,1 V , V, I.' at v ' . -a a r t 1 s vt m r w a - m r mm mm it xririiirxmr via- atw . m aava va m -r- - - is. . ,:r. . "fc . . ; : ; : S ? Sec'-jindfo H farther cvacledThX -V . HKe.' ererat .snrris hereby appropriated f .shall be; jmJdVput ciijfron& fii .the Trcanry Xttot otherwise appropriateil 4. 'sy'rovlie'dthoeveri Tat ho; rooney apv l-t ' h'rerated by.tlus T " Iris apbitipriRtlons'forihe.tnllltafy icrvie : JT- -. if jtbt United States, for the year eighteen -' ' be?4! twenty! wo, arrd ;towaTtls ' tbe"r1opiheyrareTtefh hnndrcd,- T: V" n) twrntr-vbreev' RKa)Kbe"paId I'tollny, ( I ' Y'Vpernaiiry b Uoiripfitrclo B n af ' VvCxr ; ytrs0.tbeXJhjuq Stntesi, until sticb perf : jow'abal I bje accounted fori am! jaid in v : -' to; the : Treasury, J1 fiimsi foriwhichhe -V , jnay beJiaMeX-rtri7ifJ,Jrer, -Tbat 4 ;.ffdth1ngin,tbh?cti6n pontamedshallex l? l' ' ttmV to balances arising ; 5Mely fronij ihe s dcpreciatfon'pf Treasury Kotes reeeived : -S1 by sucb persrb to be expended in he pob? . ? t : lie BcrriCfi : ba'U-4n all cases wbere the . x; . : pay or sal afy of any persci) is I w HVKeld in. parsivqcce of thuacrt snail petneuuiy v-" .of the accounting otBcer,.if Remanded by i "the party; KK agent; crAttbmty.lo report r 'Jhrthwith tolhe apentvof ;the Treasury J rcpartmentV.the balance "due';and it a :,' halt-bis thcdutT' id'atent. - within -der jruit to be . jsixiy .aays iwr . . - com nience d . ' f . ; .is sureties , 0 .Sec. 3. vfnrf t Mnquent and 'y-; "-v ." ac That urredbv roar- - the xpensef foc, v.Aningthe fourth w rxenstis of the. United Stes not exceed iDg two thousand dollars, to be paid' out , of an";nexpecded balance cf'an'-appro- priatioD for defraying the expense? of the. " founh enumeration of ;"lhe inlfabitatfcs of 7 the United States. Xr--- : ApprovedApril So;ie2. vv.' ' r ViYKOBEJGNl From the Norfolk, flcrald, pf7th inht. . Tlje regular fast sailing ship Scipio, Capt. S Iru inmhd, a n j ved in I la m p - ton Roadrt on AVeclnesdaj in SI days -rom Iiyerpool,-;vliicb. place she left an the sfd of May. c Capt, Drtimmond States that there were.no advices fronV) , Ihe 'Russian and,TurlcUh Armies, hat iad come 4o hjs knowledfire, later than JlieoVIercary cnnfains-7-the impressmn 'amtfng those well informed Vas, Jhat there -would be tio war. He had heard nothing further on tbe subject of a dif ference1, between -France and Spain ; and resnecting the -West India restne- lions, aithouh'be bad not understood that the bill hadeen talcen.iop since, our last accounts, there Vras ntr doubt but itwould pass, as the mintstryvere ' generally in favorof.it, - , V '-" ,r;iVf.'VITEJtn)OL, MAY, 3. ;" - ) J ' 5Vc "have tiotring decisive; .fo . com rnunicate as to the state of affairs t)e tween HosMa' ayd the Porte. The constant" answer of-the'' Rtfs Effendt , .fo the renewed application bf the Y.nz Jish aftd "Austrian ' Ambassadors is; vthat fhe'JVte has no desire- for.