f J. . i - ... ....- FOREIGN: LATEST FROM EUROPE. J v. . yesterday afternoon th$ ship - Cor cs,papt.: t)fi ; post, . armetiv from lii terpool , wneDpe ' ihe sailed .on the 9lh of OctobfTf ; B : this arriva.. th.ledp tor of :: tfie : Commercial it vertiser fait fece(redVldndori; papeVsyW the 9th, incli si.re', with ilJoyjl?iLUt of the 5th. Th packet ship Nestofar-. ilea j r i 2k. 9d : ner do. T to 10s. 6UrrCa- nadfl in bond; 'tOs. to S5s ; aTKntirai: Accounts, fronr Stockholm andPe ierhurgh;imention that the :':K'ryst proves Terybad inc the, norther "pro winces of the kingdom. - V " - , A. speculative demand ha9 appeared for Virginia stemmed: tobacco jand considerable' sales Irave been Rcfed ' atan adTanceof J to d ner lb. The J-l .1 -vVn w A li B ft nitVtc w! Of! "orifl llf. vtle has been done in leaf tobacco, i 4 Cotton.-The cotton market at Li TcrpmI forthe week endinj; Opt 6th. was hcavjrf arid thevloW qpaliMes of Uplands were pressed off? at ' tlecline of d per 16' The private sales of the week consisted of 500 bales Sea Isl- j ands at44 to 21 1& ;-l60l Uplands at, 8Jto lid; 59 Orleans, 9 to ISd 1S5. Tennesseev8Vr-8 to 9 5-8d.ic?JTotal.r sates, including iother descriptjons, ' 42S0 packages. - j . p From 'the papers before "us, it ap pears Vihe King' left London : for the. PnKtinpnt hn the 24th1. Sept. ' He ar rived atCalai proceeded accomnam tOD,:Hw.-Wajesrrt in. company with th'eDtike, visited - the field of Water loo. On the 28th he? dined with, the King of the Netherlands. On the 29th the King' attended the Theatre at Brussels.-- t " . ' , ; A great reduction is about to, take place in the Establishment of the jiank oj" Er.Ktand. The number of clerks to be discharged is stated to be: 125.- "The cause assigned by the directors, is the general. falling off of the busi ness of thq bank.J - :;,v: , : spaing The vpapprl: contain "Very little on Spanish Affairs 'At Saragossa on the 6th of September some j members .of the IVational Guard wished r to(paradb the streets with -the bust of Gen. Rie ,go. but the Political Chief opposing this rneaVurei it was abandoned. vGen. Mbrillo has beehe-establish-la in his functions of :Superior4 Gover nor nt Madrid, and Captain General ofNeiv Castile. . . The papeVs state that a ir??dfu1 epideraie has broken out at Marseilles and Barcelona. ; :ive physicianshad been sent by the! French goyeniment , to ascertain theaiure of thedisease. TURKEAND1GREECE;' ; .The ppearatices of a r between The account from Frankfortjnention, j that an 'amicable! u'ndersUndih- exists between those powers. The London . papers contain the cbrrMpondf ntubc ' s tweerr the Porte and e Russian All- niitcr, Baron VStfogonoff- In tro, j ilucing these ilocnments, the : hditor ofj : the- London Couner remarks, 'VV e ; i i.ro hiit heen tt6 little of that! anxiety ; relations. I The following s copied from a Lnj i verpool paper oHJct. o: - .1 Letters have been received by corns ! - merciaIfchouses;inIn(lon,vwJu pear to confirm l2?e 'intelligence of a?; , Victory; gaiucu. uy. ji'icyrjfv, aim hhesaloniaria,ovef-vthe tronnVi com"- TTianoen urine .catHa.oi, ajuuica. The engagement, wnicn . seems iq have bttn very vbjoody, tok: pIaQeyin the nVums f Casandi a-t AH the monks .of Mount Athos toolc'part iinr it ; they carried crosses, and -animated the !n- roeati with- 'their ivoices and