r1 r- .u v o . .v. ' - v' vzV-- it. ;&y -v -f;nvc -. ' t :"-v , . -...A.J-J, .. -;, . ! : . ; tVthe iulsoi -ii .iheAut&a have beea sus-1 j My eta I I f A r 1 :. ( . i ii iii i ma' 1 ' ' " " V'1" 1 " ' 14' j Y J3i pftltinns cre"Vcceived and'-Wcr-C fir-Tntofmarioriof jrr VJ prtng; tomtfd'iH? fptTutio.: . i,t!x are entleijto ; members' of; Cori-i - T)& ttJcA hif rfln Swver it-was :i fcjriirtTuctcito WppH a bill' fcapoKshinj soich offipft of te'n'Stbina na Have ben rer, , ported by-$S6r' ;tbe''T?PJT: tp; toUic fiintf of Xbiiri tljrpf rentj'tff tbr' ndtfVftV cef'ir 'nnsTnr: 'frtrrv sates of ras t w lcreh! nd.cVrA'm!tted .yerai rcs)iinan9 catting- jqr inioruia- - Mr, Ciinnon c?.l!t;d f theconsWeratloit v,- ioriTi'cr;?An:l3tive to thecnMlljiatbc, aroy Vnd ihtt'crps.cC V--K V J-. MriVaiyo.U (Vrcpfscil to dlride tHei v Question; V as,irt tj thkenp the thire , ifs"rc$r.fation. that .iycYesjibmhtexi 'by t Jir? mover, r Th! si nv otipn was agreed yto ; and After soae disciisiicn Set Wcen;Mes?rs. : ;'R".wlc;ii and"- Cannon,, thC;firsfisol6(iS)n, i on motioir of , Mr. Vfao&i was ordered-to . "i "D9:ile1 on th subject of" the militi whoe du-tv ,t shalllie to inquire into the'expedien,- ??vKiT&zthj: -and proxunfbftlie Jro-. 'i'mTt4: in cliwmllne. "of the militia of the tirrvve: difltTcnf 'states and . territories, ?and that Mid g4iH?ing tle militia-betnQndrdHCust si on, M r. Wal wtirt h-mnved; t o' strike, out lb ft ".words: " AVavs .and .Means.', and to Immedintelv brecedrd lt.. tha jt' should be .tvferrifti to the same cohndtice. -? 7t -rh 'm.Srlon was onDosed: bv ."MrCan? Hon. 'antUnesativedr and irresolution b' was tliercupoii adopted, as moved Dy.Mr.N Orf mothn to-take into CQnsrderatHn the remainder of MrJtVb.'-resnlatlptiX the 1 qusMm was taken ana,iost ayeajDi, noevfil; SothHouse refuSfcd-'to confir der them. ... U i'lv.:'' r:&$9'$: " Mr J Whitman called for ihe considera tion uf ihe resolution bf Hint uhpiittedo theTVcjpetary; of State relating to ; tj"f late transaafons atP'tsacoli, Aftrr somite discussion andamendriiVtntsV ; the .re-, aolntion ws ordlred to'iie on fbtLtablf ,t rTbk akerjiidb-fbrer tbc House the twp Mesa'g.;reieired7n,T'aa5yt-PW-, of the day, tro'm .the . resident ,of ;,ihe.y. & atcs ; thejpne embracing aitate.mcnt of the progrew which has been made car-. I he 'rerlutions for a tr.nrer pay, reqnestwg jninruiaiuni -pViaSnftfe.-SecWj Corre.sponde.ice of ie. old Congress ;he. ..iiHin.naM-taStiehow ' )ie enc the-teb!e;( r. 4t1 ,Ctff"roVd rcsotationwai adopted,' 10 I . Fffoiteil That a select conjnuttce f be aj( - - eoTTvnittce harcuetvc to report -by .bill or. otberuise.-; , . .-;.- !- v Ye tJurd. resolution, relating to an ift- crease of the annual approprtation for.orr. r.srrt tnoworrts V AUjaryrAnajrs. - rxc; considered ihi lrlutwn soTiniiMtatrl Cotceced, In its nature,-Vith that whfcb : the. i rovisioiisbr, law for tiie erect th.. iVovUinfAhv w for tiie erection oiaulV!tf'- "certain ifghtAjotnt-k liavV been carried in-: . to' elfecttse firsts t whlciJ Messages wat referred to the COinmittee. of Ways and . Means, aud the . second 10. the Committee oi Commerce.