IK f : i. 4 - . 1 "" ! "... '. ' - 1 , iij i 'rir' i -t. CONSTlTUTIONAi; PdWERS: ' state or, kew:hamishire; In the year of our Lord one thousand :vgnt nunarea ana tv?enfy-onc. . Whereas a . report fLn . committee; of bota Jiouses of the GrfaeHl Jssetrl)l7. of -the Mate .of Umo, and certain resolutions founded thereon, relating to the proceed nited States for the district of Oh?otagainst certain oflicers, of that Stated have heeti communicattd by his excellency the G' verhor. with a feqnest of thr Errisl&tiire pf the SMte otQhio;that this Legn'slature " 1 will; express its opinion ' thereonr which report and rekHations having been duly consideredi: Therefore, -- -v'-'Cy Bttolvedby the Senate and Houie of jcjuzriuuirvea m ircnerai Lourt con vened, That the Cmgress the tJnited States has, bv the Constitution, power to establish 0 Banki vih offices of d iscnnnt and depcite, in the several States, as isf cone d the act esshlishing the Bank of the United States. CAnd that thV-rprrl ! cf this pr wer is tiecessary for the due ad I ministration of the fiscal concerns of the United States. " ' V;C ' w - Resolved, That as theXonstftution and laws of the Lfnhed Statesmade in pursu ance thereof, arc the supreme law nf the land, any thine: in the eonstlf utinn rr . , , - - - - - - - --'p laws of.any state to the contrary notwith standing;" therefore, .any. act of the- Le gislature of a state, which, if carried into enect, would prevent.or defeat the right ful exercise of any powers ,veste)l in the general government. Is void."? Resolved; That the act of the Legisla ture'of Ohio, levying a tax of khe Bank of the United States, if carried into effect, would, compel a removal from" that state of the office of discount and denosite there established, and thereby prevent and de feat the rightful ; exercise of the power vested in the general government, by vir- ne wnereor the cinces ot the Bank were there established. - ..r . i?eovei, rhat. Inasmuch as the f udi- U4i uwer 01 .me unuea states extends to all cases in law and equity, arising tin der the" constitution and laws, this Ievrisla- uc s tipiuiou mil incjuaiciai power cf the United States, is co-extensive, with the legislative power, and that It apper tains to the judicial department of the go eramcnt 01 me united states to deter mine cases arising from a conflfet between the laws of the United States Sc the laws of a'panicular State, and that the preser vation and due exercise of this Jower Is essential to the peace and safety of the Union. " V 4 j- ; . - ; i?forrtf, .That, in the opinion of this Legislature, the proceedings in the Cir cuit Court, of the United States;for'the district of Ohio, in the' before mentioned report stated, do-not violate either the letter or the spirit of the eleventh' article of the' amendment of the constitution of the United States;,nor constitute any just" canse of complaint. ; : ; ' . ' ; Retolved, That while this Legislature will alwavs be ready to lend its aid to de fend against any real encroachment on the rights of any . of the states of the. onion, it will give its full support td the general government, so long as it confines itself Within if nrpcrrlK 1 ' S ikil exercise of the powers entrusted to it by thebeople of the United States, to kPf.'nrp the great objects for , which the constitu tion was formed. AMERICAN; SENTIMENTS (, (. '. lFrom the National ' Jhtelh'trencer. h