-rar ; but that, if. the -is. attacked by any 1 - jjuwer, sue j jucpartU'io acienu-ner- sen.. .ubscrlptionVjBrr'op'eBefl In indoii tfor the distrefsecl Irish, 'and plans pro " posedi in which it is" anticipated Uhat ' .vernment wiU (assist: to-'dispatch , themjfrom 'this prtv'"; 'I: : : t'Eistrrsrand disturbance in "Jlwi-;-fovAAir--The peace of this coun-. ; try is great Ij disturbed. Numbers of jneh liiglitry; attack those wjio ufork at - ,the mines at prices wbrrh thpy 'ronsi- r lef low thpnb according to resolu k tions of a late. meeting; - at 'which; the ' s rlord Ipfeutenant presided, it wal deem : ' 4ed imppss?bIeIto raise wages nrt account of the depression of trade. Some coal ' vagoijs were attacked by tlie populace, ,whomt itwas found vnecessary to "dit-' ; :! perse: by, the f military,: (the Scotch V Greji.) which was jlonelwith:celeritT ; ,and huroanityhut a man being wourid- ed; , Tlie ! dreadful distress, to' whirl) ; ;the farrocrt are reduced j may be learn -: drom the following facts'; the de . sertiipn pf farmsb !thirc'cupyers7 after a "thoroughelearapce of; thepro--pertv, is beginning to.be - very atarm , jhg iq: part-of Monmouthshire' It is , - an absolute fact that two magistrates r8sidingin4hat county,travelled 18 ' - niilea on SaturdayN fe'nnightVx to give possession to th e landlord of a desert- ed'farm V "and jn order to cornplete the business they; mustfraveLa manV ' jportificatlott f to Jearn as they "went ; alonV,;that several other; tenants in 4hat"part ,of the cr ffVt y ' hatij afreadjr " done lbe same thing. 4. - -" ' . s.. r : . Caihblic iVers. The papers n ceived 'lastight contain r lobg 're- port .of the'efebate? on Mrv Canning's - motion for thV atfmiision of CathoTic Peers into the House-rd" Lords, which - was carried bv.majority of-five, -in; an unusuallj full House theViuraber sof merubers-presnt being -493 We p xbbfess tbaVwefeel very little inter- est; nor.do we believe that the great bclT of .the Cathoficsieer touch mohe, iiTtne issue if this motion, which; like v the disfranchisement ofGramnoundyis r a rnere tub to theP whale." The pro bability is, that t will be' lest in the V Upper House ; but fioweter that may , " be, it is a partial expedient; ine of those half ineasnres to which the pre , sent government 10 often resort with ss Udi race when :'i t is ia heir po w; Dreadful sin It, of d'Briea staUd in the House of monsVonrMondar, ;latfa'ndcsf-. lated a tare;portiottLt)f hesoutiiern districts Tho Dotatoe cVopihadlrtarr Jtially failed and oti: the baitU of the Shannon, the potatoes naa rouea, rrnoi tfmV had hothHifii'H sistfnee r 0n e bond red and fifty thou -sWd persona jntJfare Were starving. - a: y v x: V' ' " ; FIIOM VALPARAISO. Extract 'nfahtterjrorr an American gefc :t!rmm at Valfiaraisotd Us f friend in fijXto-York dated Jan. 29, 1822.V ThelPntriots have continued stfe cessful : in all- the?rropetatinWhd haver completely putdown their .TJppa nents. Sai rtinisoDir;ectof orGovefnoT of Liroa-stiH the Patriots cannot agree among themselyfes; San Aiartin wisnes Tne?ev-1 ynuci the direction of "the" Patriot Governor of iPeru t - but CochranewilHjiot; con- sent to it which ha9 caused 1 some lit- tlft diflerenc between the tvo grovern menrs. oan larnn, musi uuhhicij iubntittb thnt of Chili. The war ap-i; jpeajs to be at' an end in this, part of the world; -and the prospect ist .jtnat, in a shiirt time, a considerable business will be dorie. The j English are flock ing here, and large quantities of goods are arriving daily. ' Fournglish ships With full cargoes arrived thjs week i thev did not go to Lima, oii account-) ot tire wavy duty 01 by per cent., wnicn arhoorit to a prohibition! ' This con pi try. atpTesenf, isin a very distressed condition, owing; to a; faffure of the crops. There ? is not' enough wheat raised this season, for the consumption of- the city of St. Ua'go.' ThereAvill npt be- enough. sail in the country for seed another year. 