-' 'yy'y "r 'v 1. y, j ' Mt. B 3 yi from Maryland appeared,4 .' ' Tras'qoattHed, an k his seat -,,4Thc ; following Comraitee wre 'su- nounced aj having been appointed by; the.: Speaker ;'rsuant to the . Orders of yester-- " " '- day..- i&:'''yiJ''' -. O-j-xdiyi ''XffeinXr. Moore,-of rtnn "r- MiV Metcalfe, Mr. Bayh-, Mr. Hall, fr.'pcn-' . ' cer.'Mr.'Uitchelt ; and .Mr. Bigow- drf 0?i certain Treaties &ada by tkq USfaiei I. and tf' fZrMb&id C&erikee'nationitf ' ' Messrs. .CHhn'V'1phrBajstbw'MorgarT ' -Blair, SvaSvind ilcSherry. V V -: r- :rv 'r iDnMf rLV? '.rArvlirt. Mea&rsV Can- . nbn,; f idlay,.5.jcCarty, Vilfiamsbn J.T; Johnr J " ... v. Known 'i'debate, Waxjead '-5iJL tifne- &pitpMn'Hied:. smnv and RryqlaiqaarylairaVjrepe a bill to wqviAeJvfof persom) .'who jwere. ; disabled. W .'khowfi- wounds' "received it - ' Tiibf? laidsf repfVfd -" .fo tbe re c.Iic'f of parehaserofcemiplaiid.kaich; , ' - wa3tvicbWaV:)d.'.c6ni WiUed.' ? . ; -I ' : M r?,fPf.niible viubmiued'tbei. following i. " '-fcsoJ'iin'ps v t ykych "iJ "'- '"r: '''' I1'.- ''.JteelvtL :Th at? the committee on Roads y'y'i and, Canals be Instpicted to inquire jint the M C , i exbe''die'ncV of provatioir'by'law. fof the repair and lor tbestabbsnment or toll gatesthereon. yiietrtthfy'Ttotre saoieyoromittee be jiv? structed o inquire whether any,'' and, if any, wbat, further provisicoi oiight to" be .made by jaV, fo enable the President cf the U. States to complete the : survey : and location qf.tbe' UUoois, to UierMisaWppi river, andwhetber' fc u any3jiav provision ou gut to be aiwlt o i nhledeJresident. tq cause the .-said. rqaA to he. consiructedw. r y. . r" - V . ' i-;iJcistfdL--: That, the Pi4irirttr K rr;AV)' : H?' be requested ta cause this House to be informed whether tWconimbsiohera appoint- preposeq continuation of the Cumberland, ; Road,- frtim-3nrheeling; in Ihe 5fete of "Virg??r ,- lu; through the Stales of Ohio! Indiana and ;v ad irSoi? ilrovemre OraveronS'eoetitionVr,' 'V - PRINTIS r ivvl Itke !tii$6 -iivc ;.tbe-xlut!e have beea stisl tonKi xwtitJe :oTi;th t)fcr pajf t h i t $hf Missouti , three pei cent. iDtTths WDcecd i of thfe sales of noh- Wellhom-.ft bill' to.amendf an .act of' V7B J&C Gcntrr,NaVillto airieiid actcT; :1820;cbricerning if tontyifce pat ; 1 oncerpin g iir.