T i . ' . " i" ; . , . - - . . J'. ' .' ; . . -:. . . y.X&-3 i.e.: "4'Y':;:y .b . ' 1 '9499 & ? 5 ee Ourri?he plan offtr rfenghtfni Pa'c, ' C Unwrjd by part rage, to live like Brother." . 1 vol. xxir. FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1821. .,' !., ' k'r.'. , ' ' . v. . -- i - - . ... i I i i - I i i i i'i a mi - V. : n. MV A M VI. J. -i f -'. "1 ' -" ' '. " -. Y .". ., 1 -n. ;-,";v.vi".. - X Xi X -v;'" ; ; - - . X-'-: X'KA-- - '"' .,' - ' ' . p ' ; ' r .NOi on the cause of yellow fever; . ' . , ''. v i :cff use of j war autumnal feverst commonly , called yellow fevers, ap wars io arise from thit comparative state of the temperature oj tne atmos phere' and Ike, temperature f tH rnvvd near the surface 1 - vheri the femperature of. the sur face of the ground," of of the xvater, is hisher than jhat of the atmosphere, the exhalations from the earth or wa ter are vervirreat;nioch greater than are generally tupposed b those who have paid .nVparticiilar attention to this subject. . Dr. Halley's experi jpents on eyaporatiun from water, and Dr. Watson on exhalations from the round; have obtained genera credit. Tle exhalations frm whaisf com jTionW called he made ground of ci ties, or from ground, in wliich'from any cause, their is a mixture of impu rities. is generally found to be carbu retted hvdrosen, or other eazeous mix tures wftch trWxceetlingl j hoxious to animal life . ' . . As U e Vun declines towards the south, in the month of September, we always j find the temperature of the Highland frequently of the days also, lessened. If it so happen that during the previous months the ground has become unusually heated by a contin uation pr lot' and dry weather, a sud den succession of cool weather will reduce the temperature of , the atmos phere several degrees below that of the surface of the ground. The warm er body, the earth, will impart its hea,t in gazeous combinations to the colder body, the atmosphere, till their.tem perature be equalized. Xoiipucxha fation's will consequently ar be, from all the founds of cities aiid else where,' which are composed: from ma terials capable of yielding them.. The same effects are produced from waters ; but he 'evaporations are more or less pure, according to their current or stagnant anil putrid ..state.. Large bodies of. dead vegetable matter jn marshes, which are common in the in terior parts of the country, before they become cleared, may .be. acted on by the same causes- 'And although these causes act oivall parts of the country, Sliii "lie ciicvia mc i,miiioihhj jnocent on the human constitution; be cause the qualities of the ground do not yield exhalations of so noxious a limJ, to any great extent and where there are grminous or other vegetabl e productions growing.' they consume it with great avidity.. Besides, the ex halations must be largely emitted, and must continue for a length of time, as their specific gravity in .most or all! cases is supposed to be less than that of the atmospheric air, and will soon ascend beyond the region of action; The deleterious effects, therefore, de pend on a cloud of exhalations pretty constantly rising from the water or tli e ground. Consequently, 1. If the above positions be true, and the consequences I have drawn from them be tree also, a combination! of those causes may take place every j season, or it may take place once in I - ten, twenty hliy or a hundred years. I v.. it also they be true, we shall ge ft ie, we shall ge- nerally find, during the fever season, that very cool night?, or cool days, or ooth, have a tendency to increase the aes of fever, unless the cold be suffi cient to reduce the surface of. the, ground to a temperature tvhich . will counteract the effects of the warmer stratum below. I! The most unhealthy parts of the twenty-four. hours, during those seasons, to go out and inhale tne air, are the cooler, parts, because then it appears the causes are most active. I believe the facts, both here and in the West Indies, correspond with these inferences. S. If also the above positions and consequences be true, human efforts can certainly do much in cities to wards applying preventiv.es, by cover1-' ing the upper stratum