'The inhabi fantsof Pt ru are alo in a very 'di tre5Spl state. Bfeul was selling' rn Lma asTort lime 1 since, at five ljol-lars- a pound. The' Government of Lima have contractetl wih the Kn 1 i sb here for J a r?e quantities' of w heat, areat portioTi of whichM aminforip ed.twIH be pnicurcd from the United states," Com. Adv.- LATEST TU9S1 BERMUDA. '4yY" : .Jyhrfnik Jun' 11, 1822. Capt. tlichard Webb, of the schoon er John Rodman, which arriveil at E lizabeth City, (N. C.) on Saturday last, i rs 11 ..day's .from Sr. Georgft', (Ber muda, brings the pleasing intelligencie tthat'the'petly ty rant, who has so lon inroeu it over me goon peopieoi mar Inland; is at length rendered incapa. b!e of further annoyance, by being caned nome to ansivcr ior nis mis deeds. Capt. W. states that he left SrJ George's .on the evening t the 25th, Mav, and etntiarked the next day on. board a" Ship of War? which was ta convev mm 10 rniriano. tus exit j mf . produced among -the people of St. George's the most enthusiastic joy Thich was proclaimed by a brilliant illii mi nation of the toyvn, firing of guns,i.&'c. on the,'night of the 26th. -Tfiese lively expressions. .of. popular feeling finished that niht by dreslsing up a figure, .in the full -uniform of A Bjitish General, (the usual attire of his Excellency.) which, after parading through the streetsi .followed by a large concourse of citiie.ns,,was final fy burnt to ashes, amidst the reiterated accla mations of jlhe. people; Capt. W. fur ther, states that this gracious act of rnyal condescension was the subject of general, congratulation to the hour of his deparlure.'..&ic semper turannis. . ' : 't..: ... Beacon.: FROM TEXAS. r -It 1 1 i 4 ! A gentleman who has lately been on an exploring tour in the. Province of Texas, passed. through Arkansas, and has communicated the following in teresting facts relative to the situation ofjthat country j J x. -.'.He represent the condition of the people as .miicfabie.' in the (extreme s industry is scarcely known among them 5 and business of every descrip tion ata stand. Although possessed of one of t!e finest and most fertile 'portions of 't h'globei yet-agricul tire is entirely neglected, and. tp a person accustomed to civilized life; they pre sent a picture literally-borderinffon starvation r bread -slufli are very scarce acd'dear, and like the natives of the forest, theV depend almost entirely on the chase ja scantkubsistehce.At S t," Anton i p,-a ' place -'-which I has , once rbe en a w ea 1 1 h v ' a nd noriu lou a v r t v. notlnng.but wretchedness was visible: That place js garrisoned by about 73 BSJdiers, who were riearlv cfestitute'of ammunitifln'; The neonle of that tA jhave once been in a state of easeaud jaffluence, butin : consenuenrft nf th soldiers of the Spanish and Republican armies liavinc been-nu arte red nhi- and fyllagtnVlhuifor: seyerat years; to- the i n ferposi tion , of 1 goYerrnme n t for onfmilliofiof people tre--Lin l starvation Yor'fonr.rrtonths lo look to. for tutu 1 j rfrptlltr ti'Wh lliiilvniBn nV)nU'.n II principal 'pcsti: '-which: oufirinforroabt Risitecf.