-It "arton1 turnpike t6wdi J ,t5ieb refW ftTT 5 jj IItj Hatch, Worn a, committee, - Reported a"K Wbiclv passed their first readlnffSi tiz V A bill : concemin"7the diity-of Sheritfs la the wJe'of jlanda for taxes. Alsb, bHrttf authorise Jarvis to'erectate.IIc also prcieted'the rntitlon of tlie' heirs . of Micaian. Thomas. -' pray in ?: for a' land warrantsHead ami tcfer-: Mr. iSnaTffht. of Craren. from the Juafciary committee; reprtel a blfl to provide a fur- brought -in theV county; courts ''&hen;ail 'foiifta shall."hot; havo :juHsdieonwVHedso nresented a bin to ' consolidate? into : one, the : several acti' relative ta:, tb appoihtinent of Trusteea ; oC the! pnivcrsitv ; ; ,The Seriat proceeded to the:ordcr of the j day jbii the Ue,Te nue liill, in committee of the wfiolevMrPers6n in. the fchair, and spethe (reniainder of jthe da in discussing it ; , ' ourncTOssed priyate bills.7ere received from the.'IIouse of 0ommonS which . passed meir nrsTj contlianti unru jeaaings,rana were ordered td'be cnrolled.Thirteen other (bills and three resolutions? which passed the lBourbfomnisvWere -read the:first ;time" tin - this fkmse;"t y 2 &'V'-;. . ; .lirfT?nflRn'Ti?Minted ii fiiill concp-fnin'c th i ment of an Architect forjthe State. Read the- 1st tirnei T-'V i '-L'v f The Senate resoTved.itself into-d coinmlttec ofthe w)iole,;Mr, Bryan m. the chair,-.On the Revenue billi - after -pfing through' which, the V conmjltee too. up. ttte: folio wing resolution j w ' lieiolvcd, that it is inexpedient ,to.7ta3tthe . tenfcme;t in which any banking; operations 4 axe conducted, which are nqt authorised by a cnartef jrom xe i-egiaiaiure oi uus otaic. , After several hours debate, the committeft; 'determined, bv a majority, of , 5 - or 6, to tax 5 . ry iAnd Visbirti:reTforted in favorof West wood A. Jones, John assev; Thomas Smith, 1 John BOqlnana otners,v and Wm West j -fJind Mo"gan -'''Lewis, Kbcneaer- Howrtt, Joshua lw.iMarsraret Mart) n; and the heirs of A 'xbmham Dean had leave towithdxawtbir pa- . persV-, ' C:'- '- 7 .,v; -7! " ( r: r QnTnotion of Ir, Outlaw, -theipomroitte ' of the Vbo& towhmj Was rcferred-the Ke- : solutions presented .by ' fr..Vramson, onl tne suoject or .a convention was aisqnargep, rand on motibn ojt Bryan,;: the'jRcltna. iVere indefinitely -postpone 36 to 23, W with the mes 5 ants. . - 'W - r ... ; On motion of Sir. Beard, the Committee en 1 t fencraire a .sum Road from- v m. . ...w oociartra - m I county, , oyer; . the V'alnut;MOuntan, to, he Tennessee line, soas.j.o istjjrsect a ioan uvt offbyTcnncssce.to flie State linca"fromltjngi saitjvorkk.:vv -':J y k 'fMr; Graves presented the petition of' Jo- f seph Sater, of Surry, stitina- that h? hag; .ob tained, a' patent for? a' ihtthdtl of removing: blindness in hOfsei end johcr.'hr. to cothmuhu T' cate the same bh ccf tahl conditions. Refer- ,t :Mri loltbepon of-Ehslxa; kidd prayin'to be. vestcred. to eredi i '-"" ilr. Wjdbprn; a petition of Daniel MBane fern. lf? WntTftf-.f LUpIaiivj1 ? ;' . 1C .. i -iTliefdllow1n tCr the mod90f pinisbinghe crime of horse- stcaung, pusses m uoi , v anu a oiu to repeal an act tocreate' aTund for'.lntexnal Ihiprpve menti paased.in 1819 fy-' v, " yJXy-'y : Mx.