"v. Vv-'i-; j .re lVy vv'--iA--'i'- v.ll":f ;v if ,-ti yl1V h; -1 Jvol. xxir.,;-1,..--:-( 'f.-; V. :r " -..n'' r-RiiAqcjqBER ii.wu i, v. i-i teti'h 5J ? rMJ&?-F -' ' -1 ' r ARJS OF THE UNITED STATES, u of, Jonathan Fus!z, the' discover'st Question, I mihtJiavefatemled'to inyiV : ' . 4 : iv V? k '. J--P' Seftant jilhat to'. preserve jrT the ' Ne- uncleadvice : bu t my. mind waV len- ' rRoir.THK'PITrSBUEGr MERCURY.' ". , A tl houg;f tb e sin dj o f Herafcl rj niajf reafhTS.-yetvs the 'eale' with fxtend ed Singsraping-'the arfhsjof Vaj tht'olirXof pcacViX'-siantJ rented to oursi.n;omc.;wajr;oi'oyj arms 6fttiV count ry- : ( . v,t;.V -J - J iv, Jo hri '.w h C n Cftogr es 8 r u it b for manTa rn oriaL d exicefora seal foVtbi Vci w CUrl es Thomp5on? Fqi the then Secretly, with fche Hon. Dim t. AVthdr? Le, ad BoudinfJ members of CoprP? caUed on: AJirii therlands therenfembrancc of this im portant ' discover jtwis here sheW t h knL?urence;Jdmz "JosttrSot : H arr )em,was Uve pnginal inye'ntoriof Hi and. not JoHanm$Fui-& 'iome'tif. , lI&urBCes JanszJa-berdesfiribeii as Jbejnff surnained iKbbte r,-;Fisnifyinr iveeptr, ueinjj, one-oi vine;rniers ann Eat ton;' and cnnrjted.hltn on the oc inyei scarce aftd dear,-Comma nc!)hjiY caMon, v I ne craj ?eauior,vnicn iir. liariOD lutnisnet mese jniiemo! win devices ws adnntf d;bv Congress on :s as follows- K & Aj'i-r.V tp'rincipaV cl tizens of ITarlenrnd to 'jiavebeen a man dl'-'weattb-y'dccpvlh?'! a spacious house, near the, public mar t" ket," ppposjle the Ci j j-al herj 1e .Vept p store r f; stationary and manu icriiu uuuks, me lauer oi -wnicn jverfj- frw Pale wars cf.thirteen pieces, ar- -gent, gulesr a chief azure; Jhe escut cheon on tb breait of the, AnVetfcan -Ea-; gle. displaved proper holding m his dex-' ter talon an.olve bfanphvanajn hfe. sinis ter branch of thirteeti arrows all pro per ; and m hrsbeak a .scroll,, vyith the ro-tto Xlfiluribtfufium? jT'? The DreasLOvit (helipad of the Ea gle, which ajears ahbye'th escutcheon, a glory, or breaking r thngnt a'cloud prt per, an$ sifrrounding stars; , forming a ccnstellatioDorTzon etCttkh'fe flcW. v Reverse.' A pyramid urifi?ii&htd. - " - Jn'.lho zenith r an; ui triangle sur rounded with a glory; Qver the eye these words, ldnnuit eoenu.". a r y - . RFMAfetStXD EXPLANATION S.Vs V Thesescutcheon i is composed of thi .crief and pale,' tIe,two most honorable (irtuiiarics iiic iuinmi nci,rB m pan represent the several states in the U nion,l joined jii solid .compact en-1 lirc.supporung a cnici w men mies uie whole and represents .Congress. llc motfo alludes to thelUiiion. ;J : i i'. Tbe palfs inlhft.arnja.aikepclflse-" Jyiinited"l)jUneCcKiefiri2id' the chief Jepnds on that Union :the strength resultins rom - it; for its .support, tb drbote;the confederpej. o( the, States, J and the prervation of Uie; Union, j through Congress.' ' . " ' :f '1 - The colours o5ttie.palcsare those j tcd in the llagof the'Unitetl States of America.;." AVInte signifies purity and inrf;cence : red, .hardinessand valor i und bluehe corpur of the chief, sTg niles; valance,' perseverance and jus-!! lice. '? iite qihc ufaucu jinuaiita frowst an r .'tojrfc,the sellerimiaHt bellisi ; poifd jo hold ;themat7;athe makinff ;Iahorjf ajid!'the'aft f prihfinthen on-1 jkiiown iri-thef.orld.ibji; I'anthnrVit will be nerVVived lhatth'e art I ,mm priuj-ig urigmaieo in. a respepiauie ffamiiyYsothatdnbn...whoffQllor.iit Irneed rbeas!)afhed of its parent.