v. ' - . c r t ; i SSI A 1 ' I Hit" V M Out r tfi tUn of fair, (dneJlf!Pacer l)uwap'a bv f.rtv r?e, to :ve jut syvther." FRIDAY,' JULY 26, (8 . : VOL. XXIII - ' .7 FOR THE REGISTER. oration; ' j'" Tarred fj"1'.? ,, nr s e occasion for uliicli we have met, can . rrrv fevr in th?s assembly from its no S 4th of July has, for almost half a i -en hailed at each relum, with cfT1tur, Lcen jubilation; iu Kil day. many of you have Mtnessed the L felonuence andthe embellishments Cftry, wmbinTns-to ffive effect to the Plf It flKl.ail. political truth,. and ..c-htlie medium of the feelings to nn- saViftl understanding. . V i - M,Mller.?-td inv pretensions to be iT-tI and as such only he-hopes alii for fj.? pvirpatiiy ana ior ic " 'awicts' the multitude of associated recol-v-rnoius u hioh at snch a moment croud upon 4l.eart, and oppress its sensibility, vc are rtnitfd!) with stronjr and engrossing- ni-t- ist,ta tl:e uiy which ushered in this ijold 'X ,n-V-this "mozkvs ordo tectorumj' the -LA cf which vve have seen Rrtd still.be-l iril, lut which the panegy rical pcn of some f r -e Vlr'il must describe. TVhen the pco- iSw! epochas cf their history the themes of barsCr? a ui of admiration, the imagination iccarellctl to travel in disjitst and pain and iorrcr, tbrrugh intervening periods of na tsJi rice, dtgraJation and, wretchedness ; ; Mi 53 with us the vista tfirough which' wtf Is bordered with brightness ahdbeauty !.enflnr.ttlie eye ith .everlasting" pazinp, i:d t-ie termination of the-prospect is 'rnel lred, and not obscured by its distance. The rrcltrcticn of dur Independence, which we cci.rat narrate, is a point whence' has pro- Ci-edcda continuous line of blessings, suc cewlir.j: ia clcse dependency, Increasing1 in a rat:o v. ith time, and extending with every aa '.ior::il ur.'t cf population and every acces-" srn of territory, rhus distinguished by la rcurand crouned with various .prosperity; iLo shall forbid us to rejoice ? and n the rcidst of rejoicing who will not be grateful in.! adore and -vhef c n thfelay.cold heart cf sordid selfishness that will not mingle with tf e swell of gladness and devotion, a throe of coir.miseration for the ortune of those who knew not our happiness Characteristics s6 appropriated to tlie giovelling nature cf the brutes that pt-rish, cannot indivkhiate any person of my audience all aie prepared at s-ich a n;omcnt to think and to act as be- CTCicsTh'.sc w ltfe l that God is their father, nuuikiiid their biethfcii, and the world their The anticipations of the assembly have, I trtst, prepared them to welcome a rspid re- j V'f,i Lie transactions directly .related to mcrist event, v.hich has distinguished 1 1.5 above all the clays which have revolved J-nce the primeval dawn that day only ex cr.tcd,ihi n our race was absolved from fet ters not riveted by human hatuh, not fKUigj clito liu.Tian strength, .; , . V , Ahulc more than three centuries 2 go, and t. !S region, now brighte.pd with culuvation, ii.J crdcr, and arrwas the hone of the sa: u?c-and the brunt of his prer. The 'projcct t-l-.ich eventuuted in itsdisco en-, denouncetl T. ' w; u!atimu.n, anu us accoju- .lmcnt f, lil-e aj miracle, . are fkmlljaf Xo P cs of List, r) ,var.d heed not to be enlarged f'r-; but tii.-? m'nd accuatomed to look up hruugh t!i,- revolutions of human affairs, to ? ?rt st c a:.v f causes will not fail to rc-n-se .i?.- vis'.Lle operation o: a gAiding "T'ence in tbe particular" conjuncture in V was made this -ast accession to tlie -oai-cil 0r mnn ! Yl the time when Ko- nj-M were freemen and heroes,, and Greece ?J!?t hurcan nature 10 a Pmt of degr .da ;.hcyond which man must haVe lost the rr-uutes cf his t.necie?. In this of 'Snoi-ance and profundity of moral .raent a ray; oriiglfc penetrated' the 'SnlTy -el1 f 111 AugusUne'Friar.: Native ptti.osity 0f temper, virtuous indignation sectarian zeal, impelled hW with xio, '&i!5!l-,,.c wcrk -ofrcformaUon and Mar- iLuther hvedto shale to its foundation the toS , ! nittion of tlic consecrated des Sf th 9 hlasphcmoiAly arrogated to him . JiHhe prerogative of the-God of Heaven, rion!!