of nhe giound with charcoal,- lime, thick pavements, vr other substances. The immediate cause acting on the constitution, will i i t- I a . i . r.v v. uuscrvauun, Wllicn Will Uea, r.K,' f i l .... esiueratuni to professional men. . i is to be understood that the above nitrks are to be considered abstract. LIJ frum any effects ofheat, cold br nudity, ai-tin?; either a Prritin '' SUscs or olor.7,:.. u A a - or otherwise, on the; cvnstitu- uuiii . "'y iMcr"'lC arc iiubiv .u i posed incompatible with many other etfects from those causes, Which; are left to others investigate. From the Charleston, SC. Evangelical :;X"s. : ' tnteliencer. , i . '.''r Our readers will, doBbtless, peruse with. nnexnressible satisfaction.'the information laid retore.them, relat-ve to the tnumnhs f the cross; in the Fvuith fea Islands. TheJ London M-ssibnarv fiocietv. liavine labor ed in, this fie.ld, for a number of -years, un der the, most appalling discouragements. and without perceiv?ng,flnyftect of their. Jahors, are, at length, messed, with suc cess so unparalleled in the history of mo dern mission? that they' have only to "stand still, and see the salvation of God.' The bapHni, of a heathen Prince, the e rection of an immenselv'spacinus edifice, for the honor and worship of the living ;mij true God-an asusemblage of many thousand worshippers at the same time, and the totat abolition of idolatry, by a whole people but rtcently made upon their idolsmust ex'ort from the lips of every Christian, interested in such ' amazing e vents, the exclan.ation'; .what hth God wrought!' Surely .it is high time for the disciples of Christ, of every name and in every place, to awake from torpor, to aroi'se'from .!umbrr, to see' the-evidence, written as it were with a sunbeam on the passing events of Providence,' tfjat "the time, is come" for building? the Lord's hbttte in every place ; for sending the gospel from rominent to continent, and from island to island: Let the praye r of faith receive new vigor, let the hand of charitable contribution proceed with un tried fidelity; in bringing all needful ma terials for carrying forward the spiritual temple of vJmtnanuel, till the- top-stone be brought , forth with shouting, crying. vjrace, gr ice unto it, l ( From tha London Missionary Register. K GEORGIAN ISLANDS. Formation of an' Auxiliary Missionary j . t, Society, at Otaheite. . The day appointed for ' proposing the formation of an Auxiliary Society, was I May, the 13th., On Monday preceding.! j j the xving came 5nto the Chapel, at the Question Meeting, arid told the people to j come op Wednesday afternoon, and pray ; tor the gmwtli of-the wrn of God ; and that Koui (Rr..1Notf)i-would, preach ro i the mi after, whichj he himself had a na- rau it i pota," "a little short speech," to j say to them ; which excited 'heir curios- , ty. greatly, and everv-. one v ws' inuniring J what the king's 44 little short speech" was; ; (...Wednesday arrived-when a great 5 number of people assembled upwaixl it is supposed, of 2000. As it e'as ; rmpossi- j ule to have, worship in the Chapel, we went tinder a shad v grove of cocoa-nut jl trees cloe by. Mr. ott preached on mthp and the F.unuch; bef rehe had done, the king called out to him ro leave off, for he wished to say-a little to the people soon after, Mr. JCott concluded, and;the king began thus - 'My 'Friends ,1 have a little ' liort speech to say t pay particular attention, that you may understand." He began' his address in a very judicious manner, telling thm how much of their time was taken up in worshipping idols ; j what a deal of work they did for their false gods the whole of (their property consumed their cloth, .their pigs, tlie'r fish, their canoes, and alt-their strength, time, and property, were - spent, in . the ! service of an id ) 't a piece ot woodi or a cocoa-nut husk and even their own irves in hundreds were sacrificed and this was all for a deception, for a false god. And he had a little speech to propose to them; which he thought it was right for them to ' BrBC lD anu.ii iney aid, wen ana gooa ; jr:ui,1 not; it Was still &ood. But-this was the little, soeech he had to iironose to thenvthat they should collect