t H. -r. ' 4 ' js. a- flHE nnttfC Methodist. Chl J WfffSi tt&&h in tbiiVnonth? in thiswx"" : Greenet'which tone a -'nation vuipe j. - M -a, HILLSBOROUGH V ' . PBEPARATORJSCHOOL: : . irE subscriber hiving: been appointed fP ncUl of thislnstitution, respectfully K -irKitronn of Parents and Guar- lVmb to hre their sons or wards Za for the Freshman, Sophomore or ou , icm oi ??r.mA atmnts will be fur. -ff on application to the subscriber. ' n!ihcd,on JOHN ROGERS. !r The Fall Session will commence on first Mondav after the fourth of July, ami !Xte on the fourth Saturday in Novem- Vr. - ; s llonic lottery (price sale at J. GaJes's Bookslw;e. turn- mt&fw FKIDAT, JULY 26, 1822. Our Supreme Court, which has been fitting since (he 17th ult. is expected to adjourn to-dav or to-morrow. In ur next, e hope to be able to give to ar risers a list of the Gases decided at this Term. . . flie Crop The Milton paper says, that in that section of country there is emv prospect of an abundant Crop. Th?" wheat harvest is just over, and lUogh not very heavy, is more than sufficient for domestic consumption. The at harvest is , unexampled, and the corn crop is more promising than las been known for a number of years in many places the crop is as pro active as it seems possible for the cni! to moduce. The tobacco crop tno, the staple commodit v, is as pro mising as could be wished. . . We trust the late rains will remove,' in some decree at least, the apprehen sions entertained on account of drowth i&gorce parts of this neighborhood. The Bank of the United States has issued an advertisement that proposals for the erection of a Banking House, in M all street, New-York, will be re ceived until the 27th inst. ? . . American Academy of Language and Belie LettreK,y The second enhi versary meeting of the Amercian Aca Iemv of Language and Belles Lettres, nas'held at the Ciry'Hali,.in New York, the first 5londay in June last. The frllowinj: officers were then dulj elected for the ensuing year. Hon. John Quincy Adams, President. v Joseph Story, L.JL.D- 1st Vice-President; William Lowndes. 2d do., ' SaMuel I.. Mitchell, L. LD. 3d do. is "Wm. S. Cantell, Esq. Cor. Secretary. ' lfer. Alex. M'Leod, D. P. Rec. Secretary. John Stearns, M. D. Treasurer. ' Counsellors. Kev. rn. Allen, D. D. President of Bow doin Colleg'e. '. Right Rev. T. C, Rrownu ell, D. D. L. L. D. Bishop of Connecticut. P. S. Dnponceaii, Esq. . Hon, J. L. Taylor Chief-Justice, of Nbrthi . Henrj clay, Esq. His Excellency Thomas B. Robertson, Go rtrnor of Louisiana. " (n. Itobert G. Harper. Nathan Sanfonl, E?q. Hon. Jacob Morton. m. Jmes M'Kevan, U. D. John Tiandolph again W appears that opr countryman, Mr. Randoiph, rs made another oratorial display in 1 ndon, at a roeetin; of the " British and Foreign School Sncietv," held on 16th May. The following notice 1 h remarks is contained in the 1 nes, of the 17th : A jr. Jlmer. M Mr. Randolph (of the American Congress) proposed a rote of thanks to his Grace the JH:kc cf Bedford, and the noblemen and rem Ticc-patrons"of tbe. Society. He C UE0a th r ami virtues of.tfce ouse pf Russell,! and of the oth er names fich were the objects of his resolution, tuhich were those cf the noblemen ho are at the head of the Catholic, of Ire. and the venerable Bishop of Norwich." fire On 4k a r u i mu JJ- "'e Theatre at Eatonton in Geor- WXft Pflfiralvr .1 l V . -""VI, . vunsuiiiru. Iir. v wiujianj nau jUSl arrivea ; er? and had played once on the night fous We understand they lT)st hole of their ttardn.hplft !urnal. Another firo t?j rcKsrjurir on tho n;i, ..ri' .mu : irf SeveraI ,,OUS!es a,ld ther pro "7 ere destroverL Tf ave been the work of an incendiary. It is with regret we learn! that on in ol Jr t, a fire broke out Cn - bui,dinSs attached to the Hhirh ; CIOry a Steubenville, J'cn together with two smaller ones nculti, iJu u was with dit- 'Ihe lLl ,T)a!n buing wus saved. . -- A Gen. Henry-Dearborn, Plenipoten tiary to the Cnurt of Portugal j and his familv, sailed -from Boston on Tues day in the brig Spartan for Lisbon. . South-Jlmerica.Srhe followinggen fjemen are said to be appointed Mi