' " " a . ' v - v ' , , " , i r . J FRtDAY, AUGtTST io, 1822. s In V VOUXIH; ' f-liV . -V " :.t FRIDAY, AUUUbl o, I822f" . ' ,,Ar-i .. I . ith the Inflri -yfifisrwiw'pfrsennr r u'wi fronners " stiail be. ana toe ... " - - - y ' - same i hereby, repealed ; and, from and after me passing ci ims ntn n nu uc Jawroi lor me superinitnaenpi jouian i fairs in the territories and Inlian agents. under the'direction of tbe Preadfht of the United Stales, to grant licenses to trade with Indian tribe; which" licnseVf shall be granted to citizens cf the Un ed States, acd to none others, taking from lem bonds with sr curitie, in the penal ii , not ex credinjf'five thousand drllars, I oportion ed to the capital employed, andtendition ed for the due observance of tre laws re gulating trade aod interccursd with the' Indian tribes; and said Hcensi mar be f "granted for a term not exceedng seven of Indians beyond the MisMssippKand two years forthe trade with al( t(e other tribes. And the superintendent and, a-! gents shall retorn to the Sect tary of War, within each year, an abstnet of all licenses grapted, showing by and p whom, when, and where granted, with tie amount cf the.bonds and capital emploled,' tobe laid before Congress, at the neit session thereof.' " ,, --V . Sec: 2. And be it further enachd. That it shall and may be lawful for tit Presi dent t)f the United States, in exefution of tbepower vested in him by theiwenty frst section of the art of the; thirtieth of of March, one thousand eiht hurpred and two, aforesaid, to which this i&srt amend ment, to direct Indian agents,' governors of territories' acting as superinendents of Indian ,?airs, i and jniitary .officers, to cause tne stores and package of goods of all traders, to be searched uriin suspicion or jnformation that ardent sprits are car ried into the Indian crontfiesjjy said tra ders, in violation oflhe said, twenty-first secticn of the act5 to which tu3vis an a Trerdirent ; and if any afdeniprits shall - be so found, all the goods'of the said tra- defs shall be- forfeited, one-half to the cte of the mforrcer, the other half to the use of the government, his license can-1 celled, and bend put in suit. ' Sec S. And be it further enacted, That all purchase? for, and on account of, In dians, for annuities, presents, and other wise, shall 6e made by the.Indian agents and governors of territories, acting as su perintendents within their respective dis tricts; and all persons, whatsoever, charg- vy iuo.i.v "n, uic viuurciiiriic or application of money,' goods, or effects, of . any kind, for the benefitj of Indians, shall settle their accounts, annually, the War Department, n the first d&y of Septem ber; and copies of the same shall be laid before Congress at the commencement of the ensuing session,by the proper account- u5 uujtcr, logemer witn a list ottne names of all -persons to whom' money, . goods, or effects, had been delivered, with? in the said year, for the benefit of the Ia dians, specifying the amount and pbject for whicb it was intended, . and showing who are delinquent, if any, in forwarding their accounts according to the provisions of this act v Sec. 4. And be it further enacted That m all trials about the right of property, in which Indians shall be bartlv on one side. and white persons on the other, the bur then of proof, shall rest upon the white person, in every case in which the Indians shall make out a presumpticn"tofv title in Inmsclf, from the fact of pretioui posses sion and ownership.