-"lUIlZ period of turbid 'conimo- iica-t n iU "Mlign-ty- 'of the . a-t Us Poured forth in n, ... lnitnsn e on soce- IIIC ins 5 S?d t0 JT the excess of m; e avac?j 1 rftB III! III! W C" I ,e to which the Orator of ,the Day deems b'clf coiopetcnt to answer. It is only.as . ' ... i;,.nrr and formal orean of the hanno- --v.w tiier:jntsot man, a thick cloud ct T&cu darkness-Lad cvershadowcd.thc peo- ? C Of tlie old World. Tl,n Kr-itit crliansm tiruiu;cil tyraray had been sticceedea bv -e more refined and more c orrupt policv o'f ,h:c-chy, which conspirinfr vith 2.w'rf--.ninjy doctrine of passive "obedi- rST8?1", d dl-tiie brother, unM A1,ertliUnilers w Vatican -oun.eicdthe fierce "defiance, of :,n,t;i ' ' ' . 1 -. ... ' ' .. 1 . ' and to ndvance them. Though it might not accord -with the. truth of history.'to Consider the wbole mass of our original population, as efnpees escaping from ithe" persecution of rh'rious or even .political-bigotry, vet ceflrT tninlv this cTass was . uniformK predominant to a degree sumrienx xo aiu-aci mi iu auui gamate with itself the particular variant pre judiceti.cismg in the community, produced by the occasional ingress of a number 'swayed by different affections. The American colcf. rusts never were, at any period of their histo ry, a promc(tou and motly . ' assemblage-- our social body is not,' af present, that agglo merated mass of heterogeneous particles, j which : our ''intemperate detractors have as f serted, arid which, perhaps, some of our vin .dicators" hare too casil' admitted it to be If . wc are permitted to calculate with any de- i greex pt . assurance as o tne enect oi moral j causes in riving tone ;ahd defermination to the character of, a people,"our ancestors must I nave pr ssessea one, at jeasi in regarcixo cer j tain points, strongly and decidedly marked. : She had groaned under the iron sway of des- ' potism, and thence had contracted an inera- f dtcable detestation ot arbitrary power; tney j had fel M-hat it was to be obnoxious to the ' iealous vmeltv of hierarchies, and regarded 'with horrent aversion all exclusive religious establishments bv law they, had been made J'hers of poverty and wedded to toifi byun- and profuse luxury-, of legitimate monarchs and their dironisH dependents, and it was na tural for them to admire the cheap simplicity of republican government. Thus character ised, and distinguished for habits'of tempe rance, ofJadustry, and unyielding rigidity of monds,were the men from whom we boast bur desccntV-and such men only were quali fied to plant the foundation bn Which has been reared a fabric s vast," so firm, so con sistently beautifuh-'-the present -Constitution of the United States. - If what is here urged should need ttf be confirmed, -that -confirmation will be found in adverting to the revolu tionary movements 'of -Europe 'fort the last three, centuries. -Even with-the' advantage of the pure light which has reacted upon them from thi country wjth.the; perfect model of the American revolution bcibre their eyes, the efforts of the people of Europe for political emancipation, have produced dplya rapid and desolating; alternation of anarchy and despotism- they have parsed through tlic fire and arc not purified.. The catastro phe of our own political agitations, so happily different, strongly indicates a superior moral liature of the ictors bv" whom it has1 been a chieved. The spark of sacred fire; transplant ed with our ancestors under better auspices, kindled ami blazed and illuminated, while the kindred fiajne from which it sprung was trodden down, :ind smothered and .quenched. It is the part of the American annalist to rarrate the succession of events which mark ed bur colonial growth, from infant helpless ness to vigorous maturity tho vicissitudes of prosperity .and of calamity which attended this ' jirogress arc these events trivial - and contemntiblc ? Is our primitive'history that of a minute and almost unregarded append age of a transatlantic kingdom ? lie it so it is no record 'of. ambitious conquests, no blazonry of triumphs to illustrate the name ofjspine"' mighty murderer1" it recounts not the splendid elevation, nor laments the dig nified -disasters and heroical dowtifal o: the royal and-the anointed themes that fire the eloquence of Gibbon, and warm the philoso phy of . Iluine. 