1 '-i 1 . i r J. t-V:7A; LIST OF " iraSdy.'the '.General; Aepof tf ; IV: State at the Session,?? 1821;. Siwir pi--ri'yinfnt of , the civil Jlst no con- y i'vtln , rngbrtfiM-l JEW? tax on - ..1 hd i jin.d ; I rVpHlt Are the same last year.;. , he ;t -ita on Pedlart is 820? en Pedlar 6n 1" ' navigable Wters $50 ; on Merchants, R&ftoin S to 825? according ttftheir vpftalto bepaid in Apriland a license . I . ' " ' TV -rr - ;; Oiage-pioy crs J w . .. v-"j I - tj 5 8 10' on every slave brought .from 'another State :for;saleV.8lM'on eye- c'iry jproKer, or wcnaiie . yr jm?i Gffice'keeper every Turnpike Road olLgate0':.-r; T tii '12; AtiAct to amend an ici paseq - in l the Tear L820t! erantinff further ibi.8tiktiitKten'ded to January i; i kDirecUhff a: Courts of Oyer and ri'TefroinettKbe Keld for thejconntyxof CravenUTOe Governor is toxroih- 1 t '-.i-is 'XtJh&UAsZV.in hold thU f 1 . Ceurt in Jhe month of Jannarjr, inf oji i e totrt a number: Afreet persmts tland slaves now connnea jaii jcijr Wtj,e& y7Kth jbfiencVa whereoC the Superior I J v".-pupp.iemeniai iO an aci ?pjB?p, i 'it'$X!Tnt' wssion 'ot-'th.e Geii,era. Vvssembly eitiUedanact directinfff i SSS 4. Court otQyef and Terroiher to be held fbrtheountyof Cravep. Providef iii.-ng thethree first Hdays, h lit coramfsj lon shall xpirej .rc ' '- . r r ''.trttmendegectibn. of a CJ act, passed lp 18l6;,xoncerning th ft ' i;VvTo'e;'nd':;1h V' 1 st secion- otViaa if act'.passed' in i 81 5 concerning' - the il;rjvigatibyf;Pajpfe;FM wToend an act passed in 181(5, j St concerning t h tnavigatioji of ense ; Riveiy and to amend, ah act 'passed in - f: - 18t 2Vfor ipehinahd improving ti& nemmr and improving the Bavigatiorf of Nense river. ' x r v ' 8. To artend anjaxf passed in "I8i6 v ver, -TTO above 1bur acts merely 1 A- h'titi to (he mann er of i a'd ver tisi ng the shall -pay the prison eipec w ; of his 7r aneaibgs Ihdale of ftbckf &c.1 - JeWii&V : the6rst Stoidayfc ifthe-De-i 9. Maling'the- afBrmation of the: , fenrfafiVhas rib property to pay them J : ; Veopte coitmonTy cafled Duhkards' e i S2,To attend the acts liiakiitg pro- f -when'a SI ye is convicted of a rapital ; . -rime. rf fi"t' M i.1" To Vnriex part of Bladen county W ine cfrupytonvMmDUr .. . .. . l'12.: To tonsplidate Into bhej the se-' i?k cf the Triiteesfbf tht;XTniversity7 for ii ; thtlgoverixneht thereorandibh'othef P rposes, Jv Jt&f.M : - i i3V JMribtiha the time-and placef sale .01 la Ins and. slaves under execu- . ' tion. " TAt r the- roiirt-htSu'se i n " each . !v county onTatiyiMonday -ih (ahy weV. '14-JTp ihableinfantswho are seis -; -j ; Trust ,;or.b vway of mottgage, to make !l -cpDveyaDcii, saia estates. ::lPjt. pe? rtition?