ges- j xuc Aulas' wcrc vuuiiucvciy VOi XXIII. jjvou belor yesterday ; sive saiieqjijoni jLiverpooloh theyth. :r ' EnsKish b!dKeater TOlbs; la to s on the next day,ana mv the, increase of theaverage, we think j to. Brussels on ' the 27th,l tnere. is a very strong probability ot 'j eu DT ine Lluueoi wciiiuir I inc. pui is.uucijiuk i"',ihc . auuiiooiwn ui , i which wnuld.be, inspired by a sincere inTietv for the maintenance of ; pacific : inere are reports througfi Jbrank K that the Turkfsh fleet has sis- . iv. ; , - - -rt;. ,S -M; w:. '( . 5-...?- tfjnlil a new defeat" -Itjs" also said thitheTGfeek;ish6p;olIon arid'many niercharits, have been mas sacred by the Turks. ; 'J Sir;Gregor'MqM(egoV ha recehtl published. atfifebufgH a vindication of his cpndUcatretakirig ; of Poi-J to Uello by1 The;-Spaniards;- tie as serts that, the place -Was fsu rprised ,by the enemy, through the treachery of art officerwho had the command , of. th outpots, and .. who had engaged TovthevDuke of San Carlos, in London, to" seize the earliest dpporjtunify of de livering him into thf v hamU of the Spaniards." fl General atlds, that, after having escaped on board his ship he was preparing an attack upon.tha town by his squadron, which ;was frus trated only by the premature surren der of; the forts'' comqianded by C5!i Rafter. -- - n - v ; . ': 7- rn Ae A. Advertiser of Nov. 15 i 1. ' N i : i flour! -i r ' i ' ,:' ' ' , ' f. x, Ourreaders will find, tinder the fo reign head, , some interesting intelli- gence or tne ingiisn marKeu it win be seen that '.the ; crops have sufferetl mpch' from the weather, &c. A large portfoq of this'yearV bread stuff must be kiln dried; and application has been made'tothe Board of Excise to grant spermission... The commission ers ha ve issued a 'circular . to the col lectors, in which they ay That no objections will jie made by the officers of the revep!ue, xtoi com, grain, and pulse.of every description! which has received injury in the field being driecj ori the kilns," &c. After examining the papers and letters, and! .particular EraTti from Lanad&i It win oe per ceiVedv tfat ftherels ta difference of thirteen shillings per qaaftejf, between wheat from the U. States and Canada. To admit grain from the United States; wheat for the quarter, which will end . in October must !be at 80s; while tbat j from Canada will be admitted at 67, t, Since the arrival of the Cortes, some : lldur has5 been1 bought in this city, on speculation,! at from ' 7 to 7 1-8! There has been nooffer made for any other description of bread striff. V " IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT: - . ' " .- - The following article, which, ap pears in theishape of an advertisement in the Columbian Telescope,' is res pect fully; submitted to the opponents of the enfranchisemejot of the honest debtor ; and, we should like tb see an answer to heX argument it presents against that system ' which' Am eri ci is about to seethe . example' of abolishing! If vM mistake nptlUbeimprson inept of our awn Vitizeris for debt; which there has been no fraud in contracting, and which they have no means to pay, illvCre long, be looked back' upon as a barbarity (which had rto' claim to res pect but its antiquity! ... TO 1YV CREDITORS. -. , Whereas py jjrocess of law, I am now confined in thef jail of Fairfield