13ut arc we humiliated by the reflection I Patriotism forbid. The most interesting- and brilliant portion of the history of any 4iuticn, is not .always that of the great est happiness to the peoplejand in this quiet and homely, scene, an object meets the ob serving eve, compared with which' the most memorable wtrs and revolutions which hive .depopulated i-nd convulsed the world, be come ordinary and unimportant--it is the in tellectual iraprovemcnt and niofal melioration of maivr-tlie prcgressive expansion of the soul to its native dimensions it h the majes tic march of mind we pursue with compla .cency this advancing illumination of truth and reasor, till we are brought to pause with inefiable interest on the crisis the mo men t .pregnant with mere than the fruits of centu ries when that language to which we have this day. listened' with such -ardent delight, was addressed by a cmncil of practical sages, to a people qualified to approve it upon the ground of sober and rational conviction. M'e l.are new arrived at a point which 5rnay be re garded as the termination ot the long contest of light and darkness for the empire of the huniian mind, the 'period of the" final preva lence, we may jiope, the everlasting triumph of.just principles over the ijpiis faftd of dc h;sive opinions which have dazzled and mis led mankind1, rand with what sensations should we contemplate it ? Upon such' a subject enthusiasm , is only sensibility, and he who does" not fecT,rannot feel.'. " 1 ' t The jty thus" derived, is no narrow self gratulatioiv its objects are co-eitensive with tbe sympathies of a generous heart, -we exiilt "not only that we ourselves ataset'Jn Calm security, on the centre-based rock where we defy , the surge and laugh at the tempest, but thut our 'course' may "point the track , to others," and from oiir stat'on blaze the beacon liglit to juidc,ihem to the place 6f safety. The Orator pf the Day would, perh'ips.-ex- cc'cd the purposes of -bis desigiUtior should he 'attempt an investigation of the moral right ;.7 of refuge opened. her'-tVs tT'i. cl the Converrtioh of 1776 to dissolve the po-harasi-d . multitude .wbu iled- fnrvV T ht-calJjands'Which had connected them "with v'h of the mu4 J V? foreign nation; -. To us such a .Vindication 'ected fi-om thVw.i.' Vu'; superfluous, ahd to "tliose Jvho,haverequir-c,-..!-f ' . " lIle ocscm of their nrt vr f l i i f Pf Liberty? S S r communities, as to' fnddoalsi the only t!.iUt of iiill S,J;d "ht r Ic ht is' of gerfid and ultimate J, The hS?' P"1'1? i utility, anherever ivaa doubt none Ud 2 V.S;W Tiow,ist, that its applJcationillamplV o' PiW; ch ' our.ancestors. "if :iCc. ar.u, he ttf r t ,i i ' i , f rl3ae astect EpglUhrevolutioaof 1688, which : .ceo-rold G TTope it inot invidious to caU rtial and lV .irtvomuietc, was founded in light, it fully re- ; ' ; -, ' . . t . t , . ' j i I V ' j '", ' : ' ; " ' '-' ; . futes the criminations which the adherents of ine rsnusn Ministry uiu pox joroear ip ij.wp.on the wise and virtuous author of that Change wluch made us a sovereign nation:f;bey' were libelled as undutirurcliijdren;.reiellingj with tender, solicitude had 'fbstereHlie.int fancy and sustained th'efrhelples9.4HVe omit to enquire of the history' of th timcs how far herj clischargc of matern duties might entitle:'' the"; mother countr' ;to tHc superabundant., gratitude of -her dfwjb-iftgv btrt -admlffin tljerilP foc& of fffci' faciftll and defective analo'fjvit fal Is far sh'ortt shp-" porting the pretejisions of wh-ch" it' seems to have been considered as the foundatioo" No parent can justly clairii a right tb; destroy tlie