1 : - " - " 'v'1"''t" " u -t----t .4j y Av . ' ""iv "" i " ... U. r" - " . V- !. - AGRICULTURE ANUFAC- ?Vom rArVv: T. Patron olndu9try.--I The TCattlrSbt) wknd eihibitinn. o f pomcstic tMnufteturcs for. the conor tT of KewA'ork, commenced on .the 4$d mM. at Mount Vernon. , At an Jarlv hourlhe road was thronged I with ornageg, gentlemen on horsebacXand fant pawebrtV whidi continued do r Sn rowt'of the daj and ateatn-boati Were plying cbnstantlj, loaded "with iiofoniiiai CT;i w?f . i f domesticanimaU, thought we inre tntd there was not so many as at j j thexhibition lat year. -Spme of-the j I oifn were astonishingly Jarge, fat. and j i Veil built animals. Several line iook I ine milch cow with calves by- their .j .rT n fhp fipId. Thejiumber of bulls was not large, but; tbej ap- neared to great advantage several of. !l' rai;k word from one vear to! inrr t". ."-.. - - --- , .. iVteen months old. were oi excpuepv rnmise. There was ohe litter of hogs do Dreea. ; it . . v i The exhibitionvof domesticmanu-i j r.MrW aWmot ratifying to every, fri . . .. . I atriar IT ductions of the old worm, ipe-e- . t gernes manuesira io view of our manufActutersi and the fine ar ticles wrought by female fingers.drew an immense'erowd to the door1 of the room in which they were deposited; and: those who stationed . themselves vmi;npHfjinflin? at their p-ists fer hour, till the committee .finished f . their examination, when the poor was opened; and Iheultitnde ' mhtd . like a torrent. Ve were wengeo i - Ke f lorren , Pftlinil; ihe o ifelwceT which were probabl v supe- cloths sold at from gS 075, to g6 50 rior to av Vver exhibited in ,the coan4j per Arard jCoi: Hunter purchased the trv The hnw of horses wasvvery ;f premiuri - counterpane nt alv a"? fine. The Eclipse attracted the great- Ja pair of shoes at: gS SO. Thenext tvt attention. Several pens were fill- best counterpane sold at gl 50. ed ith fiheenofthenative and meri- j The premipm boots sold at A l .nntirinrp in, men npinrp inr yzuu.i,. - . " sfeK. i nPuU "an, k;iK if proper: dinner; pr..Tia?d' b,; Mr. NiW ; n.l Wencooragcd. li riral. the firit pro-i! M.lein, to tberomntjrf Ov " lire cruwu aim -iwn.-u t . , . . -j j rSom, having 1. only . opportunity. to j.otly case dul v authent.cat ed, and f ar .l.nce for . moment t the various!: Pa,.ed even the verbal .ui.mfBof. Srtic.es; A.f X DV lire crona ami iLtu . cloth5VcaMimefV;?attinett?r plaids, &. white linen, cottons, checks, ch.n-) : Attheibw.,&ttirfJ -(MMO.CJ-Lminan,..; wnnllen'and cot-- tie , Show, the f conimUtce ,reprled, w. l ----- 1 . ... rf-, ton ho.e. boots, and numerouR nthef rt cles of manufacture. V ' Five bonnets ;manufattured Jrom thenar grass, of the finest quality j; and excellent color, were among then hsusehftld productions. Ut those wnicn we ssw,ine rflsninf7i vuuw tior.ed in our paper of Fatunfay. had the preference.' We were much pleas ed to observe the excellent 1 patriotic song,. from the pen of a poet, an'r tru ly amiable man, in circulation: at the air. j pt appear in pur last page On the 25th. at 12 o'clock, an ex cellent and instructiveaddress on the advantages resaltipg to the codntry from these societies, and from the eri eoura?ement Of industry and .perse ve- rarice in the; laudable efHJVts lor lim j proveraent,' .was .delivered : by the President of the society; Cadwallader D. Colden. ,Eq. ..The ceremony of delivering the" premiums then took j his prize from the hands of the; Pre- . sicient. 