district, unable? to extricatev, myself from"embar rassment Jto whicK, in the lot of huma nity we are all subject, I have taken this met bMig;ve vent . to my feelings and re flecdons, in the hope that,, those on whom my .eniarcment from these gloomy walls depend will take my situation into con sideration, and grant: that 'relief which is' consistent with the best feelings of our pas ture, arid the soundest policy of a creditor! . The. latter part of our Revolutibriis still in my. memory, and it is a subject prsome. consolation when I re6ect rthat, iri the glorious scene at Little York, in Septem- i i --. r:r . : t,viv. ..TO..- i oer Hoi, ii my recoueciion serves mc,; i I wastmcui inc uuiiiucr wuu LariiuiLiatcu in wie nonoi-s oi max, uay. f. i up not. men ion jh, boastingly, for my services were a free 'will' offering to my beloved coun ;'try,'and I acted fromthe. impulse of my A own ieeungs. ;iy repuoncan sentiments irom 'thai time, are known to ' all my friends,! ' I. have with pleasure viewed thes rising greatness-of these states and welf 1 enmed the holiest emigrants to ourshoresi wiiorarc .now.-paria&.iig ui uic ui&siugs whicK my arm :asVstfd4n5ainlng.;?;But 0 1 ihowisad to lookinand oh my own titt I&'d.omesUclmaUer f.WhHenapy of 1 these men. who came alter bar struggle havei isen into opulence, I am confined to the-' walls tit a prison, in the land where Hbeft'is emphatically: said to dwejl1-- debdrredjroniahy exepionkfy iiHli- ie88jumuyprmyseiana aouTnea to fity tl.- w r M ?Ti ?n u 1 1 in solitary and unfriiitj0 irfttion j iohw 'if f . 1! 1 - 1 -J'. . - on premaiureiy oyjmanyaays ana nigus of cxpo$ure in the! tented fjetd andjipf ten on duty in the pi tilessstprm wi tb nothing but thejeanopy of heaVeft mylcoveririg, arc jat; iJtpreaahgfufi on nej 4. Wir bout he leftity and indulgence off my c!peclitorst my helpless -family must inevitably suffer. Although cthe present siiuatfpiVjoitmy? af? fairs' hasT.a gloomy;aspecttidtorf unanimously. Would indulge i,their ' liiima -. nity," arid grant a suspension, of , their' dif ferent claims, ! should jnotfel Jhe least (Iread in ? mind ; or tidoubt, that IwllI be able o meetieach ; arid every on of them, and; settle their! respectivef demands a g'ainst me with z punctuality and! llice. I leaw the whole to theTiirection bf hyy friends and creditors.., 1 y j r 1 e; JAMES. . S; C: Fairfield DistJNoy. l, 11521. NOTIFICATION. THE public are. hereby notified, that Capt. James Ware, bj ithe cminty of Amherst, and State of - VirginU,ris ap pointed one. Principal Agent forj the mid dle, eastern! and' northern Sfates arid Ed m un d Rucker, Estj. of R u therford coun -ty, state of Tennessee,!' has'b'eeu! appoint ed one Principat Agent, for the, soutliern and western States- All Licences to use Rucker!s Patent Batteaux; signed by ei ther df us, singly, or by one principal a- .-)-. gent, or the subordinate agents 'appointed by them, or by. us, shall be - as valid as if signed, by boinof us. Sx NELSON C. DAWSON; Paten AMBROSE RUCKER, 3 tees. Novv,2. 56 8w. NOTICE rpHAT , at Randolph Court of Pleaii iind Jl Quarter Sessions. Auinist Term, 1821. lettersof administration having been granted to the subscribers on the Estate of Jediah Hassey, dee'd, rThe8e are therefor; to noti fy those indebted to sid Estate to come for ward and make immediate payment and those having claims against said: Estate are required to bring their accounts well authen ticated within the time prescribe' by law ; otherwise thev. will be barred of recovery. GEQRGE HOOVErt,7 Admtnis t V JESSE HASSEY, $ trators. Sept. 30, 1821. ' ' L ! 