important' interests" and, essential happiness of a child for any purpose of self-agcTudize- ment, arid though it may be asserted,' it Can not be believed, that this country could ever have obtained thehigh destiny for whjclt the munificence of the Creator seems to have designed it, while retained in a stateibf? pu pilage and subserviency to the British gov ernment. Such a state of things is incongru ous and unnatural a depehdehce the strong upon the weak,a supremacyol' the little above the gi'eat, which weitlo-nptflnd but in the perverse creations of the mind of . But to judge with truth," And tp resolve with magnanimity, was riot all tliat was re quired of tliose to whom were .committed the destinies of America andit is a subiect of triumphant felicitation, tliat it is nt all they did perform. - t i Time would fad us to recount the admired achievements by which they nobly proved that the manifesto, of the 4th July was not the hollow boast of speculative rourage, uor the? ebullition of a temporary and evanescent excitement. Their deed. of heroism, their patriotic sufferings, are the themes of the nursery tales which warmed our infantlma- gination veneration for their clraracters vied with the ardor of filial affection in our vouth- ful bosoms and their lives are tht: models of conduct w hich, as men, , we would desire to imitate. -Indeed, it isof the nature of every powerful and compelling emergency, acting on a mind properly prepared, to evolve tlve mental c iicrgy required tQ meet it, and i-is no matter, of astonishment, if these &ns; of the storm should display a vigor and a liardi hood which it is ram i to expect -'among men conversant only with the ordinary and tranquil scenes of life. The eagle does not cradle her offspring in tlie hedge, but builds her erial "est -on'th. teropU-tfukvJv tmk, of the mountain :and the fierce elements of the lion's heart are formed by. tne torturing ex tremities he is doomed to endure in the bleak and howling desar!. It is this plastic peer cf occasion which could transform the illus trious disciple of the Honohn Cincinnatus fvom the simple and pacific farmer, tc be a leader able to .chastise the military : pride -of those professors w ho had defied competition in the art of war. Afterwards ..whjm his country's service no longer recuared- the sword of the conquering patriot wlieji her situation, with wiiivinws uhii was iuenwieo, caneii lor.uie powers. of the. statesman we find the same individual sitting at" the helm of the Vessel of state, andth a master hand, guluinher "triumphant'!wrfthidst the hmjricane'' of .plchct'a'ijldietings'of faction'; and witlr a dextroui -ppJreyehtihKe opera-. tions ofrbt ger'ei from biogimpli cated in that wjWftnV-&hybhition of systems in the fl ucf itl. Jnt rpstof ',tlif ,cliios "on UepubjicfraAceV VButh was. Washni ingtonV'Jusouii's sr of war, ; the Atlas probF&Cbrtstitution. ,. ' ' f ' Uut the greatest remains yet to be told, and if viitueh not indeed "an empty name" if tlie; religion in Vhich we believe, is hot a so lemn illusion of the understandihr-ir the sublimatinjg hope Of a future and everlasting retribution at tle'hanil of God is 'any thing better than the 'dream of a poet or the ti'ance jof a mad(rian a haro of fadeless g'lory has eii circled'hra head whose proud ascending soul disdained an earthly diadem, y He indeed stands distinguishe'd, in. sojiereminent. and single blessedness';. arid if mankind' were a society bf: tyrants and slaves preying and preyeefc jupon .in. hoclessdepjravity, yef a misanthrope would love his Vsjcies for the Tedeeming' virtues one iriaij ' ' '' f l"". . Transcendant asTtlris character is: it ik only the first whose- et Effused iidminftiig,r 'withe love and: adniition of . the5r;cdjfeniit poranes a peaceiui ana nonouraDie age; ; Arid dp" Hfe". lament the" fate of 'those, who feir Or is tiieir destiny les happy 'than of those) who survived ? T 'I hey riiight bTave lived for tiie'benefit OT their country and ofvman-' ki ndj'p'ut. their oWn measure of "honpr'as full. Cenhiries and generations have come and ge, since 'bri the carnage-covered plain of Thermopylethe Soldier pf freedom found a grave so glorious i'aa Jhb battle field where, sleep fJie Chivalof It IeldotrV that a human breast hi Telfbr ;can?eel ;th'4 exaltation of spirit which goyernsrthC; las moments'' of such' a death Patribtism' cttu. racce, the excitemeht of1 ctdnger and.of action j tne cnougur oi aeai;n itsei irrsucn a eauc, ai. cdrispive to kiridlelthfe rhurtupgpatho'iyitb' which , the dying herb tutrrs ms last, look on the Stat Spangled Baririer that- wayCs.over. the spot where he has fallen witjl hi ack for his country, arid 'ij'nuedlnsv9T4 tnumph, to nail the:of;ictqmrera on his expiring lipsV Eornesplcle, .slavishirideed. must tlat man b.esrbe would shrink from a fate like this ; and th heart of e yery true American . .snau L . ne cqia as ueawi Ca"n make it, when- it ceasetq wkriq at th-qse tnlesf the wbhl IfevnlutioiA Tike result of a contest prQjecuted-laufhpriiie . j CO uievnexa,-aiiq.nis iace.ta-Xflc;ie;.riaa. - .. - J C.iy. f ' . ! f . , 4. '-'';-::'.- .. - .1 . T ' '. ' . ..... ' --",. r jf.-r-r.- a "1 : ' . - w . '. and bjuqh piep, must be. iriitatue; i Im-1 ( payment shall baTs -been jndde frf aay rf " pojptiM fvAi!ingr would bp tl ificuin-1 1 fice or sol . ; brfeiPjtrberprM tx) crusJvlhe indcfi Uteti fterjtbe deatfiv fer abatidonm&t 5 ; miamelaity ofi spmt qoncipus of it bis horclil'Siij ihil.be deducted--f" . nghls ar.d determined to asset t them. ;V . ; from tbgvaioe thcon unless said offiJeiyV is not tne ci the datyrv the morning, gleam cf that stm of political lightin whose ru cridiaiV blaze we now lk,ancF stluribkr riotl , y Cur " fathers planted, antf jtoiled torear tbe trecbf Iibertyi" ana wose iouoveu iruus now ia:j ior ne refection of riiillions.. ' r; 1 ;! '';;''-;.'--fy '.;-. -; ' . It would be untrue to aflirm, that oiir coiitse of prospexitylhas never been obstructed'as lt.sviouid be absurd to expect it ever could be exempt fromf.intilrruption But.it will.be. both instructive arid gratifying to examine the cause anjd thejnatue of the evils Wich ita vie assailed us.' , Are jny of these attributable, to an original defectjih tlie organization of bur civil policy ?v The consequence of any funda mental misdiriCtition of the powers ?of -sove-! reigntv ? Or must we be humbled bv the confession, . tliat however perfeci , in. .theory. ourConstitutipn is, yet. like ..'all others babte to a ma-admrnistration in practice subver- sive oi iie gooo, to peexpecxea irom it.i. it is obvious tq remark.such ; is not the case, at least, that ithe temporary and, accidental reverses which "we ave-encountered are po evidence that these things are, so. Every influence anil a glance of investigation will discover that , the sources of bur calamity" are extrinsic and jbeyond tlie . controul of any measures we could adopt. ' ' If wejhaye peen tyisited by the horrors of war, it was bepaiise the equitable and pacific temper '-cf our igriyernment has not been' re ciprocated by others. ' If we have, participat ed in the conjinion sufferings pCf! almost universal commercial emban-assment, the fact accuses! the illiberal and monopolizing regu lations of foreign states, or the errors' of calcu lation and imprudence of adventure on xthe part of individuals," which attacbf to alt human transactions; lit is at home, and in matters depending upon the internal and domestic operations of our constitution that, we- are entitled to expect political purity amtjustice and consequent happineisaridit inhere that we find them "-i bur unquestionable ' superior ity in this respect is yet unimpaired, and bur national deterioration is yet to c.ommence; I V& are; indeed a. iavbured: and .shoiihl' be?3 nappy people ana iu aespue oi cue naiurai propensity ot jail men to be dissatisfied wrtp tiieir ovn lot,! we feel and are convinced that we are eminently happy. The root of bur felU city is laid in jour social institutions, which, byja gradual process of