- Seawcllt a biflto am-jhd, an act passed in 181ft coneriimgthe nafigationof Neusq River, and an act paasjl81'Tor'qpenitg'! and improvi tier the oaf hratTon of Neuse river i " 3 jr. Bryan, a bill try amendand explcin'ie 42d section of an act" passed In 177. for cs--l tablisbing courts of law, and 'ctinglthe Orocedipgs jtberein v-c$d tx-tr boldhig the Courtof Probate- m Rutherford OOuntr. -Paaaed their 1 st readiniri h iV 'Jl L - - vIrJSpai-rht.fromtiie Judiciary Committee. t repurtcu.uniavyraDiy, on - vne praposiuoii Tor (alfowinir comnensation to witnesses attendmsr trials heiort justices of the Peace, . v r i;.' Qjnotion bf.Mrl Uaibqm theCotfemittep; pri tniernal itnproy ements Were instructed' to 1 jiuireint tHi eip 5dicncy hf appropriating a sumcienx)i xrv iana sevapart tor internal Improvements to defiayth expence f the "ConmiissiqneM'iapMmtcitd .--examine rthe ' Koaa from-Jesse JJeiiew'a'to tne soutbern i boundary of the Siate. - . - . . V f,VOn motion of ilrBIacky.thq samecommit- j tee .was instructed to enquire intone expe- 2d'rcment of Stolces and Vf;, Idrnrvah. a MUto authorise ihe emplpy- ot, state was requesteu to lay oeiore. tnftje-j t pislalure - the number of ttlIitarv;, land vrkr'-i I jTants issuetk since Ttnc aitung, oi xpts r-4 Iscmbly to the Trnsteea of .the Univeratyvt.l . iv By lr. .Fnnfc, a pu raypecUng the potinf y (jcourts of Colu'nibuir: iKVV-i''V MtV UuckabcCj a bilUo repeal an act to al TPvETF i rtT 1P deepen the Swab :caled Blair's, tfiamiel ! f ' r-;Vv V' - Bkledge,a bfll to ainend the'acf fK.-..-. r . reap,ct3ng a turnpike road from Pungomex; .-Yr,,TtteIavyle- 25. ? : ." Plymouth v- - r - 'til i Mf.- IlatcJu from th Clnmiruti: nr Tnt.i.;v-. iir vtt i. ia 2. ." ' - .1 . ii1,-" 'i.'-.c - ' -- ? , i .:. j --t 1 1 jTCaici;Lini- h. nimnir rmn trnm Minim i n hn A.i.n.r. 11,1... ir...v ,... .kj 11 r - - i . . j. . .n nmin. "-nuve tne commissioners -:or viewing , tne ";'-These b lis were read the fcsttf;aisdiheii " ' BverJt or he OWL '''- r 'I Of erery descriptii neatly exrcu jblyonlhd- pf ppOSitiofl;fm fpenit? rrom Tobdwl proposition fbij pureliarig the WesJof and tdjvthe prOpositibusfor aajw-iff unjuncuu.uiuuuui&e,iu.uf , -- ineen reterea o improvementsjtnozonevto rawjpc w lately; wrfcd;$ bthr a HH toamend the iadln liMortto the;Road"(rponMb7W VVewitbi'amdmeiitVh ,SMightlromthe4uncjiry reported -unfatrconefc makinir it thedutir ofthe Cwrts to take nrt ithe Stateld(5cketfirstat.eacHt'?p ) By Ir JlarsHaU rTia .w;- regelate to county.;cotirt3 orAnspn tf 'iJZj h rt:-?, Mr. Crarea, abilirto jncomorat thetown of Hunisville, Siirrf; if-te-- Mtf Ilaich,: bllf toahtrise Jolm Washt ingtQJVf lenoto' rct 'a bridacross; Mr. Spaight, ft liijl furthet to regulate the Newbemcadei-4VX - -tM'H.")