nisters to our sister Republics, viz : Hon.. C. A. Rodney, of Delaware, to Buenus Ayrejj ; Col. Todd, of Ken tucky, Charge d'afiairs to Colombia ; and Hon. Hugh Nelson, of Virginia, Minister to Mexico.' I Charleston, July 19. . The Court of Magistrates and Free Wders,. convened fqr'the trial of sun dry persons of colour, charged with an i attempt to raise an insurrection in this state, nave unanimously inunu me fol lowing guilty, and passed upon them the sentence of death, to be carried into execution on Friday morning, the 26th inst. on the Unes, between six and nine o'clock in the morning: Julius, the slave of Thomas Forest. Tom, Joe, Mingo, Smart, Paris, Polvdore, do of Mrs. Russell, do of Mr. Jorre. - do do do do of.Wm. Harth, jun. of Robt. Anderson. of Mrs. Ball, of Mrs. Faber. Robert, John, and Vdo of John Robertson. Adam, 3 Lot, Lewis, Jack, Sandy, Jack, . Pharo, do dq! doi dor do do of Mr. Forrester, of Mr. Crom well. ' of Mrs. Purcell. of Mr. Schnelh of Mr. Glen. of Mrs. Thompson. The Court still continues assiduous ly engaged in the trial of others appre hended for the above crime. ; At the request of tlie Court of Ma gistrates and Freeholders, his Excel lency the Governor has extended the respite gran fed to Monday, the. slave' of Mr. Gell ; Charles, the slaye of the Hon. John Drayton ; and Harrv, the stave of Mr. David Haig, until Friday, 26th July inst.! ; A Court of Magistrates, and Free? uhohlers having assembled at the Court House in Jacksonborough for the trial of four NeeTo Slaves. charod with hav- f ing fifd the jMail Driver o the Par. IcerFejry road ; after acquitting onej unanimously found the following three guilty, and passed upon them the sen tence of death, to be carried into execu tion on Friday, the l9tb inst. between the hours of 10 and 2o?clclT: Nashaw and Jim, the property of Mrs. Jacob Martin : Jupiter, the property of Tho mas J ones,. Esq. ' Bntavia, JSm. F. July 5 At the U. S. District Court, for the Northern District of this State, held in th? village during the present week, the, Hon. lloger Skiriuer' presiding, came on the trial of Jonas AV hitney Fa rns worth,1 for forgirigUhiterl States' Patents for Military Bounty Lands. The trial is said to have been conduct ed with a great deal v of patience and solemnity. Not having been present during any part of the trial, we are unable ' to prrsent any thing further than that the awful sentence of death was pronounced upon the prisoner. He is to be hung the 0th of Septem ber next. This seSitence has to un dergo the approval of higher constitu tional authority. r Tublic Dinner, A splendid enter tainment was on .toe 18th inst. given to the Baron Hvde de Neuville, at the City Hall in ew-York. "Wm. Bay ard. Esq. acted as President, and Na than Sanford, Esq., as Vice-President. A number of distinguished guests were present, among, whom were the Hon. Rufulving,'timothy Pickering, Count de Menb'ri, Count D'Espinville, and others. SeeraU appropriate toasts were drank, which we have not room ro insert at length. On drinking tlie health of Baron de Neuville. he rose and said : . s . . " I pray you gentlemen, to accept the ex pression of my profound gratitude, for the very flattering reception with which you have honored me this day, and for the distinguish ed marks of kindness and benevolence I have received froiu the United States, in whatever situation it has pleased Divine Providence to place roe. Permit me to offer you my best wishes for the prosperity of a city of which I was, and ever shall remain a citizen, if not bv j right, in my htart at least.' Permit me, gen- tlemeii, at te same time, to . cfi'er you the i same for each of you in particular. . And. then the following toast was given : j .' . :. . ' ; ' By Jti. Hyde de J!einilteThe city of Ne w- I York, the flourishing capital of a powerful I state ; Nature it would seem bad done every ( thing for ber-but the activity, industry, bold" ; enterprise and enligliened patriotisni of her citizens have done more, Nothing can ar rest her. rapid- advances towards -the most brilliant destinies- . " ' 't Vr. Mavis's Rejoinder. Th e N a-' tional Inielligencer (by last night's Mails 5amft ;W arc Jn formed br lb; PoitoiiertPoUdjiirii n this State, tha the mails ;sent! frpin all J the towhin'that county. ;exJbeptVOIeA.: with the mails wade up at Albany, oh, the 24th and ;25th ultr ajs well as Val others southof Denmark,: had been destroyed bv a fire which broke out at the Pjfcst-OfficeV t Denmark on Sun day the 50th' of Jq.ne.JVt T. Mv. ' m r.