L 1 1' 1 AW 1 -i-'. 3 4 I. Onr f tlrpliu of UW, drllghrtnl Peace;' I V7 !L XXII. - 1 1 TRIDAV OCTOBER 1$, !851.; ...' 1 1 . ': ' , ,- - - - i '. i ; i i ' ' , ' 1 ' L.L11 , !L i i it i J 7 jf R Oil TH J5 VI ST f. R I CAR OLINEAN. 'tHthitf. th'f 'yhfiund. ofjke-Synod of . In ii Tree conversation i : the snb)ert of IPorM 'and benerolent. societies, and oil thr of 'relipioif p;eheralfy,tt the. SyhmJ i f vorth-Carotin a' are happy; to 'recede irm ''the'diferf fit chrche$ with Interest ire ! . heartchrininteVUenrc.:" l;A-;. thouch, there .is iniichrto lament tvithm oar houndi?n, some filftce Vic-and jm- p oraljtv, ia many chtirche ;o!dness and ; lukew'armness, and in a. few- cnnresrati ens an inattention to pious" an ! henevo 'lent intitmionVTeti iipon the wjinle,' we, fcpard - the state of 'relJf iohr; during: the pait yiar as tror'e than encouraging ) and xnaV. safely say, thai there never wasa pe.iiod when ther Was sach a genera 1 at -tenion to the concern of piety, and vheo such signal success has accompanied pi cus exertions. . V -. : j ' i It H with pleasure that we" !eanVtnt SUnicrsi uruyrrvti JtiicniitJn is paiu . iu inc rel'pous instruction "of the rising genera tion. "Sabhath schools seem everV where .to prevail. --Bible jclasses have ieen gV uerallv established and are well attend ed. .Instruction tn .he catechisms of our clurch is nnt'oegVcted.TThe Synod, view wfth encouraging detignt theeVtablish- Trent at d 'pmgtess of -sucfi institutions ev ; believe them to bf among the"'tn6st effectual means cf, securing tbe salvation of the young, and promoting the general cause 'of religion. Manv VwhtTare. now lejoirtng in hope.'Vand who are urcn oi tlieirf firs rtlincas tLt 'montbJv i concert for prayer has .been generally estabisnedi and' is well .attrn("edJ7 Jt is , pleading 'to ;discove,r so central - adisbosition to ehcpot. ge this meetu g i iq see, jnrougnoui our uiuruics, ar an . anxieW to unite 'with f the so iCTora."' ;Mav 'plications of Gods children, bring tOwn , ,uponV bis ,Zicii the btessins.which they . Un :some, congrga.hons,., Bible, Tract; J!L sirnary,, floral Peace,. Societies "have been, instituted, and AttendecK with , success. In three-or. four congregations. ' sr-rjeue auxiliary me American aoio ,. ntration Society have been .-established.' J ' AV'eare happy talearn'ftom there-pr-rf of our congregatohst that the people of color ha ve ; net been nrgle'cted, ; An at tration to their religious interests is defttly increasing thro'nghout our bounds. iiai)ysiuiuiOT)s, atnn tjns crass or pro .pie, naie oeen c?ane to our cnurcnes cur- .P .are maiinr in iannlics for their salvation. ,'Sotr.e, of our congregations have fclt.for the, situation of the. western Indians, and. liCvevdoneKoiTieihing for ; their civiliza- .tion and spiritual imnmvemenr by; assisiii ing the children at Brainerd and Elliot; i Such compte'tcdable xoncjuct, welcaubof too highry applaud ; and vould-"recom- S lend to our congregations to follow such enevolent examples.' Surely, 'tis far'as " we have oprmrtunitywe should a'ist odf ; brethren at' these -missionary stations and .use onrutmost xertiohslbr-the saving ,of the.'dr iart.:.:' " 1 . . - "bus, ,.whUfjr4her parts of Christendom, in this age of cfcmiiAn" philanthropy,1 re cDgaged. in fprotnbtmg rthercnsk of the .Saviour by means opious andneyolenr . ins t i tu t rons,t b e cb u rcbes w i t h i ri era r bon rid & have not1 bn deFcienC;Vthey 'too" kave: engaged ui'thegioriQus . work; and have estaWished ocfeties'; which God has ho nored aruTmade extensively useful." i 'c ; taolishrnent-and success of such institutu tiens.wd would peculiarly bless :nhd'.Tort the outpouring"cf the, spirit with which he has vbited many of our churfches. 