- t "sfyiJ .; 3cc.5. jind be it further tnactedVhzx ii snau and may be lawful for the Presi rresident of the United F.tates, from time xo time, to require additional security, and iuirger amounts, from all persons charg d or trusted, under the law nf the TTni ted States, with the disbursement or ap- pyio oi money, goods, orteflects of any wHi4iiVt Hit HIUiailB. - beC. 6. And be it ft,rthi rnrtA That w-'v .7 s ent of United States, by and with the advice and consent-of the Senate, -ppomt a-superintendent of Indian attairj, to reside at St. Louisr whose pow rssUil extend to all Indians frequenting -M'l-w:, wnose salary shall De fifteen tuieen hnnrfrl riu Approved, May 6, 1822. : act authorismg the payment of certain ' ' '' Certificates. " .. s- ' r . enacted by the Senate- and House yXefiresentativfi of the United States so much r of an bef entitled An act making farther provision f6r the support -. . si,f uaaiiimru. m nar puonc credit- and fne heHfmVr,: the public deljt,? passed theSd dSyof Vircn, one thousand seven hundred anri 5rf lJ 1' SO moclv of enti" Ilea S An act rpcn.ttM I -IE-- V -".-i'wvuuj tutu juxu.g anu wiouamcc ana laws ofthc TJnitedjtates ( An-Act to, anViid. an': act, -eritftled. .".An act tn regulte trade, and intercourse with the JpdqvtribeJs,1and tQpreserve peace on the ybntfers," approTcd-tbirV tieth March, 8Q2, :f , -. - ; Be it enacted theSeiiatf tmd 'Hqus cfRefiresentative qf ,the United Siatc cf America m C6tr3f .as4emMedtTf&l the seventh sectir-n of Jthe act. entitled An acltp reenlate tradeiatidiBercoiirsB final settlemenY'cert interest, and the-unfunded and rregtster- c.d debt, credited on rte ' books j of the Treasury," pnssed the 12th day ibf June; ne thousand seven hundred and Jninefy- fight, "as bars fit?h; sett jement' or allow ance certiflcafes,' coromonTy called Jbin ofilce and final settlemjent certificates, J ana inuems oj mteresp,. oe, ann me same is herebv suspended for Jie term of two years from and after the passing of iTiis act, and from thence until; the end of the next session of totereM a, ntificitron t . : " . : r.u r)T wnirn rpra oran mimjcus uii'ii iiie act ui i:nntation snan .pubjt&bea b the be creary of the Treasury, fof: the iufo'rma tin of the JVolders o.thr said certificates, :n " ' . r.i t i- ' ' i. . in unr iiiwi c ui nit: jjuouc papers ineacn ofthe Un iff d' Stares-' V; ,)1.r oec 2. Jina oe it further enacted ,-That all certificates, commonly xalledloa'of fic certificates, countersigned bv;the loan officers of the stHtes.Vrespectir. final settlement certificates, and inden s.of in terest. which, at, the time of pasWng this act, shall be outstanding, mav be present ed at the Treasui yij and, upon the same being liquidated and adjusted, shr.Ii be paid the respective holders uf tbe san'e, with interest at six per cent. peTjannum, from the date of the last payment of in terest, as. endorsed on said certificates. -'; Sec. 3, And $e it further enacted. That for carrying this act into effect, jhe suni of fifteen thousand dollars be annroDriar- ; ed, out of any moneys in the Treasury, of j the United States not otherwise appro Approved May r, 1822. I . An . act to authorize and empower 'the corporation ot tbe City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, to drain the LowGrounds on' and near the Public Keservations, and to improve and orna ment certain parts of such Resr rva tion. eit enacted by the Senate and House of Mcfiresentativ'e8.of the UrSfed States of America, in Ccngrefs assembled. That, it shall be lawful fnr the Mayor, Alder men.and Common Council, of the City nt vv asnington under the direction of the President of the United States, (and the said' corporation's hereby-authorized, when they shall, deem it necessary, to contract with the Washingtoj Canal Company, and . obtain their coif sent, to change the present location of sticli parts of the caqal, passing through. the; said ci- ty, at lut otnwtn Stxoritl and oevcmh streets west, into sucn otner course as shall most effectually, in their opinion, drain and dry the'low grounds lying on tne Dortters t 1 yber creea.. - Sec.. And be it fun her enacted That to efftct the object -aforesaid, and to fill up the Jow grounds on the borders of the ; saiu canai, in sucn manner as iney may prot'ide.by ldw,the said corporation is : nereny Tiuinorizen ana empowered, atter ! having extended the public "reservation, 1 designated on the plaq of the said city as : number 'ten, soas'sthe whole south side. ! therertjjall bind on the line of Peimsvl j vania Avenue ; and after having caused j to be divided the said public reservation ' numbered ten, except such part thereof J as has already- -been sold, and' also the public reservations numbered eleven and iweivi, mio ouuaing iois, 10 sen ana dis pose of the right-of ' the United States ofj in, and to, the said lots, or any number! t hereof,';, laid I off as aforesaid, I at publ c! sale, on such ctmditions of improvement, and on such, terms, as 'the said corpora- .f .1 ! ?f - 1 . I . uun snail prescriDe ; anune saia corpo ration is" further auttxorized tand empow ered;" for the purposes specified in this act, to cause to be laid off,- in such man- Iner as the President of the' United States mayapprove of, two squares, soutlv of Pennsylvania Avenue, between Third & Sixth streets-west, to front on the line of said avenue,: from the junction ofsaid Sixth street west and the. said avenue, to' the junction ot 1 hird street west with said avenue ; and also to lay off,-north of Maryland Avenue, two uniform and cor respondent squares, and the said four squares, when so laid, off, to divide into bttilding lots, and to sell and dispose of the right of the United States, of, in,' and to, such building lotsor any number thereof at public sale,, on such conditions of im provement. and on suchtermss thesaid Corporation shall prescribe ; but no change shall be made in the direction of the said canal, unless the consent', in Witine-of tne rresiacpi ana directors ot tne VV ash ihgton Canal Company be first hadand obtained ; and the change that shall be made, in pursuance of any .cobtract . that f- . : t j- . .ui iiiyruc ciiicicu'iBui unaer in is act,.5nait be made by the said company outjof the moneys to be paid to tbe ? said fcomnany by - the said corponition : and.' the said company shall, during the time;the pro posed aiiersnjon is in progress, be entitled to receive; me same rates, oi wharlage thatare.secured to tjiem by, 1 any former act or acts : but no landing, shall be oer- mitted ,for the purposes of wharfage be tween tne west side ot Third and tne east side of Sixth streets west, r 4 - u :$ic:X ;Andlc iturther enactcdirThsit upoa the payment of the purchase nwK ney, and- upon the comnliance with the (-conditions of improvement by the purcba- er or pnrcnasers, orchis or their heirs or assigns, the Mayor of. the said city, for the tirni ftn( coll'lk-- j L.ii. u-lj.i.r iaiu bumu o, auu. ,uc 19 uercujf empowered toexecute a deed brdeeds inl or their heirs or assigns, undeKbis band and the seal of , the ,saia corporation ; whieh deed or deeds shall be recorded -a - mone thelahd records7 of the county of vv asn'ogjon, wiiiuu ' inc. .n vpi tuv (or. the recording of conveyances cf real estates." - v, '.' ' "v '--' Sec. 4;wfifrMfrewc.atJ if, after theafoTesaid objects naii oe ef fected a balance shall retnain unepend ed in the bands of .the saitl -Corporation, froouthe proceeds olhe sale bf tlie said lotsi the said corpora ton Ts anthorized and jpm powerea to appropriate aoq a ppiy trom time to time, as tne same may oe collected, the whole or any part ot sucn balance to encfosinar. blantimrJ or other wise im Droving, the public reservation between 'thej, Capitol Square and Sixth street west, and building one orr- tnore Bridges oyer that part ofthe Canal lying in or 5between Second V and pixth;, streets west but the said corDorationis berebv expressly prohibited from i undertaking any of the; improvements contemplated by this