-r W. : rV fc , "r : - ;U8Tp0BLijsHj:rJ,;ttio And ma? be had at J. Galea's-Storend at 'the "other Booksfores'of the State,., j 1 - "PrinM ofthe Solenfnixation 6f Afatrinio- JXLti ' prepared for the tise Of Magistrate , ' . - - OFFICIAL IST Of the , TiRst r's dbmjng pf fiie .HIIXSBOTIOUGH ; ; ilASONICJ JLOTTEB.Y; VovdrswW under the siipenpejancfeof .-V.'y- the,3Ianagers.v.-i.c-'J. 55b: 2508 " beine the last' drawn numbetv S entiueu 1.0 a graiiojiury pric..y . f. Those, niimfcrers withoutany Tprize apxed ere blanxa it' -' 1254 5 256 "2620 '658 v67t ; 6745 679 10 681 10 33982 4014 :..,18Ur . 25 5 r 5 -283' .5 286 ' : '291 - 315 ;; 327 5 347 351, 361 r 370 5 380 5 .388 392 395. 3 426 430 , 5 435-5 '443 ' :. 447 r": 487 489 5 511 5 : 524 - 539 570 5 571 ; 574 - 5 591 S 603 5 616 : 622 -5 39 : 665 5 681 696 5 ,701, .707 715 5 717 5 '74'6 . 753 781 -, ??'- ' 60 x 00 '. ; ; 45 : - 47 5 t 52 -5-: 75 5 - 88 '5 90 5 91 10 98 ' 107' -111 72 ; ' 73 102, . 115 135 5 5 10 5 T21 27 734 740 741 ,743 760 764 768 775 778 782 785 798 802 -f 845 "858 877 B79 '900r .901 906 908 t 910 '916 -931 950 957 "968 97 996 3002 35 ( 58 ; 74 0 100; 10 Z5 5 5 1 164 T r 185 0 18T 5- 197 ;226 242 243 268 274 230 312 320 326 344 374 389 390 409 415 422 ,428 - 444 471 473 5 5 5 :5 116 121 '125 147 154 5, 5 5 5 : 158 - ; 179 131 -182 196 M 5 5 5 203 221. 226 - l227 245 262 268 ?80 286 313 320' . 321 :-5 5 5 35 5 505 : 507 5 5 5 5 5 5G8 .. w. u s 4 . 5JS 565 . 56JB 19 572 5S8 589 5 593 5 6C9 10 ; 658 5 1659 665 668 5 683 719 5 720 741 5.; I 327 " 332 346- . 350 5 351 5 5 5 5 5 811 829 840 842 845 '86 859 866 878 908 911 : 107 111 116 U4 146 . 157 - 35 369 5 5 5 5 371 : 403 403 ' 5 410 10 434 5 447 5 455 lb 465- 473 5 . 508 518 Z 5 524 544 551 t 565 5 567 5 578 10 598 5 599 i 15 5 5 5 t 171 io ! 172 ; ; '177 io 185 L 5 187 194 5 745 757 763 764 766 768 775 776 788 97 804 '806 809 818 821 831 842 846 848 851 853 858 '860 866 867 868 870 71 877 882 896 897 904 921 933 940 -952 912 ... 914 5 916 : 922A 934' 941. 954 964 973 974 5 977. 982 5 984 -988 5 2G05 5 11 50 14 27 ' 38 . 64 75 5 BX 92 ... 104, 5 122 " 129 5 130 5' 5 5 199 '203 221 ,230 240 .- 256 327 331 532 352 558 363 375 388 i07l .409 423 449 455 454 5 o 5 5 5: i-5 5 10 10 618 620 'j, 640 641; '1 648 ; 649 $ ,661 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 '5 686 697 708. 714 723 734 738 742 '744 .760 5 5 5 461 '464 482 508 510 -536 557 564 572 614 - 632 ;;638 '656 657 661 683 5 5 S 5 ,5 5 5 i 5 , 152 155 168 195 198 204 ' 2o6 209 229' 243 '246 274 279' 291 292 300. 320 5 5 5 5 5 5 rr4 10 775H5 ISO 786-70-803 j H 811 ; 5 5 5 5 5 5 962: 'u 966 5 968-5 970 5 -988 5 991 .i 1015 5 - 16 5 : 43 . P684 ;685 818 820, 822 837 3 5 5rv .690 5 - 700 - 5 . 708 5 711 5 " 718 719 V : 720 a 725 10 731 - 735'- : 737 -'.754- 1 ,777 x 781 , 794 5 809 5 v829 -.830 837 840 "845 5 .851 .8725 ? 874, , K.8794. '882 , 896 , 898 : : 908 C935-S 938 . -941 x;., . 944 ; '5 849 860;-5. 864 872 5J' 874 .881-1 5 : 883 5- 328 346 367' 5 5 69 73 79 86 87 111 122: 136 138.. 