1 "Since our laA meeting; he, has. been gracious 'to many of our congregations ; jreviving tlje drooping spirits of his-.children;'hd dis , nmny have been ' added - ta the thufbh. ? "?:r Swet solenuuty js. visible ; f,,Tl!fn iriav:ft Wy.. id ;tbe-Vchutv . aud the.bumbi.r,bf soul in bbfh. ctifre- gauonsnat. a e still iuquiriPeviv about 5u0ed.la theccitgreg:,trof:"Cr Kafls, the sanie glorious woix' has com menced,: and; is extendia' -.Besides the firciiiutnber.-'.ihat. 2have' lateiv suited tbemsely es . with -IbeUburch; Tnany, arc J cwu aicM.iijg ine L.ort sorrowing. Abuut . wty jjtnbns ha e become b subjects bf tli i revival fl'litf conRreVa lions' of Third . Ucck;iJack. Cretk and Unity have been. . -ywny nsi tea .with. the mfiuenees-bf dK ne grace lUlyaVlat'ely-VSicly professce-cUgion Vwwy 'nweWw. 1'OjH.luliy pious anU'aixiutthirty-itsxilf ,.r,vously teek'hg.j ln these congregati e Jar ; grcatcrpartroCnUose,A?hd, tf ,e llt1 xb ii iheeajly period wuii auC How cfceenm tofce voutii th6u&nds of Israel rn the same evening, ln praying forfthe'r prosperity f the Re deemer's kinOTomi'" ;Mav the vmted sun- mg the past year ; tnany sabbath schools have been 'established .-f-r their ryligious instuictiori, and'.many .'priyaVe' exerons kpIayMig his ijower and gracf in' the alva , tun ofsinners,ifJln: the tpvn. of Hjllsbdt, -t considerable Seriousness bas pre vaile'd r; rwviwVjrn iwenty.ana'viirty are sun - rcr;convictious. ' -v,n lne congregations oLEno and.Llttle T1 ' r"?"Dg -tip to bcome: useful members . of the 'church when the heads of,; their: fa thers are, laid in the dnst. A"There j one circumstance connectect with this , revival whtcb Is vorthy of attention It is Ire inarkable that most of those who at) the commencenient,- opposed and ridiculed the work, were 'themselves deeply hnm bled under a sense of their sin and brb't low at the footstool of meryX, Great at- tentioh to religion rand "uni versal serious ness have pre vailed inthecongregations of Bethany and Concord. many persons; particularly among the yourigvr. have be cume the subjects of divine; grace. Forty persons have lately, been! admitted in iq' the Church,tahd Z considerable; number are, still-, serious.- In the conjrreeations. of Baflfaloe aiftLAlleraance tjiei-eas unuil sual solemnity i eighr.at the last comnni; ' nioo season wercaumjuea into, me cnurcn and. fifteen. since that period have been hopefully V con verted.- STber is one d r cu instance connected with the conversion of these .persons which should be deeply impressed upon 'ministers- and uponlthe hearts of-the young : Almost aJKthose who were here broughftb a saving know ledge af the truth; were members of: Bi ble Classes ?;l '-h: ' . ;. , -These -revivals were carried' on with out noise or tumult during public wor- ship. '"Every -thing vlike enthusiasm was ui5coiir:igea. ,.x nt vorK. was ueep, and of en extensive" Jvk yet a" still soUninity ; In reviewing uch scenes.