section, unless -the said impoyements shall be effected out of the fums.created bjrthis act, or out of the xorprate funds of the said.corporation ; and tie, corpora tion of the said city shall ha vejtbe control and 'management of the pubic reserva tion between the Botanic uarden and Sixth street westi with the j fiew to the improvement : and: preservalon of the same, until Congress" shall qherwise di-, rect. X: . U .. - Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That the residue of the fund,"creed by the sales "of lots authorised by tht act.; after effecting the objects contempated by the' imr. as the. same may be cbllected: be paid by the Mayor .of Washington jtiio Uie Treasury oi the United Sates. aec. o. Jinq oe it rurtner emciea. t nat it shall be lawful for the legil represent? ative of any iormer proprietor of the Zand directed to be disposed of hi this acf, or persons la w fully claiming title under them, and they are; hereby, permitted and au thorised, at any time within jie year from the passage of this act, to institute a bill in equHy in the nature of , a petition .of riht against the '"United States, in the Circuit Couit of the United States for the District of Columbia, - in which they may set forth the grounds of their claim tp the land in question, y ; t ixc. -7r r,i d itfurthtr enccTTri, that a copy of said bill shall be served on the Attorney -General, of the United States, and itshall be his ,duty to prepare and put in th6 proper pleas aiid anwers, and make all proper defence thereto, in be halt ofthe United -States. Sec 8. And br it further enactedT.2X the said suit shall be conducted, accord ing to the rules of a Court of Equity ; and the said court shall have full power- and authority to hear and determine upon the claim of the plaintiff or plaintiffs, and what proportion, if any, of ihe money a risihg from the sale of the land : hereby directed vto be sold, the parties may be eBitled to. -" . : . Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the plaintiff or plaintiffs, or the Attorney General of the United States, shall be en titled to an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States, whose decision shall be conclusive between the narties : .anu f should no appeal be taken the judgment or deree tof the said Circuit Court shall in line manner oe nnai and conciubivc. ApprovedMay 7, 1822. An Act fixing the compensation of the Commissioner of the Public Buildings. Be it enacted by M Senate and House of Kejiresentatives of the JJmted States of America, in Cfdngreii assembled, That instead of the salary of twothousaqd dol lars, heretofore allowed '.by law, to the commissioner of . the .Public Buildings, there shall henceforth be allowed to the said Com missioner, a salary of one thou sand .five hutlred dollars a year, to be paid quarterly, bu of any moneys in the Treasury hot otherwise appropriated. . Sec. 2.3eirrieflc;;That the said Commissioner shall give bond; with one or more sufficient, securities, in such sum and form as the President of the United States shall directrfbr the faithful d ischn rge of th e duties of his Office : Tro -videdj That there shall nbty be placed in his hand, at any one". time, a sum exceed ing the penalty of theboud. '-- 1 . Sec3:Andbe it further, enacted. That the thirdtection of the act, entitled "An act making an appropriation.fpr enclosing a nd im pro ving the publ ic square nea r the Capitol, aina to abolish the officV of Com missioners of the Public Buildings, and of Super jntendenti" aiid for . tne appointment of one Commissioner for the Public Build- 11153, ajiovcu iuTwciuy-iiiiu u-ajr ox April; A. L). one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, iw hich said . section ;fixed tbe salary cX,the said Commissioner at two thousand dollars; be, and the same is here by, repealed. '; : , ycd-May. 7f i.,,,:vpt:j And mar be Had at lJ. Gales's Store, and at the other BoolresthetState, A; FORM of the Solemnization of Matnmo- Wprcpareffor we of Uagtrttes - n; ut tne rfjiJtiy xjrs. tjs , fHILLSEPROIifaH Now drawing uner' i'7- ? rill - - : ' . - ' . IV .. .T f v. , . I i v ,- -, . e superiniennance o i.