141 5 368 380 387 :-' 5 '398 ia 412 ' 416;-,: t432 4475 475 489 ' , 492-5 497.' ' 504 ;.- 51SC5 530 ' 536 543 ' V 544-5: 545 892 5 ,-890 ts: 906 : 7. , 935 '5 :; x9o7 -0-. 946 5 i 9535 956 J 958-v: ?973.V' 979 5. : '983 . r 993V V996-5, . 999 5 5 5 .5! 5 10 143 145 ; 152;- 153 i 158 5 1815. U 188 "jr 0Af 211 220 1Q ; "2235 r,227 1 31 5 -233,, :i 240 5 . .242. V. ;'2503 : 560 .567 $ 576 v 585 t W ,603 5 612 '617 5 . n H , . . . . fTr The econd 'dav's drawing n-ITI place ow Friday the 5th of Jul. Those who are desirous to beevnie ad venturer&3il-dp well to purchase tickets previous ti that 4av. I -' T?rrthVihirnS of thfi I f iui tt4i&AtU very evident, notwitlu nnino-rU th teTtnettts f the State Were Vnclued in tJeG enteral Arcg?. tffere remainVdV cof qotks than- ntotr dirnvered from acAOiparlsonf of thejturns with;the census pf 1820, whicheyhibits7 the . number'of men Ue- ttveeri 18 and'45 66,000. ,-wnereas, returns otthe militia' amounted to .-only 41.QQO arid on .reference 40jhe files Ot tk; iC(iiri ,thprp hfinearlo have been ,a rfadinl decline in he number of fhe mi- Jitia of the State for' many vears.tst. ThetmimbcrjioW enrolled; Agreeably to. the returns, is 12,000 less than tnerewnc ten years afco,! while iiie.-BtateunnRjh Cesas not tolbe sunefeft'pasSJlphg' The sources fro0; encethis deficien-. cy has originated no doubf pVincipauy wltlv Captainsjof "Companies, in railing to "make returpo the Qojoneh ; and Unless there fs "'ft more rigid enforcemenl; of the oienal'i varinexed to suchMelirftiuency in future, it Is clearlvv perceived..thit' the- incony rnicutc hi rt-any y c a .Mpiruv i , sthl ext and most dikely continue to7 iiv creased the orooranderm: Chief is ki ware,owevertib1rthem Companies hic' hive becVi nfEed contril of this deficiency; and.:ftUlvouch they niy not have either been mustered or return' editor years, jue men,-- ooiwicnsramimg, shield tieselye"s:fronv .-seriic-inny' o tber Company inpon the.- groimds of thdir original .enrolment ; asV!nlunteers,:pnd: Swif?j td the djffiadt; entei'tained by4the. C ap tarns of In tantry of procu ri ng proof to the contntry they are thus suffered tore--main vobject To no frifl.i tia duty whatever. It ls4n 'this wAy -ebosiderable proportion, of the mi 11 1 ia 'clea r of to us tering "and are never trought Into the returns of t his Whihotft Walcing'any pftTcular refer-; ende to the, laws on this subject- (which aVe presumed to he inr -"ihe handof eve ry officer. andvmffic1ertlv' understood) the Captains of Iufentrv ae instructed in e- very instance yh,ereiaVtilun'teer Compa- the ordiua ry duties requfred jLinder 3 he i n i li t InliiNv , " tt eiter.tbe tVa composing in dre District jwher'e tV.ey, reside ; and if tbey do, iOifact still exist as a Volunteer f Company accordins: to law, tt wtli be fr I diem., to furnish the proof proper to .be requhedin such case, - '': Ikis confidendv expected., after these I'relmarks, eVery exertion will be m rule by I the Ciptains to enable those officers who ate bound to make returns to this office, to furnish a full and correct return of the Militia; ttii year. The Colonels, at the, same time, are rem hided of their duty,' in, tenining annually a Roster oft We tnam ann darjCommlSsions'ot the. FitJd Officers composing