. , .. . ..... : ' t. 1 ' , ' - J I ' " A I .' -I r , ; f i. ' I - v r V . t i 1! 4 .-.!! s t i VI . ! ; U 1 a y i f : I' -4 FOREIGN NEWfvv " : v latest toomkgl an sun jsnn ar rived on Saturday frwn Xiverpbob whence, she sailed on the niornins of Die: 21st of June. : Capr. CrnckerCiia farhWtl Hie editors of the. Mercantile Advertiser'Wifir Li m pool papers of the 20that London pnpers.to the even; 'ingot the IStVand Lloyd's. Ii sis to thel6thult. r - s:V' w Tkt Market A speculative jenqtii ry for cotton commenced onho J4th9 aatjkhe sales; for the last three days, amounted to 7s500 bales, including 4i40a bale Tpland,; which", sold at 8 J to lid ;Uhc demand for Orleans Was alSCT Teryvood, rid supported by favorable accounts from Manchester. 1000 bbls. inferior Turpentine were sold on the ISth at lis. Sd. I A parcel of Wilmington' Tar vvasvso1d on board at 14s.. There was some enquiry nrr Bark at irs.to'2!s.Tor 1st quality, & lBsvto i6s for second quality. ' Some sales of vfrcsli PhiladelphiafFlour -at 7 &ls.,Gd.'a22s. There had been some considerable sales effected 'tnAmen? can Flour, in bond, but Vo amendment "jn the prices;: Sour, freej7tb ls. 6d. dearer than on .tlic previous week, the jtock being nearly exhausted. - . London, ; juxe '1 8V, Hj-y ' ' ; Intelligence of a very important na ture has, we understand, been receiv pjI at the hotel of the Russian embassy. 'Hie Emperors of Russia and Austria, Indignant at the outrages wluch have 'bVin perpetrated at Constaiiinople, in thi iannminioUs death of4he Greek h & otheV heads of that Church, together with. the cruelties committed no-flitiet ihft unfortunate and unresist- iDgPreek?, have, it is said, determin ed to insist upon such. reparation from: the Turkish government as the case will admit, and on some assurancfe or "pledge 'as regards tie fulurc, that si-J inilar excesses shall not be repeated From theVjUarter jn which this state- rnent is circulated, we find no - cause to doubt fu'aytherit jcif yi'&b feel, there fore, peculiar pleasure-in the commu nication of a piece of intelligence of go rnuch interest to the Christian, and indeed, Jo. the whole of the ; civi lized world. But, though the main fact appears worthy of credit, that Russia and Austria will exact retribu tion from the Porte", we have beenvable to collect nothin2 beyond me'reVumor of what is to be their mode of proteed in r the species of security they are likely to require. It has been smd . that 'Russia will demand to become the prof ettorof the other Greek provinces as slie js al ready of Wa! lachia &; M ol daviai We.vhear also that an imme idte cessation.. (?f hostilities' between the Greeks anH the Turks is to be re quired, and a compact formed bettveen . them, which, while it shall sect re the , allegiance nf the former, shall protect them ajrainst outrage and massacre.---Another opinion is, that the cession of - "allachia and Moldavia will be insist ed oneither to Russia or to Austria, orito those powers irv conjunctiontMn order to a fiord an asylum to those Greeks who decline to live any longer under the Turkish laws. At alj events, it is believed that the Divan must lis ten to whatever terms may be jfropo? cd. Russia. has an army of. 100,000 mn nn lh frontiers of Turkcv,which would-be-powerfully reinforced by;the Austrians ; alid, weakened as she is bv lhe efforts to suppress the Greek insurrectionhas no alternativebut . submission, -'.or