54' MIDWAY ACADEMY. THE Rev. , CL A. HILL, A. M- having pur . chased a plantation with suitable .biiild- uigsiuereon near, u.c miuuiegniunu uwecu - Warren ton and Louisbanr. .will - onen ? a m HOAIiDlSG SCIIOOI4 on the fir.t ay of;:." Z?.ZJk VuY ? " January neil, at the I6w peofOe.ftaiiM"'5 hlctSS&W., the Wa. ie .'-a!L. K:.'-rf:-,: r pot for the- produce sentowni th River, the repeated oublicitions of the Trustees at the different Examinations: and his success . u J i x , . w ,n preparmg h,s pup.Is for an adm,sS1on ,nto , their respective classes at College are deem- i 1 s,,fficiWWJmn5a1 nf lkiil. rt.ialifi- ,,t;n. 4 ;nn o -r.h i? ; r.. quired that one half of the board and Tuition should be paid , in advance, the other halt a toe ena or tne year. October 20. 53 tJl. WARRENXPN rv? FEMALI? ACilEM Y. The Termsof this Academy for the Session ! commencing thefirst Monday in JanV. 1822,, will be Sixty Dollar t being 20 pr. cent less J than heretofore Ths sum will pay for BOARD J WASHING, 'and TUITION in ' KeIding, VVatTise, AniTHMEiic, Gkammar &.Paiisij&, GEOORArnT, Histokt, Mttholoot, Belles Lkttrxs7 CnEMisTnx, Natural Philosopht and AsTRt romt. Those who remain a suffi cient length of time at School, will also be in structed in Zoology and Botany, f v : .,Pni, Lyk, Paeb, Stc are furnished by the Principals, tor whicb a' regular charge of g2 50 cents per Session'. s made. i'AU.the reaui- site Books may also be had t the usual Store prices i- besides which, no extra expences are allowed to be incurred, excepting' such as may oe auinorisea oy rarents or. Guardians.7 ;Irt this Seminary there are three Gentlemen andjone Lady constantly engaged in'teachiftg rnoseprancnes wnicn are included) m thenrst charges . A cbmpetent Apparatus- Jsr emnlov. ed for the purpose of illustration in Niiturai. PairosoFU It and! CHEMiSTBT--'alsoil pair of large Globes for Gkoorapht and a very com plete Orrery for Astrosomt. Farniliak lec tures accompanied by experiments,- are fre quently delivered to the wliole" School J -The Pupils all Board with the. Principals and ..regularly attend Divine: Service every Sabbat h.V . . ; ' . ;jr& !i v Music and Dhawijtg haye'tHeirtespective Teachers, an form a separate charge. There are i three expeljent Piano -Fortes kept for the use of theFupils, and in these, as well as other departments, vthe course of instruction is so lid and radicals ' nothing bemg taught :'by ..'way. of Catechism.' .Cfi 'PtP; .: Payment to made, each Session inadV vance.-'"- yyjjr yk: 'k iWThe first -Session ofi.tbe.vear ends eariv in June when i there s an Bxaminatioft bur bo vacation ; lac secona pession enasi about tne middle of November, when there is a vaca- tiojvinjil JaAuaryWH:! , rjacn t-aay is lODnng, witn ner a Uorerlid, a pajr; bf Blankets Sheets' and Towefei f If JOSEPH XNDRI3WS Prlhci-v T"s Thomas p. irtvps c Kni i JVarrenton, (N. Cl)Sept. 27, 182149-tJl MI5SiRELAYihas retnoyed neruooos fromtheStbrelatecopie to one on ine opposuu u wc..iitvi!) fbrmerljt irvpbssessjori of Mr, TGcotW next 4obr toM Mfee.pg C AllpA BIBLE-SO ClETYf r!HE