1 he; ; premium. consiicu 'silvefmugs arid tea spoons ; J ner?hese ceremonies tvere overj the sale of articles took place. ;Ve were rouch;gralified to learn that our suggestin qp Saturdays in Tavor; of rewarding the inffenious and industri- bu daoghterft ef a soldier "in the iife-l guaru or .vasningion,-wiina uvciai purse for the Washington Bonnet, at tracted the mitfco of .Mime of the frsemfs of iiierif. The bonnet v niah.ufacMired by t h 6e 1 ad i e s (the 31 i sses M edge jo f llongislaiui) was forisidefcd-!otr the whole as the bt which was exhibited, and r we may add that it Ts-probablV f.f finest in the-United SUtcs. - Miss Harrison's bonnet;, from Putchessi Cfunty;vwas in some respects consi dered superior The premiums award; ed to each were of erjUsl yaluC'Th ashingtou': Bonnet was bid oS" by Oen. Bogardos. in "behalf ;of- himself arid soiheTrie'ndVC6ne'lvBfr jire dollars, wlh n view; as we under stahtlj of presenting it tu. Miai-ClinoU, the lady -of the Gjvernbi; who Avas amon? rho prli8t:dnd rmo-.r; eflicieut mong the earlit-and mi: :.fnicieui patrons of Agncultuxal Wiss TTsrrison's bnjinet was purchas ed ly.W.vThnma Gibbon at.the ger nerou s. Write of eighty d pZffs.MTbese patriotic rewards for femalef -skill and indurtrv reflect much' credit jo pon the punas7rst'-1 P - The"blankeisrwhicb trioB'tlie; ;first premium, sola lor t-i. fi1 best blankets1 fbr6 50 Thejblck hat made of grass, or straw by a fuj I I Vear of age. sold to Mr; CMcutrthr 821. 'Another bat of the same mate rial, by a girl 5 years Vtfasre sold for $3 50. The 'yremlini f flannel' was bought bv. Gen. otant:Att $t 50 per vard- .The . other : flannel sold from I fax n 1 r P n t s:- Th e Vemi u m brown gl 50, ' A finely wrought nail-o a n kPrchicrold at S5l25. The premi um cassipere was 'purchased by .1; Trail: -Esq; at 2 75 A patr or sos-. mrip urinR nr ze - eAi.f cwt. ine nrsi prrm.u.u ... g ISO. The premium sow.tu,... At the tfncon(MassO Cattlc Show Ithc premium'fbr Ahe best, milclv cow: 140 dollafs. was awarded.to John Stone, rf.Mrblehead.for his Cow, raised in Ll.ynn . U$ applicatiou was acCovpa nlpd hv H-ritten documents and satis- factor duced factory proofs inat.oia .cow iiau p- the day or ''W--- - linn - or onuer per -.--j Kro.mh the. whole time. It was the - - - exhibited, sever.Kot jn.cn ii - fh.it iMrJojihuaXoyett matJo on ms A " " - . ... f m - farm, in Beverlv, from the milk ot six rows, 508 poo ndsf good but t er, in the yearjIBSl, pefween mc vj of May and the 6th day of October. . .t. -i m . AWA-rriki. j-VMr The cows were kept in -common pas- ture from the 20th. ot Maynunui tn irt nf Spntehber.- and afterwards in Fall feed,, and were ted witn tne iin I nings of half an acre; of carrots, and the suckers that grew on oneuacre of corn.- The Quantity, of butter prouuc j ed from these cows, , between the '1st of May and the . i 5th; day of October, tin the same , year, was 590 pounds ; j apd there was made, within' that time, from the milk ofthe same cows, 91 0 nounda of. cheeseA The .committee were of opinion, that Ic. Lovett was entitled to thti first nremium on thU -The committee receiyed a statement rS,m ri - .TnHrr Franri" of Jieverlvi that, from. tJie mjl.k ot;thtce,cows, kept on .his farm, was madesSM , pounds . oi batter, in' the Veara8U between the 1st daV of "June and the SOtb dajr ' ' t j:. '.i;il,a.' a o rr a tinie, was made, from, the itiik of, the .same, cawa cKojr