- bavig ccurred.asfolioWs 'IJat the i Jime whrtr,ftisf ar leni Myas' surroundex! -with beautiful -oo s , which the pri nci pal'yci tizens in a d c pra c t i c e- o f v freq oentingdaily In fan; weather,' MterjifnTicri fprp1'ea sure amlrepjratioft t,a u re h e'e . KosterKoT. from h is v o th Hiad a tasfe'for eojravinffj and 'often visited the shops of such' mechanics, at Luai juace, wun a view oi lmuiDUHj a tirelYftaken'op'with the sporty which is the naCura! consequence .of a roeeU jn ofoics0ftys4t few-rni niAes while epedio 'of some' feat the jjf e becafne j6os6ned iarid aslit becasibneilM waratev L wag-not Terytard jn. aPB!xng,k pio IsV .mjaj bow supposed, ruined Tmyshoeccbn" 'peteW';ifrtibafewm ry ertouhd ; i t$Hviy h throughv: the j in neirl "sol ej and th e; uVclsb:Mnjva astvjiwarewVobi- tahJerconseouence of myn cletvftBoi jtljiswas i riot ;aHr?fi ayej receive my uncle s reprtmand.f and although T kriw jhi Wa iaffr says wbi Remaining in the JsDffice Raleigh malfil appeared bofemyntio en viablejvpjhtf X)pmqjctde laYinff-bwn-ibobk readi n ir Jifter f had ihadekn 6w rfzmy case, o StUchtt timesavii7iflif-knd': ' I i . : t- " iL '" m rfVk rl ndolnltr pittiiniart hie rA iYr . ' ' j .AvStitch.inUi jenoughi thouglrt Lf Had I paid a cbb- icr one soiiung lor menuing myssnpe I might have sved the nine shillings wfiTcnrhad ,to pay newlpafrj ; istyctoDef , i oi? i auju Tuiw " - rthbtter;? beseiittothe v PriftfaHPiitflicas deail letters r-K'--V'- A ':: v-.t. T-ROsa Conner:.- : GreenAlford " Cfirrstophera rB u t , t h ere a re t bo, ma ny t i m e e nou gli y et?' fol ks I .in t h es bur li m esl - v v i e i . a ; mercuan r. , in at.-1 n rougn . uis neglect, yhis business: haSi becomee ranged..hii credit Impaired, his cferksi j. careles, and his agents unfaithful, andjj abbut'im, andhat ihis;an;swer, f, Tell a ripag,t;nreiflttthat bis; tlemab of HatifAX -obttaM4fJUl TartwavaiiVed tilrobta tnmh. escabe from Che pmon carrying him tb Gebt periyi payexpencc5, ,aiiu vu.c ujth irotitia, i .Bept .35. Ib21- ' Vr : 3 fcenjarbW Alien Gelbrtre Andersob ;Johb iincaniirri r S tl.tr A ntidtrnnff:1 Hp Huhnrt iKirnr.her SAnf;AY.drAv-Du3kmr?-?r Karrv?Di?kinldn '.I- '.VV tiVing smoothed it, cut certain letters . titsiiare too numcrouslthat'their clothes hereon "wtthlds 'kiiifet' andwlrapning.!; .r- i0 fmn. that his son'and dauffh- a pa per arou nd i t, pu fit i t his pocket, j Iters are jd lers, that his fwife. is 4m pro jWhethepfrom his afterwards fitting jyident, -andthatvit is high, time he Nicholas Atkms . tr.