a foreign invasioni to v!iirh there would exist no chance of resistance. Should this womeptoirs i contest actually take place,' the eyes j of all Europe will be' anxiously fixed , ' un'the" result.' ' ' . -!f; ' The tragical death of Ali Pacha ap pears to be confinuoS : the army which besieged him ha been ; Completely routed, and his treasure has fu(len in . to the bauds r.f the Greeks. It is add-, -.' rd, that a. Senate, hasbeen formed at ; Janina and.Suli (the capiHf the Su- liotesV vihich has taken the ' reins of . government. i . .. , . -i , ' " v .-' The Pam -papers if the 4lh and 1 5th haveiirrived. Tfie accounts froni bpain are to the 5th. 'I ; ;On the 4th inst. the counfer-revolu-tionary conspirators, the Curate Xala 'dufldej and the Advocate Lazaraiga, were executed at Vittoria j 'and on the sameala' a Sub-LieuteL-ant, .who was . an-accbmplice f Abelo, shared a simi- 'larfle at Madrid. . : ' ; The st-nteifce asainst Gen. Khojlnia nodovvKto the 8th instant, been put .in - exvcutlon; nd-there were some ilonbts as to its bf injjrconfirmed. The decree finds him guilty of haying co; ojwrated in4hc proceedings wnicn leu to the tlesUuchon or me Lousiuuuuua. sY?Jem.-in 1814; but it,is" very -justly m. . - - i .1 iiiwUp whirh.nP. " li i... .t.nu nccriltn 1821 f "CO, illal u:e iaw l? conuemnvu wucam, j;.-.... nearly cvcn v'earsafieMhe crime was comnufted, and that Manuel Serrando, the lude who signs the. decree, twas Von- if these i ho, some time ago, com "idaired tp thetCbrte that Elio wasnot v.v The decree of the Cortes i now pro- mulgalediauthbrising; ith.eoyermntt tn enuin frve shins of war; fourfngates, IwVbHgahtines foufcschodnVr8,rahd the vessel's necessary, focithei cnlbnial (tf'fespon.dcncei ,& to raise S,5qO;men to form the crews. ' ;t. A 'j " The KihhasVanctioned the decree for payWthedeb.of Holland witk arrears ofSnterest; " : " " VLr .. "VIENNA" JUKE 4i'-. A'-' -fv .The Austrian; Observer Jf be $jf of the pillage and destruction of the Greek Churches' at Constantinople, and of the renewal. of the persecutions and cruelties inflicted on thejeek inhabitants. 1 Ko'further accountshad reached Vienna--from Moldavia lor WallachiaTt u a Jetier from the fron tier, states, f that Jt.was announced at Folksch u n ;that th e GH'eW; njrmy had iThe day before ?yesterday about S Vclockjl l 7-brlkandscaleu the walls Oi me garucu ui voiuuuuivaw. catiandrehtcring tlietConvent. car ried olPseven monks with them to the mountaTwt'fcWDgWpil'onl Hhose fcuo.ere;ihfiri were' sent by the banditti -to Rome, trt make known thev sumtliey required for. their rahsomthenormous sum of 70,000 - crowns;,. ; It is reported that 18;000 has already beep fiered.It appears that his eminence the Cardi nal Paca, who is generally at Frasciti, had bnlv nuitfed the convent a tew hbors.previousor he would probably !. A.r..;aool iIia umft fate. "t ".' have experienced the same v.A. ' i. . NAPLES, MAY 2. ' v Several chiefs of the Carbonari have been embarked bn.b'ord,the;Austrian flmill: in our liortl t Ilis'Miiicsty has .2 'i- ordered the Spanish sb,r1d ronj which was in the bay of Naples, todepart without delay; and-' further prohibited it from anchoring in any ports of Jiis kingdom. v .Jh ' v-'l ' '..v;'!" xLOSDON,"vJUSE 1 O. About 5l7.000in;, gold, has been landed from "the"; Venusf from New York, consign ed to aUneicantile house !n V nmliin 'fn mv i IVIflem S OUe TO III jiV'iruuin- iv 1 J " " individuals from the American' iuttds.' ' ' GRODNO, POLAND,) MAY 21 .'v - ,From the ulst to the 1 5th instant, above 100,000 r Russians have passed the DwinajVand 6fe 'cantoned on the left banfc of that ' Viver.vHThe govern ment of 'MiusMlontf received or ders to prepare for the teception t of 80,000men.7 . ' FKOM THE SPANISH IAIX. vW? A gentleman, who came, passenger in-' the bris Bliss, from Sf. Thomas, has favored ns.wit,h the following : t The last. Curracoa paper states -that a fieetof 18 vesel under convoy of his Majesty's bris "M ermi rV; a i veil from Porto Cabello, with 1.500 per Sons,! and that the Spanish army under Gens. La Torre and Morales had fallen in, with the Jroo s under Gens. Rbli var and Paez A sanguinary- conflict pnifipd. in 'which the Spaniards --were completely-fluted. The Spanish in fantry fought bravely, but the cavalry behaved in a most shameful ;manneti and fiejfl into the interior. ; v T GeriMnrales the next daygot into Porto Cabello with the remnant of his army ; hut after that some stragglers stitfeame in, wj.ich made the lo?s of the, Spaniards -about' 2000. 'Spanish force, 2500 infantry," and; . f 400 -cayal- . 1 1 . 1 1 ' ' ,1 . ' cnSl infnifrv: anil !l800 cavalry.--"'..'- f. V ; r'-y'h;. The Spanish CblonelPenena, after being 'worsted in many skir in ish.es of; outposts with G.en BejmujJez, hear Carrqccas, made a vigorous" attack in the 'street of t he to w n , arid c oinpl etely routed Gen. Bermudez, with the loss of CL0 killed anit;00,prisbners. 7; i J tATB FROM liUElOS AVRESr ' j-'-4 ' ' '"July-25.; i ' :: Capt. Lewis'; of the Vnp Glenthorh, arrived last evening rinforms;us. that j about the 20th f of Maya battle Vwas lougui near pania fee, m uic juvt bfvLa Platte, between the troops, under, the' command of, the. Govf tn'or of-Bu-enos Ay res, andthbsepnder thecoma rnand if Gen. Alineira,in which the latter was totally ejeatedwith ihc Ibss of about 300 men killed; wounded, and prisoners. ,v JThe rest of his army was totally flisperseu in, every uireq tiom;ityartet scarce. ... . 7 ..-k . -i;-'" -7 .-' i ' ; V' ' 7FROM CAPE iAYTt. Extract of a letter tdt a gn(leman- in J Wdtifitigton Cityl.daud at Cafte ffay- tier;-July 5, 1821; 7 7V:vf ? 7r . Every thing gbes on well and qui etly hens since the departure' of Gem Bover, except the jealousy of the ..na tives in trade -to foreign mer chants.- As many obstacles are thrown in our way as tney can invent, ami an cm pis will no-dou uubt bemade the ensuing clucle us altogether. . 7; - year, to exciuue us aiiogemcr. . ; J'has beeu lined, from Monte Christie ier-lhe JaSl SiXrxveeKS une tuasv to theT Mpale; by a fleet of AvJy&tofc other picaroonswhichJvavebeen a greitannoyancealthoiJgh X robb1 ries haveas vet been IcommittejhsTt wo a I d j be i 0 r y tfe si rat! e t Q !) ae b n'e bf pur vesse the coast parts, of are iurfi "to loselh exnl The authorities Kere saV'thVveannb returri ;to tKeir iy.vlyfm not Jc'nqw ji hvr toHedy;Avithou tpakr;; i q rVom earrahffements vvith Presiden i poyer xo inai enecu . truiu jiiw auu' I iah Gazettes; to the, end of M ay.