pouuu& uii WOOLj &c; b ; The delraand forf this article milst :ontinue! to increase , The domestic Mipply ;is not equak to' tne present 1 J J : T hn m rt ii f:?cf re rs : 'And m ore factum Will undoubtedly; be estab lished ' in the', country, every yearr-as Under present encouragementSi tile bu siness is- profi tabled a-lthcnl gh proscu -ted with too little-eapftaU aod by those whhaye yet; match ijlearn. ; Koer.rp. - and certmn- rarjaci win v" ' -fy bi,wel Ire wanled for the are whwh they rmay hereafte pay to1 Cocks tof from the AtlanticcUiesiithU descrip tion 8tockfwilbe;paHicuUrlprp fitab!e..5lucb t f .th protluce of their iard wifl notvrfir of transp.rnng U to me, a.ooaru . ttlwoi, besulei fading a market Id'. Esq.4 at Sl per yard. ; ine;;Dieacnru sheeting v'the same?:gehtleman at'65 cents per yard. & Pa! ot, cliildren's stocking "of merino , wool, went ; at ui. ..r.n ;m ur enifi flip iiav mencau cmci jji ic uu , most of tbe,se states, maajso be sent to Europe witb-advantsge-to tbegrowr er and snipper. , 4 ; And, as an important step trwa.rd? the general introduction of, the sbejff er j kinds of sheep ri wtfjri oMhis j Tast courttry, B'i beg feaye to.: sugstharitjmighte. fonderlrtisefiiT to;sol.!cHnnttal, thehticstedvrenortslfrom the several states of this nniohi Wetting forth tlie average weight of 'wool pe i4 heio , v of jdHTerent breestosiber wirt theav j rage weigfitvand 'dispoUion? jto fatrio I the- shorn animalsShisfinigbCbe j readily accomplished through the in-j ? f rumenianty ' cuniry- ami , mic ! agricultural ocieHes ! soonxauelpfmorflo Ltt better animals . - i My own flock; of 51 sheepaveragr jed. abeiasf annual VsVear,: i lbs; each of NjwoI In the dirt r but ioJo the wool, with the reportior puhlica- I tion, in Abe hopp, that ,nanypenyns will do so likewise i and? tpns pave tip wflv to an Jmnortantcrintional ject-t A p introduction into every part of ! his country. ,. r- RICHARD Mi. Meade.; t Frederick County, Yn ' ' v" . ORIGiN dF THE" GENERAL5 ." ..; ,.: , Distress.; - From the Georgia Jovrvat t'.i" . After the storm of thirty years which have laken the very foundati ons of.'tindusfrv, trade; and morals, through'ouftKe world, mankind have a moment's pause; and seem mnch asto nished at the cnsequence of a sudden relief from tin horrors and uncertain- riacnf war. ' v We are In a general calm, bntthe detirium' of the fever which is but just leavii uo;stiil disturhsour fancy with st rane d reams': each man u ndertakeR in account for thegeneral distress, and each one 'seiy.es on the circumsiances aroupd hm,.and ascribes all his! mis-, fortunes to them ; one attributes -all to banks : anoiher to specie capital ; a third to cash duties and lending the governments money to Englishman ; and a fourth ascribes all to a ruinous system of revenue, which must be ra dically rhange.d. What will alUhesfe .AWpr wav. when thev look around ih world & find all mankind involved j in the same'gcnerariSin FfThey are , riven, tnc -" V u tney .r "ayc .j.