a ve pleasure jtt .I aci 6 before auV Adders ; the : ; fojlo mrt trul ji nitl onal , eTusion, called fpr .' bV,ih"e; :'dcci't sibn;oflhe Celebration of the 4tti;'ii3St.' uj a cuiiipany, in. nesier. couiuj in tne aiaie or rennsjlvanta. ? - t;-U ? .Mr Charles IVliner has been, a unt form.Federalist m his politics, but dis"- tiniiished rhoVe jjf the jriith & sweet nigjicity,f of hisfbrAUillQstratipns; inan Dj partjrzeal. He tsr the Editor oi a newspaper called , village5 Record, and.was, at the last electidnthe un Buccessmi canaiaare. ior uonsress in orjposition "to oiir worthy Republican fnentf, Df. Darlington. It isir.:Mi4 ner that utters the noble "sentiments hejo w. Would that. every u nfuccessj fuTcandidate for office) and every paf- i j r u i mrwnu io a ispiaj tne same tern per and inculcate as ?8oUnd doctrine' ! Then - micht " we irtdeedsaviw W have called by different names' 'ibre thren of the. same nrjnciDle:f;,vVe are all Republicans ; vwe are all Federal ists!"; k- r . After, the 7th Toast the President , ctiled l on Mr. Miner for a Volunter. MrIVliner pre faced the sentiment by the following obser vations, which, at the request of the Presi dent, he has furnished for publication. -Mr.' Pres idext-I obey your call with pleasure:; and if It Twill, not too much in terrupt, the. flon? of hilarity which prevails, i wiii oner you some reasons for the- sett- exult- n the'ttfampltt of iher.eldquence anaucr arras,: tier nistory anu the fame ot her heroes are the objects of oul te spect aqd veneratjon. .The southern, are Mghspirited mercurial pebpledistin guished by auickriess of oercentkn. 'rani-: dity if thought; and celerity of movement? r,'ifo n -.r u.r.--u :i..fL . rights, quick as lightning, they 0ahL;when in collisionut 'Mikeheiiiiikthehew a hasty, spark & straleht are cold Whaljtheyare.fkgeroubravef arid hospitable, and in truth comb.newith inf themselves aUjthfe elraeiitslof ndblel characler.V-Theiif friefiirixtour father5 fought many a weTl "contested field; sid by: side, folr fnependce40u'Wayhe9 and Xhe gallant soldiers of the-Pennsvl va r nia line, gathered laurels ' which shall be ever, green, un the same Jloody conflicts wjuch immortali2ied;fMonroeLee;Mor gan, Pickins, Campbell, Pinckiiey.Sunlp- ter and MarinniKl:l r5.-:'f"; that Eennsyl vaniati nay what American, is notproud lo? claim Latii-eris as his cojantryman fr VVhat boiom so cold' as i not to tb;ith.:raptarevWheV:the uis.onan nourtrays the eloquence of Hen ry and of Randolph ? American literature exhibits,vwith conscious pride, the works of Ramsay -Marshall, and of Wirt And. whileldex-nations boast of theif heroes and statesmenwe may ooint toanhalanx Virginia,-Withjr WasBingtoriat : their neaa, anq.ooidiy challenge a comparison. . Southern statesmen, 66kliers;and Ora tors, crowd a sofast on the recollection: mac it is impossible) to name them ,sBut uieir.iame is our common- inheritance : and' while the riieiribrial of nnr" natiArt shall endure, it will not be forgotten that w . i -w.uy ii, in if irgmiaf ypm w ants sur rendered a numerous and well appointed 1 and yet all thef rnultlfarious Usines gi .-uwijjiuc oi me eqciesiasiicai con-. veruspi ine, many, inonsana .persons tolwhomscarext acted;!nl$2i'; hei a inPKif ad el oh i&JbwSfa f oil rnmen its from the:l6 20tlpfijte;san ,uch jortgooa i orar. ana gooa, sense. ButefwlUvntur doing ibusinesfr 1 K hoble friendi say that little! was Teft br Wich the tfiscuision'of this Subject could' v be protracted.