- vjtussei i , accompaoieu juy ,iai menta from'Mr Brent andjMr: Bailev cujyina:seV type; jj He begins by-aymg that Air R'g pape bears I the ' samerrta tiqn to f ru trjfltois'r.igitrll xletter bea r tcy'their clurilicateH,andlrtSve to his sifirn at u res.'V He denies mos of his rnaterial' .TaMdi'miJitrhT uiferences. He speaks with no littte asnenty of nis adversary is: adversaryv 1:M In the transactions of human ' society (says he) there are deeds of wnich no ade quate ' idea' 6an -be conveye! in the terms qf courtesy and urbanity ; yet I admit the'pbligatioh of a publicman i to meet with coolness and self-command the.yitest artifices eyen of fraud and malignity to rob biro of the most pre cious of human' possessions, his" good name thrice happy they who mas ter so, their blood.' Mr. A. has not altogether shot his bolt : " In another paper (says he) I shall prove that Mr. Russell's reminiscenciea of f the pro ceedings at Ghent, bear the Same cha racter of imnginatiqn substituted for memory? &c; Enquirer, r - . Right. -At a meeting of the inha- :bitants of Marion county; in the state of Illinois, it was -Resolvep, That we consider the practice of soliciting the votes of electors, by the can didates for public office, either from favor or j by ftyftery, promises, entertainment, treats or j rewards, as anti-republican in its principle, 1 injurious to the public peace, interest and j morals, troublesome, degrading, and corrupt j ingto the candidate ; and we do i"esblve tliat j we will withhold our support from those who ! shall resort to such practices in future. Jxiies JCegtsler, The Nashville Clarion states, upon ithe authority of a traveller iinnu'diate- !ly from Texas, that Stephen F. Aus j tin, Esq. the ostensible grantee of tie j large tract of land including the rnoUth j of the Colorado river, was, a few days ;before the traveller left the country, j drowned in, that river. It is said in jthe same paper, of Mr. Aurin, that, j although-' not more than thirty years of age, he had, preriuusly to leaving the United State., . tilled several im portant stations under the general go vernment, (the liist of which was that of the United States Judge of the ter ritory of Arkansas,) with much credit to himself and benefit to the people. JVrtf . Gaz. ' i. Warm JVeathrr.-n-Tk? Montgomery (Alabama) Republican states, that the w e a tb e r j n that, co u n f has bee n u n -com mon ly hot a nd su 1 1 ry $.Tfhere ad been no 'rairPtor ' "syeray';" weclcsV and the mercury stood as hih at 108 de- giees ol f ahrenheit. A few case9 ot i -1 r , i : i . Jl ' umous lever nau appeareu ; ; out tne surrounding--country was generally healthy. The'Mobile Commercial Re gister says, tlie thermometer has not stood above 96 degrees in the shade at that place ; but the hot and dry wea ther had produced a number of cases nf fever, and that much sickness might be .anticipated, unless there was a change in the atmosphere. The last accounts from New Orleans state that it was.getting sicklyv The Mayor had recommended the removal of all those who cjuld make it conve nient. A great portion of the popula tion had already left the city. The weather had " been excessively hot, the thermometer for several days hav- ling ranged uoin yu to yu. The following i an extract of a let ter from an officer on board the U. S. sihooner Grampus, at the Havaima. lated June 26: '-.( . 11 1 have only time to inform yoo that we; in company with the Shark, have had a most arduous and tolerably successful cruise among the Keyes to .the south- of this, place. We have been in, porsnit cf the pirates ever, sinfce we sailed from the Haranna 'a p-reat nart r.f tlie time in oneu , - o j . I bcnits. : We chased on shore two of the schooner f, but only, took three of the pirates.