-r- They cntairi jisis of proscription.and abundant obloquy df .the 'Carbonari. An 'accournt is ivenundehe head of NapiesV bf the ggtngAgThe mem bers of that association, with . the emi blesIorthWprjJefJ throush the streets of Naplesl; iThus, 1 n ci d 6ubt xanre ihai n on this poi n of history: ;Tl)e Neapolitan arti v, IN 0. spectacle was ever oeucr, reciy- d,bx;he;ii:bj' Tlieyv v fol lb wed i n C r&yd s shou ti ng livjtKci ingliieG next day there appeared anjorder,of the' Police': whichibrbidftallsuch ac clamations' at the .7 execution of mea sores of public ; justice. Jtias hat the en t h u si as m of thp people on m cji or! c a s i b h s '.' h o w e v er I a u tlabl e ' i n its on nerata mxo nonu serve .'that;bhe' of 'j(hd'exrees, elated 11th of aj f the restorecKPerdi nand, pfollibiU all;imeetjngs0nthe country, c on si st i ng of m of et ha n "m -r? nersons not oi t ie same rami v,-wnu out notice" being; given thereof tos the i . ... .. i cbmmlssary of police. . o -i ' ; 4,tiiomas jefferson: i . ,-,7 . '. .. I '-Y'Froiri the Boston Patriot. 4-J - -MERITED EULOGIUM; At the reccn t . eel ebfati on o f . Ame ri can Independence at Charjeitown, Alassactjusetts. 'M r.7 Nathaniel -Hall LorinscJntroduced thelDeclai-ation of 1 n d e penq e n ce w i i cn ne yr as appoi i icu to read i bythe folio wing remarks ? V J Corffiected with our reverence for the tUy is our gratitude to the greatSrrepubli: can Thomas Jefferson. ;He haslim parted irt tins document? the Declaration of Independence not a little of his Own character. It is clear,' plain, and de-sri-tute5of .any oriiament'but its own vigorous t h i to gh t s arid noble .proportions : there is no red undo nVy of epithet ;f no pruneiicyi of tyle ; no affect ed majesty of dictrop -7-, It. appears throughout like the first aspi rations of a rcat nation raising itself from the slumber of slavery; and hurling' back the javelin" of the tyrant. Itlis a nalced appeal. to the, common sense of:'mankwidt'f a m oiid nvramid of iioliticai truth, deeper rooted than the mountains. It sets forth t injury afer injury it details crime after crime, ana preseuis tu. . ciuqucui vicw lo tion of tligmficd and patient . sbnbring, a hated example of eanv andcowardly, and senselessbppression It is indeed a lesson to naiioni ; a flaming beacon to en-' slaved men. v N 7 Similarvin many respects is the charac ter" of. its author-:. The same majestic siita plicity- the same strength and compact ness, distinguish his mind. His character, like this' instrument,' was formed while convulsions were rending the tnorat isur tace ot society, ana oevasiaiion was ai us harvest-home : Like this instrument it survived . the storms, 'which threatened destruction, and has become, not the pro nertr of thisi.br the fast acre, but of Poste rity :7 Ile'has toiled for ,his country from Ch!io;noou to oia ge, ana 11 Avas ms sin gular lot, while. aiding in the work of her iidependencer to illustrate her literature has beeri placed by the. old'Sworld witti the Montesqoieus ahd7 the; Bacons. He is a statesman, r-V'and.' is! ranked by the hew Franklinf i He is a: patriot, andjmankmd assign hini a station witji a Russell, a Ca to, and aSyuey- Bui he is more; thari,aC philosopher,' a sf at; sman, or a7 patriot : He. is a n iirustripus" ad most solitary ex ample of a pure ttt yef dant mind; retain ine all itS-eXc'elleiidesArodirH' everV l-va- riety of fortune; wfrether in obscurity; Or on a.ei iar ctjowe vw mm-av.. - iv offices which tie has filled; the unexcelled services which he has irenderedr are ne nis oniy tines 10 iauic. i jciwiti auuuj mity ot his cnaracter aoes moreior mni, than ccnipjests, or public works, or grf at discoveries for other njeni He has been prosperouswithout pride ; he has mixed