress?! by ' the times' than The lijrmers ou ine niooie anu wesrern "Pf.V fWl others chieflT .interested. in the crpw- ipr of grain. A degree of economy, 7 7.,", . -r . i r i- J ir a Mate of want, is forced upon jl r au . i i:' them, of the-most unpleasant or dis treeing character Those who were hapnilv'ont of debt whence present r a prostration oi things took place, ana v 4p . , 1 ' ". have refused. toenter into engagements rnA-nAV-m. -uJl7 -, M7 ,e.ri!!t - :.Tn, - r e;-:- .mt JL;M jrcra seeing the country , newspapers teem with sheriffs advertisementfor the .ale of property, that it is not the c-mmon lot of the' cultivators of the soil. " The Toice of complaint is heard rif iMnet coA.At Iroro every quarter, but most severely y. lt 4 r : v from those parts of our country where i.n.n.n h v;in . 5i i,JrS.? fields of Whelt & othe" grain.. A great m. W.. k". of the planters' alsc and the time is .wt v.-.i a. nf tfihs-cpif nd mtf nn uSlf mot h mnA more productive than that of corn now Wlv.r.::- u Lr it.u.J that fee! e pressure most and hap- 4d.-JL : .v-u : 4ki:- J1 mvprtnrpUp! Jf .Kpv Wttn.. mmnvo k ; v . ' At thii time a barrel offlonade of wheat raised 100 -milesi from'Balti. more, and to be brought to market by a land transportation, may be said to be worth notoing morcT thin the cost of its carriage, and the expense of the ' r,lll'P P turnpike, --We J)ave heard of a 1 e:,'e?,c;r.tT! that amuse Ms rbut whe case in wWch 4 the farmer would have e!l ' -Philip, is sick pr dead, his spi saved money if after beTiad raised the l r,t & VeK JfU remain to,act against wheat and threshed and: cleaned it, uand' so it should be for they tht after he had carried it to the mill and caused it to be manufactured into flour, he had taken it home again and then burnt it, instead of fetching it to mar- ket--yet this isthe article on wh!ch t h ousa nd s of . farm' era' depend for su p plies of money to obtain jiuch things . as their -wants and wiJies required, and which could not-fjJsed On their farms or produced irit t .Jown house holds. The cecessitjfithe.casejm poses'on these a consideration of a new com mod i ty thatm a '' su pply th e ' pi ace medium through . which tirese - wants 01 meir surplus grain, anu rurniso a iflud wishes mav beirrat fipiL ' Dicoursin . " . J - O ; i subject with ina lanucr-wiio1 is getting ncner. ana tr richer,, even ia thefe tim'es, bv. his U industry, good management and eco ll . ' n Bomy-he-tnentioncd'that sfte arid J!ax but espially.the'fortner v,ere the best agents to Wcomnlish a cur- nnse . .lsirahl.iK.. M - - -- - ''VJ owpjjijtvj' lilllj with every thing that. he Wanted, ncd left him some money to spare. His experience is amply, comfifmed by the facts stated fn the article jnsefted.be- 1 0 w, , w hich i n d eed , I ed 1 0' th e prese n t remarks. YVVool will bear the cost of transportation from distant places, and the sheep themselves may tbc made the carriers or it but the great advantage of wool growing is, that it.natufally ' wool, for the sheep, jand all other sur- ..una a inaiik.ci. ncur uuine tor . inc t lujvs. ine -lanner -iiiixgrain, ms . ptatoes; his cabbages v A ceo era! at- lennonan the breeding of sheen might -o. uiuijuc 111 nue price 01 wool ' after a tvliile but it would also cause aai increased consumption of tW com- mouiiy ior a long time to come y arid the. business mi-ht he retired-from, without Joss, Wheneer another pursuit shouldpresent itself as being moVe . prcfitable.