Vis mm nice Brother. i ,mmmmmmmmmimmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimm0immm4mmmmmm VOL" XXIIIi i . v: - - FRIDAY FEBMJARyJll822. - I -'v.-A Mi -t ' REBATE ?J0N, THE CONjSNTION QUESTION. CONTINUED. " I. "1. - OUSE OF COMMONS . ; Mr MoBEflBAD savtf, this subject was one of great interest to the State; and ontthe:ilecisiori"of - which no niah could feel Indvllerfent It is a question which is calculated to call forth tliat kind 6t pufilic feeling which is neccssai for the welfare ' of the" country. ;;- f$-; - Ip- ' v";. 4"' C Mr; M: was sorry to see any thing like party reeling lntro duceld into this argument He must tell the ntlemanTfrbm Newbern (Mr. Hawks that he had misunderstood the remark ; ' of the ntremanronSalisbury Y (MrFisher) . when he .said We. Will Have VUIIveiUlUll y lb was hui uiu lanuat wi nit- . fwce,-which he used, but ot prediction. , i - .;-,. v , , j If he could prevail on. his friends from! the -East to attend dispassionately to a plain statement of facts, he 'should have nodoubt of convincing them that pur present representation is unequal and unjust, thougn they : might still doubt ' the of the proposed amendment. ;r f ' ButthgenUemaiy from' Newbern has endeavored to excite an alarm in the committee,' which was calculated ' to :pre vent a fair discussion of the merits of the question. J , j j .The gentleman from Halifax, (Mr. Alston) had compared the. situation of ourJ large and small counties to the States of Kew-York and Rhode-Island, under the General Go vernment. Mr. explained.- .How are these States represented in - Congress ? Like the counties in this State in; the; General' " Assembly V. No, Sir, .the United States are each of tKqm dis tinct and independent So vereignties. wheirea our counti are Karked but by, lines changeable at the will of the Legislature. Congress cannot divide a State; or interfere v with it at all If. M? hoped, therefore, this comparison iwill pass for nought. Do we, asked. Mr M. see property, represented in the Ge neral Government ?! No ; the Seriate Ms" composed of men represeritingithe sovereignty of the several States. Go then, to the House of Representatives. ? Is any thing like property there respected Y No ; nothing but freemen, with , the excep tion of three-fifthp-of otherpcrsons, whkhlwas a inatter of compromise with the Southern States at th& time the Cpnsti- j'tutioni-was fbrmgd-.j'. - -' ' - l; l'-'. ''. : ' r And is f there any;reason, (asked ' Mr. 31.) why property should ho represented in liis coTemmeni T - If so4iow would gentlemen have property represenied ? V HoW is the Sejiate at present composed I Is it;not the representative of the landed interest of Jhe country ?2 - Is not this a sufficient representa tion of property ? - Would you have your slaves represented as in the general government Would you have property represented iu,both Houses ? J If so, you would put it in the power of wealth to dispose of the destinies of your, country. 1 . But the gentleman from Newbern says that efferson and MfV'Madisonr whom he calls the high-pries ts . of; Repub licanism, JiVej in "Virginia, vhere no person unpossessed of freehold property is permitted to vote for a representati ve, yet he says they do not complain, rior are their unrepresented people less ready to fight the battles of "their country. Sir ! ' in' tlie jate contest with Grejit-Britairr we have sejen the sturdy . yeomanry of Virginia o'rderqi to Norfolk, for her protection ; we have seen them fall victims to" tlie climate arid to expo sure p and they now lie mouldering in the dust,f sacrificed by the laws ofa,country in Which they had no .voice ; sacri ficed by tho IawsfoC aState in vhich they were legislatively annihilated. Mr. M. said he admired the character Of Vir ginia Y he reverenced her sages j ; but he Hoped he should riot be