- our hearts swell with jthe warmest gratitude toGod'! ior me -interest and tender care whici he ! maUiJrsu for his Zion;We feel grateful that he has not withdrawn 7 his tlrt-sence" irom us,.uut tnat he ha', visited Vme-of oiirxhurches with the copious showers of aivine grace, and others with the gentle droppings of his Jblessed spirit?' ! " It is the Lortl's doing, and it is ni&rveilous i onr,eycs.T-1'LJt us be encouraged to stilt greater exertions in this bolv work ; let every nerve be strained to actum ; everv power of the Soul exeittd to urge forward" the cause of the' K deemer.: 'Let - w h at theLprd hasy alieady.done increase' our exertions j-Jet us strive niore ardently to advance the kingdom of our Saviour ; and let us rmt relax our, exertions till evvry church within cur bcuutls be visited with the xjutpouring of . the .spirit ; r till ' the whole eartli.be filled with rthe knowledge' of tli Xord,; as the waters! cover the great deep.": ' - V. 1 , . ; '"-. Jnconiequence f the cheeriiij; intelli gence contained in' the above report, the Svnod adopted the following resolution': , Htsbivfen, Tbnt the JSV trod .appoint, the first Alonday in bcceinber "next, as a d?y of PcBiJcTaA!KSBtvr!6;ro axmirhti Gon; for the Vpecial hJesslnW witli which i he:,has fr ored severil congregat jens" ' under onr care, rin reviving religion, and in giving os ingenaral the blessings of heajth, and. in fu vdring us with fruitful sessoiti y : ;. , And Ithe Synod Tateo icommend,' that J the churches under ouf care on the day abive hamed.ilTeruptbeir prayers To Al mighty God, ior a' general revival of rc- r.ugion wunincour oounus, anu inrougnout f the vtoftArJ a? ;"':"f"?J ''' J:' 1 i . '. -ij. ADDRESS, Delivered brfore thePutnaJgric.ul(ural 'wSdcibiy, at their meeting q'h the third .v. Stuoxc: PreRident.U Jo Whilst others, are"-indulging in politick, and engaged in all the: rancour,: of party animosity, burs is the pleasing task tbas- semble for the rpeaceful khd useful pur.: pose of promoting and improving me c'zV ofxLTts . Ail- art ,' which combines theory with useful practice, t in the! success - and advancementiif which, every nrder and ciass or.our cmrn.uniiies is jotrjinsicaiiy ipterested,1andXtb3Ybic ou r,t- beloved country-is fjaiKlamen tally indtbied fbr.iis power artd importance in the cqmmunity j ofattonsthe.tort,;ofwcf(Mr:. iTbe nrartir.! nf this Jinhle-art. :1s a rorniiatible l ulfli Vm. naiim;iu uii-.ci D if I'fn- Sing and,,alutaryiti itijtfiects.upon the i minri:. whi ur it elevates uiM lioiu"hts. ond 1 hxes them upon the author ot, nature anu I source of happiness ; ir aSbrdsihatyde- 1 greef jcxVrcise," which is the best preser-" tUgre of'fet1gueonhVTmehahd, ' nbv j preserva$ii;cf yetableU of, animal iiidulge indolence out the other; stHrmftrfrti :v-. A' f.v,4vi Vni AtU tLti?.iM t shur.k thti-arar thus preserved. Hbrtfui '" 'Al jitdic'mus -facrnier wiU so 0i-, hiitjLiyooserv ait .jneynouscn,aiies m. the scabns and p focesssf; naUjre7-a ll tfiellif ertiSed motles'of cblTureas beVer to ilDcr Cd ranlfftflaUcf: cujrbiifatef"fnbre and movkP loup4tions;;Acbltuvb,y p rod ubtj ye of conte n tfn e fit ; asi and inno-i cejice aijd tjjejst ceraip source bf tew poral Kappyievyrhetmrnortat Wash- ingtpli'jwrid.'O.Uc- task.of workinr.toi; provpmenCon Jtbc" earth is much more; drtirfitfoi toan uhaebauched -tnind,4 than1 all the airr gl6iyTwh!;pittbe; trom, ravaging t ii,uy; lucrum; uujhi.c-tHiptettrpeyf- connfdes'juVhy' needr I'd well onthe fulness and titipor t anc blLatVartj, whicU iheexpcrieCand; ob'servaubns'bt