- he mciinonianiahas'liaU ih day and injured many'; but H is not hkely that vre bhall have a returirof it. aY e' shall go on regularly. Hobse hold tnanufactures,"as.ive!l as thoe csi ricd on in extensive establishments, . I . llUiltC, ,1 I IB, ink; . . . l . . ' ' v utu urinmiuion. ann- 7 A II i ,.iufc"iii-uww ij urnriner it i v1fl e caasaf a rfwtre fo suvnort . . rv- maienai.uscu,. and society H 1 ' 1 ' 1i&Jy?r vr-V be the better for it; Private wcaltl. :i 5e 'uld be promotedv anddurst aK stock nf tr,.,ol r.. BV' V ; P-its. with ihe labcr cf .culttyaton fuiinsh frt I ;'"""Puuvu c,virv ir. aisertmn. jueoreucaiiy ;.ut tromvaaual o be raised at present, ' wou lit be txpfirtmeVC-V H Jminishedlpt the sober AiStfitiufc J'cst everyrain beginVtoell hiuuthat ' : ' ! It 'notev ... iva theindustry of our own people or, that of foreigners, so far as they villklqdly enable us to pay them lor their good -so far as they will condescend togivi us a yard of cloth for.two or, three bar reis oi n our to ecftane iqe prouuc of the labor of one of their females foi that offour or five of our raeb ! Tbe people alsqv begin to see, and to Into thorny of the United Ste? . . 't; :uiJ : . . 1 i 1 we nave the spare labor to make at jt, i J - i u n iu i home, draws no less than three other Ai. e r' iu -4 r 4uu !fi?"rV w ' P -"f,' l n !a vengeance; raising money at the mos : .r r V- exorbitant rate three for one; the one ! , . . , u , , . , -also paid, by ourselves, and that only : o 01. what u it thai: . foreigners ..take, of us which they car - - r: i 1 .r i j :SjKmi Xioa-- i M' "JiV w 7' W'U ? ,S 3 '"' 5T , PLv hem a f Not one sohtarv, article w,th "s. onlr f f cess.ty oecause they must have certain of our -t - ' ,, commodities, which they would nav ; r J c ive their goods in.exchange for the "'.'"f 0nrt.e,r ?.P".n?fJ. this state of the casef why should w j not lookup ourselves? Why. are wi prostrate in the mud calling upon Her clp8' praywg for the desolation o ,f??Wf shoulders to the wheel, & trying wha c? g trthout cuttw of men' Mroifs? It is an abomination on u a Christians, a foul .disgrace on us as men, and a deep dishonor on- us as re- Pb)icans,to see the anxty with whicli ForW evIent9 ard Ta ? ob ferve the hopes manifesed that nations ln ity with us,, should get to fight- ne notJ.cr;! '. tl?!!?IP.,Bi sic,k - Wl 1 ?2 ,,e,P lhP?-lT?5?acr nelp from any body. ,vv hen we snail resolve to do this or that, and rely up- on ine 6rea.1 aD,,J"e nu .a,niP,e ,re; sources which a. kindt providence has granted to accomplish'such' resolutions then shall we be liappy at home and respeciea.aoroaa. 00 xar.as uaiions will exchange wtlh us on. .equitable principles, arid no further By a well balanced system of, agriculture, mahuf factures and commerce, our, own mart ket is sufficient for substantial prospe-, rity,: and,if we should ,'have anysurr pluses, they may sefveto furnish; us wjin extra arncics 01 Kvuwfncutc uy aw - '" ar - r 1 1 1 &WfotW uc: uepenueiic on any cuuu iy unui-r I'WHW OT?MTffJ 'WldbjWlWS fe??? anu niien our;'iarmers snail mate ii i I ceneral concern to raise sheep, that of ! wool m u s t fo 1 low, I'hese, w i th a lithe ; heavy -works'; of iron,fwillgive tlie far mers a mat ket that can be relied on which, - we: trust; they will demand of their govef nmentwiiich foreigners. vauuui iaKe away,; .. .'