if - V. t!. - y T , . j- r . . i . 'Ahdvthc. hour that mSitds to the calm 6f ;ion i -, : - ; " 1 ".- - am Wk VkCAjrt V. .devotion - V Undisturbed7 bv ' reirrets unencumbered -2- v S;lent":motibnt v-;-' v-yrA:-- - Tha.encirclpis the heart mlifeVrWhe " vHmv ehrrles the laVeIcioming "face ' of v"' '." v I' i ereatW! X .-V- yA''X- X X v WearyrtliT)e-cBs to paosc in bis " rapid.; -r Ocareer ;XK x : v vi'r -V J m - - - 7 a. ' Hark the vfmr thistles rudel)vthe ilja-. i L hatcmvmji his Droa jitn m ine jnanr 'i Ijer , votaru's,'in crowds,'. decked with 7 4 And fntigtfetuwitn, the worK ox.. ns jpwn. -i-i'LockVbchm6VJwith a smile oq' the grave - . ' : ' Y nf the vnkr ! --vj -'OV ... Undismayed -by the wreefc -tnai- nave rj omiiUered hi!r:fliU'v;,.V;:'; 1 f? r .Prom yoatemple'y'here Pashion bright S. Ati.d (as vet -theirrVAnrf hopes byjno spec'j. ! J ctres affrighted.) fv'V-r;' ; ;V. .yhn I think on the ills of life's com ft HpWv the wers'of -my childhootheir: And the friends of.mv yout' i ( have een r.v-- stolen "aw ay jV " v-'iX;" ;; ' v A 'They think- not haw fruitless the warmest - r TcL recall the. ki kind moments neglected f? wheanear, fr VVhen thelhqurs that oblivion has conceal- r ; :Are interrel by, her l?an"d jnthe grave of '..'-: the vean '-t'-l'J-;" " . Since "the last Solemn reign of this lay" of '5 - refltclionlv.;. ' ' :t ' . VVhat UirOngs have relinquished life's pe- - .A '. rishable hreathi;? -. . : r Vf: " --How mahy have shed their' last tear of ' "deiecttonVX ? ' . Arid closed; the dim eye' in- ihf darkness otdeath! - " ' ' How -njany have sudden their pilgrimage .r nded .xA w H-? v:. --.Y- f And made their cbld beds with, the grave ' ''of the year V ' ' X v ' ??. ." . rvLw JLL-.i JAiatAl tifwlVf-ftii!ies disclosTne Hose1 bright on the happy; the 'X-and'feay,'vJX X:l V the careless Whqnion' their.pillov;of dust are -re-. .sv -posing,'-x . x. V':r: . , ' VVheic, the sod presses damp on their bo X,' soois of clayl X X v '- Then talk' riotof bliss while her smile is X-. exnirine'. X ' . ; - ' ' . - Disappointment still drowns it in misery 's X- - . tear '-' : '1 ?' ':- ' :( " ' RefltCt and,be wts for the day is retiring , j And . to-morrow will dawn bnXtht kravt; j .1xff the year. -'-fX- . ';' i-X-X' Yf t awUi!6 and ub'seasons around us' will tf-.VfloAtrish'-'X i-'t'-ri'; f. X" ; -- ::..- - But silncc for each, her: dark mansion -" Beneath- the low pall that envelope tneir i :, vbier; '-.A'i : .-V.i-X . : v:V,-; a" '' f -.. v X ; : prepare,.. , j.. vv - l . VX Where Xeauty Xnb lbnger her proses 1 . '" i'.X ' X .fionrish ": V?.'. X "i v : . .' : ' ... -'' - S j tll X X"' Nor the - ljlrVersprcad the: wan cheek of X"i ' :":C desfTiiK '. " XSXi' .'..-,;.. ' AL':- iX A ' i.But theye, shaU'with liisti-ei unfading be counties, wi ' lJ. -V brightened X ' ':Xs 1 r Uand nowan, ' lAVhcn it-wakres to true bfiss in yon orh nt4i-ith Coluu - .pliei eV v Bytliei sunbeams of r-splendor immoital .Which no nibrc shall go down on the gra ve ((Oil i-r-1 imtJUedXJrvm fiage.J X i.X " rrl ..X" ' ,1 -rl ,'-'"; 5 tneotacr youmrj, uoa ?vy t great surpriseX that the people of this coun- ; ; pc c ui u. ; (atisfied, with arecbg- bv .'...Great-Britain, to J vtrv should haeT)een. satishea, wito a recog- -jjixtion .bf Cheirv rights by " Great-Britain,' to V nave, remiunea attacneu to t'i XAvas, however, aniattacfiment tirre - 10$?10S sehtatrres.fev'apptiohed -accord X X . feehngj of amand of blood, rather yian veirtire wealth aiupopulation: X He .c.V -.V attaci ,; : -,tbev feit.i poes gentleman rVY geman fro: Wilmmgto (Mr.;aoneUat ,r. .sucL an muauon to out politicll. jusl j - J, -. P?n! 1 hC" e fta; tice, in exacf memanldlscaks.tks vch.w?Uiwnt.stich a charge? be doneit wbuld be, necessary to ap bUlofrigfats,.to besure, s nearly a-copy -m ortion not only.oreacli indivV Our Xfrom-tbe : tairi-artd Xany thing ,", of British .attachment Have we, as JiirEng- ? t J been' 'placedXirr moreXmd . r -r - , v -T i tndependen : rcunj:.M- . "stanefcs than , were our torejatners at tne tor i itv to form a new system oi government " : correct principlesl'r' This Coititution-has -"'anotUcr , recpnunendationC - 'It has-the? test of : forty, years: experience, 7 during ,whch time, X the btate has Nourished and been, hp"pwith--vput altering it in a single feature. ' Howislt "with reirard to our'las? 'ls it nof the busi- Xnesaof -one session "foX repeal what a firmer ) one nas enacteo, ana or me.nextsuceefct Vcneo.rc5nacthate 'preceding bn,h rtpcidedi 11 soJWhat cvidencv-havx- we that; rt pcideo ! -lt so; -...--11 ::t.. vkLi lr-i.iL- ... 'Gtnerdl Assemblies. Dhes lvshduldttfemble- for; the State:jfhaConmtkn!were tabnew l moulded -by'ithe. : reseut Qenera A.sseiiablyj 1 would ''partalacf of.;alieinpectiona 'fl nation ot . tne uonsmuuon iiavingitnro ni i' 1 "Oil the British yoke; they were; at fullliber-i Xtv to "form a hew system 'of&ovcmment pn j dtW-.lefirislation. find -.every te V Mention would.be, necessary fat: the-purpose, -r ATAninn f thpsft : mhdern ; irab'TOvements. le wouldherefbreIireffer not mecldlei Kwith the Constitution. H mirfit have its im-J perfections put he , would rather bear; uie I ilk" We now , endure," than -msh to ,:otners; LAvWch we know not .of?. - esv :The' gentleman from,, Kocicmgnam iMr. MoreheafU Hells trs theVe is a vast difference .between' the large and small .States under the Constitutioj;ofthetJDjted; States, and t!ie larger and sinall "counties under the Con stitution f this State--that jkhe saiAe reason 'does .not apply; to - the . counties t& -tthe States; because the itter; are": sovereign ;the former are not: 1, , Mr. H. thought differeritly. Eoth were coverned by the same motives, to vioui'to the Revofutlon. xuHder the old Colo- j viz, seii-oreseTTaucn ana sen-ucicv' niai government, rfpresemanwi . tordina: "to counties.;V The Constitution be- r insr a matter ot ..mutual conaitauon ana- vi anxious to preserve their integrity alid their mflrience ia1 the"- State as the smaller Spates were to tilteserve tlieir sovereienty andXheir comnromise.. tne smauer counut- were . i weight amone the United States; He thought tne gentleman naa iurmsnea tne answ-iui his own argument, when he told us that tne Legislature ' had ' power to n e w .mould, to lop offhand taianriate, vthejCQunties at 'pleasure.y It was to, pTeenti th larger counties, like Aaron's; rocU from swallowing all the smaller ones,-that induced them to m- sist upon this principle of representation ; and he thought the argument ot tne gentle man 4utjlly calculated to induce the smaller counties to give up a . principle, so important to their safety.., yi ' XX-X ,: f - V ' ..IrHc admitted": that 'there 7as some ine quality in "the represehtauon' of- the people of this - State ;Xbut he denied that this ine quality was eitherjwfy or antiWpubJican. Theijustice of . the .principle.' depended oh the nature of tie domuicti'rm ifcgbveijvm&it of compromiis. there, could' surely be no inius- tice in. each Couhtv haying the weight which : it naa Deen agreeu li- suouia exervisi; -1 jlmc legislative, councils. As it regarded the term .republican, hV was a kind of relative expres sion. It didhotfbUow';or'coursev'tiat be cause these ,was hot an exactTequality of re presentation that therefore the Constitution 13 -UlUfl JJUlULUIl r 111 ttllj' Mi4i.ii aaMikvu Mr. IlAthat the. Constitution of tlie TJnited States is imjitit or1 anti-repitdUcari j He pre sumed not and yet, the inequality under ou Coiistitution 'rs tiot greater than it is under the Constitution of the United States, fl'he Weight which is iriven to the smaller counties 1 is not -reater,m propomon xnan uie weigut which is givento the. smaller states.' ' The gentleman from Rockingham has laid before the' Committee' a calculation of, the white population of the Western and Easiern counties, and also of the . federal', num bers ; according to which, 'he gave 'a majority to the ; West." Gentlemen . had also made calculations to shew that the VVestpaid more t taxes than tha.East. Their statements were I calculated to mislead. It would be found. 1 1 uponxaminatiori, that gentlemen had taken 1 1 for the. West, and had left out Wake. IIere- j I tofore, Granville, Wake and Bladen, had been -considered as central counties, and therefore jj left out of the calculation of-Eastenr and W estern strength. - This would make a very , Considerable difference in the result of their f calculations. Ir. H could see no good rea r so V why, as . these ctltfhties generally voted with the East Upon this subject, an-.i; t ere .opposedrto a change. of the Constitution, they, should not be taken from the' West and r 4 1 fixl 4-- Y?ner tif lit a o1llla4in auutu j vaav. xaavy t tiiv tdivuiauviii r were done, there would be a vast difference, j in the result. Although the white population of the West, micrht be ETeatcr than that of i thfi I East ; 1 yetif federal numbers and proper ty were taken into the. estimate, there would be a corresponding ascendency in the lsXgregate population of .1,222, and would; which would balance - the majority of white b upontKe sameprinciph-, gi 1 4 only 9. 1 51 votes, population in the West. :The objects of go- .1 The county of Buncombe, with an aggregate vernment, being the protection of property, population of onl - lQo42, ivoifd give 9,500 as well as the security of the liberty of the ! 5 votes, while the countv of j IIalitax.Xwith an citizens, vl nas ocen generally coiceaea mat ; the basis . of representation ought to be cording to population and taxation. - ; Gentlemen, in order to shew, the great me- quality jof representation, 'even -upon; this?! basis, have takemsomebf the laiger Eastern '; tot instance, ana coraparea tnem : Columbus, Joes, and other counties. 41 tne iiirgccouiiues jii ti: East, are satisfied H .with tlie present Constitution, why, asked 'j plri lK will gentlemen attempt, to force, upon j ! them a charge. V'X; X ; ; Mr.. i. tnougnt tnere was mucn wCJgut in "the remark of ;the gentleman fro'mX. Halifax (MrJ Alston) tliitwhereyer you find a large i county, you generawv hnd smaller ones near it, whose represcnUtives having. the same in- r treste thesame feeling a.id frenuebtlv the same connections, torepresent generally, allkUp0U aifsubjerts whichcbnie be' I - ... . .. . i TO.. --77 -V r. jn r , Q Qasoaa cf aCarcelv ahvnroDeiv i tne pou possessed allowlCoIum- bus thXgame weeiltX;Wlth Rowan but we are tinder the necessity of submitting to ihe- qualities oi tnis.ianu.- aome. stanaara must o iounu; ana np oeiter pne cau De pointcu ui iian , which tlie. Constitution : has .erected.X.;X;;;. -r?X. -X.vvil' X,. The gentleman from Salisbury, has anotler oojecuon ; tos ije. present tjonstituuon. i produces an aristocracy of thesmaller "coun- ties, and givesl thehl'the power of exercising undiie inUn ence oyer tile .. larger ones I An ansiucracy. oi jn jew poortnsijiuicanf, ctrun tie? Cblumbus is'.to t-yTajhm2eroyer'Uo'ah WhWw Mri HXaskiejd, had ;eye beforeX heard of an aristocracy of me peasahtir, oVefc the wealth Crthe: country ? "He? had been taught 7iI D:X-:r.L T? ;i- L-.T.' - ?;'" fought it one of the duahtiesof poverty to "P"n WW.11 the weak, and the deieheeiesa c,.; , ! -Btttth. gentleman 5V .v V- tore tne iaerisiauireu x ne interests oi tne:f tothe'mte' Xhereforealmostas ;cuch.j'- differehi kind. lie savs. if slaye. property be represented iri tlie ilouW ifvConimpnS, ;and land'M thevS(m weight to gropcjrtylnd; will creatCan, ttristo- AiauVk vUciii ciuua - wjl aa- vw j o ' generally concei 'that taxation jEmdrpro pertyought to be"takehihtb thecalculatinn In-fixing. the. basis of representation, f that-he did:; nbtfideetty' necessary -to troubleHthe Cbmmitteei withnyrremarksXo that-poirit. if uut some nuemen seem jspgse ui vmc .neConstituUonlfWclils to ;b formed, riot to i-espect property at allytut to fix the representation according to population alonei Mr. Hr had an "exalted opinion of: gentlemen from the'West. lliev were, ijrenerallyjpak Ling, hbhcrahf e and;indep endent men'and hh had beert proud tcr vote with tliem .onjthos subiectr Where th-i best interests of the State were' at stake but,1 he hoped s gentlemen ever an extreme casesh-U occur, they will; use this power, and use' oppressively Eastern counties -already, ; paid more; than their; proportion of taxes. The power, iowr ever; is how pretty equally; balanced, accord incr to. this' combined principle of population, i taxation, and property, -f and he preferred it Butwe are told, Xsaid Mr.jH that tlielmV; portance o! the Western Counties is daily ' ad- 'I vancirig, and that . when ' the improvements are effeeted,4which are now going-on in the Bevefal rivers,and tlie produce, can ble gotteij- to market, it will become - more, prosperous and wealthy: "..It will be time enough to mould our Constitution to this state o; tiiinirs wherti it-shall 'actually Mite ; placed;. He ould. veni turehowevr, to predict, that the , Eastern' pait of the State', is destined to an improveV IllCIIL, CUUill IU .HC ill WlJlUlu.uinui- .' ll -.-l-a.- -flT ' ' '.. ;J (! mg tneu. marsnes miu opening iucir touuu ji which not Only increases its fertility, but ren tiers it more1 healthy .X There is no part: of the-country -an ; which they vhavegreater inr! ducemens to mak&improvemehts in the sci-; encei of Agriculture, than our brethren in the,1 t:ast nave. : it.wiii oe time.-enougn, uowj'er,i.. it shall hap p id; happen; ' ' , ' Mr.i H. would make one remark- on the K Resolution, which fU' ects the manner in wjiichi the people are to, signify their will in relation to a Convention.. It proposes that the ques-: tion shall be lecid' d by the voters for Mem- each of their tickets, " Convention or " Ao Vonvenx on. -.uib uuuiujut- iamS entirely of the combined principle and the propriety of culling a Convention would-be ucwucu vr. puuuwuwi; ii.v. j iniv. wiiv v.Uw .v,, ...... In of Ppncnc tr c)lll7 what wrnW K th frTtd of this vote, and how co ijpletely the princir j pie before-iiitntioned, would be departed lj from. He twould suppose jthat each white nerson and nerson ot color, in cacn county; were entitle I to vote; for although that;was'j ... " .1.1 1 M not the ease, and the number who are Vac-! tually entitled to , vote, ik much smaller, as the proportionable" duniuution would j be about tnieX samem, each county, it j would be sufficient for his present purpose, j and would save the necessity of a calculation which hethad not now time to . make. Tak-r ing tlisthen as a data, merely to illustrate his idea upon the subject, 1 it will be found that the county -of Burke 'has an. aggregate popu lation of 13,41 1 , and having only 1 ,9 17 slaves, would give 11,594 votes, or in that propor- 4 t;on ; wj,jic the-X county '- of Granville hks an X Vew satisfactorily td'mv inlhd.- that unofr tlie nuestton. whether a Convention should be 1 called-br nbt.the' principle ko mucVcontend- f heX oitinletel v concede 1 bv adontintr 4 the T itcsbliitlonon vOur table : and that an iindu -fvkntat i-w-nuM bf triviV to. tWWoc e uX vtrn oiVntiMM-:t a in-.hn estern l wnentnisf legislature nbef veacll 4 this j Convention is called;, and undertake :td prescribe t Cviinty shall -sen sendmg more vpntmn tKat C. Legislature caneVnb bbos to their a ritvl 'X- '-: .'X-.' '- X XU- X.-- WX,:fA '?-" I lii, cphcludingi- Mr; If . XBaid; much - feelinjri had. been brought to bear tipon this subject. Gentlemen' had discussed it aslf it were en-1 tuel:' an Eastern and Western questioiir j and a iD'.'re coiitcstuoui power, ne reu wpar-1 tictifitr bias either in favor of theXEastXor the West.' -The coanijwhic!i.heihad the i6npr, in part, tb: represent;X wiis a central county : it"wis also'a populous and r Wealthy- county, and its situation would not, be much affected whether the Resolutions passed,tor were re- jealousy of their neighbor j i they know their rights, aiidy place too fhigh a i'alue 'upon the I interest which they, have in the present Cbri-'j gtitution, to W iWjllihg to jeopardize, it JTor ' meV fcnownot1 rWliat. It appeared to hini i that it waa ihcumb3it ontlie adyocates oar! to shew that soih! :reatX practical '' evils ha.vp : t . . . mt i oeea expenencea oy tne people irom tnose defects. Af they can shew that" the rights 'o any person have been sacrificed,1 or that any: DersoA has'"' claim uDoh theXStatei whitn has -been unheard, andl unattended tb.X ahd I thatthstasthepdt'pf the onstjtutioh and. nbtp .tlie tLeslam Would be, '-someX plausibility:? in uririhg.;'. the 1 J adoplioii 'X bf!tthe dasure i,efbre - usX ;Butl -though ntJemeri i had lb 'zenU leHJtip-f have not been ; able;toXp6iht to avjjwngle grievahcea sine Tfctiealeyi resultejd from Cven the ineqalitybf-veprescn . ijir, sakl Miy H. When weare bptitvt6 call j a convention toamehxll onr Constitution. ,itt genuemen go to amerent cxure.uies; uuv u?. believed v it an aSbm; M well settledindib; would pardon him or believing; if popuMiott yiiKeivai tne uouru alone were, made the basis of representation, XterraptWIy fo that the (slaves of the East iwbbld pav most j i the presentConstitiitioh, aihaveXhotu sm? ofthe-taxesmtovthe public treasury; ' maiority Would have the pbWer of so" order-J ought hot to consent to sub vert it. V;,,;r: v confesso, andatljttdgedaclcordmgly.X- ; mthingstand if thevihoweHwail -.0 ' airsreffate population of 17.237, would inve ac- ;tnlj J7&. -otes,; Theses calculations-,', as well !:ds tnanv itfiTS which liiJ'rht-K'm.iHf. Ttrnve. .ckmgham , he for Wxn? L bihej piptetiiXliasis iptrehtajiony lesc-)3r:th 'opIDiliers $tfe$fth certalri hu'enJnihis'jrild re? fott irh . is-rfi-'. LJL J'iL'Li n&L&-k? i--' "Z .. J'r- pruy v;iiem,( vviuie xae uo;iveuuo, aic uiuid taking toafeehdits imperfeptidn sVhatser. eurity haYe we that they will hot frittef away every valuably featurtheCon'stitU JlrX Hwmild hot deny the Tight 6 the peo" pteo: amend the Constitution ; from time io tim?! baif the ResoTations on thegtahlej; call ed tipoitfua to prpnUnce the. Constitution s perfeIy defective so rotten in principlej uneqtia iwjiut 'and 'aiiti-TefmbUcan that they ought to lay violent ; hands bnjt Vhenrfyer' j j Will assert their ' -power and applyi the;renie-,i dy. r He ddbt believe the sentiment ex- t n of Dr. hvcxs are still for Sale. . , , . ,, ,. ; VJs , ApplHto JOS. ROSS. X 63 tf' Januy2,,;1821. STATE - OF" NORTH-CAROI.INA' Currituck Superior Court of Law, ' Fall Term, 1821., Lvdia Cook, 4 X vs. v ; y PetitiOtt-lbr a Divorce.' DaviS T. W. Cook:A appearing to the Court that PaviC i dan t cannot be; found rem6yabieeashreu therefore,coui not tote fort -vX,XiX;;iXr: IT. W. Xvoofe.abe dsten . v ii.X trtKlrs,rt ; 'ih h.im Ka... aereaiai;pupiicauon.De mie -tor v rouw;n!.ihe'foirth',Moiai in tne uaieign j jtegjsier, tuat umess; tne ceri appear avjwejw term oitnis outl o be held the .Courthouse, m Unrritack mj U g eSay erJof the peti the;Slxih;Mondayafrr. the-W in Marh next, artd enr his pfif cv r " - ' till- civih 1 h r u a decree and iudement will be entered p against hitn according to the prater of the petitioner. M&jy&j. ; v ;X by order oTthe'Coiirt; ; Kby.j 8,' 1821 . . vXX :" i ): AWM. .V STAT - If m.i-l K I rt-C.JVKvlL.iIM A.. ; ; . j STATE TF KQBTH -CAROLI NA. IV- X 4 Surry County, X Sunder Court of Iiw.v Sentember;Term- jX : -, ' ; . , x. .21-; H y'K . Alexan der 3Lane,S , '-'; -X-"'" -:-Ac j X ,r.sJ:. I X C Petition for a BivorceiX '4 jt appearing So the satisfaction of the Court:; ihe Favettevtlle Gaiette and in the Raleigh . i ..-..t hav the.df?fendant i'n.j tnis case,-, resides k witbout the linvl of the; State t it is there- rOTe brdered. il it rjubKcatior be made in the -itaie-iffn KecTiKtr tor tnree montns. tnat tne uei jiuaiiL uppear a.vue next oupenor vwiri t. -C ".. ' j t. -i. ..J -IT-i.. i,'" " j... i7 o.l v or the petition will be Jheard ex parteXahdX immnnt owdmUrt vrnWiincrUr 4 : -.-i - ;'.: - , - '.,.,j' X JOS WILLIAMS,; JrV I . . . 9 63 Clerk Superior Court. iTATK OF NORTH OAROtlNX. X -X X BTT1JTOUD COeWTT , ' . . ' ''; Ccurt of fleas and Quarter Sessions .November Term J 182lfe X : Jonathan Parker, X) Originld attachment ivs. , . ., leviei on land. Wifliam Coffee i ( : T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court 1 Court 'o be held tor this county. Courthouse in Greensborbugh, pn iuonuy: 01, r euruary iH-jtt, am, pjeaq or..: r 01 juaw iu iit-u iurA,uicHmmv uivoarry, t . qc ,,eni(.ei;cii. . aitiinsi uuu acoiuinjj ; iu ,iw I the Curthntiise iti the town of Rncfcfbrdi and 1 r4fav''r nfth'tSetitJrtiier. X ''X' - ' '' . pleads answer or demurto the said petition, : By order ofthe Court; ... V'- ' i: X oourttnat nupncation pe maae in tne naieign kA i su'f J n' i! xf il.i: ...1 :1--I nu-.L M4 tu , us "iit ,mimvi(ii wyiit t 'MK ;r,ree wee successive y, mat -t.oKif'inV yhcblntOnon Hh r uiiicMiu chiu ucicnuaiu? appear aune nexir i, n ,, Vf (,.r Otl.W f plevy.rdudgment final will b.takeXXtl Iff X "x rhrV-J tti '"xrXColjrt'at Officeihe 4th 16n,day altr ihe4tn Tst. 'JOIU HANNKR, c. c. c,,,v-sVil;..1.XW 1 tVI t HiX,ri ; h STATE OF N ORTH - OA R 0 LIN A! Aaor cothvTr XX. 'X; ' Superior Court bi" I u-;' S ept e m ber Term, ';-v. . 1821. M; Mutch esn:" .ludith1 XX''.l vs :,r: r, X:.-''V, .y etVUon for a d UX Angn ::r.lXX X , . i- ' ?fv IKaEp by the Couit,;th, vf ' :-hree months .m bat publication irt the :Fyette- on the second Mrtadav in Marrh n, t. and answer sata- pt m iti.cn oine wdl be heard ex pari c. Vn eit; Clerk of sa.d Cour; aV -X:INFOaMATIONWiif2; ' X oO. orO years agori mnn bj5 j ' l.l V ' . ' I, M .fi.w - . wjro as, i therff the stances, it ts desirable that theyAShoiirdi tiavc h.uuv icuse m lucu' iiiitrrest tn tne " - if ' ' . - esratet saru; wirren." X f :-iv'i&Vt tors, bfiSoutheW fandxWe eseru spapiijrs who are disposed to am iheXcatfse of hu man i ty, I ttfjgiy ptjbi jysr.ai; placed jn their' Vijv ii ..i.v uuiv o int. u.tflj! C VJ AC'. Vri U jjuwtcdCto'toij !nccount s to M urfHesijbVolxfi; for pay ;brtKamp"tbibiri xX-BtNoyemlof Wlf? ;0eTer7escriptfe jikicc me secona i-s wEregrantvoj tneipp siaencew.Avej nayeo reautfst: tijost :Jsdi PrllinU s :tiUlefte itMut toy jfavestase,! I any. person ironr iraaiog wn erfiaVfcsiialf not'be account! or cre- iiinjrh?r accountable for aay:aeot contracted wjieR4;;-,u -izXcf rerADO wling . m a - - "i j - . . . . . January 19, o., ,? . i-w , Superior Courtof vwf Sep Teml821i J'XLucCobkXiAi'? Fx.x VX v-7. t T appeanngto the