- - - - a. v ,er?" -t'u iTKosenuinbe withfut any prize af- tixed," ate blanks. - No: 582v beihir th ast drawn nHmberi is entitled to af statio'na nnzrfot S100; 1238 1262 1269, 2ja 734 ; 5::1 ' 3 -1 ? 23 V -19 . 21 3742-5 2584! 3764. 5 5! 1278, ;3765 , 5 2591 S 2604; 2622- 38385 ;'384&4'5;i 3857 3861 5 864--5, 338675 f .2627, 2650, 2631 r5 263740 2641 2673 .5 3900. m 5685 2688 .5 390Sf 3916 10 '3926 v 5 2700,- 2708 ,3937 2726;. 394545 f3954' 5- 27391,5 S96Q 45' 2744; 5 2745 .5 3967 3971 3991: 3992 3996 3999 4030' Ami 1452 2748 J1453 -5 2750 '"-' 253 1465 1466--x -1474'' 1477 r5 1478 v5 2757 . 27741 2776 -f 2777-5 '2783 4048'fe .1481;. 5, 2818.jp-: 2820? 5 4060:. 5 402 1 &: 1503 1526 , 5 1537'v 15i8" 4 1561 5 2836 , 5 2848 4035 5 2850 5 411' 5 4124;-'-5?' 4128 : " v- 2852 : '2864 - 5 1579 1581 v'5 .1595" -51 1597 -1611' 5 ?i6i7 1625 5 1635, 5 1643 10 1644' 5 1654 - : 1657.5 "2892 5.; 4143 5 "; 2904JQ; 2909. 10 ; 4163 : ! 4184 '.'5 2915;-5: 4194 420(1 0rJ2 1(1 .2925.V-5- 382 336 2943- 4204 5 2945r; K 2951 - 420i . ,3S4; . 403 5 410 5 4223 2955 4231 2983 : 5 2992 v 4255 413 ,418 J 431 432, 43 3T' 450 474 481 492 511 .534 537 543 545 553 555 v580 596 . 604 616' 622 623 625' 629 633 677 678 702 706 709 712 730 740 747 748 750 760 767" 782 : 4271 4282 3051 3061 -3082 3095 3105 3117 '3122, 5 5 5 1675 5 1706 ' 4292 4303' 5 5 4306 KJS 4710 1716 1721 1722 1764 4311 5 4322 5 '4.-i25.i.'v 4336- 5 . '4337 5 4347,5 . 4383 ' 5-: "4389 5 f;, 4415 5 "4417 ' ,4421.. ;4424!j::! 5 5 :t1 ;3124 3136"5 1765 3140 3143 3149 3152 3159 3160 "5 1767 1772 A777 1780 1785 1804 5 5 5 'J. 3i79, 3207.. ,5 32U 5; ,3213 5, 224 3225 5 3227 -$234 g!851 . 1860 1862 5 186.: 1872 1886 ' 1903 . 1906 ' 1930 1938 5 1944 1975 5 2009 r 2058 2062 " 5 2065 J? 2078 5 2079 : v 2085" 5 2086 5 2096 4445; 10 4448J 4449 ' 4467- 4485- 5.V, 5 5 4495 ,4521 14531 4532 4535 4537 5 5 5 5: 8244 5245.. 3251 3257 14539 h. ; 4559 : 5 4560 "4561 :r5' ,4570 ; 5 5268 3269 3271 3301 5 5 ,3320. T4575: 5 4 4579 ; 5 3338 3339 4588 4622. .5-; 4624 5 '4627 V 4699,;.-5 4703 5x 4717 ,5 4736 5 4740 4747, 5 ,4749, r . V4?52"5.? 475 .4771' 5 477r 4798 5 ; ;4800 4807, 4808 10 , 4813,: 5 4814; 48155 4838'J54 4840, 4 :- 4847' f5, 4871- 4880;5:; 489lr- S34M 2112 2137i 2161- 2183 2185 - 2196 2212. '2213 2214 2236: 2245 2250 2259 5 ':5' 3643 3370 3381 3384 3390 3391 3393 5 5 5 '784'' 5 v 798. 5 . 828 835 1 ,841; 10 '850','j' ,;,869 484 ; . 885. - 886 ' 895 939 954 972; 3402 3417 3424. 3431 3437 345$ 5. $ 5 ,2260' 50' 2277 2283 ' 2290i 3462 , , . 479, 3502 3530 3531 -5 '985 -997 1006, 1022:' 1026' 2311 - 5 5 2313 5 5 5 2318 3542, '3549 3582 3597 3620 - 3630 5: 5 5-: 51 5 5 5 1028-3 1029 10 1Q34 3; 5329 2336' 2339 4. 5 2348 5 2349 -1044 S 1063 1068 1085 il04. 15- 2355-1 ' 2415 2418 5 2438 5 2442 5 2444,, 5 2459 2463 " 5 247i'-: 2473 5 2479 -5 2509 3639 . 3643'; 3645 3646'5i 3650 3662 3664' -3668 5 $670 & 3682 v 3688 - 5 3726 5 . ;49025 mr 1124-. 1139 f 1159 1168 1172 1174 1177.: 1183 1186 - 1197 4907i?&' 4922.' ;4923-J 4933 ,4942;-' 65t 4989 h2520 ,5 4994 2551 " 2561 ,5 ,4995j;5'4 ;1224v5 5000AM.l IrtTfGAt the I CT BOND ha fnsf rereWerf ,-T.w i iJl'J-t - t CJbf Cods, suitiUV- ' V Amona: hisassnient Suerfine TJnfTiL X&'l " ! andssiiheresf, 'diiaKff dai Maiii'; i''-t ' wmiu :iu, urawft ijnens i ncetiw Hift v " Domestic Check la j naburtHi fJal chiefs aa ia64.an A i - bricsplamihecked-ahcf 8tftpVd::MuslrnaVr' BobMullac vS-'-: bnsiCtt1nt3 arwi' taiicbCrrted -Mtisli9a klTC j, and Jeans f Sensbrf w Sarshejt" andXevantlao , 'v ' . , ?ktton ; tore Bombet ; f . Sdjk, Cotton &mbs-w : j. letoSilltandIkin v j - $aFan4wBandke f BbjmeUaftdltib1onsMor6cI " uc.i, jorpeco .aria r.eaiuer onoes j r ;? Men's Shoes ;: Gentlemc and Bbys' fine'r) HairSmerCofre ptr Powder and Shotr Jlai vr.;" .f' Paer i ; Bed Coi anU Plow . :' variety of artictes;!0b"te S f 1-oU .SALE; fgTHE subsberi9Kry;foraate - the largeL s tSL LMid cohyenieni DweHinsr.Hbuseand Lot Vs -5-1 fcrtt'v. t:: . j!