$nil Irder btvcourtfl i y4f pendact, - entitled . an act to teremcf iind ameiid anfact.pass ijlfi1tv iSteHoihlcbrppraieVCbm V ; Cre'ejk -Cblm jjnyi' and to increase the if vcapjtalitqc f: saidompanyy' Boik Tovimend atKactbassejd j I a.ntl4ftr tegwaling .jpprngaere If ceeding idgiarea of SlQO achwitb (A tficiaca -Th fe: 3 tate 1 11 to skbscribetany bumtet if Shares 1 JI" notixceejO-t.a'; 1 ifi wuexjtienei vior suDscriDersinoivex- s 1 6To v m end atK act bissejd' jni l Appeals&'cJfrom -coutitYcw shall rtakennA: U sasC?fsbns;;t nti qing Shvjji ml w?ib aitioo' v m thp pf esebt i TO W3Tfii t' besutitondici- .trie lipvisai ot fne Acts ot tneuaerai 'Assembly; riopietelhrefl v ne,uenerai. Assemoiy p m laici jvbra'rj Ja copy: foeach, pfc theSupeiinr ;and bounty Court p?erk jjfif dges and f eacH?of thesOfficeri ptvef ninentJ v! ISOTToprovideor th execution processrwhen therc'shalllbe no'proper rolHcer in the, county - to u executeth t same. JUg;r; may jiuc norise an onj- cerj in an adjoining county Tor the puri. ''pOSel-Mi . : 21. To! incorppratf a jQompaqyen ; ti 1 1 etl f he Boan ok e ? Inlet Com pah V, ana tor other purposes. r a I ne dtocx i is to.be S200.000 openingthe "Jn let in shares of g1Q0 each.l . I. 2.;; To amend ah act passed in 1 82.0 ! to irorwyeandVrepair ;he -Turnpike Road Jately nwnetj pj u JMathan f;. J ton, inWil kes coinity fjA lithorisio :;tbej' callihg rdf hands ftowtkl prifrdad , l and payment of '.glObOifj-hm'hJunif J- annrAripUtarl ,; fni v Tntarnxl' ,Tm nrnva.' X 24. "vfo -increase (he .salary of the i Secretary of State and for other nur- ' poseswr 1 1 ncreaseu aiiKJLj r : i , ; . -zo. j o explain ana aroenu an fcx passed last sesMonv, limit ina t.the time J ;within' which, judgments yeire a Jus f ticerof the'. Peace may- be f reivivecli ; Pea.ce may be f revived fThree years is theUinif timiied.tjsH" session for prohibiting white merf from 'ciiltivating the 'j lands .reserved yf the Cherokee Indians. , This act provides I that purchasers of ; reservexl r lhdiali lanas mtypurcnase, me rignis or corn Indians. iPenaltiei incorred by pur chasers remitted. , V .r r. -.1-- ; r'V s27;-Regulating the fees of fJotaries; I The fee, of the' Notary H hereaft?rto ne 25xentsnlyj-:. p;t - - '. " 28. To promote the administration of Justice;, f Giving power to a Judges connty: on sufficient cause v being shewn 1 rv; ; ..; ; 29. urapbsing "an1 annual tattoo stud horses and jack Masses. The tax in the price- paid for 1 the season of one it u ; i T repeal an act passed at last session; for the rehefof honest debtors. kl;t Which provide that creditors penal fy nardens cho$eh t filj a J vacancy . na,ty arae na arey suojec in if -they, refuseltb 'serve, wljn elected V3S. To amend7 1 fie j Insecf ion Laws of this vState , a respectW.TarptMitine. pJotftonideixi1 free foor an y? TrdutehKmixre jT'blbt de sinquaHtyO feI; i i 44 Tiittehd theltinik, for refiristra .tion ;or; sranta. tmesnCr conyeyance'i powers or aUrry; iiiVof Rale and deecliof gift flHya yeii longer ah loweur uu: 35TrocoHnrm the -line befween;thi SUteahd Te b nesseeand tor othe tbvel State of ; ,S6ST 'amend ah sfct C basseil i n PUFl 1796;' to Temedy cerfajn incph lenien ces arising vuhaerthe1iiresehrJan Klawa.