-... I .l.n -. i." - 1 1 loftpti 111 in in GeoiffeLl Anderson Brit(drt "Delfliacih ' F.yBrefetr- ' ' Paul Edyes 'T- John . Kipwn y vM i OILyer: Epperson Jettirb Jlirdy: n'b '-HN Vii Saraiie y BriggsJosqjh Fowler W-'-javid .'Bgjicli.: anwIer-M- 'Pk'erBmwn; lprtg : W '',Gv Bbrforvfy v f ji)avidoleM;y 1 A nenn RpAtvtl Hoitbn Britt r,y:fStFon : Joseph.Beaveis'tvtyitenryFordJ. :"t HenrVS Brvan'-. 7fG y-y.y .TaneB"FoX;.:; he toblc the wood.and wrapper from he; visits the tavern ener than heJ his pKkerrhe tound the letters he hatl ; can :anf,rd, that he is tub (VeuenMrt cut in the wood impressed b the pa- his visits Whiilianl-rboins that be ex per. . He.then fbade npw experimen and having f(u n d them1 sbccessfn I , he d both ; in d ress and living, than is cbni improved on thct art by fipatlj making nipatible with the nfeseut times, and Intta rr n It n m I n r c 1 1 T i . Il nrrt a n l rilllQ I ii'iii ui o iimvpwmiv, tnai ii is oigii lime. " ne Kepi ms simp, bybeingnablcdbei; books -'ianl than those uho .had oulyy tnauuscript, J J whatVep! v tirs he make ? wly,yis hemadc -hnineu'iimkt ' ' - 1 - ' ?y lhe crVorcqns ellt.,.drn9 y v)icl his ,,,ajterjl3(, ,auglt h!m, both jU.V (br--tlat ,be .Innksimore,; Cham. ar.ongotherfore.gr. ???rsr )braced.the...ror The csculchcon:borne;on il.f breast TwiiCyrtbWwKoteW or an American iC&iey without y any other supporterj, :delotea4liat.e.'L. nitedStatei ought to reiy on theirbwn- virtue". .vj;.; p .-.V'i;-T - i ne pyramiu on ine-reverse sijnincs John Bledsoe --n-Jesse"3iUf.:j ' John Braselman I- Beyt.yib M Green i Ljjcv. BarnsS a r ieorcre GrefforV'Tj, Anthonv'Brown iyoseph$fay.yp, 1 Darnel Karringer 3 -Winifred Garner? y'1--.' JWohdsob Clemints M JolmIfiorieke ipevfe jjnjamloding4 : ! Thomas Hall Daniel ChappelUV JameVJJ John Canon f-vaisaafe Jlutchms 1 B, niamin ClarK "iyroi)than; Jlotdef f' Robert Campbell yf Samuel II Igginspn John Camribt; 11 3ohn H J Hunief yj;-:y?.;;; Vro Itobcrtsi Clerk Un3on ! Honsey y' 4 bqpreme ijourty j wyai itarwaru Wm C Cooke ' " s 3Vm llortdn ; James Hall olm R-x James' !IIayIeMa)arlfSirayyM yWm.H.ttotbitis TPfce Jail on the Sk.fi. .. J yiAjb.VJ : '4 . he belongs to vvm -Tfounff, oi ueorgiv i, v r.. , .;,y rJ - x.- is sard toy lvve purchastCbim .oJCargen- I 7VT EXT dooKto- Messrs.' J ncfl , uuiuer, -3 , 2lre rccetversblp Luc arritfd at . V' 1 1 1 tyeV-YorkTU v : ticIesompin2hig 'ery, Wipl5 the JinriVsj y.!T"3' OilTS.bis frie !V ibKbe baVoVj)b hanoViabd fegutarly ; : -."A ; 1 .keep' aV'ttlaod gen''4l'Msortntbf .C.MT.v f '; t i jWCSv'coasistinofT ; SPrti.tft-ttt laiionv; Irilr " . k rT ' y yi:t02Ci;,ad:6yallonsyJ$ .V .?al 1 ru Wheel Bates: e?erjr sie4n.tiNe , vi: "IScideMillNdtts 5 if ' Cabousesi r V ::KentIee-e,' &t: iy v . - i Urtii-iwl5-' rt kattln ArrEl In-aatj illil.lilir 4k. f ',. . nbue In ihe;nited tate y , has bblyeth are.'iriformedi thaT Bta'- prtceiii(i: lof"' mad -- ' tej-ais nBerak vVy,;y , . i -y-.; v. ft H fi superior wrcHight IKqN SPIKEg ? y'v 1 :7&;9..'nctib-tbhVUl xne invoicey.or in parceis 10 sui,urc.nasers . ., " October 4r:182lr '.v.. 303w ' Johrt HutcJiinsjr. Jab n 1 lartsfield llnrdy Hmton;: ,, ; Uev, Henry