the tubst cBiehiejieU ages, Tetoer'ibngefnestloiVH In" ny -previouaL castonsvrI have en-( 1 deyored (leyelo&ttrYiewiiiud.ob iects.Tl haVe.tirged the necessity of deep nonzontat piouemoe, ana me oropnet ihty of eslkblishing meadowVas well as cuUivating'many; or the artinciai pe rennial gfasses-have . pointed out those which h a ve, and are 1 ikejy ttf 'succeed 3est in '"fertilizing: "ouffieTds "and proving most" beIiieficiator-bc1caveV re commended iaue attention iid preserf yatipn.;by tliebeweor ey? ry;.int 4 cnltiyateand the " imptyemehtof alf the useful kinds nf animajsV brocurTng the best; breeds,! hdtproDerly.-' attending :to judicious crosses..' I have likewise given j you mytneorv ot tne probame cause anu fcureot the rot in cotton IThese form the outbnes rif what has been heretofore; discussed, llfrshould occasionally t back; andexpatiate -biL the same topics, you w?lf plesetor paj"don me repetUion;t for Indeed they are subjects wliich hdmit such a wide Irange of thoughttid prac-j tice - are of such Vast Importance td agri culture, that they- would require more than the life of an antideluvian to exhaust them. ' r - y : ; - pr r: f Bui bejbre I advance " further, permit me' to remark; that whatei'er subject is advanceil-ihthas the appearance of .no-; velty, libwever ancient it may actually be m lueory ana practice, anu.unw raixonni U)rej can De renioyefl. , l ne ii equent xauure oj new designs,' pr'eeding.iipcjn tlr? Imper fect theories or : defective experiments, strengthens the argument of 'opposition, and Seems to justify .Those ..who. are dis posed to persist in the? hAbtts nnd invetd- rate prejudices t,f generations." . r But I tfiankour;al that'mtV7wtfV,r.wVe iii pleasant fito r.ant) tiat-frye indeed Mvc a goodty tf-rtjr.-UndrR them!ldest and ivo'st rifi tJonal form governnicnt tinder, t he sup; and iii otie of ilie most feitile sections of our beloved coujt ry," the human mind is rapdhy vfilnrT, the rust of antiquicy and Vdv.mcnW'tb-theliiiits of human perft cticn- -i -: . - .: ' It is not then a subject of surprise that our fa nners should See and ack.nowlelge j a chse'cxnnf-3vior lit iNvTeTrxhiuisi rj- and agricttltniv.f urn) Hie iinprox einijtf the latter depends ;ipon;A jui?riOu pv ictical t tiie, that. it ought to beHhe duty of v very Uarneias wen s his- picture, to DecoOie f iboje ' less acquainted v,t?i it. But I coohj to the in-ue immediate and liiractical objtcts,of cOtn-iiunication, v.'rhH hrBseiit seasrm of the vear invites ! I fa feuetval of the subject of ieed, : Gbod I seed . w hetlier of coi n, wheat, cotton or i an otht-r pf w h icii are niary import CQntained in the fruit of vegetable is that part ot a plftnt wnich compr ibe .rnd.ime.iits of a; new pnductioni ot.its kind. - be' orgaiuzedparticlesVe chiied the p-L-rm or bud. ( as w av remarked to Jyou last year) and - is the whole future ti)Untin niiniiture. l"he balance;df the seetl ioxuis im coyei jug, un c'i.ttnio vo tve nrstluuriiuentjAvhiclv'tn embryo plant : receives. , This sustaiivsjand tiup pojts the plantjiintil tjis; suciilyid 'vianctd to derive' support th i dgli its roots bMoW," and from the -atmosphere through the organs bf its stetrtnneayes above; ; ilfs oliVibusrlroniftthlsdeiptio see a, tnai me-larger anu more mu, pv fectcd Uie seeds arei "which ' planted Vine- will tome up bold and vigorous, a'iu stand, good chance to overconie all obf stacles,! and