AnnriatiMeetingiof this jS-ociety; ft " will! beheld in vthePresbyteiarii 'Church. infti.City;-bri: ihe"second.Rrc)n' tiay or next montn anaoiwne ouniia the J-'- J ;!!' , t'vV' .frJ (iALES; ec'y. Nfv, 22,.1821v - I ' r;.,v'-.i. : MONEY LOST. ON tnelihof March! Ias Thsednheil Ltwo halves of a- Huridred tibllar ISfote, hvjf seperate letters j the i bhe1vaoresseUtoIr rKr1,' nro0w; xrAWn vlnnSo leitheijofthese letters ha eyer fome f o handi rtvmabosble;ti lopen at Lesburgl he e xvas No. 663, h1 Snch -The, Public and particularly all BaiksKafe U cautioned dnst receiving sid Note, fcefit f from myselffor my assign ,MB?f f " . . . ROBEHT L Wadesboro', Nov. 12,' 1821. EDMONDS . 57 : - .. . STAT?: OF NORTHVCAB.Q.LI If A. ! - Currituck Superior Court .of Law, . ' . V - PaU Term, 1821. S. : Lydia Cook, " Iv, a -' - : iy - va. k - : v retition tor a , Divorce Pavid T. Vl Cook-i liyjr.i . V'-' V T appearing? to the: satisfaction4 of this X Court that David TT W. Cook, the defen dant cannot, be found in this Cotuity; if is of dered that priblicatton bemadeibr S moMTis. in the Raleigh ItegisterJ that unless the said dePt appear at the next term bf thdCotfrttb be field as ? the CourtHoiisein ' Currituck'pn the sixth Monday after the fourth t Alottdav j in March next, and enter his njea iflanyhe nas, :jl aecree ana oagraen; win oe enterscu. up aeamsi aim atcorameMotne prayer ot toe r rt . By order of the Court.' 7 .V ; - - v Test. 1 i S. FEREBEE, c. c; cj Nov. 8,1821. If; --f j;2-:;-:;.,;:,5? f JOSEPH ROSS IS authmised bv Dr. John;R. Lucas to sell 526 ACRES . 0F lAND. from 5 to 7 miles below Raleigh, bfi the River Neuse. : -On tjiei Land are, the Saw and Grist Mills of. Jielate! StcSe. This is the best Tract of Land . . 1 A " r4 iitst,on 4 P eteq Drenderst V'ZY.rW int u ia te? siue iii uiis secuon oi counirv. i nere are t clearV;d Df the whole Tract, about 1 to 20 - Arrpk: pw. iw cw ;m.:i in this section of country. There are cre! nere are sunary,improvementson i the Place, amongst them a new Store house. " Under tlus authority, he offers for sale the i saiy. i rati ui xanu,. on tne ioiiowine terms. iz : One-fifth T the .a.mniint at 90 lava. tia-o- tiable and Davable at the Bank ofNewhem! 3 Lthe balance in four annual payments, on th4l r&w December, lKi2.2J.24 and 25. alsiyufc- igotiable and payable at the saidBknk,4-or tour equal artnual payments atthe above pe riod, and the above Bank.'- OrNetrrb 'men 1 18 1 years old Women 15 20 years, ( . - i - V O ..... at a liberal pnee, deliverable ! in one and two years, wouana sumcieni; security .win be (required, iy ' .1V: T' v. Should the above nronertv iibi bie sold at private sale before the 1 5th of Dec'h next Hit will, on that dajv at IS b'clocfc! in theHaf. H-cniuyu, iuc . fcuiu ai jTUDuc auction a&uis Mr. WM POptE wiUhew tlie-Lands tb j. ross s 'Auction jroom 18 conveniently fittedup for Salesin all weath eijF5esJwill - beeptup.wh'eii' necessary. le4solicitspubKcpatrbnk "fl s , He has for sale, Porter at g5 per dozen; f - -. ! f ! " l" ; same pneei Juice of.sour.Orange (superior or oj ceins ner noinpivin tif liravp at th r xo jjime j mce ; at i per iiome.' Lump Su- gar anui4 umDjers.; v; 1 1 V ST.ATE CfS' NORTH -CAROXINAJ jrCourt of Pleas rand1ftuarterssi6iis, K; - JohnCi-'EUtettr. Edward X)bnoho, Adni'rof AViUiam' M: :r?M. : r noho ' dee'd. - ?! 