--X , w M(r. Seawelb'a- bni toherthe ttroe, of the. sittingqf therieXt 0oehd Assembly U&! Which passed their; flrst reacfiftgf :f ?;; tiofi,' it f was movd to( b. jnende(l5l Seawell by adilyjg 'M'Mpctios. tjixinven Tne KCvenue ii of ing Jtinoejr- copiurf ry tenement W;lh4hh"tata"ii)iwnc sitall be,located riondic);cd ii'ijyTJpkin.T'? tiops rbt arithorise by -.'a chart tromthis State." $10.1)00... .TWsmbtkm 'was heaved 6y the casting ' vopof the, Spiakerj there- oemg ayjroics ,oru w. v; m r k Mr Alston itov the tenement in" Ual?igj wbich ttKe ope-, rations of the :; State. . Bant? 'arecarned c on. $10,000, but the;, proposition wiis negatived 40 toABxm t:mm of the whole to whom was committed the iill to establish a Banlcby th tide of the; Bankr of North-Carohna to nrovide a fund. forMe- frayinthe -cxjpence'or .the Goiment;aml loligbten 3the burthch's of thpfbple, :wia dutc'iiarg i when Mn -Williamson mpved; 1 that the bill be, indfihrtely postponed, wKicn A-. ;.V; . yA ia -r':.-:-;iJ:; I0USE OF COM nlUSi . ;! Vfhe following bill. were presented?- I - 1 " Jr : . T.-- t 11." j By XMr.. Andres, a hiJJ , to prevent slaves from being protected by free passes, and for otiicr purposes j ; KJ, ; - ijj , ( lllrl Leak; a bill tq:promoteth&8misti tibnof justice'r jHv-:; : niv '"''.'".-"f Mr. Nixon a bill tO prevent the; retrmg' of spirituous Uquors, by the small measure-. Each read the lsttime.;?.- '..y: :.i-:-.;i':;'. : tOnlmnUon; of iMr. sent'to this Senate! fjroDosinir to Oallot imme diately for Commissioners of; Internal Sjm? provement, and Oominatmg Isaaf T; A veryf John D. llawkins, Thojnaa TTurneri IDilrant tTatrh. irTlarth'tt Vane ev-and Wm'J. Cow-: an.- (Tie'hies3age' was laid on the tabid In the Senateot) motioh nf Mtr Person.1 . .The bill rrom tne senate to estaoiisn ano ther county ,co tne laojun; aiso ' wie oiuior removing', juc eoiirtJionse in Hvde'viere refected"' A Mr lVllman presite'd the pefctiqn 4 of F. rm vtsuTTOiu m oenau or , uie iieirr oi joi. iu Murtree, respecting1 a iana warrant.--.tie- ferred. K ? ?'iV4?A-; lt:t:b'lr:' . V . Mr;' Staply. presented the t petitioa bf the heirs' qf jJoseph-Green ; ' and lAY - f&S Mr JLamon, the petition . of E Jpancej each praying for land warrants:; ;t'f: m . ' Mj.- McDoweU;presenteiVa pctitiofi "in fa yor bfuaWevPaiton.-Reierredi .x-Sr Thefcrtdi'eiWal that Of 1TO,: directia ; rifls wi'd'GfislA?!cs sh?$ ' J 1 WAJ the lii.l!Utet that HfiCT; r..McIiooc r v ' v-ri f, I" Jl ? ' . '..v - -A ... j, ... ; uf.-- J ;. vr..,, . 'f he Jbllowihg petitions were preesnted - By Mi-: Gordon, the pctition'o Iliam . iWaugh, irespting a road;V ; X ' Mr. y A4atijdi petition Forbcsi'pravin for a pensiohi rfefJ. r f Mr. Yurnef,?the pebtiqb of WmiUufiui,vff !slsp,f"aikmg ti bereliejrfni''pay tablismnir Couris of aw,&c. ill vMrvareabiUe xlecds and convcyancea ' intrusiL, and vent fud&er .fMriSpelseea. of .die Inst session M-frespeets aiiowancea t rjBnrris ?i 'mioaftethmoVof hf$? ihihCountk Co'of jartert.H -rj ?' t-lcrtfeaitbtJine: ; 4 Jchq Co wan,' of ;VibtungC6n iwas elected: Golqai ofjyalry 'Jn01iHM vVMr, loorevirbm a'com iaibf.remoymir t&efe thfc&Ram and .iif-fWyeeu6fiuMbs' SlOrtithe. I By4Ir.XoVeabiHlo"oxplain the ait bf, rpetiqn wws? go tar as relates tOi i uxpentinei I'fitr, v'B?jTmgcfV presented theV 'petition vjf TVm;l-(br alandvrranl AicferrcG i ; m n rw w t -wTn - vri 1 1 tw r t t-t 1 n ri mippi t r -. t-. 