- The vtrssel we have here with us we have to keep a, very strct watch over, as the people swear vengeance & threat rn'thHt they will take her f rem. us;' but'I think in that they will be disappointed. " The b'ats of our vessels now on this station are not sufficiently large '.to cope with the pirates, and We have no means of attacking them except in boats. The head man among them, .Don Raphael Gondolpho, has three schooners under his command, and two hundred, men. We sail in the morning for tbe Spanish Main, where we understand they have gone, and if we fall in with them, I think we shall give a good account of them. The Shark is to cruize off Cape Antonio. "We were very much grieved on our arrival here to learn that. Lieut. Clements, of Marines, had died j and a great nuruber of, the offi-. cers and crew ot'the Maceaonian were sick when she sailed. , She)ias gone to. Port au-Printe. . It is' very "sickly Miere among Europeans and NorthrAniei icans. Although: we have) been very much expo sed for the last month, the officers-and crew are in very good beaUh.' J- . ; .: r-: wV. r.er. OAi"6-Rufus Putnam, the first hite man that settled in 'that section of our? country vwhich uow forms the .state of Ohio, is still living' at arietta, (and regarded as the father of the state. He has lived to see the wilderness in which ieq:rjiro8ef, aiyiueo; into .three iridependetit states, and oodi 6f: these moremah600iQOfi Jgoddl er4 ulitiohi in tfioselpartiiv of neadya million and a ha I f of;)usy, bustling. ycari i oou lie, mar XDeciro v nna j Fpy u"ji7v,f?usi iqe ?oii, Diiyeara before; Iwaiponhrtf oclden by wild ani- Imals arid untutored Indian. X The progress of , popUlatibh -in Ohidjs still very gfea:r,!and the outlet to the ocean; via Lake Erie and New-)Tork Caiiat, will cause a wonderful. diminution of me lorest in me northern parts, of the stat r andj if the contemplated cross cut to the; river h effected as it no doubt Will be j the peoptewiil haive a choice,; of fhe markejts of Newytxk and New-Orfeans. .Ifet Lort Sheffield predicted that the western parts.o'f our country never would be commercial. . Mies' lie. : Cape of Cooi ydPainful;- ac counts have lately been received'of the great;-; d isfresses --otjheA Ari cultural emigrants, in consequence of the faif ure of the. crops for tvvo seasons. Mar ny of them; were absolutely starving. Some relief has been administered from Cape-town, but not sufficient to tuetn uie ajarming uisTress. - It ssaia the remigralnfs r are indignant at their treatment jbut dare not give'vent to their complaints, lest the slender sup ply from Cape -town be cut orfby the GMvernor, who, as i be ;has ten thousand pounds a year, tor his own provisions, may not be easily persiaded of the real extent !of the calamity." i ' Irish Misery. A- circumstancej which has just come to our knowledge, hows the dreadful extremities to which the famishing people in some parts of. Ireland are reduced. A vessel laden with oatnieal, was last . week boarded and plundered of her whole cargoxon-, sistitig of about sixtyj tons. She was at the time Itlistant about rj miles from the Bay ofi Killala ; andUhe preda tory party consisted almost entirely of wretched and desperate females; who came out in boats in sbch nuinpersas to render anv resistance tairi. 1 Ntf Vio lence was oifered to the crew, Liverpool Mercury. A. slip from our correspondent, the Editor of the Baltimore Federal Re publican, contains authentic, intelli gence fromj.Caraccas to JuneL 17th, confirming the news of the fall of Qui to, which wa published bjr proclama t i oo . -i Th e ..i i ty wa s i 1 1 u rn iti at edfrr&i ssion. It seems to be (it uutiui wnenier Morales was Killed i t. r t till m i iMi in battle;," or himself with in a fit of desperation shot his own pistol. j The following is a translation of an official communication made to the Town Council of Port Mahon, by Don jose Julian, commandant of the Span ish frigate Perola, arrived at that port from Algiers. i - " THe Dey Qf Algiers having rejected, bh the 26th of last