. . . ' j.." , -.f -v' v ' . -r'v.- : Anriexedis the etfracfrbmnan Ohio neu spaper, that Jed tb ihe'se relfnaf ks : Charles" Hammond;. Esq,. jn reply to a,wrer in line vv anungion ucporter, f siVned a f f?ef ailef .' who thade a n un- 'J warrantable ; attatjc upon the&teuben- proving many of his assertions from actual experienced says: "H 1 ; .".ypur correspondent cavils at the price paKi,ac,ine csteunenvinejactory tor wool. iicir iuu my cAjjti icnce assures. me, lie is wrong. A', I am jnyself the roostv extensive wool grower in the county, where I -reside ,(Belmcnt;Qhiot). I find a market for rov wooi AL-ine pieuoenyuie iactory4 aiid re- .ceiyc payment in. tioui, at. ine prices so mbch reprehended py yor correspondent It is a very profit able business, in cbnrpa- rison "wiuvanv otner tnat can nowijcriur Mied iipob a faYmiI canclear iort, rrio- ncy wi'uire iiuiimiu succiroi- sucn Oioou J :i"-"t--- :,tt lUj ..x. : :.-.:. : joe government nntiPK in Kno-ianri . , I , - " V,"-. - pwvii uvuiucr uj arucics in constant use, are bre than tpwWtf the original cost, as ap 1 . it OrigiivcUueJrpecf, 7,655 49.9J-5 Tea -vj-; 3086,764 0 0 3.055,764 Tobacco-& SnuW 6 ,8 w 2438 877 Wine . J ; : v629,667 6 8 944,501 Mait74m.oreS;r . .. , " Hops r ;?94.425:3,860;i05 10" 0. 57211 10t2ai,45l$ 42,1 56844 rflG. The real tax 3 pon bread stitjps by a prohibition of their importation ; unless H hen wheat is at ascertain; price, is, nt this'ime pretty neciirly equal iti ohe third more of costs than they migh( be furnish ed the Aeo file at, J V '"' ."jff; ' JW6itghlsj)h roliticatEconomtfi f By Daniel Raymond,3 Counsellor at Law, r ? T- J rof Baltimore. : v " 1 ,2"f yjn; chapterre,ghthr themporntji .rlLT .u '1 1 : Uf 0"" which public opinion in the U. States is now divided, js discussed by the au thor at considerable length, and. with some ability. 3 On all" subjecs of po litical economy, lie tells us, particular intercsts must. give way to the pablic arid general interest. ' 'J'he Question: is then, riot of right, but of expediency. Th e doctri ri e of Adam Sm ith, that ie- ; gislatbrs sliould not direct private;in- j dustrV; but should leave ne)ple to buv I where!.-they chhcheapand. self where 1 a I.' J .. ' - ' I 1 ' . t ." r- . ' j iney. can. aer ; anu inar 11 'a-nation j can' buy cheaper than it can make, it f should be allowed totlo so, is combated I T j w I (11111. .! VUl .Vtllt XL tiltf.T m. as an ordinary 1 ule. hq says, begetter for a. tailor to buy J.is'shots of a. &Iioe- nraker, than toftiijake them : "biit, 'If he has Tipt c,ontant cmployiuerit at his trifle j i t miky be be t er, that he sh ou 1 d make than buv So. a farmer wl o can find a; market for onl.v half.his produce, j win find it Jm ore liiliis interest to en.