with the world wkhoutf acquiring its vi ces he! has dweitswith the great without imbibing their yanitjeii. d perhaps never, have we seen i man so simple and vet so irreat : sa much milder; and yet so far superior to ail other men ; so virtuous; and yet'so singularly5 eminent. It is for these reasons that tne majesty oi ins oe-partingmind-is even superior to its splen dor when it rode with meridian glory :in our hemisphere.. Other great men have, risen. with brilliancy, but few have gath- jerea iame wun every step iu iuc lumu. We have seen hiihwhen young, placing himself frontof the, front rank in the cduse j of liberty, and fixing the seal of pur inde- .thc chair.pf government; by of those pure principles to rpendence. We have seen nim seaiea in the influence -1 & ot tnoseptire principles 10 wnicn ucuau new life and vigor inunbe&mflefo uassisiea, in giving wrra), mtuauig iSi occasiana iy hcj c -a.iu vu .itj Captainsli ayin jrws, or colored eopIe coming here othertaqswfwe are kept rniiot water ; ;r 'V ' -' '';': I gin, is . rnu uc cuunicuaucw mj wise gbvernmenf, and it might. ilege- v a ki a m L ri w ft iar lumui r. 7 " c vw wnicn- has sincegrown up togiganuc jmanHood?We haveiseeh him in every staee oflife. lookirir.calmly ufyiri his" ener ;miefiw ' iues shobldeyer ascehd i'&lf fl tr xirl -A44;ttv U,t f(i ?tft awful Swell reteai'the'vale;imdVm the Though round its .breast the filing clouds ,sare spread ;xwJ-;ji!f i-, kVs; every thihgwhlc th fsa& of ui ricyci(fesritl in terest ; wi tHlie community, we' have solici ted" forJpuibl i cation Vibpydfjthe following letter: . : jgTl 'MdhtizeltbJtutyte?-1821. VSiRI.thanfcyofqir an ingeniousand pleasing braiionVpinbnftce on the fourth'of Julv, The spiribrmodi&ration and:fmtaTtialiivb":3wliicH vem amiable:; and keepsipac i( thej snint ofTlibertyiand 7patriotun ddrasait 7It isnotln n;p(m but pafticuIarlySthe beauties qr faults m this composition ; bi5t I be leave to sug gest a query whether it is worth .while for ui toake much vpbticei of the; TBritish claims of su oeribrUyl over us. . We ro ust Uandidiy acknowleagel thaVihyi greatly exceeu us in many respcuis jtii i ' tiqmty7ye pId'OTheyvare' tw.ai'thbusanttanid.if the4 bards and ballad? of ther Wels!' and the monnments of niteratureV and. science7o the' druids, had 'hot been unfortunately, losuthey have boasted of hbusand,mbfe neaj7 Iv as reshectable as any. Secondly, their Gentlemen's; seatsin the coontrv are much' mofef'eligant Ttari'bursI ! Oar Lymans. and Qniricvs pur Perkins's and Dej-bjrs i, phrWells' andi Persons'; our Gores .-a8d Pivbtes; carv xhlbit nothing7 comparable to Hagley,' Mount Edgecomb or Btowe We have no pleasure grounds or gravei ses, with forest trees and shruooeries coi-. lected ftom:all parts of the worldio be compared with theirs. W have no country-houses presentine: affront of tMrteen hundred and ffiy feet, ? wJth porticoes supported by pillars jof marble, and com position of splendor and magnificence, to be compared to their. VVe have no teni plesioBacthns, or tjB'yenus,r, to Victo-ry.