- It was,nevenbeless, with peculiar pleashre that he feltlhimself call- - ea upon to serve, M at; werri under . tho ; t Command :o his ?iloyal' Highness, under whose aubicesh he had lonW i labored inT J llt cannot bare escaped von. (Hat iri the army Washington and his comrades in viiat-usaiuus vrruwiDK out OI we imlSSOUTI 1 1 . " " ' w v"wv V.",""Ml ,caii,ticu controversy; a dissolution 1 of the 'Union was adverted to byzealous partizans'orr both, sides ofthe question; I confess 9tb ypusir; that I cannot hea this; subject spoken of without feejings Of horror and dismay, , It sounds in my ear like a prb position of patricide., Such a measure, it . is manifest,- could not be effected without the most desolating civil wars; &, should ham and his vaunted veterans were ic nally overthrown by rjacksbn. and. his gaU' ian r roi lowersj v ounoretliren ot the West and South. . ;-V' - '5 As. the result of these views,! beg leave to give.you-r- . 'f- '"' - ? The United States and the Citizens of the South May our union be. everlasting as our hills; and raav mutual Vnod will i. , it be accomplished. -Would be'follov'ed hv 1 1 dom, .and prosperitnJ like our rivers J flow eternal contests ' between the neiehbbrine Ulrougn !he land in perpetual streams.?? inoes (tor they -would no lomrer deserve f the name of states or nations.) ; Stand j ing arro.e3-HLmprive 1taxes---tbe viola" wuh ui-puoucrignis, ana private security i-and finally theviubUgation of the whole by some military, adventurer, wpuld be the inevitable result. I tremble to look down this dark . abyss ofmisery and ruin. tARLYiiMEETING. Resolved, That his excellency the Go vernor be requested to transmFt to the governors of the several states, of the U liipn; a copy of the foregoing resolutions. In the House of Representatives, June : 28, 1821"." - The foregoing resolutions being" jead, iuuuuu was maae mat trie, same do pass ; on which question the yeas and nays were required, and are as follows Yeas nri f huirdred and seventy- rtro N ay r e(-Ah -uu su nc saia resolution passed. .. Sent up for concurrence, y - ICHABOD B ARTLETT Speaker. ;In Senate, June 29; 1821. mromm i An : American ianthorhasT saidthat the people called Quakers are lauffhecf Despbtisoa throughout-the erthwouia at by fools 6c admired ty philosophers.: exiilt at the issue, while, wise and patri- I There arecertalnlvtmanvtthinon1 otic men; to the latest generations, would their character which' are deservin o riiu uur uamc mpiiy and m scorn?. ; v ,1 do not make these remarks because I apprehend that on any -side there is a dis position deliberatelytb brine about a: se- i para'tion. '? The man who should-propose it would be driven by public Jndighation irom society. .out rasa and . ambitious nien in moraents-qf great. excitement mnamea oy passion, and reckless of sequences,! . mar- hereafter- attempt measure; -if the; minds of the people not effectually guarded -against it. Xl'ht union ot the states should like freedom of conscience. self-defence, hot for a moment aumirationyvandiarnona: -."others ."iheir hiethod of doing. business is not the j The yearly meeting in Rhiiadelphia is ; probably r the K largest ; deliberative assciuury, u .neworja ; i he members wtthvnsome deliberative - assemblies. thejKwouId have-berr.fbf cetl tOfCbnii nu e thei r cljoli rlrrmbnt 'Ofiheurthbtlr ":ry: :;. c . ate ; wci tain, general uicjia, whusfcpughl ex perien ce, hay i acqh f red h e Charac ter of universal truths.1- Amonff these are;th"e ;vulgar dogmatathat laas-- sem lines are incapable jujvtrinsactiiig business j ucl Lcitktsly;7 and that a 'prbr nan. l..i..