-. ' 1 ploy half of his ttnWin". mariufttcturin somei ot the articles tor wlueh he has 1 occasion, than to buy themj at howe-j ver. cjieap a rate. &( of a community The 'planters; of ther southern te, who find a ready inaJ k e V for all their produce, re only a part of the nation ; but. taki ng the whole nation ogef her, it may be better to make than to buy, J If a nation lias not full employment for'al its impulationjin agt iculiure, it ; is better that its unoccupied1 time I should be employed 1 ti - ma U u f,aclu res, j th'ftn in dot n r notl i iijr. 'It is the tkitv 0.1 a legislator to take carc tnal tni otiier nation interferes :vith the industry t;f ins ovn. iie i not 10 jt?i nttvine cheapest.-? Dr.- Siiiiih prriecf of biiv ing f loreign countries, ihev can supjy; us cjfeaper wouJd continue M r..aVinonil, if nu1 shed to aW ektenti' f destf ioy ; 4)1 ihdUsf ry1.! Jt yvi i! cost: a f former noffe to cJcf a piece trfjlantl.f wctvrij,&iui.fj. wtiuw s ui uavq ueen i n e nau n is ot sat age aeasts 'i j a n Jinnll't'iht AnL.!int6iranriinii.a miiUnlan. I :l jU4u2. sufit rs from tlie faHufe of ts foreiiin inaiei. ; nut v a nninesugiqemanu is nofliable. to this i changed and is usual pb rt "t h an'to manu fa c t u re f ur the tim e j being, yet the'soufces'o re Wealth sh oil id .. bbjega rdd CAtJ ri)i t ting that for tfie fifst live yearsJ:!domestic ma tfufactures may cdstb.uble, yet if in lenjxnpjcome-ar.sipgie price, anu in t w'enij; at half priced it is money well . . 1,1 ui .is -an impeneci &Keicn m ,ir, jKautui tl u st ry. ;heho Worth v.ofattentipri &.cojis!deratidn."l ' q Fj-cpi thc BThe t wb follbw1hgticles,repbVf ed I Utiti&CateWr&teMcfa fry, we re ior wa rueu ; to us tor pu l tea tioriantf we ith ;pFeastife sive nlace tin them j;as we lhalf alvvays do to ar ticles which mtr tend n any degree 1ureittrsc;toH ment nieiitioned in the last article, we wouid4state; thatleKseyer it nail, UI IIIU, IIUllfMI 111 leiilitin lUICV atl(l v i( umi uny.cu hii uic accu - , ,j-r v," r - , - r'T'-."-,-'M,UI.r J teTvtaV;Jl,' -herfc the liii'v bAiii' P4-' ' -: :iAT8AKrEi,;tawnl , j J; ;r ; n ,V:d ,l ly and justly praised,: There are few tAnd a supply of iTLit1S"-. 2. ' " to buy the corn : th err fore, accoi dint' L n (' - i t v , ?caQlfM as were4- i - A tVJ Lv:Vi" : YM h ih.;the.fiel.ds of. hteraturpjfmorev ?,:..:-wanuii;. , EA--'.v T , i tO)IJri bmithi it Avouxrbe better to buv ! r j . t i T . ' v -' : .t,s-T-"--v 1 xliX-it. : 4i i - n ii l jh i A fragrant, -more beautiful, or more de- j - ' - ! 4r v'innoi , 4 'r$ i . 3te!5 te8 aiteniioMf than Mh ftlUWin "... rvnuX Av I has beenihe ; practice, with the best their see ornljrom the -btt ' the ears 5 and it is a very.natural con; clusionv'that corp asieji ?ai; mos't other seeds, will beithejf more produc1 tive if gathered from soyivaiid -vigo- rous; plantSi.t-y :-'fr?&Mv:& rWliile on ithis subject; if Jmaybe; oN importance tp menticHi anVerror which is frf guen iy ajtaoh to in tins part df the country in the culture bt rotatoes. It is the custom with some to use .the ; smau?sz or 1 n e 1 r f p o.f a t ocs , 1 or s eeu f sa pi ic; w ill vii. ' ,iv in 114 yai lautj ; ji uuuvc a Jean crop ve ry in fe ri tr iji q uaj i Jty.