considered aVa noliticai infidel?' when he told the commit tee, he shuddered to think, that the poor freeriien of iis State should ever bo excluded , from the Legislative counci country, r j: v..;, J To whom,! ask Mr. M. did this Country beldriff,! hurst the British fetters and became indeoendent Mt s of the it certam- r81, vvhidi they now send. ; The Federal population of the S4 iastern counties is .234,100, which entities her to 78 members only, insteadTqf 102, which she now serids jj TheFederal populationjpf Wake county entitles her to six raembersl ; Representation,Hnen upon the Federal principle, entitles the West to 21 membbrs" more anithe East to 24 less than they now send into the Legislature, arid Wake to S more i rGo to the next: priridple of represent white population and taxation. The taxes of the "whole State ' (exclusive of clerks and auctioneers) is 65735 60. ; Taxes of : tqe Western counties are 553 1 ,1 84 V f Oi the .Eastern, S32,203 41 j of iVake county, ,S2.34 8 7 Esti mating g35S for each member J and the Western counties will send 88 : the Eastern 91, and Wake 6.. I : ' T Go to tho next branch of the principle, that of free white population, to which the oppqsers. of these resolutions have j the greatest objection, and the; Western part of tlie State, vill i be entitled to 3JI more members than she has at present and ; the' Eastern nart tb';34:Iess.i ks:-.- k': 'V:- Vv--lr 1 For the total white .population of the State is 419i200.The I Western counties have 253,235j which, allowing 2;253 persons to send a member, will erive her 1 12 members. The Eastern I counties have 1 54,0 14 which vill give to them SS inembers. 4-no wrute population oi vr ase oeing ii,yDi, gives to iier p members.- ; . , i"-: .-' - ' . ' :., 's:y,.: ;Vr. , So that upon the pKncipJo: p.f free white population and taxation combined, the VVestera counties are entitled to 1,00 melnbers, 1 9 more than at pitsent.; The E astern cou n ties, to T9 , members, which jxvg 3 less than at present. ' W4ke county, to 5 members instead of 3. " . . . j Then compound the representation of the Federal popular tion, free white population and taxation, and; ther Western counties are entitled to 101 members, 20 more than j at p re sent, and the Eastern counties will be entitled to 79 members, 23 less than at presents , So that, upon the very princif les upon which the opponents of the resolutions contend, Jtlie West evident y t labor under important grievances! , But wealth is sufficiently represented in the Senate to afford it self protection. The representation of ourState should be uj on tlie principle of free white population, requiring certain qual ifications ip the representatives, and the electors of4n.e branch of 1 lie Legislature, barely sufficient to protect wealth ; Wealth T fattens upon the necessities; of poverty I it can Dnoe i ix can corrupt : ana wneneverit snaii nave a predomi nant weight in our vernnntjniay?:bid ifarewel toshes boasted freedom of our Republ ic, arid ignomin iously submit to the-yoke 'of Aristocratic QlaveryJ 3?; 'ip' IT : ' - The 34 Eastern counties havint a free jvhite population of 154,014, selid to the Legislature. members.: tbe 27iWes- tern codnties send 81 members, jvhich in the same ratio of the East represent 122,229, lea vijig a balance of 13024 free Willie n;i7sun, lygciiicr, :viiii iir;tuo Hcgnjcswi uic ; ieu. tlie Iri- But he left that tkmntleme w and ttipre ableto ixe&te it; t y IMr. unairman,saiujiro tion of the coriiimt man from BocMrilrhariiHr ifcirefia, Viiire ply' ihcH'Sblci r address: whichihislrieriil roi NewHerrirf (Mrawksliadv IjJwill eecle : both!population aridtaLX had calleil : orithe geritlemeri hC bositioriyo so ew )Hbit !rip j lis i- ion Iy belonged to the whole Commuriitv: and not to the wealthy iiu.a greai uegree oi justice al6np - Whvti,pn WM,i