Hardy iy.fy;y.:H- Mrs- Mary Ruth r Wnaynench evl y&-x Wm.JtobardsC: T Tbomas Bairadale; B , ! I i 4 ones- iy yomas y peon Dicksbtv Jordan iy).ySolQnTStrIckefiV4 HenyyesySWjnSugR 4Ji.;rH$&k rMoses Jordan y 'f. y p SurVe)r J?eneittofJ bn Chri?tmSdKT;;topack upnd,stea keerf,h j fledTtherewithv, to leutzi where be4 ivhHe in hisutlfikdavs and while IjMa jIpH:ned avprint(ng dfficeV in I Jon Johnston f y rican, goyernmeni.: - 4 ne eye oyer ii, , r;r4fi -th-, furfhar- lrnnwliclnri iif :thi4 rr- ,-... i a;.?'' - i - If -; - Qrt.icnrfa t rreemaii ivingsman .as vs ssti. r- John KmAteetiny tnthmo ; When ; bstef-bedf in me many signal iniernosumns :m man v Providence inx favorlofc the Araerjcan The Rllnwin; letter was written by C. Thompson, LVb. to W. Barton; Ksq.- ui,iuijiiiiu cwpy ii iiie ent; i Sir -I Vfim rouclj robliged tbyou for the perusal of the Elements of Heraldry, . jfchich I nuw return vlbaye just clipped . into it so far as to be able to4 be; satisfied that it ipajr afl5)rd a fond of entertainriient, and may ber applied by a sate ioseful purposes. ;c , - :iy ,?vti:-, 6. r- . - I enclose von a ennv sr bW dprir hv Vhich rou have dlHyed'youV sjkni yin btraldric: science? apd wl.lchtmccts witli . general approbi-tiob.r Yo'ir?, V " v I n ""JoV ' J.cnt snif)esh CnlerrecVandjAzure blue ; where these co. Ir cannot be eir.bzoned: ihfV .i: r stntdeal.sykc: as follow Areeot bvVa Ptrfrer blank j lird ,5y . perPenr,cuar. ind. aims, on the horizontal lines jn theyu'nper 'iuarter onhe escctcheonr eagle's breiity iter, returned fro id Ihis slib thus plun ;bbe attempted tb'repaif His office. ' v ; ; A u: Our auihoif concludes, that xthe ril-j j.Iers of xthej cityof- Harlem have, wit! j'm'uch riustice' ' 'erected a, roouumentit j thenemory of Kostcr, nearlthe mar4 worm oacrttiRy igpagTtipnia arsif tium Qinn ium Conse rva(rix Btcfi : j mum lit iv)ita.lJ Contort Udrle men si i 2C(XXIJXVsimhwz ii to the f bvV Hasli bg! ineihbry'bf thV arf pf n'rint f mm' thrft .f..L.AitiiavA r nil mifii -. .Q rl f" O I d iscovjered ijiit kbste"iy' Ha rlebi '" . " i i- 1 IUJ ' 1 I IV.I All , I WV I bVthobgMfeerte Ayetaltis ' tiinO enoujyetj 'KaLnuv deaVcirl.'v a stitch In timb,save uncle artiplomeW cbguetry.may'oirr.ti intM?- tjtarzfit tire ! ife of 'an told maidTpenf 'niake' hay wlii fe'ftni suJshi neland nkrrytheyfirst agrejeabjeandV suitable .vounctetiojiv ; tbals proposes. i. -Av IN. THE" PRESg,??:' ..AU Will JJ.C. IJUUIISHCU ya:iNAunEpy: fisib'-the nu nefouifAnderV eifebrated by-Nath'fCha'pmah?. of Vbe tnsritutes'abd Practlc of Medibiber j yi y is 'ipRA yitLH:,,ysH AipATt J ryf t n bibbcrite witlf h mobth destroy It 4 . , . . .i sy- Uoniinic saidy uncre Bartnp. unnen BlsmVP.nvt? y, totnew: tomene cl t rRl ?? enag?d.t;pl re?7 - VDpl1 ;VobVHes;to ybecndevAve ,miim!Xmmm i"es ,f"!,i-ni1: Wh-ic- CaVdithbpayinK rv a minute accuun fjif what it denominates -AMW-nr(lS'.w, rht ooro;fifeofibem with :firelice ' Printing , It webiises iLvltS. lfU- . v,V 2r5 nd a Fzai vth a KVtcliertSmokeinou en three centnrri andaeiior terms, wly V H' thls t,nd lhe,MettcrVtheftu Jfr an timt tbona M -X'-: fAhtviVltlM; Ryal' tolily-'--' -iytJame Smart 3 h Edmund lney4 Thomas Sampler John Mvat -?r .Auustineyy Sla3e ? r JolmcKeithS Thoaa:'tV-M'ooreyPan'iiySro M oses Marshall 1y,.M &iyySanerji.;2y Chaj-leMprrlsy,Berry:Smilh Daniel K&&-3&V; JbhbNutt lBKdwaxd Tansif norafceNorlon.