-f-r Pc rha ps i n no pa rt of agricul t urc.tjoes success depend so m ucli on the q oaf i- ty ot, t h e seed as i n the cu I tu re of In sh Pbta t oes. I f p i terd eslrabi e fti o rat se f auunoant crops or good ppratoe,?, the .j seed . ! tivatjon will aUne -fdJ ( ncglecdn 'this particular. ' Without good seed, good potatoes cannot be raised. ,1 have attached high ground ed by. long and constaVit; crnpuirfer that product-.pf corn was hot ''more than 'from t h ree t o fi ve b a rre Is per' a ere , and t hat of inferior quality. In liie falftiff the yeai,f immediatelv "afier ; ca'thering the corn; I ploughed the land deep. . In the course.pf f the rtp?rt Himn.fi' (in thp In iff,' n;it;t Ti j ploughed it again, and turhed in the vege k - " " - tation that was pn it, vhiclvvfts all natu ral. Tims it Jay till the next spring, (be- j ihg neither trod nor gniaed' .through the 1 1 i whole process, J .when. I' planted itiu corn, jHepartd aiidstitmated- m the Uiual ,wy, and grit heretl eightifairels of good sound ! I tiaordifiaiy in the season, and I imjmte 1 Sthe whole increase of product to the in j ! f ; - tiding anu aetp pipugning. i ' .1 - ... I LLIAM MOKRISON. Seed: Corn, I have bern for several years in the )raciice 01 .selecting, my seeu corn in tne Hold befbie;gatherhig my cropiVom ss'uch btalks wits b'rtt; two Tear, ta'&ingtbqse of iianuotu" u(u i4ti- , . nnHuun una lui ui , wiiui counsel and i: t n.v f.rm o rxece of -HTu '. Z S" W 'l'-lij So:. ' i incest appcat irftee ;r vhicna tjimk his I GALES has just redcceivJ fom been a means . improving. mop. I ijJ. Phiiadeljnia, theilliywjnc Iricw have aiMi mac'e, another .expei;irteiiVon- i'JJooks : j y ' v rr' "k f ' seed corn, which is yecy hii j"jje'. brckek:il:-- Vi?f5r; V ,.1.4';. j"'"' S' a stifncient nuinbeiofeai's bf.cbrriin"two j Digest oflWlfeatdn'i 'Reports ' v:- . .'.V to make j-eeJ to "plant" two certain meces-i. Vot'5j.ca - I'.. '' t-: vVl. ... V I of .ground, jbvtff pieces of the same quali-'jlAdaMsbh ' " :y, ;and prepared Ui tlie same w. , 'I Derees,j.Abrjdgmcat of Haudclotqiie Mid-' phmted one piece "Vth the seed from the i birt ot the ear. the other: tium the.fot'i end;. both .pieces -bad the same cultivUn ' tion. The niece plained-wiil seed iff oml t UNION COLLEGE; . v "A late address of President NottJ to the cantiipalca Jur. th6 mccalatirc rAf?,r)S. T cannot sum tip all I would wih to say to y better than by plactng tfie entire to the .counsel: I aip now deliyingPa-1' vu- i -nti;e outt tua projuieea seven Puslifts per AyA , H - - ) w ' ; - V rents, wJipm I cannot but commend, par- Paris. V st4tev n, the summe'r ffewdn, of t licularty to youi4 ingenuousness, anlrom ;P"rcha5tn elegant building ishevin one of 51 tlieiivkindness'and- solicitude tier; ve an U ,he l&healthy ppts in Vof Ii-'CaroUna, sur afff nmenttb enforce all that I iKTve Wiid. -jjD.n,wu neverjtnow, unu ine .outer?; spffilial ingratitude' shaft te'acbybu, :fVtiHt nf the f?mv-vrn nw thk,,,-,uS ifl-, ness' the ;e?abrtt of the duty ycu o ward clitldhood ; arid with (what solicit tude jthey -watcHeifHrste y ou tti. : : No' ca re? has? bbcri: too severe m I rT- I lli you.Hjeirufil-ci ons liare beeiS placed ; 'do S3 r?7""S . 'vTr Me '".