their respective 1 cmmnhds' a duty which WAS very Snel; I rally oinitted In foe returns of ;the last; year, Zfy orrffr cMe Commander, in Chief BEVERLY DANIEL, -St. '-" :Adjt; Gen-'M.'N;.Cvv MIDWAY ACADEMY Franklin County, JV. Carolina fpHE ' Examination of the Students': of 1 B this Institution tnrk niar.Pt hn Thur-X day and Friday the 6th and 7th instant which closed the first Session. The E- fercise will be resumed on Mondaythe- inst.. ne 1 rustees aeenq u sumci entto say, that under a veryclose exa minatkn, on Spelling, rReading, Arith metic, Engiisli Grammar, Geometry and Algebra ; on the whole course. of Latin and Greek, th e you ng Gentlemen acquit ted themselves with the; highest credit. which: is the best testimonial both 'of the j assiduity of die Students and df the abilities: i f the Rev. C. A. Hiil, A. M. Piindpal of the-AcadenW.-- -&etiJ?. ''hvl r " JOHN-BRODIE,;Prest, , WM, WILLIAMS, . FRANCIS PUGH, " 1 . . . ,. W.D. JONES, . ---; 'v !-. "'" ... k Trustees. - June Sf.' 1S22; ": " S7 V2- -A, NOTICE. RAN 4 WAY from the subscriber on the night of the 28m inst. AMOS, a dark mulatto fellow, tall and spare made large white eyes, quick speech when : spoken , to, about 25 years old ; had on . home made clothes, i The said fellow is supposed ' to be. in pursni of a negro trader by the! ninjrie; of Shivers, as he has formed , an attachment to one of his girls. The said Shivers left Hicks ford, Greensville countyfVirginia,on the 27th instant; and is travelling to the State of Geor giav by1 way of Ra eigh, Camdeh andlColunv bia.-- Any:infonnation directed to Hicksford lost-Office, . .Greensville Jaunty, State of v irgmia, ,win oe quiefciy received and duly attended toby the subscriber, The, appre bender of said Slave illife . rewarded, on my getting' him.'Vv-:-' " ' V : - vXlTTLfcTOIVILUAMSOk i ' -May 30y-- ?':. I 'l.-rr '&f-8t- Moounty Court' pf pleas ' ancl 4uarteV 3 - SessionsMav; Term: 11 H22-' ii r Dariua llilla. ' : "i - Ptitron fnrdtK,WTW r'ir.tshare of thei Estate of rrr ! - . " ' I (C8 onrnn ana samuei .' Abel Diiftns .. t cWV." j i-i-j" . t 1' 10 me vourtthat some of th legatees m this case are hot inhabitants of. th State ; -it is , therefm iht this .suit benublisfied -:m'K:&rt-a the,.Star, printed at leii, two months. T.1"""1 wufunay -ne concerned may have notice ;to( appearJat the "next Court W Pleas and Quartet Sessions, to L' hId fn. County of Mdorat te pourtbouSe in CaK ttee, on th? ' thirdMondajr'ip Augustinej lis. "-,. Upwards ot 80000.tience arise y ivYJ0 10 puousu xnenrsi number on SaW, 4 conclusive1 evidence 5of -IheexSp tije15th i inst. ..The title is .intended tcX ' fsomewhereinihe.Blilitta)oT. Itwi5 nce and inattention tvfltnnKJp ande'rtobslOtnW in ,U I J np.ndpncft; will hki.i .. n the citizens are in vited . Piint.Tp.imftxT 3 A.