h.a.Ia' Ka tUiA nv nU J tncy; will continue to do so. v Vilee for whrh ' f hv inintl v fnnht 1 onrl in Whirh thnv am ' H Will be to the East, if We wm v . vr t a v w ma v v ir vr miv j . m w i r I.. ; ! i i . i - - . " II arrayed against the negroes of the East, arid unreprescn Add to this, Sir, the vast extent f the West, the. health of climate." the territorv acauired from the Indians, the vast crease of the 'value? of the; lands and wealth of the West, from internal lmproveraent ; add th&se to the grievances under w iiiuu we lauur, aim ere. lontr ?nc v v tn uccuuic iuluicx auic, npi.oniy to patriotism, out to patience itseii, i ; a When V predict, under these; cireumstances, a Cohven will be had, can the prophecy le doubted ? We have now met the call o the gentleman fromnewbern. Here is our grievance, wh ich vre wish to be" attended to.; .Nopan would be. more nwillmg, said Mr. 1. than toy self to touch the Constitution,! if I did not think tlie occasion Kl : ;TU proposition before the cbmroitteeo in tlie lieht of a contest for novvcr.N We do not ask from our E astern-h reth rcn any thing to which we are hot :entitledi Nor would; we ask for a correction of this grievance if it were hot cqnstantly accumulating. iv - For, to do oai Eastern brethren-justice, we ackrib wletlgei (hey have" wielded their; power anu mouerauon, anu 11 is . noupu Mr.rIbelieved, if he could assure himself: that the situa tion of this State would always remain asf it now is, hc'wquld not be in' favour of calline: a Convention i: for no gentleman of. that committee held. the coiistitutioh .more sacred thatv he did He approached it. with that'awe'. with which Moses ap proach r his God Awhile .the thunders of Sinai Were playing her aWa 7( . around him ; he 'toucheii; it with that.diffidencewith- which performed are ever invaded. It may expected your ; protection' will not be found in your negroes ; it yvui uc luuuu in yuurseives, or tn uie ircuui ut iiic vtichu f for equal rights and privileges our fathers jointly fought, arid bled ano died, and theii bones nw lie hallowing the soil for thej frei dom; of vvhich they fell a sacrifice. v-,.'-. V : Buf giy ttS;these ; jand vvvhen the. demon of desolation sjiall novW around voiii borders and thb Itraired v : ol ! Hambtbnls on your . snores,, call on yourui'etnrcn oi tne tbril Thatgentlein terri counties, of the StoteuwaWs obne hundred "thQusabd fiwinon ; mnPA f Han thi'tf' tkifi i n t.fift Kaaf p.rn rnuntiPQ ntiil that the Eastern have a greater .numberof represtatiyes in, 'C the lslature thaH the Western lie concluJies M Constitutibn ' should ', be altered to ;remely the grievance X;" This surely, is no answer to thearraerit'bf niyifrichd frbmr e wpenuf no wever correcinneeonciusion; i uiigut . oe, wcre -t n we to assume population soieiy s me oasis oi represeniaiion. heeeded nbt now to say it was irr le vant tibthe question hby in isue, ' B ut ceitainly, wlien applied to ; tlie basis as-; (l 4 sumed,lo the question in issue, the con the mark j f it'Jwas lse and iHocalv , f insisted that population j solely, should be tte tobf prc v. sentatioii. he confessed he diftered from" him essentially aa to :i: rf; theoorrectness jof the principle He did believe, that in ajl ; ; V 4 evterhmebts where the stabilitv.of its institutions Vas deem- ' ' N ed important it-was found nepessairyati as persons, should be rejiresented in the1 national 'councils. ; '( T ' Tjfiaprotectionf'pr fEV tives to the formation of political societies; fit jv"bW bf the i" ;f most indissoluble 1 inks which bound us together' as a society, j . It - is property which 'mainly, swells the ;State and National 7?v : iTreasurv; bv its liberal contributions ; without which indeed, v':. ooin uie piaie anu fine union vMu"yy mw ruiua, .iruiu .' their own imbecility; If surely, t edahd itxould tation Our