11 1 irii tiu i r t - i r- . Mr.SeUeri tlepetlUondf John Cm$;jl cha- v late SheruTof BampsoxVcnce for 'M f0 bfMr' fikfit Tit J by the-" insolvents J v 0W Tftejaccom We . ? - nr- cn, fi.d 'vo 1 feverlctorderawere fenyen to; treat him- frffr i 7viK?Rv . : ''' . praytnffior a iana warrant. jfrr - u.mz'7'.7:i 'F7 :'jrcr:;-v ,jiv,.r.:sirat4te.';'v'':Vw;.aL CSTKPHtys. v '--.'rfiH?; Uyv&i I: rC iMiZM m. jneomcers-ropm ana tneinext qay ., i. - -r -r . - fc w . Vl won tint Wih YiAnlirtcrf in mm rtnif;fe;v f.i.-H. v iiie jouawang oik? were-presemeu ::4 'Itrirv-4?! stAirtr,;-? ' n xaos wADswoarffj v By;XIr;stahly; .a bnito enaBJe infents, if , neum. . ,r; certain cases,,ti nkeonveyincpri rmmilqtempera lw;sastint perty,t He'al preseiatqt b21 aOthotisinH: hVM beefc cWta-lintaHoiV abilltQexhkuVpartofa armVman, 4ernewy mqrel thclands rescrred.to theS Cherokee Indians ? , Mr; Blalf, a bUJ td'incorprate- Albemartq Xodge1, in HertforHf xAiA TV i s MxStanlya bill to incorporate a company 1 Te ;Housa uhaalmousllresolrad thai Ihe PubUc easuj-er be directed to pay P'neon ralogical Surreof , jnici' jrviit jp,, Tuacuw to tuv rumors or zns si a r eome ot tn? eeriLpaprf.wnonnfatut': WktSe coodupt -Of Ff en,acsoin rUtlon theaf!arof CaOarav adrhlt that the !atct' as riot Here in anv otncial canacitv: biitiiiat e;WasntitietI to a Ct4cprtVs:-on;-: countor tne station , ne. i-iatt hiteaanathat as. that papers eoutd bavp beit obtained witJH tioi with Callayac baiera out of his CU3JOoy,-ai it'wthatthe General de- yi&K9 1; he" determined to arrest alj onceriied.' ' 4TL was remarked h v all heril "tliat hfe nro-.i ceaieu, witn a -aerree or temper ana, inoao-; 3 ciave characr fbznal11 rea u est to ISOtisaland. the baoers were I foihd in his pbessisn.' "Hie nt,emn ap tt pojqtea ror tne pqrpcKre maae4j a written. i mtjiidi spjecifyihgNihefpe suf posed, would oe sne wn to. Uoi, uaiiava s i 'acordjgly;Tt'lwaas evening an answer was iven qy ousa,aic' . tafcdn doubt byoUCallay: oflthis course -as fihtende'd' lol afford jQQtez&l C: llava an opportunity rto. sorren4r.:"l3Ie pi-. p i-3,ias -jhaving :be:enene.by;'.istake T ic? 5pe'xt nbrnimj an awtr v)w presented io ,Sous; setting ;fprth' V thtsons yfqridc niiiiding thepaperiv''fabiS ;a1risweiv -int obe- tdleuce, no' doubt to his iu3tructions hie rent ef fcreceiff.. "'As nq ,-cqrreipndeoc4 fcbuld,: -new witlr Col !Qaiiipii ,iae -wsp.; was peremptory orer'tojseae the papei in the md3 of S'ousa ahi if.:thb,had "beeSr'ex6-4 itadHhe net wouidhaye ut,. wnen genuemen oimissonca ior hupvuoae,abouti2o,cloeki