month, the friendly propbsii tions ot our Monarch tor adjusting certain pecuniary differences oetween the two governments,- I acquaint you with the same, that you may, if yolu think proper, giye notice to the merchants- of this island, in order that they may provide against the hostile attempts that may be made on their shipping by the Algerines, although" the latter have at pre sent no great disposable force for such cruis es. Trusting j that y ou wUl , also take the most effectual; means-to make it known in the island of Majorca, I remain, Jkc. i ' "JOSE JULIAO. " On board the Perola, April 6, 1822." ; One thousand men are wanted, In addition to Ihose already employed, to, woik on the Erie Canal in the vi cinity of Lockport, in Niagara .county, XT - 'll! . L'i L ...... -11' I , 'i I r. i orK. loe.nign wages onereu, ami, the length of time, for which laborers will be required, ; renders, it an. object well worth the attention of the indus trious and enterprising. 5, 7 The Pittsburgh Mercury states that an extensive1 range of buildings has been lately erected in that city for a large cotton j factory, the machinery of which was made in New-England, and is now on ihe; xroad, transported by mirieen wagons, ine laciory is to be d riven byj steam, and very sanguine anticipations are made of the, result. . Three steam. boats are also building at Pittsburg,' which are intended as re gular traders between that place and the falls of the Ohio, l ; ; ' Mr. F. B. Morse, now residing at New-Haven j is painting a view of the Hall of Congress, on a large scale, in wmcn picture win ue exniuueu ; up wards of 90 figures, 8r of which are Portraits from, sittings, by the differ ent persons, Members oi- the Housed prirrcipally, Judges fv4he Supreine. Court, and oilier distinguished charac ters. - : ' ' . ' " 7 ' ' - ' - " ! T he Louisiana State Insurance Com :7 pafiy have resolved to pfese'nt toColi III mson, of tf)e brig BeJv idere,ay piece of plate of the valne of g300, and their thanks,ln testimony of the high sense they entertain of' hisyconduct jn re pelling a piratical cruiser, by vthich neMtawd oft thejsd of Mayiftv hisMfflba;td Newf Orleans. Thd crew Wth Belvideref ' f t : i&w it bv deeri mneMfH j'L'trkftifi w - yprl,OMetite:thiath;', A to which' we have; from a correspondent un der the date of . ; ::.z:: i .. : .Thb United States Frie Mdnntfn: I paptain Biddle,"sailed this morning, escort- uig- h sciooner peipngin to W Robin sori, to p.axthagena. She lost Ope of hey Lieutenants; .Mr. J. If, Hand,K)f Massachusetts, and had more-than half heir crew sicl of YelfoW .'Fe ver pnboaTd -r '; ' j ' V----;- - . The Brig Buck arrived here in 60 dlfi from Baltixnor, seized for having money (m board, and the cargo Unding.by tbe jwldiersi It Is supposed tljehole will be condoned.'' uc pusiqripi pi ai leiier written ax. A lbfln V. nn ' Mnndhir ; tnftwni n' I "ave; opened this to snve a renortl that r the Hte freshet has broken awavthie torth-.1 ero yanai m two places; and that muclvoF the'IurrififeT1Hwbic& irt the Canal has been. t i - j -. . irappears rcpm; toe laoie.oi me. As- . sbciationtriemheScc. of the Baptist uriMiiiiuaiiuii-iu.ine several siaies oi the:Unibn, that there are within the limits of theiUnited States, 169;Aso clarions, a j 2X5 cnurches, 1822 mints- V tefsMnd 212,59 thnibers. 13,10 nave oeen Dapusea ; during , the past year ; ;th6 .returns "of ;the liii ruber ht baptisms are; riot, however' compje'te J' . '' FOa -TBS BSGlSTXalf' . i Messrs. uaitors-i think the follow ing Extract of a Letter from Dr; Rush; to George Clyihfer, Esq. will ajpply-as f n rc ibly to 1 h ej Kumari e: in s ftutio n of Peace Societies, as tp ih e su bj ec t on. which thi Doctor wroteVe should be glad Jf you w i 1 1 pit bl isfi tlie ' e x tra'c t when you nave room in your paper : ; ' ' , lj khow,': "saysth :D3cto, hdwiapt tnankihel are to brand every proposition for innovation, as Visionary ! and; Utopian. But good men should ' not . be discouraged by sucb epithets, from theit attempts to. combat vice "And error. There never , was an in proTement in any art or scienc,e, -rior . a pro