a little pro perty for assisting in spreading the gos pel. He explained the. means by which we were brought hither ; it was by giving money to the captains of Ithe! ships for the natives have a singular notion that we can go on board of one: another's ca noes, and go where we likebot the king told them that it was not the case; but a great quantity of m6ney was'given ,to the captains before they would tjring us, and that-was obtained by good people, -who wished the word of God to grow, giving money and all the little money was col lected to one big money, by, which means they now enjoyed ; the blessings,vof 1 the gospel and be thought it was . light that they should use their endeavors tb send ; the Gospel to other landsj who are as they, once were. -Ule said, although they had no u.oneji et they might 1 give pigs'; ai;- row -root, oil, and cotton, to, buy Vnioney I with, To provoke them to emulation in i this eood work, he adverted to the for- mation of Societies among the Hottentots, c inf Africa ; and to their contributing, niJC nicy uavc uu mwi, uiui ayvipi their sheep nA Iithr nnitr for; the f.ir.ierahce wM-ra: 'A J ' -- f, ot the gospel. . At the close of his sptech, he 'desired the' people to signify their ap - : piob itionrofihe plau pi-opo.sedi and their wilti,,Sess to consent to it, by hulduig up 'their, right hands. Thiv was ii.stun.iy done, and not a hand was observed down in Xi thP ,arce .MemMv. it would have warmed the coldest heart; to behold s large a congregation of Othjeitans, head ed by their ,king. assembled fpr the , pur pose of extending the Kingdom of the Redeemer. X Rules for the Society have been drawn upiin the Qtabeitan language by brother iv noii, wnicn are io oe. ji imic. ., uu up in all peaces o. Worship throughout Otaheite and Eimen. J v ttoyal Mission Chapel at Otaheite.' T?;Pomare has lately erected a very long building at-Papana, and devoted it. to the meenngs or me ivirssionary society, wmwi was formed last year. Thebui'ding we denominate, the "Royal Mission r Chapel." 'It is 72 feet t?ng, by 54 wide. The ridge-pole lor middle, is "supported by 35 massy pillars of the Bread Fmit Tree. The out -sirjle posts all round the house are 230. It has 133 windows of sliding shut ters, and 29 dooffs. - The! end? are of a semi-circular . fojm. . .There are three square pulpits, abVut 260 feet apart from one another ; those toward each extre mity' being about 100 feet from the ends of the house. It is filled with fornis, ex cept an area before each pulpit, and laid wun nry grass, l ne. ratters are covered wth a iine kind cf fringed matting, wj-ich ft 1 - m ft is Douni on wn:i corns ot various colors, in a very neat manner; and the ends of the matting are left hanging down, like the. flags in StTPaul's Cathedral. The whole Jjuilding is surroundedwith a very strong fence of wood, na the space be tween it and the building is filled with i grave i. I ? j . ,...,.; jThe prodigious length of this place ren ders It inconvenient ;but it is supposed that Pomare, havfrtgj acknowledged the i i - ' . . . ddv living 'and triie GoTlwas de J . i .1 .a : i its ueieruiiucu that the huiJdi!; erected tor lir4ionor, should far (exceed any edifice formerly devoted to ihe idols of the country. XX. . .-' Li L ... . X.: : Opening of the liqydl Mission Uiajpel, i ; T at Otaheite. ' , Tuesday being the day appointed for opening the RoyaJ Chpel, about eleven o'clock, we met the King at the east end of the house. vH was drrssed in a white shirt, with a neat variegated mat around hishfins; iind a tiputa over all, colored and ornamented' wiih red and yellow, The Queen and principal women were dressed in native clothmg,' with an Eng lish frill round the necki jTUe assembled tliousijids were clean; s end dressed in their bf.-sr r"''- " X . - jWe tok our stations according to ap pointment ; bvothtr Piatt in the wt st pul pit, brothe I3arling in tlie middle, and brother Crook in the east. The King sat in the east end of the house. Brother Bbcrne, frm the micjldle pulpit, com menced the service, "by, giving out a Hymn, the third it? oiir Otaheitean Col lection, witn a very shrill and penetrating voice, which wns heard frm one end of the house to the other. The whole Con gregation stood up and sung, iliach prea cher then read Luke xiv. and prayed. Sermons or mmencrd aboutthe same time Ib rot hen darling's text, was Isa. yi. 7 ; bf other Piatt's. L"ke"xiv-. 