-,VS, -a ;L:!iU' ! not menlidrf this; even as a rart oh an j individual repott, for f called noone to fitness) '(liT operatinnnorrrJid T I think of weighing my sheep 3tt that 1 time r next 7eA,hpwcrer;Till; da j both in formJUncl 'send a sample; of ni-'-that every nation is amicien wmi; aim ""V7 ?T - u-l Sr ilin governmenCvIn an ptiee, and we shall hay0seth Wo those whoascribe our distress j j Uter too than to - crakr abotttjthe in a want of protection to, our ;dotnesqtimesyi. v;v-v-;. - f- ,';.:V;. ipa and rnonODI The cause's ot general distress tnro -out the world are however, paramount to zV legislation, hey laresch ' as ever have, a ud ever wi 1 1 agitate and contrortherinduiofjm iitnes sweep xiyextibns ,ith- the shck ot, a whirl wmu. , w r u -tiet us look at the condition of the world iri J815. VEurpe just f rested from a war of twenty--fiv yr$ S the United States bapassedhrmjgh ejght vpsI rs f embarfi:b resinttions.fcar. ;buripg:thw nations had been disturbed and hack tivated manufactured; and td-fl reign Cm eichandite wait starfcej arid lr high. V y-;. .-; - -""This was; the conditioa of thirfgsnn and 115 when the capital and Vnterprue of thejuforld were let loose bya gene VaTj)eaWiUm circumstance . was: uU Lficwut ot iUe;L ;Y - ficient of itself L S ether causes, ai- led Stthe capital of mankiid waited s opmirtunity, nen irmignt oe rcj iitu procetueu.iu ; motion wWsecurit E Sref of tlprd Ih6 rAanC fictUresa prod k-SV productions of evev nation wefe con: jVeedings wpu'ld taU.place S 4 v A - : in greatabundance ahd low, night'. On ;belnc(ciiallenged;b Mr; MBETm ? : n ff ii r - rniiMi i t : w ltd c , uir v wric vurn imi-uwoi v r :r " r e most bowerfut. assisted in giving: 6." w- r- ."V . '.u. v impetuosity "Men who a' ration ;em .Withotit husihesj halt became i.Sil'eSRtieKlhi Wcl alosseswl:twim th prp eanses.' will be Prepared to ex pect the cohsequences whicV follow- J eu. , i re years i o i panr; i v i y 'jy 1argrprofi?ere all buyersnd the - ? wsTbMtSc iTfhlT:$ f jnAf r J5ISC:: hnrrieSto apoth change; wsyprofilafily os i fiiese ? years1 Jon fid eiicre enters prlzendicapitalJfeal anfic.titiotw, cojitrlbulinVto augment 4he ;Cbusinesr .ofthtfw the melancholy reirerse ie summer .1 : o u a liiwpr nriret h & n ' i t wdu I d i jiaVe commanded hemei Corifuience, wsudd pi r al lost (it power, : en terpr r.e was lersi and pVice of the world' wer? i.:pM4; pjro: perty4fverr description real estate shTpsrman'ufacxores and produce, were samficeqfbr; th'ef payment -f athepe 'debtstw hbJ! simu 1 taneouthruWhqu t the wrld wel I as the ba nkruptciey of 1818, and 1 819 : 'which together relieved man?: Mini. It"" ,..., ...-,- . , t they had been-tempted to cntract bv V.nA rTtsv'ihjiftmisa ot te0W wmcn the great proiits on trade in 11510, anu 1 8 1 --3f; Z'1 ;;-Wvt'; ThA vpji r 1 R20. has brought us some belief I e inal corigratuateurselyes j tnat ine storm, ia . " v v , oontnro fthroadii . w e are no looser alarmed with the tear; M hankrUDtcies f cdnntlce has ;retunvi ed to give artHmpUtse to trad; fcl through; that, pverv kind in the country. . We arebegnnng-:rscriw nroSabiVtheJiaP rienccd" since 18d6.. As the nations in the wnrld are i all now?imore oc.lfss. engaged in commerce, .we cannot ex pect so larg6 a share of foreign trade, as we hud when jthey were; fightirg thij'baftlesoiVamtJitioUrmen cbastineltiade is Increasing rapWly, and will permanently supply i08 We shall. probably tboenjoy aS large; a foreign : trade: as anv other nation. -:-.y Indeed if we coufd ; but forget old dreams, we mign oeueye wui ' mmripntiii a hannytondHipo at hiW i rnlui ot raonerl of fl od, . i- - v.t; vu .. .T.f ii4rhfte a little h chants better maufacturers arid b U legislators, . -.)r' OniWednesdaynkht: upward! ono nfifto-uiffed wretchestmosUfrm- . . . ... ... -t-4 K.,v.lr' !iifl thp pntirft dressed in wmie U.v'. 