-We; hayeiibt a Corinthian gatehich would cost ihe.pri cej dl a.'C0uty with us, through which you enter, to ehold with surpri ze the astonisli ing f ront of a pal ace. Indeed we h a ve not an Ornamented farm to be' compared With that atVVnburn; PavneVhilli or evfen Shenstphes Iea sowes. Thirdlyt i heyexcel7us in a,n a tional deblth at inexhaustible source of national and indiyiauaVwealth, by a cious speculation I in 4hich amah4 may make! a hundred thousand pounds sterling in a night. Suchsa-debt i a fertilising source of. iiterature iand science It ena bles thoitsands and. tens of; thousands to: purchase books and libraries, to the great encurament.of; authbrs...!tp. etoploy. their leisure and exert theirgenius in illu minaHntr the worid, Fourthiy jwehaye not as yet been blessed ithgeheralsTandC admirals, w nose oravery anu jjm iwvia- have ronnnered sixty or a h updred ' mil lions of people, abounding in All the rich-; of the' earthor who have swept fixmvthe ocean; an the commerce of j the worldThefe are7many otJhel;arti cles inThich ther outstrip us7 in4h?,race. of competition,7 but I have not t,ime to enu merate more, and, must conclude abruptly by subscrU)ing myself your obliged friend- . a 4'- JOHN7ADAMSv7, MELANCHOLY, OCCURRENCE. 7 sterdjay afternoonTabo a sail-bbat fconaj.nin.si.x ladies, t lire e children, Jandf two genUem en, agoing: on an eTcursion of pleasure, was, a ihort distance from the, lower f end of lisahnatreet FP. strock by a flaw of.wind from the land, and ' instantly; cjinsized7and went downV 7 A small- lad on! the" wharf observed the event, nbrith'repadred to the spot m a cat noe,7and was instrumental; in sayiug thliyesoOoneila emanr; tne wrueregreis tiiai. he cannot now8 call1 to niind; that he might record itr tne; name 01 inis,tin? irpnid nd deserviriff vouth. One Of the 7!adleV clung; to thesailinntil boat jcarne tocher rescue; Butit our melancholy task to announcej that three amiable yoong Jaaies, wno.se vir tues and qualities, will annreciated as: long as ' mertipry holds her-seaif in th book and volume of the7brainwere numbered) with the; deadiTfieiete SfnnlAvjiedi atiouftl9 vearilMiss ElizabetlrMoodjabpntl6 ;?andiliss Elizabeth Murray about 1 8. pT he tat tirtyas here on a Visitfrom the City of;Wishingt.pn, re sidesJ IvTiusis added to the m any h earttreniiing accideh ts, ,wh i ch tultirom' the- injudicious manage- trosell erye as lesson of precau- of that (iscriplioni i Al paQst every ci tizen can detail the; melancholy fate,' irom , tne ; same cause, 01 ,u" friend, or valuable member of society. r -fe StATK BANK SttABESI TT? OR sate, Ten Shares of the $tate Bank of dicpuLi suusniuc acmes wi , '30HN (ADAMS.1 v-3 walks, winamg rouna.a compass 01 naw dozen Hesyn Hogarth's wav ing Jine of beauty ornamented With? flowers andrp- 770n thi6thnlt: a sort of ilr-A ' yWl ead bccasicl- to pass tW a piece ofyoods which 4 tended four mile. Having proceeded a. bout a mile; he.aiscovel-ed.at a short distauce a Bear and thrfee Cubs. np . in entirely destitute fveapons of defence, he tried to frithten them 0ff by hallooing; c. but thfe old bear im medially made toWdi himr and he W '1? inches in diarneteri and free of limbs to the heighof 0 feet. Thii he ascepdeH arid the bear followed jfat the' height off 10 or 1 teetshe wJsiso near llint he gave herj;a kick,1 anil she slipped to the bottom, She fmriediately reas- cehded,. while? he exeVted himself to climb beyon.drher reach J; butsheajam pvertoolcxhirn, apd as, hej kicked at her shevtoreshiI riglk foot ladly, took of his shoe, and agajn fell to the ground. She then followed him I up the third time, .and fell. without aping him any ' injUryi He had now -aswnded thesap. lin about 20feet, but the old bear was soon at his heeis the fourth time,caitht j his left foot j andboth- fill together.