- rAntfual retiirhs tof entrieri ol .land' to' be'' made to the) Secretary; of t to iiVj ureTbriftacb te 'Stue : ortGene S8.'4o;'prvdf'ati jad itipnal5iun ; fQinrnalroyeniien It grant? the proceeds ov? tharfik nedx by the fetate irirthcCape-Ferl; Ad Kewbertf jSpvTomepivan rajct . parsed, m Vt820or ? thfgpbrjrf se jtof i;aidifthe opepfng theState;Uoad Jlfrom i Jobut!an odyibUiks rertnesJeeVUneVnSTlhxouniiea Wlkes aBdmsHbra OOa iv a6pro- priaied-fronvthe. ifund:suaparfor I nU 'trnMmprQVemeli nt.tb;c art Arch ite hnd'texceed the Governor to issue a letter missive feqiliringUinWmdreCdges 1 Jtoait tehb! the Bupreme Cbtrrt-i repealed. vpreme ;Jourc 10-4 possess ? f:n5A same the. Circuits among the Judges i of the Superior;Courtsi; .The Judges are; to al lot the : Circuits amdhthemsel ves? and giye public notice thereof. Process by Sheriffs StpOrpnef.f (Sul) ject on raijureitoa penalryo ? 146.' To amencLan abt supplemental to the "act concerning the uprenie Court. (The salary of 5 the; Repbrter to: be paid on ; condition4 ionly of its. having the'T.deci,stif'nspjf within three months Ifrbm the 'close of y- 47.. To promote the administration the, prod u ctiohot papers v in certain nils ciaiC) uy requiring cases.r (Superior Courtsfto have imwer ,to require the 'parties, in - any' suit to produce - books -Or r writings, in . their pse$sion?r k rf :: 48iyTvd.and seciWnj'rtfftiietjpa establishing .Courts ot liaw ahdv regu vlating the firoceedibgs therein (fh al I pleasifthe State where ' the defend nt is a egroIhdian or. Mulatto . or ' person; of .mixed blood, whether bond or, i,fr$e.v th& ey ideuce of Negroes. In dians, &c. whether bond of Tree, shall r , voocerning lanus lately ootain erfUy Treaty 1 froni the Cherokee In uiljis. j niiuificr. sate tii uie lauas CIl- rectedat a reduced price and provision rootle tor ine i o capon ot a; to w n f etc) vi r. - 1. Tb authorise Paul Barnneer to erecf a gate across a public road. , 2. T authorise David Lnyd to erect -a gatel arosaithe public road, leading to Whitehall Terry; in 'the County of diadem lrJ j & 0) f ' h 3: Further regulat ing the Militia of ay ne ; County. . v;::::;-i J 14. 1)kmend an acf paswn TSi for the further regulation of the town of iNeifberh. x.0fV 5. To repeal par ti o Tt) a n ac t ' passed in 818y r so far as espectCorioby Cr'k; moreelTectual lyto; prevent ob structions to the passage of .fish up the oanoke and. irC'yM ( 64 To amend an act pass W in 1 81 5 to authorise the County .Court f Mont gomeryi, tov apppiht a Committee rof I Finance to settle with the ' officers of said County therein tnentVoried. v i 7i .Tf increase thefnurbbei'fpfJu; rbrsUhthe1 SuheriorOvbr f hunty of Lincoln, apd ; for,Urervjiui' ;.:' 18. To estaolish an: Academy- ini the town 'if. Halifax.'' r r. lij -a'i ; 9To esUblish'Clinfbn AclemVf ir,SampsbDounty;and Ho! ihebrbo VvUOtyticer. in 'theoubty-'oLRpanlfev':--: 1,1 ,ror. cue uiyorce oi iTienry vy one jmah ob neranid hltfe ,0a tharine ; l.Ffr thebettfer : regulatipn of the torrrFayetteviHe.&vtN' o i pcorpo atp juie .tiowaii , Ag- ricultufal Sdcietyv and tor other; bur ies"; Mr$0el&-kJM ' 4!;i4Tanerldi reflate (mi sit; tjhgr :bf theurt jt-frjSebii'iifcini ?ffc FVr;the betrer Regulation pfcthe: jCoirts' bfrleasanir) IQuarierHSeSsiphs tbrthV Ckmntv' 6f3uncmtii ;1v 6.;KTo ; prevent r the ha wlingr of wri wci uctwecn ? ejw in iect; near the mouth bf anb-FeaHRiveiHd?BaV aridl ln,let; ?coft mohly 1calle45 Hb we?s .inlet.,., . J :4 -$lK lt ..i' . -, A-.4;.