- ;-.. r Al. i 1 ' f "atV , ivuauiyf jy uie-iair sex disqualifies the hi -for every thtriff but talking. Thatthese are not' universal truths is;: proved by the case of the J. AilJM" ee".ng-.5.! a no swe re li appy that,- in refuting erroneous opinions, we can bot! evince our gallantry, and serve a mofb impbrtant purpose which we..hayeir&yiew adduced I are. t f .Wvn rul finnhf K a f thej ability of a public assembly for buft sinus's depends morbrdn the- character wthe::membejrs?. and that a jtf eat i fond nestbi rirbl iki'' ty of speecli "is owing to themind dnd nofcthe 'sex- of thepeaker.iS; W0t Both sexes; arid all atresas we have befo re obs e r ve d, cop pose, the f yearly meeting of Friends buV : i! niust not be sPposed?lhat every one of thb five or six thousand persons" whb form the two: i Houses; tronblest' s fKWi mW.inff with his of her obser vationst On the contrary, nonespeakbut those whb hve something to say, and the siJeak ers i endeavor Ctflr include.r inV their iscbu rse not' all ; that could be , sid on a subject, but , all that oughL to bQ Thus, by .avoiding alt needle r petition and unnWessaryclm and by an brderas ekcet lent: in other nansdHs uuaiuesswiin x ease ana despatch whichif brought before Cer tain other 'deliberative bod ies. v would perplex, vex, and weary the members, uc yut uaii; uuue, in uone, or not done at alU ' r- another, caue-he rmeantvhe;abolttioJl v of theAtbericanlairie Iradelsthat ereat eginorar?and plmcaJOevili Which ever ; aftt!t;ted human society. jTp et , miseries, V ho weyerwhrch toefy had nafr tC1contero- plateHtohedthemJnrb intitirei to efertipn were an-snated by thei ..v'-t-f.vJ': refiectiontht.wp;bn bAal'fbfUe.lft-'-.-.' oyrn ffdloU subjects,! the metijbers of that : v belovetlsCommunityi to which, after alL k"r--?i-"v.fc' fjiniviuai- ooiigacions.- 4 most be ilfmiteteHe hIcnimSe heeii VUed;b;ihe. pecbliaHtyvpf h public ,li f V iqlntrocTuceriothe notice of! 'parliament, t V f tfttitinr Kills f,lir' katirt' 4.L J tl -L-.-i. J , the punishment of deith; he Had orovidet no substitute, and was therefore roposmg , ' to leave sqciety .exposed to tecommlssi on of criroeswithput any adequate means or that institution to- supply hinr within anwer, hXhty had, jndjeed.flrnishedirn' with an answer; and bnejthait mbt v shV,.3 the Lmoutti of every gainsayerl rat was re markable that an attention td the state prisons was almost peculiafvto mdderb: times and that onlyj;ii.iehumlrsd ; "fty years ago, 'when iliis "country w adorned by the - most feminefflt 'rjtf mA ' and philosophers; it was fou4d necessary to passman act-bf r)arliametif nr.. prisbnersfroni1eiog left torierish nf wMnjHowairU-w who caused the stream -of l.r'W.i,-. - . now: iu this direction,; for, before his time; wM..w "aii.ucr iivenoi)Ked;or the only, sentnrient entertained fwa & l-.w 1 of stupid abhorrehde of e viry ode who 11 ' wmerely accused of atsrime.. V ' K Itiwas not till then that A t lJtL-,:1- ciple;an4 object 11, penkl -iufiictioni: ' was acknowledged.to.be. hoi th. ; rcati6nfbfuuiyin ON PRISON-DISC I PLINE. convene in two large buildings in Areh h ' r . . v:-!. '?