bwncolpnlalpfe im thatr nothing; call ;b ; weight is felt in the 1iatioiia)ohcUsa ay' natiom, hahavb hadnyrc berty j has smped itithiheiraprjSs of truthVg Our vejftSjf 6 men t is?npt fa democracy j pure demiacrac j Vppr d id ' jhie U conceive thaj it was the intention Vf the framera of ! our'Cpn- ! stitutiofi to make it suchJ It wisl impossible 3iatnationi v as weaitny, as populous, anu as wiueiy e&ienueu usuurs, ever v ; could exist under such a form dl srovernmeht. -rjt iiand;was" s 1 intended be, a mixed republic rauty anu irecuom oi us p foty its stability ad;ution"We npleci firmf I' . : government as distinct from democracy as anarthy was froni L i .0 despotisms He lioped it woulcl remain:. ver would cie, when thepBvilegest o . hldeiy would be Vconforred on every p&ga&nd; jvhb jxmit p wander aniongsttis, for he ditrustth&: vagra that wlej might never: be reduced to ther state described J by ai; sity where:every;blackguru v ?Mf; B. observed, tliat he belieVedNthe , pntIeman(Mr. V 1L Mbhb himsplfi;was n whictf this principled of dis was inaucea,p,peiieveOTjronj-ine gunienUfIn lisf bined, as tle PTb tois i that but or burpwnmoui leave to" call the! attcntiontlie chimittebb this: pari of the : ' ?i vie w: th Co mptrbl lera i reportl fells us that Xtuvd: this ' 'it ; - ' islevident, that(excluing;th county pay n1 $ " What, Mr. M. asked, was the situation pt things at' tlie I , Air. Bx ackle p gjq observed, that he had. not interided'tf uiuuMvticii uur urescTiL ifwrsiimtinn was innnen r i ne rasr-n w&c niiY,. ri 111 luo ucuaic uoiiucriiuiii uiu reauiuuuin uuiuic ern part of the Siapd-Av&alhiost the' 'onlV. bai-virhich" was in- Ma ble : ho w important sbever theiiK subject niattcr mfirhttbe 1 nrt:i Ttr-k i- i -. n - m - -n jJ" i ... : . t.x i.t 'l-.-' i...t-t 'ai.i .tlLiii.i-1 urtuiivHi.' ; jjic Tjt nau out iew. settlers ' aui our lanus are j"'?'ivj"aUw!:.ii,ai. uie uiscussiou snuuiu ue itrairiuieu wjuiui now rising in) value, raiid our population is everyf day increas- very.iiafrovvVHtoit$Ybr ing while theEastern part o u"'w - oaiu Lir. - injur h.h avb :in:- uriii. wiiptr in tn i m avcuv uistussiuu . ui liiis, uuti auiuua buuiclw - vii aiiuiiui i harsh national mpre bsV he had;given TGrariville to uie Weit&Hehad: considered v ake as she Joii boasted remark the gentle Mr. M; saidi: he had mader'a few xalculatibns on this sub- lait(cpted,tthat our Western bretftrep 'Shbuldo itddibu It f I Wllirti ttct ti'nnlil ntta tn(I.nAAm4;ftnA 4-1. Z .. : A 11 TOI thoiNnwnirrh fAtifl tnitnanoa t hai n . . n Altim inir'' .' h v . n n n 1 1 vvi iuiu (.1 m vi ami iiivi Ca9b '.hivj.! ow iiuuut) - uj iiijm iiirusiuiir upun ua uiis inviaious cpniesi z wiieni wey must oe,4 trh t Vto t bb.-; She ; is as m nrh thft sehsible, that, it will provfei both unnrofitableiand unavailing, i j uarimg flf the i At est as of the East; He had made bis calciila- ;he ierceived, however, that the debate, : contrary tb mm ui me a very w iqe ranee, ut? ii. que w wno opposea meser resoiuuons, pn; me uopr: population finrludine'slaves' and f persons of.colpur, is 638;829.7rhetwholfr Federal population K'lMnbt inte Sff Stateia 556,839.Tfc tionbr attejnp to det itu. so much 'care, and' delivered with so much con compiacencyip peueveu xuey were : assauapiet 7. sum ;ip lact, p ;wjiai we iay on iiiraua were , nua1ieven n" or-pWnTprinCiples ::N0w3Ir-Chairfflaiu:-''' sap!!Vlri' auminoig;tiiat tnenu c6rS!V rl or practical e jisli a febrife iy i $ ' tuimmlsely for' t ' rear : anotheri 4 j whose symmetry orprrtpiris mi f Whettier it wrenro 1 ' J i of righti hic jbplancy anotiier f i IiicCmiit realm i uh - paper ? IWbie jro!.; : ;f jlionbfiiiepSin -I fiScbfehertenbt be iullf tTusept?dt I v ; fosb1j5itildSi B i Hsijia te'SfeitteiM ;j v "sliabele-monRte v S barisltuttioWwill be;dem ! fouttequalMth tibnaiilibertvilS '-' i-'Jy r;r-Yv2S