attain ' speeay aioa Jiign per fettiodi -r4 Success in fa rnuug willbe; in- ot llftlnr.: 'nn the bc&t' and mOSt -he plants. Vlheiier Shoum ;go into nis icornneias. cz eratner ior m yui posc vc Jiest ears.irpiu uiciiiosi jiuuuv-iivc oti., and preserve them m the lnick tree trom i Wet, but.accessioie to pe;jr, ior at cer. I ja?n d VrfiJ '"nf; kir isa.s ueccssarvt'o the I "r" r . - . ..A . . , sbelLJojt one-thira at . least trom. tne ittiie trtdi jand all of the- round grainsf biTUbie 'Urg'.endjini;ite grains, ixseiye th pjaiit. A VteadtrseveVance in this' course Will; fo acfw;yeaiSiipiy' reward JWcarej hd'huroberlf M -siven;quantityj6 ruutfditre? bThp tiiueis stapprnng; when; we islialt Iiave to ieivct ind butAvaVitbn !;seeU.TorjotiVijat i gkjnroade Itspp fAftcrthe uiosi uingeiiixiurairj, auuinorouKii con sideratiorf :C ait ;tltar has beerf pubtished 1 imluy-suadi-d that proper choice of seed HTpii Uie7 jiiosi efilihy ana vfbus til-juts" a nfl isrric an A Uifci:, iw. ...1"; r...fti o-"" UI4IUICU Fiilrrm'i soeyerthe prrntfipks upon which it rests ; yet it is with Tektreme ' difiicjlty 'tharthe. j unices m tavorTit the hoarv-?-:actice--i jitppJicatt-n Of many ol thet principles .ot ; l" vi'i"1"! "y " a (the forine'r; ;nds'b"riinc.'ofV.tbral pin-! j their resuRepoHtd. llosophv is so e:inei'.tlrconauciv'e:: to the ll.l wilUiovevcr,jitsXoffermy pres?ntim hirimufion iiliproviMiicbrfof agticiil- -ps ant of the vegetable kingdom Ii a oeep mouju .-Kjani inoogn; aiia meiwo; uSfefnl tb'our. SfMrCtes,'e ot pn- i succtrcunig .y eurs( pi iiiea. again m coiion,' ance. V hettl ?S the eniOryo inen -yuiu, met siuau ram,- a,uu ugam " -It! I fffuaffX hv due care- in: the - selection graiivseedjatid rootsVvtrbutthose whieh have attained the greatest degree of ptr- aithy ;5ollsUlfonnthebestprWntive.,Some: pepetrate a sttfft; cloggy sf." ti3L' -i o dfdeeD nIouebfhntReJwinterlwilLli;hieiV; : - - . 1 1 . - - - :' lL.f -l.J' 1 lttnh,nit : senA4atlv iF'th .j:nnStrdtum 13 i r; :- -t vij tne very-' nrsr coxtonwma,.owof --t-w. ;i- - t-i-v-f r -.-xa : . : j , r- .t HUptSroveof thai pla&bec hVrefofe'lWcrd!th"e1Ve open, and seed from those-onry tnat arrive at the greaiesrrkrfe and Vundness, from, the last ofr-August until fett:t'CarefuJ Ihands. shouldbe ern pjoyed fox this; expiss purrjose andythe cpttpn which they gataer. should be sun "npf! ' tpnt'spnarate and whenrifinedi the sepd should.be carefully kept dry in some, convenient place, where -they should ne ver be sufferedct ll4 rJthitt!ap)Otr.Jn..: depth., 'A; fe wlan tfirs; wi t tun hyrkno ledge liye-be.enjA thhabipfcrliy selecting and preserving, theifctsejed; and tue mostinute:anq.iajuiiurwjiur has C(vinCed my; Mii' that the'errps are rrei)riHlucUve.,?ind less subject to rot4 Themet-utes should be observed in regartl to the 5elexitioTi-nd presery atioti of j&ei jf' other description of useful s?ed.iPue at tent ibrt in t hjs iecton of the cbuntry is not paid toca propei-ro tiitioncropsAnlable pract real write r on his subicctV to 1 wfiimv the fwurld isi inuchV indebted for the diffusi6nj;of: agri cultural ihou Iedge ihUs- bbseryed that no branch f husbandry requires more skill and sagacity thia -a;pipr fmatjoji of crops, so as to, keej) vthe ground al ways in heart, Jbd yet tojtdraw ; oio,.lof- it the iVatest profit jioile heVis puVf chased for labor j and it is thurchaser's Intent ftnV' to'make the most of nintr& Hen welt