maturatibri, operating on the broadest and soundest basis of equU rights, have arrived at a point - of perfection which .they miy .pass, but whicli has neyer yet been paralleled.. The spirit of general freedom, in its pervasion of every department of the government dictating every law, and attending its (execution, rises into a distant cmrilationof the-universal Providence which resides in evey particle of its creation, ;ahd superintends every event. '' f::.i Hqw unwelcome, at such moment, is the obtrusive thought, that even within the pale of bur own country, tliereis a class of human .bejTMrs xcluded from all the, blessings in wmcn we ,revei-wno must nang" uieiir ueaus in iabiectv' despondency, and listfen to. the swellirig strains of our song, of liberty while ItSiecno awas-eiis uie MUJitoerin energies ui Europe frbrri the dormancy of. ages. But I forbear. Let pity regard them vith the tear, of silent regf et till the liberating hand of the genius ' of iuniivei'Sstl emancipatibn ,V shal lift eien from. their dejected necks the yoke of intolerable" biindage. ' Blindness alone can fail to perceivfe that a spring has been touch ed in the.moral world whose motion tends to universal renovation and it is.no effort of fancy to conceive (that Ithe causes now ope rate, which, atlnb very distant period of timef shall produce a change i which the v highest hope of the philanthrcmist has but lately ven tured to anticipate. It is not chimerical -tcs hope, thai even within our 'own times,5 the coimtry ' of Miltiades and vSocrates, "so lortg irmpiea peneatn ine ieev or insmimg Dar bariaris, shall flourish 'as America ;nbw does,! the horne of freedom and the seat, of science," the delight ari kdmiratibn 'of the world, i .i:' .,'-. I K' -. '. .-v- "id h '-..-' ; jjmvs ot tne vnttea otaics. An act for the relief of the officers, volun teers. ana jOtner persons engagea m cce late cam paigtv against ' tlie Semmole; Indians, rf-t . 'rV i'''- fl Be it -enacted by the Senate and House, tfRtJfeseniaitivesttfahi States of lmencar n Congress assembled That a,ny officer, Volnnteer, ranger, cavalry;br dther nfersbnW CTgagetl in the. campaign: of one thousand eight" hundred and eigh- I teenagatnst -the' Seminole Incjans, who has astamed ' "damage v by reason the loss of anv horse pr.hbrses, which, in cbn- sequence oi.ine goyernnneni pi cue uiu ed States fai Jin g ,tos supply f sutecjent, fo rage,, while jengagediq saidervicdied' v'trpyinaui6blyj db'ahtf ptigd nd.Iosi khall be alloiyed and paid the yalue the?c? s;V..-'i--'-i -'r- :;V-. :','l-7-. aicf5cefs ybljinteeranr angers'ca Vai0 or other -personfor the 'bss'f a-f nyecessaty ipquipage; orses,; per for any guris lost in said ser vice, or which Were left: ini possession of the United States, or of any office Hhete of, haTtie ':-allbfcd arid palpi v thdyfalue tnerepr sata ciairos to De paia out oi any,: omp4Ubeieasuryii not otherivise appropriated :t -.froy ct'ence J3not the? dinms: of ouf'f'yrtuhe , It Is i I government, however wisely established and, righteously administered, is of necessity' li mited in thectbiects and in the extent of its ted; in hicu case 1 he iled action Ih all ou -i lcxttncVbthV .' ' diereryed on f-?"rf'MrftiWjrfi: f " ThatMf anyii beo? '.V- '! ' 7 nolaim shaH-iallbvvd ' jidertl)e;pi.-vy ytsjohs' bf this ac,tf ; until poper etjenc :; shall -h n vp' bpn' rerpl vpd hv thr aCCrtlrritw- irig officers1 from the j'compatqr to ti&Yif y the claimants shall hrave; "bcldngedl shewtf . ' i n g th e number of horsed test in said oni -! t iaiiy in maimer iuuresaiu, viic nut. .yutiv An act to desie-nate the boundaries of a lost, and the name ot tht pwocr.. - sii'H i the- accountirig:ofntervof,th Department J shall auditand settle jthosc. '.'V'.' claims' uVder'chVrdleancI rci)ibti ' . v sis the Presiderbfthe Umted States' tiiaj j rcscribc.vMi ,11:T,:V r'3 Wjy, Appfbved May i,vi8.V.:r 'v.f' -' v ;Lan(I iJi stnct,an d , for J the -i establishj:7 j' " ' ment ofta Land Office, in Jie 'State of, ; ( ; Be it enacted bv the Senate' and House - r ' - . - i , : ;- '. j ... ; ...... z 1 -s- jf . ? 