waited onSou- sfif he : informed thrdiat the' papcr were -jo lonijcr in his poss3i6nUiatrthyb been carried t0;-the , hoBfayuV-H was then taken i rito C'lstodyi bjouffhjt before the. Governor, acknowTedg-ed fic- papers were; in 'i his; possespn, Vfji.l' lava, with -an''officlrV.mVkekno ran, and state, that if the papers AVere'deji-: j i.th he ConM positiveltrefiisin-anQin nanner setting toen i iance.Sousswain manner, fiance, con&on iUw.t Rwv,, . AMfKrnth out! coratnittin mmrtQ .rtsonthia ;course 1 "iT - IJ- -s. ought to Kaverf inlets-wilt pllcb tJte maPreht 'nder-: dacovnpelHd the 6enerartbinfbrai bJM:tat1; AArth&nmim ll'Aft P?3Ms4-tDtte,saId eiate; are:.; hinCin conqaence mMnmm' f$Wm? edhis geJ(rfhothreasOnV Wen5ous naifnew&a taken Iritp erhndto. a(f n9,';ftnv.r. ratpn'wmch byjbese;) wli wereiuquainte4with iusprpfandde-i tf ilminrl fth nafri: andcase' '? X"vr- rs " t ot rerusai, summon mm.TO apgear-Dexore uie j 1 ?.-.- iJiL . -w.. . r , tT.n I fctiose rcntlemen';.trtrC about: c s;a:iava iiccicp.ips,ui fiinnsh hirn'a list- a.nd -the oar alone-siifhcteht toiuatifvJilsc6mmhTCnt.i ne completely see hj- auiaorrcy:.v a.Qiaiiutr, anappamspmaoe sonage uiey wpuiq Tuey all xiccompa: fever.; strict orders andwherhe has Sknifeaetteke. . ... 1 1.. AiVi-A-KW"fKVtk; l kir1h'fiiWtitKhanni between him aMd ie t saortiy .mvinsr a lew. concerts'' witn his'?tive Cihiiaren- (thetoldesiLK anH thefyo1aet bnlySeara'df'.ae, particufars cf which, will be pven in llanabills.y? -1 5 4 Dec 18 If , .61 itATE O? WORTH -CAR0Ln4i " - . J.-:"r ! , SuperVafCouttVf tw September Term. I T appeitunsr foAb satifaetidwf this Court .ll. Uiat AngitSi Murch eson, nhe defendsqtr isiotai "jtv.ab4taft:6r,ihraSiatef jt Tafc'br dered that publiotfon h aiad e CorjZmoM m.the PayeutVillv; Gazette ahdlrf.ihe Raleigh, Reisfer.r.tbat uoles 'the aaid.deTendan't ap pear? at the. pexc term of thisl GourtW be held at ihe OmrtKoue:,jn AVadesborouefu on the second' Monday :inAf arch' 'next,' and iuer piapiea a aecrpe, ana 'judgment win oc tnicreq against- max according- to tne A-vr KaTiAit: AfnH r-llar-TfirtttTr??;; .r!V--".. -Ht fbandiniiis posaessipm theywuld.e-ide-i-r t- r r hve nacttrdquent oppartumt?es or ffesernti?, IiverMhi I jrJeateSy fiw the mtiof oth-- - ihatmOepalleduD bUejve him ood&r frfinet and: SuVGovernorIt was notnmW vdH i vSfSiVt. " ktbisfMroroe bnda5t?ofaiaTa;Jjefoi HWM 9wl&t , ipite'ni' & the formerattemped tamvadeif and acknowlede4 qualifications cfthis . LacJ) , U- :k:Cy- 4- -m axi xnstructress m the various bifincheipt - v ; .; ediicMoWusuillntim 1:. ' iv qMe.ng.Sh.is:ai!Uv f v (IXTRAOBDrNAWqfefiR abeenttaiffedihclf'-eau " ' - i K.EVUS4inlorsthenhab tantsW ' Ii!; :'ottif kw.iIiinowitfto many ofVthemv'Tjy, theretqre .; pf" MWh 1 ' gT yiiuij' iuawMU jutviiMi 1 f 1 , f 5.t'-,?E rati wu;j;,i V5' i v. fr-r. Timer a Cdns!dtvf '' (foantity of florSKtv ami r i.Vo - - : W2?:bAtmfe