- un reaching the grpunapne Dear start. ed.fromhim 'aW when he re. cohered and rarii vtShe7 followed 30 or 40ybd3 and gave -up' the chase, .& the young man reached, home in safety X The above particulars! were corn mo. ' pleated by Mr. Miller himself," -whok a 1 cspcuauic vkix.cu uii xjuj, in ul$ "S70R.S ALE 40 or 50 SHARES of Bank X, -Stock oh a credit of ole or two years. o suit me purcnasers. 11 aupneu lor liu mecuuery. Hrfiquireai mis vjmce. July 12. OA 0 -7:-7j NOTICE THJ57.'.bscTibei, having removed his ;., Store to Hay w ood . ; (Ch at h aYn), artd ft: it beine 'necessarv to close his business wthout,delay;,'heprequestJ4hose indebted to himj to come'and settle their Notes and Acpounts;as.soon as possifle.,i He can be found at 'nis' store or' dwelling-house. ; .'.ir ;;i ;s.bond. f ' ilalcjith; ;JulyJlS.. .'. v. 1 39 4t J 1THE STATE-HOUSE. TVfPROPER statementl having been lately circulated at musters and other places in this nehborhood relative to the prrgiess of theRepairs of ie State-House, I consider it m v duty to inform all the good citizens of the State. 7wholive out of the 7 County of Wake, and whoi may therefore be unacqnainted with the motive, for such. Reports, that they pi re all incorrect; & that I have the fullest confidence of beine aWe to render the Rooms to be occupied by the Sdnater House of Com mots, and Clerts, comtortaoie anaonvcnieni vy mc usua time of the meetiric: of the Legislature. t vWM, NICHOLS, State Arcb't. July, 18. 1821.7 .U-r n- 3t ' ; r, SALE AT AUCrriON, N Tuesday the 21st of IVugust, will be sold (without reserve; tp tne premises, that eligible situation for abfivate famil), . THE HOUSES AND LOTSlately oc- j cuptediy Capt. W m. bcott, situaieu near leighi iThe Dwelling-housfe, has 3 Rooms L and a wide and "convenient Passage oa 1 the firt and second floors, with a Cellar, and Uoomy- garret, a convfenient.Kitchen,- Smokerh'ouse and btables,ana an execy ieht Well in theVard. Tne Lots contaia six acres.7 Xerms,jnotcs sufficient security, liegoti t 60 days with . Ie and paya- : 1 1 Mtf at either nf the Bnks 1 iiaieigru 1 ; j JOS. ROS Auctioneer. 40 4t July 24 A STUAY MAHE. rvv1L.i..fT., lonnnni Itnv. v l.i;-nVnrnrt9ii(f. State ofNortn qarblina, came before me, E.Thompson, Kan eer of said county, and posted a stray a chesnut porrel with roachfed . mane, t'" face, blind in one7eveand dehcieni in 6thfsome a4dle;8potsBHod borX posed to bf 7 year? old4 feel 8 mencs Appraised at 10 dollars, Dy 1 . . " v 7I; 'M) JOSEPH JAMES T H0MPSON... r July 20. . 7?. 7 5. GUfNEA GR ss. rASMALLJquantiy of t eSeeof thiv V xr.pilpnt Grass, in papers of four 77!'-.K-;,ae Kn nlaced ' Wit 1 Gaierfer sale,Jit ,23?nuleach pap Drno '.mornnainrprl Wit II tne suitableness rortne souxnrni '; fitid them enu merated in Ag"f ola v? says, published by J. Galesi in o 21, pj ges,-9499;-:f7:7:f,'' '77 -j . .. HOUSE oi ENTERTRlN M KNT ' ; eagl' and harp.;; West corner of Broaxl & King-stj-tS' a"a one dopr north of the Cfurt-Hpus Mi ly established himself in tne pne, in juwi cicgum, M hv! Col. F. A Beliesseliie. W-r &' Mlicfts a share of wmVSkf-. ly solicits a snare oi . largC. The House i V?8" ViSd for the im airy and cotiitilodious ; tra- mediate reception of faicular- vellersjwhb wish to be reiwj. i-- healtb. Iv for families -travelling - always welV supplied Avitntuev--, and refreshmems rori fw ... . 1821. : brou'ii v . .. f7f7,lp - .J