-; , ' tenderness ith.cy ; an),stered tqj 3 ; pi,eparal01 t 4Cer ' of thi ' r" . Uelfe.n?H)y.fbo' ;rcat;Hy uicjr:wpuiq contriuute , uyour fditj, cftyjrbyou the ; meridian of lifeliailtj constantly devoted, and even its "chterleiiJ spect-bf Ieains ybt the laeirspf ieir iawe, ariaftmit and kiiidnesij the ieiaSuk --4he phly y du enter' u nop abe w orki;Vy'ou;w1it ilct worthyvbfyrveariiiMi'jot vdisbobor them.':.;;." VAnd shall this requital bsderiiedlhemf H Will you, byyciir kllijjsiQ f b even the f1 trqnillUv; cf age ; rob dclinfngIi(V,of; s p ten ts t he last cuijf c. rt hp y conatioi?, brin their ray lalrs with sdrrowto the! grave.".--; 1 ,v y ' fcU'It '.'was'-'a noble 4 s'nettae e,;nmidst the ftames4hatlwcrevCoi.tJniij Sis' f Vrix 1 1 ? K veBerabie;Anchises,iis rathef.'lo a V. place tf i saftV ? B,u t ah t pow rar sach !:f V. examt;les ofilmf liietv.? ;LMv vGod 1! the- : j blood fiet'e iih the-, veins at the huiit ' ' ' of tbe'uit!tndefthndiien-: Spinfsinf V wysH!ncrnareins;cUiair?caiinenoHr5 when if was, in hiy power. p .honor y,cu, ' ; how difftrent shctiKl be my ftindutt. VjlnN;.'! crc not me ueau uumincuui 01 me revc-:-.-', rtucp uie nvmcr nay tnem. swouiaaisturu - -w- i me snence ot vour tombs wit 1 lututlyorl1, 1 sons, -und bdevr ttie urn N v whicUfwu tains PyKui- asJ.es . wuh pemetual fears! 1 .w rUi ol, ; , ( f 'W:WVl?esV,pl,r xtefVni ttmt vweix I to yfeUr fo us bverwlimiin" v'. iilneWcey I should ptWadt Sthe- hour ot V V: 1 ,tne.. solemnities ;-ot death, I, meet you in eternity. Scr spend his; in&rveii!nj;'Kri- a 'ir od Tadfurc you. thaLrffr'rlieetinjr beioy-V"' ous, -and the iuj mortality; hjch shall ofi ' j lbw.it splendicr?.as,the- grace of that "Goil is' 11 ee, 10 wncmvsuri;jijacrioij my: charge, I 1'. 'Vf1..- i;"? Uoarl tor Public Imbrovement for v ;ri .Vbtate?'rtn-Carol,rwUl meet at,: now commit yoxu . Leaving wh you ' counsel. Ibid yon airaffecium&te' and riiiaf r 'v.--- r, V'f ' . '.' i-t.- ;,:-t:- . . Halegh, agreeably adjpurfaient, on Moiv- v day the SOro, oi July next., Of yhich, 41I per- '" i Son? ,,m.v'nS hujjineas wih lUe .Duai-d .will x Mi ' -'1 - Tf-i"t'' 1 v . Secretarv to tKr Rn jl. 1 June 21. 3$: t i . on dttticult cacs of Parturition v. n$ fl bn lii -lte$y'C '; h?' .bn emoirs pfihe-Mex cxican KevcluV ?vLtQ,?TOv;ca' in bis unparalleled1. i Jinge!ar,endorpt;Jby lAIjss A. Jf. W Porter. 4 Vo jl ri'a I. . ' . - .. . The etfeat or Sketches 2 ' J Tots, in 1 ' j'.:- : . r , ivcuiiwunu, i VOIS. mtiBjijissIoeof1 i 1 V'rr.' f sons who miiy wish Jo retire frbm .'.tbe sickly - r-, . -rr.-'-T !.. mj mil lluhf nrr. ditiori totheautypfthe plicets liolthi.; " fnesfand the plenty-and cheapness bf 'proy-, 1 -iOny.lbatjiky;beti .:, , - i t j . ui iiiv uioML utiHiiiiraurin eonducted by tfdv of the tirti aiiiLft tiglhb cfipbldlpresi'iii martie-d hi ' wicmiut niguiy. approveq Of, - all now in mn.r' I....n. n.t:.:i .. ' phs wlo may1 bed au-ous of lining tlKiiiarni. ? - ' ; e located JifcrmanenOy, ordurlhir nri : . - firierseortfytf.ihe'm 1 agTeeablr society, or thofe wMo roay be desivi ' - . attend -aid delf isVjrJtitIl ?.l..;i W.M1 WU b g i veil Uinurc Ii a$cr - . iyaig bond wlih proed Uer,!:-, .MOSCVU 4 WOODS, , 'X t ' Ijauae 13,1821V V J-C,: 1 '- j-SKtf wA A : V--I iVrI". VV--'"''-' ."'''. " J ' " "'' K . .1" 1 I ''!! I llil t i. M. i p i1 "

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