- ,JeiselTemHe,- 'Joln01iye : yWCAhrpe St Co. 2 Robti' or WmOwehs AVm ft Grove.Taylor 4 P! y;r. Williamurner 2; CellyAp- iTJiobiasiC Steh'eairsbn :ffcitttefoliE UUej! . Raleipb PenbgrassM0ohn" Vawu y SamnelToitery;feJy John rVeblesad4aroa'WbeeJe SamutiarnaG- JjMifiHis 51? enjamiii iiasaaie ,9 . rieasapuypoawaitt. MaSpobertsbbyJjn' :i'b6mas R'obef tsbn 1 ' ffcSH Jnies Uuffin SliTeBipey rbbrough; ? , rersons appiyt o -lorj uet tera please Say wJiethet thejtraidirertr iufijETIe iijA K- ''St " iriends abdithe piiblicnerally4 Jbr the eni i . , Vi fa h cbuwgebientshtUiasyKcw ! V I i! bontiiibabbebf therfafor .t Cy r ibuppnen wjui rne pcyic Tnarnet anomja. . - - Her Stable is plentifuUsuppliedyiib Corbi ' :A f '-V.' v Fblcr;;Xfc&! . theff ? fare ebod-abd the.r bjlls" ks low as"a4 y ,y: ; snbtherulmr" bbusbfn toSiiw' j-S' v'- Viy '' V- y proachis Lgislaltlrey ian be .aecnrmodafr:' 'ed iUtuttooms vanbnBoard-b1i - fyjlale geplte5 49tT a':' .,. i.:.-;; f milECountyroaJeaie 1 clrXed yCXimmlash J iUildiba: bftWb r'Pife-yPrbrHojaMW-oitb'e.i bunilins afe to bejilite b all respeci,v eaclh V ' , to b'b.'fee.lon-a5 te.widej' ana'l&feeC T ' vv highir and toybe;: divided: into Ihree ro6mi'ir..V y i wo 01 ne rooms' are io- oe i$ ieet;oy 13 . ; -y, ,fe,3od ;i3ie btheHllb bWlA lftrei square. V l y dovvs and a door opening on thepBjf eet; TTje '-i ' robms to b t fieatlv-litasterd And th t.nrxvlu V.v . ? :e4'AhwalsitlnV,tttilding ire tb be of I;- vl he4Toh.Imtrer4iiin 1 I be. had br'MoomlvtpbUeatiOtV t'thetinder ' I signetU hoywiU itxbibitf the des-irnaThe - v j .worn. 19 pc pompieieq-oejore oremoeri it 11 1 Jbi :PropMalrfJecbhb be ad . : .. V signecjinv nc secioiw sionqay pt VojipVi- ber nextheb(ifnot; before) the. '.conT raxt tc M be made witblhe lowest bi Ider, at r V tiongy;;p . Wlnfllstt $Cobayn V' andiWeiatber CidCulatiQns, sohe yjilu'abltf ",y': , pkbeslpn ;Far4inJabdHuraHAfia1rs t' y:vi; jnanV usefuLMistellarteobs AHieJlesl Att- J & r Qicitrceipis.f Anccuoesi-ccc.'- ar- eom- ; Officers of tbrGoveriiipitX bf the tTnked I- - 4 States :and bf this y State; witi Uieir-SaUa fi vine i m..- ouiiiii, ; vxuMipn. ;,anu oaw ; .y. HallNeWbern-yantl? retail bv mnW. r ; ; ,of the Storekeepers ,iii tlibState.Vi--. C ' : Se6t251 j-A y:atubtto Bdf years yofei who Jail - V, VS! ilhimself .vlmltLsTajbd;ysBe-M OlVJj 'freeVmifid ras 'bbtnul;1 tbJohn'MonYsoVierr " yi.i. '' about 12 mitca ffc CiblubTa.lJU.':n Rich. - . l) H land ltstictj 'to1earaIQieKlapWiibtr-: ' r!v y rTli iafdilbitjjQaierv :f cllo .Cj . V-Vj ;buyih;ave .tv1egat'claimo Miqlufittbbrt ieo,jrslstoxa,QFthar Tibtr'pa' the v'e3U V DenCes incurred anti-take himtour bV Ji. 7 V I m i'il 1, it. Hi 1 o te at inia omce - k: - :V:y y; v: