V." I. i V r-" ( i f "t , "I r - ! .1- ,1 7 tf Ci i. A ..1 f r mrrromM.in - tU,wbi; they, belong nelexorpsofginent relation t0. .T? irffl fitS if Attached to ancorp?. ' aIso shewjhii the feentioncdmerand; .;..v; , 4) e1 foe attemmiSb1tf& ioKM? fessp mmimmmm mmmmmmmm iMMSSMSim- 5. --ri "MoiwT, JATOtBt 21. 18C V'' The following writtep message CClV s cdfrom the ftresa4fnt.of.tfic United ,?tatejw - t'nwife the ocisonfV-Koae'ndihcsare 51 : stated hi the enclosed letter from the $ecret lltrht'- artillery. . there were no nized. Three of the four coloneis oi aruiierj' prorided for b'v the actjof Congress of the 2d lr i ,rrK' fR21. were considered therefore," ( oriirinal Vacancies, tobe filled, as the good f of the service might dictate, from the army corpse: ; :XA. ' "'"Vi " ;,r ; The pay department being considered as a part of the military establishment, nd witliiiv the meaning of the iibove recited act constk hiting one of the corps of the army, the then paymaster general was appointed colonei of one of the regiments A-contrary construe-: tionwhich would have limited the corns spe-! cified in the 12th section of the tfet to the lino ! of the spraf, would equally have excluded alL - the other branches of the'staiT, as well as Jhat ! of tbepay departmefrf, which was expressly , comprehended ..among those to be rediiced:! Such a construction did nof seem' to beu- tnorizea oy uic. aci, ; smcr, uy u 5r,,CJ terms, it was inferred to have eeir intended ; to give a power of sufiicient extent to mate the reduction, by which so mahvAvere to he dlsbaiKled, operate with as-little" ihconiveni-. ence as possible to the parties, f Acting on iese views, and on the recommendation of the j board of general omccrs, who were called m, j on sccount oi ineir otovtk-hc aiiu-cipcn .3Ty cf War; fqr tne appointments uiereiurc tpectivelr proposed for tKem.'. t V v 'v. ! ; The changes in the army, growing ut of j. -.rK eA 7F ,w . 1 S51 - To reduce I , tae acioi v, . :r i" , C- 1 I tne Vnitert states, at any time Deioretne saia and fix tr-.e .LJiiary ;rce yVffi Ti 2d of March, :the time henV and his rahV , the United States.' are exhibited in M't,;: 'lt tne of the "aVmvi cial register for the year. 1822, .hextrwitft sud- h& i&tofkdmrc&ssMn xnittcd for .the information of tbSenate. ,. lvilb'amfiradfofatthVdatea Under the hte organization, of the artillery I- , , 0 .i-..a v k - - . oWith the wception of, the eolpnel of the kiswt, a,13, 1822.;f cncetb aid (ne Executive .in! so delicate a L; of the Jaw-of die 2d March 1821; was tnti senice, I thought it "proper to appoint Cob J tied, to be retained. The fcomniittee, therc- lowsonxo oncoi uir, inw.itiuiciiij ui tillery, it being a corps in whicbiie had emi ncntly diitlnjiuishcd Jiimself," ' and acquired gTcat knowledge and experience, in the late war. , , , v - ' . ' In reconciling conflicting claims, proisioii for foixr officer of disiiuction could onlybe made, in grades inferior to those, w hich ' the v formerly held. Their, names are. submitted, with the nomination for the- brevet rank' of the grades from wliich they were severally, reduced. ' . 1 ' :'- ' , ' - . It is" proper, also, to observe, that, as it was found difficult, in executing the act, to retain each officer in the corps to which be belong ach omcerin the' corps to which lie belong- d, the power of-transferring officers fixiixi ne corps to another was reserted in the ee- c one corps to anotner was reservea m tne ge neral -orders published in the register, till the 1st day - or January last, in order that, upon "vacancies occurring7hose.wIio had been put out of tl;eir proper Corps might, as far as pos-" sible, be restored to it. --'Tender. this reserva tion, and in conformity to thepowcrYesfed in the Executive', bv-iie 1st -jsectioh 6f,the 75th article of xhe general regulations of the t army, approx eil by Congress rat tlie last se-" j sicn,cn the-, resignation bf Lieut. Col. Mit- j chcll, of the corps of artillen-; Lieut. Colonel ! liixlsajv who "had belonged to this corps be fore the late reduction, wai transferred back to it, m the same grade. As an additional a utiuc io mc uTuisicr, iixnau xiic enecT ot -preventing Col. Jolin Taylor and Ma j; Wool- Icy beinc- reduced to lower irradcs than tirose "thich tiicy held before the reduction, and j t'-aptain Cobb from; beiheri disbanded 'limit ? tf rred to of the rt $ru!atioii9 of tlie'ai-nir- tt . however fiubwistea .to the; Senkte , whether 4K1? I? case;4reqdinn; their -eoohjniatio-. 4.1IcretHlows the Ust. of AbpoiritmepK mwle lust wanner, .which aw already in 'pos session ot tiie pubik.i - : 1 he mcssage.vas rCad.'-'- , '- "-.; 'v v On motion, ordered, that it be refiTedto' the Committee on MiliUrV Aiikiry. 1 iic-act. These circumstances" 1 were; cohsi- 't iiercU ts constiluling aji estKiordiharyYcascY j i- -X.. .... ... unaiiMis i ui acvtKJii uireauv it - . i ----- r v" .W"-J? vpiiifvit, ii laru, tioimesy or Aiaiiit: uov(i,.LOwne, Ma- I wsybraitted Jo theUibr then-: constitutional M con, Morri I, Palmer, Pleasants Rubles, corniatiauv-v;. . ly, SnUth lavIdThomas,-pn Hvke, xv S -''-'-w' : UM5 MONIIOE. :, xValker,Wirp, Williams; of Miss. Williams, Haslangtpp, Jan.vl7th,,lb22. r - 0f Teni-25.' : i ' -V- : I - iiu. in rase si'.rn Knr.niit rvo 't iiii nnm.. i .A w repon UtcreoiLr, i ... . . . v. ; ;weiisEiiA.j,-'yAV:23, 182V-- ' v 0n motion, by" Mr. Yillhams; of fenretic;'5' fJ-ucred, that( thermessa-c nOnjinatmp-er- "y r . iiwx .npumur.cnis in tne am.y, be punted 'for., tlie user of tire Senate', n$CT an jnjirfxetidh of iccrWy'' . , , Mr ,WilUams,' of Te'rinTrOnv the ' rn!' loe on Mihtdry. Affairs; ;to.ubom waJ-eferv! . . . age oi-uie nisi. January nomina :ing"pcrsjons to'promotibns a'nd ariDoinlir.MitQ in .the army,, reported on Uhe, jioiuiiation.of Kicliard S. '-Saterle'e- tiud reserved, thai;; the. "r '"iuuse aua consent to th appoint luent, agreeably - to tfietfttloui . .v riDAT, march 8,182 f i tffin,.;W Mr. ljtfin; wolVeiVtbat tuc OomnUletf Militrrxairsbe instrut- dat e of that. cdmmissioh 'lAlsoV showing the- numocr oc ..Aiyuxanv- nu lusipwiur ucncrau in- service under, tbe peae'e- estabhshi-rienf of 1 Q31f thelrname's, the highest lineal rant pre- mission. Also. a list of aJI transfers andofo motions made .under or since. the. sjdd,act'of Marcn u, snqwing me names, raues, tiaxes of commission and corps to" wbcb each be loncred at the time of the bnsfeOT.HMimO t tiott: and the office- to " whicbltransferred d promoted. Also, shotting the bighe4t lineal. rank, held by vCol.,ItButler in the army of II . . Mr. Williamsi of Tenn. from .the Commit- the message ot tne aist . jannary,rnaminaung - promotions and apointmentsin the army, 'made ihe following report : , ii hich was read : Th3t.Gol-To-a-son, on the 3d dayof March, aoi, was raymasicr yenersuT,nL uti uem neither ilt-nor command in the army and, notbelonging to any corps of the arjny; the r President had no power, under the1 law re rbieln?anlr fixincr the Military lcace Ksta. i blishment, to arrange him to. the command of . otic of the regimentslTetained in serv ice by f said act.- ,V.v- 'j.-'i .' ' ' r,- ' '; l-; .The Committee tvirtUerrepcrt,that Colonel . Gadsden, oh tMe'Sfd of March, 1821, was one of the two Insftecior-JWrierals of the army, i both of 'whom weteretaij)ed In service by ; the act.reducincf ther.armv ; tliut there were two Adjutant (Jcnerals in sennce, one of 'whom was retained irt service r and th core sident was not authorized to' aismiss both of them; and retain Col. Gadsden as. Adjutant ' The j Committee further, report, that Col, Fenwick, on the 2d, Mareh,1821, was Lieu tenint,. Colonel of thelfght artillcrV ; .that; by appointing him to thli commatfd,6f one of the regiments of artillery, it will, disband, as su , pernimary, M Colonel J who by the terms fore, recommend that the Senate do not ad vise. and consent' to the nomination of Col Fenwick. - " s v ! : r r - Tlie Cmnnittee fiirtheri report, thatr Gene rals Macomb and Atkinson, Majors Jlradford and Dalliba, are noihinatcd to" grades beloxv the Tank they formerly Jicld m the army ; that the prinapleof v?r was recognized by the Senate on the Tecuctibn'of thesamiy in 1815; and, iiuder.the axlthority of that pre cedent, tfie Committee recommend that the four last mentioned nomination's be confirmed. Mr. Williams from "' the saiiie 'Committee,' pursuant to a resolution of .the'Sth. ihft re -ported tlie army 'register 3ot May 17, 1321 w Inch was read. . - , ' ! . . ; I '- MvrA'lV ; " - The Senate proceeded toxonsjd'er the no- mi nation of Nathan Xowson o . appointmirt ' in the'arojyi as y contained irt .the message of tlie.21st; Janiiarv, and, after debate,-'' . ;: : The Senate,adjoiirnetT:.'; ; : w . x ".'' f "r ' rarnirl stincH 15, 1822. ; ' The. Senate resumed . the Consideration of the nomination of Nathan TOwson ; and, on motioni ordered, tfit it lie 'oh the. table, i . i ' ''!'"''".- i I - . . - , i- :'.,, ? a 9r ftaTtniDATi urimcit-16, 1822.T '.'V.i''. The Senate resumed the consideration - of the n6minktion"TOf Nat lan TOwson ; and,' on the question, rA1U the j Senate aflvise"- and consent to tm$' appointment !"." it was deters mined: as.fbllows : ; V . - YxAs-Mcssrs; ;B irbour,; Broj?rV,ef Ohio,; JJrown, of Lou. Eaton, IMwardsfFindlay, Holmes; of Miss .Tohnsom of lven. Johnson," f Lou. King,of Alab. Kihg, of N.-Yi night, CtVo. " 1 o anman, wilts, fjus, rarrctt, soutnaro, . 1 aU t-.t. m'1 i f . ... '.VNa f sMcsirsnarYon, BentbrijBoardnSn i CAamDerpiWolflDickereOnElliotCvGail- So it, was resbh-ed, that! tiielSehate donot j, advise''' end'" consent to 'the appointment of j remcht;bf .artilA--j ,. k '.'.'; ' MoyijA"vrA-RCH.18ii822. "i"'- XJ ThetSetiat cr proceeded: to consider the np- ntination of James-, Gadlcif, to be Adfutaht ' The Senate resumed tW conslderatriof j fthe ncminatioi dMames' Gadsdeii 'to b'ft..U'iU'4 it - in, i.iiw,ijnc3ixt;i;-V J aiivi,;. via xiie ; quesuon.1 AViU the' Senate-advise - and'eonsent to this appointmtjnr;--. was;acteiinmed as follows J ; YxAsSIessra. Itb BroViv: of XouT E4on,VEdwards,ElUbtt; Ti rrtllay, 1 iQlmcs,- MisSi Jbnson, of Ken: Johnson, W Lou Kio&-pf -Aljd)ama.rKingf V'V knifrht 'T itim-.i. HtClt-' ?- iJJT' ISOutbtird Stokes, Wflfeias of ll20. '--.'T-T",-a"r- xjeniun.- lioaraman. ienerai, ctmiamcu.in message of the SlsrJariuary audi aftdr debate, ' ' Vfc, :;; TbeWte burned.) :f r ThV Senate Tesilrned the ebnsideratibn.' the : rtOtnmatioTfistb promotions apd appoint-; mems- inane -rpiy,;i2is couxamcu , im iuc,ui saffe of the 21st. of iahuanVf and- .not before' Acted on...;,; t-St ': A-k:.- Oh the question ,ill theenafeWvis and consent to 'the appointment of Alexander Macomb tb.be Colonel of ehgiheers"witfi the brevejt ralcof Brigadier-General K.fi if-'ij !? Avdi vision ?of the quistiori walled for and the vote was taken on the first 'member thereof, thicll was detertnkieAas follows.: .. 4 Yras-U Messrs. Barbouk lloartlmah, Crown) oi A.pu. urowTij oi jiiio, iiicfccnuji,';tt,uw Klliott,nlay, Uolmes, of Miss JohnsonV' of Ken ' King, Vf ATab. Kihg,of Ni Y,i Knight,' janman, Macon, uiis, (Morni, i-ritoxt, ric sants; Southard; Sfoke5albot,Van'jRure,n7 Vandykci Ike Williams, of Tenn.r26.!. j : NivgiMessrs: BartonrBentoni Chandler, B'Wolf, GailJard, Holmes, of Maine; ; Noble; Palmar; Ihtggles, Seymour, , Smith, Taylor, Thomas, Warel4..;u VThe vote-was taken cin the second member of he said question, aCs follows 'fy, f YKAs-r'!iiessrs. Barbour, Benton, Brown, of ioiu tuaxon, r,,uwanJS,,r.iuoiil rinaiavj joiin 'son; of Ken. llolmes, otXliss. Johnson: of Lou; V P tJJ V t - Tl A i TJ Jl... llliji' Ki ng,- of Alab.;Kin, of. N." Y;Lanman,MMa- con, ';3iiiis, iorrn, vxiraiToxx, -f ieasanxs SeymourSouthard. Stokes, Talbov V".11 fen,' Van-fry ke Walker, Ware, WiUiams, of Tehn.--2S. ;;F ''xtis-- Ti-: ' vKats--Ms'sts. Barton-Boartlma'n,;'Brown of Ohio; Chandler, l)jWolf, Dickerson, Gail lard; llolnxca of. Alaine; Knight Noble; Mai mer,' llxtggles,'j5mith, Taylor, .Thomas- 1.7 v'VSo it was, resolved That the Senate do ad vise and consent to the anncintment of Alex-' I 'ander Macomb, agreeably to the nomination. ;: On tlie qxiestion, Will tlie Senate fedvise and .consent tothe appointment o lJenry Atkinson, tQ be Colonel bfthe sixth regiment of infantiyWitb the brevet rank bf Brigadier Genera-: j., V;i- - ' l A dision of the : question' Was called, for, and the vote fwas.takehon tfte$ first member thereof ' and determined, as fWlows sJt ',, -. YiiAsMcssrs. BarbburBoartlman, Brown of LoOv. Brown oh OhloDickerSoh,A Iton, Edwardsi Elliott, -'Kbidlay, , Holmes of Miss. StokesTTalhot Van Buren.: Yin Dyke, Wal- ker, William of Tenn. -29, -1: C ' Nat Messrs liarton, ', Benton,, Chandler; hWolf. Gailiard Holmes of Elaine.' Noblei' PaJiher; Ituggles, Seymour,' -Smitli, Taylor, Thomas:. Ware-l-i.': . 'yM-j .'".-.'"' I -CJ' '; :' And tlie'sefcond member of the question naving occn MgTceu xo, ix. w as rcspivcu, i nafc the Senate do, advise andicojisenttO. the ap enarately. message,rwniai naa notoecn nnaiiy acxca on r and, resolved, jTbat they do advise and consent to tlie,,said appointments agreeably to thc nominations; respecrtively, 'Svithtlie exception of Samuel B. Archer Daniel Par ker,' JJ RPenwick; itid Williim ; Bradford' which were on motioh, ordered to be post poiied to, Tuesday next .-Wfv- 5 kr VT On jnotionV by Mr. Smith Atore-.con$jdcr theote of yesterday onltfienbmbvatioiibf James Gadscle it.was deteriimnpd as follows i 'YsAsMessrs. vBarbb'ur Brbwnt ofL'ou2 Brown - of OEj; Chandler,' Eaton; Edwatds, Elliott,' Finlay llolmcs of Miss. Johnson of Ken. 'Jolmson of : Loiii King of -Alab. Kin of ? NATS-'-M'esss. l5artbnIABet6n5Bbardrnaii, D W elf, Gaillard; Holmes," ir)f Maine, Macon, Morril'Pabner, f lcasaht3;jtuggles Seymour, TalboV Tavlor, ThohiaS ,'Vaii iBu'ren; " Van. 'Dyke.raler;,.W lay.-Holmes' of Miss.-Jolmson of Ken. Johnson of Lou; Kingif AlabKing- of N. Y-Khigbt, i'Aniitvb; Mills, Qtisj, Parrott Smith, Southard, Stokes; i Williams of Miss.-2i:::..i-r '-- .; :' Nivsx-Me'ssfs; BartonVBehtbnBbardmari; 4iaiidler, DWolfi TJickebiTCllar;Mai con, Holmes oflaine.Morril,"lwoble, I'almeri :lo;it aselVedThat ibeenateCfwi adviso 'ancT"'cbnseivt toi.1be.appbihMent?io JamesGadsden; fb bediui?Gerff the Crhitteefhini into tbaet5,' tnjCpl Bpert Butjer; has esigned or re-; futedvtct accept the place of ICplonel vLieti tenant f Colorfel ;in themihtarWpeace esU- blLshmentrof ibei United Stated, andwbetber Following written m'essaire Tnhnrtn rFKn .Tniinknn nf-1 .wilKinf tt Al. King of N; .Y; KnighU LanJnhnMacoii, Mills, Moi-ril, I Otis,' "Parrott, PleasjxntsV Southard, pointment of Henry AtfcmsoniagrD.iy to tlie nomination.' ; ' r .V-j;.VifyM Tlie Senate then $rote&dk&6ctihj$dcti senarately, the nominfttions coiitjunexl in said Parrot,! Sniith, outhtokesWiliiims of Gadsden to bex,Adjti(ant: General rt was delerminexl as foiloVs;'';- . ' Yeas Me&srs, ; JSrbouri'i Browjv- of iLoil Ttrowb of Ohio; Eatott Klwar4s,Jti1otPirio vetl froiii thel,rcVident.cf the United States V Trf lt Konfm ITnitoit-Xttitp v? w' .. thd "dischsre'e 01 that very portantitv..f t f ijUQw-fcviTi z en s i ne recognition bftne ind of RfexV iCiand; BputHimerica is art -eyent r6t- cula te3 to disUneuish;hei presenLas an tryi Tberie ts; rw'reaonytber,vtri4ysica) I or uvorai, vvmtiu suouiu iiiHuiiro- jjctjjjic ui; AmVi ica tin )dendenc: ;pon those of EuronewTlie United 7 Stated senledj at. first pnncipaUyljy emigrants jfrobi; EngJ: fanVf,. rajn'rd siibj fpxJ$ to bk r mcuer cuniry.'.till causes tod welf kriowd lor re quire; CbnimenjfV? tosepa-! ratef In'like tannerthe coloniesjbfSilth: A roericatb a vtf depended Hliyralso;' in iimitationbfiotir example nave- tmntt:v-eftj,cnsQiye tne nxlph pendefice;h jjf njted ' JStatehae fe). li v'tly ,tn rerjest :-7-lt was, riAtnral .and prti-j .pefj we sbmild'xlo'sdior cbikn t ry ha ve T)eei Operfed 6pl)n'bEan ses a hnlagfb s to hose Which indbcedVr to ' assefi onr rihfsVy Mutual interests ani mpaUtJc leelirigs citt I fronts t h e"j jconti mence ment J of ihei stt ggJcto' the preVntiimeAVButltbe ;go-. vernment bf tbeUnited tate, frqctm s?dratiow!i ramotmtrtatureid-vnf to make an acknowledgement of their in dependent, ;thile a: dqbbthfic;!: coold ixist, ;oXhii difficulty howeeiri tfe' ingjreuioved. the President nd ibnetr he sitate as to jUiecburst pi tpessage tcr theHousei of Iresitajf i live; he" rebm.rneh'ded 'theicnitiojof t thef iTtdeWftd nien' j uont u. a ne message was reierrru xxrxnej 'c'moiifloAbregnf i uoiuiuiirc, Hjxer. niarure u.eiiue.iaiiPH, ,ix H)brtedtiihanunously;! in' favbt'bf themea; suref ana tne nouse aaoptea it Dy an jun- ; ;-r ucrc is a niness : in 'one 'cpuuuv .rc. Cognizing the existence of another in any portion of the lober1wt proper in this ifiase, jfortheT pe.opie: of ibe Miuiii jire mericans,jnnaoiting.uie same continent "'diolye'y jttibirigit6nf itejpehcnce,byi xhe ; s yei innd riatripuc -efipn&;.ei;Wee& tw'b such peopie. there buo-bt tb i'begreatcst fifeodsbip arid goodlwinfH the exist eiicife bh snch-elittmts' jiArtV;we r)ndthe,i ."esairesK, dent has. beenv receiVed: withoriusual ap- ay tlirooghmitthecou oeeu 'oit our; aoiest- politicians inmAne rneasonr ouit trt hayben soqw ed;C Whatey inay'have hferet'oforerexiste tlicrejC:nd longer f ny i riecessityfof it ccntinuaifee, :since; ojdrl 'eqvexnTeirt, has taken the step so mach desired by all-; tbnti. e verha'd sUcHI u nd 1 vided support irt (nfess:?T1ie reiJubliVfithee wbridrwlll now rm boubterpbise tb j xne; monarenies. oitne oa i anaix is. xo e hoped;tbe late vents in South -A njcrica",' -Anbeedi(lrbur? ilioii,, wiji gj ve.ddiUoiial ; impulse to the c.us of fretdom in. every conn tryvln tb1s'vieofihev:r :recoCTHi6n"ix)f those - li(yern inents bewtbeW a ni aiter of J t singu irar1 1 n teresr, , oi . vrnceituc x vuc-0 were tlie: yanguardin giat, liberty-j : to thero whQ-followed and termi ilt reqhii es but little fbreiikbtto obser ve j i xuat me - governments .oit ue - omwu f tend to refbmationaiidMbat everr mere :may ;jnooj?e ne uopc iur . betteratof tMiigs. piinwerjrmerl wretched, and their government the most uespouj.' Oi -any. in civuizeu x.urouc v theV; baveTrecently;undew tant chance. insteaoT ot an, aDsmute jmo narrnvume neonie nave m a euuuuuci assettetl; tbeixihii, j aniiitonn powers oi me, naiion'io av.o "1? vmj eress oi otneriegt&iaiive as5euiuiiv9lru xne several states.? a ne: nguv u c ucv-. Die to cavern -themselves, v is" there per. naps Deiter mainiamqu x"w vjv couotry, except in jtheihdebdentutes of Nbrth and SoutiirA meric X rThe im t mediate cause bfc that revpluttoq .was jto unwillingness in the siibjects of tbe(baotbe Ibr.iiel-tah ccasknn, with' rbne li'tercflfeclT 'reT'S' V . nb wnedpebpie biiiiqnitT both in. arii v ' and id - artnsiv have- rise n a tains t" th ..r . -. Tirkswhobayeibyd tbeni for .Centuries l nis contesLjenis likely tp pu ijvmoa ' -.r-'- Miv,"l - auu jiuiiii niXitrrcu ,iy; our ;vv- , $elvescan haTnlyllnMea :: oppresMbjitndnrf its ; vV " blast to&tisfa ing ati mterest in theiceienceit kind 'ektihot He iha wnrii'r.fiindif inVit'tioir1-''. v . . undertb'e ioui,vtbro lirtont'-' bftheTurksj'andsbcldd be' p,nticab!ei1it;w6uldrbe;W'm u-ansrerret : to Kussia. &ucn ' an - ey en t s ; j would: strengtben the i causecr. free. gb4 '" vtrnmerfeiripibrbn cobdHii C vefr: jof thet RbsSlatis is betted & H- ' reason? to'hone- the wbrk (hf: rpforirrifttinrt r Hvbul3 not end at thtft bbttitt for the m tnd t. luarw ui .."sHXC .uruiuiuxc iWOUKl oc sa ra piu s ix uas ueen 5me xne xjeciaratiqn, ot , v our; infpenuDZcV sheis enin teach'hjt aiidv:-aLMabtwith& i ture of b t r 6 w h ibstj tu'tibns, become; a Con- : '.' " ' y- In inV last IfcommuniCAtlOn: ' itwn XSmr?ilf' .t-' fed expedient to mentibni ; sbme wbab dei ' tailrt hcreaons hich, ba ye, tf n iforpfi ly fn- c 3 ' tyeri'inen0hond "aftojjt., jM.pich ci"' V - norny. lnagminisienng usr noances, ; At , : ; the ses$ii before theJasr,avinin burj' ;'t- ev'pnnrnri'. urns ona - m iy.niini.A.. -k. - ' jona Awinirars flri'it ihirfrt: ;7T V. 5T27 Tars. Jn:ConsequebCei bfhese toeaiires; r tbe:isiaeiya lenabled itSHe begiii hmt feieslon faVobte-crrmslfA Ibryi thiaand subsequent yeara to the vear 1825i: i f would xceed'ibWdemantfs a dopted those measures instead .a su ciebtTievenuebere j V liJl'L'--.-''-I-r?!-'. AmL'i?",-!!" j 'it r v v : unless made fleo&sfiry tq snstam tb "dit oUtfe; natibriV sitliei kreateii nueiUj beirsfiident ifosed extraVaMVV giimiy, su . rcvcijuc uuiparauvpy small j ; wilt apsweeery p ei'eVdi"& nuimbept0.9i'H iibt C b momebtary jnly ;V' : interrptedVtthe - Ciw ' a difference ptbpljion as to , .'; to which this iystem should', be enibrcedil J---V." me"tboughtef ; most prorblnencpf nch t-v; trencbUjboderatffi iti?' -i. 'Ji -a : wi. a. l--A-4tAA.'J .',:.. . f' '.' " Uieet unioreseen conungeni orinsxans jae-' l.-rtt mars'as'theV mibtyar medium i between the twp ppinibiiiir&a'den ;". . terminwMfef;-w :i'tlrattUiajButlii(i viJ v. it ba been fbp!nd rie'esjary .talte up the ; v Vr: subject ja gain. ;a2nd?proponica' V"' suresi to ft system of ijxpVndrurei Jet more ecnomical; I f this A greaiirVe bkely 4o beadoplfediti would rbVe- bektiP&9. far pTeteabletb)oani,eXc bi anytjtber;' ilmeiw hicin cbula,bii Ve -Qft C " ; been deviseV ; ever.tbrotbly be. effected At thts se s ; sionbuMingittbej ; :' oejtjtiditkTeto iii6bulcv--miUi0 vt-n' ' aoi'fe:-fe:JXs Vylaessenine '.lumJpCttel. ' beers, it i& pronosed oivlbe "otherf hand u: ;V raise vne Tan& oi auw?.k.cxjw jvi, w - .. -. Crtatne.Rm iVexoedientin lime if ecereierhcj . ceasitry, it couia oe o oniy nxiuic yt. n i -, , t and thenjt oughUabe pMplobea a . botja ffir him. who with:anreciual ,or ..inferior) c . ' ; k-.-;,, . 2,i .r fbrie'sbould gain iheirst victory overther eriebinius otTeiTd,ahe ranK ofAdttji-r. . , ral might be of service to the country; and ? - ; V.';jf-;:; .A ' ei.atej.shewihq Y

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