- S. C0r,TN hannp-.T ' . . J;. v mw imu nail ii in.rm,.. M34fon to piibfislr a periodical Wnrl- but fhei&.vll b 9 tersi' of neW, , of , fashions, of taste, ofmarrii Iges and deaths, 8tc.ajtp, render it a.veUieV ' of general interest'andamiTsement. , Washington City, June 6. r I . . : . ,. - . CiBblsddeVtbanyAle - 10 ACasks Whiskey; . V-' f. ;;.;2; do. ' Cpgniao Brandy. - 5 Bbls. Lump $ugar.t .r ;-i''. ; ?; Just receired and for sale by . . . . A COPPKR ST1U- v'V . ; ; good Still, of . about 40 Gallons, with - lewter yorm complete, which has brpn ' ufsed but one Season, mav be hod on reason aoie trms, .on appjication to the Kcrls'cr ' AVAKE JAIL! BROKEN ! - 1ASltjn'ght i thelfillowin Pr5soncn j mde- ir e&Ciifk from rfaid Jail J by.' bre"kim? thriiugh, the vv'tHeVfoC ri2 1 . -THOMAS HASWELT.7; formcly Lfuistwrg, in tb'H.Staie, under ri sen fncft of three years imprisonment for robbine the Mail'of the United Stares. . ELlJAlI;Rp(pUSrconfined fo a Misdemeanor s Nbuf wlnise time of n.,n. ishment would have expired v as -soon jis he could pay his prisojn charges. JACK HARRIS, a Mulatto, who bn. ed himself a free manl bat who wis sus- j! peered 40 be a Ritnaway Slave, and cop. fand onA' t Ji at accoun t. j 1 ; HasvcieU istabou SOjyearof age, 5 fet. 8 inches high, has black'Hairj and Eves, 1 and large black Whiskers; is rather i ste rider made ; has a down look : was raised a Blacksmith, . but has for'seTreral -i I years been in the' Mercantde" Business, , ana writes a nne reaay nana. 1 rt r .ogers. is six leet nign, ana. aDom 2j yearrf otage. , ;;-t;-, 1" "1 he Mulatto ;s nearly 'six f abdut 35 earW of age, has k 1 over the neht eye, has lost his fay h?gV .mail scur rieht eye-i tooth and a jaw-too th,'a and his back b?ars the mark of .the! whip. r He . says -He was jbern 10 Bedford couutv. V(ririnia; j FIFTY; BOLLAR?lewird-vvU paid ;br the ttQDtojuil&$m 'andTi-ecoVeii ot HatwV-s-d "FIVE : DO LLAR5 for eitaer Rtgers or the MuUtia tV -;- JOH DU.NJlor. ' Raleigh; -June ir- ; . 8r; FIUpAYi JUNE 21, 1822. The Supreme. Court of this State , opened its term oi Monday'jast. All the ju ages are present. I 'Prisoners ekcapTheiail of tfii count v Was broken, in the niiht of Sun- prisoners escapenr (for a: decrinti' n of whoni see thear vertisement .V This escape was eiFpct-. ed bv aipans.ofan Auger and Crow-bar" which had been handedto the,pris efs through ', the windovne This is w third time within few years that iw Jail h"4s been : broken, whichclcarly shews thai until it ujideros some in-, provem en t9 rio reliance can bo pl. ouit security. Perso ere yoA diatelydispatched in every direction; InTsearch of UieT prisoners, but thej -have notiyet been apprehendeu . ; : r. y .: ;v . - : ' v v-'iJhternalJimproimenU.-- last bein the day fired for the meeting of theBoafdftfor- Ihternall Improve- merits in this State Messrs. H. Ym-t cejf D:Hawtin3 and T Turner members nf the Board attended, irlth his Excellency the GVeVnoH'V met from day to da j Fulton; th State Engineer, conVfrj,cd ? ,oa theBusine5S oflriie BoarrJrbtil jmnjoritf che (mraislioncra n)tbJ! , g present, of course, no organization of the 'eetin cVqJ;takeplcei And ; if-neithertMwsrs, Cnwaft. Hatch , AteryCr (ihejhiseht nem6eri of the. , Board appear un thepourse of i'J orftwo,?her Genemenin attendant mil Jbpndebe in:fibmeiWkithout vffectinir auf bashi 5essjtyhjc(k rerjuired the presence 01 1 a maioritv of thfr tiniird Viv U' v ' ' 3 S5tn.injAe tdanefhabsentmem fear, has been occa'sioned br sickness ; fQthib'gb idiich pu t; i t-ddl o thejir1 do vver toneet , j thei7.CoUeaues would jia?e bretev- eu mem; irom performing v " v w f VanrpiV Its exmtents. will h rK;tt iu. Jonei -rV;;:' I 5 :'- . .