22 ; and bror tlier Crookj's, Ex'od. xx.24. The Ser mons beine1 ended miich about the.same , time, all thje congregation sung again, and the whole watconcluded with prayer. jThe scene Was striking beyond descrip tion No tjonfusion endued from three speakers pfeaching all at once in the same "house,. -.as-they were such a great dis tance fromjone another. ' We suppose the number of hearers to have been between 5000 and 6)00. 1 ' ' - r , ' Apprehensions were entertained, from bringii'g so manyf parties together,'-who had ever been at variance, and who still seem jealous of each other. Pom are had been informed, that some people ' would come with guns arid fire in upon them from the. windows; and he had taken the precaution to place two principal persons, on whom could depend, at each door and window1; but every thing was very peaceable and jprderly, andj not the least disturbance! cKXurred. Stirely," said some, Vthere will be no war; for all the people havefleft their arms at home, and have brought the old ;and decrepid, the children, tlie lame, and the blind!" a thing that was never done in any of their great meetius before. t ; , ; r ; Bant ism ' of KinsrlPomare Pomarelias lately expressed an earnest desire for Baptism ; engaging to devote himself to tlie Lord, and to jnit away eve ry sin, and every appearance of evill; .He has jiad conferences with; some of the Brethren ...oil the Subject ; and has 'also written to usv 'expressing a deep sense of b is sin fulness' and ju n ivorth iness, a firm dependauce .on' the blood of Christ for pardon, and an earnest 'desire .to ; give himself, to the .Lord in Baptism As it appeared to; oe tne voice or tne nation, and particularly of theoiost pious chiefs, and as hii conduct has ben so constant in teaching , and promoting; religiou4 we resolved iov baptise, him. The baptism was fixed foj Sunday, the 10th of May On tiiat day the congregations , were a gain ' assem bled';in the Chapel Royal. . - i Sermons . lei''g ; enqedrVy.e ail'closed round the King t - he iSeirig seated : on Uie occaioii iu (the centre, near the. middie pulpit ' Broihr Bourne commenced by gniug oat a ijymoi , wiiistL (wai tung by prayer ' by brp stood up." 'Bro ther Bricknell, the King ther 'Bncknell stood on the steps of the pulpit : and. taking the (water from the basin; poured it bnhts. head,, baptizing him in the name'of the Father,; Son, and Holy Ghost. The sight was veify mov ing, especially to our elder brethren, who had been watchingover nim ior so many years. ;' Brother lirjcknell addressed - the King, with firmness yet notwitfiout a degree of tremor; entreating hlm to walk worthy of the high' profession in the con " sDicuouV situation' Which he holds! before the eyes M meny jarid' angels and, Go himself Brother Henry .addressed the people, exhorting them to follow the ex ninlf of their Kinri;' and'to eive them- selves up to the LoH j -Another J hymn was sungr and brother. Wilson ' concluded ; the whole with jprayer. ' X-1 :.X": 'YX j Pom are shook h ands affectionaftely with f all the Missionaries they being stationed, j by his own desire,;a his1 righf and left . hand. Afier the ceremony the Em re- tii'ed to the camp; AN KLKGANTi PIANO. OR SALE a txctltent Piy no, chosen from ladelphra. It has a Pedal, is considered as of very fine tone, and is elegantly mounted. J Apnly to "J: i3ales,,Ualeigh ' i , ITT x THE SUBSCRIBrUt HAS just received from Kew-York, a hogshead of Loaf Sugar, also a crate of Stone Ware, consisting ijf Butter Pots of various sizes, one and two gallon Jugsf I have also on hand 15 or 20 kegs best London White Lead, and Linseed Oil, with a very general assortment sin the Grocery line. AH of which I will dispose of on reasonable terms for cash. X X,, : WM. SHAW. - Raleigh, August 24 - , '. :M4-3t ' 1)K. ItLFE'S ASTJ1MATIG FILLS. The following extraordinary; Cures .are Tne Dest recommendations io ur llelfe's Asthmatic Pills. J Lady of ' Franwigham was severely afflicted with coughpitting of blood and general debility, on taking 2 box'tjs of these pills and 1 box of Dr. Kelfe's Antibiliious Pills, was restored to perfect health.! A Lady q"Camn, A..