-; -J?. 2. v ' . !':" urt .Ttriisa naner receivea at the 11 .Jr ii 1 1 11111 iiiiitP aa rnmnvAriiAitn 11 r - . - .. , j. -e a. - . i are kl .T- ! , W.wu ut43 d"u H A nu merou s a nrl W. 1 v n n i r.n r r a m m hm. ..-ii j i . - w .iiuuii icr aic uui an me most nuent l h -.o;.w auciiKcia, , mere annears tn oa nmnnn- n p llll. IICIIL VJA II "71 - bVUU ' BCUaC WV II 11.11 I I -.. ' Mi' . .. . m uA:.,. in . r. ! 7. i 'reeniason-s cavern, in JL iu ucum l "uuiu ncu aiunc mr in ruric nr ai ii nectableassem blage 'of ladies anid gentlemen4 took rieat ondon. in question. The Lawof our Union should quence. They are of botii sexes, and J-'PF- be impressed uoon btir children Wnf, the ?ii.i.:iri:: mouacred an paramount obligation.- 1 Habits are more pbwerMithan Jlaws h1 of rank v , ..., vuuwucrea, wnn regard to thepQuishment Of dezrK:uKui-2, url IVfct Pecessity wasTtaieii withi - ! .Wldha nbichWiirVv:- I WesiaiiHheih ! 3ans of 6reventim hartrJiWk ' nerations may.grow up with the impress discovered S for he?e ion indelibly fixed in their , minds--that - - ; r the Union othe States, tLS' ng, newspaper readii is no letter writ- persuasion, was also present; lue iteport contains, an accotinff IS is the tiinriampn-, 4 ' ."IllTr- r "6J oucaiv- 1 1 rnf nrpsp n t ct nfk -n.:ii.-' J .r freem"rhrf - - v -v. v6wu5 li cuuu.c ana resolutions 1 1 n hnnrl! f j' o - being read, motion was made- that the LS- - u Ml together, further consideration L2 ulLi ol.hl' to break them. Each. tried mtely postponed, on wh i niT: m ms '?rn. but was unable. He then se yeas and nays were rmTZ paraien tnem, andLbroke each- tal law on which our and the onlyrsure Joundatipt perity and glory. Tv; i: T shall nm a.f.mnv hw... " v uliluiul 11 huh ir rrt Monnn 11 in rnpiivi v nnn -w at mm . - ..- ,w i i - . : r t r r ? 1 - v . : -.o ' vii-riK li t closer canen 1 f ? -t ' . . liis children around him, and; holding out n Km. ,11 c : . - o . satisfaction Tihe:dotHHed not that it'WiW speedily Acheckl: the effusiofi bf'humani 7 fclobclvlf e; earned, :bri the aiitliority of a, friend, that, so reckqtly1 a 1818, only , 2$ out of 518 prisons were regulated accord h.gto law. That nbniber was do w great ly increased i and wliac hef was-ehiflir. desirous of; impressing on Ttheir roihds' was, w -scircmes like the 5e! riot tn rnuf weary of well doing not to bfe damped by . fanre in their first efforts; ribt to be pro yoked by unreasrhable onDclsitirtni hnV be content with perhaps r the little that could be attained. Thus engaged and di rected they ; mihtiutiv ft ci rnm::- 01 rccompusntng vmore goM than had beerr. effected byj all the 'conquerors whc had daz?led the world with their exploits. -Among,the secondary advantages of thii r association might be eMeemd that of it bringing togetherfor the ptifest and no- falst 9bKs, individuals of dlffereht rantta and? religious persuaiions - lw&n regarded; his bwb religious system wh r pecul ar veneration.' he waJhVr,. taJS to cgnise M mora! equalitk land to ace J upoa phncibles .thkt irvnU S2 r.act- diniy ot au .who, in a bourse like thii par- t Never before had there kvLi such axombihation of oartW - es. That seie inH.ri iZ. nitj:. 'XT. w im.ujwajso uatn v.