--f.. ;VV:. ,v 4 jocyrporftie, paruis ivcaaemyy JnJbhnsJo tSUtTp repeal part Jfan act passed r In" I8l9,;wxanend;an5;act passed; in jLOio'riQ',reuiaie ;ine 5 r isneries op th Wafers thereof, m ; I yrel I pu nty ?iyvrpn ilhe;;reiief50t welt labd'hUifenfJeheCoun siiTbfiut 1 junW'of .1 he'olitf ty)of Cu'rritucki to 'e 1 -Xiuir-rM-j-iUf pawer. to gra nt new trials as superior uourtsj, ; s -fWitf rk 44! Respecting: the arrangements' of Creek, the srreat Allieator RiTer. anrtJ I J82. To authorise IVm.Atnis to erect? twp.feaUs bcrbss the publid road; lead ing through his plantations in the Oc-- caneche Nexki in lorthamnlb 23..Tp establish Poor and Workl j -ho.WSn ihrmiMv nf Charham i 4.j'rpr tne reijet or j a m ps r a r rief. o li7ki. flio r0lif nf P.Kn'rlM IM'tii j .y r or tne;reiier or junaries rwuo? haldl H t c'''V':' y: V'YT Vn-- b56l Tb lesiti mate Jahn Peek; ; Jo-1 sephjPeftcffAfsey.kP oy?nis4 niTfjncor brarv Solcietv. ib the cnunty of IredelL Z 28 repealjaii act passed in 1802J' ilirectihg tliemqde of appointing pa- roisim.xe cuuniies ui urates, vamuen '; . . - : ' .IN v .. 1 : - ' ? .... ' ano rasguoianK-so rar as respecttne cou n y bf iGate'af ; : 529, -"vTh atter tne time of hbiiinsr t wo of the' x unity courts of BuVke f "Y i 1 the f bWrj of Rock ford.' . 32i! To alter the time of holding e lections an theoobtybf- Pifti yy i ib'(fret:counyi(:1 :.:-y?-: ;S4' Tp incorjiorate the Lincoln ton Female ijcademy. y: v:' J.f ; S5i Respecting thecbuhty courts of thb -coupties of Wake -Bertie, and Franklin. c t i r- .v,'. 36; TpVrestore;tOi credit Leonard lhittinton; of th county of ikes, s 37 j -To alter the name;; of Ed ward Caudle land to legitimate hm. . ' 38 T authorise and empower Dan iel 'JarvisV.bf Surry qountv tb erect at Scritchfield's Ford, on the Yadkin Ri veir; 'a' Gate across ;the public iroad leading from Huntsville, in'said coiih- fv, to thW.onntaipa'at FishersxGa S9.-T aer the) time of holding; tne Superior Courts of law' and Equity, forjtlie county f. j Haywood, v and, the Superior Courts of Law and Equity aniLCounty Courts, for the i con nty -of iiuncomDe. 401P:. r.Oimtv I officf at the court-house -ip he; town j pr&arib f 41.! Authorising the laving otf more ; iprs in tne tow p. oi AJincoiniopj aqa :r4fio incorporate tne ; naieign,iie. male Behevoleiht Society ; ' : . : 43: To am end an act passed in t8l8f to annoint commissioners forithe town bf Wbesbbfoughlihfbr other :pd?.-. , ... iv, j ..... j v.;!. ;Vr.:Tjf (V-., , Hj..y:t ? 44. 10 incorporate the- Kuthertord Ji gricu 1 1 ural Society. ; , . i y ; 45. iteauiating tne;iuties ;Ot:the County jXrusteel of Jtaid pi pb county; fa '46 1 Auih oVfsi bg seven acting Justi ? Ce of the Peace tor;the count v -of JHTaf: ifax to eff)rtn cerfaifi.dutiesf iaitbe co'nt'courtV.; 47.1 Tflalter'the time. of holding; the 48.JeFprt;ihdlvb and;' hi? wifeiRachaei; t'i 49: To keep open Ivy:River in Buh- icomne cou niy, up; sam iuver as iar as fCarte?alMiUf county ot Martid;;tb keen; his Officeat ;.t 51 4 1 o continue: ini turce' tor one -yearartiact to authorise a ouery Tor ime benefit of tnjvell jQFVorecii iiCBalifa 'JJTo;)f eyerit;hvgs;v from' Vunhihj at 1an itfie Jts $arecqunt$ t?'