9 " - . Shirts, surroum , to tUf tid? Ot 5f(r "-"r -j: - - . ; , . - j -1 , rf hppn Almost tora ffene;wo tu,;,t "'- v v; i --j . idle, or.acc0nied,ln tUe- varjVf 3l? ZXL.'fitiW i ' Payments. ota.uUmy, exneriencei entered into a BPW:.iw?-y.?vr T" iSVillVi'min 'J ?heatsiof.thvor!a1 Ifmf" : ot 1 8I5rhe.jmareTspi cverx4? rwere crowded UfiMoip nth'er 'rotihtries. andlforeign inefdan - v S r b n of lve5a titht-ptoor,-sl ncn m -, h k -nPflrskheatbhrt Ai1er dragging himHpjotsloalpf b Uwajvdt ahoieaedfnV . . ; inftoutthhojm they drew up m regular Unewwu, if ami, immeniateiy- coiiHnewtcu the pblice, by.au orner irm jueir ica- der. - th that discharge; one tf the or lice. ' named-'Thoai Mdimrn, was sllot deadt ,r 'Mr?-I)olao insttntly. Ordered, uv party-to fireio riturn'V which "was. quickly obeyed, and a regular .Vufley 1 j W shecotat iisKirmisftes oqcrrep, o yji c - . ; ,. i i" 'rui: jet hnrt ntr inn nriiinf.- .11 , .'f r . jioHeclpdgreattnurnrw nondeliandwatoldi dead bodies arrxcnceajedjrrt ; WrJfeTJ&tc ip 7thetifirst staner ajrf ; Rftfht palpHw hrthftv Jwere rfi terrea uMhuigdaHhotiic jjiece ot waste ground hT.nlier'Wwfr:u ,lficesUh -JMnal Jlter .digguigrtho sinii dred laitftiehtj in VaHtejon jlKeV voon ta i r&w tie reVli 4i ad"b'ee hi r e moyeiV liotetheyVwer obtigdito,earre--l. , ; Sjl bbdiesWvtf?ldacethemlbe I afiearil WtkemcO ifep'lil. . . tlfiitrbVerahemn ! firoin It he lVeief ? tfctibti V hls;f namb i'ij was Moran, anu was;uroiijer aw que oi ; . theiprwonerji ustolhyasf , iUiVVgtiiihHimi iv?, '.woul'ajiavjbee 1 : , but the first voiieVhe iell'ovji alt', W dismounteiJvoo . j their,bPC8etfH:X beroad s vi jheh . , ; j OOrnoou .o AivcaijO prer4iu: a iuus.' mimtl tVpj)caratiiel& blood' i n'- yariu'u s paHs , thei li dern t ga ps ; acro h iclihef wbj awayy Vre al i besi(nea r ed.,wiR uIihU 4Therwer-teeVJiorsiAbriiuhf"iiiv I to RatiiJteal ey bv the pulicej u Ort fiVVlcH '.; . j j fn'o'wHt'ciiefi-werV jnfntih ted bSi Vad V v uiesertea; manyj.01 inein wej-e jareauf iuHjr w ounad.f,, ; if ; ; f. ,rv ; .; 4HA xonsidejrableumber:6f ipits, irtld f ; ; "f. ftcv!htsV;"athlfstmeM : Mr. Dorian KiiussecTi'firetwIc.-At" the , v ieaaer.otfne..:.gavg houselvtHere w:VeffllarJteiiin'eiiV placed- at fnnererii poiriisp gjvp ine- i - , main tiodj nottc ot.ariy alanmv , hen, w -fjieyyw ' leyfimt ':. yHhejpolice, thexaptainv or ' v leader pt;tnegan, wmi was auiren rsmbstsconspveuous matinpr, !mt a ' .; white dress; a cocked hat kn 1 feathers h endeavored to ra Hj his , troopsbut oops, rwi thbut iiltecU SHDCCO FEMALE AC fflllE amwa,t Examination pLlhe Ptip u jLH this Institutiori wdl colrnmlrtce . on l5(h Novembrri ThPubliJ ire Invite att i ? THOMAS OfltftBtJU. V J late; of Rteighairu?8tcf t4 bringf 'ihicai. fbnvaril ' within the linie nndlrf ie minhcr. pTeftribedXhy law,. 6tferwi.ife Vteywillb... barred j And .llerar jndefjt-d ' to Sa ids KHWCr arc mjucBtea w rauc pajmeni wun- . out 4;:Y M rH-; rv Is iff S;.":' th ' :j;-,.H;K0Ti.Gi5:H1 4 LL persona haTirAccwnt ordernandi; f ny or denomiji atiorl jvhitfoever. flftint the lutf it(ibcrt V"ifliamt. deeMl MIOTIC B If iUO RXAkST CRTHW5x6lTS3rJ v . that bu Toe dathOihrof oender ncit . v. c ' at ihe 0vfeelhrig-rlotie rah dccexHoi,' in , . iherjitv blHpieiRh.ai bpled Vle, v ' to the hie1est.b .t p. iJ7?i ' j-.Lwr-ti dK tee place ' - ': ' tfie'v inii;ioJf tB J aX'i;;io;,. ' n;haont.-;rA full mvetin rx tvr..vstlr" .; !v J '.Oiaeswd.. rJ.FaAtSIvUM- r ; J PfwVicut, otjiue i; s .nl. . ' ... J ; ; s s i '" -." i r A ..