1 etitioTilbristHdutioA "DTT appearing to the "satisfaction .af this H jCourthat the; Defendant! Ed ward Conbhb, AmibstrillianW. bhbdeceased. is hbtanl inhabitant of jState j it is brderedthatv public uiauc in me jriuieTgnnegisieri icr f the spaceEbTfthr ea atpu!f iiextitdrt c! PleasQaar ler isessions, to oemeia ton toe county, ot Caswell b he QbtfCt-hiMsJiaiell,' on tw? .vsecona onaay 3 a net: tne: 1 mrt n ivionoay 01 uecembenext tnen; c?Uhere to althvei jddgenent agaihst!hf yeea antfwill betaken pro cphfessbj valid, tiiS j preceding, tne anni versarygoeruioir in Jsun ' port- of , the! t stitution, H) be. preached; at the same! Church byRe. Rev. Ehbhil netition heard ex: MMw-ati?:: A EMifcATlOrfc Male StientofthjtfnionA-;;v . - demvln tapiacenxoiij r. l.v . f TA.omIam rut - ' . .4 TEA! the-fi1toni2av in, Januaryfglowg ; crtmmodated witK Wrd. .in lh,famJy of ,3 . 'A -TE AC H R.u ' v ANTO u. -in- f T 11 1 i ' " m''f . T ' : ik islwantexl .toiki charr:-:- V,! esHoro! Acadeytht , 0 'ofthShe' 1st day of January ;nexVA person qda-. nfiT f m f rhrv oiiial-studje in an A- cadfmyrtf ill meei v ithtncoragenfent; .;. . JolmEbr Sairiuel Kn6xn c;rt- . A mbnnd h essryjCCmmcnUo will , . be reqijirdl-.' urC..vijv-.iJlr 'i ! Kpma p- apnartmp.nr: w u hi b;t ipepart riieritilfmeeiw ever , nible ;eocQuragemehO by apply :::j$A M,: Nj cNov.iig.fvsa V ry reason V& r " ' ie mD;- paiey a v ri-incfpl bf Lave C!V; . P1-J l" v f;i k tp Kr-T tead; jhc wdlachglshra , Wi-" i fliobes. Latin ! arc! . Greek anguages iatuial 4nd Moral Philosoph) -Kit, iK "1- ' i V'.''.' '''' i ana .ne vtrl Ca dwell'sperience cations as a : teacher are too i to render anr comment necei id mtrili.fi-. dl'kbbWa v. ' The Fdm ale Department as iaual will De conauc iea gy, m.iss; rarey.; ley's leisu 'e hpursJwillaiSrt be Mr.Pais- levQted to Student's of the Atademy W jll have the advantage of a. good Public .Libra ryry ci f v -f i ,pe next aesMon ynn cous tuence oi the. 1st day of January next, i c; j - 7' va- v,v r By lorder bf thtvB V-ird, - ;v GreensbcioiGuilfoM cpuniy,D,',Vf-. " KNbvelmber; 221821; ANDS& NE(OESF(mSAL TlISHING to settle my afffairs -and api. pJyj-elf i'exc!lasiyely b.tbe -busl V nssof myv-Professipn.vI wjjf expose to ruuucroaje, at my muis pn,j;iaw luver; 'oriVtheltldayo less sohoejr dispbsed.of at private! sale, t(ie ' K follouijTracrs of Land, to :lti? ;';. . Thc Lands on w.hic1i:l tivrincludinjj V uy: muisj cpniuiiiHig.aoouir iOQU icres A Traef of 700 acres, lying ji the Haw- 1 ' fields, adoining. tliatfds'ofil .mas, Alexander. Allen, and others; havUi; ' oq it conmnieni uufnquse-no. ap exed 1 egt. 1) wejling-House with;urdiimodi-' : v ous RbbjnV '4 i''i- I " . -A TVicrsUuated 19 Rptii'Jnlham coun v'-v 1 tvJ'ahd called and 'known hv ifiVfiiiVn.' ni v I Lenox Castle, 0ntainln'g a,bout7l650 ,a v5 V ' wwh! Tin Chatham Tccimty, -c4taraing a- ! iAlso ndry TLOTSL in thai Town of y.. ilsbi betwen30 andblteGHE -and otherPrbpehv. wbidi onJetimi ! -! I ;con veyd: toLi mes Webb knd illavifl i' ure cvrtaihjiebtsSyhkhXowi.? . thesientand oobe tso'Vcrdit of ot' f hndlt wb' years f therchaseoijiey oearinjgf iateresti antt i T the pufchkbersiviflgBond tliecirity-!' -1 AiDMUpPHEY; October 56trv . "T. '. ,,.Ji '-. - - ,j- ' : " l- y,-" v-.-." ; oreiy d ; -a: l'a"J .''.f,v '''''' CI .1 -

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