satisfaction, of theCourt f . ',that-A!Uen..Cbok,he:efendML inhabitant bfXthif State ; 'it is therefore or- derea by th? Court wt publication be made Silnerlor' Court cT Lawller.;!, 1821. JTancy AtdrldM57etitibn bots of X Thomas AldridgeatriM 'KB WE Sferih.having' .made, his reftim ;to -VrX tfonnd. and it appearinir to the'sati8"factro'n of the Court',ha heresides withou the limits 1 of , iter Stafe tit, Uiheretow.vordered that : publication be made hree months, in the Re-. iristeB andTStaewspapers.vuohshedia itaiez.Jrn, mat uniess xueu'jwwuni, appears n pleibf dehtneevif anrtiehisi cjuagment , wiUX; 6e centered against films aX decree M I n tl--- " -1 -T-rJ T- XVnsort Count jVf ihatpubl''Cton be ;made for' '3 months BegUter tyatr twliesstne siato: jetendant rap- pear at the next term of rthis; Court, tabe i heldXat thetJotirthse "inXWaesborouffh. on tne seconvi maniavin. .vtarcn exi.' ana tiiipr ui Pca, a uecrce anu luumtv yriu ' I i ' - . k I. ! . Mk. 61X rn. ;X! ;M A fHTIN" PlCKBTT Clerk. :',-- i 1 11 ' :'"' j rx st.atb oqhth-cakouna,: - I Superior Court 4f Law OcCber Terror 1821 X:-X ys. X'ff T appearing the satisfaction of tbVCburt jf Xthat GebrR Langford, the flefemtant, does . not res ki. w i Kb m h& l m i ts , ot thi s b f ate it V !c lKprpfiifP ait!pciI Kit. thi rtit hut ''mihi ,il lictitMi be. njade ,f4three months in iie Ka Cfe to We defend- Coirri. of at Uie 4th Moii- v ..v..::. rlA Xii! 1- 3tate. ::LL-f-'- , - . X-X: , :V.rT:,' '. . j XX LAWSONHENHRRSON. O'XX cLEBhATE. :MAt ' . i- IJORl'EKIf lnlshigh-Vilt stand, the larborpag at; rent Doi wrs nsure, a mare to pe m ioai. 'The.$asonrwiU Commence the 1st March i titl-'. C. il: a'w.o i.;'i i. Imt'i. -I -. -s ? "..rf 111 this County? it JS.or-r-tKnmiih!'.lb first Wnndai-ifl-r ff March .next, d enter -Superior Cotirt of X-aw September Term, :;: f-.-X '.X1 82 vxl X:X -X; x" " ? Anglic MuihespB.fv;jj . that Angus r Mirichesoh,: tlej defendant, I uXitXtfiA irt.iabktaftt of this Staf e'sX itXjs or- ,.' 'at - the ;' X. . ...i . - .-:X'' J f. , - -.t' tne tni.rtl. ; .k'. oM?:f; Xk-.;:-a K A.1r and end the 1st Auirust.I will not be liable rwise tm-mmeXk (br ellliericcidenra eApesX X; . PM? feSancfe can be h at Joseph Cell's plan. Ml next.' where he.' will" bJ ' tAientn? witK 'much i'peasureXX'K'li: viyncuiiurai pnow' ana rair, iiciu ; 5i th Statwf XtraPv'liirift riiV:th!7h and Hth -days otJune lastVaf -the Maryland Tavern, 4 mi res n-om t ne u i ty pt Baltimore, i the com- 8 not C0ustd.ered.a caitdtdUe' for the pre- um;5X VXVXV ' ; mium, "I)EAttlrt The laKAho :plV4lt?k bVhe Tate CapG r !on4WtHte tateirTy. liV'was 8 rtl 4;f hejfeest, and WWif-M -. ,fineft;Wlay fomjracefXJacks J arenbte docile and hjuch more,; spiviled'amltivth'W 64i:dfaryIand;'-ritl:voucblbji 'the'-'ch'-iraner l?5XHe iay:he;hM mules ltbwicoyer fcinoares jrdayX liaYe seenn fXi "Xp? J KSKf EH2X X f! 1 deehi jt unneces?aryj for meto . sayVanVV tMng morein fayorC U fa1roppcrtuniti no v-- oHered to the farmers U ) ot tiusecuon or tne country to improve tneir stock; by obtaiAins Gules ot a superior size 1 . . z. -i-z. . . : ' " " i . . ... -r aster the Stat? oyortiM.S-x,x - :;xrJ-x:x"

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