(witpess0akes Perry,' Esq.) was considered in a confirm ed and family consumption, two of her sfe-. ters having 4ied ofthe same complaint a ! short time previous, resigned as pasi 're lief, having beeh attended, by the most' eminent. or inei iacuuyon casing i opxoi these p.lis was restored, to perfett health, it in now 10 months since!. j J il t ' ' Jl Lady of Hamhl(fo, Me. was serious ly afflicted with consumption, confined to i her bed, deprived of sleep, attended! with.! universal debility ,when having taken leave or ner irienas, as pastireiiei, ana expect ed to'die ina.few : hourst by the happ in terference cf a friend siie was ihducied to trythese oils, on taking the first dosshe fell iu:o a gentle slumber; iawok'e refresh edi and before the bits, was finished siie was restored to health. -.--', ' ' X A Jady of North lCtidtBosion from a violent cold had lost the use pf her lower extremities! could noti.be j moved without assistances and otherwise in bad health, was restored to health by! the use of these pills,xand using Dr. Jebb's LiniuieatShe wis rosier AVd ' as hast relief. Mr. , a mason of - Boston was se verely1 afflicted for 3'years t with what he described a V strained stomach, which threatened a rapid coiisum ption,1 a'ttehded with 'much- debility, was Cured by 2 boxes ot mese puis, auu a uoa oi vr.ivciic s aii llUHIIOtlS 1 ills. ... .,.' ' ,v ... ,' ; ';;(!. 'v: : 1 An elderly Lady of Bostont was afflict ed 16 - years with a most violent cough. difficulty of breathing, 5,whee2ing,i &c. would otten cough till blacb in the face. and expecting to, be surTocated jevery in stant, could not. lay down in her bed for 4 years,' seldom slept but at short inter vals, was restored to perfect health by taking only 3 boxes, j Her sleep tvas re stored on the second night? X , C'f ', These Pills give instant . easex In all coughsoldscisthmas.difficulty of breath ing, wheezing, tightness of the che, con sumption,, pain in fthe - bide, spitting of blood, ch illness and shiverings, the fore-w runners qt ieverj ccc. Common colds are removed in a fe w hours. The r aged J will experience, relief equally ; agreeable j and instantaneous, even when the. lungs are affected.- lXj Ask for Dr. Relfe's Asth made Pills" One bozr containing 12 fiillsLjrequeutly effects a cure. iTb fire- vent iinnosiiion. me outsice printea wrapr per is signed bythe sole proprietor, ' W. T. Conway." . These ; pills are prepai-ed and sold wholesale by iW.T. CON WAY, Chemist, No. 24, Franklm place, Boston : price one dollar-or si x boxes for five dot -lars ; and retail -jy special awpoiulmerit by William Peck, Raleigh j ;Iesir& ail; Newbern Hobby, Augusta i ilClaucy, Hillsborough, McBee & Reinhart, Liinr colnton? J . & u Wheeler, Murfreesboro', Telfair, Greenville, and most Druggists & Booksellers of respectability Also, by nost Post-Masters throughout the UuktU States. Where also may be had alHhbsc justly esteemed , and highly,, afifit-oved , Mcdicmcs," ireiared by W. -t'lCoo, way y." A. large -count to cQuatryjPoy iahs, Tra4er, &Ci' ;:' : ' " X?X !'-4 if-t-' sicians t hexort gregation. ! .After Aug. 13, ;b21, if DAVimSHAW -,f f x V , " AS, with h a few divipast, ffeceived 6 or -12 Dot I)drrU8 orEnKSfi Xjkulvs Juice, and : a like jquihtity of JWest Iiidi Sweet -Sitair of tne very besVqua!itv. AW ' five b-xes best irivlnkk SiAks"; Itehaiprt ' hind eight 6r teo'-ditTeeht kind of Cokih ae, , ; and indeed, hels netter Siipptiea with every Vr article, in th e Confectionary 1 in', fat this tirae'" than he KaiWer .. been h erjefyfbra ? X. ' ' . ;; His new house ;is now 'compieit'ecl,' which ; , wilt enable him to acc6iimodatecoapany in 'X, that respect ' better in ah formerly i anil, will be very thankful to those whomay bepeiseidl -ao favor him With their eristom. J " ' v r;I Kaieigh 24th AugUstL, 1821 44 3t :''H. B lie will continue : to1 timish IGBC CRE MS durine,the skon : tCB puycH. LK M OX DB, ' SANG AiiRE, tFfOR rEREE, ; " 1 REFEs aqTjVNIOAl, DRQP9. X The following singular Cul is ettect ed by vthse Diyps, pri peruiilpnay b6 tral y. beneficial to thc'afilictieu : v . i rf 'S.'lAfr; Charles, Sforr, pf ManMeld, ConX .. tioth certify fr the benefit of qihers, that J : V froni'the year 18J0 to 1815, e -was se , ' verely afflicted with a Fever Sord hi his left.Vles6,'thiV!he.fcold : Bbu'crwsu.Vri''.'" V room wjthout a'vsistance, had fried every thing,: and the best medical aid 'without . .' ' 'l the'leait assistarice, ali, length Was indue- ' ed Xxi syr Dr, e(js :BotanitUx VrotissX'c :s:X prepared by W..T. C ON W AY. when. '?'X; after taking a few; bottles rwS able' to ;."'