$3 Cbncert)ipgihe bhntrcoBri bjf :5443ien Ain 1 81 raing.tb: ,by;themallasure ineui oj v?uiiiriicouui.yiuiiiii iu iuc rfliTo w mb naranitreeie.. ano -Ann .r eeic, cm in renr- oi 1 1 wv"- m ? . r.;v . v,t;f ..rt-v ' vr-wv.f':iu;i. Johrf DaWsbf Wake! county; pfeseriikjfe SaVah siteHlRachel s- LassiterXouisa Ui ; Raleigh;;,; . SW ter,A;ur,pn j,assiter. uatnanne xassi-, i. ,v,vHaucraing u; iuwu oi oaiis- ,r ter:ndf Eliza Lasiterv :hildre MoseslIJassft'i 1 -X--, i j 59. To; prevent obstructions io :the m ; f 60, To incorporate an ; Acalemy on; -r under the titfe of tie Midway AcadeJ IH mft ??$km?:; feh& yi v w ucr. uicr imucb ,ui iiuiuiu?; the couhtr courts of Carteret cbuntvv K'X'J'j t' 63. To establish the SrJrinriroye ifJ. cauemy, iu ne quuniy or , finnan, nna; af . ,7 4 to annoint - and incortiorate the trus- m k' i iDifi '-. t. a.- . " . n -i . . . i of the ,t!own of; Morganbn " tbell" e'eV-?;?l ' Taiquparrs- "I me paouc square in saitl) ; s a town ; and to rjepeal ai) act passed in 1818. appointing commissionerft to sell V f ' ! certain lots and the town.commons ib,; " f j ' ItnebWtf'ibr.Mbrnton: U firl: To inM th Vrafi f j V 4 i 68. Oalfer me time o Superior: - Courts 1" the I-conntiea lof ,y.' & " n and to alterthe timesvbf folding f$$f?:.;;t 5 1 county cob rt nf Jqbes,hdCrayenl'K:9 'i) 69. bern 70, across NeuseiRiyeiv ' -cqisv iVvi v .f4 ;-!' f;7;l Directing the Secretnr aferS:: to iisue a grati in favor of ohh HankeJ v 'v ffi Kf7:To"authpfisetbemolMyoun tai n tu rnpi (c e com pan y to extepd their , , )y H turnpike road tromthe JiiiVv of Te'rl v v r ;( nessee to th mouth' Of Sbcti Creeks id t vj -; v ft: Haywbod;county;.;;, vv73. To alter thetimfebf hotding the1 ; . fi; ; 1. o i n corpora te Aioein a r i b juuugcj marie Lodge,; ; , ; tf . I'HertMfin;"" No. ; T7 , in the f pwn of , mona-.'connty.WM f - r s ro; a o alter; part or ;ino- roap . iaiu ' ; . , out -accord ins: to1 the acit of Assembly i -'.'; I. of 181 Tt:-, 30 from Fayette ViHe " to. h yy't 6. To jpcorporgte a Male and FH vu lbf.fe;in!MecklenbuW y'yy,- bles Inthecounties of Carteret and , '-1 J Ne wHanoyep;-.; j?feV f r.i l8l7Virectiha, road and openpdefrpth the town of Fyette v; Z y 1 1 rf' tn VI nMXI n rtn 5 1 tilt rt ' fTitt ti itri '. A -C . f i ? anq atse an Tact iamenaaioryrinereio-: .yy.: , i OaF'urtheTFreTatinthe tRespectih Coumbus.;;;v AgricHlturaller S8i;:Toroend)an?.act 'i, I ; tolthebing) he .; " i passage of fisKip the Pidet'and'TaA',Vv'';v 2; IFo the better tegulatiori of thi . I toofl i v83icbfppT r iid,-'.in;;Haiifaroij;; r: fe94fiT6Kcorate ieli,tb I cornpiissiorir'oi theltOH itof e-'cj: 'fer-' I ucrn, reiauve 10 - uie juuarauuue ii v,- 'V,r teSM' OKwT .m.Ail .iii BfkI In 4lA: ' . ''. $&;Toauthori Jjcy-Jolihstbn to erect a3datn: airb t first BroaRiverinlRutheribr coutw ' AUAH &viop ? pirbpjSaiinfei : ;iiherM hi $ttchae iWeCfiamWri;; . r.'- f 1 Paw (IK? -"'r. .J 1 ' ' n..r.' .jiV.1 -T-' -if'-f ( 1 ICJ, VCwVA..V' 'i'tv 'Vt fV'tf ' ..'.,' ' 1 ..,,.. .. .. ( ., . ; J .'V - " v ..." -.. , , 2 i i. .:yj' is .V ,Y.' I ;

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