fed, and wrought according t.Jis slrefiigtli' to oerv.ork hlfto -.reuder: him useless. JPrecielu similar: isUand. PFofit is the farm 's object ;? but he knows, that to run . bis'faf byindis Xot to make profit.. Cree t croppin g; .... is 5onie plants rob illsodpthet&ar to i t ; somc bi ltd,1 bi hers l6ostrnl-t :-Tht.t tdcie , point is, to intermix! crops 6js to make, the greatest profile bp SisteriUf witti keep ing the sojj in o.rr,T-:f c!y 4f -1'he Cfur;se:oC: fa tion; riroper tajbe a dopied in. this stajte : -Where cttbiiisp ex-; teiisively: cnltiyatedi ust;iiecesiyly:dif?; fer. fi'bm that praqtid' in tlite rbicWle eastern sta'es. fri mUst candid iy acnow ledge that 1 ha ve not fullynille up viiYyj. m iud tipon- x h i. .branch pt f agrjeu 1 til re; My present object is to dra w the attention j of the members of ; this society to tlie Jn destination vhrt .qepianuti m Auuian ;corpamt. peas; Ui "f ll'!,,lJ?t Vwr pca.igaiii enclosed, uog.azed.1 and resfipf: one year. 'rh vdi" second 1 fall hereafter; (a-1 bout trosi) w should Ue aurntd oVer with rest yitn sunilar ? .11 tiie same ploughmen. f .and -si ii; cotVsiautly bearing in niud that; grazing injures the land more than juicWuhivaium.AUieh;lah is called halfm-n; it shouldi be. planted 1 in fcoriit upon theTle "cdlii sinali gram, taeirero and after proper fiUt or wi;iteitQUghings, itSwili bar a crop of cpttbitPenBouiu never be! intermixiid-. v;ith com l: wh wheat isiutendcu as tHesuCceedihgcrop; unlessthejarmey will parbtime4abour to bury, the vines and stal ks tnthe Centre furrbW of the roVs o r ja-iids j i for other wise they will be -niiich in; the wayi If iftinri is verv niucli eiliaustedi4' the sbois iiiost vvbrti at least should, be" manured,: prepares grouM4bfiiy thing els,r partly cutariyioiiuc,j growtnQtme percnuiai grasses Which are gitit fertilizers ; t lit Wbkte ve i c rop.v rs? cultivated Or biurs'bf "i-btation f inliiuedL theround shbuldefojre'itfisjplaniel be'reiUreUJ py a aeep5 uurtzontai pn'Uguing roT'ii thejuatural ( stratum ot soij is notrsum cientlyvpH should be oiade so by "axU to gi frefree bourse t o the roots atid retain f iiioistui c uv men iwunsumcm.; , i tic aa- i vantagesf deleptb fcr the firsl pfa;cfe JtatobtixtenSiar when; fchey nJeet osinbncI"jtuei growth, above the Wrtace corresponds tb ! t.iatbeIb)ivT;fi6 Wtf are d.irar;.iidcb thii ivJee brpiaut-abbve ;i tn deWperTtUe4 bit ab9 the better;the 'Krbuiid -teipxtiWri Zed,Hhe:better:euabte4y UflOllt iiijmy loathe crop, uid'itis'yi-irpiii'ed io drought ;:riiefvaeKCess of.ioisture o-i Urcuniaie fciua -mcidvni' td'ahaUo( biougtied laad. Wayrr J iU mi readdy 1 1 . r- . r x -c..' ; i ;' ; tne scuoiiu- car, uieivcouomor two years i ; ur succession, then torn; tnen "sowed . in . : j wne..i, uitti liic ifounu yiioutu remain cvbp. be, lb eitsbe'ttacki::1jf,u f kindly 1sotII jpactbr1the f oiits to tato tbbixV'libids i X-" t VtV" jf uacifc upwi iuj,t turrow, kpe ihaiiureis " I is laid dff uonzontal.ycnt tsara xain$1 1 coiiceive it theriHthJf.S 1 ' -.f ed dter A?ater: will pas v tiie lUiuW iy;buUt4Z W?. - : ncieut 'torcj!i vwaier ii rcwuiod w Kjijnes. nuref to snch land? rtdvheh- tfe Viutist ra V tunisxlay;1tleepipiough u wun me son, ani jorm; a. proper - it.