- CdRlD-LScirtrt hH v" L- . TT . w "U1, ca saiisned to re- r' nsonerA- rpenmmUfH li1 riAM..U admis&ihli 'iK-t-it. .1 6 ' 3 . . v" r"8 suujcci; nadjjeen open r , fj ""wtneaiey; Hill, V lace, Harvey, Drew and Hontimrtri: aJin' pt"6 neStlvIessrs.'Rich. ardson, Eastman, Hart, Lord, and Li vermore. . Yeas 7, and Nays 5 .: ' So the motion prevailed. C. ? mieimmense majority of theHouVe 01 Kenresentjifivpo. in f- n .. r::' "4 ,a,ur o these . uisuncuy shews us what is craic, State of New-Hampshire on this countable delusion appears to, have 'Winded the State of 6hio ihiu. S:.adj0BdV nhich Briiw wng-to thisVtircumstance, - - - j Uv ovemower vmf UTKp rods,5 firmly united; the: efforts of strong "-" wu' urca&. ; ant. wnen RMM fn - ted, a feeble old than could destroy-them;" xiucrviac late, collision, mw.hichwfc :.: vVvj Imenithm,i.:-f":V"-1'" ...L:l'-"a!' . . -r-..-. : . :.'-.. ";- . " approbation in a Speech equall y ber- tinen t and laconic and thus a subject isbroacheddiscuiwedan3ydebidd e difiered so widelyand-so warmlvi froml unon;in -les time! . nprhatie: thn tnooght. that something-of preiudice a- a . ..i. jL - - . ginst them may remain in our breasts.-- Throughout Pennsylvania, I am bold to say; that whatever difference of opinion moj- ciin ou bouic4suDjects, mere is no other general sentiment! prevailing to wards tbetn that oCentire good will,- AVe are not only bound ta tbe South W theccrds of interest l)ut Jby f ihe stronger tiest of affection.-:. We not onlv feel tisfaction in the productiveness of her augai, uuiiuu,. auu looacco piantati onr, which contribute so larrelv. tn fhi national resources'r-butwe anucipatbin the pridcfheT;.chabib character; Vad ceeding 5 forhese,people do not think j which th the confinement of bo vswhoVehbfref. d. querent discipline Iroih men to re cJ.aim;:theiiiYrbtrtVicibM ? T.h ?ePort then alluded to the for mation of similar iodeties . in foreitrn' wuuu ie, anu j to tne nappy effects wnicntney had rmiurir in i?,w. to commun.eatft' tn -idBr:-.n.;?-.Vn-li rMPt teh ideasi.-nm S?tnadd by M :rs, it U well knoV' embraces llHr-fd? VTZ t0 tbe -J... .C- .t. v ' .cu'ul'";c meeting in bebaf of the beneni;iifi.h- jects:bt.the.Socie;-t a uur limits show us to famish Onlv Wing ablbandoe speech wiwii tt umea iuacKintosn ? ideas ten thousand forms. The .Quakers TOdrepointerthan thatbf anyfbther re JigioUscommuniljrlSlabjri cases come before the yearly cieeting, wuicn iias in feome instanrett-iiM nn'Vir Dalimd ihlherslaiappeliitte juris- . T - Ti - - Mrt aiear iuOl?e pomtaefdoctrrneaaweliasdisciDline. .'.':.,. ,.' ' r He bbserved that. ih rinfcA triv th? task allotted to hini on this occasion; wiui$;urgre truth ;than his J I theempirc. pointectby ProvMeoce to soften. as -welt as. tcr adorn society, th its ornament thatf'theivL'-tlrerBkhfitmA-t;..''--' ' 7 vwMuai 4 10 jts - aappiness ? anu Wil fare Inhe arranments for a reWrnia- tion of female offenders they .had taken'! I ' ' au ,utC au enectuai parti I ,lne success -f PHsotti discipliu ind the efficacy of - v 1 secondary punishments, tiadf been doubt- " -ed: happHy for the argument, and bohai " ; rabfe fbfthfeex--.honorab)y, he would V $ayv for the British natiohMhis duestimi' : i stood no longer on mere reasoning ; it waa j how decided by experience, I by tncbnitWv 5' ' )! rertible facts, by thetriumfihant" effrrrn' - f ot that mere than femate Howard Qirs' ' Fry) & the band of wstet tieJoines, whdses conduct inspired hirn with filings far be yood 'tliose of cold aclcnirationi and who fitfiddiffused at!endment ncfreforrii thro the most crbfdg ah poUit'prisQa ia i . i " i.L':. TT- i. -