-" exercise ahd wajfc as befbret, SLodpr.ake , no hesi ration in recom ineird t h is- in va , f 4 luable medicine1 to dther i;iiikcorn ; plaints. Mansfield, April j 4 1S17. -r tfe Gcn.JcThes- Wtetclawi Rye hat&VcrX; '-. . ibnf, doth certtfy;-hat. bisdaiiiterifpTa'-' her youth to1 the age "of. 20 yeafs,was se V verely afflicted with the Salt'Rfieum, and t Jt afie uaving tried inariy medicrte3 to no ' '. 'v .effect,- was induced to make tlial pf Dri ') "v"'.', ; '' Reife's : Botanical lri)ps, 'whict after ad ;' -ministering 3 bottles, completed e curft atid has hoi beehjtroubled since? T- ' ' s ; ; -v XXf VX . ' Marc:i 6, : 1816. ' , T;.' . Mrs. neizri Boston f t hiany'' ; ... L Va'rs-.'anl)cted'V:wScb1''enlaf , yu, which form ing together "had ta'e-apj-ye.ar : ance of a Wen, her health waj er?fisly-1 ' tonishment the whole bf the glands were reffaced to their natural statek athd hef hilth perfectly restored. 5' f ) Dr. Eli Mygatt, ofbdniurLl Coni W abetter to the proprietor, bDServes. KX friend of mine, bY the aid bf yl ur jDtdr Reife's Botanical Drdps has Heeri cured of- an obstinate Kingis Evil, whicK had' troubled, him many yeirs, and CdriSldered by all) 'incurable'.; He Wishes it tb "be' made V known lor the. benefit; bf otherl: In and--ther. Jerter he observes,- odr Medicines gain credit daily-. J: I ;C v :A Lady'of Chariest fcon Ms wks'near ly. 3 years afflicted ivMi a, white swelling on her knee, had beehattendcd regarl? for a considerable timef without relief,1 by the advice of a frietkl she -.1 applied tothe. proprietor of these Drops, wU prescrib ed themi and the u of Dr. lebb's Lini ment, when i in 14 days the dontractioa gave way, the swelling beganlrf subside; m two! months the knee was reduced to nearly its natural iize andVwks' able to walk from Gharlestowjh withouk the least ' pain or inconvenience; -U . 1 ; X A Boy of Camden, Maihel (witness Oakes Perry Esq.) 10 years old, was IX months attended by 3 physicians for vU cers ori tfie shin, 7 in lumber,' the' result or-afererrcori 0 taking one bottle of these drd )s he was. visibly much better l health, after tak ing the second could; walk freely '.witbj cmtchesafter the thid tbe wfiole of the! ulcers except one healed, and is able to run about without crutches aid will no , doubt on continuance of these medicme9 beperfpctly cured. ;1; j?' :' - r";-..:.y :':4 ten tfCamanffainl Twitnesa; uakes petry, Ksq.) y as severely afflicted 1 (wuu oiotcues aid eruptions similar to ring worms in vafiods parts, (ton taking; one bottle ws perfectly cured f v v i nese urops are a radical cure for Salt nas tmled, are the best Spring and Au tu ninat Phyuc, and may be given to chil - 1 - . nrnn with tff -of.v : I i7 4skUorXDf jrtelf&lBctdnical Droish'OervetheMgnaturt. ,k'lK T COXIVAY," o the QUtsi firineed 'Ofraiier. Price One lotUr orlixuotUeA ior rive uonats. ' xnese. lirops are prepare, and sold wholesale ..by the sole i propriet W, T. CONWAY, Che mist. No. 24 Franklin Place,! Boston :vaad retail by jbijecuuV pouitro;eiit, by Wilaani Peck I kaleuh 'j 1 Aiessrs Clancy freesborough ; T eMir, reeu ille ; add , most Druggists, iijoksellers and- Pott ruastersrtrirubuv tbe Uniuo i .Wnre may be hadt aU tMokcdstfy estiemedadd hghly ' dltfiroved:? Modic.Ues1 prepared m uiuvumvuii i i uy VV?.T, CONWAY." tTl A. Uc discount to vcrtmtry raj siart Rheum, Scurvy, Scrdfuta St.Anthouy 's Fire, Lejrosy; Pimpled Faces, Sore Legs, Ulcers VenferedrTairttsV wheii mercurv 3 I iaw,,isewiera, iiobbr Augusta t Hillsborwagh ; MciSee & Rtiu- ' is 1 1 o " I . ' CJCW -1 -.4' mm '-".:"t

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