resumetfort .the Hftt Monday in Jhulrv- " Ir MfFheeterVcontiniiMtA.KT'i:." He is assisted by yr. , Wdspawtjie; Male Department: 1 Vb?s.I&re, ' Mr:51i3toji? Bariowi' lull? ofthe Female Benartment -H v , 1 5mc. - hivpr of theadintagei; of th Aca,iemy.vlt3 reputation k 9 vht ..'Vi-C' DecV 20V ; payment iduiA .tbbse bay. L -.l!. V ' te sanie,; are . Afsired. to, ; r - Witton. two iiqrtftreayards ef each '.other tfr$. ; !hst!tujbVn&& the Ist ' 7 Jl ' ' iij of , - r ' oay -:oxnexc u.monta, mnaer .t&e cird. of Mr 1 m termii-orit mitan.:f6r;B6 ypaiiJidies; 'ft'- 'Ibbbysitnef ycars age, if poarded jyith afntXcas (wowill bel priparidia '; a large iwavnient warm house, to rieive 15 " ..OTj20ydiibtQ, f. Board may bejbtajncd ;. ble housea as any irtthis part'of thelstate.'' . fee-rnstdon-wiHJi .jodmy liiiaediv fpaid to4th morals andjlbrtmeit of the Students: eputecPf 04T; f?AS ? tq- thfc .qualifii, " 'cilMpkikp, I;,caniiot lay more y ' than mayv be 4seen S n the iahneied ceftificatesr "mb'-i : 'rf! WILWAM .K; 'KEARNEY.- T ,. tWairen.CQDecll Vtliat th b earqr. MrPariip.Avi tis, sbn of the '. ius may . .wnuj. aiiwiioiatl liiccncem. Blmbf c'wern,': has been, ; diirind'4' several veaj-'wrildevThv' i Jmmprtfat care,-as a.pttptl in th Nwb'ern Acdemy. jQlng tbe'vWqle-of this perickV hejjhas beea , v sdnhetlby theiuhdeviati;'ig; bropriety" ahdeorrecthess of his .'denortmenL-aa Well as b3f his ripid progress in the various, branches r'ofClassi, r educatk ri- As a j- tanfc among tne of nis a?eV-ad is pro bably, surpassed by fewae is alsd "welt ac quamted wita Epgusn Urammarr fith-netic, pr gometryndlhe branches qsir. in . Schools and Academies. filee llylvisrht ; .such has, d coafidendy? refcommend lithe onice of s or Academy. . k ,3 ,wn ?np wf t:ai v March 1821.:1',: K4r j ,.r. .- 4:. v r- .' ','m ...... .. i t ." '-' ' ! wrvariftn na smnff. . mv we nave ; naarti rroni It : i , l w -mm M M. fe . av vV V- a WW oAv iWlnoTuerA proposals nave peen cmaoe to .- . takecbargq'of tfte ' departv which they pr& ffir,c.f:fi2. itt-nvirxti iVon HpHect eon LV1 IUMUbU 11 VAI'viv. i;-IT A , a-a , - . L rT'l-A.--: l'i 2Afia t yictionot ne? aDiutjes :as an msirawf voutbAMBFcas acted, fdrsdml tinie, ' an assistant in the Raleigh Acadfmt 5 ' Suchaffofded the poost unqualified sauaaC-. t Uon. During the' present year sfie jhas been engaged b instructing alarge artdfrespect -ble 'class of young lilies ia-MUfilCfwf the progress oHhe pupils, anderf her.ca fustify the undersigned in-speaking ln-terntt , ot nixrncommenaauon oi ner wupf'N v. Teacup uin usci ui uu M V' i T 7 .! 6ffemaleeducationv-,k-' ' ! ' ' ; " ! 1 wrjx.oiK," . JOHir iHATWOOJJ, C ' jfws x M'rnx&Txas '"jar, rOTTram - - -A ' ..1, ':'. ? w; a. hatwoo?. . 1 ? Tnoi. aaxDj ISO IT. aaxwooir. mivTont tra chaivfe. ano S BX7 5' Wi fchitdVand eheerfunv oat3V in iis ihiibrnilr .Ifthc Stees r tntss Wetea.WeameV.an - r, . .-.-.- - i