posal fbr. meliorating the condition of man, in-iny age or country, that has not been cori- tsidered ul the light of what; bas. been , called an Utopian ichetne. fj- . -1 '. " The ab'plicatiorf of th magt to"navi- gktion, and of stearh tdmecamcal purrjosesj hare both been brkrided its Utopian projects. The great idea of Qolumbui, of exploring ii nevvr world; was long viewed in triost of the courts of; Europe, as tHe dream of a visionary sailor. " : ' -M; - '':' ; hyotrandlTi recl!eYihe1irn;w .JT ! ' . f i ;.aalsO wheo the independ ence of the United State and , the present Vise and happy confederatjoa of our repub-. lies, were all considered by many oiout ber, prudeiit taen, as'subjects of an utopiari nature.' - - ( .'. Fot the benejit of thbse jjersoffs who? consider opinions as improved, tike certain liquors, by time ;-ktid who -are opposed td innovations, only because they did not occur; to our ancestors shall conclude my letter with an - anecdote X)f a Minigfer inyLbhd6n who after employing a rlp'rtg sermon, in con troverting whVt he Supposed to be in here tical opinion; concluded jt with tbe following words.: I tell yduyZ-ftfell you, niy bre- uiren. x ic . you again,- uiax sui out error 19 hotter than a neia truth?' (CT The remainder ofiT.C'ii comrmihica' tittfis shall appeat next week, s ; t At the residence bf Gen. Aiaflah Gfavesr in Caswell county: on the 13th Tnst after arl indisposition of 15 of 16 days, which he. bore s with uncommpn toiljtudei,Mr;jonn W, Duck; pi ijruuiorji counxy, 'agea vin, tne. aeatfl of Mr. Di a. breach is madein Vociety not ea -; sily" to be repaired. llewas a kind neighbor; 'good master; anan afTectionate hnsbandi : A disconsolate, and deeply alicted wife, arid k numerous tirairf of friends and relatives will lpngbye i deplore their untiniely 4dssi. ' , M Departed this life on the 6th inst. at his re sidence in Nash county, Maj. Isaac Watkiris; s ; whose tleatb, to say the.least, is much to Be lamented by all Who knew himvind the tear of sympathy is a tribute .Justly- due from; thei public, and will npv be; withheldV froni lorie) whose early life was ' sperit in thfe service otr bis -counfjy. Inirftedutelyraftw.tfie coto-. -mencement of the late war. he .was afnoncst the first to step forward asa volunteer in srrp : port ot that war. He "used all his influence and succeeded in raising alVohintecr Compa- ny of tnfantryy which he held in feadrfiess for service at a moment's warning for a term 01 . vears 1 and Wheh called on bv our sisttfstkf.' - Virginia; for assistance; we firjd hitt agajn at the head of the list of Volunteers in his coiin-: tv i whence; he cheerfully marched . his little band to Norfolk (bis destmtd stationV) at a time that tried men's souls; wherebe, regard- '' less of dangers, maintained the tharacter of ttiA man onrl the cnMiui )JU! it. omccr ww j eucu as 10 v scCUTC' tw Ilim-iae., friendship arid esteem of bis Company gnei' rally, and of the Officers of tlie Regiment-to ; ; which rie-belongeoTjut alas be is gone l tf gone xo iimt . oourne rrom whence no traveller returns tgone. too. in the prime of life i wheti -hobid fair tb hare lived out many y ears, t . - was snatcned otl by ashort illness, which, a - . few days since : found him in the strength of his yet youthful age and bloom of health but - " which has laid bimlow in the cold and dreary , mansions of the dead. ?. v 1 "'; ' v, ,: . f At Hamilton Tille, near Phikdelphja, ,oa tlie 15th instMahuel Tprrea, Minister of the Colombian Republic near the United States y--. in the 58 th: year of bis age.'The cause of . human nature has lost one of -its most diain-' " terested and ablest advocates-andy perhaps to Colombia and the whole of Spanish Ame- rica the Ipsa is iwpara1te?-7-rior is the depart. ' ore of tjiis, rarely gVtkiuifi'glit conside ration to' those interests which riaturalhr unite the Northern with Southern America! in that great communion of security andunItytto the v acceleration ot wbicb. he had devoted .the 11 last 35 yeai-s f lua,K, aud, in effects life it- J . sen ' - 1 - -.

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