6f Refifesentatives of the .United Stated r - V of jtmericai vi Congnfo'vssem for thd sale of. -the iinaobroDriated: public-; lands in the ; state of Indiana. ' tb wlrichthc Indiap title is extingriisJnedth,e" district shall be formed, and a land office, (established : All the public lands, as aforef : -'X guisbed hp the treaties .Coiicludett at St; . ; " Marys, in thef month of OctobeKeighteetiN . hundred arid eighteen lying east; of thn , ) range tinevieparatirig the. first and second; ranges, east oftheisecond principal mcri-- '; dian; extended '.north to the presents In-, dian boundary; and tfqrth of 'A: .V rirr. Separating ;lje tiers of toWmhfys tiu; , , v bered twenty -ad twentyroiiei comtnenr " cingpn the old Ihdih ouiidary;- ' thirteen east of the'said bHncinal mendt-fT 1 aiivu cvj wn en tne inaian true was cvui- v v ari in Randolph county, . and the' said tlw-j'; ( ' V t rict t6.be. bounded ori the easvbyitblinc-; shall focni a district; for whicli a land of-? ice sfialt belestablrshed at Fort Waynel ; : SccSX Xfadbeiijuiihercnatied the President ti hererauthprised to apx t V point, by and with fhe adyiCe and consent of the Senates for the aforesaid;districta? ; ; Register of the Land Office, and a Re--. ' ceiver of Public Moneys ; which appoint. ments shalludt be matUi'FotjJM'aforbsW land. district, until afsufficient Quantity jot : public-' lands shaT ' haye been; wrveyttl ( - : Within the saicj district, astoauthorise, jirt i t ''. tbe opinion of the- Presjd0itra"pu6tic sali'".' , 6f land withiri. the; 'ibtm';whfc'Restl('r'.4' of thfe Land Office, and Receiver of Public f -Moneys, when appointed) shal each;, iti- U spefctively, give sec'QrhydnTthe'isaniejutTii. r and in the Sam e tiianneri and Svho com x . peiisa .tioii; 'ctn bl uin en bnddutfesTOa&'Vv..'--i--'' thoVityi 'shall; jnt'every respect, be' ttie I same, in respect to me lanas wnicn..snail . be nevsf in the sevetal land offices established: 0 disposed of at thefromces,; as are or f f. .v may oe proviaea Dy:iaw.inireiaiion to tne - - Reuistars arid Receiver' of Public-Mio- for fhe disposal bf ;'the pu6ljc lands cf the .;:'; Onitedtates;; inf thetalteV-of.Ohio at5d,i ; , Indian. ' iSzSiridtieft all the publidnaridsi district, to which the Tndian title has beert granted to. 'or secured for'Hh e ; use.ofany, individual, or individuals; brappropriated '"": ana.reserveu ior. any oiner purpose, oyr . any ; existingtreatiesbrUa the exception of section nh mriclxteeri; V - in eacn townsuip,vwnicu5uaii(yercLivci fcV . "il--.-- 1: LfSt Vl.','LI-V J'ilJ-llt ' "' for thetsuppbrt of schools Uremi ihalli , offered torsale to the highest pidd bn such day or daVs, as shall, b procla- erat'- ' the land 'office for the said djstrtcri underW thditioh'-orie Ofrtce,- ahd Receiver of' Public Moneys; ' matiori oftief- Presiderif ot lti$ Unttec ' . Stat es;tbe 'f deslate;'Jdifai pijcppse. : the lands shall be sold in tracts of the sarne ; size; on thameitertn9 ;and cbriditionsi v and in yi'-oherjresj'caf proyided (by ; the icti entitled fnactakirig'furtKe''.' provision for me salcof thpublic lands approver i.ppi weniy.fiouria,' cignicea f: 7, ;SecS4eFjfndi&e it JwriKerjsnatte& thePrwidenbfthe TJw have power, and he is. hereby authorised; tA'Hni dlwfceveTi he' sltall Jndeif'ex' gedient sd to dbtbe laxid bffice afaresaidi' r to "tlurs distrUt,-h'c;-'$liali judgelmpsV'proprir,1 V r &c.j5htt0efr?urtfw tfie'Hegjsterbf 'the LaQ fficealad Ke-: cfeivcf ..6f public4 Moneys feh"all; each re-T. . , VtHrK Seward's JTalLuitthe'iUniVersitv'r' h&rtaininff' to "ltT wdl mainaer oi xne presem y car,t juuv mmieajaie possession i'givh.--Apply to the Comnii of appointmerit in Raleigh, -v l tee ance.inpSUpennienu.Ui5 uc, puiiiiU; uv?. itttUekaid districfe4rp'3 ;-; .'vv':"' ApproVeMay;2, ' ' ho- Si ' N -- .' ,. '-..V " r.;;1t .'. -' . '-. ' ''"'. i ' -s'fli-;,.v - ' . -. -.: V "vj. -' . ' , V ; -,r- .5:

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