- , -. Aj m Jture.; PloUghmg keepi the soilJooseTo ; ,i roots to take their-natural VaiiJicretahd ' ' ' ! .f pendiriitiin alrdew iahditairiH V , -it in particular; vhtcbflls in 'plenty; irt'thl; C -';' climater h'afifeiruiigv most wanted, is lost iibn harli'soH', heme I' - i , t exnaiea sinks from ceived thatthead vahtaees of deep pltniir fJ ing:areknat4lestepractb orovemerit then, vou wUl'jQecheUu Voiir t Rv.4'; . oufv.andctviance:. tiiei-proaiict wnyourt r ; .1 speak'from expeHentedrAVn-. frosri I actual ; an; repeat ridged- andplanted.in corrtif ;t "intended etjirL; liJMXfe I'liucuon. ' were not folloWd, ana theyj-apprfMched -withifi hvj feet ofach othef.j ;t he st;ilti -of corn were lbft a ttiefdrilis i rta'spibughed aWice6hlyV'-',; and sbghtlyi;hoed diesamtf number: of ; . timesyKslr'i vNotwithstindini' the hea vyl rain whicU . havei fallen, thisseasiin, tel ground, ha rebbaTheuVJteh&Dd? therlBjalrebut three breaks 'ptf Waslies in th e wlvoiel fi eld i: Vh i b U' desecye notice taDcleveri there moresil ' g;one?bf albiVgVAV rbw baditVeeiVlhtd X pfriffci5tJheKi ' niad moeei) jaia i.ott; accuiatejy, ! 1 am : i single break aiideyery thing.thereo retained;, indeed, it is, thej-very bloonx 4 nd, d ust or the; t a ssels an d Jsf di nien 'y bf. the earth, bpb uheveneTd has lWenenel. vf ;:n " i The crop is nbtnd.Dtr una f am confi dent v,'ouhl iiaye been prbportonajtyir.or' soV if tlib season fiaijbch xnoderateiv diY experiment l piougneu a Jthirty , acre , neldi wltas vhr , ; Freebbrn's' p&fen t5! pJought Vcf y .dee p;a h d thadiei"drilIs?laKl efT:lbj i2ontallv. Theliayshrfvr4whicW; hi " 'f : this cfichate in June, uly uhd Ausus ,&"e - riuinirii raujjiictfitu hvuct9ois, wnere as. If it wertf laid ' eaclrtway aconH?tterabe jilr.in Vif. tfie ram ivctdd ru;vbff, a nent' ht to ; the crop; ami mwfh 'iuia ry by wasiiiitg Lsnutg to mi? sou; pcias ie is, uotli rain and "soil. are. retained.,' I :uHY.ingte :j motif? of menu 'pn)-sejfandtvitn(issed hf. beneficial ' v ffebtf upbii I the 'plMtaUbiisfor btersyl '. ' dohWt earnekl5tbhm'eiiil itiprictirii oevery tnemberpf thibciiTty urnd.tbir' v v; -cpmmuidty:;fti m'u, - r-'-The prgcess-of Jlaviim oJrl field !&f J ' r so difBcultoor tediouii asVbne' would suriL i 'V; joseand, wlieiv accorbp hllierL j t : is - I Prnianent advantage if fori jf the hue- i ceeding yedi;; ym want;toiaiuV; itgiin ' m corn or sow it in? wheat, ynii have onlv to Pe water br entfi'furow; and revsy6u dsoPVh in me,winterith a lanre M,u. - .oard plmigh and tnyUhllssVt Ibil yestih udjremab -ij ?"poo5eiuctiaad Y rretshgtii cuture;: bf the; row should; bq frpml :ix to "eisrh t : i: feet apartaccointqineptf! ahl trlity jDf; theu'soi!;and me bhis left from ' T eiteeiljeto tWofeetrib tfie f drrfl; andf oueyr,tu. v4. . cifid pjanr cotton; yotilnajraen' c- -: W'A piipperdistandr4,If it is your ifv'-pn tf:.at?' ".M! aw. you nave iftTnJ-.Hi r 'Tt41 5eiu.uauy4 savea, tne isoii; ma knnrrd anseryed; and the pyoducjt iuj; ! creased4Tih i?VeUni hAaotitalrtn'od''1 m&mln si4..Jtibil.whhthe proper; stemv of rotation; f It 1 equally ciuem; rtbahe enclosing. plan; and " Absolutely ?U;;cessarv fon b&fcln U'ax I teTUiuiingstenl bcWuse by bpen-- ''vf r t w&'the AVaterHfurtiwr Vnti ..V . 1 L v n. v s,uovc "rt .1 ,.iivm ivai-.v im-5Tinaonier fitter ; ; :n and by lpinhe hpy i&tprbefc rl-i f l Kiltie hu!'llanvhtleJfeeDil.fti4 tbeWyvt!uiioi;4oini v coiffmti".ieaiDnf endeavor 4 luW-tue die ;,-Wy,"5WriA agriculture - ' -- , If ' il'--i .4 I, J c -1 ,v 1 "I; V l Vfl' ' .ft. J , ! .-1(j-.,ft . S 5 . --

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