-' iri i I-, : r 3,..- w ci c iic uvyv, tne iow;n ni ' iiiuspo-. " . ? . TlrehOTse ntains edi witff a lat npuWisamrbbm3 fy'Wt; UaWa'.. 'iVV; .1.5.' ?' -l: ..s- ? abduscailda.welfof excellentac -" youldjformtan jehgibre siktion for a larire' - family orvanyf fiersw (disposed ftbeep Tf :iiivate;bbardiho'us '-, ?r : -(C tenrts WiUbeie appUcAUbn'bl furUier'aiid ifioreparv'.' . ticu!aTlnformatil3n,: willbe atteh5e towith ' 'V.'?vr but delay. l JOHN WlTHEKSROON-i:? . 'July 16,1822. Y . 928t;...X-:.;:;--:f vl Tract of Land la the county of Warreni f '4-' " V containing, by an od'aurvey, 700Vcre j ana lying near tne stage, road Iading rrorn -Warrenton to-Pejersburgi iabojit ten miles , . . . - i . - - .. ii- . . . . T x . - - V heat, tiorhCotton ora'obaccb. ' There is' trom the tormer place and fiyc from Kobjnt C r ; son's' Ferry, over the'. Imanbkd -The abovd '.1 K i4V j Land is WU calculated T9r the pYoUuction bi.r;l. f v 1 on it a ommrtablermn " I .!.?; small family, and ostlout-n'dusesTti'suslljr;.'. :4. fouti:6ntit..larm!-i open land enough to work eierht ortenJiaiidi :. t0vahtai btk,;th?tlii'e atv- this time well inclosed, and fn atate of imf S prtjyenfent;! wjltseB bia: credit or inaket . .;t :v, if an ngbfot ybunNeeroes; -r. . .-. . rV. 1 J.' J - . iv . . i mv 1 I I Kill i -f V r- -Warren cd; Aug. 13." 96-tf r f ' 1 'J 1 1 " t - .1- 1 .'- " 1 HOTEB. ; fllHElUn3bhilotel.vinrHillsborour: r r merly occupied! Heniy Thompson; Jri Bsq, and lately-by Ir:-iWro; CMb;,is now J bpen forf the accommodation of genteel tra-. ' V I velleivandjotlierViiQ mayrthink proper td . ' calU. The 'subMber;.:i:supeptendaiii'' -V : ' pledges himself ..that hwittderVxeri'V-rl. tion m bis power to merit a pdrtiori of public- , 'A JIfflsbbrougb yuly 29;f mr h BUEAST-PINS XOST- :ir:'bsfiWee JL2 Betweeaarrentbh,&i Brjeast-pins---ohe 1L)j'Wt6:hanyritrw,f:-. ; ounded;th! pearls 'the other a roud Pirip; Nv j .with lightfcbloj-edl platted batriihder. a. . pybbever ill;restbfe them f to'Lark Po t bsq. inearLouisburg? Gen3L RJphnson, yAKB;JAlL;i3U0KKN ! warrenton,- or at J. Uales's BooJrstore, 1U ; ieigh, sfiall rejceivejgS rewafd.t'-' r ;'V- AuiTJst-25.;:r--'-:: ;V-::.r v'-:96 ' j - L" AST'riightthe 5fono l' madetheif: escape; fpm iakl Jailby: U ' ! ' breaklog through rtbelUthierenfi viii ' 'f ' i "rrHOMAHASWELX-formeri 1 if Louisburgm this State, 9ndey,a:jUJibe.-u; of three years jmpristinment ibrjobbinty :'' V;-;xi th e IV ail; of t he United States iELlJAH(ltRQGEKScb 1AC& HARHISa Ivlulattoho call-i V eu4imiscia if;ee man, .out wno was smr- r petted to ba .Buna yfty SlaireV.and 90- 4 v meo&lbaacntrv f'. ";.J:t.:- ? naswell is about' 30years of age, 5 feet Inche-highvr has blafc0Hiir and JesirV and lage blacfcYhiskers ; is"-rather slender uti ad-v-hfl 'a ' dn.Wn Irimfe "i wad slenerrmaeldorr Jdbk ai ' '.raikifarBlajcJksTthVtW several . yaTgjntbh'eftM ercaritfle J Business, .". and writes a ne t eady nanai : T v . m ; Kbgers is si feet Hiigh, nd; about 20 'V a i -'.'Pk'lulotlh"' In nn.ln iCll '.kUh ' .v i- Jf ,'f about 35 years of Jage, has a small scar 7 V . f i over tbe rigneyt?nas lost ois.rignt eye. : j-ry tooth' and a law tooth, and bis bath' bears ';,; the mark: ot the Whip, tiesays ne -.was jr 'n jDrn in iseaiara couniy, ,vu;guii , c paid or the apprt wension and recovery -. bf Hasweii;: and ri vtv -uux-JJiirt tor t ' ( 3 - ;V ;'iV: I1 ST- ;-' '

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